人教版(2019)必修 第一册英语复习学案(6份打包,含答案)


名称 人教版(2019)必修 第一册英语复习学案(6份打包,含答案)
格式 zip
文件大小 1.9MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-09-10 16:34:13


1. volunteer  n.志愿者
2. debate  n.辩论;争论 vt.& vi.辩论;争论
3. content  n.内容;[pl.]目录
4. actually  adv.事实上;的确
5. title  n.(书、诗歌等的)名称;标题;头衔
6. topic  n.话题;标题
7. extra  adj.额外的;附加的
8. obviously  adv.显然;明显地
9. quit  vi.& vt. 停止;戒掉;离开(工作职位、学校等)
10. schedule  n.工作计划;日程安排vt.安排;预定
11. adventure  n.冒险;奇遇
12. expert  n.专家;行家adj.熟练的;内行的
13. focus  vi.& vt.集中(精力、注意力等);(使)调节焦距n.中心;重点;焦点
1. teenage  adj.十几岁的(指13至19岁);青少年的→ teenager  n.(13至19岁之间的)青少年
2. prefer  vt.较喜欢→ preference  n.偏爱;优先(权);偏爱的人/事物
3. movement  n.动作;运动;活动→ move  vt.& vi. 移动,搬家 vt.使感动
4. suitable  adj.合适的;适用的→ suit  vt.适合
5. challenge  n.挑战;艰巨任务vt.怀疑;向……挑战→ challenging  adj.有挑战性的
6. confuse  vt.使糊涂;使迷惑→ confused  adj.糊涂的;迷惑的→ confusing  adj.难以理解的;不清楚的→ confusion  n.困惑;混淆
7. fluent  adj.(尤指外语)流利的;熟练的→ fluently  adv.流利地→ fluency  n.流利,流畅
8. graduate  vi.& vt.毕业;获得学位n.毕业生→ graduation  n.毕业
9. recommend  vt.建议;推荐;介绍→ recommendation  n.提议;推荐
10. advance  n.前进;发展vi.前进;发展vt.发展;促进→ advanced  adj.高级的;高等的;先进的
11. responsible  adj.负责的;有责任的→ responsibility  n.责任;义务
12.  solution  n.解决办法;答案→ solve  vt.解决
13. survival  n.生存;幸存;幸存事物→ survive  vt.幸存,比……活得长→ survivor  n.幸存者
14. behaviour  n.行为;举止→ behave  vi.表现 vi.& vt.举止得体
15. attract  vt.吸引;引起……的注意(或兴趣)→ attraction  n.吸引;吸引人的事物→ attractive  adj.有吸引力的
16. addict  n.对……入迷的人→ addicted  adj.有瘾的;上瘾的;入迷的→ addition  n.着迷,上瘾
1.ballet n. 芭蕾舞 
2.greenhouse n. 温室;暖房 
3.freshman n. (高中或大学)一年级新生 
4.literature n. 文学;文学作品 
5.extra-curricular adj. 课外的;课程以外的 
6.editor n. 主编;编辑;编者 
7.plate n. 盘子;碟子 
8.youth n. 青年时期;青春 
9.generation n. 一代(人) 
10.adult n. 成年人  adj. 成年的;成熟的 
1. prefer...to...  喜欢……多于……
2. clean up  打扫(或清除)干净
3. be suitable for  对……适合的
4. sign up (for sth)  报名(参加课程)
5. hand out  分发
6. keep up with  赶上
7. be responsible for  对……负责
8. be attracted to  喜爱
9. focus on  集中;特别关注
10. be addicted to  对……很入迷
1.I’ll find a way to improve on my own  so that I can make the team  next year.(so that...)
2. It is not unusual for teenagers  of your generation  to be attracted to  computer games and the online world.(it作形式主语)
3.But spending too much time online is unhealthy and makes it very difficult to focus on other things in life .(make+it+adj.+不定式)
4.My adviser recommended that  I (should) sign up for advanced literature  because I like English and I’m good at it.(recommend+宾语从句)
5.Studying hard isn’t always fun, but I’ll be well prepared for university or whatever else comes in the future .(whatever引导的宾语从句)
1. However, after-school activities can take up a lot of time, so students have to learn to organise their busy schedule (日程安排).
2.Going from junior high school to senior high school is a really big  challenge .The first week is a little confusing.
3.Next week we will hold a  debate  on whether we should keep animals as pets.
4.The Red Cross is looking for  volunteers  who are concerned about the welfare of their fellow men.
5.Don’t live in the past, and you should  focus  your mind on the future.
6.Life pressure forced her to  quit  school and start working when she was 19 years old.
7.In Canada, cross-country skiing is a popular sport where they can enjoy excitement and  adventure .
8.If someone looks at you with a  confused  expression, this could indicate that they have not completely understood your point.
9.If you want to change your plan, please let me know in  advance , so that I can make arrangements accordingly.
10.My teacher  recommends/recommended that I should make good use of the chance to practice my oral English.
1.The biggest  challenge  in our life is to  challenge  ourselves to overcome the  challenging  problems.(challenge)
2.The gentleman  prefers  a flat in the countryside to one in the city because he has developed a  preference  for the quiet of the country.(prefer)
3.He was really  confused  by the  confusing  problem which also  confused  other people for a long time.(confuse)
4.My brother is a  graduate  in physics and he  graduated  from Peking University three years ago. He has been working in a famous company since his  graduation .(graduate)
5.There are a great many tourist  attractions  in China worth visiting. For example, so  attractive  is the Summer Palace that it  attracts  many visitors from home and abroad.(attract)
6.With the help of the  advanced  technology, we can complete the task in  advance .(advance)
7.The youth should be  responsible  for their own behaviours and they are to shoulder the  responsibility/responsibilities  of improving our society.(responsible)
8.We have learned English for many years, so many can speak English  fluently . In fact,  fluency  in a second language is required for many jobs.(fluent)
9.The child  behaved  so well at school that the teacher praised his good  behaviour  in class. (behave)
10.The young man was  recommended  as manager of the company thanks to the  recommendation  letter of his professor.(recommend)
be addicted to be responsible for sign up for keep up with
be suitable for be attracted to focus on clean up
1.After the party, most guests left, while John stayed to help the host  (to)clean up .
2.Learning methods differ from person to person, so what is suitable for  you may not necessarily suit me.
3.Tim decided to sign up for  a summer Chinese class to prepare for his future study.
4.Some teenagers  are addicted to  the Internet and cannot concentrate on school and family life, making their parents very worried.
5.If you  focus on  what you’ve left behind, you will never be able to see what lies ahead.
6.This phase of my life means that I’m now mature enough to  be responsible for  my own successes and failures.
7.There are an increasing number of young people who  are attracted to  martial arts as a way to keep fit.
8.Nowadays, it is difficult for people to  keep up with  the rapid pace of change.
 It is  worthwhile  to visit the exhibition . Not only can it deepen our understanding of traditional Chinese art, but it can promote our cultural confidence.
2.建议学生提前到达学校礼堂,以便我们的毕业典礼能准时进行。(so that...)
Students are advised to arrive at the school lecture hall in advance,  so that our graduation ceremony can start on time .
Owing to the fact that he can do  whatever he has chosen to do  with great perseverance, he has made great achievements in many fields.
Therefore, I strongly recommend that you (should) visit the museum and experience our amazing history and culture in person .
The Internet develops rapidly, which makes it more convenient for us to know  what happens both at home and abroad.
1.I have just graduated from junior high school. It seems that I will have a tight schedule in the coming years. As a freshman at senior high school, I am attracted to the extra-curricular activities. However, it can be a challenge for me to choose from the Ballet Club, the Volunteer Club, the Debate Club,etc. My friend recommends the Ballet Club, but actually, I prefer to sign up for the Literature Club because I want to be an editor so that I can do something for the young generation.
2.Technological advance makes some teenagers addicted to the online world, which makes it very difficult to focus on other things in life. Everyone is responsible for a better society. Obviously, the youth are no exception. Never be confused about when and where we should take action. The present is always the most suitable time!
1  prefer vt.较喜欢
1.[人教选必①-5]That the lifestyle is slower and healthier is the reason why some people prefer  to live (live) in the country rather than in the city.
注意空后的rather than,prefer与其构成prefer to do sth. rather than do sth.结构。
2.Life seems to show  preference  (prefer) for the youth as they are energetic and full of hope.
3.According to the online report, many teenagers prefer surfing the Internet at home to  taking (take) exercise outdoors.
此处为prefer doing sth. to doing sth.结构,to在此处为介词。
4.I would like to take a walk outside rather than watch short videos at home in my spare time.
→①I  prefer  taking a walk outside  to  watching short videos at home in my spare time.
→②I  prefer  to take a walk outside  rather than  watch short videos at home in my spare time.
→③I  would rather  take a walk outside  than  watch short videos at home in my spare time.
★prefer (doing)A to (doing)B 喜欢(做)A而不喜欢(做)B prefer to do/doing sth.更喜欢做某事 prefer to do sth. rather than do sth.(=would rather do sth. than do sth.) 宁愿做某事也不愿做某事 ★preferred adj. 更合意的,更好的 ★preference n. 偏爱,偏好 have a preference for 对……偏爱,喜欢
2  confused adj.糊涂的;迷惑的
1.From the teacher’s  confused  look, we could see that he hadn’t expected that we could raise such a  confusing  question to him.(confuse)
通常-ing形容词表示"令人……的",形容事物;-ed形容词表示"感到……的",形容人,也可以修饰人的情绪或表情。如:a confused look 困惑的表情。
2.[人教必修②-4]Confucius said that learning without understanding leads to  confusion (confuse).
3.现在越来越多的人对该吃什么才能保持健康这个问题感到困惑。 (引入话题)
→①Now an increasing number of people  are/get confused about  what they should eat to stay healthy.(confused)
→②As for more and more people,  there is a/some confusion as to what to eat  to stay healthy.(confusion)
★be/get confused about...=there is a/some confusion as to...不清楚……;对……感到困惑 ★confuse vt.使糊涂;使迷惑 confuse A and/with B 把A与B混淆 ★confusing adj.难以理解的 confusion n.不确定,困惑
3  recommend vt.建议;推荐;介绍(advise, suggest)
1.If you choose to eat in a restaurant, environmental advocates recommend that you  (should) bring (bring) your own reusable container to pack up leftovers.
2.Reading club is a great place to go to see what everyone is reading, or to get  recommendations (recommend) based on specific authors or titles you’ve enjoyed.
3.[人教必修①-3]All that fat has become muscle now. If you want to lose weight, too, I recommend  using (use) the spin bike.
4.因为你喜欢中国诗歌,所以我向你推荐这本书。 (推荐信)
 I recommend the book to you  since you have a preference for Chinese poetry.
5.强烈建议你们先去颐和园游玩。 (建议信)
→①I  strongly recommend you to visit  the Summer Palace first.(不定式)
→②I  strongly recommend that you (should) visit  the Summer Palace first. (宾语从句)
→③ It’s strongly recommended that you (should) visit  the Summer Palace first. (it作形式主语)
★recommend doing sth.建议做某事 recommend sb.to do sth.= recommend that sb. (should) do sth.建议某人做某事 It is recommended that sb. (should) do...建议某人做…… ★recommend sb./sth. to sb.向某人推荐某人/物 recommend sb. as...推荐某人担任…… ★recommendation n.推荐;介绍;建议
4  advance vi.行进,前进;发展 vt.发展,进步;促进,推动 n.前进;发展
A. progress or a development B. to help sth. to succeed
C. to make progress D. to move forward
①Our knowledge of the disease has advanced obviously over recent years.  C 
②We live in an age of rapid technological advance.  A 
③They had advanced 20 miles by nightfall.  D 
④Studying for new qualifications is one way of advancing your career.  B 
2.[外研选必④-6]To see even further into the universe,many countries are now engaged in building ever more  advanced (advance) telescopes.
3.It’s cheaper if you arrange your schedule  in  advance.
4.这次活动大大提高了我对身边植物的认识。 (活动报道)
This activity  has greatly advanced my understanding of  plants around me.
★in advance 提前(=ahead of time) ★advanced adj.高级的;先进的 advanced technology 先进技术
5  responsible adj.负责的;有责任的
1.[人教选必③-3]A breakdown in the computer system was responsible  for  yesterday’s chaos in the subway station.
注意本句中的breakdown"(车辆或机器的)故障,损坏"为复合名词,由动词短语break down "出故障,坏掉"转化而来。类似的复合名词还有letdown"失望,令人失望的事"(let down使失望),breakthrough"突破,重大进展"(break through突破,取得突破性成就), makeup"构造,组成;化妆品"(make up形成,构成;化妆,上妆) 等。
2.[人教选必②-5]We are all humans and we all have a  responsibility  (responsible) to look after one another’s welfare.
3.作为家庭的一分子,我也应该承担起必要的家庭责任。 (感悟)
As a member of my family, I’m also supposed to  take on/shoulder the necessary family responsibilities .
4.保护环境,人人有责。 (倡议)
 It’s everyone’s responsibility to protect the environment. 
★be responsible for 对……负责 ★responsibility n.负责;责任 take responsibility for 对……负责 take on/shoulder responsibilities 承担责任 a sense of responsibility 责任感 It’s one’s responsibility to do sth. 做某事是某人的责任。
6  schedule n.工作计划;日程安排 vt.安排;预定
1.We should give this project every support so that it may be completed  on  schedule.
2.The contest,  scheduled (schedule) to be held in our school hall on January 18th, will focus on the traditional Chinese culture.
本题易错填is scheduled。解题时应注意分析句子结构,本句主语是The contest,谓语是will focus on,空处用非谓语动词作后置定语,修饰contest。
3.尽管天气很糟糕,足球比赛还是按计划进行。 (活动报道)
The football match  went on as scheduled  in spite of the poor weather.
 Our school is scheduled to hold an English speech contest on June 6th./Our school English speech contest is scheduled for June 6th. 
★ahead of schedule (=ahead of time)提前 behind schedule 滞后 on schedule 准时 ★be scheduled to do sth.计划/安排做某事 be scheduled for... 定于……时间 as scheduled如期;按照预定时间
7  attract vt.吸引;引起……的兴趣(或注意)
1.He became attracted  to  basketball at the age of seven.
2.The tourist  attraction (attract) I strongly recommend is Mount Tai located in the middle of Shandong Province.
3.[人教选必②-3]It was beautiful and elegant! We’ve never been to such an  attractive (attract)restaurant before.
4.You’d better be well prepared and try to give your speech in a humorous way, so you can  attract the students’ attention (吸引学生的注意) and get a good result.(建议信)
5.[人教选必④-2]Thailand is a premier holiday destination,  attracting tourists from all over the world (吸引了来自世界各地的游客).(现在分词作状语) (景点介绍)
★be attracted to喜爱,被……所吸引 attract one’s attention/interest吸引某人的注意/兴趣 ★attraction n.吸引;有吸引力的事 a tourist attraction 旅游胜地 ★attractive adj.吸引人的
8  focus vi.& vt. 集中(精力、注意力等);(使)调节焦距 n.中心;重点;焦点
 Focusing on what other people thought of me  only made things even worse, so I must learn to love and accept myself for who I am.
Much to my surprise,  my video became the focus of attention , making me an instant hit.
★focus on/upon集中(注意力);特别关注 focus one’s attention/energy on/upon...集中某人的注意力/精力于…… ★the focus of attention 关注的焦点 bring...into focus使……成为焦点 ★keep/stay focused保持专注/集中注意力
9  addicted to 对……入迷
1.I discovered an  addiction (addict) to housework which I had never felt before.
Nowadays,  an increasing number of/a growing number of/more and more teenagers become addicted to watching mobile videos  with their eyes glued to the screen all day long.
注意be addicted to中的to为介词,其后要用动词-ing作宾语。常见的含介词to的短语还有:be devoted to专心致志于;be used/accustomed to习惯于;look forward to期望;pay attention to注意。
★be/become addicted to沉迷于(to是介词) ★addict n.对……入迷的人 addicted adj.入迷的;上瘾的 addiction n.瘾;入迷;嗜好
10  so that引导的目的状语从句
The next time you visit our city, you must call me ahead of schedule  so that I can make some necessary arrangements .
→①Parents and children should communicate more  so that they can understand each other better . (so that)
→② In order to understand each other better , parents and children should communicate more. (in order to)
★so that引导目的状语从句时,从句中谓语动词常和情态动词连用,且so that可以与in order that换用,也可改写为in order to或so as to开头的目的状语。 ★so that还可以引导结果状语从句,意为"因此,所以"。
11  动词+it+adj./n.(+for sb.)+不定式
1.[译林选必③-3]We have made  it  a rule that visitors must not touch the china vases.
2.[外研选必②-5]Experts felt it necessary  to come (come) up with a plan to remove all the rabbits from the island.
3.Do you think it no point  studying (study) something that you like but you are not very good at?
4.你最好提前掌握一些基本的中文,这样会让你更容易适应在北京的新生活。 (建议信)
★适用于该结构的动词有think,believe,make,find,consider,feel等。 ★该结构中的it作形式宾语,其后的不定式是真正的宾语。该结构中不定式还可以换成动词-ing形式或从句,如: 动词+it+adj./n.+doing sth. 动词+it+adj./n.+从句
You’d better master some basic Chinese in advance,  which will make it easier for you to adjust to the new life in Beijing . (非限制性定语从句)
-ing形容词表示物的性质/特征; -ed形容词表示人的主观感受,也可修饰look(表情), smile, voice, expression等名词。
-ing形容词 -ed形容词
本单元 confusing令人困惑的;难以理解的 confused迷惑的
拓展 annoying令人厌烦的 annoyed恼怒的
exciting令人兴奋的 excited感到兴奋的
satisfying令人满意的 satisfied感到满意的
surprising令人吃惊的 surprised感到吃惊的
interesting有趣的 interested感兴趣的
amazing令人惊叹的 amazed感到惊奇的
frightening吓人的 frightened受惊吓的
embarrassing令人尴尬的 embarrassed感到尴尬的
boring无聊的 bored感到无聊的
astonishing令人惊讶的 astonished感到惊讶的
worrying令人担忧的 worried担忧的
1.[译林选必③-3]The records show that the visitors were  astonished (astonish) by how rich and technologically advanced the Ming Dynasty was.
2.Public speaking used to be an  embarrassing (embarrass) situation for me but now I’m expert at it after I signed up for a training programme and practiced it numerous times.
3.[人教必修②-4]Loch Ness was surrounded by beautiful natural landscape, which made it look  amazing (amaze).
4.I turned around and found a  worried (worry) look on my dad’s face.
5.[外研选必③-6]Personally,I enjoy Carson’s book. She made a crucial but potentially difficult-to-understand subject  interesting (interest) and accessible to millions of people.
6.[北师必修③-8]When stopped in a traffic jam, I always feel  annoyed (annoy).
1.[2023全国乙]You value progress and focus  on/upon  the quality of work more than the quantity. The flexible working hours and working from home are also  attractive (attract).
2.[2023新高考Ⅰ]Taking responsibility  for  mistakes is a positive step, but don’t beat yourself up about them.
句意:为错误承担责任是积极的一步,但不要因此而太过自责。take responsibility for表示"为……负责";beat yourself up (about/over sth.)表示"(为某事)过分自责"。
3.[2023浙江1月]But no matter when you travel, it’s a good idea to make your reservations at least 90 days  in  advance.
4.[2022新高考Ⅱ]Teachers and chaperones(监护人) should model good  behavio(u)r  (behave) for the group and remain with students at all times.
5.[2022新高考Ⅱ]I was  confused (confuse): Is there something wrong with this kid?
6.[2021全国甲]A successful swap depends on the selection of clothes, the organization of the event, and,  obviously (obvious), how much fun is had.
7.[2021新高考Ⅰ]Language researchers say pronunciation and  fluency (fluent) are the biggest barriers followed by grammar in effective spoken English.
8.[2021新高考Ⅰ]Hunters willingly pay the stamp price to ensure the  survival (survive)of our natural resources.
9.[2020浙江] Challenging (challenge) work that requires lots of analytical thinking, planning and other managerial skills might help your brain stay sharp as you age...
10.[2020北京]AGI (artificial general intelligence) could, its advocates say, work for us around the clock, and drawing on all available data, could suggest solutions  to  many problems.
solution后常跟介词to,表示"……的解决办法"。其后常跟介词to的名词还有key, answer, reply, entrance, approach等。句意:人工通用智能的倡导者说,人工通用智能可以全天候为我们工作,而且利用所有可用数据,人工通用智能可以为许多问题提出解决方案。
11.[全国Ⅰ]She arranged for a flight on a small plane to be held for me, re-routed(改道) me through Newark and got me back to the UK even earlier than originally   scheduled (schedule).
12.[广东高考]On the first day of her work, Sally found that a class full of problems was waiting for her. Six teachers  had quit (quit)before her.
Ⅱ.阅读理解—— 一词多义、熟词生义
A. adj.满意的 B. n.(书的)内容
C. n. 含量 D. n. 目录
①[2023新高考Ⅱ]To serve its function, a book must be activated by a user: the cover opened, the pages parted, the contents reviewed, perhaps notes written down or words underlined.  B 
②[2022全国乙]Since April drinks companies have been forced to pay between 18p and 24p for every litre of sugary drink they produce or import, depending on the sugar content.  C 
③[2021新高考Ⅱ]Spend a few minutes looking through the book. Look at the table of contents, the preface, the chapter heading, etc.  D 
④[2021浙江]If you ever get the impression that your dog can "tell" whether you look content or annoyed, you may be onto something.  A 
(1)句①句意:为了发挥其功能,一本书必须由用户激活:打开封面,翻开书页,查看内容,也许写下笔记或给单词画下划线。句④句意:如果你觉得你的狗能"分辨"你看起来满意还是生气,你可能会了解一些事情。be onto sth.表示"了解,掌握"。
(2)content除了上述作名词和形容词时的含义外,还可以作动词,表示"使满意,使满足"。例:You will never content yourself with what you have, unless you make peace with who you are.除非你与自己和解,否则你永远不会满足于自己所拥有的。
A. n. 进步 B. v. 提出 C. v. 促进,推动
①[2022北京]In the latest UN report on global food security, the number of undernourished(营养不良) people in the world has been rising, despite great advances in nutrition science.  A 
②[2020新高考Ⅰ]She decided to go back to college to advance her career and to be able to better support her family while doing something she loves:nursing.  C 
③[浙江高考]Scientists have advanced many theories about why human beings cry tears, none of which has been proved.  B 
A. n. 头衔 B. n. 冠军 C. v. 定题目
①[2023全国乙]By winning the Olympic all-around title, she became the first black woman to do so.  B 
②[2022新高考Ⅰ]Fitness Magazine recently ran an article titled "Five Reasons to Thank Your Workout Partner."  C 
③[全国Ⅰ]From tomorrow, I will be their UK ambassador. The title will be officially given to me at a ceremony in London.  A 
写作一 基础写作——学习新技能
1.我从小就喜欢烹饪。 (be attracted to)
 I have been attracted to cooking since a young age. 
 My mom recommended that I start with stir-fried potatoes. 
3.她认为它适合像我这样的初学者,但实际上这对我来说真的是一个挑战。(suitable for; challenge)
 She thought it was suitable for the beginners like me, but actually it was really a challenge for me. 
4.烹饪是我们青少年应具备的一项基本技能,有助于我们更好地为毕业后的独立做准备。 (teenager; graduate)
 Cooking is a basic skill for us teenagers, which helps us better prepare for independence after graduating from school. 
Learning a New Skill
 I have been attracted to cooking since a young age. But it was not until this summer that my parents allowed me to learn to cook. My mom recommended that I start with stir-fried potatoes. She thought it was suitable for the beginners like me, but actually it was really a challenge for me. 
 Under her guidance, I peeled the potatoes and cut them into small pieces carefully, which was the hardest part. Then I started the stove, stir-fried the potato pieces and added spices as my mom told. Minutes later, the dish was ready and my mom gave me a thumbs-up. 
 Cooking is a basic skill for us teenagers, which helps us better prepare for independence after graduating from school. I have made up my mind to learn more dishes from my mom. 
写作二 读后续写——情感描写之开心与快乐(二)
积累背诵 仿写运用
词 组 1.light up喜形于色,照亮 2.wear a shining smile带着灿烂的笑容 3.be/feel over the moon欣喜若狂 4.brighten up/make one’s day使某人一天都快乐 5.brighten one’s heart使某人心情愉悦 6.smile from ear to ear笑得合不拢嘴 根据左栏素材完成下列各句 1.生日蛋糕拿进来时她的笑容照亮了整个房间。 Her smile  lit up the whole room  as the birthday cake was carried in. 2.得知自己被录取的时候,她脸上露出灿烂的笑容。  A big smile spread over her face  the moment she knew she was admitted. 3.听到爸爸要带她去迪士尼的消息,她欣喜万分,乐得手舞足蹈。 Hearing that her father would take her to the Disneyland, she  felt over the moon, dancing with joy . 4.看到眼前这一幕,她心中涌起一阵喜悦。 Seeing the scene,  a wave of joy welled up in her . 5.收到生日礼物时,他笑得合不拢嘴。 He  smiled from ear to ear  when he received the birthday present.
佳 句 1.Her eyes suddenly lit up, shining/twinkling/sparkling with great happiness/joy. 她的眼睛突然亮了起来,闪烁着喜悦的光芒。 2.He gazed at the little creature, delight slowly spreading over his face. 他盯着那个小家伙,喜悦之情慢慢地在他的脸上蔓延开来。 3.She was overflowing with happiness, humming and skipping like a bird. 她开心得像只小鸟一样哼唱跳跃。 4.A wave of joy/pleasure welled up in/swept over/flooded over me.我心中涌起一阵喜悦。
[温馨家庭/2023南京、盐城二调]When reading, my mother likes to slice a paragraph or a sentence out and attach it to the wall of her kitchen. She picks boring sentences that puzzle me. But I prefer copying my favorite bright lines into a journal word by word.
She doesn’t know any of this. There’s nothing shocking, for we seldom begin certain conversations though we talk on the phone weekly, sometimes making each other laugh so hard that I choke and she cries. But what we don’t say could fill up rooms: fights with my father, small failures in school and anything that really upsets us.
My mother has never told me "I love you, Lisa." — as if the four-word absence explains who I am — so I carry it with me, like a label on me. The last time she almost spoke the words was two years ago, when she called to tell me a friend had been in hospital. I said, "I love you, Mom." She stopped for a while and then said, "Thank you." I haven’t said it since. But I’d wondered why my mother doesn’t until I found a poem that supplies words to the blank spaces I try to understand in our conversations:
Don’t fill up on bread. I say absent-mindedly. The servings here are huge.
My son, whose hair may be receding a bit, says: Did you really just say that to me?
What he doesn’t know is that when we’re walking together, when we get to the curb, I sometimes start to reach for his hand.
It’s humble, yet heartbreaking. After copying it down in my journal, I emailed it to my mom, adding, "This poem makes me think of you." My mother doesn’t read poetry — or at least, she doesn’t tell me. I felt nervous clicking "Send".
She never mentioned the poem. But the next time I went home for vacation, I noticed something new in the kitchen fixed to an antique board: the poem. The board hung above the heater, the warmest spot in the kitchen. The poem still hangs there. Neither my mother nor I have ever spoken about it.
【词语积累】 attach v.把……固定,把……附(在……上) fill up填满,装满 absent-mindedly adv.心不在焉地
1.What’s the function of paragraph 1?
A. To stress the theme.
B. To establish the setting.
C. To represent characters.
D. To create the atmosphere.
解析 C 写作意图题。由第一段内容可知,母亲喜欢将一段话或者一句话剪下来贴在厨房的墙上,而作者却喜欢逐词地将喜欢的句子记录下来。显然,作者以对比的手法展示了母女二人性格和做事方式的不同,为下文故事情节的发展做了前期铺垫,故C项正确。
2.Which of the following best describes the mother?
