

名称 高中英语人教版(2019)选择性必修第三册复习学案(5份打包,含答案)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-09-10 18:41:31


1. sorrow  n.悲伤;伤心事 vi.感到悲伤
2. amateur  n.业余爱好者adj.业余的;业余爱好的
3. mood  n.情绪;心情;语气
4. comprehension  n.理解力;领悟力;理解练习
5. shelf  n.架子;搁板
6. blank  adj.空白的;无图画(或韵律、装饰)的;没表情的n.空白;空格
7. version  n.版本;(从不同角度的)说法
8. seed  n.种子;起源;萌芽
9. deadline  n.最后期限;截止日期
10. contest  n.比赛 vt.争取赢得(比赛、选举等)
11. polish  vt.修改;润色;抛光n.上光剂;擦亮
12. prejudice  n.偏见vt.使怀有(或形成)偏见
1. drama  n.戏;剧;戏剧艺术→ dramatic  adj.戏剧(性)的;突然的→ dramatically  adv.戏剧性地;突然地;引人注目地
2. sorrow  n.悲伤;悲痛;伤心事 vi.感到悲伤→ sorrowful  adj.悲伤的
3. literature  n.文学→ literary  adj.文学的;爱好文学的;有文学作品特征的
4. recite  vt.背诵;吟诵;列举→ recitation  n.背诵
5. respective  adj.分别的;各自的→ respectively  adv.分别;各自;依次为
6. delicate  adj.精美的;精致的;脆弱的→ delicacy  n.脆弱;体贴;佳肴
7. comprehend  vt.& vi.理解→ comprehension  n.理解力;领悟力;理解练习→ comprehensive  adj.综合性的;全部的;详尽的
8. sympathy  n.同情;赞同→sympathetic adj.同情的;有同情心的;赞同的
9. innocence  n.天真;单纯;无罪→ innocent  adj.天真无邪的;无辜的;无恶意的
10. correspond  vi.相一致;符合;相当于;通信→ correspondence  n.来往信件;通信联系→ corresponding  adj.相应的;相关的→ correspondent n.通讯员,记者
11. complicate  vt.使复杂化→ complicated  adj.复杂的;难懂的→complication n.使更复杂化(或更困难)的事物
1.rhyme n. 押韵词;押韵的短诗  vi.& vt. (使)押韵 
2.nursery adj. 幼儿教育的  n. 托儿所;保育室 
3.lawn n. 草坪,草地 
4.format n. 格式;总体安排;(出版物的)版式  vt. 格式化 
5.blossom n. 花朵;花簇 
6.utter vt. 出声;说;讲  adj. 完全的;十足的;彻底的 
7.core n. 核心;精髓;(水果的)核儿 
8.civilian n. 平民;老百姓 
9.era n. 时代;年代;纪元 
10.sow(sowed, sowed/sown) vt.& vi. 播种;种 
11.dominant adj. 首要的;占支配地位的;显著的 
12.string n. 细绳;线;一串  vt.(strung, strung) 悬挂;系  adj. 弦乐器的;线织的 
13.grief n. 悲伤;悲痛;伤心事 
14.variation n. 变化;变体;变奏曲 
15.racial adj. 种族的;人种的 
1. to the point  中肯;扼要;切题
2. be made up of  由……组成(或构成)
3. be popular with  受……欢迎
4. translate into  翻译成
5. of one’s own  属于某人自己的
6. come across  遇到
7. keep up with  跟上;赶上
8. be familiar with  熟悉
9. make all the difference  迥然不同;关系重大
1. There are various reasons why people compose poetry .(why引导的定语从句)
2.Some rhyme (like B and C),  while others do not . (while连接的并列句)
3. With so many different forms of poetry to choose from , you may eventually want to write poems of your own.("with +宾语+to do"结构)
4.Using prior knowledge  will make it easier for you to predict what you will hear . (it作形式宾语)
5.And then when I found it, wherever it blew , I should know that the wind had been going there too. (wherever引导的让步状语从句)
1.The two girls hugged each other, sharing their  sorrow  and comforting one another.
2.I will appreciate it if you could help me  polish  my text of speech.
3.My mind went  blank  at the sight of the scene.I couldn’t say anything or even move.
4.Please send me your article before the  deadline , or you will have a lower grade.
5.I decided to enter into the essay  contest  held by our school.
6.A good  mood  is beneficial to work efficiency. Be happy!
7.His behaviour was often beyond  comprehension , so he seemed a little strange to others.
1.Julie and Mark, aged 45 and 50  respectively , are both recognized specialists in their  respective  fields.(respective)
2.We can sense their  sorrow  through their  sorrowful  eyes.(sorrow)
3.If nobody can prove your  innocence , how can you say you are  innocent ?(innocent)
4.What the correspondent writes always  corresponds  with what she has witnessed and the  corresponding  photographs usually occur in her reports. (correspond)
5. Literary  works help children to develop an appreciation of  literature .(literary)
6.The last  delicacy  we ate at a restaurant yesterday was served in a  delicate  china plate.(delicate)
to the point be popular with be made up of
translate into make all the difference
1.Mindsets can  make all the difference . They shape people’s responses to challenges and difficulties.
2.A majority of poems of the Tang Dynasty  have been translated into  foreign languages so far and they  are popular with  foreign readers.
3.Please keep your questions brief and  to the point .
4.The course  is made up of  12 two-hour sessions. You are not allowed to miss any one of them.
 I didn’t want to hear the reason why he lied to me at all , rushing out in tears.
 Some people waste food at will while others are starving .
3.有这么可靠的一个人来执行这项任务,你们可以放心。("with + 宾语 + to do"结构)
 With such a reliable person to carry out the task , you can rest easy.
 The new drug makes it possible  to treat this terrible disease.
5.无论我们身处何地,手机都能让我们阅读。 (wherever引导的让步状语从句)
Cellphones  enable us to read wherever we are .
Some people write poems to convey certain moods such as sorrow and grief, joy and happiness, comfort and sympathy. Poetry has some distinctive features, including literary devices, rhythm, descriptive language, fewer words and vivid imagery like "a butterfly flying around blossom at dawn". Nursery rhymes, usually the traditional poems or folk songs, often repeat the same words which correspond to children’s understanding, making it easy for innocent children to recite wherever they are. There is also a form of poetry made up of five lines without a complicated format so that amateurs can even write one. A Japanese form of poetry has only three lines with fixed lengths respectively. Furthermore, poems from China are popular, especially those from the Tang Dynasty, a lot of which have been translated into English.
1 sorrow n.悲伤;悲痛;伤心事 vi.感到悲伤
1.His father’s face looked suddenly soft and  sorrowful (sorrow) after reciting a verse of the poem.
2. To  his sorrow, his whole house was destroyed in the earthquake at dawn.
3.It’s also a good choice to communicate with your parents and  share your joy/happiness and sorrow (分享你的喜与悲).
4.看着这些标志,我有一种悲喜交加的感觉。 (读后续写之情感描写)
Looking at the signs, I get a feeling of happiness  mixed with sorrow .(分词作后置定语)
★to one’s sorrow令某人悲伤的是 express sorrow at/for/over sth.对某事表示悲伤 joy/happiness and sorrow喜与悲 ★sorrowful adj.悲伤的
2 mood n.情绪;心情;语气;坏心情;气氛
1.简的心情如此好,以至于几乎要跳起来,眼里噙满了喜悦的泪水。 (读后续写之情绪描写)
Jane was  in  such a good mood that she almost jumped up, tears of happiness filling her eyes.
Busy with the English speech contest, I’m  in no mood to go to/in no mood for  a movie.
★in a good/bad mood 心情好/不好 in the/no mood for (doing) sth./to do sth. 有/没有心情做某事
3 sympathy n.同情;赞同
1.Be a  sympathetic (sympathy) listener when your friend is pouring out his/her troubles instead of teasing.
2.I am always in sympathy  with  what you want to do wherever I am.
Andrew  had/felt/expressed sympathy for the family  and decided to lend a helping hand.
★have/feel/express (no) sympathy for(不)同情…… in sympathy with支持……;因……而出现 with sympathy=sympathetically同情地 ★sympathetic adj.同情的,有同情心的;赞同的 sympathize vi.同情;赞同
4 correspond vi.相一致;符合;相当于;通信
1.The editor of Literary Criticism welcomes  correspondence (correspond) from readers on any subject.
→①We  have corresponded  for many years, since we share a common interest in drama. (correspond)
→②We  have been in correspondence  for many years, since we share a common interest in drama. (correspondence)
★correspond with/to... 与……相一致/符合 correspond with sb.与某人通信 correspond to sth.类似于;相当于 ★correspondence n.来往信件;通信联系 in correspondence with sb.与某人通信 ★corresponding adj.相应的,相关的
5 be made up of由……组成 (构成)
1.[外研选必①-2]With life being made up  of  ups and downs, it is not always easy to maintain a good and enthusiastic attitude.
常见的表示"由……组成(构成)"的短语还有be composed of,be comprised of,consist of。
2.[译林必修②-2]Remember to drink throughout exercise to make up  for  water lost to sweat.
A video about soldiers saving earthquake victims was played on the ceremony, which moved us deeply, so I  made up my mind to follow their examples   to take on my own responsibility.
4.很遗憾我不能到场。作为弥补,周六去那里怎样? (道歉信)
 It’s a great pity that I can’t make it .  To make up for it , how about going there on Saturday?(it作形式主语;动词不定式作目的状语)
★make up组成;编造;化妆 make up for弥补 make up one’s mind to do下定决心做 ★make out弄懂;分清;声称;填写 make it取得成功;能够出席;准时到达;渡过难关
6 reason作先行词时,其后的定语从句
1.When you hesitate to do something, you really have to focus on the reason  that/which  is most important and unique to you.
2.[外研选必④-5]Many scientists believe that these droughts were the main reason  why/that  Maya civilisation began to collapse at different rates in different places.
3.The reason  that/which  he explained to the professor was made up to escape punishment.
4.我不能接受邀请的原因是我最近刚做了手术,这使得我短期内不能进行任何远距离旅行。 (道歉信)
 The reason why I can’t accept the invitation is that  I have just had an operation recently, which makes it impossible for me to have any distant travel in the near future.
注意"The reason why...is that..."句型中的that不能换成because,that引导的是表语从句。常见的表示因果关系的句型还有"This/That/It is why + 结果."以及"This/That/It is because + 原因."。这两个句型中,why/because引导表语从句。如:
☆[人教必修③-1]However, I was surprised to see that the riders were boys and girls! I heard it is because children are lighter and the horses can run faster and farther. 然而,我惊讶地看到骑手都是男孩和女孩!我听说这是因为孩子们更轻,马可以跑得更快更远。
☆As a 17-year-old boy, I am friendly and optimistic. That is why I can get along well with others.作为一名17岁的男孩,我待人友善且积极乐观。那就是为什么我能和别人相处得很好。
★先行词为reason时,若定语从句中缺少主语,关系词用that/which;若定语从句中缺少宾语,关系词用that/which或省略;若定语从句中缺少状语,关系词用why/that,也可以用for which代替或省略,常见于句型The reason why...is that..."……的原因是……"中。 ★reason后还可跟同位语从句,用that引导,用以解释说明reason的内容。
a-表示加强 a-表示"在……的"
本单元 wait 等待→await 等待
拓展 wake醒→awake v.唤醒 adj.醒着的 rise上升,起来→arise起床,起身 loud大声的/地→aloud大声地 like 相似的→alike相似的/地 sleep睡觉→asleep 睡着的 side一边→aside 在旁边 head领头位置→ahead 在前面 top顶部→atop 在……顶上
1.He was rescued only when an exhausted friend swam ashore.  向(或在)岸上,上岸 
2.After the floods, the whole town was awash.  被淹没的,被水浸漫的 
1.[2022新高考Ⅰ]How many parts is a student’s final grade made up  of ?
2.[2021浙江]Nielsen always felt he should be doing comedy but his good looks and distinguished voice kept him busy in  dramatic (drama) roles.
3.[天津高考]With a 3D printer, a cook can print  complicated (complicate) chocolate sculptures and beautiful pieces for decoration on a wedding cake.
4.[江苏高考]I lost my drive to write. I was just too tired and not  in  the mood.
句意:我失去了写作的动力。我只是太累了,没有心情。not in the mood"心情不好",drive此处用作名词,意为"干劲"。
5.[广东高考]He has a strong interest in classical Chinese  literary (literature) works.
Ⅱ.阅读理解—— 一词多义、熟词生义
A. n.细绳 B. v.把……串在一起
C. n.一批;一系列 D. n.字符串;信息串
①[2023浙江1月]It takes sentences from its library of documents and prebuilt arguments and strings them together.  B 
②[2023浙江1月]A computer works with symbols. Its program specifies a set of rules to transform one string of symbols into another.  D 
③[2023浙江1月]He gathered handfuls of damp tree leaves, wrapped them with string, and lit the bunch to create a torch(火把).  A 
④[2020新高考Ⅰ]It is the story of an American travelling to a strange land, and of the people he meets on his way...and a string of foreign aid workers.  C 
A. 空的 B. 空白的
C. (头脑)突然一片空白
①[2022新高考Ⅱ]As a result, these writers never get in the habit of crossing out chunks(大块) of their draft and writing revisions in the blank space.  B 
②[2020浙江]Terrified, Elli and I tried all the bear defense actions we knew.We yelled at the bear, hit pots hard, and fired blank shotgun shells into the air.  A 
③[全国Ⅰ]Before getting into the car, I thought I had learned the instructor’s orders, but once I started the car, my mind went blank.  C 
blank作形容词时,还有"没表情的,茫然的"之意;还常作名词,表示"空白处"。如:Steve looked blank and said he had no idea what I was talking about.史蒂夫显得很迷惑,说他不知道我在说什么。
写作一 基础写作——学习唐诗
 I am delighted to know that you are interested in Tang poetry, one of the most famous literary forms in Chinese literature. 
2.我们将学习一种格式,它由四句组成,每句包含五个汉字。(format, be made up of)
 We are to learn a format made up of four clauses, each containing five Chinese characters. 
 Let’s meet on Sunday morning in People’s Park, which has fresh air and beautiful scenery, thus keeping us in a good mood. 
 I advise you to search online and learn the history of the Tang Dynasty in advance, which can help you better understand the poems to be learned, because a poem often corresponds with the history of its time. 
 Dear Leslie, 
 I am delighted to know that you are interested in Tang poetry, one of the most famous literary forms in Chinese literature. We are going to learn it in the next class. 
 We are to learn a format made up of four clauses, each containing five Chinese characters. Let’s meet on Sunday morning in People’s Park, which has fresh air and beautiful scenery, thus keeping us in a good mood. We will learn from 8:00 am to 10:00 am. Besides, I advise you to search online and learn the history of the Tang Dynasty in advance, which can help you better understand the poems to be learned, because a poem often corresponds with the history of its time. 
 If you have any questions, please let me know. Looking forward to your early reply. 
 Li Hua 
写作二 读后续写——动作描写之各种"走、跑"
积累背诵 仿写运用
单 词 tiptoe踮着脚走, skip 蹦蹦跳跳地走, stagger摇摇晃晃地走, hurry匆忙地走, jog慢跑, rush/dash/race冲 根据左栏素材完成下列各句 1.她拖着疲惫的身体走进房间,一天的工作让她筋疲力尽。 She  dragged herself into the room  , feeling exhausted after a long day at work. 2.他非常生气,怒气冲冲地冲出房间,砰地关上门。 He was  so angry that he stormed out of the room , slamming the door behind him. (so...that...) 3.为了不吵醒熟睡的父母,我悄悄地溜出了房间。 In order not to wake up my sleeping parents, I  slipped out of the room quietly . 4.格林夫人的儿子赶往医院,去看看他深爱的母亲是否平安无事。 Madam Green’s son  rushed/hurried/raced to the hospital  to see if his beloved mother was all right. 5.她在房间里踱来踱去,焦急地等待着朋友的到来。 She  paced up and down  in the room, anxiously waiting for her friend to arrive. 6.他一接到妹妹的电话就像箭一样飞快地冲出去了。 No sooner had he received his sister’s call than he  dashed out/sprinted out like an arrow .
词 组 1.slip into/out of悄悄溜进/溜出 2.rush/dash out of冲出 3.storm into/out of 怒气冲冲地冲进/冲出 4.dash out/sprint out like an arrow 像箭一样飞快地冲出去 5.drag oneself into/out of吃力地走进/走出 6.walk with a limp一瘸一拐地走 7.wander/stroll around...在……闲逛 8.pace up and down踱来踱去
佳 句 1.She walked gracefully across the stage, receiving a round of applause from the audience. 她优雅地走过舞台,接受观众的热烈掌声。 2.Carter hurried off the bus, ran through his yard, and breezed through the kitchen with a quick hello to his mom. Then he ran up the stairs two at a time and rushed into his room.卡特匆匆下车,跑过院子,轻快地穿过厨房,快速向妈妈打了个招呼。然后他一步两级地上楼梯冲进自己的房间。
[2024天星原创]In my Ancient to Medieval Literature class, my students celebrate and are walking on air when they get to the last book of the term, because it’s not a poetry book but the first prose(散文) reading. But it’s not just my students who don’t enjoy poetry — few adults find themselves desiring an evening with it. Most people complain that poetry is too difficult to understand or not accessible enough. But I think it’s deeper than that.
