Oxford English 4A M3U3 In the shop(1st Period)
A shopping list for the welcome party
1、在Shopping for a welcome party的语境中,学习、理解和运用本单元的核心词汇:a packet of sweets, a loaf of bread, a bowl of noodles, a bar of chocolate, a packet of biscuits, a bottle of water, etc。在语境中,学习、理解以下词汇:share, section, etc。
2、在Shopping for a welcome party的语境中,学习、理解、运用本单元的核心句型:--How much is it --It’s … --How much are they --They are …
3、学习字母组合sm, sp和st在单词中的发音。
6、通过为Jill开的welcome party,同学们一起分享食物,一起快乐游戏,体会同学间的友情与关爱。
语言知识 语言技能与运用 情感态度 学习策略
第一课时 1. 感知、理解核心词汇a packet of sweets, a loaf of bread, a bar of chocolate, a packet of biscuits, a bottle of water的意义,并能正确发音。 2. 初步感知核心句型How much is it / How much are they 1. 正确朗读核心词汇a packet of sweets, a loaf of bread, a bar of chocolate, a packet of biscuits, a bottle of water。 2. 能在超市广告单的帮助下制定自己的购物清单。 1. 通过学习Kitty的购物清单,学会如何针对某一目的制定自己的购物清单,学会有计划并合理地进行购物。 2. 从Kitty的购物体验中感受到同学之间的友情与关爱。 1. 通过chant和跟读对词汇进行初步感知。 2. 通过师生问答带动情境发展和词汇操练,初步感知句型How much is it / How much are they 3. 通过小组活动,进行购物单的制作,达成语用输出。
第二课时 1. 能在语境中运用a packet of sweets, a loaf of bread, a bar of chocolate, a packet of biscuits, a bottle of water 2. 初步理解核心句型How much is it / How much are they 的含义,并做简单运用。 1. 能正确认读核心词汇a packet of sweets, a loaf of bread, a bar of chocolate, a packet of biscuits, a bottle of water。 2. 在语境中,运用核心词汇和句型,进行购物的对话。 3. 能够根据自己的购物单仿编购物对话。 在Kitty和妈妈超市购物的语境中,体验购物的快乐。 1. 通过Kitty的购物单,复习上节课的词汇。 2. 通过视听Kitty和妈妈在超市购物的对话学习核心句型。 3. 通过根据自己的购物单来进行购物的活动,进行语用输出,体验购物的快乐。
第三课时 1. 能够熟练认读和拼写核心词汇a packet of sweets, a loaf of bread, a bar of chocolate, a packet of biscuits, a bottle of water. 2. 熟练运用核心句型How much is it / How much are they 1. 熟练认读和书写核心词汇a packet of sweets, a loaf of bread, a bar of chocolate, a packet of biscuits, a bottle of water, 并能在语境中运用。 2. 能够在语境中熟练运用核心句型进行购物的对话表演。 通过为Jill开welcome party,同学们一起分享食物,一起快乐游戏,体会同学间的友情和关爱。 1. 通过问答,帮助学生梳理巩固前两课时的内容。 2. 在welcome party的情境中,通过体验Kitty和伙伴们开展的不同活动,帮助学生巩固语言知识,并进行语用输出。
第四课时 1. 通过阅读Panda’s Glasses Shop这个故事,巩固和运用核心词汇和句型。 2. 学习字母组合sm, sp和st在单词中的发音。 1. 能听、读、理解并表演故事。 2. 在情境中运用合适的语言进行购物。 通过故事阅读、角色扮演等感受购物的乐趣。 通过听、读、表演故事,模拟购物场景,了解故事内容。
What do I need for the party Look! Here’s my shopping list.
Shopping List
a loaf of bread
five packets of biscuits
a small packet of sweets
a big bar of chocolate
five bottles of water
a bottle of orange juice
I need a loaf of bread. A big loaf! We can share with each other.
I need five packets of biscuits. All my friends like biscuits. They are so tasty!
I need a small packet of sweets and a big bar of chocolate. We all think they are yummy. However, my mom says, “Too much sweet food is not good for our teeth.”
I need five bottles of water. Jill likes orange juice best. So I also need a bottle of orange juice, just for her.
Hi, I’m Kitty. I have a new classmate. Her name is Jill. She is so nice. We all like her. This weekend, I want to have a welcome party for her. Alice, Peter and Danny are coming to my house too. I want to share a lot of food with my friends. We can also sing beautiful songs and play fun games. I’m sure we will have a happy party.
Teaching Aims:
1. 感知、理解核心词汇a packet of sweets, a loaf of bread, a bar of chocolate, a packet of biscuits, a bottle of water的意义,并能正确发音。
2. 通过学习Kitty的购物单,能在超市广告单的帮助下,有目的、有计划的制定自己的购物单。
3. 从Kitty列购物单的过程中,体验到同学之间的友情与关爱。
1. 感知、理解核心词汇a packet of sweets, a loaf of bread, a bar of chocolate, a packet of biscuits, a bottle of water的意义,并能正确发音。
2. 通过学习Kitty的购物单,能在超市广告单的帮助下,有目的、有计划的制定自己的购物单。
Teaching Processes:
Procedures Contents Methods Purposes
I. Pr-task preparation 1. Warming-up song 2. Chant Kitty’s blog 1. Enjoy and sing the song 2. Chant together 3. Ask and answer By singing and chanting (1) to create an active atmosphere (2) to consolidate the existing knowledge Elicit the topic
II. While-task procedure: 1. What does Kitty need for the party How many 2. Kitty’s shopping list 3. Retell Kitty’s list 1-1 Look and say (Show a pamphlet) 1-2 Listen and circle 1-3 Listen and underline 1-4 Check and read 2-1 Read the list together 2-2 Learn the phrases (Know the reason) 2-3 Read the passage 3. Look and say To help students understand the general idea of the passage with the visual and audio aids To help students learn the meaning & pronunciation of the phrases in real situation To consolidate the language and to prepare for the output
III. Post-task Activities: 1. Make a shopping list 1-1 Group work: Make a shopping list for … party 1-2 Show Time To help students use the target language to introduce their shopping list
IV. Assignments 1. Read Kitty’s shopping list. 2. Make your shopping list. (50 yuan in all) To provide students with more chances to consolidate and use the language in real situation
Blackboard design: 4A M3U3 In the shop(1st period) A shopping list for the welcome party How manyWhatWhya loafofbreadWe can share with each other.five packetsbiscuitsAll my friends like biscuits.a small packetsweetsWe all think they are yummy.a big barchocolatefive bottleswatera bottleorange juiceJill likes orange juice best.
P3 录屏、思维导图 引入Kitty’s blog文本内容,帮助学生理清文本角色。
P4 蒙层、学科工具 引出shopping list相关信息
P6 课堂活动——Golden eyes 检验学生短语习得情况
P8 放大镜 引起学生兴趣;聚焦、训练阅读方法
P9 学科工具 引出、新授核心词汇
P11 课堂活动——分类 检验学生核心词汇习得情况
P12 配对活动、学科工具 检验学生量词和物品的搭配
P13 课堂活动——填空 引导学生语用输出