A. Humorous. B. Strict.
C. Reserved. D. Easygoing.
解析 C 推理判断题。由第三段中的"My mother has never told me ...‘Thank you.’"可知,母亲平时从未对作者直接表达过母爱,即便女儿电话中告诉母亲"妈妈,我爱你",母亲也只是说了一声"谢谢"。显然,母亲是个内敛寡言之人,故C项正确。
3.Why did the author send the poem to her mom?
A. It reminded her of her mom’s love.
B. She wanted to apologize to her mom.
C. It suited her mom’s taste of literature.
D. She needed an interpretation from her mom.
解析 A 细节理解题。由倒数第二段中的"...I emailed it to my mom, adding, ‘This poem makes me think of you.’"可知,A项正确。
4.What does the poem mean to the author’s mom?
A. A memory of golden days.
B. Her daughter’s gratefulness to her.
C. A decoration in the plain kitchen.
D. Her daughter’s understanding her.
解析 D 推理判断题。第三段中的"I haven’t said it since...I try to understand in our conversations"可知,作者因这首诗理解了母亲表达爱的方式。再由最后一段中的"But the next time I went home...The poem still hangs there"可知,作者回到家看到母亲把诗挂在厨房,由此不难推知,母亲明白了女儿理解了自己的爱,故D项正确。
[2024天星原创]It’s known that reading is good for a child’s vocabulary and literacy skills, teaching them math or science concepts and helping them learn history. Apart from those, reading has another benefit. Have you read a story and felt tears well up because of a character’s suffering? If so, that is because you have empathy(共鸣) for the character. And empathy can be learned through various fiction. "It’s a magic eye that sees into other people’s hearts," explains author Cressida Cowell.
Research shows that human brains react differently to stories and facts. "Many more areas of your brain light up when you’re enjoying a story," explains Miranda McKearney from EmpathyLab, an organisation that builds empathy through reading. "Your brain thinks you are in the story... This means you experience the characters’ thoughts as if they are real."
Empathy helps you to read people’s emotions and work out the best way to respond. This skill, called emotional intelligence, can make it easier to communicate and connect with people. Research has shown that building empathy can lead to greater kindness and tolerance. One study found that children who read the Harry Potter novels — which tell stories about humans fighting against the evil — were less likely to behave unfairly towards powerless groups including refugees(难民).
This theory has been put into practice by St Michael’s Primary School. After reading The Boy at the Back of the Class — a story about a boy who is a refugee escaping from war — students in that school were inspired to do a 10-mile walk for the non-profit organisation Refugee Action. Their empathy also spurred them to raise £1,000 for people who were forced to leave their homes because of war.
Reading encourages children to empathise with others, which could potentially lead to several beneficial learning outcomes, new research suggests. For society to develop, creative, communicative and empathetic individuals really matter.
【熟词生义】 1.well 常用义:adv.很好地,令人满意地;非常 文中义:v.涌出,冒出,流出,溢出
2.build 常用义:v.建筑 文中义:v.树立,培养
【长难句解读】 One study found that children (who read the Harry Potter novels — which
tell stories about humans fighting against the evil ) — were less likely
to behave unfairly towards powerless groups including refugees(难民).
1. Why do readers cry about a character’s experience?
A. They have magic eyes.
B. They want to show empathy.
C. They understand his feelings.
D. They have the same experience.
解析 C 细节理解题。由第一段中的"that is because you have empathy(共鸣) for the character" "a magic eye that sees into other people’s hearts"和第三段中的"Empathy helps you to read people’s emotions"可知,读者落泪是因为读者理解角色的感情,故C项正确。
2. What does the author show by referring to the Harry Potter novels?
A. The process of building empathy.
B. The benefits of developing empathy.
C. The definition of emotional intelligence.
D. The results of the school’s activity.
解析 B 推理判断题。由第三段的内容,尤其是"Empathy helps you to... work out the best way to respond"和"building empathy can lead to greater kindness and tolerance"可知,段中提到《哈利·波特》系列小说是为了证明前面的观点,即培养同理心有好处。
3. What does the underlined word "spurred" in paragraph 4 mean?
A. Reminded. B. Permitted.
C. Persuaded. D. Encouraged.
解析 D 词义猜测题。由第四段中的"After reading The Boy at the Back of the Class... students in that school were inspired to do a 10-mile walk for the non-profit organisation Refugee Action"以及画线词前的"also"可推知,画线词应与inspired在意义上相似,故选D。
4. What is the purpose of this passage?
A. To encourage children to learn empathy by reading.
B. To introduce the importance of empathy.
C. To show the benefits of reading.
D. To advise children to be empathetic.
解析 A 意图推断题。本文主要讲述的是阅读可以培养同理心以及同理心的好处,再结合最后一段可知,本文旨在鼓励孩子们通过阅读来培养同理心,故选A。
[丰富自我/2024四川泸州阶段考改编]Hardships often prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary destiny.
When I was in second grade, my parents fought a lot. As a result, my mind 1  and I created my own inner world at school. I struggled to  2  other kids, but my teacher thought I was "slow", so I had to be  3  to a special education program, Resource.
I didn’t want to go to Resource. I didn’t want to be  4 . I’ll never forget the first day the Resource teacher came into my  5  and called my name. She called me and another kid. I grabbed my backpack, kept my head down and  6  out of the classroom. I could hear the  7  and giggles(咯咯笑) of the other kids. I felt depressed and alone.
However, this humiliation(羞辱) didn’t end up bad. I’ll always remember my Resource teacher, Mrs. Stripling, who was so kind and  8 . She immediately recognized something in me that I didn’t  9  myself — the gift for creating.
"You’re really good at creating  10 ," she told me. "Have you ever done any creative writing?"
"No," I told her.
"Why don’t I show you how? All you have to do is  11  what you have in your mind and put it on paper." Mrs. Stripling worked with me and helped me  12  my stories. She  13  inspired me to use my imagination to create things and dream big.
She offered me a gift by recognizing my 14 . Little did Mrs. Stripling know she was planting  15  in my young heart that would one day flower into a profession of writing and public speaking.
1. A. wandered B. returned
C. cleared D. disappeared
解析 A 作者的父母关系不合,作者因此思想开小差,故选A项。wander(思想)开小差;return回来;clear(使)变清醒,清理;disappear消失。
2. A. take care of B. keep up with
C. look up to D. stay away from
解析 B 作者努力赶上其他孩子,但老师认为作者"慢",故选B。 take care of照顾,keep up with跟上,look up to仰慕,stay away from远离。
3. A. moved B. appointed
C. promoted D. invited
解析 A 由语境和常识可知,老师认为作者"慢",所以作者被调去上特殊教育课程,故选A。move使变换,调动; appoint任命; promote提升;invite邀请。
4. A. crazy B. average
C. abnormal D. mean
解析 C 作者不想自己显得不正常。 crazy疯狂的,average平均的,abnormal不正常的,mean吝啬的。C项切题。
5. A. company B. classroom
C. office D. family
解析 B 由下文中的"out of the classroom"可知,本题选B项。
6. A. jumped B. looked
C. rushed D. stayed
解析 C 由"I grabbed my backpack, kept my head down" "giggles(咯咯笑) of the other kids"和常识可推知,作者应是快步走出了教室,故选C项。
7. A. praises B. claims
C. debates D. whispers
解析 D 作者听到了其他孩子的窃窃私语和咯咯咯的笑声。whisper耳语,私语。
8. A. convincing B. brave
C. inspiring D. serious
解析 C 结合倒数第二段中的"inspired me to use my imagination to create things and dream big"和空前的"so kind"可知,在作者眼中这位老师既友好又鼓舞人心,故选C项。convincing令人信服的,有说服力的;brave勇敢的; inspiring鼓舞人心的;serious认真的。
9. A. need B. have
C. like D. see
解析 D 结合作者的否定回答和"Why don’t I show you how?"可知,作者未看到自己的创作天赋,故选D项。
10. A. excuses B. miracles
C. stories D. troubles
解析 C 由倒数第二段中的"helped me  12  my stories"可知,本题选C项。
11. A. break B. limit
C. cancel D. present
解析 D 老师告诉作者要做的只是把头脑中的想法展现出来并把它写在纸上,故选D项。break(使)破,裂,碎;limit限制;cancel取消;present展现。
12. A. collect B. polish
C. retell D. translate
解析 B 老师帮助作者润色故事,故选B项。collect收集;polish润色,修改;retell重新讲述;translate翻译。
13. A. politely B. officially
C. randomly D. patiently
解析 D 结合语境和选项可知,老师耐心地激励作者去创作,故选D项。politely礼貌地,officially正式地,randomly随机地,patiently耐心地。
14. A. potential B. achievements
C. efforts D. independence
解析 A 本题应选A项,potential与上文中的gift相吻合。 potential潜力; achievement成就,成绩; effort努力;independence独立。
15. A. curiosity B. gardens
C. beauty D. seeds
解析 D 由下文中的"flower into"可知,作者认为老师不知道她在作者幼小的心灵里种下了种子,故选D项。
[体育运动/2023河南郑州一测]After winning the championship in men’s singles under 14 years old at the ASICS Tennis Junior Tour in Guangzhou in late August, 2022, Wang Fa 1    (rapid)attracted attention on the Internet. He is known for carrying his tennis rackets in a bamboo basket, 2    (earn) him the name "basket tennis boy".
Wang Fa is a member of the Wa ethnic group(佤族) in Cangyuan Wa Autonomous County, Yunnan Province, 3     was lifted out of poverty in 2019.Over the past several years, he, along with his 4    (fellow) at the Yunnan Wild Elephants Tennis Club, 5    (improve) his skills and physical strength through training that includes running 9 kilometers and swinging his racket more than 7,000 times every day. "If it 6    (be) not for tennis, I would still be helping out my family with farm work back home," he told China Daily.
Talking about his habit of carrying his tennis equipment in a bamboo basket — a symbol of the agricultural life of the Wa ethnic group — Wang Fa said that he carried his rackets this way7    (honor) his hometown.
Before tennis, Wang Fa was just an ordinary boy from a village. But in 2016, he was chosen by a local club to learn to play tennis. At first, his parents didn’t agree at all because they could not afford it, 8     the tennis club offered to teach him free of charge. Zhang Xiaohong, Wang Fa’s head coach, founded the club in 2014, selected around 20 talented local children and trained them 9     free."I want to take children to the outside world through tennis," Zhang said.
For Wang Fa, winning the ASICS Tennis Junior Tour title is just the beginning of a promising future. "I will head to the top spot on the10    (profession) stage," he said.
1.rapidly 分析句子结构可知,此处应填副词来修饰谓语动词,故用rapidly。
2.earning 分析句子结构可知,空处应填非谓语动词,非谓语的逻辑主语与earn之间构成主谓关系,且此处表示自然而然的结果,故填earning。
3.which 空处所填词引导非限制性定语从句,且在从句中作主语,先行词为"Cangyuan Wa Autonomous County",故填which。
4.fellows 所填词作宾语,且表示复数概念,故填fellows。
5.has improved/has been improving 时间状语"Over the past several years"通常与现在完成时/现在完成进行时连用。此处表示主谓关系,且谓语与along with前的he在数上保持一致,故空处填has improved/has been improving。
6.were 此处表示对现在情况的虚拟,从句中的be动词通常用were。
7.to honor 此处应用动词不定式作目的状语,且此处表示主动关系,故填to honor。
8.but 所填词连接并列分句,且表示转折关系,故空处填but。
9.for "for free"是固定搭配,意思是"免费地",故填for。
10.professional 结合空前的冠词和空后的名词可知,空处应填形容词professional。UNIT 4  NATURAL DISASTERS
1. disaster  n.灾难;灾害
2. flood  n.洪水;大量 vi.淹没;大量涌入 vt.使灌满水;淹没
3. rescue  n.& vt.营救;救援
4. damage  vt.损害;破坏 n.损坏;损失
5. destroy  vt.摧毁;毁灭
6. shelter  n.避难处;居所;庇护 vt.保护;掩蔽 vi.躲避(风雨或危险)
7. ruin  n.& vt.破坏;毁坏
8. percent  n.百分之…… adj.& adv.每一百中
9. trap  vt.使落入险境;使陷入圈套 n.险境;陷阱
10. bury  vt.埋葬;安葬
11. effort  n.努力;艰难的尝试;尽力
12. supply  n.供应(量);补给;[pl.]补给品vt.供应;供给
13. power  n.电力供应;能量;力量;控制力
14. calm  adj.镇静的;沉着的vt.使平静;使镇静
15. aid  n.援助;帮助;救援物资 vi.& vt.帮助;援助
16. crash  vt.& vi.碰撞;撞击 n.撞车;碰撞
17. sweep  vt.& vi. 打扫;清扫
18. wave  n.海浪;波浪 vi.& vt. 挥手;招手
19. strike  vi.& vt.(过去式 struck ;过去分词 struck )侵袭;突击;击打;撞 n.罢工;罢课;袭击
20. summary  n. 总结;概括;概要
1. die  vi.死;死亡→ death  n.死;死亡→ dead  adj.死的→ deadly  adj.致命的;极度的;十足的
2. affect  vt.影响;(疾病)侵袭;深深打动→ affection  n.感情;喜爱
3. shock  n.震惊;令人震惊的事;休克vt.(使)震惊→ shocking  adj.令人震惊的→ shocked  adj.震惊的
4. electricity  n.电;电能→ electric  adj.带电的;电动的→ electrical  adj.与电有关的
5. breath  n.呼吸→ breathe  vi.& vt.呼吸→ breathless  adj.气喘吁吁的
6. wise  adj. 充满智慧的;明智的;英明的→ wisdom  n. 智慧;才智→ wisely  adv. 明智地
7. suffer  vt.遭受;蒙受vi.(因疾病、痛苦、悲伤等)受苦→ suffering  n.折磨;苦难;痛苦→ sufferer  n.患病者;受难者
8. erupt  vi.& vt.(火山)爆发;(岩浆、烟等)喷出→ eruption  n.喷发
9. survive  vi. 生存;存活 vt.幸存;艰难度过→ survival  n.幸存;幸存事物→ survivor  n.幸存者
10. deliver  vt.& vi.递送;传达 vt.发表→ delivery  n.传送;递送;演讲方式
11. effect  n.影响;结果;效果→ effective  adj.有效的 → effectively  adv.有效地
12. long  adj.长的→  length  n.长;长度→  lengthen  vt.& vi(使)变长
1.drought n. 旱灾;久旱 
2.slide vi.& vt. (使)滑行;滑动 
3.helicopter n. 直升机 
4.crack n. 裂纹;裂缝  vi.& vt. (使)破裂 
5.brick n. 砖;砖块 
6.metal n. 金属 
7.revive vt.& vi. 复活;(使)苏醒 
8.unify vi.& vt. 统一;(使)成一体 
9.context n. 上下文;语境;背景 
10.volcano n. 火山 
11.typhoon n. 台风 
12.hurricane n. (尤指西大西洋的)飓风 
13.tap vi.& vt. 轻叩;轻敲;轻拍  n. 水龙头;轻叩;轻敲 
14.pipe n. 管子;管道 
15.whistle vi. 吹口哨;发出笛声  vt. 吹口哨  n. 哨子(声);呼啸声 
16.emergency n. 突发事件;紧急情况 
17.kit n. 成套工具;成套设备 
1. as if  似乎;好像;仿佛
2. fall down  跌倒;倒塌
3. carry out  执行;实施;贯彻;完成
4.in ruins  严重受损;破败不堪 
5.in shock  震惊;吃惊 
6.dig out  挖掘出;发现 
7.come to an end  结束;终结 
8.in the open air  露天;在户外 
9.on hand  现有(尤指帮助) 
10.sweep away  消灭;彻底消除 
1.It seemed  as if the world were coming to an end !(as if引导的表语从句)
2.I  was having breakfast with my three children  when  water started filling my home.(be doing ... when ...)
3.Chickens and even pigs were  too nervous to eat , and dogs refused to go inside buildings.(too...to...)
4.Soon after the quakes, the army sent 150,000 soldiers to Tangshan to dig out  those who were trapped  and to bury the dead.(those who...)
1.We set out to go travelling with excitement, but the bad weather  ruined (破坏) our trip.
2.Since ancient times, storytelling has been a way to share and pass on  wisdom (智慧).
3.When a heavy rain caused floods in the area, many volunteers  delivered  (递送) food and water to give a helping hand.
4.He has had to  bury (掩藏) his pain over the years so as not to make his parents worried.
5.No one was injured in the explosion, but the building was completely  destroyed .
6.It suddenly  strikes  me that I still owe you 20 dollars.
7.He found a hiding place as a  shelter  from the violent storm.
8.Although Rosemary had been  suffering  from a serious illness for years, she lost none of her enthusiasm for life.
9.Hearing the bad news,he took a few deep breaths to  calm  himself down.
10.Seeing the drowning girl, I jumped into the water immediately, took her to the bank and gave her first  aid .
11.The electricity and water  supplies  have been cut off after the big earthquake in the town.
12.Many students were  trapped  by smoke and fire on an upper floor.
1.People suffered a lot in the earthquake, and food and water  delivery (deliver) couldn’t reach the area, which added to their  suffering(s) (suffer).
2.This desk is three times the  length  of that one, so it is  long  enough and needn’t be  lengthened . (long)
3.It was  shocking  that Li Ming lost the football match yesterday, and all his fans were also in  shock . But what made them even more  shocked  was that he didn’t care about it at all. (shock)
4.Jack seldom makes mistakes and makes almost every decision  wisely . We all think he is a man full of  wisdom ,but according to him,it’s all thanks to reading widely. (wise)
5.The new traffic rule will come into  effect  next year and is expected to reduce traffic jams  effectively . However, there are still some people who doubt whether the rule will be effective .(effect)
6.An earthquake struck this city weeks ago, causing hundreds of people’s  death . People from other provinces came to offer help, burying the  dead  and comforting those who lost their homes. For long,the area was covered with  deadly/dead  silence.(die) 
7.Climbing was indeed a hard job.We were  breathless  halfway up the mountain and had to stop.Two hours later, we reached the top and couldn’t help taking a deep  breath  to  breathe  in the fresh air!(breath)
8.Jack is one of those  survivors  who  (have)survived  the flood. He told us his  survival  was owing to the help from a stranger.(survive)
come to an end carry out as if sweep away
in ruins in shock on hand in the open air
1.Chinese people usually clean their house before the Lunar New Year, as they believe in this way the bad luck of the next year will  be swept away .
2.Years of war have left the area  in ruins .
3.Both of them want their dispute to  come to an end , but neither is willing to give in.
4.Seeing the city after the quake at the time, she says she was  in shock .
5.Do you think it is important to  carry out  research on whales and other sea creatures?
6.Whether their wedding ceremony will be held  in the open air  tomorrow depends on the weather.
7.I have so much work  on hand  that I don’t have time to go to the cinema.
8.The seemingly worried man took two steps forward, and then looked back  as if  he were waiting for something to happen.
1.他英语说得非常好,好像在英国居住了很多年似的。(as if引导的状语从句)
He spoke English perfectly as if he had lived in the UK for many years .
2.上周一,我正在街上散步,突然看到一位老人从自行车上摔了下来。(be doing...when...)
Last Monday, I  was walking in the street when I suddenly saw an old man  fall off his bicycle.
I froze with terror,  too scared to move  an inch.
4.陷入这样的危机加强了来自世界上不同地区的人们之间的联系。(those who...)
To be caught up in such a crisis strengthens the bonds between  those who come from different parts of the world .
Natural disasters, like drought, flood, typhoons, and earthquakes, are becoming more frequent nowadays. All have bad effects on humans’ life, making us suffer from terrible injuries and serious damage. The Tangshan earthquake in 1976 shocked the world then — about 90 percent of the homes in the city were destroyed, and electricity was hard to get because power was cut off. A large city lay in ruins. Millions of people were affected and had to face death. It seemed as if the world were coming to an end. Thankfully, 150,000 soldiers were sent to start rescue work. They dug out those who were trapped, buried the dead and built shelters for those who survived the disaster. The tireless efforts paid off. Slowly, the city began to breathe again.
In this fight, humans showed great courage and wisdom. And what we learned from the disaster is to keep first aid kit on hand in case of emergency. When a disaster strikes a place, it’s usually difficult to deliver food and supplies within a short time, but as long as we stay calm, positive and united, no disaster will defeat us.
1  affect vt. 影响;感动; (疾病)侵袭;使感染
1.Unluckily, he  was affected (affect) with a serious illness, which made his parents deeply concerned.
2.We must take effective measures to prevent the area from  being affected (affect) by drought.
3.总的来说,英文报Youth对我有巨大的影响。我经常被报纸中数不清的感人故事深深感动。 (短文投稿)
In summary, the English newspaper Youth  affects me greatly或has a great effect/impact/influence on/upon me .  I’m often deeply affected by  countless moving stories in the newspaper.
★be affected by... 受……影响,被……感动 be affected with... 感染……疾病 ★(形近)effect n. 效应;结果;影响;效果 ★have an effect/impact/influence on/upon 对……产生影响
2  shock n.震惊;令人震惊的事;休克 vt.(使)震惊 (amaze, surprise, astonish)
1.This is one of the most  shocking (shock) weather events I’ve ever witnessed.
2.I was shocked  to hear (hear) the news that an earthquake happened in Sichuan Province, killing more than one hundred people.
3.Every staff member was  in  shock when hearing they would take a test on Sunday instead of having a picnic.
介词in和许多表示情绪的名词搭配使用时,可用来描写人物的心情,如in surprise/amazement(惊讶地),in fear/horror(惊恐地)等。
4.Peter worked hard in the company and won praise from his boss and colleagues, but his name was on the lay-off(裁员) list.  This gave him a shock/This made him shocked/This was shocking news for him/This came as a shock to him . (情景续写)
★come as/be a great shock to sb.令某人大为震惊 in shock震惊,吃惊 ★shocked adj. 震惊的,惊讶的 be shocked at/by sth.对某事感到震惊 be shocked to do sth. 做某事很震惊 ★shocking adj. 令人震惊的
3  bury vt.埋葬;安葬
1.[译林选必②-4]The time capsule,  buried (bury)50 feet below the ground in a park, was designed to be opened in the year 6939.
Hearing that  his family were buried in ruins , he  buried his face in his hands  and couldn’t hold back his tears.
3.Focusing on what he was doing, he didn’t even notice it was getting dark outside.
★be buried in (doing) sth.=bury oneself in (doing) sth. 埋头于,专心于(做)某事 bury one’s face in one’s hands 双手掩面 be buried in thought 陷入沉思(=be lost in thought)
→ Burying himself in /Buried in what he was doing , he didn’t even notice it was getting dark outside.(用bury改写画线部分)
4  effort n.努力;艰难的尝试;尽力
1.[人教必修③-4]As a result,space-based science has helped farming in its efforts  to grow (grow) enough food to feed Earth’s increasing population.
2.As a senior high school student, you must  make efforts/make an effort to improve the necessary communication skills (努力提高必要的沟通技巧)and develop critical and independent thinking. (建议信)
3.We’d better try our best to prepare ourselves for tomorrow so that we can have a bright future.
→We’d better  make every effort/spare no effort  to prepare ourselves for tomorrow so that we can have a bright future.(用effort升级画线部分)
4.学生应该专心学习。毕竟没有人能毫不费力地通过所有考试。(apply, effort)
 Students are supposed to apply themselves to studying. After all,nobody can pass all the exams without effort. 
apply oneself to (doing) sth. 勤奋工作;努力学习
★make an effort/efforts to do sth. 努力去做某事 make every effort to do sth.=spare no effort to do sth. 尽一切努力去做某事 ★in an effort to do sth. 为了做某事 without effort毫不费力地 with(an) effort费劲地
5  suffer vt.遭受,蒙受 vi.(因疾病、痛苦、悲伤等)受苦
1.It is shocking to see the patient  suffering/suffer  from poverty and diseases and we all want to do something to help this  sufferer  out of his  suffering(s) .(suffer)
2.Studies show that if people always sit before computer screens for long hours, they will have back problems  from  which they will suffer in the rest of their life.
本题中,back problems后面是"介词+which"引导的定语从句。suffer from"遭受;患病",是固定搭配,此处介词from提前了。
3.虽然自然灾难可能会使我们遭受极大的痛苦,但我坚信只要我们守望相助,必能战胜灾难。 (读后续写之主旨升华)
 Although natural disasters may make us suffer great pains , I firmly believe that we can overcome the disasters through helping and supporting each other.
★suffer from 遭受;患……病 suffer pains/defeat/loss 遭受痛苦/失败/损失 ★suffering n. 疼痛;苦难;痛苦 sufferer n.受苦者;受难者;患病者
6  supply n.供应(量);补给;[pl.]补给品 vt.供应;供给
1.In the earthquake-stricken area,dangerous conditions and damaged roads will make it difficult to deliver food  supplies (supply).
此处表示"运送食物",supply在此表示"补给品",通常要用复数形式。当supply表示"供应,供给"时,为不可数名词,如:electricity supply电力供应,water supply供水。
2.Many parents in China are always making every effort to provide their children with the best education.
→①Many parents in China are always making every effort to  supply their children with the best education/supply the best education to their children . (supply)
→②Many parents in China are always making every effort to  offer their children the best education/offer the best education to their children .(offer)
★in short supply 供应不足 ★为某人提供某物: supply sb. with sth.=supply sth. to sb. provide sb. with sth.=provide sth. for sb. offer sb. sth.=offer sth. to sb.
7  survive vi.生存,存活,继续存在 vt.幸存;艰难度过
1.After the flood, people were suffering in that area, who urgently needed clean water, medicine and shelter for  survival (survive).
2.Mr. Green was the only  survivor  (survive)in the earthquake. He told us he survived  on  a bottle of water.
3.没有海洋,任何生物都无法生存,包括人类。 (环境保护)
 Without the ocean, no living things would survive, including humans. 
★survive sth. 从……中活下来;幸存于…… survive on 依靠……生存 A survive B (by+时间) A比B活得长(……) ★survival n. 幸存;残存物 survivor n. 幸存者
8  power n.电力供应;能量;力量;控制力
3.[人教选必①-4]Scientists have found that when we feel proud and  powerful , we usually straighten up to make ourselves bigger. By contrast, when we feel  powerless , we tend to slump, making ourselves smaller.(power)
4.如果你有任何问题,尽管来找我。我会竭尽全力帮助你。 (建议信)
If you have any problems, just turn to me.  I’ll do everything in my power to help you .
5.发生在他朋友身上的事使他惊呆了,他一句话也说不出来。 (读后续写之神态描写)
★a power cut/failure停电 have the power to do sth.具有做某事的能力 do everything in one’s power=try one’s best竭尽全力 beyond one’s power某人力所不能及 in/within one’s power在某人能力范围内 be in power 执政(强调状态) come to power 开始掌权/执政(强调动作) ★powerful adj. 强健的;强有力的 powerless adj. 无影响力的,无能为力的
He was so shocked by what happened to his friends that  he lost the power of speech .
9  as if/as though 仿佛,好像,似乎
1.[译林选必①-3]When you look at the painting, it is as if you  were (be) about to cross the bridge and enter another world.
2.[外研选必②-3]Childhood memories came back to me so clearly, as if the events  had happened (happen) only yesterday.