Nowadays, we have become so caught up in the shallow bustle(喧闹) of the world, senseless in our shortsightedness, self-satisfied with our success and proud of our productivity. Our days are filled with "busy" because being busy is easy. To do ten things in five hours is easy; to do one thing for five hours is difficult. We become unable to occupy ourselves with listening to a bird’s morning song or spend an hour staying alone in deep and free thought. We have lost the miner’s skills in digging. We’ve just contented ourselves in shallow waters.
Many people think there’s no payoff in reading poetry. It just doesn’t fit into the fast-paced, shallow, productivity-driven culture. Reading poetry does take work, but the work is rewarding: as one wrestles with a poem — reading it aloud, reading it silently, reading it over and over again — the meaning and beauty surface from it with clarity. Once we explore the depths of poetry, we’ll realize it has reached our own soul. And as we learn this practice in reading poetry, we learn this practice in reading life.
As a child we learned to crawl(爬), then walk, and then run. And we never stop running. But perhaps, if we take a break from being "productive" and look up from our plans, we might see the warm sunshine and hear birds singing as described in poems. Poetry makes a man himself again when he flashes a smile because of these beautiful scenes.
【词语积累】 shallow adj.肤浅的,浅薄的;浅的,不深的
senseless adj.不明智的,无意义的
rewarding adj.值得做的,有益的
【熟词生义】 1.wrestle常用义:v.摔跤 文中义:v.奋力对付,努力处理,全力解决
2.surface常用义:n.表面 文中义:v.重新出现,显露,被披露
1. How do the students feel about the prose reading?
A. Surprised. B. Unsatisfied.
C. Excited. D. Disappointed.
解析 C 细节理解题。由第一段中的"my students celebrate and are walking on air ... prose(散文) reading"和"it’s not just my students who don’t enjoy poetry"可知,学生们应是很兴奋的,故选C。
2.What are people nowadays like in the author’s eyes?
A. They are proud of their shortsightedness.
B. They suffer terribly from the busy lifestyle.
C. They are separated from the surroundings.
D. They lose the ability to think deeply about things.
解析 D 推理判断题。由第二段中的"To do ten things in five hours is easy ... shallow waters"可知,在五个小时内做十件事容易,而花五个小时做一件事却是困难的。我们变得无法专注于听鸟儿的晨鸣,也无法花一个小时独自深入而自由地思考。我们失去了矿工挖掘的技能,只是在浅水区自我满足。由此可知,作者觉得人们失去了深入思考的能力。
3. What can be inferred about poetry and life from paragraph 3?
A. It takes hard work to truly understand life.
B. Life is improved by the existence of poetry.
C. Learning poetry is a practice of self-reflection.
D. Reading poetry begins with a desire for a reward.
解析 A 推理判断题。由第三段中的"reading it aloud, reading it silently, reading it over and over again...we learn this practice in reading life"可知,大声读、默读、反复读之后才能理解一首诗的真正含义,即"书读百遍,其义自见"。我们若掌握了读诗的方法,自然也就掌握了读懂人生的方法。由此可知,人生和诗一样,需要花费工夫才能理解其真谛,故选A。
4. What message is conveyed in the last paragraph?
A. Reading poetry is actually a gradual process.
B. A positive attitude to life brings good fortune.
C. People should stop to enjoy the beauty of life.
D. Productivity is less important than a good plan.
解析 C 推理判断题。由最后一段中的"As a child we learned to crawl(爬)... hear birds singing as described in poems"可知,人自出生以后就不停地前行。或许人们应给忙碌的生活按下暂停键,享受诗中描述的阳光和鸟鸣。由此可推知,作者认为人们应该停下来享受生活之美,故选C。
[2023广东高三模拟]Indeed loneliness is now widely recognized as a major public health problem. What is perhaps less obvious is one answer to the problem: the healing power of poetry to make us feel more connected to others.
Here things get personal. I first got involved in how poetry can support our emotional well-being after I wrote a memoir, Black Rainbow: Hone Words Healed Me — My Journey Through Depression, in 2014 about how poetry helped me through two serious periods of depression. Since then, I’ve been running Healing Words poetry sessions for mental health charities and prisons, and have discovered first-hand the lovely feeling of companionship which poetry can bring.
Poetry lets us connect with other people who have experienced similar emotions. We’re not alone in our despair or delight. When we have a poem by our side, whether tucked into a bag or on a bedside table, it feels like we’re being accompanied by a friend: An authorial arm is wrapped around our shoulders.
I remember one woman who started to cry as she read Derek Walcott’s poem Love After Love during a workshop held at my local hospital in West London. Fighting through tears, she eventually said, "I feel understood." Everyone in the room knew exactly what she meant.
She had, in Walcott’s phrase, struggled to "love again the stranger who was yourself". The poet’s invitation to "Sit. Feast on your life" was the comfort she needed, in a language which spoke to her, to imagine loving herself in a way she had always found hard. Poetry had worked its magic, unlocking a feeling of inner connection, and in turn a connection to all of us sitting in the workshop.
Given my own experience, I think having a poem to keep us company can help us all feel a greater sense of belonging.
1.What does the author suggest doing to fight against loneliness?
A. Researching the problem.
B. Appreciating poetry.
C. Strengthening dignity.
D. Connecting with others.
解析 B 推理判断题。由第一段"Indeed loneliness is now widely recognized as a major public health problem. What is perhaps less obvious is one answer to the problem: the healing power of poetry to make us feel more connected to others"可知,作者认为诗歌使人们感觉与他人的联系更密切,是治愈孤独的一个解决办法。由此推知,作者建议通过欣赏诗歌对抗孤独,故选B。
2.How does having a poem at hand make you feel according to the author?
A. Socially accepted. B. Literarily knowledgeable.
C. Financially admired. D. Emotionally comfortable.
解析 A 推理判断题。由第二段中的"Since then, I’ve been running Healing Words poetry sessions for mental health charities and prisons, and have discovered first-hand the lovely feeling of companionship which poetry can bring"和第三段"Poetry lets us connect with other people who have experienced similar emotions. We’re not alone in our despair or delight. When we have a poem by our side, whether tucked into a bag or on a bedside table, it feels like we’re being accompanied by a friend: An authorial arm is wrapped around our shoulders"可推知,作者亲身体会到诗歌所能带来的友爱之情,手头有一首诗歌,就像是有一个朋友陪伴着自己,让我们感觉被社会所接受,故选A。
3.Why did the woman start to cry in the workshop?
A. Because the poem touched her soul.
B. Because she was forced to read the poem.
C. Because she struggled to understand others.
D. Because she failed to work out the poem’s magic.
解析 A 细节理解题。由第四段"I remember one woman who started to cry as she read Derek Walcott’s poem Love After Love during a workshop held at my local hospital in West London. Fighting through tears, she eventually said, ‘I feel understood.’ Everyone in the room knew exactly what she meant"可知,这位女士在读诗歌的时候哭了起来是因为她感觉被别人理解。由此可知,这首诗触动了她的心灵,让她感动,故选A。
4.What does the author mainly want to tell us?
A. The healing power of poems cures illnesses.
B. Reading can make us feel independent of others.
C. Poetry can improve our emotional well-being.
D. Connection leads to a great sense of belonging.
解析 C 主旨大意题。通读全文可知,文章作者通过自己的经历讲述了诗歌如何治愈孤独,提高情感健康,故选C。
[中国文化/2023河南郑州二测]"Looking up, I find the moon bright; Bowing, in homesickness I’m drowned." When Ifeoma Gladys from Nigeria, first read the line from Li Bai’s Thoughts on a Tranquil Night, the girl felt the poet’s experiences and emotions(情感). "I can’t help but feel homesick," said Gladys, who is studying Chinese language and literature at Southwest University.
From then on, the Nigerian girl fell in love with ancient Chinese poetry. 1  For example, in Li Bai’s poem Hard Is the Way of the World, Gladys felt the ambition and faith of the poet. While reading Cao Cao’s A Short-Song Ballad, she learned that life is short and that we should let go of the difficulties we couldn’t overcome and value the present.
 2  In her eyes, it is how it can travel over the mountains and spread from the ancient past to the present without changing its original intention, keeping its truth and emotional weight.
"This is what many popular novels and online articles are unable to do," said the Nigerian girl.  3  For example, Li Bai wrote, "Heaven has made us talents; we’re not made in vain. A thousand gold coins spent, more will turn up again." About 1,000 years later, Goethe, a German poet, would say something quite similar —  4 
"Behind the beautiful poems, I discovered the wisdom of the Chinese people, the charm of Chinese culture, and the worldwide basis of Chinese culture as well," said Gladys.
Now, the girl hopes to become a professional translator.  5 
A. She learned Chinese culture and wisdom through it.
B. What is the most attractive part of ancient Chinese poetry?
C. She gradually found foreign poems are different to Chinese poems.
D. How can ancient Chinese poetry attract so many people around the world?
E. The person born with a talent is meant to use it and will find great happiness.
F. She wants to promote Chinese culture and connect China with the whole world.
G. But she’s more surprised at how the cultural quality of Chinese poetry can reach audiences worldwide.
在西南大学学习中国语言与文化的尼日利亚女孩Ifeoma Gladys爱上了中国古诗,并从中发现了中国人的智慧和中国文化的魅力。她希望推广中国文化,促进中国与世界的联系。
1.A "For example, in Li Bai’s poem...Gladys felt the ambition and faith of the poet...she learned that...and value the present"是针对A项而举的例子。
2.B 空后的内容是B项所提问题的答案。
3.G 空后的例子是针对G项而举的。
4.E E项与中国古代诗人李白的诗句"天生我材必有用,千金散尽还复来"相吻合。
5.F "Now, the girl hopes to become a professional translator"与F项(她想要推广中国文化并将中国与整个世界联系起来)相吻合。
[2024云南大理统一检测改编]Long ago, poems were recited loud instead of being written down. Back when the Greeks first started the Olympics, they held poetry  1  as well as athletic competitions.
Now, poetry competitions have been revived. This year 120,000 high school students competed in the first Poetry Out Loud national recitation competition,  2  poems from memory for $100,000 in prize money.
The first competitions were held in classrooms. The winners went on to school-wide contests, and then they competed in city and state competitions.  3 , the 50 state champions along with the  4  of the District of Columbia came to Washington D.C. last week for the last showdown. After the 51 champions competed  5  one another, 12 went on to the  6 . Then the field was narrowed to five. The final five had one last chance to "perform" a poem. The overall champ, Jackson Hille, a high school senior from Ohio,  7  a $20,000 scholarship. The National Endowment for the Arts and the Poetry Foundation  8  Poetry Out Loud, because they realized that hearing a poem performed is a different experience from  9  it on a page.
It’s not just a matter of saying the words in the right order. It’s the tone of 10 , the pauses, the gestures and the attitude of the person performing that bring the  11  to life. "Each time we hear somebody recite a poem, we understand again what we found  12  and interesting about it," said National Public Radio Broadcaster Scott Simon, master of ceremonies for the finals. Hearing it in a new voice offers something new to the listeners.
Not only do the people hearing poems have a(n)  13  experience, but  14  and presenting poems helps the participants understand those poems in a new way. Another  15  of a competition such as Poetry Out Loud is that the participants learn public speaking skills that can help them.
1.A. connections B. contests
C. contacts D. compositions
解析 B 由下文中的"as well as athletic competitions"可知,本题选B,contests与competitions对应。
2.A. performing B. hearing
C. admiring D. comprehending
解析 A 由下文中的"one last chance to ‘perform’a poem"可知,本题选A项。
3.A. However B. Besides
C. Finally D. Therefore
解析 C 最后(Finally),50个州优胜者和哥伦比亚特区的优胜者上周来到华盛顿进行最后的对决。
4.A. poet B. performer
C. student D. champion
解析 D 由下文的"the 51 champions"可知,本题选D项。
5.A. against B. for
C. in D. at
解析 A 51名优胜者互相竞争后,12名进入决赛。compete against...为固定短语,意为"对抗……,与……竞争"。
6.A. finals B. competitions
C. activities D. ceremonies
解析 A 参见上题解析。final决赛。
7.A. awarded B. won
C. rewarded D. achieved
解析 B 总冠军是来自俄亥俄州的高中生杰克逊·希尔,他赢得(won)了2万美元的奖学金。
8.A. set off B. set up
C. put off D. put out
解析 B 美国国家艺术基金会和诗歌基金会设立(set up)了"大声朗诵诗歌",因为他们意识到,听别人朗诵诗歌和在纸上读诗歌是不同的体验。
9.A. acquiring B. finding
C. hearing D. reading
解析 D 参见上题解析。read阅读。
10.A. drama B. rhyme
C. voice D. poetry
解析 C 此处应是指读诗时的语调。the tone of voice意为"语调", 故选C项。
11.A. literature B. history
C. art D. words
解析 D 结合"It’s not just a matter of saying the words in the right order"可知,本题选D项。
12.A. fresh B. innocent
C. amusing D. confusing
解析 A 每次我们听他人朗诵诗歌,我们便再次理解一下之前发现的诗中比较新鲜(fresh)和有趣的地方。
13.A. wonderful B. pleasant
C. unforgettable D. new
解析 D 听诗的人不仅有一种新的(new)体验,而且记忆(memorizing)和呈现诗歌有助于参与者以一种新的方式理解这些诗歌。
14.A. learning B. writing
C. memorizing D. selecting
解析 C 参见上题解析。
15.A. feature B. benefit
C. satisfaction D. option
解析 B "the participants learn public speaking skills that can help them"是参加诗歌朗诵比赛的另一个好处,故选B项。UNIT 4  ADVERSITY AND COURAGE
1. wage  n.工资
2. bitter  adj.严寒的;味苦的
3. aboard  adv.& prep.上(船、飞机、公共汽车等)
4. sink  vi.(过去式 sank/sunk ;过去分词 sunk ) 沉没;下沉;下降 vt.使下沉;使沉没
5. blanket  n.毯子
6. decent  adj.相当不错的;正派的;得体的
7. genuine  adj.真正的;真诚的
8. thorough  adj.深入的;彻底的;细致的
9. bark  vi.& n.(狗)吠叫;吠叫声
10. bat  n.球拍;蝙蝠vi.& vt.用球板击球;拍打
11. recreation  n.娱乐;消遣;游戏
12. candidate  n.候选人;应试者
1. qualify  vt.(使)合格;(使)具备资格→ qualified  adj.符合资格;具备……的知识(或技能、学历等)→ qualification  n.资格;资历
2. enthusiasm  n.热情;热心→ enthusiastic  adj.热情的;热心的→ enthusiastically  adv.热情地
3. assign  vt.分派;布置;分配→ assignment  n.(工作等的)分派;布置
4. envy  n.& vt.羡慕;妒忌→ envious  adj.嫉妒的→enviable adj.令人羡慕的;引起忌妒的
5. abandon  vt.放弃;舍弃;抛弃→ abandoned  adj.被遗弃的;放纵的
6. belong  vi.适应;属于→ belongings  n.[pl.]财物;动产
7. self  n.自身;本性;自我→ selfish  adj.自私的→ selfless  adj.无私的
8. persevere  vi.坚持;孜孜以求→ perseverance  n.毅力;韧性;不屈不挠的精神
9. resolve  vi.& vt.决定;决心;解决(问题或困难) n.决心;坚定的信念→ resolution  n.决议;解决;坚定
10. fortunate  adj.幸运的→ fortunately  adv.幸运地→ unfortunate  adj.不幸的→ unfortunately  adv.不幸地;遗憾地→ fortune  n.大笔钱;运气
11. guide  vt.指导 n.向导;指南→ guidance  n.指导;引导;导航
12. advertise  vt.& vi.公布;宣传;做广告→ advertisement  n.广告;宣传→advertising n.广告活动;广告业
13. loyal  adj.忠诚的;忠实的→ loyalty  n.忠诚;忠实
14. commit  vt.犯(罪);承诺→ committed  adj.忠诚的;坚定的→ commitment  n.承诺;保证;奉献
15.motive n.动机;原因;目的→ motivate  vt.成为……的动机;激发;激励→ motivation  n.动力;诱因
1.adversity n. 困境;逆境 
2.expedition n. 探险;远征;探险队 
3.endurance n. 忍耐力;耐久力 
4.cupboard n. 橱柜;壁橱;衣柜 
5.voyage n.& vi. 航海;航行 
6.navy n. 海军;海军部队 
7.cruel adj. 残酷的;残忍的;冷酷的 
8.furniture n. 家具 
9.damp adj. 潮湿的;湿气重的 
10.nephew n. 侄子;外甥 
11.corporate adj. 公司的;法人的;社团的 
12.motor n. 发动机;马达  adj. 有引擎的;机动车的 
1. at the age of  在……岁时
2. turn sb. down  拒绝(某人)
3. be enthusiastic about  热衷于
4. set off  出发
5. keep one’s spirits up  振作精神
6. from bad to worse  每况愈下
7. make it  获得成功
8. cheer sb.up  使某人振作起来
9. make fire  生火
10. give off  放出(热、 光、气味或气体)
1.Well,  it so happened that one morning I bought a newspaper  and read the advertisement about the Antarctic expedition.(It happened that...)
2.We are now camped on the ice and  we have been managing to survive , but spring is coming, and the ice will soon begin to melt.(现在完成进行时)
3.Soon after we arrived...the voyage  was too dangerous and difficult for all of us to make it  in our small boats.(too...to...)
4.How could I  become as selfish and bad-tempered as  Thomas Orde-Lees! (as...as...)
5. If it weren’t for sea animals , we would all starve.(if引导的虚拟条件句)
1.Snow forced many drivers to  abandon their vehicles and walk.
2.We have given the whole classroom a  thorough clean and it looks neat and tidy now.
3.The wheels started to  sink into the mud.
4.Amy was chosen for the job because she ranked first among  candidates .
5. Genuine friends dare to tell you the truth, even if it is hard.
6.Do not leave behind any personal  belongings when getting off the bus.
7.For the Smiths, Saturday afternoon is for  recreation and outings.
1.She has been  qualified  for teaching since she got the  qualification  last year.(qualify)
2.I am  enthusiastic  about historical fiction. Wherever I am, I can read stories about those historical figures full of  enthusiasm . (enthusiastic)
3.Mr Wang is a  committed  member of the team, who has  committed  large amounts of time to the training. Such  commitment  encourages us a lot.(commit)
4.Cigarette  advertising  has been banned. That means you will see no more relative  advertisements , because  advertising  cigarettes may lead to more smokers.(advertise)
5.Success is often the result of  perseverance . As long as you can  persevere  despite difficulties, you can succeed. (persevere)
6. Selfless  people are always ready to help others, while  selfish  people only care about themselves.(self)
go from bad to worse turn down give off
ahead of cheer up
1.It is the custom for guests to come  ahead of  time instead of on time in some countries.
2.She  turned down  my application because she thought I lacked experience.
3.The report points that many household products tend to  give off  harmful fumes.
4.We hope for an improvement but things  go from bad to worse .
5. Cheer up ! When you smile in front of it, it will also smile at you.
1.她打电话时,那家人碰巧出去度假了。(It happened that ...)
 It happened that the family was out for vacation  when she called.
After winning the first prize,  he was too excited to fall asleep at night .
3.时间过得真快! 我们互相寄明信片已经有六年了。(现在完成进行时)
How time flies!  We have been sending postcards to each other for six years .
 The tree was five times as tall as the man , but he just took off his coat and began to climb without hesitation.
Thanks a lot! If it hadn’t been for your timely guidance , I couldn’t have finished the tough task in such a short time.
I happened to read about the Antarctic expedition in an advertisement. As I was enthusiastic and full of vigour, I applied to join it. However, Shackleton turned me down because he thought I was not qualified. I secretly went aboard, hiding in a cupboard but was discovered later in the voyage. Shacklelon assigned me a task. I began to imagine how I would be envied by my friends after returning. What a naive motive! The journey was not easy. Unfortunately, our ship was crushed by the ice and sank thoroughly. Having abandoned the ship, the crew camped on a miserable island, carrying only the essential supplies like food, stoves, clothes and blankets without any personal belongings. Shackleton left us to find help. There, struggling to stay alive, we used animal fat to make fire. The burning fat gave off black smoke. I was inspired by their genuine concern for and loyalty to others. Faith in Shackleton’s commitment to save us had helped us persevere in staying alive. Under the guidance of Shackleton, we were rescued at last and free to enjoy decent food and cosy bedrooms again.
1 aboard adv.& prep.上(船、飞机、公共汽车等);在(船、飞机、公共汽车等)上
1.aboard abroad broad
①I used to travel  abroad  a lot with my parents when I was a little child.
②After reaching the finish line, he waved to his classmates with a  broad  smile.
③The plane crashed, killing all 157 passengers  aboard .
→①The moment  she went aboard (the plane) , she realized that she forgot to bring the gift for her aunt. (aboard)
→②The moment  she boarded the plane/she went on board , she realized that she forgot to bring the gift for her aunt.(board)
★go/be aboard (the plane)登机/在飞机上 ★board vi.& vt.上(船、火车、飞机、公共汽车等) vi.寄宿 n.木板;膳食;董事会 on board在船上(或飞机上、火车上) ★broad adj.宽阔的;广泛的;概括的 ★abroad adv.在国外;到国外 at home and abroad在国内外
2 envy n.& vt.羡慕;妒忌
1.All of the students envied him  winning (win) the first prize and sent their congratulations.
2.She saw the  envious (envy) look in the other people’s eyes when she was assigned to the most decent job.
3.They looked  with  envy at her latest purchase, a precious old book.
with envy相当于副词enviously。类似的还有with happiness/joy/kindness等。
4.妈妈是我的榜样。我羡慕她在逆境中的决心和毅力。 (人物塑造)
→① My mother is my role model. I  envy her resolution and perseverance  even in the face of adversity.(envy)
→② My mother is my role model. I  am envious of her resolution and perseverance  even in the face of adversity.(envious)
★envy sb. (doing) sth.羡慕某人(做)某事 ★green with envy 眼红的 with envy羡慕地,妒忌地 ★envious adj.羡慕的,妒忌的 be envious of羡慕的,妒忌的
3 abandon vt.舍弃,离开(leave);放弃,停止;抛弃,遗弃;沉湎于
1.At the party, we sang, danced, and laughed  with  wild abandon, forgetting all the troubles in our lives. (读后续写之情感描写)
2.When walking in the forest in the bitter cold, they came across an old  abandoned (abandon) cottage.
3.史蒂文沉湎于丢失了他的猫的悲伤中,禁不住哭了起来。 (读后续写之情绪描写)
→ Abandoning himself to the sorrow of losing his cat ,Steven just couldn’t help crying.(分词短语作状语)
★abandon one’s hope/plan/idea 放弃某人的希望/计划/想法 abandon oneself to 沉湎于(某种情感),陷入 ★with abandon放纵地,放任地 ★abandoned adj.被遗弃的;废弃的;放纵的
4 resolve vi.决定,决心;表决 vt.解决(问题或困难) n.决心;坚定的信念
1.The government restated its resolve  to carry (carry) out a thorough investigation and uncover the truth.
2.We have resolved on  making (make) an early start to go aboard.
3. [人教选必③-4]For the whole morning, the board of directors has been discussing the  resolution (resolve) to increase wages in the coming year.
4.为了解决冲突,首先你应该积极地在父母和你之间架起沟通的桥梁。 (建议信)
 In order to resolve the conflict , you ought to actively build a bridge of communication between your parents and you at first.
→①I  have resolved to follow in her footsteps  and devote my life to the education of young men. (resolve v.)
→②I  have made a resolution to follow in her footsteps  and devote my life to the education of young men. (resolution)
表示"决心/决定做某事"的还有:decide to do sth.,make up one’s mind to do sth.,determine to do sth.。
★resolve (not) to do sth. 决定(不)做某事 resolve on (doing) sth. 决定(做)某事 resolve an issue/a dispute/a conflict解决问题/争端/冲突 ★resolution n.决议;解决;决心 make a resolution to do sth.决定做某事
5 unfortunately adv.不幸地;遗憾地
1.[人教必修③-3]Over 300,000 people came from all over the world to seek their  fortune (fortunate), and San Francisco quickly became a big city.
2.[外研选必②-6] Fortunately (fortunate), I have shelter, because the landing capsule protects me from the deadly radiation outside.
3.Recently, I have been busy preparing for the college entrance examination,  but unfortunately I find it quite hard to concentrate on my study (但不幸的是,我发现集中精力学习很困难).
→① I was fortunate to visit many museums  across the country with my parents.(不定式)
→② It was fortunate for me that I visited many museums  across the country with my parents.(it作形式主语)
★unfortunate adj.不幸的 ★fortunate adj.幸运的 be fortunate to do有幸做 It is fortunate (for sb.) that...(某人)有幸…… ★fortune n.机会;运气;大笔的钱 seek one’s fortune外出寻找发财机会 ★misfortune n.不幸;不幸的事故 fortunately adv.幸运地
6 commitment n.承诺,保证;已承诺的事;奉献,忠诚;花费
1.[人教选必①-1]Tu Youyou, a  committed (commit) and patient scientist, was born in Ningbo, China, on 30 December 1930...
2.[人教选必③-4]They also had to have a strong resolution to finish what they had started no matter how hard it was, great personal discipline, and a firm  commitment (commit) to the other members of the team.
3.[北师选必①-2]However, Lang Ping’s commitment  to  Chinese volleyball brought her back home.
4.如果我能成为你们中的一员,我将承诺尽我所能做好我的工作。 (申请信)
→①If I can be a member of your group, I  will make a commitment to do my job  to the best of my ability. (commitment)
→②If I can be a member of your group, I  will be committed to (doing) my job  to the best of my ability. (committed)
★make a commitment to sb.向某人承诺 make a commitment to do 保证/承诺做 commitment to...对……的奉献/投入/忠诚 ★commit vt.犯(罪);承诺;花(钱或时间) vi.忠于 commit a crime犯罪 commit money/time to sth.花钱或时间在某事上 be committed to(doing) sth.承诺做某事 ★committed adj.坚定的;尽心尽力的
7 turn down拒绝(提议、建议或提议人)(refuse/reject/decline);把……调低,关小
1.I  began to break down in tears (开始情不自禁地哭起来) and hugged my father tightly.(读后续写之情绪描写)
He  cut down on coffee and cigarettes , and ate a balanced diet.
Books are treasures storing wisdom  passed down from generation to generation .
4.他跪下来,低下头,以细看那株植物。 (读后续写之动作描写)
He  got down on his knees  and bent his head to get a closer look at the plant.
★cut down减少使用;砍倒(树木) bring down击落,击倒;使垮台 pass down使世代相传 break down出故障;(关系)破裂;感情失控;分解;拆除;消除(障碍或偏见) put down写下;镇压;贬低 get down写下;俯身;使沮丧
8 give off放出(热、光、气味或气体)
1.[北师选必①-2]Whenever he had more than two thousand dollars, he would give  away  small bank notes to homeless people in the streets of local areas.
2.Any borrowed book should be given  back  within a month.
3.His wages have given  out  just because he bought two pieces of furniture.
4.The pain was so sharp that I thought maybe I should stop and walk for a minute, but I said to myself, "Stick to your goal and never give  up !"
5.I pressed my parents until they finally gave  in  and permitted me to go abroad with my friend during the summer vacation.
6.篝火发出温暖的光芒,他们平静下来开始欣赏星空。 (读后续写之场景描写)
With  the campfire giving off/out a warm glow/light , they settled down and started to appreciate the starry sky.
表示"发出"的还有:send out发出(信号、声音、光、热等)。
★give out放出,发出(气体、热量、光或气味);分发;用完,耗尽;停止运转 give in (to...)(向……)屈服/让步/投降 give back归还 give up放弃;认输;辞去(工作) give away泄露(秘密);赠送
9 if引导的虚拟条件句
1.[人教必修③-2]How would the Confucian idea of fairness change society around you if everybody  started (start) practising fairness in everything?
2.If my coach had been there, everything would  have been (be) all right then.
3.If the candidate were to recover tomorrow, the interview certainly would not  be cancelled (cancel).
 If it hadn’t been for this experience ,  she wouldn’t have realized  that she should spend more time with her family.
If it had not been for... "如果当时没有……,要不是……",for后接名词,表示与过去事实相反的假设;If it were not for... "如果没有……",表示与现在事实相反的假设。
★虚拟条件句表示不可能或不太可能发生的假设。句中谓语动词所用形式如下(以do为例): 条件状语 从句主句与过去事实相反had donewould/could/ should/might have done与现在事实相反did (be动 词用were)would/could/ should/might do与将来事实相反did/were to do/ should dowould/could/ should/might do
本单元: un-(不)+fortunately(幸运地)→unfortunately不幸地
否定词缀 原词或表肯定的单词 加上否定词缀的单词
un- happy开心 comfortable舒服的 fair公平的 grateful感激的 lock锁上 pack打包 fold折叠 unhappy不开心 uncomfortable不舒服的 unfair不公平的 ungrateful忘恩负义的 unlock解锁 unpack打开包裹 unfold展开
in-/im-/il-/ir- convenient方便的 possible可能的 legal合法的 responsible负责任的 inconvenient不方便的 impossible不可能的 illegal不合法的 irresponsible不负责任的
dis- honest诚实的 agree同意 appear出现 like喜欢 approve同意 dishonest不诚实的 disagree不同意 disappear消失 dislike 不喜欢 disapprove不同意
mis- fortune运气 understand理解 lead引导 read读 misfortune不幸 misunderstand误解 mislead误导  misread误读
non- smoke抽烟 stop停止 renewable可再生的 non-smoking禁止抽烟的 non-stop直达的 non-renewable不可再生的
ab- normal正常的 abnormal反常的
anti- war战争 antiwar反战的
-less harmful有害的 selfish自私的 breath呼吸 home家 careful小心的 hopeful满怀希望的 harmless无害的  selfless无私的 breathless喘不上气的 homeless无家可归的 careless粗心的 hopeless无望的
-free care引起烦恼的事 tax税 carefree无忧无虑的 tax-free免税的
-proof water水 waterproof防水的
1.[外研选必④-5]Among the many unsolved mysteries about dinosaurs, what really interests me is their  disappearance (appear).
2.[外研必修③-5]Although the 300 kg adult males can look a bit scary — don’t worry, they’re  harmless (harm)!— the young seals will delight you with their curiosity...
3.[人教必修③-4]Before the mid-20th century, most people felt travelling into space was an  impossible (possible) dream.
4.[2020浙江] First, remember that note-taking should be 75% listening and only 25% writing...Ignore what is  unimportant (important) and write in phrases, not complete sentences.
1.[2022新高考Ⅱ]The second group did high-intensity aerobic exercise under the  guidance (guide) of a trainer for four or more days a week.
2.[2022北京]I decided to commit  to  completing the applications, and soon I was a part of a growing global team of young people working to protect nature.
commit to sb./sth. 忠于(某个人、机构等);commit to (doing) sth. 全心全意投入(工作、活动等)。
3.[2021北京]This means that resolving an argument can feel like you have reached a state of resolution (resolve) — and you are less likely to be annoyed.
4.[北京高考]Moore is enthusiastic  about  the candy she created, and she’s also positive about what the future might bring.
5.[全国Ⅲ]The study of traditions should be combined with practice. Otherwise, the  recreation (recreate) of traditions would be artificial and empty, he said.
6.[全国Ⅰ]Lockers are available to store any  belongings (belong) during your visit.
belonging"稳定关系, 归属感",尤用于短语a sense of belonging中。本题空处表示"所有物,(随身)财物",要加-s。
7.[全国Ⅱ]I realized this a day later, when I saw newspaper  advertisements (advertise) for the set at seventy-five dollars less than I had paid.
Ⅱ.阅读理解—— 一词多义、熟词生义
A. 布置(任务) B. 指定,指派
C. 确定时间 D. 分配
①[2023新高考Ⅱ]For example, one participant’s experience of "We sat and listened to the waves at the beach for a while" was assigned the categories "sitting at beach" and "listening to waves."  D 
②[2022新高考Ⅰ]All the assignments will be submitted by the assigned date through Blackboard, our online learning and course management system.  C 
③[2022新高考Ⅰ]Additionally, from time to time I will assign group work to be completed in class...  A 
④[2022浙江]Above all, I hoped he wouldn’t assign me to work with the fiercely competitive and extremely serious fellow who always wore dark clothes and apparently had a personality to match.  B 
2.A. n.洗碗槽 B. v.(心情)变得沉重 C. v.沉没
①[2021新高考Ⅰ]The pan was too hot and the bread turned black within seconds. Jenna threw the burnt piece into the sink and put in the other slice of bread.  A 
②[2020新高考Ⅱ]In this book, he includes the loss of the space shuttles(航天飞机)Challenger and Columbia, and the sinking of the Titanic.  C 
③[江苏高考]Naomi put a small recorder near the piano. Starts and stops and mistakes. Long pauses, heart sinking.  B 
☆The pound has sunk to its lowest recorded level against the dollar.英镑对美元的比价降到了有记录以来的最低水平。
☆She sank back into her seat, exhausted.她筋疲力尽,又坐回椅子上。
3.[2022北京]This was the very door I carefully guided the children through to ensure their safety from the bitter cold.  adj.严寒的 
bitter cold "严寒",bitter作形容词,cold作名词意为"寒冷"。高考读后续写中描写寒冷时还可用freezing cold等。
写作一 基础写作——志愿者申请
 Knowing from your advertisement that an exhibition of Chinese paintings will be held at the gallery next month, I am writing to apply to become a volunteer. 