3.I was dominated by an overwhelming sense of excitement and pride at his words, and my feet, as if  rooted (root) to the ground, couldn’t move a bit. (读后续写之情感描写)
as if/as though引导状语从句时,若主从句主语一致,且从句谓语为be动词,那么从句的主语和be动词可以省略,构成"as if/as though+形容词/名词/介词短语/分词/不定式"。本题中,as if引导的完整从句为:as if my feet were rooted to the ground。
4.她紧张地捂住张大的嘴巴,觉得心好像要跳出来了。 (读后续写之情感描写)
She nervously covered her wide-opened mouth,  feeling as if/as though her heart would jump out .(现在分词作状语)
★as if/as though既可引导方式状语从句,也可位于seem,look等系动词后引导表语从句。 ★若as if/as though从句描述非现实情况,则用虚拟语气: ·与现在事实相反,从句谓语用一般过去时(be动词用were); ·与过去事实相反,从句谓语用过去完成时; ·与将来事实相反,从句谓语用"would/could/might/should+动词原形"。
10  be doing sth. when... 正在做某事,这时突然……
1.The old woman  was walking (walk)cautiously on the icy pavement when her feet slipped and she fell over. (读后续写之动作描写)
2.[译林选必②-1]I was about  to have (have)a bath when I heard people screaming and dogs barking.
3.She had just finished her homework  when  her mother asked her to practise the piano.
4.我正在担心如何说服她接受我的建议,这时我突然想到了一个好主意。(persuade,strike) (读后续写之心理描写)
 I was worrying about how to persuade her to accept my advice when a good idea struck me. 
★when作并列连词,表示"这时突然",还用于以下句型中: be about to do sth. when... 正要做某事,这时突然…… be on the point of doing sth. when... 正要做某事,这时突然…… had (just) done sth. when... 刚做完某事,这时突然……
1.[北师选必①-3]It is clear that human activity has negatively  affected  all other species on Earth, including animals and plants.
2.[译林选必②-3]Burns damage skin, which can lead to  infection  and other health problems.
3.[人教必修②-5]As it turned out, there was no need to be nervous because all my hard work paid off and I played  perfectly .
1.[2023新高考Ⅱ]Besides, working in the garden seems to have a calming effect  on/upon  Jaramillo’s special education students, many of whom have emotional control issues.
该句中含有"many of+关系代词"引导的定语从句,先行词为students。句意:此外,在花园里工作似乎对Jaramillo的特殊教育学生有镇静作用,他们中的许多人都有情绪控制问题。
2.[2022全国乙]It is easy to have a sense of connectedness through social media,but long-distance friendships — even close ones — may require more conscious effort  to sustain (sustain).
3.[2021天津]Life without art would be boring and  dead (die)still, for art is a part of what makes us human.
此处dead是副词,意为"完全地,全然地", 相当于completely。still为形容词,意为"静止的"。
4.[2020浙江]The traffic signals along Factoria Boulevard in Bellevue, Washington, generally don’t flash the same   length (long)of green twice in a row, especially at rush hour.
5.[2020北京]Tom has since reported the  shocking (shock) findings to the government in an attempt to emphasise that babies are at higher risk of developing asthma(哮喘).
6.[2020江苏]Later, he worked in Africa, where many people suffered  from  blindness for lack of proper treatment.
7.[北京高考]A rescue worker risked his life saving two tourists who  had been trapped (trap)in the mountains for two days.
句意:一名救援人员冒着生命危险救了两名被困山中两天的游客。根据句意可知,trap这个动作发生在risked之前,所以此处为过去的过去,应用过去完成时,且two tourists与trap之间为被动关系,应用被动语态。trap的过去分词形式应双写p再加-ed。
8.[北京高考]When they returned to Rockaway the next day, they found their neighborhood in  ruins (ruin).
9.[江苏高考]At the Beijing Olympics she  swept  (sweep) away any doubts about her ability to perform consistently by becoming the first Jamaican woman ever to win the 100 metres Olympic gold.
根据时间状语At the Beijing Olympics可知,此处应用一般过去时。sweep away doubts表示"消除怀疑",句中的Jamaican woman因为有序数词修饰,其后用不定式ever to win...gold作后置定语。句意:在北京奥运会上,她成为第一位获得奥运会100米金牌的牙买加女子,消除了人们对她一贯表现能力的怀疑。
10.[全国Ⅲ]Just before September, Miller  was struck (strike)by a car and lost his right arm.
Ⅱ.阅读理解—— 一词多义、熟词生义
A. v.大量送至,挤满 B. n.大量
C. v. 大量涌入 D. v.淹没
①[2023新高考Ⅱ]They talk to the flood of international tourists and to visiting Chinese zookeepers who often come to check on the pandas, which are on loan from China.  B 
②[2023全国甲]Ask the tourists from around the world that flood into Yellowstone National Park what they most hope to see, and their answer is often the same: a grizzly bear. C 
③[浙江高考]But when he finally reached her, the woman flooded him with questions: "Who are you? What antique shop?"  A 
④[江苏高考]Rezwan is creating floating connectivity(连接) to replace flooded roads and highways.  D 
flood在③作动词,其本质含义是to send sth. somewhere in large numbers。flood...with...常用被动形式be flooded with, be flooded with在某种程度上相当于be full of/be filled with/be crowded with等。
A. 侵袭 B. 给(某人以……)印象
C. 达成(协议) D. 猛地意识到
①[2021新高考Ⅰ]The French take their 35-hour workweek seriously — so seriously that some labor unions recently struck a deal with a group of companies limiting the number of hours that independent contractors can be on call.   C 
②[2021全国乙]His comment struck me as strange.  B 
③[2020北京]But Smith was struck mainly by the fact that she didn’t truly grasp any of the skills the author described. D 
④[北京高考]On the 20th of that month, Dr. Welch examined a sick boy, Billy, and knew he had diphtheria, a deadly infectious(传染的) disease mainly affecting children. The children of Nome would be helpless if it struck the town.  A 
3.[2021天津]Good evening, everybody. Professor King will be delivering his lecture in a moment, but let me introduce him first.  v.发表 
4.[北京高考]Two more ran to get the school nurse, who brought a defibrillator, an electronic device(器械) that can shock the heart back into work.  v.使受电击 
写作一 基础写作——自然灾害
 Over the past few years, there have been various natural disasters, such as earthquakes, sandstorms, floods, causing severe damage to human beings. 
2.无数的房屋变成废墟,大量农田被破坏,数百万人遭受了巨大的经济损失。(in ruins,destroy,suffer)
 Countless houses were in ruins, numerous fields were destroyed, and millions of people suffered great economic losses. 
 The rapid population growth has a negative effect on nature, since more people mean larger supplies of resources on earth. 
 People lack the awareness of environmental protection, making the emergencies of nature more frequent. 
 We’re supposed to make every effort to keep the balance between humans and nature. 
 Over the past few years,there have been various natural disasters, such as earthquakes, sandstorms, floods, causing severe damage to human beings. Thus,countless houses were in ruins, numerous fields were destroyed, and millions of people suffered great economic losses. 
 There are several factors contributing to these disasters. First, the rapid population growth has a negative effect on nature, since more people mean larger supplies of resources on earth. What’s more, people lack the awareness of environmental protection, making the emergencies of nature more frequent. 
 In my opinion, we’re supposed to make every effort to keep the balance between humans and nature. Only in this way can we humans survive with our planet Earth. 
写作二 读后续写——情感描写之惊讶与震惊
积累背诵 仿写运用
单 词 amazed,astonished, shocked, surprised, open-mouthed, amazement, surprise, astonishment, alarm, startle使惊吓 根据左栏素材完成下列各句 1.当我看到这么多观众时,我惊讶得下巴都要掉了,不禁紧张起来。  My jaw almost dropped  when I saw the size of the audience. I couldn’t help but get nervous. 2.听到这个坏消息,我惊呆了,我平生第一回不知道说什么话才好。 Hearing the bad news,  I froze with shock/I stood still with shock/I was numb with shock . For once in my life I was lost for words. 3.他惊讶得说不出来话,甚至脑子都不灵了。 He  was too surprised/astonished to speak  or even to think. (too...to...) 4.令我极为吃惊的是,他在比赛最后一圈的时候赶了上来并第一个到达终点线。  Much to my surprise/To my great surprise , he caught up in the last lap of the race and was the first to reach the finishing line. 5.汽车沿着弯弯曲曲的山路行驶,转过最急的弯道时,人人都惊得倒吸了一口气。 The car followed the twists and turns of the mountain road, and when it came around the sharpest bend, everyone  gasped in astonishment . 6.当他打开电脑开始查看邮件时,他的脸上闪过一丝惊讶,但是又立即消失了。 When he turned on his computer and began to check the email,  a spark of surprise  flashed across his face, but soon disappeared.
词 组 1.to one’s amazement/surprise/astonishment令人吃惊的是 2.in astonishment/in surprise惊讶地 3.one’s jaw drops惊掉下巴 4.freeze/stand still/be numb with shock惊呆了 5.be shocked beyond words/be speechless with shock=be too surprised/astonished to speak惊讶得说不出话来 6.gasp in astonishment惊得倒吸一口气 7.give sb. a shock/come as a shock to sb.使某人震惊
佳 句 1.I sensed a spark of surprise in his eyes. He straightened up and looked at me, with his mouth wide open. 我感觉到他眼里闪过一丝惊讶。他直起身,目瞪口呆地看着我。 2.He was obviously shocked by her words and a look of shock spread over his face. 显然,他被她的话震惊了, 惊愕的表情在他的脸上蔓延开来。 3.I leaped up as if I had been struck by thunder when I felt someone patting me on the shoulder. I turned around and looked at the stranger in wide-eyed astonishment. 当我感觉到有人拍我的肩膀时,我一下子跳了起来,如遭雷击。我转过身,睁大眼睛惊讶地看着这个陌生人。
[自然灾害/2024天星原创]Yellowstone National Park withdrew more than 10,000 visitors after flash floods hit the park. Houses, roads and bridges were washed away, and the park’s gateway communities were cut off from roads. Even as scientists and land managers are shocked by the severe floods, unseen in 100 years of recorded history, they recognize the similarities to the events their data predicted. They just didn’t expect them to occur this year.
While it will take more research to confirm if climate change made this flood event more extreme, the2021 Greater Yellowstone Climate Assessment predicts significant changes in precipitation(降水), including when it will arrive and what form it will take. Scientists expect more spring rain and less winter snow. The assessment also predicts increasing annual precipitation in Yellowstone National Park.
Changes have been already documented in the assessment. Since 1950, spring precipitation in the region has increased by 17 percent in April and 23 percent in May. Snowfall has dwindled even though overall annual precipitation has increased. That means rather than a slow release of meltwater to valleys during the summer months, rainfall tends to combine with melting snow, causing riskier events like the recent flood.
June precipitation this year is now at more than 400 percent above average in the parts of Montana and Wyoming that include Yellowstone. And as temperatures rise, these rain-on-snow events are projected to become more frequent at higher elevations(海拔) in western North America, while lower snowpack will make them less frequent at low elevations.
Bruce Stein, chief scientist of the National Wildlife Federation, said several years before, when he trained Yellowstone employees for climate planning, they focused on the features that drew visitors to the park — like bison and wolves. Roads, bridges, and houses getting washed away were out of their consideration. "I think it’s urgent and necessary for the park to look ahead to plan for different situations that could possibly happen as the climate changes," said Stein.
【词语积累】 withdraw v.使撤离 assessment n.评价,评估 document v.记录,记载(详情) snowpack n.积雪
【熟词生义】 1.flash常用义:v.(使)闪耀,闪光 n.闪光,闪光灯 文中义:adj.突发的
2.project常用义:n.项目,方案,工程 文中义:v.预测,预计,推想
【长难句解读】 While it will take more research to confirm ( if climate change made this flood event more extreme),
the 2021 Greater Yellowstone Climate Assessment predicts significant changes in precipitation
(降水),including(when it will arrive) and (what form it will take).
1.What can we learn about the floods?
A. They were the most destructive in history.
B. They had been predicted with certainty.
C. They were worsened by changes in climate.
D. They were partly in line with scientists’ expectation.
解析 D 细节理解题。由第一段中的"they recognize the similarities to the events their data predicted...this year"可知,洪灾与科学家们的预测是部分一致的,故选D。
2. What does the underlined word "dwindled" in paragraph 3 mean?
A. Varied. B. Balanced.
C. Doubled. D. Declined.
解析 D 词义猜测题。由even though和has increased可推知,画线词意为"减少",故选D。
3. What does Stein think the park should do next?
A. Take preventative measures.
B. Rebuild damaged structures.
C. Focus on its attractive features.
D. Receive training in climate planning.
解析 A 推理判断题。由最后一段的"I think it’s urgent and necessary for the park ... as the climate changes"可知,Stein认为黄石国家公园必须向前看,为气候变化可能引发的不同情况做好计划,这是非常紧迫和必要的。也就是说,黄石国家公园应该做到防患于未然,故选A。
4. What is the best title for the text?
A. Yellowstone area: Is it more at risk of flood?
B. Yellowstone flooding: Why does it happen now?
C. Climate planning: Why is it important to Yellowstone?
D. Climate change: Does it mean more rain for Yellowstone?
解析 B 标题归纳题。通读全文可知,文章主要讲述了黄石国家公园遭遇百年不遇的洪水及洪水产生的可能原因,B项更好地概括了文章的内容,做文章标题最佳。
[2023山东二模]It was a long weekend in May 2018 and my partner Gabe Rosescu and I were taking a road trip to go to Nelson, British Columbia and spend some time with our friends. It was our first trip together.
At around 5:30 p.m. on Thursday, May 17, we were driving about 11 miles west of Creston, on a steep mountain road known as the Crowsnest Highway. I was texting updates to my family and enjoying the view. We weren’t aware that there had recently been flooding in the area. When I looked up from my phone, I saw a wave of mud and a huge tree coming down the mountain, right in front of Gabe’s car. He tried to stop, but it was too late. The mudslide sent our car falling nearly 300 meters down a rocky cliff (悬崖) and our car landed on its side among some trees.
I didn’t know how long we were unconscious. But the body is an amazing thing, and somehow we were both able to crawl(爬) out of the crashed car. We had no phone signal, so all we could do was shout for help. After just a few minutes, we heard someone call back. Four passers-by spotted us and came to our rescue. When the emergency medical technicians finally got to our side, they loaded us into separate ambulances. I was in the hospital for a week and a half, but they kept Gabe for six weeks. I was told I would walk with a limp(跛行) for the rest of my life; Gabe permanently lost the vision in his left eye.
Before all this happened, we were happy-go-lucky people. We’re even more sanguine now. We look at everything differently. Despite the injuries we suffered, we’re grateful that we’re still living a pretty good life.
【词语积累】 come to sb.’s rescue前来营救某人 happy-go-lucky adj.无忧无虑的,乐天派的,逍遥自在的
【熟词生义】 1.update常用义:v.更新,使现代化 文中义:n.最新消息,最新进展
2.wave常用义:n.海浪,波浪,波涛 文中义:n.涌现的事物
3.send常用义:v.邮寄,发送 文中义:v.使快速(或猛然)移动
1. Why did the author and Gabe go to Nelson?
A. To go sightseeing.
B. To visit their friends.
C. To join in a road trip.
D. To look for adventure.
解析 B 细节理解题。由第一段中的"Gabe Rosescu and I were taking a road trip ... with our friends"可知,作者和Gabe开车去Nelson是为了与朋友共度时光,即拜访朋友,故B项正确。
2. What is the second paragraph mainly about?
A. How the trip was planned.
B. Which roads they kept to.
C. How the accident happened.
D. What could be seen on the way.
解析 C 段落大意题。通读第二段的内容可知,本段主要交代了事故发生的时间、地点、原因和结果,故C项(事故是怎样发生的)最能概括段落的主要内容。
3. What can we learn about the author and Gabe?
A. They both lost their phones.
B. They were both seriously injured.
C. They tried their best to keep conscious.
D. They were sent to hospital by passers-by.
解析 B 细节理解题。由第三段中的"I was in the hospital for a week and a half... lost the vision in his left eye"可知,作者余生都要一瘸一拐地走路,而Gabe的左眼则永久性失明。由此可知,作者和Gabe都受伤很严重,故B项正确。
4. Which of the following can best explain the underlined word "sanguine" in paragraph 4?
A. Optimistic. B. Fortunate.
C. Adventurous. D. Cautious.
解析 A 词义猜测题。由最后一段中的"Before all this happened, we were happy-go-lucky people"可知,作者他们之前是乐天派。再结合画线词前的"even more"和后面的"We look at everything differently... we’re grateful that we’re still living a pretty good life"可知,画线词所在句表示"现在我们更加乐观了",故选A。
[志愿服务/2024天星原创]Jim McIngvale watched in horror as Hurricane Ida made landfall, hitting Louisiana. For him, it  1  one thing: Time to "get in the game". McIngvale, who owns Gallery Furniture in Houston, quickly called for  2  of necessities like food and water. Then he and his workers  3  every truck to take them to Louisiana.
"Louisiana  4  to us Houstonians during Hurricane Harvey, so  5 , it’s the right thing to do to help our neighbors," McIngvale said. He also opened his furniture showroom to  6  many families.
Ana Lee is among those who were  7  to the storm. She drove to Gallery Furniture after being told about McIngvale’s  8 . "I was warmly received," Lee said. "It’s a  9  to meet somebody like him."
People who lined up to help out said they did so after  10  watching McIngvale help those in need. Chris Ogle was one of them  11  by McIngvale. He helped putting  12  onto trucks after giving away some bottled water to the  13 . He said, "If you knew McIngvale, you wouldn’t be  14  by the long lines of people waiting to contribute.  15 , this was not the first time he had helped. He had volunteered to offer help many times after natural disasters."
Jim McIngvale在得知路易斯安那州遭遇飓风侵袭之后,积极参与了对当地受灾居民的援助。在他的影响下,许多人积极参与其中。
【熟词生义】 effort 常用义:n.努力,艰难的尝试 文中义:n.有组织的活动
1. A. meant B. proved
C. stressed D. affected
解析 A 飓风"艾达"袭击路易斯安那州,于他而言,意味着(meant)一件事——是时候行动了。
2. A. allocations B. preparations
C. distributions D. donations
解析 D 由下文中的"necessities like food and water" "giving away some bottled water"和"waiting to contribute"可知,D项符合语境。allocation划拨的款项,分配的东西;preparation准备工作;distribution分配;donation捐赠物,捐赠。
3. A. checked B. emptied
C. loaded D. cleaned
解析 C 此处说的是把物资装到卡车上,故选C项。load表示"(把大量……)装上,装入"。
4. A. came up B. made up
C. stuck out D. reached out
解析 D 在飓风"哈维"来袭时,路易斯安那州向休斯敦人伸出了援手。reach out to sb.为某人提供帮助,援助某人。
5. A. in return B. in general
C. at last D. at heart
解析 A 此处表示"作为回报,帮助邻居是正确的事情",故选A项,in return表示"作为回报"。in general通常,大体上;at last最终;at heart内心里,本质上。
6. A. feed B. comfort
C. shelter D. examine
解析 C McIngvale开放家具陈列室是为了给许多家庭提供栖身之处。feed喂养;comfort安慰;shelter为……提供庇护处,收容;examine检查。C项符合语境。
7. A. accustomed B. directed
C. subjected D. challenged
解析 C Ana Lee是遭受风暴袭击的受害者之一,故选C项。be subjected to sth.表示"经受……,遭受……"。
8. A. generosity B. honesty
C. bravery D. strength
解析 A 此处表示"在得知McIngvale的慷慨之后,她开车去了Gallery Furniture",故本题选A项。 generosity慷慨,honesty正直,bravery勇敢,strength力量。
9. A. pleasure B. chance
C. plan D. dream
解析 A Lee很高兴能遇到像McIngvale这样的人。pleasure表示"乐事,快事",符合语境。
10.A.fortunately B. frequently
C. curiously D. carefully
解析 B 下文提到"这不是McIngvale第一次伸出援手了,他已经在自然灾害后提供帮助很多次了",那么,此处表达的应是"在经常看到McIngvale帮助有需要的人之后,人们也开始这样做了"。fortunately幸运地,frequently经常地,curiously好奇地,carefully认真地。B项符合语境。
11. A. supported B. approached
C. persuaded D. inspired
解析 D Chris Ogle是受到McIngvale鼓舞的人之一。support支持;approach接洽;persuade说服;inspire激励,鼓舞。D项符合语境。
12. A. products B. clothes
C. supplies D. bottles
解析 C 上文提到McIngvale呼吁人们捐赠水和食物等必需品,那么,此处表示"Ogle帮忙把补给品装上卡车",故选C项,supplies表示"补给品"。
13. A. effort B. company
C. service D. battle
解析 A effort在此表示"有组织的活动"。
14. A. touched B. surprised
C. excited D. delighted
解析 B 如果你认识McIngvale,看到人们排着长队等着捐赠,你就不会感到惊讶了。touched受感动,surprised惊讶的,excited兴奋的,delighted愉快的。B项符合语境。
15. A. Luckily B. Hopefully
C. Eventually D. Actually
解析 D 事实上,这并不是McIngvale第一次伸出援手。luckily幸运的是,幸运地;hopefully希望,但愿;eventually最后;actually事实上。
[生态环保/2024天星原创]The emperor penguin(帝企鹅) may not survive climate change — or even this century. For decades, global warming has been melting(使融化) the sea ice 1     the flightless seabirds make their home; some formerly 2    (freeze) areas have shrunk by 60 percent in just 30 years. These largest penguins are nearly 90 pounds in 3    (weigh) and can stand 45 inches tall. They need the ice 4    (produce) their babies, avoid oceangoing killers, and find food. When sea ice 5    (become) liquid early, the species can disappear. The population is 6    (present) stable with 270,000 to 280,000 breeding(繁殖) pairs.
But research suggests those numbers could fall by nearly half in the next 30 years, and that the species will be effectively extinct by 2100. Emperor penguins 7    (list) as a threatened species by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service already, which puts them 8     the protection of the Endangered Species Act. The hope is to protect them by 9    (get) more conservation funding and ways for international cooperation on research. "The listing of the emperor penguin serves as both 10     alarm bell and a call to action," says Martha Williams, director of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
1.where 考查定语从句。分析句子结构可知,空处所填词引导限制性定语从句,且在从句中作地点状语,故填where。
2.frozen 考查形容词。由空前的"formerly"和空后的"areas"可知,空处应填frozen(冰封的,封冻的,结冰的), frozen在句中作定语。
3.weight 考查名词。in weight是固定用法,意为"在重量上"。
4.to produce 考查非谓语动词。此处应用非谓语动词来表目的,且此处表示主动关系,故填to produce。
5.becomes 考查时态、语态和主谓一致。由语境可知,此处描述的是客观情况,动词应用一般现在时;主语sea ice不可数,谓语动词应用单数,且become为系动词,故填becomes。
6.presently 考查副词。分析句子结构可知,空处所填词作状语,应用副词,故填presently。
7.have been listed 考查时态、语态和主谓一致。由时间状语already可知,此处应用现在完成时;主语Emperor penguins与list是动宾关系,故填have been listed。
8.under 考查介词。under the protection of表示 "在……的保护之下",是固定用法。
9.getting 考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知,所填词作介词by的宾语,应用动词-ing形式,且此处表示主动关系,故填getting。
10.an 考查冠词。alarm bell表示单数概念,此处表示泛指,且alarm的读音以元音音素开头,故填an。第一部分 过透教材
1. exchange  n.交换;交流 vt.交换;交流;交易;兑换
2. lecture  n.讲座;讲课;教训vi.(开)讲座;讲课 vt.训斥
3. campus  n.校园;校区
4. senior  adj.级别(或地位)高的 n.较年长的人
5. outgoing  adj.爱交际的;外向的
6. experiment  n.实验;试验
7. awkward  adj.令人尴尬的;难对付的
8. junior  adj.地位(或职位、级别)低下的 n.职位较低者;(体育运动中)青少年
9. explore  vt.& vi.探索;勘探
10. forward  adv.向前;前进 adj.向前的;前进的
11. flash  n.光;信号vi.闪耀;闪光;发出信号 vt.使闪耀;发出(信号)
12. goal  n.目标;球门;射门
13. partner  n.同伴;配偶;合伙人
14. company  n.公司;商行;陪伴
15. style  n.方式;作风
1. register  vt.& vi.登记;注册→ registration  n.登记;注册;挂号
2. nation  n.国家;民族;国民→ nationality  n.国籍;民族→ national  adj.国家的,民族的
3. design  n.设计;设计方案vt.设计;筹划→ designer  n.设计者
4. formal  adj.正式的;正规的→ formally  adv.正式地→ informal  adj.非正式的
5. anxious  adj.焦虑的;不安的→ anxiously  adv.不安地→ anxiety  n.担心;焦虑;渴望
6. annoy  vt.使恼怒;打扰→ annoyed  adj.恼怒的;生气的→ annoying  adj.令人生气的;令人恼怒的→ annoyance  n.恼怒,生气
7. frighten  vt.使惊吓;使害怕→  frightened  adj.惊吓的;害怕的→  frightening  adj.令人恐惧的→  fright  n.惊吓;恐怖;恐怖的经历
8. impress  vt.使钦佩;给……留下深刻的好印象vi.留下印象;引人注目→ impressive  adj.给人深刻印象的;令人钦佩的→ impressed  adj.有深刻印象的→ impression  n.印象;感想
9. concentrate  vi.& vt.集中(注意力);聚精会神→ concentration  n.专心;集中→ concentrated  adj.全神贯注的
10. confident  adj.自信的;有把握的→ confidently  adv.自信地→ confidence  n.信心;信任
11. organise  vt.组织;筹备;安排;组建vi.组建;成立→ organisation  n.组织;团体;机构→ organiser  n.组织者→ organised  adj.有组织的;有条理的
12. improve  vi.& vt.改进;改善→ improvement  n.改进;改善
13. curious  adj.好奇的;求知欲强的→ curiously adv.好奇地→ curiosity  n.好奇;好奇心
1.sex n. 性别 
2.female adj. 女(性)的;雌的  n. 雌性动(植)物;女子 
3.male adj. 男(性)的;雄的  n. 雄性动(植)物;男子 
4.guy n. 小伙子;男人;家伙 
5.strategy n. 策略;策划 
6.personality n. 性格;个性 
7.revise vt.& vi. 修改;修订;复习 
1. senior high school  (美国)高中
2. at last  终于;最终
3. make an impression  留下好印象
4. concentrate on  集中精力于
5. leave...alone  不打扰;不惊动
6. look forward to  盼望;期待
7. come true  成真;实现
8. reflect on  思考
9. take notes  记笔记
10. be curious about  对……感到好奇
11. at the weekends  在周末
12. depend on  依赖;相信;随……而定
13. decide on  决定;选定
1. What if  no one talks to me?(What if...?)
2.I  found  most of my classmates and teachers  friendly and helpful .(find+宾语+宾补,一般过去时)
3.I miss my friends from junior high school, but I believe I will make new friends here, and  there’s a lot to explore  at senior high.(there be+sth.+to do)
4.If I’m not in class, I’m  either in the library or in the computer lab .(either...or...)
5. Studying and doing homework  seem much more fun when you are at sea!(v-ing短语作主语)
1.Though he is three years younger than me, he is  senior (职位高的) to me in the company.
2.The  experiment (实验) shows that proper amounts of exercise can improve our health.
3.Ben was in an  awkward (令人尴尬的) situation, and Agony Aunt gave him suggestions as to how to deal with his problems.
4.I buy you lunch and you fix my computer. Is that a fair  exchange ?
5.She gave a fascinating  lecture  on traditional Chinese culture, which impressed everyone present.
6.The Students’ Union has organised a drama club in order to enrich our  campus  life.
7.No matter what you want to learn, it is important to decide on your  goal  before you make a plan.
8.As an  outgoing  girl, she was always ready to participate in the activities her college offered.