 I speak English fluently after persevering in learning it for 10 years, which allows me to communicate with visitors without difficulty. 
3.作为一名中国画的狂热爱好者,我对这种艺术形式有着透彻的了解。(enthusiastic, thorough)
 As an enthusiastic Chinese painting lover, I have a thorough knowledge of this art form. 
 If accepted, I will be committed to introducing Chinese painting skills to visitors, which can help them know more about Chinese culture. 
 I think I am qualified to be a volunteer. Please give me a chance. 
 Dear Sir or Madam, 
 I am Li Hua, a student from China, who is studying in London during the summer holiday. Knowing from your advertisement that an exhibition of Chinese paintings will be held at the gallery next month, I am writing to apply to become a volunteer. 
 I have the following advantages. First of all, I speak English fluently after persevering in learning it for 10 years, which allows me to communicate with visitors without difficulty. Besides, as an enthusiastic Chinese painting lover, I have a thorough knowledge of this art form. If accepted, I will be committed to introducing Chinese painting skills to visitors, which can help them know more about Chinese culture. 
 I think I am qualified to be a volunteer. Please give me a chance. 
 Li Hua 
写作二 读后续写——动作描写之各种"哭"
积累背诵 仿写运用
单 词 cry, weep 哭泣, sob 啜泣; tearful 含泪的, watery泪水汪汪的, misty泪眼模糊的 根据左栏素材完成下列各句 1.她热泪盈眶,对陌生人真诚的帮助表示衷心的感谢。  Tears filling her eyes/Tears welling up in her eyes ,she offered her heartfelt gratitude to the strangers for their sincere help. (独立主格结构) 2.当在机场看到失散多年的弟弟时,她流下了喜悦的泪水。 When she saw her long-lost brother at the airport, she  cried/shed/wept tears of joy . 3.当她用指尖慢慢地滑动屏幕,阅读每一条评论时,她感动得泪流满面。 While slowly scrolling the screen with her fingertip and reading each comment, she  was so moved/touched that tears poured down her face . (so...that...) 4.她的手在发抖。她快要哭了,但保罗没有意识到这一点。 Her hands were shaking. She was  close to tears/on the verge of tears  but Paul didn’t realize that. 5.他远离家乡已经一年有余。母亲寄过来的照片让他泣不成声。 He had been away from home for more than a year. The photos Mother sent him  made him choked with sobs . 6.她突然哭了起来,然后一句话也没说,气呼呼地跑了。 She  burst into tears/burst out crying  and stormed off without saying a word.
词 组 1.cry/shed/weep tears流泪 2.burst into tears/burst out crying突然哭起来 3.sob/cry in silence无声地哭 4.cry one’s eyes out哭得很伤心 5.tears pour down one’s face泪流满面 6.tears of excitement/joy well up in/fill one’s eyes激动/高兴得热泪盈眶 7.be close to tears/be on the verge of tears快要哭了 8.cry oneself to sleep哭到睡着 9.be blurred with tears=be dimmed by tears泪眼模糊 10.be choked with sobs泣不成声 11.be in floods of tears泪如泉涌
佳 句 1.I felt so sad that I found myself crying unconsciously, unable to hold back my tears.我感到非常难过,以至于我发现自己不知不觉地哭了,无法抑制住眼泪。 2.All those present to listen to her sad story were moved/touched to tears.凡在场听到她悲惨经历的人无不潸然泪下。 3.Watching her son disappearing in the distance, she froze for a long while, with her eyes filled with tears.看着儿子消失在远方,她愣了很久,双眸满是泪水。
[2024福建福州一测]Jill Wheatley was a PE teacher in Germany. On the weekend she competed in marathons around Europe. But life threw her a near deadly blow. While teaching a PE class, she was hit on the head with a baseball. The impact was so great that it left her with a brain injury and 70 percent vision loss, permanently blinding her in one eye. She spent 26 months in seven different hospitals, at times wishing it would just all end.
Desperately, Wheatley set out to find comfort and healing(治疗) in nature. She travelled to Nepal where a friend convinced her to run in the Annapurna 100 with him. The power from that race changed her life and eventually had her look up at the tops of the mountains. Project Vision 8000 was born. And she began her mission to stand on the top of the world’s 14 highest mountains, towering 8,000 meters above sea level, to show herself and others the power of the choice and possibility.
Colors and touch help guide her on the mountain and she has never once felt too tired to carry on. "The only constant thing is change, so when the weather gets really bad or a storm is coming in, I know it is going to pass." So far, she’s had few problems standing among giants, but she admits she continues to struggle with overcoming the "mountains of her mind". Having already stared death in the face, Wheatley has great respect for the mountains and the mission she is on. But she’s not scared. The experience almost claimed her life, but it is now the driving force and fuel behind her success. At every icy peak, she smiles and takes a quick video with a breathless "So very thankful" whispered into the thin air.
【词语积累】 compete v.参加比赛 deadly adj.致命的
impact n.影响 permanently adv.永久地
set out to do sth.开始做某事 constant adj.不变的,固定的
claim v.夺走,夺去(生命)
【熟词生义】 tower 常用义:n.塔楼,塔 文中义:v.高耸,屹立
1. What happened to Wheatley according to paragraph 1?
A. She came last in a race.
B. She suffered a head injury.
C. She lost her sight completely.
D. She was attacked on purpose in a class.
解析 B 细节理解题。由第一段的"While teaching a PE class, she was hit on the head with a baseball...blinding her in one eye"可知,本题选B项。
2.What drove Wheatley to launch Project Vision 8000?
A. Her exploration of nature.
B. Her friend’s timely suggestions.
C. Her strong love for sports.
D. Her participation in the Annapurna 100.
解析 D 细节理解题。由第二段的"She travelled to Nepal where a friend convinced her...Project Vision 8000 was born"可知,她到尼泊尔旅行,在那里一个朋友说服她与他一起参加Annapurna 100比赛,来自比赛的力量改变了她的生活,最终让她屹立在群山之巅眺望,这促使了Wheatley创立Project Vision 8000,故选D项。
3.What can we learn about Wheatley from the last paragraph?
A. Her attitude toward adversity was reshaped.
B. She was used to poor weather conditions.
C. She ignored the mountains of her mind.
D. Her nature helped her overcome fear.
解析 A 推理判断题。由第三段中的"The only constant thing...going to pass", "Having already stared death...she’s not scared"和"but it is now the driving force and fuel behind her success"可推知,Wheatley对待逆境的态度已经发生了改变,故选A项。
4. What could be the best title for the text?
A. Every peak is within reach
B. Lose sight to gain vision
C. Actions speak louder than words
D. Nature will take its course
解析 B 标题归纳题。B项指明了Wheatley的不幸遭遇,同时也指明了其在不幸遭遇后的收获,适合做文章标题。
[2024广东东莞10月月考]A song called Lonely Warrior(《孤勇者》)is always ringing in my ears. Six years ago, after hosting an annual ceremony for my school, I found that my left leg was a little swollen, and very soon I could barely walk. In fact, the swollen part became a fist-sized meatball that was so painful that I could barely sleep. Of course, I went to a local hospital, where I was given very bleak(不乐观的)news — osteosarcoma, which means bone cancer.
I underwent chemotherapy(化疗) for the next two years, and it was the worst time of my life. Physically, I felt that the side effects of chemotherapy were killing me. I lost all of the hair on my body and became totally bald. I could barely eat anything, even if I felt hungry. I no longer needed an alarm clock to wake up in the morning. Instead, what woke me up was my body telling me that I needed to vomit(呕吐).
I had no idea where all this treatment would leave me, and the dreams I had once nursed(怀有) about the future were entirely wiped out. I wanted to feel the world and experience more, so I stuck to the course of treatment. As time went by, however, I became weaker and weaker. The side effects now were far worse than they had been earlier.
I eventually suggested that the leg be chopped off, and the doctor said that might be the best thing to do, as long as I could cope with the psychological and social pressures afterward. I made my decision very calmly, because I knew things could not be worse than they were at that moment, and I was determined that this was just one more battle I would win.
Now, six years later, I have weathered all these difficulties. I have been so lucky to be able to find the strength to deal with all of this, and what I have to tell anyone still struggling with difficulties is this: Have faith in yourself, and do not let bad moments drag you down. Just hang on and you will come through.
1.What can we learn about the side effects of chemotherapy?
A. They made the author suffer a lot.
B. They destroyed the author’s faith.
C. They were relieved after treatment.
D. They were more obvious in the daytime.
解析 A 细节理解题。由第二段的描述可知,化疗使作者痛苦不堪,作者的头发掉光了,他几乎吃不进任何东西,夜间睡眠也受到了很大影响。由此可知,化疗的副作用让作者受了很大的苦,故A项正确。
2.What was the author’s decision to deal with his condition?
A. Chopping off his leg.
B. Turning down the doctor’s advice.
C. Giving in to the cancer.
D. Seeking psychological assistance.
解析 A 细节理解题。由第四段首句"I eventually suggested that the leg be chopped off"可知,A项正确。
3.What does the underlined word "weathered" in the last paragraph mean?
A. Resisted. B. Survived.
C. Escaped. D. Produced.
解析 B 词义猜测题。由第五段中的"I have been so lucky to be able to find the strength to deal with all of this"可知,作者克服了所有困难。由此可推知,画线词所在句表达的应是六年后作者最终战胜了所有困难。综上可知,B项正确。
4.What does the author want to convey in the text?
A. A light heart lives long.
B. A good medicine tastes bitter.
C. Time works wonders.
D. One with faith braves any hardship.
解析 D 推理判断题。由最后一段中的"what I have to tell anyone still struggling with difficulties is this: Have faith in yourself, and do not let bad moments drag you down. Just hang on and you will come through"可推知,作者在本文中想传达的是有信心的人可以经受住任何困难,故D项正确。
[2023湖北省新高考信息卷二]A craftsman living with a disability who makes clay figurines(泥雕) has recently made netizens amazed across the country.
In 2003, Mi Zhou lost his hands in an accident. Unwilling to  1  to fate, he gradually learned to eat and get dressed in the year that followed the unexpected  2 . After seeing a craftsman making figurines on the street, Mi was attracted to the craft and without  3  decided to learn from him. "The craftsman said he couldn’t  4  me when he saw that I had no fingers. I  5  and finally wore him down," Mi said.
The learning process was 6 . In the beginning he could only make two roses in an afternoon. And his arms were often painful after the practice. However, because of his  7  for the craft and his eagerness to earn a living, he never thought about  8 .
Mi has been making these clay figurines for 15 years. It now  9  him only several minutes to make a figurine. After  10  clay into a ball with his elbows, Mi holds the ball between his arms to put it on a stick, and then adds smaller parts and  11  to the ball.
Mi is not only able to make a living by making clay figurines as he had hoped, but he feels  12  about what he does. He doesn’t set prices for his figurines. Instead of asking people to give a certain amount of money for the products, he allows them to  13  as they like. In this way, each figurine is sold at about 20 yuan on average, which is cheaper compared to  14  products sold elsewhere.
Mi’s story tells us that we may have  15  no control over what happens to us, but we can control how we respond. If we choose the right attitude, we can rise above whatever challenges we face.
1. A. bow B. turn
C. smile D. agree
解析 A 由下文中的"he gradually learned to eat and get dressed"可知,米周不愿意向命运低头(bow)。
2. A. visit B. matter
C. operation D. accident
解析 D 此处表示米周在意想不到的事故(accident)发生之后的那一年,逐渐学习吃饭和穿衣服。
3. A. success B. delay
C. argument D. permission
解析 B 此处说的是"米周马上(without delay)决定向他学习"。
4. A. cheat B. motivate
C. instruct D. advocate
解析 C 那位手艺人看到米周没手指后便说他没有办法教(instruct)米周,故选C项。
5. A. promised B. accepted
C. insisted D. apologized
解析 C 在米周的一再坚持(insisted)下,米周终于让手艺人同意教他了。
6. A. smooth B. pleasant
C. violent D. challenging
解析 D 由下文中的"In the beginning he could only make two roses in an afternoon"和段落中的描述可以推测,学习过程很有挑战性(challenging)。
7. A. approval B. curiosity
C. performance D. enthusiasm
解析 D 由上文中的"Mi was attracted to the craft and without  delay  decided to learn from him"可以看出,米周对这门技艺有热情(enthusiasm)。approval赞成,同意;curiosity好奇心;performance表演,表现。
8. A. holding up B. giving up
C. pulling up D. looking up
解析 B 由语境可知,米周对这门技艺有热情,又渴望通过这门手艺谋生,因此,他从来没有想过放弃(giving up)。hold up举起,耽搁,支撑;pull up(使车)停下;look up查阅,好转。
9. A. takes B. wastes
C. spares D. requires
解析 A 由上文中的"Mi has been making these clay figurines for 15 years"可以推测,他现在已经很熟练了,只需花(takes)几分钟就可以做出一个泥雕。
10. A. dividing B. shaping
C. cutting D. sticking
解析 B 结合语境和常识可知,米周需要首先把泥揉成球的形状。此处shape作动词,意为"使成为……形状(或样子)"。
11. A. brands B. price lists
C. instructions D. decorations
解析 D 由常识可知,把泥揉成球状之后,米周会把泥球放到棍上,然后再把较小的部分和装饰(decorations)加上去。
12. A. free B. joyful
C. curious D. particular
解析 B 由上文可知,米周对泥雕有热情,且能靠泥雕谋生,他应该会感到很快乐(joyful)。
13. A. pick B. pay
C. catch D. collect
解析 B 由语境可知,他没有设置固定的价格,所以顾客可以按自己的意愿去付款(pay)。
14. A. similar B. familiar
C. standard D. traditional
解析 A 由常识可知,此处对米周做的泥雕和别的地方的相似(similar)产品的价格进行了比较。
15. A. merely B. calmly
C. absolutely D. reasonably
解析 C 此处说的是"或许我们完全无法控制发生在我们身上的事情,但是我们可以控制我们如何回应"。absolutely与no连用表示"绝对不,完全没有"。
[2024陕西榆林第一次月考]Backlight 226 is a rare bookstore in Shanghai, as in this bookstore visually impaired people offer books to those with visual impairments. Located in the city’s leafy Nanchang Street, the store has been a fixture in the area since 2022, providing much-needed reading materials to 1     blind community.
"People may only know about Helen Keller, but there are famous blind Chinese 2    (writer) as well," said Han Ying, manager of Backlight 226, referring to the American author and activist 3     lost her sight and hearing at an early age.
Han partially lost her vision after an accident and 4    (become) completely blind five years later. She said she had to give up 5    (teach) calligraphy, and the way she read was also affected.
Now, aged 43, she relies 6     special apps designed for the visually impaired and spends most of her time at the bookstore. There, she promotes reading among visually impaired people and the bookstore 7    (equip) with facilities that allow the visually impaired 8    (read) more comfortably.
"Backlight 226 is a start," Han said. "There will 9    (definite) be more like it across the country so that we can make the public know more about the special groups and 10    (they) world."
1.the 考查冠词。此处应该用定冠词the表示特指。
2.writers 考查名词的数。由前边的there are可知,此处用所给名词的复数形式writers。
3.who/that 考查定语从句。分析句子结构可知,所填词引导限制性定语从句,从句中缺少主语,先行词是the American author and activist,故此处用关系代词who或者that。
4.became 考查动词的时态。此处陈述的是过去的情况,且become为系动词,故填became。
5.teaching 考查非谓语动词。give up doing sth.意为"放弃做某事",为固定用法。
6.on/upon 考查介词。rely on/upon sth.意为"依靠某物",为固定搭配,故填on或者upon。
7.is equipped/has been equipped 考查时态、语态和主谓一致。结合she promotes reading可知,此处可用一般现在时,且动词equip与the bookstore是动宾关系,故填is equipped。而且此处也可用现在完成时表动作已完成。综上可知,空格处填is equipped或者has been equipped。
8.to read 考查非谓语动词。allow sb. to do sth.意为"允许某人做某事",为固定用法,故填to read。
9.definitely 考查副词。分析句子结构可知,空处所填词修饰动词,故应用副词,所以填definitely。
10.their 考查代词。此处应该用形容词性物主代词their作定语。选择性必修第三册
1. breakthrough  n.重大进展;突破
2. reputation  n.名誉;名声
3. rank  n.地位;级别vi.& vt.把……分等级
4. purchase  vt.购买;采购 n.购买;购买的东西
5. convey  vt.表达;传递(思想、感情等);传送
6. subjective  adj.主观的
7. fond  adj.喜爱
8. permanent  adj.永久的;永恒的;长久的
9. memorial  n.纪念碑(或像等);纪念物 adj.纪念的
10. humble  adj.谦逊的;虚心的;卑微的
11. decline  n.(数量、价格、质量等的)减少;下降;衰落vi.& vt.减少;下降;衰落;谢绝
12. vase  n.花瓶;装饰瓶
13. guarantee  vt.保证;确保 n.保证;保修单
14. contemporary  adj.当代的;属同时期的 n.同代人
1. real  adj.实际存在的;真实的→ really  adv.实际上;非常;确实→ reality  n.现实;事实→ realise/realize  vt.& vi.意识到;理解;领会 vt.实现→realism n.逼真;现实主义;务实作风→ realistic  adj.现实的;逼真的
2. human  n.人 adj.人的;有人情味的→ humanity n.人性;人道;(统称)人类
3. influence  n.影响;控制力;有影响的人或事 vt.影响;支配→ influential  adj.有很大影响力的;有支配力的
4. photograph  n.照片 vt.给……照相→ photography  n.照相术;摄影→ photographer  n.摄影师
5. subject  n.主题;科目;主语;实验对象 adj.易受……影响的;取决于 vt.使臣服→ subjective  adj.主观的
6. visual  adj.视觉的;视力的→ vision  n.视力;想象→ visible  adj.看得见的;明显的→invisible adj.看不见的;无形的;不为人注意的
7. invest  vt.投资;投入 vi.投资;入股→ investment  n.投资额;投资;(时间、精力的)投入→ investor  n.投资者
8. criticise/criticize  vi.& vt.批评;指责;评价→ criticism  n.批评;指责;评论→critic n.批评家;评论家;评论员→ critical  adj.批判的;关键的
9. represent  vt.代表;象征;展示;展现;描述;表现→ representative  adj.典型的;有代表性的 n.代表
10. exhibit  vt.& vi.展览;展出→ exhibition  n.展览
11. art  n.艺术;美术作品→ artist  n.艺术家;画家→ artistic  adj.艺术的;艺术家的
12. enter  vt.& vi.进入→ entry  n.进入;参与
13. recognise/recognize  vt.辨别出;承认;公认→ recognition  n.承认;认出;赞誉
14. expand  vt.& vi.使变大;伸展→ expansion  n.扩张;扩展;扩大
15. worth  adj.有……价值;值……钱 n.价值→ worthless  adj.没有价值的;没用的→worthwhile adj.值得(花时间、努力等)的→ worthy  adj.值得……的;有价值的
1.primitive adj. 发展水平低的;原始的;远古的 
n. 文艺复兴前的艺术家(或作品);原始派画家(或作品) 
2.dimension n. 维;规模;范围 
3.client n. 委托人;当事人;客户 
4.sculpture n. 雕像;雕刻品;雕刻术 
5.bride n. 新娘 
6.frame n. 画面;框架  vt. 给……镶框 
7.symphony n. 交响乐;交响曲 
8.civil adj. 国民的;民用的;民事的 
1. in particular  尤其;特别
2. set apart from  使与众不同;使突出;使优于……
3. be intended to do  旨在做;目的是
4. concentrate/focus on  集中精力于……;专注于……
5. be fond of  喜爱;喜欢
6. in conclusion/to conclude/in short/to sum up/all in all/in brief  总之
7. bring...to life  赋予……生命;使……鲜活起来
8. be worthy of  值得
9. fail to do  未能做到
10. be admitted to/into  被允许进入
1. While his paintings still had religious themes , they showed real people in a real environment.(while引导的从句)
2.Some of the items on display  are thought to have come from  the collection of Emperor Qianlong (1711-1799), a great admirer of Shang Dynasty bronze.(be thought to do)
3.He sought to  show not just  the outer image of his subjects, but their inner warmth and humanity as well .(not just...but...as well)
4. It is believed that  the version in the Palace Museum is the Song Dynasty original painting.(it作形式主语)
1.In the  contemporary  society, more and more people are suffering from peer pressure.
2.The complete trust in each other is the secret of their  permanent  friendship through their life.
3.What the writer is trying to  convey  in the book is her loneliness.
4.To our delight, surgeons have achieved a great  breakthrough  in heart transplantation, which will save millions of lives in the future.
5.The tasks have been  ranked  in order of difficulty.
6.You are supposed to stay  humble  even if you have made progress in your study.
7.The number of visitors to the gallery  declined  by 20% last year because of the epidemic.
8.He  purchased  a ticket and went into the cinema with a box of popcorn.
9.The boy gave his father a  guarantee  of good behaviour before going to school.
10.She has a good  reputation  for being responsible, so everyone likes to cooperate with her.
1.I hardly  recognized  Lisa in the shopping mall last week, because she had changed beyond  recognition  after losing over 30 pounds.(recognize)
2.In this  critical  time, any  criticism  can do harm to the new product we just launched.(criticise)
3.Chaplin was among the most  influential figures in film history. His optimism and sense of humor considerably  influenced  the people during the tough times. (influence)
4.Students may have different  subjective  understandings on some  subjects  they study, especially the humanities(人文学科).(subject)
5. A show on  photography  is to be held in our school. By that time, there will be professional  photographers  invited to teach students some skills and a large number of  photographs  on display.(photograph)
6. Investors  are cautious about the project, which definitely demands considerable  investment  of time and effort.(invest)
7.A  realistic  goal based on your abilities, a positive attitude, and the spirit of perseverance can turn your dream into a  reality .(real)
8.Reading classics is a  visual  process, which usually in turn makes us have a  vision  of something and makes a  visible  impact or an  invisible  impact we cannot even notice.(vision)
in particular set...apart from be faced with
bring...to life be worthy of be fond of be admitted to
1.It is an interesting period in history and this film successfully  brings  it  to life .
2.The boss says the idea  is worthy of  consideration.
3.The doctor  was faced with  the dilemma of whether or not to return from the big city in 2018.
4.As people often say, any exercise is better than none. Long-distance running  in particular  has a lot of benefits.
5.The artist  has been fond of  creating creative artworks since childhood.
6.His fluent English  set  him  apart from  other applicants in the job interview yesterday.
7.Only ticket holders will  be admitted to  the stadium.
Waste paper can be recycled  while leftovers can be collected as food for pigs  or processed as fertilizers for plants.
2.在那之前,人们一直认为他是个害羞的小男孩。事实证明,他本质上是一个如此勇敢的男子汉。(be thought to do)
 He had been thought to be a shy little boy  until that moment. It turned out that he was such a brave man at heart.
3.这次展览不仅包括中国画和书法,还包括剪纸。(not just...but...as well)
The exhibition  involves not just Chinese paintings and calligraphy, but paper-cuts as well .
 It is believed that home is the first school for children .
1.It is hard to give a precise definition to Western art because different artists convey different feelings in different ages. In the Renaissance, while there were so many artists, some were set apart from others by their extraordinary talents. These influential artists produced some greatest artworks representative of their times and gained an amazing reputation and popular recognition. Nobles and people of high rank purchased accurate and realistic pictures of themselves from artists. This brings history to life to some extent. After Impressionism, however, subsequent artists have been wondering what art is and what they do next.
2.We can’t judge what art is the best since it is a subjective taste for an individual, especially in the contemporary society with the expansion of public entry into the artistic appreciation. She may be fond of sculpture while he may show interest in ink wash paintings, but admittedly, breakthroughs emerging in different styles of art make the world more colorful. Go to different exhibitions which are worthy of your visit. In particular, I would like to recommend Chinese art to you. You’re guaranteed to feel satisfied with a visual feast.
1 influential adj.有很大影响力的;有支配力的
1.[外研选必①-1]His informal but sophisticated style of writing, in both Chinese and English,  made him one of the most influential writers of his generation (使他成为他那一代最有影响力的作家之一).
 Under the influence of my family , I have been fond of painting since childhood.
3.My father, a man of integrity and honesty,  has a positive and lasting influence on/upon me (对我产生了积极持久的影响) in shaping my values. (人物介绍)
★influence n.影响;有影响的人(或事物) vt.影响 have a good/positive/powerful/lasting influence on/upon...对……有好的/积极的/强大的/持久的影响 under the influence of...在……的影响下
2 rank n.地位;级别;行列;军衔 vt.& vi.把……分等级 vt.使排成行
1.[译林选必③-1]Indeed, it has been consistently ranked by the United Nations  as  one of the best countries to live in, and visitors are always welcome!
The boy  (was) determined to become a first-ranked scientist/a scientist of the first rank like Yuan Longping .
3.多亏你的无私帮助,在最近的一次英语演讲比赛中,我名列第一。 (感谢信)
Thanks to your selfless help,  I ranked first in a recent English speech contest .
★rank...as...把……列为…… of high/low rank地位高/低的 the first/top rank一流的 first/top ranked(=first/top-class) adj.一流的 rank first/rank top ten排名第一/排名前十
3 guarantee vt.(guaranteed, guaranteed, guaranteeing)保证;确保;肯定……必然发生 n.保证;保修单;担保物
1.We guarantee  to make (make) more investment only if you can achieve a major breakthrough in your new product in particular.
2.If there is something wrong with the cellphones while they are still  under  guarantee, we will repair them free of charge.
3.[译林选必①-2]Why don’t you try to listen to some great country music?  I guarantee you’ll enjoy it (我保证你会喜欢的)!
 It seems that talent alone isn’t enough to guarantee you success. (it seems that)
★guarantee sb. sth.向某人保证某事 guarantee to do sth.保证做某事 guarantee (that)...保证……/肯定……必然发生 under guarantee在保修期内
4 worthy adj.值得……的;有价值的
1.The money we raise will be going to a very  worthy (worth) cause.
2.This exhibition of old photographs deserves appreciation. (邀请信)
→①This exhibition of old photographs  is worthy of appreciation .(worthy;appreciation)
→②This exhibition of old photographs  is worthy of being appreciated/to be appreciated .(worthy;appreciate)
→③This exhibition of old photographs  is worth appreciating .(worth;appreciate)
→④ It is worthwhile appreciating/to appreciate  this exhibition of old photographs.(worthwhile;appreciate)
★be worthy of sth.值得……的 be worthy of being done/to be done值得被做 ★be (well) worth doing(非常)值得做 it’s worthwhile doing/to do sth.做某事是值得的 ★worthless adj.无价值的;没用的
5 in particular尤其,特别(especially/particularly);专门的,特殊的,具体的(special/specific)
①[外研必修①-1]Is there anything else in particular that you’d like to share with us? 具体的,特殊的 
②[人教选必③-5]English speakers also enjoy poems from China, those from the Tang Dynasty in particular.  尤其 
2.I am very particular  about/over  the number and type of projects that I take on.
→①Andy  is curious about his birthday surprise this time in particular , for he will be an adult.(in particular)
→②Andy  is curious about his birthday surprise particularly this time , for he will be an adult.(particularly)
★be particular about/over... 对……挑剔/讲究
6 bring...to life 赋予……生命;使……鲜活起来
→① Her classes bring history to life. (bring…to life)
→② In her classes, history comes to life. (come to life)
2.In the past, they  lived/led a poor but happy life (过着贫穷但快乐的生活) as children.
It cannot be denied that AI will definitely replace human labor in some industries, but  it’s unlikely to be used in all walks of life .
 When the girl finally came to life ,the house was turned into a sea of delight and excitement.
★(近)come to life 变得更有趣(或使人兴奋),变得活跃;(仿佛活着)开始动起来 ★bring...back to life使……复活;使……恢复生机 live/lead a(n)...life过着一种……的生活 all walks of life各行各业
7 be fond of 喜爱;喜欢
1.[译林选必④-3]Whether or not we are fond  of  these changes, we will need to face them.
2.[外研选必④-3]I gradually fell in love  with  Chinese literature when I started working as a translator.
3.[外研选必④-1]I’m very familiar with almost every inch of my home city, and have a passion  for  history.
4.The bride didn’t care much  for  the decorations in the courtyard because there were no her favorite water lilies in the pond.
 Knowing that you are keen on Chinese poetry , I’m writing to invite you to go with me. (分词短语作状语;keen)
★"喜欢"的其他表达: fall(强调动作)/be(强调状态) in love with喜欢上/喜欢 be into对……十分感兴趣;喜欢 have/develop (a) passion for酷爱 be crazy about对……狂热 be keen on对……着迷 be enthusiastic about对……极感兴趣 care for喜欢 be fascinated by对……入迷 be hooked on对……着迷
8 while引导的从句
1.我们沐浴在阳光下,一边摘苹果一边谈笑。 (读后续写之场景描写)
Bathed in sunshine, we talked and laughed  while we were picking apples .
2.虽然社交媒体使我们的生活更加便利,但它也有一些负面影响。 (正反观点)
 While social media makes our life more convenient , it has some negative effects.
3.汤姆性格外向,非常自信,而凯蒂却羞涩文静。 (读后续写之性格描写)
 Tom is very outgoing and confident while Katy’s shy and quiet. 
★while意为"当……时"时,引导时间状语从句,从句谓语应为延续性动词,从句动作与主句动作同时发生。 ★while意为"尽管,虽然"时,引导让步状语从句。 ★while意为"然而,可是"时,表示对比,常理解为连接两个并列分句。
1.[2022全国乙]This  exhibition (exhibit) of some sixty masterpieces celebrating the life and work of Scotland’s best loved painter, Sir Henry Raeburn, comes to London.
2.[2021北京]Then, an OIC  representative (represent) gave us some details, which somewhat interested me.
3.[2021新高考Ⅱ]Andria’s brilliant project to bring artists from all fields into direct contact with children is  particularly (particular) welcome at a time when the arts are being downgraded in schools.
4.[2021天津]I didn’t mind having a tense relationship with my brother because I was involved at school.  In  particular, I threw myself into the world of musicals.
5.[2020新高考Ⅰ]The tests show that the social environment is extremely  influential (influence)when we’re making decisions.
6.[全国Ⅱ]Another way of setting  realistic (real) goals is to analyze your short and long term objectives, keeping in mind your beliefs, values and strengths.
7.[江苏高考]We are so fond  of  our high intelligence that we assume that when it comes to brain power, more must be better.
8.[江苏高考]Raynor Winn and her husband Moth became homeless due to their wrong  investment (invest).
9.[浙江高考]Make something  worthy (worth) out of your experience. Create stories that you will want to tell your grandchildren one day.
Ⅱ.阅读理解—— 一词多义、熟词生义
A. v.婉拒,谢绝 B. n.减少,下降
C. v.减少,下降
①[2023浙江1月]Habitat loss, pesticide use, and climate change have caused dramatic declines in pollinator(传粉昆虫) populations over the past couple of decades, which has damaged the U.S. agricultural economy. B 
②[2020新高考Ⅰ]A flood had hit the area earlier that year and the damage it caused had driven away a number of birds. Besides, the number of snakes had declined as well.  C 
③[2020天津]We offered to give Sharon a ride home, but she declined, saying that she felt like walking.  A 
2.[2022新高考Ⅰ]Her notice included what kind of training she wanted to do, how many days a week and how many hours she wanted to spend on each session,and her age. n.启事,声明 
3.[2021全国甲]Each year,the high standard of entries has shown that the Awards are the perfect platform to showcase the very best photography of the British landscape. n.参赛作品 
写作一 基础写作——国画作品展
 Yesterday afternoon, I visited an exhibition of students’ traditional Chinese paintings in the hall on the second floor of the school library. 
 Every student can make entry to it from 3:00 to 5:00 every afternoon this month. 
3.一些(作品)以精细的细节将人物描绘得栩栩如生,而另一些则是典型的水墨画。(bring...to life, representative)
 Some bring the figures to life with fine details while others are representative of ink wash paintings. 
4.这场展览不仅丰富了我的课后生活,也激励我更多地了解中国画,因此它完全值得参观。(be worthy of)
 Not only does the exhibition enrich my after-class life, but also it inspires me to learn more about Chinese paintings, so it is completely worthy of being visited. 
5.虽然艺术品位是一个主观问题,但我保证每个人都会从展览中获得一些东西。(subjective, guarantee)
 Although taste in art is a subjective matter, I guarantee that everyone will gain something from the exhibition. 
 Yesterday afternoon, I visited an exhibition of students’ traditional Chinese paintings in the hall on the second floor of the school library. 
 Every student can make entry to it from 3:00 to 5:00 every afternoon this month. A huge number of Chinese paintings by students are on display, among which are paintings of birds, flowers, shrimps and so on. Some bring the figures to life with fine details while others are representative of ink wash paintings. I like one in particular because its bright colors set it apart from the others. Not only does the exhibition enrich my after-class life, but also it inspires me to learn more about Chinese paintings, so it is completely worthy of being visited.  
 Although taste in art is a subjective matter, I guarantee that everyone will gain something from the exhibition. 