9.Scientists in different countries have been trying to  explore  other planets to see if we could live on them.
10.A painter should regard nature as their teacher,and never stick with just one  style  of painting.
1.With her son trapped in the flood-stricken area, the mother was waiting  anxiously  for his news and experienced high levels of  anxiety . (anxious)
2.My brother’s talking with food in his mouth  annoys  me. I am  annoyed  about his  annoying  habit.(annoy)
3.So  impressive  is the scenery of Jiuzhaigou that it has left a lasting  impression  on visitors from home and abroad. Likewise, I am deeply  impressed  by its beauty. (impress)
4.My classmate Jessica, born into a poor family, is always struggling against any difficulty bravely and  confidently . To some extent, her  confidence  contributes to her success. (confident)
5.It’s normal for children to be  curious  about everything. They’ll ask many questions  curiously  and we should answer them patiently to satisfy their  curiosity . (curious)
6.Besides making her class well  organised , my English teacher has joined a non-profit international  organisation  to work with  organisers  of some voluntary activities. (organise)
7.What he saw in the forest  frightened  him. Whenever he walked by and thought of the  frightening  scene, he felt  frightened . (frighten)
8.Public health has got  improved  greatly and the  improvements  were mainly due to the advances in medical science.(improve)
9.My friend, Jonson, has his own way of learning. In class, he has the power of  concentration . That is to say, he makes  concentrated  efforts to understand what the teacher is saying. And after school he will  concentrate  on sports activities. (concentrate)
concentrate on leave ...alone
look forward to take notes come true
1.As far as I’m concerned, it is a good habit to  take notes  when you have a class.
2.What you should do is get down to your study from now on. Please  concentrate on  what is of great importance to your future development.
3.The students are  looking forward to  having an opportunity to explore society for real-life experience.
4.Once your goal is set, you just need to try your best to make it  come true .
5.Hey, guys!  Leave  the cakes  alone . They’re for the guests.
1.要是她不喜欢这个礼物怎么办?(What if...?)
 What if she doesn’t like the present? 
I hope you will find these suggestions helpful .
3.不管我们的处境看起来多么艰难,总有些事情是值得感恩的。(there be+sth.+to do)
No matter how difficult our situation seems,  there is always something to be grateful for .
Chinese knots stand for friendship, love and good luck. People can  either give them as gifts to friends or hang them in their houses .
For Chinese people who highly value family,  having/eating dumplings  is an essential part of family reunion.
I am Leo, an exchange student of a senior high school in China. Outgoing as I was, I felt anxious in the beginning. I was frightened that I would meet awkward or annoying situations and leave a bad impression on others. But nothing happened. The students and teachers’ kindness impressed me deeply.
As a newcomer, I am curious about everything. My new friend Leilei keeps me company when I explore the campus. He introduces the style of the lecture hall, the design of our uniform, and the organisations in the school. He also helps me improve my Chinese!
In class, I concentrate on the study and take notes carefully. I am looking forward to doing experiments with my partners next week! What if we make mistakes? Well, the teachers will never leave us alone for the sake of our safety. I am confident that we will make it at last.
1  exchange n.交流;交换 vt.交换;交流;交易;兑换
3.If the course fails to provide complete satisfaction for you, you can easily exchange it  for  any other extra course that we recommend.
4.The exchange student helped me improve my English  in  exchange for my teaching him Chinese.
5.I sincerely invite you to deliver a speech and  exchange views/ideas on English writing with (与……就英语写作交流思想) the students. (邀请信)
6.该节日旨在促进文化交流,吸引了来自不同国家的人们。 (节日介绍)
The festival, aimed at  promoting cultural exchanges , appeals to people from different countries.
★in exchange (for...) 作为(对……的)交换 an exchange student交换生 cultural exchange文化交流 ★exchange A for B用A来换成B exchange sth. with sb.和某人交换某物
2  design n.设计;设计方案 vt.设计;筹划
1.What annoyed the teacher most was that this student often lied to her  by  design.
2.[北师必修②-6]He engaged in a wide range of exercises designed  to rebuild  (rebuild) muscle, and made remarkable progress.
3.This newspaper, specially designed  for  our high school students, has broadened our horizons and enriched our campus life.
4.这次活动旨在让我们了解更多植物,热爱大自然。 (活动介绍)
This activity  is designed to make us learn more about  plants and love nature.
★be designed for.../to do sth.为……而设计/旨在做某事 ★by design 故意地 (同)on purpose, deliberately, intentionally (反)by chance,by accident
3  anxious adj.焦虑的;不安的;渴望的;急切的
1.Every year there are plenty of graduates anxious  to get (get) a good job opportunity and gain mental and financial independence from their family.
2.I’m waiting for the results  anxiously  (anxious) as if I were on pins and needles.
本题中,anxiously相当于with anxiety。with与抽象名词连用时,功能上相当于副词。如:with joy=joyfully,with delight=delightedly,with care=carefully。
3.这对夫妇非常担心女儿的安危,他们的声音里充满了焦虑。 (读后续写之情绪描写)
→①The couple was  so anxious about  their daughter’s safety  that their voice was full of anxiety .(so...that...结构,anxious,anxiety)
→②The couple was  anxious about  their daughter’s safety,  their voice full of anxiety .(独立主格,anxious,anxiety)
★be anxious about sth./for sb.为……担忧 be anxious ★anxiety n.焦虑;忧虑;渴望 anxiously adv.焦虑地(=with anxiety)
4  impress vt.使钦佩;给……留下深刻的好印象 vi.留下印象;引人注目
1.[译林选必④-2]Positive body language can help give the speaker a good  impression (impress), for example, a gentle smile, a slight nod and eye contact.
2. What impressed me most (让我印象最为深刻的) was the exchange students’ open minds to accept our culture from the bottom of their hearts.
3.Not only their remarkable performance but also the inner strength they showed in the competition  left a deep impression on the audience (给观众留下了深刻的印象).
4.这次经历使我牢记,努力总会有回报。 (读后续写之主旨升华)
 This experience impressed on me that  hard work would pay off one day.
★impress sb. by/with sth.……给某人留下深刻的好印象 impress sth. on/upon sb.使某人铭记…… be impressed by/with...对……印象深刻 what impressed sb. most was...让某人印象最为深刻的是…… ★impression n.印象;感想 leave/make a(n)...impression on sb.给某人留下……印象 ★impressive adj.给人深刻印象的;令人赞叹的
5  concentrate vi.& vt.集中(注意力);聚精会神(focus)
1.[人教必修②-5]Rachel is listening to peaceful music to help her concentrate  on  her studying.
2.It’s requested that we should concentrate more attention on  caring (care) about teenagers’ mental health.
→① Concentrating on preparing for the final match  in the past two weeks, I didn’t offer much care to my family.(分词短语作状语)
→② With my attention concentrated on preparing for the final match/With concentration on preparing for the final match  in the past two weeks, I didn’t offer much care to my family.(with复合结构)
★concentrate (one’s attention/efforts) on (doing) sth.专注于(做)某事 concentrate on/upon (doing) sth.集中精力于(做)某事 ★concentration n.专心;关注;集中
6  leave...alone 不打扰;不惊动
1.[北师必修②-6]A summary should leave  out  unnecessary details like examples and explanations.
2.None of the students on the sports field want to be left  behind  in the long-distance race — everyone is fighting for his class and himself!
3.Tomorrow we’ll gather at the school gate at 8 a.m. and  leave for the camp site by bus (乘公交车前往营地). (活动安排)
4.People deal with sad feelings in different ways. Some people  want to be left alone (不想被打扰),quietly enjoying their private time.
★leave out 漏掉;不理会;忽视 leave...behind 遗留;把……丢在后面 leave for 动身去(某地)
7  look forward to 期待;盼望(expect, long for, hope for)
1.My little sister was looking forward to  being taken (take) to the zoo when I was busy with my final exam.
2.The big day that we have been looking forward  to  came at last and we were moved to tears.
3.我十分希望您能接受我的邀请,也期待着您的早日答复。 (邀请信)
 I do hope that you can accept my invitation and I’m looking forward to your early reply. 
★look forward to中的to为介词,后接动词时应用其v-ing形式。
8  What if...? 要是……会怎么样呢?
1.很抱歉我不能陪你去听二胡演奏会。我们下周日去听古筝演奏会怎么样? (道歉信)
I’m really sorry that I can’t accompany you to the erhu concert.  What if we go to the guzheng concert next Sunday? 
2.他焦虑地自言自语:"如果没人愿意买爆米花怎么办?" (读后续写之心理描写)
He said to himself with anxiety, " What if no one is willing to buy popcorn? "
★What if+完整句子,有以下两种用法: (1)意为"如果……怎么办呢?",多用于指令人不愉快的事情发生; (2)意为"如果……怎样?",用于表示建议。
9  find+宾语+宾补
1.[人教必修③-1]The child seemed annoyed when he found his gift  broken  (break).
2.[人教必修②-4]We found ourselves very  surprised (surprise) by the large number of visitors and the amount of noise at the entrance of the National Gallery.
3.[外研选必②-6]Today, foxes can be seen all over London — one even being found  living (live) on the 72nd floor of the Shard building when it was under construction!
4.我发现适应新的学校生活很难,因此真诚地向您寻求帮助。 (求助信)
 I find it hard to adapt to the new school life ,so I sincerely ask for your help.
★find+宾语+过去分词(表示被动或动作已完成) find+宾语+现在分词(表示主动或动作正在进行) find+宾语+副词/介词短语/形容词 提醒:当"find+宾语+宾补"中宾语为反身代词时,该结构表示"不知不觉发现自己处于某种状态"。 ★find+it+形容词/名词+to do sth.(it作形式宾语,不定式是真正的宾语)
本单元:im-(=in- 向内)+press(压)→将……向内压→impress 给……留下深刻的印象
1.Jack failed to be admitted to his dream university, so he is feeling quite  depressed  these days.
2.While a moderate amount of stress can be beneficial, too much  pressure  can exhaust you.
3.Teenagers often have difficulty  expressing  themselves, but their feelings should be respected.
4.You should make full preparations for the job interview if you want to make a good  impression  on the interviewers.
1.[2023新高考Ⅰ]That way, you could exchange thoughts on what makes each of you special and the aspects of your  personality (person) that shine through.
2.[2023全国乙]She said she had felt  confident (confidence) all along that she would win.
句意:她说她一直确信自己会赢。此处confident表示"确信的,有把握的",常用在搭配be confident of/that中。
3.[2023全国乙]Well, when I work, I often concentrate so much  on  what I’m doing that I may have a hard time dealing with things that come up unexpectedly. That may be  annoying (annoy) to some people.
4.[2023全国甲]Grizzly bears, which may grow to about 2.5m long and weigh over 400kg, occupy a conflicted corner of the American psyche — we revere(敬畏) them even as they give us  frightening (frighten) dreams.
5.[2022全国甲]"From seeing the wildlife to witnessing sunrises, the whole experience was amazing. Antarctica left an  impression (impress) on me that no other place has," Ginni says.
6.[2021新高考Ⅱ]I’ve got two children — the younger one, Kynan, was extremely happy about the tigers arriving — but all of us really looked forward to  being (be)part of their lives and watching them grow.
7.[2021天津]"As we develop more advanced AI technology, we would then have to use new ways of communicating with that technology," she says. "Hopefully, all of that is designed  to support (support) humans in their goals."
8.[2021天津]She encourages people of all ages, especially older people, to cultivate their  curiosity (curious) for life.
9.[天津高考] Anxiously (anxious) I went to bed dreaming about what I would find at the top of this magical mountain.
10.[北京高考]The  national (nation) park has a large collection of wildlife, ranging from butterflies to elephants.
Ⅱ.阅读理解—— 一词多义、熟词生义
A. v.突然投去 (一瞥或一笑) B. n.闪现 C. v.闪光
①[2021全国甲]In a wired world with constant global communication, we’re all positioned to see flashes of genius wherever they appear.  B 
②[2020浙江]The traffic signals along Factoria Boulevard in Bellevue, Washington, generally don’t flash the same length of green twice in a row, especially at rush hour.  C 
③[2020浙江1月]The boy lifted the last bag onto his shoulder, and flashed a bright smile.  A 
flash a smile 露出笑容 flash a look at sb. 突然瞥一眼某人 flash sb. a smile/look 向某人微微一笑(或瞥一眼)
2.[2021新高考Ⅰ]"My husband is the worst page turner," she laughed. "He’s absorbed in the music, feeling every note, and I have to say:‘Turn, turn!’ Robert is the best page turner I’ve had in my entire life."  n.音符 
3.[2020天津5月]To make this happen,the airline has partnered up with MagniX to create the world’s first commercial flight with an electric engine.  与……合作 
4.[2020全国Ⅰ]The beauty of rereading lies in the idea that our bond with the work is based on our present mental register.  心理状态 
5.[全国Ⅱ]There was a time when people may have felt awkward about asking for a table for one, but those days are over. Now, we have our smartphones to keep us company at the table.  n.陪伴 
写作一 基础写作——欢迎致辞
 You are welcome to visit our campus in the company of us, which we hope can leave a good impression on you. 
 A free talk is designed for us to make a full cultural exchange, which is sure to improve our mutual understanding. 
3.(我校)会举行一场友好的篮球比赛,我们期待你们的加入。(look forward to)
 There is going to be a friendly basketball match and we are looking forward to your participation. 
 Dear friends, 
 We feel so delighted by your visit and I’m extending our warmest welcome to you on behalf of our school. 
 First, you are welcome to visit our campus in the company of us, which we hope can leave a good impression on you. Then a free talk is designed for us to make a full cultural exchange, which is sure to improve our mutual understanding. Finally,there is going to be a friendly basketball match and we are looking forward to your participation. 
 We sincerely hope you have a rewarding and memorable time! 
写作二 读后续写——情感描写之开心与快乐(一)
积累背诵 仿写运用
单 词 cheerful, delighted, enjoyable, glad, overjoyed, pleased; joyfully, merrily; pleasure, delight, joy, happiness 根据左栏素材完成下列各句 1.令他开心的是,他的演讲获得了老师和同学的喝彩。  To his delight/joy/pleasure , he gained applause from his teacher and classmates for his speech. 2.昨天晚饭后,每个人心情都很好,兴高采烈地讨论着即将到来的旅行。 After supper yesterday, everyone was  in a good mood , talking about the coming trip  merrily/in high spirits . 3.当主持人宣布我们班获奖时,我们都欣喜若狂,欢呼雀跃起来。  Overcome with delight/Seized by pleasure , we yelled and jumped when the host announced that our class won the prize.(过去分词短语作状语) 4.她高兴不已,蹦蹦跳跳地回家告诉妈妈这个好消息。  She was overjoyed/wild with joy或She couldn’t contain her joy  and danced home to tell her mother the good news. 5.然后,我们听到钥匙开门的声音。她妈妈回家了。我们可以看出她心情很好。 Then, we heard a key turn in the door. Her mom was home. We could see  she was in a good mood . 6.我们和爷爷在这里度过了很多快乐的时光! We had  a lot of happy moments  with Grandpa here!
词 组 1.to one’s delight/joy/pleasure让某人高兴的是 2.be in a good mood心情很好 3.be wild/overcome with joy/delight欣喜若狂 4.in high/cheerful spirits兴高采烈 5.dance/jump with joy雀跃 6.be delighted at/by对……感到高兴
佳 句 1.As soon as I got the payment, I yelled and jumped with excitement, hardly containing my joy/delight/happiness. 一拿到报酬,我就激动得欢呼雀跃起来,难以抑制内心的喜悦。 2.Seeing such a cute kitten, she was seized by pleasure/wild with joy and cupped it in her hands carefully. 看到这么可爱的小猫,她欣喜若狂,小心翼翼地把它捧在手里。 3.Filled with pleasure, Justin walked home in no time. 贾斯廷满心欢喜,立刻向家走去。 4.Honestly, the food wasn’t as great as I had imagined, but I was pleased to be there and felt honored to be a part of the group. 老实说,食物并没有我想象的那么美味,但我很高兴能在那里,也很荣幸能成为团队的一员。
[认识自我/2024天星原创]Looking into the gym, I faced reality: I was in charge, and nobody would tell me what to do. It was my first practice as a volunteer basketball coach for the local secondary school. However, what if I had too little experience and knowledge to give the athletes? What if I taught them nothing useful? I’d felt these doubts about my ability to lead throughout my scientific training.
As a master’s student and later an early PhD student, I carried out the projects my professors gave me — but didn’t explore further on my own. It was more comfortable to let others lead. I told myself once I gained more experience and knowledge, I’d be ready to take charge.
That thought served me well through 2 years of my PhD. After finishing two projects, I felt burned out and needed refreshing. I hoped regaining my love of sports through coaching might help. I decided to push past my discomfort and learn along the way.
That’s how I found myself in that gym. The athletes came in and began shooting around. I collected myself and began practice with much energy and enthusiasm. Despite my fears, everything went smoothly. Afterward, I heard many thought the practice was great, which encouraged me. Maybe I had what it took to lead.
Around the same time, my professor offered me an opportunity to work with a master’s student on a project. I’d have to be a mentor(导师). Though not sure I could do it, I couldn’t miss the chance.
My professor still supported us, but I had to take charge most of the time. It was hard. But the lessons learned as a basketball coach seemed to help me find my footing(基础) as a scientific leader, too. You don’t become a leader after getting enough experience and knowledge. Leading is a matter of choice. The key is in my willingness to try.
1. How did the author feel before the practice?
A. Proud. B. Worried.
C. Confident. D. Relaxed.
解析 B 推理判断题。由第一段中的"However, what if I had too little experience and knowledge to give the athletes? What if I taught them nothing useful?"可知,作者心中疑惑自己知识和经验不足,生怕自己不能教授一些有用的东西。不难推知,作者心有忧虑,故本题选B项。
2. Why did the author want to turn to sports again?
A. To give back to society.
B. To become a leader.
C. To become energetic.
D. To make his life after work colorful.
解析 C 细节理解题。由第三段中的"...I felt burned out and needed refreshing. I hoped regaining my love of sports through coaching might help"可知,作者之所以想重拾对体育运动的爱好是为了消除疲累,让自己精力充沛,故本题选C项。
3. What led the author to realize he perhaps had the ability to take charge?
A. His rich experience and knowledge.
B. His professor’s trust and confidence in him.
C. His position as a mentor on a new project.
D. The athletes’ positive response to the first practice.
解析 D 细节理解题。由第四段中的"Afterward, I heard many thought the practice was great, which encouraged me. Maybe I had what it took to lead"可知,让作者意识到自己或许有领导能力的是运动员的积极反馈,故本题选D项。
4. What is the main idea of this text?
A. Sports play a part in leadership.
B. How the author found his research leadership skill.
C. Getting out of your comfort zone makes a difference.
D. To take charge doesn’t always require much experience and knowledge.
解析 B 主旨大意题。通读全文可知,本文主要讲述了作者在篮球场上发觉自己拥有领导才干的经历,B项与此相吻合。
[创新意识/2024天星原创]One of the reasons I became a teacher was how much I loved the reading and writing process, and how excited I was to help young children develop as readers and writers. One day, I discovered a work of Vivian Paley, who developed a storytelling curriculum(课程) for young children, which involves writing down the contents of students’ drawings and having their classmates act out these stories. I was immediately drawn to Paley’s focus on drama.
One morning, as my students gathered in our classroom for our writing lesson, I told them that they could draw anything they’d like, imaginary or real. They discussed with one another what they liked to draw and some shared their ideas out loud, which helped inspire those who weren’t ready with their own ideas. For the next half hour or so, I observed that even my most hesitant and unwilling students were drawing with a sense of concentration and purpose.
Later, we sat in a circle and I explained that we would act out some of their stories. The writer would choose classmates to be the characters in the story, and I would tell the story. Then a student stood up to announce which character she’d need. I watched as one student played a rabbit, another played a fairy, and another played a rainbow cloud. When the play was over, the actors and the "director" bowed, and the class clapped for them. The next "director" jumped to her feet, shouting, "My story is the next!"
After I taught in this way, my students began to write down their own stories, though I always provided aid in the writing process when they needed. The goal of these lessons is not to turn my students into fluent writers in kindergarten, but to provide them with the chance to become writers, to see themselves as storytellers, and to experience the magical feeling when their ideas come to life.
本文是记叙文。作者受到Vivian Paley的课程模式的启发,决定采取特殊的课堂形式,鼓励学生画出自己创作的故事并将它们演出来,从而让学生感受创作的乐趣。
【词语积累】 act out将……表演出来 jump to one’s feet 跳起来
1. What does Paley’s curriculum mainly ask students to do?
A. Tell stories. B. Draw pictures.
C. Create plays. D. Practise acting.
解析 C 细节理解题。由第一段中的"a storytelling curriculum(课程) for young children, which involves writing down the contents of students’ drawings and having their classmates act out these stories"可知,Paley的课程要求学生把画中的内容写出来,然后让学生根据写出来的故事进行表演,故本题选C。
2. What encouraged the inactive students to start to draw?
A. Other students’ ideas.
B. The author’s instruction.
C. The inspiration from books.
D. Their experience of painting.
解析 A 细节理解题。由第二段中的"They discussed with one another what they liked to draw... my most hesitant and unwilling students were drawing with a sense of concentration and purpose"可知,一些学生的讨论和分享给那些还没想好画什么的学生提供了灵感,后来,即使那些最犹豫、最不情愿的学生也开始画画了,故本题选A。
3. How did the students eventually feel in that morning’s class?
A. Confused. B. Concerned.
C. Relaxed. D. Interested.
解析 D 推理判断题。由第二段中的"even my most hesitant and unwilling students were drawing with a sense of concentration and purpose"和第三段中的"When the play was over... The next ‘director’ jumped to her feet, shouting,‘My story is the next!’"可知,学生们应是对作者的课堂很感兴趣,故本题选D。
4. Why did the author plan such special lessons?
A. To help students write more fluently.
B. To get students more drawing inspiration.
C. To help students set the goal of becoming writers.
D. To make students know the joy of composition.
解析 D 推理判断题。由第三段的描述以及最后一段中的"to provide them with the chance to become writers... experience the magical feeling when their ideas come to life"可知,作者的课堂是为了让学生了解创作的乐趣,故本题选D。
[积极生活/2024广东七校联考]How to Set Goals
Whether you have small dreams or high expectations, setting goals allows you to plan how you want to move through life. 1 
Find out your life goals. Ask yourself some important questions about what you want for your life. What do you want to achieve today, in a year, and in your lifetime? The answers can be as general as "I want to be happy" or "I want to help people". 2 
Set specific(具体的) goals. Be specific and realistic about what it is that you want to achieve. Research shows that setting a specific goal makes you more likely to achieve it. 3  For example, "Be healthier" is too big and vague to be a helpful goal. "I want to eat more vegetables, and I want to run a marathon" is better.
Write down your goals.  4  Keep your list in a place where you can get informed frequently. This will help keep you motivated.
 5  You may find yourself set in your ways concerning broad life goals, but take the time to reevaluate your smaller goals. Are you accomplishing them according to your timeline?Are they still necessary to keep you on track towards your larger life goals? Allow yourself the flexibility(灵活性) to make some small changes to your goals.
A. Adjust your goals.
B. Track and measure your progress.
C. Having a plan will help push you ahead.
D. Writing them down tends to make them a little more real.
E. Here are some important ideas that you may find helpful.
F. Consider what you hope to achieve in 10, 15 or 20 years.
G. Remember that you may need to break large goals into smaller goals.
1.E 上文中的"setting goals allows you to plan how you want to move through life"指出了设定目标的好处,下文具体介绍了设定目标的方法,故E项放在此处能起到承上启下的作用。
2.F F项与段落主旨句"Find out your life goals"和上文中的"What do you want to achieve today, in a year, and in your lifetime?"相吻合。
3.G 上文中的"Research shows that setting a specific goal makes you more likely to achieve it"和下文所举的例子与G项相对应。
4.D 段落主旨句"Write down your goals"及下文中的"Keep your list in a place where you can get informed frequently"与D项相吻合。
5.A 由"You may find yourself set in your ways concerning broad life goals, but take the time to reevaluate your smaller goals"和"Allow yourself the flexibility(灵活性) to make some small changes to your goals"可知,最后一段围绕调整目标展开,A项与此相符,适合做本段的主旨句。
[2023四省适应性测试]Dr. Smith works at a center for children who can’t learn well. One day a father brought his son to him for  1  at his office.
The father told Dr. Smith about his son, "My son has 2  in learning and can’t even play baseball. He isn’t doing well because he doesn’t try. I have done everything for him. I have even shouted at him. But nothing  3 ."
After Dr. Smith tested the boy, he 4  his father. He asked the father to sit in front of a  5  and then gave him a pencil and a piece of paper. There was a  6  on the paper. He asked the father to look only in the mirror and  7  the lines of the star with the pencil. The father made the same  8  anyone made. Every time he  9  the pencil, it went the wrong way. The father’s face became red.
At this 10  the doctor shouted at him, "Hurry up! Why are you  11  so long? You can’t do such an  12  thing! You don’t know left from right!" These  13  made the father very angry.
"Now you can 14 , can’t you?" the doctor said to him. "Your son has felt just like that all the time. You scolded(训斥) him too often, so he didn’t try any more. He was afraid of making mistakes."  15  the father understood everything. He put his head down. Now he felt so sorry.
1. A. testing B. acting
C. teaching D. playing
解析 A 由第三段中的"After Dr. Smith tested the boy"可知,这个父亲带孩子来找Dr. Smith的目的是测试孩子,故选A项。
2. A. confidence B. interest
C. experience D. difficulty
解析 D 由"He isn’t doing well because he doesn’t try"可知,这个父亲认为孩子在学习上有困难,故选D项。confidence信心,interest兴趣,experience经验,difficulty困难。
3. A. returns B. helps
C. appears D. remains
解析 B 由"I have done everything for him. I have even shouted at him"和But可知,这个父亲认为自己做的一切没有起任何作用,故选B项。
4. A. waited for B. searched for
C. believed in D. called in
解析 D Dr. Smith测试完孩子后,把父亲叫了进去,故本题选D项。
5. A. mirror B. television
C. painting D. desk
解析 A 由下文中的"He asked the father to look only in the mirror "可知,本题选A项。
6. A. face B. line
C. number D. star
解析 D 由下文中的"and  7  the lines of the star with the pencil"可知,本题选D项。
7. A. remove B. follow
C. cross D. cut
解析 B 此处说的是用铅笔沿着星星的线条移动,故选B项。
8. A. decisions B. choices
C. mistakes D. patterns
解析 C 由"it went the wrong way"可知,本题选C项。decision决定,choice选择,mistake错误,pattern模式。
9. A. touched B. dropped
C. moved D. sharpened
解析 C 此处指"移动"铅笔,故选C项。
10. A. speed B. corner
C. end D. point
解析 D 在这个时候,Dr. Smith朝他大声嚷嚷。at this point表示"在这个时候"。
11. A. staying B. taking
C. preparing D. writing
解析 B 由"Hurry up!"可知,Dr. Smith在朝这个父亲嚷嚷为什么花费这么长时间,故选B项。
12. A. easy B. important
C. obvious D. exciting
解析 A 此处表达的是"这么简单的一件事你都做不好",故选A项。
13. A. ideas B. words
C. questions D. instructions
解析 B 由语境可知,Dr. Smith说的话(words)让这个父亲非常生气,故选B项。
14. A. relax B. leave
C. understand D. promise
解析 C 由下文中的"understood everything"可知,本题选C项。
15. A. Actually B. Absolutely
C. Suddenly D. Unfortunately
解析 C 由语境可知,听了Dr. Smith的话,这个父亲突然明白了一切,故选C项。UNIT 2 TRAVELLING AROUND
1. rent  vt.租用;出租 vi.租用;租金为 n.租金
2. pack  vi.& vt.收拾(行李) vt.包装 n.(商品的)纸包;纸袋;大包
3. source  n.来源;出处
4. narrow  adj.狭窄的 vi.& vt.(使)变窄
5. flat  adj.平坦的;扁平的 n.公寓;单元房
6. type  n.类型;种类 vi.& vt.打字
7. unique  adj.唯一的;独特的;特有的
8. destination  n.目的地;终点
9. contact  vt.联络;联系 n.联系;接触
10. transport  n.交通运输系统 vt.运输,运送
11. hike  vi.徒步旅行vt.去……远足 n.远足;徒步旅行
12. credit  n.借款;信用;称赞;学分
13. request  n.(正式或礼貌的)要求;请求 vt.(正式或礼貌地)要求;请求
14. view  n.视野;景色;看法
15. sight  n.景象;视野;视力
16. comment  n.议论;评论 vi.& vt.发表意见;评论
1. apply  vi.& vt.申请;请求 vt.应用;涂(油漆、乳剂) →  applicant  n.申请人→  application  n.申请书;申请
2. amaze  vt.使吃惊;使惊讶→ amazing  adj.令人惊奇的;令人惊喜的→  amazed  adj.惊奇的;惊喜的→ amazement  n.惊奇;惊诧
3. arrange  vt.& vi.筹备;安排 vt.整理→  arrangement n.安排;筹备
4. extreme  adj.极度的→  extremely  adv.极其;非常
5. power  n.能力;力量;权力→  powerful  adj.强有力的;有权势的;有影响力的→ powerless  adj.无权的;无影响力的
6.  office  n.办公室→ official  adj. 官方的;正式的;公务的 n.官员;要员→ officer  n.军官;官员;高级职员
7. recognise  vt.辨别出;承认;认可→ recognition  n.承认;认出
8. admire  vt.钦佩;赞赏→  admiration  n.羡慕;钦佩→  admirable  adj.令人羡慕的;令人钦佩的→  admirer  n.钦佩者;赞赏者
9. architect  n.建筑设计师→  architecture  n.建筑设计;建筑学→ architectural adj.建筑方面的
10. economy  n.经济;节约→ economic  adj.经济(上)的;经济学的→ economical  adj.经济的;实惠的;省钱的
11. detail  n.细节;详情;细微之处→ detailed adj.详细的;细致的;精细的
1.castle n. 城堡;堡垒 
2.visa n. 签证 
3.emperor n. 皇帝 
4.site n. 地点;位置;现场 
5.flight n. 空中航行;航班;航程 
6.accommodation n. 住处;停留处;膳宿 
7.path n. 小路;路线;道路 
8.brochure n. 资料(或广告)手册 
9.package n. 包裹;包装盒  vt. 将……包装好 
10.civilisation n. 文明;文明世界 
11.soldier n. 士兵;军人 
12.statue n. 雕塑;雕像 
13.tomb n. 坟墓 
14.unearth vt. 挖掘;发掘 
1. apply for  申请
2. get around  四处走动(旅行);传播;流传
3. look through  浏览
4. take control of  控制;接管
5. other than  除……以外
6. in the history of  在……的历史上
7. make up  构成;形成
8. be made of  由……制成
9. check in  (在旅馆、机场等)登记
10. check out  结账离开(旅馆等)
11. can’t wait to do sth.  迫不及待做某事
12. be known as  作为……而出名
1. It is for this reason that  Spanish is the main official language of Peru.(强调句型)
2. Especially amazing is the Incas’ dry stone method of building.(完全倒装)
3.Each statue has a different face,  leading researchers to believe  that each one is a copy of a real soldier.(现在分词作结果状语)
4.Enjoy the beautiful countryside  as you spend a day driving along the new highway  connecting Cusco to Lake Titicaca.(as引导的时间状语从句)
1.Thanks to its  unique (独特的) sound system, Chinese is filled with similar sounding words.
2.If you are interested, please sign up at the office before 5:00 pm next Thursday so that we will make necessary  arrangements (安排).
3.The newly-built school library will be a useful  source  of information for us.
4.Slow travel means  renting  an apartment for a week or more and exploring your surroundings on foot or by car.
5.At last, after four hours on the flight, they arrived at their  destination .
6.Most of us use public  transport  to get to work since it’s cheap and easily available.
7.Either the beautiful  sights  of this modern city or its local custom has attracted thousands of visitors during the past years.
8.Jia Sixie was a government  official  from Shandong Province who conducted a lot of agricultural research in the sixth century.
9.Please  contact  me by email if you are interested.
10.On the way to the farm, fantastic scenery came into  view , and you could imagine how attractive the farm was.
1.These  admirers  admire the famous pianist Alan for his excellent performance, and some of them even email him frequently to express their  admiration  for him. (admire)
2.This four-day walking tour will take you on the  amazing  paths through Xi’an City, during which you will have a day to explore and be  amazed  by this ancient city. I believe you will open your eyes in  amazement  when seeing such a great wonder. (amaze)
3.Our department will be in charge of  arranging  the conference. Would you please give us some suggestions on the  arrangement  for it? (arrange)
4.I could hardly  recognise  my hometown. What great changes! Actually, it was totally beyond  recognition  — maybe I had been away from home for too long. (recognise)
5.The  applicant  is  applying  himself to filling out the application  form to  apply  for the new job. (apply)
6.To maintain their friendship, the two countries often send  officers  to make  official  visits to each other. (office)
7.As is known to all, China is a  powerful  country in East Asia, and always offers to help other  powerless  countries in many fields. (power)
8.Could you please give a  detailed  description of your vacation? I’m really interested in your destination city and want to know more about it in  detail . (detail)
make up apply for take control of
check out other than check in
1.It is reported that women officers  make up  about 13% of the police force.
2.All parts of the house  other than  the windows were in good condition.
3.Guests must  check out  before noon, or they will be charged for the day.
4.I have no idea which university I shall  apply for . All the six universities have my favourite major.
5.She realized she should  take control of  her emotions, and not let them control her.
6.Please  check in  at least an hour before the plane takes off.
 It was my teacher who helped me out  when I was in trouble.
 Into the dark room walked my friend , who was quite surprised when everyone shouted "Happy Birthday".
A terrible flood hit the area,  leaving thousands of people homeless .
We all felt very proud  as we saw our national flag rise  in the Asian Games on TV.
1.Thanks to the convenient transport facilities, different civilisations are easily available to us. Do you want to admire the emperors’ castles in England? Are you amazed at the statues and architecture in Italy? Do you want to hike in the Egyptian desert? If your answers are yes, please choose your destination, apply for your visa and get your passport first. If you want a package tour, you can contact the travel agency who will make all arrangements for you. You can also choose to take control of your schedule, from flights to accommodations. Just pack your suitcase, and amazing views are waiting for you.
2. As is known to all, 56 peoples make up the big family of China, whose official language is Chinese. As an extremely powerful country, China is well recognised by the world. Its tourism is booming with the rapid development of economy. Other than unique sights, China has different types of delicious food and charming customs. For a good travel experience, find comments on the tourist sites and restaurants in advance. Be sure to take your ID card as you’re requested to show it when checking in a hotel. And don’t forget your credit card!
1  apply vi.& vt.申请;请求 vt.应用;涂(油漆、乳剂);勤奋工作,努力学习 vi.适用,适合
3.[外研选必④-1]Well, it sounds wonderful, but I had already decided to take the college entrance exam and apply   to  the Medical School there.
4.Wang Wen applied  to become (become) a Chinese teacher in an international school in Africa, hoping that she could apply what she learned in the university  to  the teaching career. To her delight, she was chosen from hundreds of  applicants (apply) and now she is applying herself to  teaching (teach) the students to learn Chinese and Chinese culture.
5.I’d appreciate it if my  application (apply) could be taken into consideration. (申请信)
6.了解到科学博物馆需要暑假里的英语志愿者,我写信来申请这个职位。 (申请信)
Learning that English volunteers for the Science Museum are wanted in the summer vacation,  I am writing to apply for this position .
★apply (to...) for... (向……)申请…… apply to do sth.申请做某事 apply oneself to...专心致志于,致力于 apply...to... 把……应用于……中;把……涂到……上 apply to sth.适用于…… ★application n. 申请;申请表;运用 applicant n.申请人
2  amazing adj.令人惊奇的;令人惊喜的(surprising, astonishing)
1.She was  amazed  at the result of the experiment, which her advisor also thought  amazing .(amaze)
本题中,which引导的非限制性定语从句中有"think+宾语+形容词"结构,在该结构中,形容词作宾语补足语,修饰宾语。thought it(=the result)amazing相当于thought that the result was amazing。
2.[外研选必③-4]We have received over 500 entries and have been amazed  by/at  your imaginations!
3. Amazed and moved (既惊讶又感动), Mom hugged the twins with a happy smile welling up on her face at the sight of the birthday cake.(读后续写之情感描写)
4. To my amazement (让我惊讶的是), instead of scolding me, my father just patted me on my shoulder and asked whether I needed help. (读后续写之情感、动作描写)
★It’s amazing that... ……令人惊讶。 ★amazingly adv. 大为吃惊地 ★amazed adj. 吃惊的,惊讶的 be amazed at/by... 对……感到惊讶 be amazed to see/find/discover...很惊讶地看到/发现…… ★to one’s amazement令某人惊讶的是
3  arrangement n.安排;筹备(plan, preparation)
1.We have arranged  to watch (watch) an English film from 16:00 to 17:00 at our school theatre tomorrow.
2.I have arranged  for  Tom to pick up the expert at the airport and the journalists have made  arrangements (arrange) for an interview with him.
3.我给你安排了一些特别的活动,希望能帮你更好地了解我们的城市。 (推介信)
I  arrange some special activities for you ,through which I hope you can have a better understanding of our city.
★make an arrangement/make arrangements for 为……做安排 ★arrange to do sth.安排做某事 arrange for sb. to do sth.安排某人做某事 arrange sth. for sb.为某人安排……
4  recognise vt.辨别出;承认(admit, acknowledge);认可(approve);赞赏;表彰
①In April, during Volunteer Week, the Canadian National Institute for the Blind recognised Doris Low for her great contributions.  表彰 
②China’s image is improving steadily, with more countries recognising its role in international affairs.  承认 
③Though we haven’t seen each other for years,I recognised him from his voice.  辨别出 
2.Mount Huangshan is recognised  as  one of the most attractive places in China.
3.The city has been built up so fast that it has changed beyond  recognition (recognise).
→① It’s widely recognised  that nothing is more important than clear waters and green mountains.
→②Clear waters and green mountains  are widely recognised to be  more important than anything.
★be recognised to be/as... 被公认为…… It’s (widely) recognised that... 人们普遍认为…… ★beyond/out of recognition 认不出来
5  admire vt.钦佩,赞赏;欣赏
1.We admire Tu Youyou  for  her great contributions to the field of medicine.
2.I’d like to express my  admiration (admire) for the courage and devotion of the firefighters.
3.The Mid-Autumn Festival is an appealing and important festival when people  admire the moon and enjoy mooncakes (赏月和吃月饼). (节日介绍)
★admire sb. for (doing) sth.赞赏/钦佩某人做某事 admire the moon赏月 ★admiration n. 钦佩,羡慕 admirable adj. 令人羡慕的
6  contact vt.联络;联系 n.联系;接触(touch)
1.[北师选必②-6]I spend a lot of time on my phone because I like to keep in constant contact  with  my friends.
2.After  being out of/losing contact (失去联系) for almost twenty years,they met by accident at a party, so they  got into/made contact with each other (和彼此取得联系) again.
For more information about the Forbidden City,  contact me at 123456543@dpm..
★contact sb. at通过(邮箱、电话等)联系某人 ★get into/make contact with(=get in touch with) 和……取得联系 stay/keep in contact with(=keep in touch with) 与……保持联系 be out of/lose contact with 与……失去联系
7  request n.(正式或礼貌的)要求;请求 vt.(正式或礼貌地)要求;请求
1.Any student who wants to participate in the contest is requested  to submit (submit) his or her work by 1 May. (通知)
2. At  the request of the audience, the show has been extended for another six weeks.
3.The school canteen requires that  every grain (should) not be wasted (每一粒粮食都不能浪费).
4.申请人必须精通中英文。 (招聘启事)
 It is requested that the applicants (should) have a good command of both Chinese and English./The applicants are requested to have a good knowledge of both Chinese and English. 
★make a request for...请求/要求…… at one’s request应某人要求 ★要求某人做某事: request sb. to do sth. request that sb. (should) do sth. It’s requested that sb. (should) do sth.
8  make up 构成,形成;编造(故事、谎言等);补上,作出补偿;铺床;化妆;和好,和解
1.You must focus on your study from now on and try to make up the time lost in the past.  补上,弥补 
2.[人教选必④-2]After being here for a while,my biggest impression is the complicated mix of peoples and cultures that make up the nation.  组成 
3.He made up an excuse about his daughter being sick.  编造 
4.One lucky winner will have the chance to be made up and photographed.  化妆 
5.They have quarreled seriously three times but each time they made up at last.  和好 
★make up for 弥补;补偿 make up with与……和好 make up one’s mind下定决心 be made up of由……构成 ★make out 辨认出;明白;理解 make it准时到达;取得成功
9  强调句
1.It was when the car pulled up in front of our house  that  we saw Lily in the passenger seat.
2.Sometimes it is your intelligence not your efforts that  determines (determine) your achievement.
强调主语时,that或who后面的谓语动词的人称和数应与被强调的主语保持一致。本题中,被强调的是主语your intelligence not your efforts,主语的中心词为intelligence,谓语动词的人称和数应与其保持一致。
3.正是在你的周到帮助下,我才有了这么一次愉快又大开眼界的经历。 (感谢信)
 It was with your thoughtful/considerate help that  I had such a pleasant and eye-opening experience.
4.She didn’t know about China’s rich history and culture until she first travelled to China last year.
→① It was not until she first travelled to China last year that she knew about China’s rich history and culture. (含not until的强调句)
→② Not until she first travelled to China last year did she know about China’s rich history and culture. (倒装句)
★基本结构:it is/was+被强调部分+that/who+其他成分 ★含not until的强调句:It is/was+not until+被强调部分+that+其他成分 ★如何判断强调句:去掉it is/was和that/who之后,剩下的部分仍能组成完整的句子。
本单元:emperor n. 皇帝 soldier n. 士兵;军人
词缀 例词
-or actor 演员 author 作家  inventor 发明家  professor 教授
-er beginner 新手  master 大师;主人 firefighter 消防员 driver 司机
-ar beggar 乞丐 scholar 学者 liar 说谎者
-ist idealist 理想主义者  journalist 新闻记者specialist 专家biologist 生物学家
-ian historian 历史学家 comedian喜剧演员 magician魔术师 librarian图书管理员
-ant accountant 会计师   applicant 申请人 servant 仆人 participant 参与者
-ent agent 代理人opponent 对手resident 居民 client 委托人,当事人
-ee employee 雇员  examinee 应试者 interviewee 被面试者;被采访者
-ess/-ress hostess 女主人 princess 公主actress 女演员waitress 女服务员
1.[北师必修③-7]The  musician (music) hesitated with nervousness before he began to play.
2.[外研选必③-4]Thanks to AI, I’ve got my own super-smart personal  assistant (assist) built into my phone.
3.Jules Verne, the famed French poet,  novelist (novel), and playwright(剧作家), is known as "Father of Science Fiction".
4.Imagine you are an  editor (edit) of a volunteer website, and what do you want to say to the college students?
5.[北师选必①-1]If a  teenager (teenage) is seen as weak or different by the majority of their peers, they can become a target for bullies.
1.[2023全国乙]There has been a rise in the number of students applying  for  food courses at UK universities and colleges.
2.[2023新高考Ⅱ]Whether you’re hiking a backcountry trail(小径), camping, or just enjoying the park’s  amazing (amaze) wildlife from the road, this quick workshop is for you and your family.
3.[2023新高考Ⅱ]Past research has found health and wellness benefits of nature for humans, but a new study shows that wildness in urban areas is  extremely (extreme) important for human well-being.
4.[2023新高考Ⅰ]The goal of this book is to make the case for digital minimalism, including a  detailed (detail) exploration of what it asks and why it works, and then to teach you how to adopt this philosophy if you decide it’s right for you.
make the case for... 为……阐明理由
5.[2023浙江1月]A few days later, I came back with my first jars of zero waste groceries, and my dad commented  on  how silly it was for me to carry jars everywhere.
comment on表示"就……表达意见"。comment作名词时,常与介词on或about连用。例:The professor doesn’t remember the comments he wrote on/about your individual piece of work.教授不记得他对你的个人作品所写的评论。
6.[2021全国乙]What’s more, doing housework can be a form of mental relaxation from study. That’s my view  on/about  housework.
7.[2020江苏]Taking on this challenge will bring you in contact  with  someone who shares your interests.
8.[天津高考]When I was 17, I read a magazine article about a museum called the McNay, once the home of a watercolorist named Marian McNay. She had requested the community  to turn/(should) turn (turn)it into a museum upon her death.
此处表示"她要求社区在她去世后将其住所改建为博物馆"。这里可以理解为request sb. to do sth.结构,表示"要求某人做某事",空处填不定式to turn;也可以理解为request后跟省略了that的宾语从句,从句谓语动词应用"(should+)动词原形",空处填(should) turn。
Ⅱ.阅读理解—— 一词多义、熟词生义
A. v. 观看 B. v. 将……视为 C. n. 观点
D. n. 视线,视野 E. n. 风景
①[2023新高考Ⅰ]You can view these practices as a toolbox meant to aid your efforts to build a minimalist lifestyle that works for your particular circumstances.  B 
②[2023新高考Ⅱ]From a 21st-century point of view, the printed book is certainly ancient, but it remains as interactive as any battery-powered e-reader.  C 
③[全国Ⅰ]Join a guided bike tour and view some of the most popular monuments in Washington, D.C.  A 
④[全国Ⅲ]The curves(曲线) of the buildings perfectly match the rise and fall of hills, forming a unique view.  E 
⑤[天津高考]Unfortunately, just as I took out my camera, a woman approached from behind, and planted herself right in front of my view.  D 
A. n. 视野 B. n. 情景
C. n. 视力 D. v. 看到
①[2023浙江1月]For a very long moment, this tiny creature looked into my eyes, turning her head from side to side. Then she flew quickly out of sight.   A 
②[2023全国甲]As grizzly bears expand their range into places where they haven’t been seen in a century or more, they’re increasingly being sighted by humans.   D 
③[2020新高考Ⅰ]At the Jorvik Centre in York, the city’s Viking settlement is recreated, and people experience the sights, sounds and smells of the old town.  B 
④[2020江苏]He lost his sight but found a vision. He proved that it’s not what happens to us that determines our lives — it’s what we make of what happens.  C 
view vs sight
view:what you can see from a particular place or position, especially beautiful countryside
例:The view from the top of the tower was spectacular. 从塔顶远眺,景色蔚为壮观。
sight:a thing that you see or can see(看见的事物,景象);[pl.]the interesting places, especially in a town or city, that are often visited by tourists(风景,名胜)
例:Street dentists are a common sight in this country. 在这个国家,街头牙医随处可见。
例:Mary is showing you the sights of Xi’an,is she? 玛丽要带你去参观西安的名胜,是吗?
A. n. 学分 B. n. 信用 C. v. 把……归于
①[2023全国甲]She credits these skills to her late grandfather and builder Derek Lloyd.  C 
②[全国Ⅰ]During my second year at the city college, I was told that the education department was offering a "free" course, called Thinking Chess, for three credits.  A 
③[浙江高考]It is important to pay your electricity bill on time,as late payments may affect your credit.  B 
(1)credit A to B/credit B with A 认为A是B的功劳,把A归功于B
例:I can’t take all the credit for the show’s success — it was a team effort. 演出成功不能都算成我一个人的功劳,这是集体努力的结果。
例:He is one of the greatest players of recent times and is a credit to his profession. 他是近年来最棒的选手之一,是为他的职业增光的人。
4.[2022全国甲]The three dogs formed a pack that, with coaching, respected Flora’s space; Steve and I formed a good team caring for Tilly.  n.一群,一伙 
5.[2021天津3月]To become a specialist, one may have to narrow his range of knowledge.  v.变窄,缩小 
写作一 基础写作——旅游建议
1. 交通出行;
2. 必备衣物。
 Knowing that you’re coming to tour in China, I have made some arrangements for you. 
 Beijing is a must-visit city since it enjoys a unique status in China and has many amazing views. 
 Tianjin and Shanghai will be your following destinations. 
 High-speed trains are extremely convenient and should be your first choice for transport. 
5.这些城市的夏天很热并且多雨,因此除了夏装外,务必随身带伞。(other than)
 Summer in these cities is hot and rainy, so do take an umbrella with you other than summer wear. 
Dear Jim,
 Knowing that you’re coming to tour in China,I have made some arrangements for you. Beijing is a must-visit city since it enjoys a unique status in China and has many amazing views. After that, Tianjin and Shanghai will be your following destinations. As for the transport, high-speed trains are extremely convenient and should be your first choice. When it comes to the weather, summer in these cities is hot and rainy, so do take an umbrella with you other than summer wear. 
 Looking forward to your arrival. 
Li Hua
写作二 读后续写——情感描写之悲伤与沮丧(一)
积累背诵 仿写运用
单 词 sad, bitter, sorrowful, upset, heartbroken/brokenhearted, depressed, frustrated; sorrow, sadness, tear, frustration, grief, depression; bitterly 根据左栏素材完成下列各句 1.他因没能获奖感到非常沮丧。 He  was in a state of deep depression/felt rather depressed  on account of his failure to win the prize. 2.他看着信,双手颤抖,悲伤得说不出话来。 He looked at the letter, his hands trembling and  sadness chocking his words .(独立主格结构) 3.他神情忧伤,一回到家就把自己锁在房间里。  Looking sad , he locked himself in his room as soon as he got home. (现在分词短语作状语) 4.一想到要独自在这里待一整晚,她感到一阵悲伤。 At the thought of staying here alone for the night,  a wave of sadness came upon her .(无灵主语句) 5.他拖着脚步跟在后面,感到孤独又沮丧。 He dragged behind,  feeling lonely and frustrated .(现在分词短语作状语) 6.我转过脸不看她,试图掩饰我脸上滚落的泪水。最后我不得不离开她一会儿,因为我再也抑制不住悲伤了。 I turned my face away from her, trying to  hide the tears  that were rolling down my face. Eventually I had to leave her for a moment because I  couldn’t contain my sadness/sorrow any longer .
词 组 1.in an unpleasant mood/in low spirits情绪低落 2.an expression of sadness on one’s face 神情忧伤 3.be in a state of deep depression非常沮丧 4.hide one’s disappointment/grief 掩饰沮丧/悲伤 5.a wave of grief comes upon sb.某人感到一阵悲伤 6.be/feel overwhelmed with sorrow悲痛欲绝 7.have a worried look 愁眉苦脸 8.with a sinking/heavy heart心情沉重 9.contain one’s sadness/sorrow 抑制内心的悲伤 10.feel sad/blue感到悲伤的 11.sadness comes in waves悲伤如潮涌
佳 句 1.The mother felt guilty and upset, sadness chocking her words. 母亲感到又内疚又难过,悲伤得说不出话来。 2.He stood silently, overwhelmed with sadness. 他沉默地站在那里,内心充满了悲伤。 3.He was frustrated by his inability to wave down a taxi. 连一辆出租车都打不到,他很沮丧。 4.Noticing their low spirits, Mother asked gently, "You two look so down. What happened?" 母亲注意到他们情绪低落,温柔地问:"你们两个看起来很沮丧。发生了什么事?"
[社会现象/2023重庆二测]Going against the tide of flocking(蜂拥) to well-known yet generally jam-packed tourist destinations on vacation, a growing number of holidaymakers in China tend to spend their leisure time at lesser-known resorts to seek unique, relaxing holiday experiences. Reverse tourism has emerged as a new trend among young holidaymakers in China.
Also, some vacationers chose less-travelled places to save on the cost of trips to popular destinations, which often require pricey tickets, meals and hotel stays. "Tourism used to be about sightseeing. Now it is about experiences," said Dai Bin, president of the China Tourism Academy. He said popular tourist spots are always packed and often raise their prices during holidays. As people become more mature travellers, they are increasingly unwilling to follow the herd. Some of them are simply looking to take a rest somewhere quiet for a couple of days, which is a good way to vacation.
In addition, lesser-known attractions are not as "commercial" and "standardized" as developed ones and are able to offer more genuine experiences and natural encounters, according to social media posts. And unlike popular destinations, some under-explored places with little online exposure can offer more surprises. Besides, as precautionary measures continue, travelling has an unpredictable quality. A traveller has no way of knowing what lies ahead before departure, be it a perfect holiday or one interrupted by a sudden outbreak.
"The rise of reverse tourism is not a bad thing," said an opinion piece in Zhengzhou Daily. It means that vacationers now have more options, which brings more possibilities to the tourism market, the article explains. More importantly, the trend is set to force popular destinations to improve themselves instead of resting on their achievements.
【词语积累】 go against违背 tend to往往会,倾向于 emerge v.出现 packed adj.异常拥挤的,挤满人的 interrupt v.打扰
1. What is the feature of reverse tourism according to the passage?
A. Popular destinations often raise their prices during holidays.
B. Less-travelled places offer more beautiful scenery.
C. Popular destinations are not welcomed by people nowadays.
D. Less-travelled places are increasingly valued among young people.
解析 D 细节理解题。由第一段的内容可知,在中国,越来越多的度假者倾向于把闲暇时间花在不太知名的度假胜地,以寻求独特、轻松的度假体验,这与人们在度假时蜂拥前往知名但普遍拥挤的旅游目的地的潮流相反。"逆向旅游"已成为中国年轻度假者中的一种新趋势。由此可知,"逆向旅游"的特点是游客较少的地方越来越受到年轻人的重视,故选D。
2. What does the underlined expression "follow the herd" in paragraph 2 mean?
A. Do just what most people do.
B. Be particular about vacations.
C. Behave like the best visitors.
D. Seek unique travel experiences.
解析 A  词义猜测题。由第二段最后一句"Some of them are simply looking... to vacation"可知,他们中的一些人只是想找个安静的地方休息几天,这是一个很好的度假方式。由此可知,画线短语所在句的意思是"随着人们变为更成熟的旅行者,他们越来越不愿意随波逐流"。画线短语的意思应是"跟随大多数人的做法",故选A。
3. Why do people choose lesser-known attractions according to social media posts?
A. To create surprises on their own.
B. To explore original beauty.
C. To promote the local tourism.
D. To escape the uncertainty in life.
解析 B  细节理解题。由第三段的"In addition, lesser-known attractions...according to social media posts"可知,据一些社交媒体的帖子所说,不太知名的景点不像发达景点那样"商业化"和"标准化",能够提供更多真实的体验和自然的邂逅。由此可知,本题选B。
4. What is the text mainly about?
A. The promising future of Chinese tourism.
B. The challenges popular tourist spots are facing.
C. The way to explore lesser-known attractions.
D. The reason why people prefer reverse tourism.
解析 D 主旨大意题。浏览全文可知,文章介绍了"逆向旅行"的现象,并重点分析了造成此现象的原因,D项与此相符。
[2024天星原创]Born in 1902, Harry Beck was an English engineering draftsman(制图员) who brought about a small revolution in the early 1930s when he created a completely new map of the London Underground.
Before Beck’s design, early maps were usually drawn to a geographically accurate scale(比例). Map designers simply placed the subway lines on standard maps of the city streets. These maps clearly showed the subway lines that reached the areas outside the centre of London, but they made it difficult to make out the busy lines that joined directly under central London.