写作二 读后续写——动作描写之各种"说"
积累背诵 仿写运用
单 词 whisper小声说,murmur低语, shout喊, yell大喊, scream尖叫, roar吼, sob哭诉, sigh叹息道, explain解释道, scold责骂, add 补充道, continue继续说道, comfort安慰道, insist坚持说, remark评论 修饰动词的副词:firmly, excitedly, seriously, sincerely, angrily, slowly, regretfully, impatiently, curiously, shyly, unpleasantly 根据左栏素材完成下列各句 1."救命!"她扯着嗓子喊道。 "Help me!" she  yelled/shouted at the top of her voice  . 2."我为意大利面条的事感到抱歉。"凯瑟琳低声道歉,脸涨红了。 "I’m sorry about the spaghetti thing," Catherine  murmured an apology/apologized in a low voice , her face reddening. 3.他拦住我,我生气地看了他一眼,不耐烦地吼道:"别烦我!" He stopped me. I glanced at him angrily and  roared without patience/impatiently , "Leave me alone!" 4.富人先是大吃一惊,接着遗憾地叹息道:"你怎么会弄到这个境地呢?" The rich man was astonished at first, and then  sighed with regret/regretfully , "How can you be in reduced circumstances?" 5."我是不会放弃的。"他直视着我的眼睛,坚定地说。 "I will never give up," he  said in a firm tone/firmly , looking me straight in the eye.
词 组 1.in a friendly/pleasant/low/firm tone以友好/愉悦/低沉/坚定的语气 2.in a low/loud/soft/sharp voice以低沉/响亮/轻柔/尖锐的声音 3.at the top of one’s voice(尽全力)大声喊叫或说话
佳 句 1."I broke the window," the boy said in a trembling voice."我打碎了窗户。"这个男孩声音颤抖地说。 2."Is it true?" he whispered with astonishment. "是真的吗?"他惊讶地低声说。
[2023重庆名校一测]In 1665, Johannes Vermeer put the last drop of paint onto a canvas and completed his masterpiece Girl with a Pearl Earring. But years later on an April day a cyclist named Janine Strong stopped her bike, paused her fitness app, and watched as the snaking line of her cycling route drew the shape of Vermeer’s masterpiece over the streets.
Ms. Strong creates what has come to be known as "GPS art". It is an art category, which means you go outside with your handheld Global Positioning System (GPS) and start moving. The GPS records your movement by creating the dot type of track. This track is a line that details the path you’ve travelled. When you look at this line on the map, then you can see various shapes. Ms. Strong plans her rides in the shapes of stars, birds, lions and the occasional Vermeer. Then to complete the digital vision of Vermeer’s masterpiece, she biked almost 50 miles around southern Brooklyn to make sure each turn and circle was accurately achieving the covering of Vermeer’s original.
This kind of art form has grown with the widespread availability of satellite tracking for use by ordinary people in fitness apps. It is particularly popular in the app, Strava, and experienced a surge in use during the pandemic. According to a report, more than three billion activities have been uploaded to Strava since the beginning of 2020.
The "GPS art" can be considered the 21st-century version of large-scale drawings on the landscape, a concept gradually known to the world. It even has its own Guinness World Records categories. There was once a couple who completed a 4,500-mile bike ride across Europe that resulted in a 600-mile-wide GPS drawing of a bicycle — the largest such drawing on record.
1.What is "GPS art" based on paragraph 2?
A. It is a system established by Janine Strong.
B. It is a line recording the path you travelled.
C. It is an art form realized by GPS tracking.
D. It is an app creating pictures.
解析 C 细节理解题。由第二段中的"It is an art category...The GPS records your movement by creating the dot type of track"可知,GPS艺术是一个艺术类别,通过创建圆点类型的轨迹来记录你的运动,这与选项C相符。
2.How did Janine Strong finish her digital vision of Vermeer’s masterpiece?
A. By painting casually on her canvas.
B. By accidentally using her fitness app.
C. By occasionally running around Brooklyn.
D. By carefully planning and cycling around.
解析 D 细节理解题。由第二段中的"Ms. Strong plans her rides...circle was accurately achieving the covering of Vermeer’s original"可知,Ms. Strong是通过认真设计并骑行完成的,故选D。
3.What does the underlined phrase "a surge" probably mean in paragraph 3?
A. A sudden rise.
B. A great success.
C. A sharp reduction.
D. A severe downturn.
解析 A 词义猜测题。本段中的"grown"和"popular"是解题的关键。由前面的内容可知,这种"GPS艺术"形式随着卫星跟踪的广泛普及而发展起来,普通人可以在健身应用程序中使用,它在应用程序Strava中特别受欢迎。由此可知,画线词应含有"增加"的意思,故选A。
4.What can we learn from this passage?
A. "GPS art" can be only completed on Strava.
B. Strava is in fact an app for people to draw pictures.
C. The art form of "GPS art" is getting known worldwide.
D. Janine Strong created the largest drawing in the world.
解析 C 推理判断题。由最后一段的第一句话"The ‘GPS art’ can be considered the 21st-century version of large-scale drawings on the landscape, a concept gradually known to the world"可知,"GPS艺术"逐渐为世人所知,故选C。
[2023广东广州调研]Pieter Bruegel’s iconic 1565 painting The Harvesters hangs at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. The work showed people harvesting wheat nearly as tall as they were."Nowadays, however, if you walk through a wheat field, you basically see that wheat is about knee-height. The reduced height is essentially a consequence of breeding from the second half of the 20th century," biologist Ive De Smet explained.
De Smet says wheat is just one example of how historical artwork can allow us to track the transformation of food crops over time. He teamed up with art historian Vergauwen, a friend since childhood, to document such artwork around the world. They have been mainly looking at things where they can spot changes in shape, color and size.
Their interest in plants in artwork began with a visit to the Hermitage Museum, where they noticed an odd-looking watermelon in an early-17th-century painting. It appeared to be pale and white on the inside. De Smet assumed the painter had done a poor job. But Vergauwen had a different idea. "No, this is one of the best painters ever from that era. So if he painted it like that, that’s the way it must have looked like," he explained.
Other paintings revealed that both red and white watermelons were grown during the 17th century."With all the genetic knowledge we now have, we can look at how something comes about in more detail,"De Smet said. "For example, until the 18th century, European strawberries appeared tiny in paintings — they then grew in size as they were crossbred with North American varieties."
Ultimately, the team hopes to create an online research database of historical plant artwork. They seek the contributions of art enthusiasts around the world via the social media. "However," Vergauwen reminds, "if you’re going to use, for example, Picasso to try and understand how a pear looked in the early 20th century, you might be misled."
1.What can we learn about the painting The Harvesters?
A. It shows how people successfully grew wheat.
B. It proves that wheat was much shorter in the past.
C. It explains the consequence of different breeding methods.
D. It gives clues about how wheat in the 16th century looked like.
解析 D 细节理解题。由第一段内容可知,在该作品中小麦几乎和人一样高,即人们可以看到16世纪的小麦是什么样的,故D项正确。
2.What inspired the research team to start their study?
A. Their preference for food crops.
B. Their friendship since childhood.
C. Their divided views on an old painting.
D. Their shared interest in the Hermitage Museum.
解析 C 细节理解题。由第三段中的"Their interest... had a different idea"可知,该团队的两人对博物馆内一幅画有奇怪的西瓜的作品有不同的看法,所以对艺术作品中的植物开始感兴趣,故C项正确。
3.What is the message from Vergauwen in the last paragraph?
A. Art enthusiasts are not careful enough.
B. Abstract paintings often mislead people.
C. The source paintings need to be realistic.
D. Picasso’s paintings are hard to understand.
解析 C 推理判断题。由最后一段中的"if you’re going to use... you might be misled"可知,如果你要用毕加索的画来尝试理解20世纪早期的梨是什么样的,你可能被误导。由此可推知,Vergauwen是想说画作本身要写实,故C项正确。
4.What is the purpose of the text?
A. To comment on historical plant paintings.
B. To tell interesting stories behind plant artwork.
C. To inform readers of a scientific breakthrough.
D. To introduce a study on food crop transformation.
解析 D 意图推断题。文章第一段介绍一幅画作,引出小麦变化的问题,后续内容讲述一个团队通过研究不同时代的艺术画作来追踪粮食作物变化问题,故D项正确。
[2024江苏海安联考]Why Is Art So Powerful?
Perhaps the simplest answer to this question is that art touches us emotionally.
Art is powerful because it can potentially influence our culture, politics, and even the economy. When we see a powerful work of art, you feel it touching deep within your core. And it can give us the power to make real-life changes.
It has the power to educate people about almost anything.  1  During the pandemic, some artists created vivid and impressive paintings to spread the message of wearing a mask, which was well received by the whole public.
It breaks cultural, social, and economic barriers. While art hardly really solves poverty or promotes social justice on its own, it can be used as a fair playing field for conversation and expression.  2  Therefore, anyone can learn to appreciate art regardless of their social status, economic standing, or political background.
It accesses higher orders of thinking. Art doesn’t just make you absorb information.  3  This is why creativity is a form of intelligence — it is a special ability that unlocks the potential of the human mind.  4 
 5  Many times in history we have heard of people being criticized, threatened and even killed because of their artwork. Those responsible for these reactions, may it be an aggressive government, take these measures against artists knowing how much their works can affect the politics in a given area. In the hands of good people, however, art can be used to give back hope or offer courage in a society that’s undergoing a lot of hardships.
A. Art, at its simplest, is a form of communicating with each other.
B. The truth is that people have recognized how powerful art can be.
C. It presents information in a way that could be absorbed by many easily.
D. Rather, it makes you think about current ideas and inspire you to make your own.
E. Everyone can relate to art because everyone has emotions and personal experiences.
F. Art may seek to bring about some particular emotion to relax and entertain the viewers.
G. As a matter of fact, studies have shown that exposure to art can make you better in other fields.
1.C "During the pandemic...by the whole public"是针对C项举的例子。C项中的"could be absorbed by many easily"与空后句子中的"was well received by the whole public"相照应。
2.E "Therefore, anyone can learn to appreciate art regardless of their social status, economic standing, or political background"与E项之间是因果关系。
3.D "Art doesn’t just make you absorb information"与D项之间存在递进关系,且空后句子中的This指的便是D项。
4.G 空前句子中的"unlocks the potential of the human mind"与G项中的"make you better in other fields"相对应。
5.B B项放在此处能充当段落主题句。
[2024广东高三10月联考]Our cities are full of statues. You might even have found yourself staring at a lifelike figure and  1 , "Did they just blink or breathe?" Izabela Radcliffe is a living proof!
Izabela has now been a living  2  for over 20 years, developing a whole cast of characters. She has her own company now and she has performed many  3  including Queen Victoria, Marilyn Monroe and Marie Curie. But it’s never as simple as just showing up and  4  in the street.
"Before I leave for a job, I must  5  everything and that can take up to two hours," Izabela explains. It’s not just about the  6 ; she also needs to make sure that she has all the make-up she needs, too. Some characters take a longer  7  time than others.
Izabela’s unique art is often in demand. "I stay 8  for quite a long time during my work, but standing still is not the goal," she explains. "Sometimes I’m in a set position and other times I  9  with the audience. Standing still is super entertaining," she admits. People love to see that, because staying still is very unnatural for humans.
Being a living statue also requires being in good  10  condition. "Exercising  11  is something that is really important for my job. I personally find yoga  12 , because it helps you develop good body awareness. Without that, you can  13  your body," she says.
Izabela finds it to be a very  14  job. "Bringing charm and happiness to others brings those things into your own life, too. It’s like a(n)  15  of energy. There is a constant interaction between you and your audience — it’s beautiful," she says.
1.A. knowing B. explaining
C. believing D. wondering
解析 D 你甚至可能会发现自己盯着一个栩栩如生的人物,心里琢磨(wondering),"它刚才眨眼或呼吸了吗?", 故选D项。
2.A. statue B. model
C. artist D. pictures
解析 A 由第五段第一句可知,本题选A。
3.A. actresses B. characters
C. players D. champions
解析 B 她现在有了自己的公司,她扮演了许多角色(characters),包括维多利亚女王、玛丽莲·梦露和玛丽·居里。
4.A. displaying B. undertaking
C. performing D. gathering
解析 C 但这绝不像在街上露面并表演(performing)那么简单。performing与前文"she has performed..."中的"performed"相呼应。
5.A. pick up B. give up
C. pack up D. put up
解析 C Izabela解释说:"在我去工作之前,我必须打包收拾好(pack up)所有的东西,这可能需要两个小时。"
6.A. costume B. plot
C. information D. material
解析 A 这不仅仅是服装(costume)的问题,她还需要确保自己也拥有所需的所有化妆品。
7.A. meeting B. preparation
C. appointment D. test
解析 B 有些角色需要比其他角色更长的准备(preparation)时间。
8.A. still B. straight
C. seriously D. quietly
解析 A 她解释道:"我在工作期间很长一段时间都处于保持不动的(still)状态,但静止不动并不是我的目标。"still与"but standing still is not the goal"对应。
9.A. stay B. interact
C. cooperate D. share
解析 B 有时我保持一个固定的姿势,有时我与观众互动(interact)。
10.A. living B. working
C. physical D. mental
解析 C 作为一个"活雕像"也需要有良好的身体(physical)状况。
11.A. occasionally B. fiercely
C. actively D. regularly
解析 D 经常(regularly)锻炼对我的工作非常重要。
12.A. appealing B. beneficial
C. interesting D. significant
解析 B 我个人认为瑜伽是有益的(beneficial),因为它能帮助你培养良好的身体意识。beneficial与"because it helps you develop good body awareness"吻合。
13.A. relieve B. tremble
C. hurt D. protect
解析 C 没有这个,你可能会伤害(hurt)你的身体。
14.A. rewarding B. generous
C. boring D. tiring
解析 A Izabela发现这是一份非常有回报的(rewarding)工作。 rewarding与"Bringing charm and happiness to others brings those things into your own life, too"相吻合。
15.A. loss B. outbreak
C. consumption D. exchange
解析 D 这就像是能量的交换(exchange)。UNIT 3  ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION
1. melt  vi.& vt.(使)融化;熔化;软化
2. release  vt.& n.排放;释放;发布
3. fuel  n.燃料;刺激性言行 vt.给……提供燃料;加强;刺激
4. worldwide  adv.遍及全球地adj.世界各地的
5. trend  n.趋势;趋向
6. broadcast  vt.& vi.(过去式 broadcast ;过去分词 broadcast )播送;广播n.广播节目
7. policy  n.政策;方针;原则
8. seize  vt.抓住;夺取;控制
9. reform  vi.& vt.改革n.改革
10. undergo  vt.(过去式 underwent ;过去分词 undergone )经历;经受(变化、不快等)
11. restore  vt.恢复;使复原;修复
12. dozen  n.(一)打;十二个
13. fine  vt.对……处以罚款
1. starve  vi.& vt.(使)挨饿;饿死→ starvation  n.饥饿;挨饿;饿死→ starving  adj.极饿的
2. ecology  n.生态;生态学→ ecologist  n.生态学家→ ecological  adj.生态的;生态学的
3. sustain  vt.维持;遭受;承受住→ sustainable  adj.可持续的;合理利用的
4.comprehend vi.& vt.理解;包括→ comprehension  n.理解;包括→ comprehensive  adj.全部的;所有的;综合性的;详尽的
5. frequent  adj.经常的;频繁的→ frequently  adv.频繁地;经常→ frequency  n.频繁
6. restrict  vt.限制;限定;束缚→ restriction  n.限制规定;限制法规;约束→restricted adj.受限制的;保密的→restrictive adj.限制性的;约束的
7. harmony  n.融洽;和谐→ harmonious  adj.和谐的
8. submit  vt.& vi.提交;呈递;屈服→ submission  n.提交;呈递;屈服→submissive adj.顺从的
9. annual  adj.每年的;一年的n.年刊;年鉴→ annually  adv.每年;一年一次地
10. sense  n.感觉;理解力→ sensible  adj.明智的;合理的→senseless adj.无意义的;失去知觉的→ sensitive  adj.敏感的;善解人意的;灵敏的→insensitive adj.不敏感的;不在乎的;麻木的
11. smog  n.烟雾(烟与雾混合的空气污染物)→ smoggy  adj.烟雾弥漫的
12. conserve  vt.保护→ conservation  n.对(环境、文物等)保护;保持→ conservative  adj.保守的
13. inspect  vt.检查;视察→ inspection  n.检查;查看;视察→ inspector  n.检查员;视察员
14. tolerate  vt.忍受;包容;容许→tolerance n.容忍;宽容→ tolerable  adj.可容忍的→ tolerant  adj.容忍的;宽容的
1.graph n. 图;图表;曲线图 
2.emission n. 排放物;散发物;排放 
3.fossil n. 化石 
4.footprint n. 足迹;(某物所占的)空间量;面积 
5.tropical adj. 热带的;来自热带的 
6.chaos n. 混乱;杂乱;紊乱 
7.nuclear adj. 原子能的;核能的;原子核的 
8.jungle n. (热带)丛林;密林 
9.volume n. 量;体积;(成套书籍中的)一卷 
10.enterprise n. 公司;企业;事业 
1. have an impact on  对……有影响
2. cause damage to  对……造成伤害
3. lead to  导致
4. take action/measures  采取行动/措施
5. in search of  寻找
6. die out  灭亡
7. on behalf of  代表/代替某人
8. end up  最终;结果
9. dozens of  许多
10. in effect  在实施中;实际上
1. There is little doubt that Earth is getting warmer and warmer .(There is little doubt that...)
2. Without this process, Earth could not sustain life .(without引起的虚拟语气)
3. There is strong and comprehensive evidence that  the rise in temperature has led to an increase in extreme weather and natural disasters worldwide,  not only causing serious damage, but also costing human lives .(that引导的同位语从句;not only...but also...)