In the 1930s, Beck came up with a solution that would not take the geographical accuracy into account. He created a map that was a scaled-down linear diagram of the subway lines. More a basic outline of the lines than a true-to-life map, it didn’t tell travelers about how far it actually was between two points. Beck’s map had a clean structure with coloured lines. His idea was to create the plainest guide to show travellers how to get from one station to another.
It’s not clear what inspired him to start the project; he wasn’t asked to do it, but likely developed his design in his free time, while between jobs. It was more a presentation of his being inventive, in seeing a problem and coming up with an answer to it, than a response to public demand.
His design was then presented to the London Passenger Transport Board, whose members refused to accept it, feeling that not showing relative distances between stations was silly and unreasonable. Still, after a time, in order to increase subway ridership and therefore earn more money, the Board decided to print a limited number of copies. Gradually, Beck’s map became a huge success.
For most of his life, Beck continued to make small improvements to the diagram, but he kept its basic designs and ideas. His clear diagrammatic method of mapping has been generally accepted and followed in the field of information design not only in London but also around the world.
为了解决早期地铁线路图中存在的问题,Harry Beck绘制了更为实用的伦敦地铁线路图。
【词语积累】 make out辨认清楚,分清 linear adj.直线的,线状的 true-to-life adj.逼真的 plain adj.简单的;清楚的,明显的 ridership n.客流量 diagrammatic adj.图(式)的,图表的,图解的
【长难句解读】 His design was then presented to the London Passenger Transport Board, whose members refused to accept it, {feeling (that not showing relative distances between
stations was silly and unreasonable)}.
1. What is the disadvantage of early subway maps?
A. They were not to scale.
B. They were hard to draw.
C. They were not user-friendly.
D. They were seldom updated.
解析 C 推理判断题。由第二段中的"but they made it difficult to make out the busy lines that joined directly under central London"可知,早期的地铁线路图使用起来不方便,故选C。
2. Which aspect of a subway map did Beck focus on?
A. Its simplicity. B. Its vivid details.
C. Its completeness. D. Its geographical accuracy.
解析 A 细节理解题。由第三段中的"More a basic outline of the lines than a true-to-life map"和"His idea was to create the plainest guide... from one station to another"可知,Beck注重的是地铁线路图的简明性,故选A。
3. What do we know about Beck’s map from paragraphs 4 and 5?
A. It was created accidentally.
B. It was an immediate success.
C. It was a reflection of his creativity.
D. It was designed to meet public needs.
解析 C 细节理解题。由第四段中的"It was more a presentation of his being inventive... a response to public demand"可知,本题选C。
4. How did Beck contribute to the world?
A. He changed the construction of subways.
B. He inspired designers to improve subway maps.
C. He made the first scaled-down linear map.
D. He provided a model for the design of subway maps.
解析 D 推理判断题。由最后一段中的"His clear diagrammatic method of mapping... but also around the world"可知,Beck的绘图方式被广泛接受和沿用。由此可推断,Beck为地铁线路图设计提供了一个范例,故选D。
[体育健康/2023长沙适应性考试]I’m a hiker — "born to hike". It does my heart and soul good to take a pack and head out on a trail(小路),especially when I am alone, and can let my mind wander where it will.  1 .
Hiking keeps your brain sharper than many other forms of exercise. As a professional writer, although I am busy with my work, I often spare some time to hike.  2 .
Hiking can increase our creativity. I’m sure I’m not alone in finding that walks in nature let your mind wander freely in creative directions.  3 . Sometimes, ideas relevant to music build up from unconscious places when I’m not deliberately thinking.
 4 . Exercise in general can be a good way to decrease stress. But what sets hiking apart from other forms of exercise is that hiking can happen almost anywhere and give you the happiness that you can take from nature.
Hiking helps strengthen a positive relationship with the natural world. Besides being good for us, hiking may also help the world around us. After all, if we stick to walking and covering longer distances, we could use cars less and reduce our carbon footprint.  5 . For example, it increases our connection to nature. As one study suggests, when we have a personal connection to nature, we are more likely to want to protect it. That means experiences in nature — like hiking — can be mutually(相互地)beneficial, helping people and the earth.
So, grab a water bottle,a backpack...and head out on the trail. You won’t be sorry you did that.
A. Hiking helps to keep you calm and happy
B. Besides that, hiking benefits our planet indirectly
C. The following are the benefits you can get from hiking
D. In fact, I’ve written many of my songs while hiking on a trail
E. It’s easy for me to come up with creative ideas while sitting alone
F. It not just makes me feel good, but also helps me keep the brain in top shape
G. This all goes to show that hiking may be one of the best ways to move your body
1.C C项(以下是你能从徒步旅行中得到的好处)承接上文,统领下文,放在此处能起到承上启下的作用。
2.F 第二段首句是该段的主题句,那么第二段讲述的是徒步旅行对大脑有好处,F项(徒步旅行不仅让我感觉良好,还能帮助我保持大脑处于最佳状态)与本段主题一致,F项中的brain对应本段第一句中的brain。
3.D D项中的written many of my songs与段落主题句中的creativity以及空后句子中的music相吻合。
4.A 结合第四段的内容,特别是段中的"decrease stress"和"give you the happiness"可知,A项符合语境,可用于充当段落的主题句。
5.B 空后的内容是针对"Besides that, hiking benefits our planet indirectly"列举的例子。
[2024贵州贵阳摸底]When it comes to my fathering lessons, few adventures compare to the motorcycle trips I’ve shared with my daughter, Ewa.
Our first  1 , in August 2017, was a winding(蜿蜒的) ride around the Catskills and Finger Lakes areas of New York. We  2  big highways and spent the week on  3  scenic back roads. At one point, I found myself  4  along a Catskills meadow(草地) not far from Woodstock, keeping pace with a deer and shouting, "Go Bambi, go!"
On our second day, we  5  in a small town for ice cream. I asked the woman at the picnic table next to us: "What’s the  6  of this town?" "Interlaken," she answered. "Where are you trying to get to?"
Me: "We don’t know."
It  7  to me then that I’d always wanted to do this no-schedule kind of trip, when you ride just for the sake of riding. Ask any middle-aged  8 : We’ve all dreamed about doing the Easy Rider thing, throwing our wristwatches into the ditch and heading toward the horizon without a(n)  9 . Now, travelling with no plan became a  10  of my rides with Ewa.
Since we almost  11  knew where we were going, we were almost never  12  when we arrived, pulling  13  the road at the end of each day with satisfaction. The reason to celebrate? We  14 ! The truth is that life on a motorbike is one close call(死里逃生) after another. On the way, riders must stay  15  100 percent of the time. A tiny stone can be deadly. I used to be nervous, but Ewa had a different take: "To me, motorcycling is like meditation(冥想)."
1. A. sail B. flight
C. goal D. journey
解析 D 由"a winding(蜿蜒的) ride around the Catskills and Finger Lakes areas of New York"可知,本题选D。
2. A. avoided B. chose
C. built D. promoted
解析 A 由前边的"a winding(蜿蜒的) ride"和后边的"spent the week on  3  scenic back roads"可知,作者和女儿没有选择大公路,而是在弯弯曲曲的风景优美的小路上骑行,故选A。
3. A. straight B. twisty
C. main D. broad
解析 B 参见上题解析。twisty弯弯曲曲的。twisty与上文中的winding对应。
4. A. walking B. running
C. riding D. laughing
解析 C riding(骑行) 符合语境,故选C。
5. A. settled B. stopped
C. landed D. moved
解析 B 由"in a small town for ice cream"可知,作者和女儿停下来吃冰激凌,故选B。
6. A. population B. rule
C. name D. position
解析 C 由"Interlaken"可知,作者询问的是小镇的名字,故选C。
7. A. occurred B. happened
C. mattered D. referred
解析 A 这时作者想到自己一直想要进行这种没有日程安排的旅行,只是为了骑行而骑行,故选A。occur to sb.表示"被……想到"。
8. A. engineer B. bicyclist
C. chemist D. motorcyclist
解析 D 由上文提到的作者骑摩托车旅行可知,此处指询问任何一个中年摩托车手,故选D。engineer工程师,bicyclist骑自行车者,chemist化学家,motorcyclist摩托车手。
9. A. destination B. reaction
C. exploration D. explanation
解析 A 由后文的"travelling with no plan"可知,没有计划的旅行成了作者和女儿一起骑行的一个特点,没有计划就意味着没有目的地,故选A。destination目的地,reaction反应,exploration探索,explanation解释。
10. A. course B. benefit
C. feature D. present
解析 C 参见上题解析。feature特征。
11. A. never B. always
C. completely D. absolutely
解析 A 由上文中的"Now, travelling with no plan became a  feature  of my rides with Ewa"可知,他们几乎不知道自己要去哪里,故选A。
12. A. satisfied B. disappointed
C. surprised D. frightened
解析 B 由下文中的"at the end of each day with satisfaction"可知,每天结束时,作者和女儿都很满意。由此可知,当作者他们到达的时候,他们几乎没有失望过,故选B。satisfied满意的,disappointed失望的,surprised惊讶的,frightened害怕的。
13. A. out B. in
C. off D. down
解析 C 由上文可知,作者和女儿骑摩托车旅行,因此二人满意地停靠在路边,故选C。pull off表示"(车辆或司机)停靠(在路边)"。
14. A. grew B. failed
C. waited D. survived
解析 D 由下文中的"The truth is that life on a motorbike is one close call(死里逃生) after another"可知,事实上,摩托车上的生活就是一次又一次的死里逃生,作者和女儿庆祝的是他们活了下来,故选D。
15. A. silent B. smooth
C. careful D. energetic
解析 C 由下文中的"A tiny stone can be deadly"可知,骑摩托车就是一次又一次的死里逃生,一颗小石头都有可能是致命的,因此骑手要百分百地保持小心谨慎,故选C。silent安静的,smooth平稳的,careful小心的,energetic精力充沛的。UNIT 5  LANGUAGES AROUND THE WORLD
1. billion  n.十亿
2. native  adj.出生地的;本地的;土著的 n.本地人
3. attitude  n.态度;看法
4. system  n.体系;制度;系统
5. despite  prep.即使;尽管
6. factor  n.因素;要素
7. means  n.方式;方法;途径
8. classic  adj.传统的;最优秀的;典型的n.经典作品;名著
9. regard  n.尊重;关注 vt.把……视为;看待
10. character  n.文字;符号;角色;品质;特点
11. affair  n.公共事务;事件;关系
12. specific  adj.特定的;明确的;具体的
13. struggle  n.& vi.斗争;奋斗;搏斗
14. subway  n.地铁
15. apartment  n.公寓套房
16. vocabulary  n.词汇
1. refer  vi.提到;参考;查阅 vt.查询;叫……求助于→ reference  n.提到;参考
2. base  vt.以……为据点;以……为基础 n.底部;根据→based  adj.以(某事)为基础的;以……为重要部分(或特征)的→ basic  adj.基本的;基础的→ basically  adv.从根本上说→ basis  n.准则;方式;基础
3. symbol  n.符号;象征→ symbolic  adj.象征性的;作为象征的→ symbolize  vt.是……的象征
4. vary  vt.& vi.变化;改变 → variety  n.(植物、语言等的)变体;异体;多样化→ various/varied  adj.不同的;各种各样的
5. major  adj.主要的;重要的;大的 n.主修课程;主修学生 vi.主修;专门研究→ majority  n.大多数→ minority  n.少数
6. globe  n.球体;地球仪;地球→ global  adj.全球的;全世界的→ globally  adv.全球地→globalisation n.全球化
7. appreciate  vt.欣赏;重视;感激;领会vi.增值→ appreciation  n.欣赏;感激;感谢
8. beg  vt.恳求;祈求;哀求→ beggar  n.乞丐
9. equal  n.同等的人;相等物adj.相同的;同样的→ equality  n.平等;相等→ equally  adv.同样地;相等地;平均地
10. demand  n.要求;需求 vt.强烈要求;需要 vi.查问→ demanding  adj.要求高的
11. describe  vt.描述→ description  n.描写(文字);形容
12. relate  vt.联系;讲述→ related  adj.相关的;有联系的→ relation  n.关系
1.bone n. 骨头;骨(质) 
2.shell n. 壳;壳状物 
3.carve vt.& vi. 雕刻 
4.dynasty n. 王朝;朝代 
5.dialect n. 地方话;方言 
6.calligraphy n. 书法;书法艺术 
7.tongue n. 舌头;语言 
8.semester n. 学期 
9.petrol n. 汽油 
10.pants n. 内裤;短裤;裤子 
11.gap n. 间隔;开口;差距 
1. date back (to...)  追溯到
2. point of view  观点;看法
3.refer to  指的是;描述;提到;查阅 
4.ups and downs  浮沉;兴衰;荣辱 
5.at/in the beginning  起初 
6.depend on  取决于;依靠 
7.relate to  与……相关;涉及;谈到 
8.take on  承担;呈现;雇用;装载 
1.That writing system  was of great importance in uniting the Chinese people and culture. ("be of+名词"结构)
2.It was exercise for the brain;  the more I learnt of a language, the more my brain would grow .(the more..., the more...)
3.Even today,  no matter where Chinese people live  or what dialect they speak, they can all still communicate in writing. (no matter where引导状语从句)
4.I used to get high marks in English, but now I’m  having a lot of trouble with my listening . (have trouble with sth.)
5.There are many reasons  why this has been possible , but one of the main factors has been the Chinese writing system.(the reason why...)
1. Despite (尽管) the challenges, our team take an optimistic attitude to our work.
2.The design reduces the need for traditional air conditioning and heating  systems (系统), so the building uses less energy and costs less to run.
3.The area where I grew up has been all modernized and has lost all its old  character (特点).
4.She has such a positive  attitude  towards life that she is not afraid to face any unexpected challenge.
5.Exams are not the only  means  of assessing a student’s ability, which is affected by many factors.
6.The people of this country will continue in their  struggle  for independence.
7.To fight against  global  warming, scientists are working on energy-saving measures to reduce fuel consumption.
8.This is a very difficult piece of music to play — it  demands  a lot of concentration.
9.The Great Wall, a  symbol of China, is a must-see attraction for tourists from home and abroad.
10.Night-Shining White, now kept in New York’s Metropolitan Museum of Art, is  regarded  as one of the most significant horse paintings in the history of Chinese art.
1. Referring  to the related  reference  material, you will finish the task smoothly. (refer)
2.He expressed his  appreciation (appreciate) for my showing him around the city, and said the city was beautiful beyond  description (describe).
3.There are  various/varied  goods in the supermarket, and the rich  variety  attracts many customers. Besides,the price is quite reasonable,  varying  from cents to dollars. (vary)
4. Basically  speaking, theory is based  on practice, so make sure your plan can be carried out on a practical basis . (base)
5.The good thing about our boss is that she regards us all as  equals , and we are treated  equally  in the workplace.(equal)
6.Most people agree that there is a cause-effect  relation  between obesity and unhealthy eating. In other words, your health is  related  to what you eat. (relate)
7.The  majority (major) of applicants thought the job was  demanding (demand), but they still wanted to have a try.
refer to relate to date back to
ups and downs take on depend on
1.People speak English in different parts of the world. The same words can be used in different ways,  depending on  where you live.
2.The writer and professor, whom I  referred to  at the meeting, is famous for these excellent works.
3.In the past ten years, great changes have taken place in my lovely hometown, making it  take on  a new look.
4.It’s common that we may experience some  ups and  downs  on our way to being an adult. But all of them are sure to make us better and stronger.
5.In an article, each topic sentence should  relate to  the title.
6.In our village stood a temple  dating back to  the Tang Dynasty.
1.清晨早起对我们的健康非常有益。("be of+名词"结构)
Getting up early in the morning is of great benefit  to our health.
2.起初我以为我明白了老师说的话,但是他越解释我就变得越迷惑。(the more..., the more...)
At first I thought I understood what my teacher said, but the more he explained, the more confused I became .
3.不管毕业后我去哪里,我都会珍惜我们的友谊并且永远想念你。(no matter where引导状语从句)
 No matter where I go after graduation , I will cherish our friendship and miss you forever.
4.如果你在公众演讲方面有困难,请尽管找我帮忙。(have trouble with sth.)
If you  have trouble with public speaking , please feel free to turn to me for help.
5.你需要对每一本小说作出客观的评价,并且解释你推荐它们的原因。(the reason why...)
You need to make objective comments on each novel and explain the reason  why you recommend them .
1.What’s your native language? My mother tongue is Chinese. No matter where I live, I regard Chinese characters as the most beautiful words. One of the main factors has been the Chinese writing system. At the beginning, written Chinese was based on pictures. It dates back to the use of animal bones and shells on which symbols were carved. As time went by, varieties of characters were formed. After Emperor Qinshihuang united the seven major states into one unified country, the Chinese writing system began to develop in one direction. In modern times, written Chinese has become an important means of connecting the present with the past. Besides, as China plays a greater role in global affairs, more foreigners begin to appreciate Chinese culture.
2.To learn a specific foreign language well demands a wide vocabulary, which is really a struggle for many learners though most of the time they can refer to a dictionary. However,from my point of view, despite the great difficulty, learning another language is a good thing,through which we can read other countries’ classics and learn different cultures of equal beauty.
1  base vt.以……为据点;把(总部等)设在;以……为基础 n.底部;根据
1.[外研选必③-4]The technology you’re using and enjoying today is a  basic (base) form of AI which can’t think independently without programming.
2.[北师选必③-8]His travels were the  basis (base) for his works of more than 2,000 poems,of which approximately 1,800 are still read today.
3.为了鼓励学生定期锻炼,我们学校特举办此次活动。 (活动目的)
 To encourage students to exercise on a regular basis , our school specially holds this activity.
4.The novel was based on an interesting story and it had a large audience.
 Based on an interesting story, the novel had a large audience. (分词作状语)
★be based on/upon 以……为基础;依据……★basis n. 基础,根据,基准on the basis of 根据 on a daily/regular basis 每天/定期★basic adj. 基本的,基础的
2  means n.方式;方法;途径
1.[外研选必①-2]I honour endurance, perseverance, industry, talent; because these are the means  by  which men achieve great ends...
2.Every means  has been tried (try), but we still can’t find a possible solution.
(1) means单复数同形,同类的名词还有deer(鹿),sheep(绵羊),species(物种),Chinese, Japanese等。
(2)means 作主语,由 every, each等修饰时,谓语动词用单数形式;由all, several, many等修饰时,谓语动词用复数形式。
3.要想学好汉语,就不要害怕跟当地人沟通,只有这样你才能取得进步。 (建议信)
To learn Chinese well, you shouldn’t be afraid to communicate with local people, and  only by this means can you make progress (means).
★a means of (doing) sth. (做)某事的方法(means单复数同形)★by means of 用;依靠;通过by all means 当然可以(口语)by no means 决不;一点也不 (位于句首,句子要部分倒装)★用这种方法:by this means, in this way, in this manner, with this method
3  regard n.尊重;关注 vt.把……视为;看待
1.[外研选必②-5]Some of the plants and animals have survived millions of years,and are regarded  as  living fossils.
2.[人教选必③-3]Dozens of polluting enterprises were closed or moved. The local government set up strict regulations  regarding (regard) further industrial development.
☆[2022北京]Regarding Johnson’s concerns, the author feels sympathetic.
☆[2021新高考Ⅰ]Although popular beliefs regarding emotional intelligence run far ahead of what research can reasonably support, the overall effects ...
(2)与此用法类似的是concern(v. 涉及,使担忧)→concerning(prep. 关于,涉及),include(v. 包括)→including(prep. 包括……在内)
3.汉字被认为是中国文化的代表,具有特别重要的地位。 (中国文化)
→①Chinese characters  are regarded as  the representative of Chinese culture and enjoy a particularly important position.
→② Regarded as  the representative of Chinese culture, Chinese characters enjoy a particularly important position.(分词短语作状语)
★regard/look on/consider/view...as... 把……视为……★give regards to sb. 向某人致意 in/with regard to 关于 ★regarding prep. 关于
4  appreciate vt.欣赏;重视;感激(be grateful);领会,意识到(realize) vi.增值
①[译林必修③-3]Best of all, I began to appreciate the beauty in life with my own eyes, instead of through my smartphone camera.  vt.欣赏 
②We haven’t fully appreciated that there are many misunderstandings because of language barriers.  vt.领会,意识到 
③I can’t thank him enough for sharing the experience and making me appreciate the family members who have made me the person who I am.  vt.感激 
2.[人教选必②-1]His deep  appreciation (appreciate) for art often gave him inspiration in his scientific research.
3.I really appreciate him  offering (offer)to help me, but I am sure that I will be able to finish this task by myself.
4.如果你能给我一些实用的建议,我将不胜感激。(appreciate) (求助信)
 I would appreciate it if you could give me some practical suggestions. 
★appreciate (sb./sb’s) doing sth. 感激(某人)做某事I would appreciate it if...假如……,我将不胜感激。★appreciation n.欣赏;感激express/convey one’s appreciation to sb. 表达对某人的感激之情
5  equal n.同等的人;相等物 adj.相同的;同样的 vt.比得上,敌得过
1.All men are born equal. Many women are equal  to  any challenge just as men, so they hope to be treated  equally (equal)in the job market,which I believe is an unstoppable social trend.
Be positive and cheerful, for  your mental health is of equal importance to your physical health .(be of+抽象名词)
3.我确信我可以胜任做中国文化展的志愿者。 (申请信)
I’m convinced that  I’m equal to being a volunteer  for the Chinese Culture Exhibition.(be equal to)
★be equal to sth./doing sth. 等于/胜任(做)某事equal sb./sth. in (doing) sth. 在(做)某事上比得过、敌得过某人/物be without equal=have no equal 无与伦比★equally adv. 平等地,同样地equality n.平等,相等
6  demand n.要求;需要 vi.查问 vt.强烈要求;需要
1.[译林选必③-2]The routine tasks that occupy most of the day are  demanding (demand), but they can also be extremely rewarding.
2.With the English contest approaching, there is an urgent need for a foreign judge. (求助信)
→With the English contest approaching,  a foreign judge is in great demand .(用demand改写画线部分)
3.该俱乐部要求其成员能讲至少两门外语。 (通知)
The club demands that  all its members (should) speak at least two foreign languages .
4.这门课程很适合你,它能满足你作为初学者的所有需求。 (建议信)
This course is fit for you, and  it can satisfy/meet all your demands as a beginner .
★be in (great) demand (迫切)需求meet/satisfy one’s demands 满足某人的需求★要求做某事:demand to do sth.demand that ... (should) do sth.(从句用虚拟语气)★demanding adj. 要求高的,费力的,难满足的
7  refer to 指的是;提到(mention);查阅; 描述(describe)
①In all walks of life, when referring to someone’s success, we often use the words "efforts and determination".  提到 
②The custom may date back to the Tang Dynasty; for detailed information, refer to the book.  查阅 
refer to表示"查阅,参考"时,其后接所查的工具书或资料,如词典、笔记、参考书等; look up也可表示"查阅",其后接需要查找的对象,常用于"look up sth.in.../look sth. up in..."结构。如:
If you don’t know what it means,refer to the dictionary.= If you don’t know what it means, look it up in the dictionary.如果你不知道它的意思,去查词典。
③[人教选必③-3]The "natural" greenhouse effect refers to the fact that heat from the sun enters the atmosphere and warms Earth’s surface as short-wave radiation.   指的是 
2.我给你写信是要谈谈你提出的关于如何学好汉语的问题。 (建议信)
I am writing with/in reference to your question  on how to learn Chinese well.(reference)
★refer to...as...将……称为……★reference n. 提及,涉及;查阅,参考;推荐信 with/in reference to(所述内容)关于…… reference books/materials参考书/参考资料
8  date back (to...) 追溯到
1.Of course, showing respect and admiration to elders is a Chinese tradition  dating (date) back to ancient times.
2.The tourist attraction lies to the east of my village and it dates from the 15th century. (景点介绍)
→①The tourist attraction  which/that dates from the 15th century  lies to the east of my village.(定语从句)
→②The tourist attraction  dating from the 15th century  lies to the east of my village.(分词短语作定语)
3.[外研必修②-4]京剧(Peking Opera)可以追溯到18世纪,已经有200多年的历史。 (中国文化)
 Dating back to the 18th century, Peking Opera has over two hundred years of history. (分词作状语)
★date back to=date from=go back to,三者均没有被动语态,常用于一般现在时,不用于进行时,作定语或状语时常用v-ing形式。★date back to和date from后接时间点,date back 后接时间段,可以与go back 互换。
9  be of+抽象名词
1.[译林必修①-1] Of  equal importance are good study habits, useful skills and a positive attitude.
该句为倒装句,表语提前是为了强调且避免头重脚轻。正常语序为:Good study habits, useful skills and a positive attitude are of equal importance.
2.A harmonious family is beneficial to a child’s all-round development.
→A harmonious family  is of benefit to  a child’s all-round development.(be of+抽象名词)
3.在我看来,下面这些建议可能对你有用。 (建议信)
As far as I am concerned,  the following suggestions may be of help to you . (be of+抽象名词)
be of color/age/size/shape/kind/quality 不能转化为同根形容词,常在句中作表语或后置定语。这类名词前常用different, the same, this, that等来修饰或说明。如:Choose foods of different colors. They are of the same age.
★"be of+抽象名词"相当于"be+该名词的同根形容词"。常见的抽象名词有importance,value,use,help,benefit,significance等,这些名词前可用great,little,much等修饰,以说明程度。
10  the+比较级...,the+比较级...
1.There are lots of ways to attract others’ attention in a meeting. Usually, the  stranger (strange) the idea is, the more it gets noticed.
From this activity, we have realized that building up our body is of great importance. And  the more exercise we take, the healthier we will be .
3.If you know more about our traditional culture, you’ll be more interested in it. (推荐信)
 The more you know about our traditional culture, the more interested in it you’ll be. (用"the+比较级...,the+比较级..."升级)
1.Russia sent two small submarines to plant a tiny national flag under the North Pole years ago and then the race to secure subsurface rights to the Arctic hotted up.  n.潜水艇 ; adj.地下的 
2.The main title and subtitle for the graph are drawn in the center of the image.  n.副标题 
3.The mind-body connection is such that if, for example, we want to avoid something, very often our subconscious mind will arrange it.  adj.下意识的,潜意识的 
1.[2023新高考Ⅱ]Yellowstone National Park offers a  variety (vary) of ranger programs throughout the park, and throughout the year. The following are  descriptions (describe) of the ranger programs this summer.
the following作主语时,谓语动词与其后谈及的人、事物的单复数保持一致。该句第二空前是are,因此空处应用名词复数形式。
2.[2022全国甲]Knowing some tips will help ensure that you have an enjoyable meal with friends or family — no matter  where  you are in the world.
3.[2022新高考Ⅱ]"Big change requires big ideas," he said in a speech last month,  referring (refer) broadly to the need to improve road safety.
4.[2022北京]The result — an approach known as systems thinking — is now seen as essential in meeting  global (globe) challenges.
5.[2022浙江1月]My choices are based  on  the lifestyle I want.
6.[2021新高考Ⅰ]The quality of life in France is  equally (equal)excellent.
7.[2021全国乙]Ecotourism is commonly regarded  as  low impact(影响) travel to undisturbed places.
8.[2020浙江]Those who had held mentally stimulating(刺激),  demanding (demand) jobs before retirement tended to do the best on the tests.
☆[2020全国Ⅰ]Like running, race walking is physically demanding, she says.
☆[2020浙江1月]Authoritative parenting is not authoritarian: rigid, demanding or controlling.权威型父母并不专制:固执、苛求、控制欲强。
9.[北京高考]Students should have a proper attitude  to/towards  college before thinking about which college to attend...