4.Previously, water quality in the Li River had suffered greatly from an increasing volume of tourists,  many of whom frequently threw garbage into the river . ("代词+of+whom"引导的非限制性定语从句)
5.Water pollution levels increased,  with more household and commercial waste ending up in the river .("with+宾语+现在分词"构成的复合结构)
1.Carbon dioxide is  released through human activities such as burning fossil fuels, as well as natural processes such as volcanic eruptions.
2.It is warned that this warming  trend will become worse if we do not take appropriate measures.
3.An increase in average temperature by only a few degrees could cause environmental problems  worldwide .
4.The concert will be  broadcast  live on television and radio tomorrow evening.
5.The present government’s  policy  on education tries to include every child.
6.The law needs to be  reformed since it is not suitable any more with the development of the country.
7.Students  seized the opportunity to enjoy themselves in nature.
8.Some children  undergo a complete transformation when they become teenagers.
1.After the earthquake, some  starving  people trapped in ruins died of  starvation  at last.(starve)
2.The government tries to build a  harmonious  society, where people can live  harmoniously  with others.(harmony)
3.The consultant was a  frequent  visitor to this company in the last month. Therefore, employees saw him in manager’s office  frequently . However, the  frequency  has decreased a lot this week. Maybe the problem has been solved.(frequent)
4.The company is totally  sustained  by its spare money, and is bound to go into bankruptcy without a  sustainable  system in the months ahead.(sustain)
5.To  conserve  wildlife, our government tries its best to raise public awareness of wildlife  conservation . At a  conservative  estimate, hundreds of species have been saved from distinction.(conserve)
6.A group of  inspectors  are about to  inspect  our school, and then they will make a judgment according to their  inspection .(inspect)
7.My best friend’s parents are very  tolerant  towards her choices as long as they are  tolerable , but sometimes she pushes them too far.(tolerate)
8. Ecologists  believe that the system is both practical and  ecologically  sound.(ecology)
have an impact on take measures die out
on behalf of dozens of
1.Our government is attempting to  take measures  to prevent and control air pollution.
2. Dozens of  volunteers have been assigned to dispose of the garbage since last week.
3. On behalf of  the staff, I wish to extend our warmest welcome to you.
4.Microplastics have become one of the most pressing global environmental issues, which  have an impact on  the climate and environment.
5.One of the questions under debate is whether traditional technology and methods are bound to  die out  when a country begins to develop modern science and technology.
1.毋庸置疑,汽车排放物已经成为一个大问题,尤其是在城市里。(There is little doubt that...)
 There is little doubt that car emissions  have become a big problem, especially in cities.
 Without strict policies and effective measures/steps, China couldn’t have made such great achievements in environmental protection .
 There is evidence that animals and plants are sensitive to climate .
4.作为中国的首都,北京不仅有悠久的历史,还是一个现代化的城市。(not only...but also...)
As the capital of China, Beijing  not only has a long history, but also is a modern city .
Thirty competitors will take part,  each of whom is required to deliver a speech of 3 to 5 minutes .
6.随着暑假的临近,似乎每个人都在忙着做假期计划。("with + 宾语 + 现在分词"构成的复合结构)
 With the summer holidays approaching , it seems that everybody is busy making holiday plans.
1.Earth is getting warmer, which is a politically sensitive issue causing many creatures across the world to have starved or even died, according to some broadcasts. For this phenomenon, the "greenhouse effect" is to blame. Naturally, when the heat from the earth is released back into space, greenhouse gases in the atmosphere trap some, keeping Earth’s climate in a harmonious way to sustain life. However, human activities like burning fossil fuels produce too many greenhouse gases, which cause a rise in temperature on Earth. Luckily, governments worldwide are planning reforms and comprehensive policies to restrict greenhouse gas emissions, along with the efforts of enterprises and the public.
2.Nobody can tolerate living in a hot pot. There is no doubt that mankind has to submit to some urgent problems — the warming trend of Earth and the consequent problems like the melting ice, frequent extreme weather and ecological chaos. There is so much we must do and we can do. We, as individuals, can reduce our "carbon footprint" in dozens of ways. On behalf of the young, I will seize every opportunity to play a role in the environmental conservation campaign.
1 restrict vt.限制,限定(limit);束缚;妨碍;约束
1.[译林选必②-3]Should we restrict our use of this technology to  the treatment and prevention of diseases?
2.[译林选必④-2]In fact, there have never been any formal academic restrictions  on  new borrowed words.
3.Only a  restricted (restrict) range of enterprises were found in an inspection to recycle carbon dioxide instead of releasing it directly into the air.
4.I  restrict myself to playing with my cellphone half an hour a day (限制自己每天只玩半小时手机).
5.An increasing number of people only stay at home all day long because of their addiction to those electronic devices.
→It is the addiction to those electronic devices  that restricts an increasing number of people to staying at home  all day long.(强调句型)
★restrict...to...将……限定在……内 restrict oneself/sb. to (doing) sth.限制自己/某人只做某事 ★restricted adj.有限的;保密的 be restricted to...限于…… ★restriction n.限制规定;限制法规;约束 without restriction 不受限制 a restriction on sth.对……的限制
2 seize vt.抓住;夺取;控制;扣押;(情绪)侵袭
1.突然,她向前冲去,在门前抓住了母亲的手臂。 (读后续写之动作描写)
All of a sudden, she charged forward and  seized her mother by the arm/seized her mother’s arm  in front of the door.
I  strongly recommend (that) you (should) seize every opportunity to reduce  your carbon footprint.
3.听了这个坏消息,她感到一阵悲伤,忍不住痛哭。 (读后续写之情绪描写)
Upon hearing the bad news,  she was seized by/with (a burst of) sadness  and couldn’t help crying bitterly.
★seize a chance/an opportunity抓住机会 seize sb.by the arm/seize one’s arm 抓住某人的胳膊 表情感的名词+seize sb.=sb. be seized with/by+表情感的名词,表示"某人突然感到……"
3 submit vt.& vi.(submitted, submitted, submitting)提交;呈递;屈服;被迫接受
1.Papers on ecology  submitted (submit) after the deadline will be considered late and receive lower grades.
2.She had to submit herself to  listening (listen) to his continuous complaints about his school policy for there was no one else in the room.
3.When is the final date for the  submission (submit) of our proposals?
Even if I underwent many challenges and hardships in daily life,  I was determined not to submit (myself) to them .
5.如果你对这个职位感兴趣,请于12月28日之前提交申请至校办公室。 (通知)
If you’re interested in the position,  please submit your application to the school office  before 28th December.
★submit sth. to...向……提交某物 submit (oneself) to(doing) sth.屈服/顺从于(做)某事 ★submission n.提交,呈递;屈服
4 sensitive adj.敏感的,易生气的;善解人意的;灵敏的;过敏的
4.[北师必修②-6]Empathy means you try to put yourself in others’ shoes and be aware of and sensitive  to  their feelings.
5.他很敏感,而且相当严肃,生活中很少有朋友和他交流。 (人物介绍)
 He’s sensitive and rather serious , with few friends in his life to communicate with.
★be sensitive to/about对……敏感,忌讳…… be sensitive to对……体贴/易过敏/灵敏 ★sensible adj.明智的;合理的
5 tolerate vt.忍受(put up with);包容;容许
1.I can’t tolerate his  throwing (throw) garbage everywhere any more! The disposal is so hard.
2.[译林选必①-4]This open and  tolerant (tolerate) atmosphere allowed Li Bai the liberty to develop a free and unconstrained personality, which, in turn, had a huge impact on his poetic production.
3.她没有责备孩子,而是对他宽容地笑了笑,轻轻拍了拍他的肩膀。 (读后续写之神态、动作描写)
Instead of blaming the child, she  gave him a tolerant smile  and patted him on the shoulder.
★tolerate/put up with(doing) sth.忍受(做)某事 can’t tolerate/bear/stand(doing) sth.不能忍受(做)某事 ★tolerant adj.容忍的;宽容的 be tolerant of/towards...容忍/宽容……
6 on behalf of代表(代替);为了;为帮助
1.我很高兴代表我们学校邀请你观看主题为"自然爱好者"的表演。 (邀请信)
→① On behalf of our school/On our school’s behalf , I’m delighted to invite you to watch the performance themed "Nature lovers".(on behalf of)
→② Representing our school , I’m delighted to invite you to watch the performance themed " Nature lovers".(represent)
2.众所周知,在中国传统文化中,红色代表幸福和吉祥。 (中国文化)
As is known to us all,  red stands for/represents happiness and luck  in traditional Chinese culture.
这里的"代表"为"象征"之意,可用stand for/represent,而不可用on behalf of;表示"代表……的利益,作为……的代言人"时可用on behalf of/represent。
★on behalf of sb./on one’s behalf代表(代替)某人;为了某人;为帮助某人 ★其他表示"代表"的词汇: represent v.代表,作为……的代言人;象征;相当于 stand for代表,表示;支持,主张
7 dozens of许多;很多
1.[人教必修③-1]The newly married couple received  dozens (dozen) of letters of congratulation from their friends.
2.[人教选必③-4]I tried to phone you this morning. I must have tried a dozen  times (time) before I caught you here.
3.By this morning, 9 people have been confirmed dead and dozens of people  are (be) still missing.
 Two dozen of our classmates entered for the contest. 
★dozen n.(一)打,十二个;[pl.]许多 ★dozen前有表示数字意义的词修饰时,不加-s,其后不用of。 a dozen+可数名词复数 一打/十二个……;十来个…… 基数词/several/many+dozen+可数名词复数 几十个……
8 There is little/no doubt that...几乎没有/毫无疑问……
1.[人教选必④-4]To be honest, I doubt  whether/if  I’m making any difference to these boys’ lives at all.
2.[外研选必②-6]There is no doubt  that  humankind is drawn towards Mars, with dreams of making it our second home.
→① Without doubt  smartphones make it easier for us to communicate with our classmates and family. (介词短语)
→② Undoubtedly , smartphones make it easier for us to communicate with our classmates and family.(副词)
→③ There is no doubt that/No doubt (that)  smartphones make it easier for us to communicate with our classmates and family.(从句)
★There is little/no doubt that...中,that引导同位语从句,用于解释说明doubt的内容。 ★doubt n.怀疑,不确定 + 同位语从句 doubt whether...(一般不用if) no doubt that... without doubt 毫无疑问,的确 ★doubt v.怀疑,不确定 + 宾语从句 doubt whether/if... not doubt (that)... ★doubtful adj.怀疑;未必;悬而未定 undoubtedly adv.无疑
9 without引起的虚拟语气
Without forests,  we would have no air to breathe , and without clean water  we would/should/could be unable to survive .
2.如果没有你及时的帮助,我的英语口语就不会有很快的进步。 (感谢信)
 Without your timely help, I would/should/could not have made rapid progress in my oral English. 
" If only I hadn’t fallen asleep !" He was filled with guilt and regret.(if only)
The stranger patiently guided him to the gallery.  Otherwise, he could/should/would have missed the exhibition . (otherwise)
★without + n./pron.可以引起虚拟语气,句子谓语动词(以do为例)如下: would/might/could/should do(与现在或将来事实相反的假设) would/might/could/should have done(与过去事实相反的假设) ★有类似用法的还有:with,but for,if only,otherwise,or等。
1.[2023新高考Ⅰ]Cycling is the most economical,  sustainable (sustain) and fun way to explore the city, with its beautiful canals, parks, squares and countless lights.
2.[2023全国乙]Even though Britain has a reputation for less-than-impressive cuisine, it is producing more top class chefs who appear  frequently (frequent) on our television screens...
3.[2023全国乙]Cookery shows and documentaries about food are  broadcast (broadcast) more often than before.
4.[2021北京]You must show proof of a  comprehensive (comprehend) health insurance valid (有效的) in the target country for the entire period of the internship.
5.[2020浙江]To do this I have searched through  dozens (dozen) of plays to find the ones that I think best show the power and purpose of the short play.
6.[天津高考]Submit a topic proposal  to  your history teacher. The teacher may require a second proposal if the first is off-topic or unclear.
7.[江苏高考]But he is also working at a far more fundamental level: his staff show people how to make floating gardens and fish ponds to prevent  starvation (starve) during the wet season.
Ⅱ.阅读理解—— 一词多义、熟词生义
1.A. 音量 B. 书 C. 量,额
①[2023新高考Ⅱ]Adults are portrayed(描绘) alone in many settings and poses — absorbed in a volume, deep in thought or lost in a moment of leisure.  B 
②[2020北京]For example, algorithms(算法) carry out huge volumes of trading on our financial markets, self-driving cars are appearing on city streets...  C 
③[北京高考]With TV Ears wireless technology, you set your own headset volume, while other TV listeners hear the television at a volume level that’s comfortable for them.  A 
☆jars of different volumes不同容量的罐子
☆the first volume of his autobiography他自传的第一卷
☆a library of over 50,000 volumes藏书5万多册的图书馆
2.[2021北京]We’re now building a clock at the Anchorage Museum that reflects the total flow of several major Alaskan rivers, which are sensitive to local and global environmental changes.  adj.灵敏的 
3.[北京高考]Climate change will fuel the growth of phytoplankton in some areas, while reducing it in other spots, leading to changes in the ocean’s appearance.  v.刺激,增强 
fuel作动词时,还有"给(交通工具)加油"之意,如:The plane was already fuelled (up) and ready to go.飞机已加好油,准备起飞。
fuel作名词时,还有个常见用法:add fuel to"(对……)火上浇油"。如:His remarks simply added fuel to the fire/flames of her anger.他的话只是给她的愤怒火上浇油。
写作一 基础写作——环保宣传
[北京高考]假设你是红星中学高三一班的学生李华。你班同学参加了学校的"地球日"系列活动。请按照以下四幅图的先后顺序,以"Actions for a Greener Earth"为题,给校刊"英语角"写一篇英文稿件,介绍活动的全过程。
提示词:地球日 Earth Day
1.一年一度的"地球日"前一周,我们学校周围张贴了海报,呼吁我们加入全球行动,共同创造一个更加绿色的地球。(annual, worldwide)
 A week before annual Earth Day, posters were put up around our school, calling upon us to join in the actions worldwide for a greener earth. 
2.我们把旧衣物、纸板和空塑料瓶带到教室,把它们变成了许多娃娃、手袋、纸巾盒和小花瓶。(dozens of)
 We brought to our classroom worn-out clothes, pieces of cardboard and empty plastic bottles, and turned those into dozens of dolls, handbags, tissue boxes and small vases. 
 That weekend, we seized the opportunity to visit a nearby neighborhood and gave them away. 
 All accepted those unexpected gifts with big smiles in harmony, especially little kids and elderly people. 
5.我们做得非常好,以至于我们班长获邀代表班级向全校分享我们的想法和经历。(on behalf of)
 We did so well that our monitor was invited to share our ideas and experience on behalf of our class with the whole school. 
 A week before annual Earth Day, posters were put up around our school, calling upon us to join in the actions worldwide for a greener earth. 
 Our class came up with the idea of making better use of used materials. We brought to our classroom worn-out clothes, pieces of cardboard and empty plastic bottles, and turned those into dozens of dolls, handbags, tissue boxes and small vases. That weekend, we seized the opportunity to visit a nearby neighborhood and gave them away. All accepted those unexpected gifts with big smiles in harmony, especially little kids and elderly people. We did so well that our monitor was invited to share our ideas and experience on behalf of our class with the whole school. 
 We are very proud of ourselves and believe we can do more for a better world. 
写作二 读后续写——动作描写之各种"看"
积累背诵 仿写运用
单 词 watch, glance瞥, notice注意,observe观察, spot发现, scan扫视, peek偷看 根据左栏素材完成下列各句 1.托尼·雷德蒙怒视着他,脸都变了形,气得刷白。 Tony Redmond was  glaring at  him, and his face contorted, white with rage. 2.我们都聚在电视机前,希望能看一眼他的脸。 We all gathered in front of the television, hoping to  catch a glimpse of  his face. 3.听到门把手转动的声音,他向门看去。原来他的妈妈提前下班回来了。他兴奋地从座位上跳了起来。 He  turned his eyes to  the door when he heard the handle turning. It turned out that his mother returned from work early. He leaped from his seat with great excitement. 4.詹娜和父亲交换了一下眼色,然后都忍不住偷偷地笑了。 Jenna  exchanged glances  with her father and they couldn’t help but smile secretly. 5.爱丽丝从眼角的余光看到汤姆走过,但是她没有抬头打招呼。她还在为他前一天做的事生气。 Alice spotted Tom walking by  out of the corner of her eye  but she didn’t raise her eyes to say hello. She was still mad at him for what he had done the day before. 6.约翰使劲冲玛丽眨眼,用口型不出声地对她说了些什么。玛丽立马心领神会,起身朝厨房走去。 John  blinked/winked wildly at  Mary and silently mouthed something. Mary got him immediately and stood up heading for the kitchen.