10.[江苏高考]The extensive collection consists of masterworks in sculpture, colored glass, and precious objects from Europe  dating (date)from about the 9th to the 15th century.
Ⅱ.阅读理解—— 一词多义、熟词生义
A. adj.重大的,大的 B. adj. 主要的,重要的
C. n. 专业课
①[2023全国乙]Apart from the knowledge and skills related to my major, I’m really good with computers.  C 
②[2022全国乙]Selected from collections throughout the world, it is the first major exhibition of his work to be held in over forty years.  A 
③[2022浙江1月]With help from Tesla, Westinghouse’s firm developed a system using alternating current(交流电), which soon became the major form of power delivery.  B 
major除了作名词和形容词外,还可以作动词,表示"主修,专攻",常与in连用。例:He inspires me to major in English in college and to be a bridge between China and the world.他激励我在大学里主修英语,成为连接中国和世界的桥梁。
A. n. 同等的人 B. v. 导致,结果为
C. adj. 相同的
①[2023新高考Ⅰ]The key finding of the study was that when crowds were further divided into smaller groups that were allowed to have a discussion, the averages from these groups were more accurate than those from an equal number of independent individuals.   C 
②[2022北京]More takeout and more food delivery equal more waste, especially plastic waste.  B 
③[2021全国甲]I respect my mother so much as she never treats me as a child, but as an equal.  A 
句①句意:这项研究的关键发现是,当人群被进一步分成更小的组,并且允许进行讨论的时候,这些小组得出的平均值比同样数量的独立个体的平均值更准确。句②中equal的含义与lead to或result in相似。
3.[2023新高考Ⅱ]These scenes may have been painted hundreds of years ago, but they record moments we can all relate to.  理解,产生共鸣 
4.[全国Ⅲ]The film classic The Last Picture Show was the last movie shown in the old theater.  n.经典作品,杰作 
写作一 基础写作——课外英语学习活动
[2022全国乙]学校英文报正在开展以Learning English Beyond the Classroom为题的讨论。请使用图表中的调查结果写一篇短文投稿, 内容包括:
 Students adopt a wide variety of means to learn English beyond the classroom. 
 Though different methods are of equal importance to some degree, the majority of the students choose to listen to English songs. 
 50% of the students appreciate English movies, only 18% read English books and 12% visit English-learning websites. 
4.虽然学生的需求不同,但多亏了现代科技的发展,不管学生喜欢如何学习英语,最后都能满意。(despite,demand, no matter how)
 Despite the students’ different demands, thanks to the development of modern technology, no matter how they like to learn English, they can be satisfied eventually. 
5.在我看来,学生应该花更多的时间读英语书籍,浏览英语学习网站。(point of view)
 From my point of view, students should spend more time reading English books and visiting English-learning websites. 
Learning English Beyond the Classroom
There are many things we can do to learn English well.  As the chart shows, students adopt a wide variety of means to learn English beyond the classroom. 
 Though different methods are of equal importance to some degree, the majority of the students — 65% — choose to listen to English songs. 50% of the students appreciate English movies, only 18% read English books and 12% visit English-learning websites. Despite the students’ different demands, thanks to the development of modern technology, no matter how they like to learn English, they can be satisfied eventually. 
 From my point of view, students should spend more time reading English books and visiting English-learning websites. By this means, they can effectively enrich their English vocabulary and knowledge. 
写作二 读后续写——情感描写之激动与兴奋
积累背诵 仿写运用
单词 excited, exciting, excitement, thrill, thrilled非常兴奋的, thrilling令人兴奋不已的 根据左栏素材完成下列各句1.得知自己被梦想的大学录取,他高兴极了。Hearing that he has been accepted by his dream university, he feels  on top of the world .2.一个大胆而又创新的想法出现在脑海里,这使他感到一阵激动。A daring and innovative idea came into his mind, which made him  feel a thrill/wave of excitement .3.看到这么多可爱的动物在面前,我们都兴奋地上蹦下跳。Seeing so many lovely animals in front of us, we were all  jumping up and down with excitement .4.许久未见的老友突然出现在眼前,我激动得说不出来话,跑上前去紧紧抱住她。The old friend whom I hadn’t seen for a long time appeared suddenly in front of my eyes, I  was excited beyond words , and ran to hug her tightly.
词组 1.on top of the world高兴极了2.be excited beyond words激动得说不出话来3.jump up and down with excitement兴奋地上蹦下跳4.break into laughter突然大笑起来5.give sb. a thrill使某人激动6.a thrill/wave of excitement一阵激动
佳句 1.The boy stopped, his heart pounding/thumping with excitement and anticipation. 男孩停住了脚步,他的心怦怦直跳,充满了兴奋和期待。2.When the host announced that she won the prize, her eyes twinkled with excitement. 当主持人宣布她获奖时,她的眼睛闪烁着激动的光芒。3.Her heart was beating like a freed bird as she leaned down and gathered the gifts to her breast. 当她俯下身子将礼物抱在胸前时,她的心就像获得自由的小鸟一样跳动着。
[2024辽宁本溪一模]When I mentioned to some friends that we all have accents, most of them proudly replied, "Well, I speak perfect English/Chinese/..." But this kind of response misses the point.
More often than not, what we mean when we say someone "has an accent" is that their accent is different from the local one. We’re usually talking about pronunciations different from our own. But this definition of accents is limiting and could give rise to prejudice. Every person speaks with an accent. It is the regular differences in how we produce sounds that define our accents. Even if you don’t hear it yourself, you speak with some sort of accent. In this sense, it’s pointless to point out that someone "has an accent". We all do!
Every person speaks a dialect(方言), too. A dialect is a version of a language that is characterized by its variations of structures, phrases and words. For instance, "You got eat or not?" ( meaning "Have you eaten?")is an acceptable and understood question in Singapore Oral English. The fact that this expression would cause a standard American English speaker to take pause doesn’t mean that Singapore Oral English is "wrong" or "ungrammatical". The sentence is well-formed and easy to understand, according to native Singapore English speakers’ solid system of grammar. Why should it be wrong just because it’s different?
We need to move beyond a narrow conception of accents and dialects — for the benefit of everyone. Language differences like these provide insights into people’s cultural experiences and backgrounds. In a global age, the way one speaks is a distinct part of one’s identity. Most people would be happy to talk about the cultures behind their speech. We’d learn more about the world we live in and make friends along the way.
【词语积累】 limiting adj. 局限的,限制的,限制性的 give rise to使发生,引起 pointless adj. 无意义的 conception n. 理解
1. What does the author think of his friends’ response in paragraph 1?
A. It reflects their self-confidence.
B. It reflects their language levels.
C. It misses the point of communication.
D. It misses the real meaning of accents.
解析 D 细节理解题。由第一段中的"Well, I speak perfect English/Chinese/..."和第二段中的"what we mean when we say someone... from the local one"可知,作者的朋友的回答很明显误解了"口音"的真正含义,故D项正确。
2. Why does the author use the example of Singapore Oral English?
A. To justify the use of dialects.
B. To show the diversity of dialects.
C. To correct a grammatical mistake.
D. To highlight a traditional approach.
解析 A 推理判断题。举例一般是为了说明上文中提到的较为抽象或晦涩的概念。例子是针对"A dialect is a version of a language that is characterized by its variations of structures, phrases and words"而举的,再结合第三段最后一句可推知,A项正确。
3. What does the author recommend us to do in the last paragraph?
A. Learn to speak our local dialect.
B. Seek for an official definition of accents.
C. Appreciate the value of accents and dialects.
D. Distinguish our local languages from others’.
解析 C 推理判断题。由最后一段中的"Language differences like these provide insights into ... make friends along the way"可知,语言的差异会让我们了解人们的文化经历和背景,了解我们居住的世界,并帮助我们结交朋友。由此可以推断,作者建议我们要懂得欣赏口音和方言的价值,故C项正确。
4. What can be a suitable title for this passage?
A. Everyone Has an Accent
B. Accents Enhance Our Identity
C. Dialects Lead to Misunderstanding
D. Standard English Is at Risk
解析 A 标题归纳题。本文第一段引出口音这个话题;第二段讲述了对口音的正确理解,并指出每个人都有口音;第三段讲到了每个人都会讲方言,并以新加坡英语口语为例说明使用方言是正当的;第四段讲到了口音和方言的价值所在,并鼓励读者学会欣赏口音和方言,故A项"每个人都有口音"适合做本文的标题。
[中华文化/2023宁夏银川质量检测]For the past three decades, Richard Sears has been dedicated to one thing: telling the stories behind Chinese characters.
His interest in Chinese language and characters dates back to 1972, when he was a 22-year-old physics major at Portland State University in Oregon. He said, "I realized only 7 percent of the world speaks English as a mother tongue. I wondered what it was like to speak another language." By 1990, Sears had already been a fluent Chinese speaker, but he did not know how to read. To Sears, the characters were complex with many strokes(笔画) and almost no apparent logic.
Sears said, "I am a physicist, so I don’t like blind memorization in learning languages. I knew that Chinese characters came from pictographs(象形文字) and I wanted to know the stories behind them." In the process of his study, Sears soon realized that many of the explanations could not possibly be true. To pick out the good ones, he decided to computerize the characters, and then scanned about 96,000 ancient characters.
The database of ancient characters came into being, but he wanted to explain the step-by-step evolution of these characters from the original pictographs to the modern simplified forms. He then got his website up in 2002 and named it Chinese Etymology(词源), where viewers can check for free the evolution of Chinese characters in various forms. Between 2002 and 2011, the website got 11,000 or 15,000 hits a day. Suddenly, in January, 2011, clicks to the website went up to 600,000 within one day. Overnight he became Uncle Hanzi, a nickname given by Chinese netizens, after one of them shared his website on Chinese social media.
Besides the website, in September last year, Sears set up his studio, which focuses on applying AR, animation and artificial intelligence to telling stories of Chinese culture and character origins, in Nanjing as part of the local authority’s plan to cultivate talent in the culture sector. "They have both entertainment value for the young and educational value, and can teach the origins of Chinese characters. We also want to make videos with a high educational value for other platforms for Chinese and foreign learners of Chinese characters," Sears said.
【词语积累】 be dedicated to致力于 come into being形成 evolution n.发展,进化,演变
1. What can we learn about Richard Sears?
A. He has made an exploration into Chinese characters.
B. He learned Chinese to improve his physics.
C. He was fluent in reading Chinese from the beginning.
D. He was concerned about the spread of his mother tongue.
解析 A 细节理解题。由第一段和第四段可知,他多年来一直在探索研究汉字,故A项正确。
2. What does the underlined word "ones" in Paragraph 3 refer to?
A. Characters. B. Explanations.
C. Pictographs. D. Languages.
解析 B 代词指代题。结合行文时话题的一致性、行文逻辑的流畅性可知,ones指代的名词表示复数意义,且出现在上一句中,所以B项正确。
3. What can be inferred about Sears’ website?
A. It gained popularity shortly after its establishment.
B. It has made a big profit from netizens’ visiting it.
C. It concentrates on the simplification of Chinese characters.
D. It has built a bridge between the evolution of Chinese characters and the public.
解析 D 推理判断题。由第四段中的"Between 2002 and 2011...after one of them shared his website on Chinese social media"可知,他的网站点击量不小,被中国网友分享到社交媒体上后,点击量飞速上涨,由此可推知,他的网站在汉字的演变与公众之间架起了桥梁,故D项正确。
4. Which of the following can best describe Richard Sears?
A. Ambitious and humorous.
B. Wise but careless.
C. Enthusiastic and devoted.
D. Generous but stubborn.
解析 C 推理判断题。他多年来对汉字的兴趣不减反增,不仅建立了研究汉字的网站,还成立了利用高科技研究汉字的工作室,由此可知,他对汉字非常感兴趣并且投入大量的人力、物力和财力,故C项正确。
[2024天星原创]You’re probably familiar with the North American spelling of the word "airplane". However, if you’ve ever been on an international flight leaving the United States and going to another English-speaking country like the United Kingdom, you’ve probably noticed that there are a few differences between the American and British spellings of words with the same meaning.  1 . The American English spelling is "airplane" while the British English spelling is "aeroplane". So, why does this happen?
Let’s look at the root of the phenomenon.  2 . "British English has a general tendency to favour spellings and words that remind people of French, but American English, when it has deviated(背离) from what British English does, often changes into the direction of seeming less French," says Lynne Murphy, author of The Prodigal Tongue:The Love-Hate Relationship Between American and British English.
 3 . Aeroplane is no exception. "We’re comfortable with ‘aero’ in scientific terms, but as planes became more common things to talk about, the ‘aero’ seemed too fancy," explains Murphy. "In Scientific American in 1906, there was already a claim: 4 . Ten years later, ‘airplane’ was adopted by the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics as their term. It was considered in the United Kingdom, but that suggestion didn’t go anywhere."
There’s a good reason why words that mean the same thing are spelled differently, and why that will continue to happen. " 5 , and people are generally proud of it, so they continue to spell differently," says Murphy.
A. Every country has different culture
B. Your spelling tells people where you’re from
C. The word "airplane" happens to be an example
D. Airplane is a much better word than aeroplane
E. American English and British English have similar historical origins
F. There’s a lot of history that goes beyond words and dives deep into politics, government, and science
G. A lot of words in the English language are borrowed from other languages, like Latin, Greek, and French
1.C C项是针对"there are a few differences between the American and British spellings of words with the same meaning"举的例子,且与"The American English spelling is ‘airplane’ while the British English spelling is‘aeroplane’"衔接紧密。
2.G G项与段落第一句中的the root吻合。
3.F 段落中双引号中的内容是对F项中的"history that goes beyond words and dives deep into politics, government, and science"的具体诠释。
4.D D项与"Ten years later, ‘airplane’ was adopted..."之间存在因果关系。
5.B B项是人们的骄傲所在。空后句子中的it指代B项。
[中华文化/2024安徽合肥联考]"When I first started learning calligraphy, I just copied the teacher’s strokes(笔画), and my work was ugly," said Aryan from Afghanistan. He is currently a graduate student in Beijing,  1  in International Education of the Chinese Language.
During his six-year stay in China, he discovered the 2  of Chinese culture. He also realized that Chinese is steadily becoming a(n)  3  language, and more people around the world want to communicate smoothly in Chinese.
To his surprise, the curriculum for foreign students in China  4  the classroom. The school organizes extracurricular  5  to help them learn and experience  6  and culture. After closer and deeper  7  with Chinese culture, Aryan found his hobby: calligraphy.
"Initially, I didn’t know much Chinese and thought calligraphy would be difficult," Aryan said. "Later on, I found out that calligraphy can help me  8  my Chinese language skills and my understanding of Chinese culture."
He used to  9  the idea that writing Chinese characters was all about writing them neatly. But he later found out that this view is  10 .Calligraphy helps him to understand both each stroke and the Chinese  11  toward life. The horizontal, vertical(垂直的), left and right falling strokes on the paper  12  Chinese people’s unique symbols and memories. They are also the hidden  13  to better understanding Chinese culture.
Not only did Aryan gain a deeper  14  of Chinese characters, but he also developed a more mature personality along the way. Calligraphy gives him strength when he feels  15  and lost, helping him find his inner peace.
1. A. majoring B. settling
C. bringing D. resulting
解析 A "He is currently a graduate student"指出他是研究生,所以此处说的是他主修汉语国际教育,故选A。
2.A. problem B. pattern
C. richness D. resource
解析 C 由下文提到的他对书法的感悟可知,在中国的六年里,他发现了中国文化的丰富多彩,故选C。
3. A. native B. official
C. international D. formal
解析 C 由下文中的"more people around the world want to communicate smoothly in Chinese"可知,世界上越来越多的人希望用汉语进行顺畅的交流,这说明汉语正在稳步成为一门国际语言,故选C。
4. A. goes against B. takes up
C. takes over D. goes beyond
解析 D "The school organizes extracurricular..."表明,针对外国学生的课程不局限于课堂上,故选D。
5. A. conferences B. activities
C. subjects D. competitions
解析 B 此处指学校组织课外活动,应用activities,故选B。
6. A. economy B. life
C. work D. pleasure
解析 B 此处指的是体验生活和文化,故选B。
7. A. success B. content
C. combination D. contact
解析 D 此处说的是经过深入接触中国文化,Aryan发现了自己的爱好:书法,故选D。
8. A. improve B. recognize
C. adjust D. find
解析 A Aryan发现书法可以帮助他提升汉语水平和对中国文化的了解,故选A。
9. A. hold B. oppose
C. break D. suspect
解析 A 此处说的是"他曾经认为写汉字只要写得整齐就行",故选A,hold the idea that...表示"认为……,持……观点"。
10. A. positive B. contradictory
C. wrong D. objective
解析 C 结合But可知,Aryan发现他之前的观点是错误的,故选C。
11. A. direction B. step
C. attitude D. effort
解析 C 此处说的是"书法帮助他理解每一笔和中国人的生活态度",故选C项,attitude toward...表示"对……的态度"。
12. A. supply B. represent
C. sense D. recall
解析 B 此处说的是"纸上的横、竖、撇、捺代表了中国人独特的符号和记忆",故选B,represent表示"代表"。
13. A. responses B. admissions
C. reactions D. keys
解析 D the key to表示"……的关键/要诀"。
14. A. function B. ability
C. form D. knowledge
解析 D 此处说的是"Aryan不仅对中国汉字有了更深入的了解……",故选D。
15. A. stressed B. inspired
C. determined D. interrupted
解析 A 当他感到焦虑和失落时,书法给他力量,帮他找到内心的平静。stressed表示"焦虑的",符合语境。UNIT 3  SPORTS AND FITNESS
1. fitness  n.健康;健壮;适合
2. event  n.比赛项目;大事;公开活动
3. athlete  n.运动员;运动健儿
4. master  n.高手;主人vt.精通;掌握
5. medal  n.奖章;勋章
6. apart  adv.分离;分开;成碎片
7. captain  n.(运动队)队长;船长;机长
8. pretend  vi.& vt.假装;装扮
9. million  num.一百万
10. cheat  vi.作弊 vt.欺骗 n.欺骗手段;骗子
11. audience  n.观众;听众
12. positive  adj.积极的;正面的;乐观的;肯定的
13. slim  adj.苗条的;单薄的
14. diet  n.规定饮食;日常饮食 vi.节食
15. rather  adv.相当;有点儿
1. honour  n.荣誉;尊敬;荣幸 vt.尊敬;尊重(某人);给予表扬(或奖励、头衔、称号)→ honourable adj.值得尊敬的;体面的;高尚的
2. determine  vt.决定;确定 vi.& vt.决心→ determination n.决心;决定→ determined  adj.坚决的;有决心的
3. injure  vt.使受伤;损害→ injured  adj.受伤的;有伤的→  injury  n.伤害;损伤
4. strong  adj.强壮的;坚强的→ strength  n.力量;体力→ strengthen  vt.& vi.加强;巩固
5. fail  vi.& vt.失败;不及格;未能(做到)→ failure  n.失败;失败的人(或事物)
6. compete  vi.竞争;对抗→ competition  n.竞争→ competitive  adj.竞争的;有竞争力的→  competitor  n.竞争者
7. stress  n.压力;紧张;重音 vt.强调;重读;使焦虑不安vi.焦虑不安 → stressful  adj.(状况、经历)压力大的→ stressed  adj.焦虑不安的
1.soccer n. 足球;足球运动 
2.stadium n. 体育场;运动场 
3.boxing n. 拳击(运动) 
4.badminton n. 羽毛球运动 
5.marathon n. 马拉松赛跑 
6.ski adj. 滑雪的  vi. 滑雪 
7.host vt. 主办;主持  n. 主人;东道主;节目主持人 
8.track n. 跑道;足迹;铁路轨道  vt.& vi. 追踪;跟踪 
9.gym n. 健身房;体育馆 
10.gymnastics n. 体操(训练) 
11.sweat vt. 使出汗;出汗弄湿  vi. 出汗;流汗  n. 汗水;出汗 
12.legend n. 传奇故事(或人物);传说 
13.glory n. 荣誉;光荣;赞美 
14.championship n. 锦标赛;冠军赛;冠军称号 
15.champion n. 冠军;优胜者 
16.graceful adj. 优美的;优雅的 
17.jog vi.& n. 慢跑 
18.error n. 错误;差错 
1. come along  跟随;到达;进步;赶快
2. work out  锻炼;计算出;解决
3. set an example  树立榜样
4. fall apart  破裂;破碎;崩溃
5. lose heart  丧失信心;泄气
6. give up  放弃;投降
7. pretend to do sth.  假装做某事
8. even if/though  即使;虽然
9. make a difference  有作用或影响
10. rather than  而不是
11. cut ...out  停止做(或使用、食用);剪下
12. compare ... with/to ...   与……比较
13.make it  获得成功;准时到达 
14.make sense  有道理;合乎情理 
15.now and then  有时;偶尔 
1.When Michael Jordan’s feet left the ground,  time seemed to stand still .(seem to do)
2.A soccer player should not pretend to fall down  even if it helps his/her team .(even if引导的让步状语从句)
3. Once I started thinking about fitness  rather than weight, things began to change.(once引导的时间状语从句)
4. By being positive about myself and my body , I became both happier and healthier.(by doing作状语)
1.Bruce  pretended (假装)that he didn’t mind, but I knew that he did.
2.There was a large  audience (观众) of young people at the pop concert.
3.A balanced  diet  and regular exercise are the keys to a healthy lifestyle.
4.Teenagers’  fitness  is now a major concern, to which physical exercise is very important.
5. Music can have  positive  effects on the soul and the quality of life as well.
6.She  stressed/stresses  the importance of careful preparation before important exams or events.
7.To  master  a word, you need to repeat it many times until you learn it by heart.
1.I felt it an  honour  to attend the academic conference held by the  honourable  professor. (honour)
2.As the youngest  competitor ,John will compete in the writing contest against 30 other top students for the yearly award of writing. He must be very  competitive  so that he can win the  competition .(compete)
3.He felt he was a  failure  because he  failed  to live up to his parents’ expectations. (fail)
4.My sister Lily  determined/has determined  to go to Peking University. She is a  determined  girl. So I believe that she will make her dream come true with great  determination . (determine)
5.The strong man, who constantly worked out in the gym to  strengthen  his muscles, lifted up the heavy rock with all his  strength . (strength)
6.Jerry has been under  stress  for one month. He has so much  stressful  work to do that he feels  stressed .(stress)
7.Rest is often the most effective treatment for common running  injuries , so the  injured  athletes should have a good rest. (injure)
make a difference compare...with... make it
come along fall apart set a good example
1.As a consequence of the crisis, the GDP of that country has declined by 20%  compared with  the year before last.
2.I am ready to volunteer for the sports meet when the chance  comes along .
3.Teachers are supposed to  set a good example  for students by behaving very well at any moment.
4.I am a doctor and I love my work because it  makes a difference  to the lives of others.
5.Some people  fall apart  under stress while others do well in handling pressure.
6.As long as you have a dream, keep trying and you will  make it .
1.几乎每个人都可能会有一段时间,似乎一切都出了问题。(seem to do)
Nearly everyone may have one of these periods when  everything seems to be going wrong .
2.即使你没计划找工作,做志愿者也会给你练习重要技能的机会。(even if引导的让步状语从句)
 Even if you’re not planning to find a job , volunteering gives you the opportunity to practice important skills.
3.通过鼓励更多人使用自行车而不是汽车,共享单车帮助缓解了城市的交通堵塞。(by doing作状语)
 By encouraging more people to use bicycles instead of cars , bike sharing has helped ease traffic jams in cities.
 Once we have made up our minds , no one can prevent us from making progress.
1.Hosting the Olympics is a great honour for a country and its people. Each Olympics witnessed countless legends from different events. Lang Ping’s determination never fell apart even if the team captain had to leave because of heart problems and one of the best players got injured. Jordan’s graceful moves and the mental strength that he showed made him unique. They both competed against/with the other competitors for medals, championships and honour. Millions of people are their fans and the audience is crazy about them. They set an example to us and have brought glory to their countries by paying countless sweat, learning from failures and never giving up.
2.We needn’t compare ourselves with professional athletes or pretend to be sports lovers. That doesn’t make sense. But we should live a healthy life, which really makes a difference. Some people seem to focus on their weight rather than fitness nowadays. Expecting to become slim just by cutting out the food you eat is unhealthy and may bring you mental stress. The right way is to work out regularly and have a balanced e along and you can make it!
1  honour n.荣誉;尊敬;荣幸 vt.尊敬;给予表扬(或奖励、头衔、称号)
1.When Tu Youyou was honoured  with  the Nobel Prize, she said, "This is not only  an  honour for myself, but also recognition and encouragement for all scientists in China."
2.It is a great honour for me  to be invited (invite) to address this international AI conference.
3.The government set up a school  in honour of (为了纪念)heroes who fought for the honour of our country.
4.我很荣幸能有宝贵的机会在这里发表演讲。 (演讲稿)
→① It’s an honour for me to  have a precious chance to deliver a speech here.(it作形式主语)
→② I feel it an honour to  have a precious chance to deliver a speech here.(it作形式宾语)
→③ I feel/am honoured to  have a precious chance to deliver a speech here.(honour v.)
5.我是否有幸邀请您来参加以"运动与健康"为主题的讲座? (邀请信)
 May I have the honour of inviting you to attend the lecture on the theme of Sports and Fitness? (have the honour of...)
★It’s an honour for sb. to do sth. =Sb. feels it an honour to do sth. =Sb. is/feels honoured to do sth. 某人为做某事感到荣幸。 have the honour of sth./doing sth.有幸做某事 in honour of 向……表示敬意;为纪念…… ★honour sb. with sth.(for sth.)(因某事)给某人……奖励、头衔、称号
2  determination n.决心,决定 (decision)
1.[外研选必④-4]To succeed in business, you need more than a good idea, hard work and  determination (determine).
2.[人教必修③-4]However, some scientists were determined  to help (help) humans realise their dream to explore space.
3. Determined (determine) to be stronger, I took part in many physical activities.
4.这次比赛教会了我要勇于接受挑战,坚定地面对困难。 (读后续写之主旨升华)
This competition taught me to be brave enough to accept challenges and  face difficulties with determination .
★with determination 坚决地 the determination to do sth.做某事的决心 ★determine to do sth.决心做某事(表示动作) ★determined adj. 坚决的,坚定的 be determined to do sth. 决心做某事(表示状态)
3  strength n.力量,体力(power);毅力,坚强决心;实力;深度;长处
4.Music can  strengthen (strength)the heart and shorten the recovery time of patients who are suffering from heart disease.
动词后缀-en表示"使成为,变得"。如:strength(n. 力量,体力)+-en→ strengthen(v. 增强),short(adj. 短的)+-en→ shorten(v. 变短)。
5.练中国功夫不但能增强体力,还能培养一个人的性格。 (中国文化)
Practising Chinese kung fu not only  builds up one’s strength , but also develops one’s character.
6.首先,你得清楚地了解自己在运动方面的强项和弱项,从而选择最适合自己的体育运动。 (建议信)
First of all, you are supposed to be clear about  your strengths and weaknesses in sports , and choose the sport most suitable for you.
★build up one’s strength 增强体力 with all one’s strength 用尽全力 strengths and weaknesses 优势和劣势 ★strengthen vt.& vi. 加强,巩固
4  compete vi.竞争,对抗
1.The young  competitor (compete) came to Beijing to compete  for  the honour of his country. In the fierce  competition (compete), he earned a chance to compete  in  the final(决赛).
2.Nowadays, graduates have to be equipped with many abilities to fight for good jobs in the highly  competitive (compete) market.
3.人生就像长跑比赛,在这场比赛中,我们常常在与他人竞争的过程中超越自我。 (读后续写之主旨升华)
Life is like a long race where we often  compete with/against others  to go beyond ourselves.
★compete with/against 和……竞争 compete for 为……竞争 compete in 参加……比赛 ★competition n. 竞争 competitor n. 竞争者,对手;参赛者 competitive adj. 有竞争力的;竞争的
5  pretend vi.& vt. 假装;装扮
1.Jack pretended  to be doing (do) his homework when his mom came back home from work. Indeed,he was watching football games on TV the whole afternoon.
2.她假装不兴奋,可脸上的表情却将她的心绪暴露无遗。 (读后续写之神态描写)
→① She pretended that she wasn’t excited , but the expression on her face was a dead giveaway.(从句)
→② She pretended not to be excited , but the expression on her face was a dead giveaway.(不定式)
★pretend to be+n./adj. 假装是…… pretend to do/to be doing/to have done sth.假装做某事/正在做某事/做过某事 pretend+that 从句 假装……
6  stress n.压力;紧张;重音 vt. 强调;重读;使焦虑不安 vi.焦虑不安
1.Life is stressful  for most people, but if we get enough sleep and eat properly, and if we exercise and set aside some time for fun, we’ll probably feel less  stressed .(stress)
2.你最好早点儿到,因为中国人很重视守时。 (建议信)
→①You’d better arrive a little earlier as  Chinese people stress the great importance of  punctuality. (stress v.)
→②You’d better arrive a little earlier as  Chinese people lay/put/place great stress on  punctuality. (stress n.)
★under stress在压力之下 reduce/relieve one’s stress减轻某人的压力 put/lay/place stress on...强调,重视…… ★stress the importance of... 强调……的重要性 stress out/stress sb. out (使)某人焦虑不安 ★stressed (out) adj. 焦虑不安的 stressful adj.(状况、经历)压力大的,紧张的
7  give up 放弃;投降
1.Although their strength was giving  out , no participants gave  up  halfway.
2.Never give  in  to the temporary difficulty. Sunshine always comes after the storm. (读后续写之主旨升华)
3.Saying too much can  give away the secret (泄露秘密) you try to hide.
4.Our society encourages teenagers to  give up the seat to the elderly (给老人让座) on the bus.
give up sth.还可表示"让出某物"。
5.Bicycles are environmentally friendly, since they won’t  give off waste gas (释放废气).
6.尽管失败了很多次,他们没有放弃,最终做出了美味的爆米花。 (读后续写之动作描写)
 Having failed many times, they didn’t give up  and finally delicious popcorn was made.
★give up sth. to sb.把……交给/让与某人 give up on sb.对某人不再抱希望(或不再相信) ★give away 赠送,捐赠;泄露,暴露 give in (to...)(向……)屈服,(向……)让步;呈上,交上 give off 发出,放出(光、热、气味等) give out 分发,散发;用完,耗尽 give way to退步;让步 give sb. a hand 帮某人个忙
8  make sense 有道理,讲得通;是明智的,合乎情理;表述清楚,易于理解
①Nobody can predict the future. So it makes good sense to save money for a rainy day.  非常明智 
②[北师选必②-4]So now that we have established how important humour is to British people, what exactly makes them laugh? And does British humour make sense to other cultures?  易于理解 
③In English,some sentences contain a clause with essential information. If you take away the clause, the sentence won’t make sense.  讲得通 
2.You can ask the teacher to speak slowly so that  you can make sense of what he says (你就可以理解他讲的内容). (建议信)
3. There’s no sense in comparing you with others (把你和别人比较是没有意义的)all the time. Everyone is unique. (劝慰信)
4.有时候一个小小的善举也很有意义,它使得这个世界更加友好。 (读后续写之主旨升华)
Sometimes, a small act of kindness  makes much sense, making the world friendlier .(现在分词作状语)
本单元中关于make的短语还有make predictions(作出预测)、make a difference(有作用或影响)、make a conversation(编对话)等。其他常用的短语还有make an excuse(找借口)、make a mistake(犯错误)、make an effort(付出努力)、make the bed(铺床)、make a noise(发出响声)、make the most of(充分利用)等。
★make sense of 理解,弄懂(复杂或不寻常的事物) ★It makes (no) sense (for sb.) to do sth.(某人)做某事是(不)明智的。 There’s no sense in doing sth.做某事没道理/意义。
9  make a difference有作用,有关系,有影响
1.Though we completely differ  from  each other  in  character, we are still great friends.
2.The twins are so alike; it’s difficult to  tell the difference between them (区分他们).
3.毕竟,是我们共同的努力才能影响环境。所以,我们立即行动起来吧。 (倡议)
After all,  it is our joint efforts that can make a difference to the environmental protection . So let’s take action right now. (强调句型)
★make a difference to... 对……有作用/有影响 make a big/some/no/little difference (to...) 有很大/一些/没有/极小作用或影响 tell the difference (between...and...) 辨别/区分(……与……的)不同 ★differ from... in...与……在……方面不同 be different from...in... 与……在……方面不同
10  seem+不定式
1.[译林必修①-2]Does every dinner with your parents seem  to turn (turn) into a battle? Have your once warm and open conversations become cold and guarded?
2.[外研必修③-4]One moment she seems  to be laughing (laugh) at me, but then again I catch a sense of sadness in her smile. (读后续写之情感描写)
句意:有一刻她似乎在嘲笑我,但后来我又从她的笑容中感受到了悲伤。此处表示当时正在做的事情,因此seems后用to be laughing。
3.一开始,坚持锻炼似乎很难,我甚至没有尝试就想放弃。 (求助信)
→①At the beginning,  keeping exercising seemed to be difficult  so I wanted to give up even without having a try.(seem to do)
→②At the beginning,  it seemed that keeping exercising was difficult  so I wanted to give up even without having a try.(it seems that...)
→③At the beginning,  it seemed difficult to keep exercising  so I wanted to give up even without having a try.(it seems+adj.+to do sth.)
★seem to do sth. 好像/似乎要做某事 seem to be doing sth.好像/似乎正在做某事 seem to have done sth.好像/似乎已经做了某事 ★其他含seem的句型: It seems (to sb.) that...(在某人看来)似乎…… It seems+adj./n.+to do sth.做某事看起来…… It seems as if/as though...看起来好像…… There seems to be...似乎有……;好像有……
-ful与-less是一对意思相反的形容词后缀,-ful表示"充满……的,有……性质(或倾向)的" ,-less表示"没有,无"。
-ful形容词 -less形容词
本单元 graceful 优美的,优雅的 graceless 粗鲁的,不优美的
拓展 stressful 压力重的,紧张的 stressless 没有压力的
painful 令人痛苦的 painless 无痛的
本单元 graceful 优美的,优雅的 graceless 粗鲁的,不优美的
拓展 powerful 强有力的,有影响力的 powerless 无影响力的,无权的
hopeful 满怀希望的 hopeless 无望的
meaningful 重要的;有意义的 meaningless 不重要的;无意义的
1.[人教必修②-5]When you want to explain something difficult to somebody, it is  helpful (help)to use easier words with the same meaning.
2.She sits at home all day, watching TV and feeling  useless (use), but she decides to make some changes.
3.[外研必修③-5]Although the 300 kg adult males can look a bit scary — don’t worry, they’re  harmless (harm)!
4.[外研选必④-1]It is  wonderful (wonder) to meet such friendly local people who are happy to share their lives with us.
5.[2019江苏]We assume that a large brain makes huge advantages. It seems obvious that these have made humankind the most  powerful (power) animal on earth.
1.[2023新高考Ⅰ]Once there, Lenoue was assessed and later taken to a hospital, where she learned that she had serious  injury/injuries (injure) in one of her knees.
句意:一到那里,Lenoue就接受了评估,后来被送往医院,在那里她得知自己的一个膝盖受了重伤。injury在表示"(对躯体的)伤害,损伤"时,既可以作可数名词,也可以作不可数名词;serious injury/injuries表示"重伤"。
2.[2023全国甲]Thankfulness has a lot of benefits: Research shows it makes us happier, less  stressed (stress) and even more optimistic.
3.[2022北京]Health and  fitness (fit)help a person live a good and healthy life.
4.[2021新高考Ⅱ]Over the past 38 years, Mr. Wang has pretended  to be (be) someone else many times, and has even learned to speak different dialects(方言), leading to him being described as an "Oscar-winning actor".
5.[2021全国乙]Age is naturally a factor(因素) — only 58 percent of Generation Ys still use landlines(座机) now and then, compared to/with  84 percent of Baby Boomers who’ve perhaps had the same home number for 50 years.
6.[江苏高考]A quick review of successes and  failures (fail)at the end of year will help shape your year ahead.
—I never expected the experiment would be a failure.
—Nor did I. The result came as a complete surprise.
7.[天津高考]Last summer, she wanted to join our local swim team. She practiced hard and finally made  it .
本句中make it表示"获得成功"。make it还可表示"准时到达"。如:The flight leaves in twenty minutes — we’ll never make it.
8.[天津高考]I told her she shouldn’t swim after a whole night’s coughing, but she refused to give  up  and insisted she go.
Ⅱ.阅读理解—— 一词多义、熟词生义
A. 锻炼 B. 计划,思考
C. 进展顺利 D. 找到……的答案
①[2023新高考Ⅱ]George, the husband, was trying to be calm, but I could tell this was hard for him, having to leave his dog to a stranger and trust that everything would work out. C 
②[2023浙江1月]Another mistake most people make is to work out intensely almost every day. You need to give your body a break, and allow time for the muscles to grow.  A 
③[2022全国甲]The next step, according to the researchers, is to try and work out whether the cockatoos rely entirely on visual clues(线索), or also use a sense of touch in making their shape selections.  D 
④[全国Ⅱ]Then go outside and work out a plan to translate your childhood memories into your grown-up garden.  B 
A. n.跑道 B. n.轨道 C. v.跟踪;追踪
①[2023新高考Ⅱ]And in contrast to our increasingly networked lives where the information we consume is monitored and tracked, a printed book still offers the chance of a wholly private, "off-line" activity.  C 
②[2022全国乙]They could do precisely the same thing to inspect railway lines and other vital aspects of rail infrastructure such as the correct position of railway tracks and switching points. B 
③[2020全国Ⅰ]Race walkers are conditioned athletes. The longest track and field event at the Summer Olympics is the 50-kilometer race walk, which is about five miles longer than the marathon.  A 
句③中track and field意为"田径运动"。在高考中常考查keep track of,表示"了解……的动态;与……保持联系;追踪",还表示"记录"。例:[2022全国乙]Simply keeping a diary that keeps track of friends’ birthdays and other important dates will make sure nothing slips by you.
3.[2022新高考Ⅰ]Giant pandas also serve as an umbrella species(物种),bringing protection to a host of plants and animals in the southwestern and northwestern parts of China.  许多;大量 
4.[2021新高考Ⅱ]Wang, who is often in dangerous situations, is also a judo(柔道) master.  n.高手 
5.[2020浙江1月]"There are relatively few studies that stress the unique role of fathers," Padilla-Walker said.  v.强调 
6.[天津高考]Here I learned my first important lesson: disabled as I was in language, I could still be smart and well express myself with clay. And my confidence came along.   出现 
本题中,come along表示"出现"。此外,come along还有一个较为常见的含义,即"进步,进展"。如: My English has come along a lot recently.我的英语最近进步很大。
写作一 基础写作——学生体育运动情况
1.我们学校最近建造了一个装备精良的新体育馆,我们每天上午九点到下午五点可以在那里锻炼。(stadium,work out)
 Our school has built a new and well-equipped stadium recently and we can work out there from 9 am to 5 pm every day. 
 The stadium is big enough for us to host many kinds of major sporting events, among which basketball and table tennis are the most popular. 
3.与其他运动相比,跑步是我最喜欢的,因为它不仅增强我的体力,也教会我永不放弃。(compare...with..., strength, give up)
 Compared with other sports,running is my favourite since it not only builds up my strength but also teaches me never to give up. 
 Dear Peter, 
 I’m happy to hear from you. As for students’ physical exercise in our school, here is something I want to share with you. 
 Our school has built a new and well-equipped stadium recently and we can work out there from 9 am to 5 pm every day. Besides, it is big enough for us to host many kinds of major sporting events, among which basketball and table tennis are the most popular. However, compared with other sports,running is my favourite since it not only builds up my strength but also teaches me never to give up. 
 What about students’ sports in your school? I’m looking forward to your early reply. 
 Li Hua 
写作二 读后续写——情感描写之悲伤与沮丧(二)
积累背诵 仿写运用
词 组 1.tears roll/run/stream down one’s cheeks泪水顺着某人的脸颊淌下来 2.be immersed in sorrow沉浸在悲痛之中 3.abandon oneself to grief陷入悲伤中 4.tears well up泪如泉涌 5.burst into tears/burst out crying突然痛哭 6.drop/lower/bend/bow one’s head in sadness伤心地低下头 7.in a sorrowful tone/voice伤心的语气/声音 8.fight/hold back tears抑制住泪水 9.cry one’s eyes out痛哭流涕 根据左栏素材完成下列各句 1.他就静静地站着,泪如泉涌,不知道接下来做什么。  Tears welling up  in his eyes, he just stood silently, confused about what to do next. (独立主格结构) 2.他最后的话太扎心了。她突然哭了起来,跑出了房间。 His last words went like a bullet to her heart. She  burst into tears/burst out crying  and ran out of the room. 3.悲伤如潮水一般涌来。他倒在椅子上,痛哭流涕。  Sorrow/Grief/Sadness  came in waves. He sank into the chair,  crying his eyes out .(第二空现在分词作状语) 4.每当想起她去世的妈妈,她都沉浸在悲痛中,无法抑制眼泪。 Whenever thinking of her dead mother, she would  be immersed in sorrow/abandon herself to grief  and couldn’t  fight/hold back tears . 5.小女孩听了这个故事后,泪水滑落脸庞。 After the little girl heard the story,  tears rolled/ran/streamed down her cheeks . 6.他眉头微皱,伤心地低下头。 He frowned slightly,  dropping/lowering/bending/bowing his head in sadness .(现在分词作状语)
佳 句 1.She was seized by a burst of sadness and couldn’t help crying bitterly.她感到一阵悲伤,情不自禁地痛哭起来。 2.An air of sorrow and depression settled over the crowd. 人群中弥漫着悲伤和沮丧的气氛。 3.Today’s experience upset Mr Smith. With a heavy heart, he walked home alone. 今天的经历让史密斯先生很难过。他心情沉重,独自一人走回了家。 4.I feel like I were floating in the ocean of sadness, without any hope. 我感觉我好像漂浮在悲伤的海洋里,没有任何希望。
[2023昆明"三诊一模"质量检测]A dad says he’s built a special bond with his two-year-old daughter after running a series of long-distance races with her strapped(用带子系好) to his back.
Chris Greenbank, 36, a stonemason(石匠) from Stockport, Greater Manchester, even managed to complete a half marathon carrying the youngster in a special hiking carrier.
The single father, who suffered from anxiety in the past, has been raising money for mental health support group Project 23. The group, which helps people with anxiety and mental health problems, was set up by Chris’s friend Mark Sproston.
Chris’s latest race, Run North West’s Festive 10K in Cheshire, was his fourth race and he says, possibly their last, as the kid may be too heavy soon. Besides, Chris had been a little worried if the weather would be too chilly for his daughter. "No matter how difficult it is, I want to get us both a festive New Year medal before it gets too cold," he added. "We have four medals now and we have run 51km in total."
In October, Chris took just under three hours to complete the Manchester Half Marathon with his daughter on his back. The dad says his little girl rested her hand on his shoulder and kept it there for the whole duration of the run. He said, "Our bond isn’t something you can even put into words. My heart is full."
Chris, who says exercise is an important part of positive mental health, believes there should be no reason why people can’t exercise because they have kids.
The pair also ran the Wilmslow 10K in July this year and Chester Zoo 10K in October. Chris says of his daughter, "She loves it, and they are like mini adventures."
【词语积累】 bond n.纽带,联系
suffer v.(因疾病、痛苦、悲伤等)受苦,受难,受折磨;遭受,蒙受 raise v.筹募
【长难句解读】 Chris, who says exercise is an important part of positive mental health,
believes there should be no reason {why people can’t exercise (because they have kids)}.
1. What can we know about Project 23?
A. It was founded by Chris Greenbank.
B. It has organized 4 marathon events.
C. It helps people with psychological problems.
D. It offers medical care to the disabled.
解析 C 细节理解题。由第三段中的"The group, which helps people with anxiety and mental health problems, was set up by Chris’s friend Mark Sproston"可知,本题选C项。
2. Why did Chris run the marathon in Cheshire with his daughter?
A. To show the public his running skills.
B. To win a medal for their New Year.
C. To raise money for his serious illness.
D. To develop his habit of doing sports.
解析 B 细节理解题。由第四段中的"No matter how difficult it is, I want to get us both a festive New Year medal before it gets too cold"可知,B项正确。
3. Which of the following words can best describe Chris?
A. Caring and loving.
B. Frank but demanding.
C. Ambitious and particular.
D. Generous and outgoing.
解析 A 推理判断题。由第三段中的"The single father, who suffered from anxiety in the past, has been raising money for mental health support group Project 23"和第四段中的"Besides, Chris had been a little worried if the weather would be too chilly for his daughter. ‘No matter how difficult it is, I want to get us both a festive New Year medal before it gets too cold,’..."可知,A项正确。
4. What is the author’s purpose of writing the text?
A. To introduce ways to relieve anxiety.
B. To show training methods of running.
C. To involve readers in charity activities.
D. To share a story of a father and a daughter.
解析 D 意图推断题。由第一段中的"A dad says he’s built a special bond with his two-year-old daughter after running a series of long-distance races with her strapped(用带子系好) to his back"以及下文中讲述的Chris背着女儿参加一系列比赛的情况可知,作者写本文的目的是分享一对父女的故事,故D项正确。
[体育精神/2023安徽宣城二调]On February 13, 2023, Wu Yibing made history, beating John Isner in a thrilling three-set final at the Dallas Open to become the first man from China to win an ATP Tour title.
Brought to a tennis court for the first time at just five, initially encouraged by his parents to do the exercise to lose weight, Wu soon had his talent discovered by his provincial junior team, kicking off a journey that would change the fate of men’s tennis in China. In 2017,Wu rose to prominence after winning the US Open boys’ tournament at 18 to become the first Chinese to win a major junior title, raising high hopes for the "Wonder Boy" to change the fortune of Chinese men in a sport long dominated by women’s success on the professional stage.
In 2018,Wu won his first ATP Challenger title in Shanghai. However, the highly competitive nature of men’s professional tennis hit the rising Wu with a tough reminder after multiple injuries — to his elbow, lower back, shoulder and wrist — and forced him to be away from the ATP Tour for close to three years.
He made his return last year and won three ATP Challenger titles before qualifying for the US Open. "Looking back, I feel like I wouldn’t have been here if it hadn’t been for the ups and downs over the past few years. I take all the setbacks and struggles as a lesson that helps me mature mentally now,"said Wu." Of course there were a lot of doubts because I had surgery and the recovery wasn’t going well. The championship today was a payoff for all the hard work and everyone who’s supported me along the way."
【词语积累】 kick off开始 qualify for...取得……资格 setback n.挫折,阻碍 surgery n.外科手术 payoff n.回报
【长难句解读】 Brought to a tennis court for the first time, at just five initially encouraged
by his parents to do the exercise to lose weight, Wu soon had his talent discovered by his
provincial junior team, kicking off a journey (that would change the fate of men’s tennis in
1. What do the underlined words "rose to prominence" in paragraph 2 probably mean?
A. Lost weight.
B. Came back to the court.
C. Became famous instantly.
D. Dropped out of the competition.
解析 C 词义猜测题。结合画线短语后面的"after winning the...win a major junior title"和常识可推知,画线短语指的应是(因夺冠)成名。
2. Why was Wu absent from the ATP Tour for nearly three years?
A. He wanted to change his career.
B. He suffered from serious physical injuries.
C. He didn’t stand out in training for the match.
D. He couldn’t handle the pressure of the ATP Tour.
解析 B 细节理解题。由第三段中的"multiple injuries — to his elbow, lower back, shoulder and wrist — and forced him to be away from the ATP Tour for close to three years"可知,B项正确。
3. What can we learn from Wu Yibing’s statement?
A. No sweat, no sweet.
B. Time waits for no man.
C. Well begun is half done.
D. Strike while the iron is hot.
解析 A 推理判断题。由最后一段中的"Looking back...ups and downs over the past few years. I take all the setbacks and struggles as a lesson that helps me mature..."和"The championship today was a payoff for all the hard work..."可知,吴易昺认为他的夺冠是对所有辛苦的回报,据此可以推断,A项正确。
4. What is the passage mainly about?
A. The significance of the ATP Tour title.
B. The development of Chinese tennis.
C. The power of difficulty for athletes.
D. The first Chinese male champion of the ATP Tour.
解析 D 主旨大意题。结合全文内容,尤其是第一段可知,本文主要讲述了2023年2月13日创造历史,在达拉斯男子网球公开赛中击败了约翰·伊斯内尔,成为第一个赢得ATP巡回赛单打冠军的中国人吴易昺的故事,故D项正确。
[体育健康/2023沈阳质量监测三]Do you want to live a healthy lifestyle? Practicing yoga is one of the best choices. Yoga has well-deserved fame for helping to improve balance and flexibility and to gain calm and relaxation.  1 . Here’s more about why doing yoga is a complete mind-body workout.
Reducing Stress, Reducing Pounds
Several studies have confirmed that doing yoga does reduce cortisol(皮质醇) levels.  2 . It can also increase your desire for high-fat and high-sugar foods and drinks while reducing your muscle mass.
In a 2016 study, participants involved in practicing yoga realized that they tended to notice the amount of foods they ate, what type of foods they ate and the impact of eating those foods as well. "Subjects reported becoming aware of the effect of certain foods on their bodies during their yoga practice, including sugar, dairy, meat and alcohol," wrote the authors of the study.
Making Weight Loss Last
 4 . This can be attained through improvements in sadness tolerance, mindfulness and self-sympathy. For example, if someone experiences improvements in mindfulness, they may be less likely to "mindlessly" eat in response to emotions such as boredom, stress, anger and other external stimulation like the presence of tasty foods.
Choosing the Right Type
Ultimately, the best yoga is the practice that fits you — the one you’ll commit to. There are now many accessible styles of yoga that suit you no matter what your weight, age, physical quality or background is.  5 .
A. Finding the Best Food
B. Moving Well, Eating Well
C. Everybody and every body can benefit from a certain style
D. Yoga is also well-known for helping you burn more calories
E. High levels of cortisol, a stress hormone, can lead to an increase in fat
F. Another study shows that someone in a more positive mood is less likely to overeat
G. Recent research shows that yoga may help to improve long-term weight loss outcomes
【词语积累】 flexibility n.灵活性,柔韧性 stimulation n.刺激 ultimately adv.最后
1.D D项中的is also well-known与空前句子中的has well-deserved fame相吻合。D项与空前的那一句子说的都是瑜伽的作用,故选D。
2.E E项中的cortisol与空前句子中的cortisol吻合,所以E项符合语境。
3.B B项涉及运动与饮食,能概括下面段落的主题。
4.G G项中的long-term weight loss与小标题Making Weight Loss Last相吻合。
5.C C项中的a certain style与小标题中的the Right Type以及段落中的many accessible styles of yoga相吻合。
[人生态度/2024天星原创]During the holiday season in 2015, Felicia Hall was battling depression. "I was unhappy, overeating fast food at night and not really caring for myself. I wasn’t physically  1 , but always felt tired," she says.
It wasn’t until New Year that Hall wanted to make a 2 . A friend recommended Daily Burn, a workout program, and she  3  to sign up. "I registered, though not believing I could keep on. I even set a  4  on the phone to cancel it before the free trial ended," says Hall. "Within two weeks, I did not  5 . So I deleted the note."
The  6  gained from Daily Burn also got her running. "I love the sound of  7  my feet on the ground, knowing my body is  8  of doing that," she says. Hall also  9  her late-night fast-food sessions and started cooking healthy meals. After five months, Hall lost 20 pounds — and gained a new  10  towards exercise, and towards life. She consistently  11  the Daily Burn community group for support. And she  12  started teaching group fitness classes in her hometown.  13 , she learned the power of positive thought and self-belief. "To be physically able to exercise and continue to  14  with it — it’s an amazing gift," she says. "People not experiencing it aren’t  15  what something like this can do for a person. It’s not just physical — it’s mental. It’s everything."
【词语积累】 battle v.和……斗争 depression n.抑郁(症) sign up报名 trial n.(对能力、质量、性能等的)试验,试用 session n.一场,一节,一段时间 self-belief n.自信
1. A. strong B. attractive
C. active D. disabled
解析 C Hall不爱运动,但却总觉得很累。active表示"好动的,活跃的",符合语境。
2. A. difference B. change
C. living D. deal
解析 B 此处指Hall想要作出改变(change),故选B。make a difference有作用,有影响;make a living谋生;make a deal达成交易。
3. A. continued B. managed
C. decided D. advised
解析 C 由下文中的"I registered..."可知,Hall决定(decided)报名。
4. A. reminder B. deadline
C. monitor D. timetable
解析 A 由下文中的"on the phone to cancel it before the free trial ended"和"I deleted the note"可知,Hall应是在手机上记了一个备忘录来提醒自己在免费试用结束前取消。reminder表示"起提醒作用的事物",符合语境。deadline最后期限,截止日期;monitor监视器;timetable时间表,时间安排。
5. A. regret B. forget
C. hesitate D. withdraw
解析 D 由下文可知,Hall并没有退出(withdraw)。
6. A. confidence B. information
C. fame D. advice
解析 A 结合语境和四个选项可知,此处说的是"从Daily Burn获得的信心(confidence)还让Hall开始了跑步"。
7. A. laying B. hitting
C. resting D. beating
解析 B 由上文中的"running"及常识可知,此处指跑步时脚触碰地面的声音。hit表示"使(身体部位)碰上(某物)",符合语境。
8. A. tired B. afraid
C. sure D. capable
解析 D 此处指Hall知道自己的身体还能够做到这一点。capable表示"有能力的",符合语境。
9. A. cancelled B. enriched
C. rescheduled D. restored
解析 A 由下文中的"started cooking healthy meals"可知,Hall取消(cancelled)了夜间的快餐时间。enrich充实,使丰富;reschedule重新安排;restore恢复。
10. A. focus B. emphasis
C. attitude D. remark
解析 C 五个月后,Hall不仅减掉了20磅,而且对运动和生活也有了新的看法。attitude表示"态度,看法",符合语境。focus关注,中心点;emphasis重视,强调;remark评论。
11. A. called up B. set up
C. appealed to D. turned to
解析 D Hall一直向Daily Burn社区小组寻求支持。turn to表示"向……求助(或寻求指教等)",符合语境。
12. A. even B. still
C. ever D. almost
解析 A 由语境可知,此处指Hall甚至(even)开始在家乡教授集体健身课程。
13. A. By chance B. In fact
C. Above all D. At first
解析 C 最重要的是,她知道了乐观和自信的力量。above all表示"最重要的是",符合语境。by chance偶然;in fact实际上,确切地说;at first起初。
14. A. practice B. combine
C. struggle D. grow
解析 D 结合上文提到的Hall在跟随Daily Burn一起运动之后身体和心理上的一些变化可知,此处指和它一起成长(grow)。
15. A. worried B. aware
C. satisfied D. afraid
解析 B 没有经历过的人不知道这样的事情会对一个人产生什么影响。aware表示"知道的,明白的",符合语境。worried担忧的;satisfied满意的;afraid害怕。