词 组 1.glare at 怒目而视 2.see sth. out of the corner of one’s eye偶然瞟见 3.blink/wink at 朝……眨眼 4.catch a glimpse of看一眼 5.catch sight of 看见 6.take a quick/close look at快速浏览/仔细看 7.exchange glances 交换眼色 8.narrow one’s eyes 眯起眼 9.turn one’s eyes to 朝……看 10.look sb. in the eye 直视某人 11.eye sb. up and down上下打量某人 12.fix/focus one’s eyes on注视
佳 句 1.I glanced back over my shoulder to make sure that no one was following me. 我回头看了一眼以确保没有人跟踪我。 2.He dare not look me straight in the eye, but instead his eyes dropped to his feet.他不敢直视我的眼睛,反而垂下眼睛看着自己的脚。 3.While doing my homework, I lifted my eyes accidentally and saw Mom sitting there staring at me with a gentle smile on her lips.我在写作业时,不经意抬头看见妈妈坐在那里目不转睛地看着我,嘴角挂着一抹温柔的微笑。 4.Though her eyes were full of tears, she kept an eye on her father’s expression.她眼中噙满泪水,却留意着她父亲的神情。
[生态环保/2023江西南昌一模]A new study suggests that pollution of all kinds kills nearly 9 million people worldwide each year. Air pollution from industrial processes and the expansion of cities accounted for about 75% of the deaths, researchers found. The study was based on examinations of worldwide death rates and pollution levels.
The study separated traditional pollutants from modern pollutants. Examples of traditional pollutants are indoor smoke or waste water. Modern pollutants include air pollution from vehicles or industrial activities and poisonous chemicals. The researchers found that deaths from traditional pollutants are dropping worldwide. But they remain a major problem in Africa and some other developing countries. In some countries, state programs to cut indoor air pollution and improvements in sanitation(卫生设备) have helped reduce death rates. In Ethiopia and Nigeria, for example, such efforts cut deaths by two-thirds between 2000 and 2019, the study found.
Modern kinds of pollution are rising in most countries, especially developing ones, the researchers said. Deaths caused by modern pollutants — heavy metals, agricultural chemicals and carbon emissions — are "skyrocketing", said study co-writer Rachael Kupka. She heads the New York-based Global Alliance on Health and Pollution. Kupka said deaths linked to modern pollutants had risen by 66% since 2000.
"Nine million deaths are a lot of deaths," Philip Landrigan told the Associated Press about the study’s results. He is director of the Global Public Health Program and Global Pollution Observatory at Boston College in Massachusetts. "The bad news is that it’s not decreasing," Landrigan added."We’re making gains in the easy stuff, and we’re seeing the more difficult stuff — outdoor industrial air pollution and chemical pollution — still going up."
The study makes several suggestions for ways to cut the number of deaths. These include creating better recording and reporting methods and stronger government policies to reduce pollution linked to industrial activities and vehicle emissions.
"We absolutely know how to solve pollution problems," said study co-author Richard Fuller. "What’s missing is political will."
【词语积累】 expansion n.扩张,扩展,扩大,膨胀
account for(数量、比例上)占 poisonous adj.有毒的
1.What can be learned from the study about pollution?
A. Air pollution killed 9 million people last year.
B. Cutting indoor air pollution is the best policy.
C. Traditional pollution is very serious in Nigeria.
D. Traditional pollutants cause less death than before.
解析 D 细节理解题。由第二段中的"The researchers found that deaths from traditional pollutants are dropping worldwide"可知,世界范围内传统污染物造成的死亡人数在下降,换句话说,就是比以前少了,故D项正确。
2. What does the underlined word "skyrocketing" in paragraph 3 probably mean?
A. Improving. B. Increasing.
C. Reducing. D. Worsening.
解析 B 词义猜测题。由画线词后的"deaths linked to modern pollutants had risen 66% since 2000"可知,现代化污染物造成的死亡人数在上升,故B项与画线词在意思上最为接近。
3. What can be inferred from Philip Landrigan’s words?
A. It is easy to fight modern pollution.
B. Outdoor air pollution is decreasing.
C. Modern pollution still concerns people.
D. It is hard to tell the reasons for pollution.
解析 C 推理判断题。由第四段中Philip Landrigan所说的话可知,900万的死亡人数是一个很大的数字,且还存在更麻烦的事物——户外工业空气污染和化学污染还在增加。由第二段第三句话可知,两者均为现代化污染,所以此处是说现代化污染还在加剧。据此可以推断,Philip Landrigan认为现代化污染仍在困扰着人们,故C项正确。
4. What might be talked about in the paragraph that follows?
A. Methods to reduce pollution.
B. The government’s response to pollution.
C. Suggestions for industrial activities.
D. The damage caused by vehicle emissions.
解析 B 推理判断题。由最后一段中的"What’s missing is political will"和行文逻辑可以推断,最后一段既然提到了现在还缺乏政治意愿,那么接下来应该会讲到政策(政府)方面对污染的回应,故B项正确。
[2024安徽六校开学测试]This 3-mile stretch of sand and tide pools beneath a fortress of 80-foot bluffs is a California tourism poster if there ever was one. Nothing disturbs the perfect, sunny view, except — once you notice them — microplastic particles. But you have to look close — on-your-hands-and-knees close — to see one. And once you do, you see another and another — so many that you may not think of this, or any beach, in the same way again. These tiny preproduction plastic balls that manufacturers melt down to form everything have been escaping factories, container ships, trains, trucks and public notice for decades.
The 2-to 3-millimeter multicolored balls are a subset(子集) of microplastic particles less than 5 millimeters in size. Microplastic particles accumulate where water takes them, and they’ve been found on shorelines of every continent.
Mark McReynolds is an environmental scientist who’s now joined a global movement studying their trail into the environment. Establishing a baseline count of the presence of microplastic particles — and, more broadly, any microplastics — is the focus of Dr McReynolds’ scientific study here. Charting the count and noting tide, current and weather conditions will show if amounts are increasing, and perhaps at what rate and why. That knowledge, he says, can inform solutions to plastic pollution such as regulation of their use.
"What are you doing? Picking up trash?" asks a steady stream of beach walkers whenever Dr McReynolds’ crew walks onto the beach and sets up equipment. These are teachable moments for Dr McReynolds.
One recent morning he told some beach walkers how microplastic particles are believed to absorb toxic chemicals, and — because they resemble fish eggs — are eaten by fish and birds and enter the food chain. Almost right on time, a seagull hopped up to a plastic-coated photo of microplastic particles and hungrily pecked(啄食) at it.
Will his work help save the world? Dr McReynolds waves a finger at that idea, "I won’t ever use that word —I won’t save the world from this pollution problem. Protect it, yes. We want to take care of it."
【词语积累】 particle n.颗粒 melt down熔化
accumulate v.堆积,积聚,积累 establish v.确定,建立
resemble v.看起来像
【熟词生义】 1.escape  常用义:v. 逃跑 文中义:v. 被忽视
2.chart 常用义:n. 图表 文中义:v. 记录,跟踪
1. What can we know about microplastic particles from paragraph 1?
A. They are too small to be seen.
B. They are products of plastic balls.
C. They have been ignored for long.
D. They can be made into almost nothing.
解析 C 细节理解题。由第一段中的"These tiny preproduction plastic balls...have been escaping...public notice for decades"可知,本题选C项。
2. What does Dr McReynolds focus on in his study?
A. Classifying plastic particles into subsets.
B. Finding solutions to plastic pollution.
C. Charting the tides and currents of oceans.
D. Getting to know the basic amounts of microplastics.
解析 D 细节理解题。由第三段的"Establishing a baseline count...Dr McReynolds’ scientific study here"可知,本题选D项。
3. What does a seagull’s pecking at the picture prove?
A. The interesting teachable moments.
B. The harmful effect of microplastic particles.
C. The spread of poisonous chemicals.
D. The beauty of the photo of microplastic particles.
解析 B 推理判断题。由倒数第二段的"how microplastic particles are believed...hungrily pecked(啄食) at it"可知,微塑料颗粒会吸收有毒的化学物质,且因为它们看上去像鱼卵,它们会被鱼类和鸟类吃掉,从而进入食物链。结合以上信息不难推知,海鸥的举动正好说明了微塑料颗粒的危害,故选B项。
4. What does Dr McReynolds expect of his work?
A. To inspire the public.
B. To test solutions.
C. To preserve the earth.
D. To save the world.
解析 C 细节理解题。由最后一段的"I won’t save the world from this pollution problem. Protect it, yes. We want to take care of it"可知,本题选C项。
[2024福建福州一测]The amount and scale(规模) of environmental issues may seem too much for ordinary people. But with hard work and determination, anyone can  1  great things.
One such person is Yin Yuzhen. At a young age, Yin moved to Inner Mongolia to live with her husband in the desert. She felt  2 . To cheer herself up and improve the  3  environment, Yin began planting trees to take  4  back from the desert. "I would rather die of  5  from fighting the sand than be buried by it!" she said. The couple had to travel on foot, doing  6  by hand. At first, many trees did not survive,  7  over the years, she learnt from her  8 ,discovering the best plants and methods to use to successfully plant a  9  in the desert. Over more than three decades, they have planted over 300,000 trees. It has been said of Yin: "She is a symbol of courage, patience, and  10 . Her work in greening the desert deserves universal  11 ."
It is without any doubt  12  to see a clear example of how the problem of desertification can be dealt with.  13  may seem small and insignificant, yet over time they  14  together to become great achievements. A journey of 1,000 miles begins with a single step and the will to  15 . Take your first step. Plant your first tree.
1. A. turn B. store
C. achieve D. promise
解析 C 结合下文讲述的事迹和常识可知,此处说的是"只要努力、有决心,任何人都可以实现(achieve)伟大的事业",故选C项。
2. A. lonely B. nervous
C. free D. well
解析 A 由空前的"At a young age, Yin moved to Inner Mongolia to live with her husband in the desert"和常识可知,一个年轻姑娘孤身前往内蒙古和丈夫在沙漠生活,应该会感到孤独(lonely)。
3. A. friendly B. changing
C. quiet D. tough
解析 D 由常识和殷玉珍夫妇种树的举动可知,殷玉珍想改变沙漠里艰苦的(tough)环境。
4. A. air B. land
C. food D. energy
解析 B 由常识可知,在沙漠里种树是为了从沙漠那里夺回土地(land)。
5. A. sickness B. emptiness
C. tiredness D. sadness
解析 C 殷玉珍宁可种树累死(die of tiredness)也不愿被沙土掩埋。
6. A. everything B. something
C. nothing D. anything
解析 A 殷玉珍夫妇出行靠走,一切事情(everything)都要靠手去做。
7. A. or B. and
C. so D. but
解析 D 所填词表示转折关系,故用but。
8. A. failure B. feelings
C. determination D. dreams
解析 A 殷玉珍从失败(failure)中吸取了经验。
9. A. garden B. forest
C. seed D. crop
解析 B 由"they have planted over 300,000 trees"可知,她用最好的植物和方法成功地在沙漠里种出了一片森林(forest)。
10. A. fortune B. honesty
C. harmony D. perseverance
解析 D 结合殷玉珍所做的事可知,本题选D,perseverance表示"毅力,不屈不挠的精神"。fortune命运,机会;honesty诚实,正直;harmony融洽,和睦。
11. A. organization B. truth
C. respect D. method
解析 C 由常识可知,30多年来靠双手在沙漠中种出一片森林是值得大家尊重(respect)的。
12. A. interesting B. challenging
C. relaxing D. inspiring
解析 D 由上文中讲到的殷玉珍种树的故事可以看出,这样的努力是很激励人心的(inspiring)。interesting有趣的;challenging有挑战性的;relaxing令人放松的,轻松的。
13. A. Actions B. Choices
C. Promises D. Events
解析 A 行动(Actions)可能看起来微不足道,无关紧要,但随着时间的推移,它们结合(join)在一起,那就是伟大的成就。
14. A. stand B. join
C. get D. put
解析 B 参见上题解析。
15. A. argue B. survive
C. continue D. believe
解析 C 此处指的是"继续(continue)下去的意志"。
[生态环保/2024天星原创]In Guatemala, environmental workers have set up a steel net 1     a dirty river to try to trap plastics and other pollutants. The two ends of the net 2    (fix) on the two sides of the river. The Ocean Cleanup, a non-profit group 3    (base) in the Netherlands, is leading the effort on the Las Vacas River in Guatemala City. The environmental group uses the 4    (equip) specially made to catch and remove pollutants from the water, 5     aim is to stop the flow of plastics and other pollution before they enter the ocean.
The 6    (rain) season in Guatemala begins in May and lasts for several months. Levels of pollution in the river are relatively 7    (high) during the rains. And The Ocean Cleanup is sparing no effort 8    (block) much of the pollution. The net has caught so many pollutants that one part of it looks bent. The next step in 9     process is to clear the pollutants from the net. The environmentalists 10    (test) to find the best way to set up and use the barrier at the moment. "We will continue to evaluate variables(变量) such as net height, net size, and foundation security during this pilot period in Guatemala," the group said.
1.across 考查介词。由下文中的"The two ends of the net...two sides of the river"可知,此处应填across(从……的一边到另一边)。
2.are fixed 考查时态、语态和主谓一致。此处描述的是客观事实,应用一般现在时;fix与主语之间是被动关系,应用被动语态;主语是复数,谓语动词也应用复数,故填are fixed。
3.based 考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知,空处填非谓语动词。base在此为及物动词,意为"把(总部等)设在",与a non-profit group是逻辑上的动宾关系,故填based。
4.equipment 考查名词。由空前的"uses the"可知,此处应用不可数名词equipment。
5.whose 考查定语从句。分析句子结构可知,所填词引导非限制性定语从句,并在从句中作定语,表示所属关系,故填whose。
6.rainy 考查形容词。空处应用形容词作定语,故填rainy。the rainy season表示"雨季"。
7.higher 考查形容词的比较级。此处暗含两个时期的比较(雨季与非雨季相比),应用比较级,故填higher。
8.to block 考查非谓语动词。spare no effort to do sth.为固定搭配,故填to block。
9.the 考查冠词。此处特指拦截并清理水中的污染物整个过程,故填定冠词the。
10.are testing 考查时态、语态和主谓一致。此处表示当前正在进行的主动动作,且主语表示复数意义,故填are testing。UNIT 2  HEALTHY LIFESTYLE
1. abuse  n.& vt.滥用;虐待;辱骂
2. facilitate  vt.促进;促使;使便利
3. negative  adj.消极的;有害的;否定的
4. discipline  n.自制力;纪律;学科vt.自我控制;严格要求(自己);管教
5. pill  n.药丸;药片
6. delete  vt.删去;删除
7. shave  vi.,vt.& n.剃(须发);刮脸
8. skip  vt.跳过;不参加 vi.蹦蹦跳跳地走 n.蹦跳
9. dizzy  adj.头晕目眩的
10. monthly  adv.& adj.每月;每月一次的n.月刊
11. enhance  vt.提高;增强;增进
1. alcohol  n. 酒;酒精→ alcoholic  adj.酒精的
2. physical  adj.身体的;客观存在的;物理学的→ physically  adv.根本上;身体上→ physics  n.物理学→ physicist  n.物理学家
3. dominate  vt.& vi.支配;控制;占有优势→dominant adj.占优势的;首要的;占支配地位的
4. repeat vt.重复→ repeated adj.重复的→ repeatedly  adv.重复地→ repetition  n.重复
5. psychology  n.心理学;心理;心理影响→ psychological adj.心理的;精神上的;心理学的→ psychologist  n.心理学家
6. reward  vt.奖励;给予报酬 n.奖励;报酬→ rewarding  adj.有益的;报酬高的
7. rely  vi.依赖;依靠;信赖→ reliable  adj.可靠的;可信赖的→reliably adv.可靠地;可信赖地
8. examine  vt.(仔细)检查;审查;测验→ examination  n.检查;审查;调查
9. compose  vt.& vi.组成;作曲;撰写→ composition  n.组成;作文;作曲→ composer  n.作曲者
10. disturb  vt.打扰;搅乱;使烦恼→ disturbed  adj.烦恼的→ disturbing  adj.引起烦恼的;令人不安的→disturbance n.打扰
11. special  adj.特别的;特设的→ specially  adv.特别地;专门地→ specialist  n.专科医生;专家→ specialize  vi.专门研究(或从事)
12. consult  vt.咨询;请教;商量→ consultant  n.顾问;高级顾问医师
13. sugar  n.糖→ sugary  adj.含糖的;甜的
14. refresh  vt.使恢复精力;使凉爽;刷新→ refreshing  adj.令人振奋的→ refreshment  n.焕发精神;茶点
15. absorb  vt.吸引全部注意力;吸收→ absorbed  adj.专心致志的;全神贯注的→ absorbing  adj.非常有趣的;引人入胜的
1.tobacco n. 烟草;烟叶 
2.cue n. 提示;暗示;信号  vt. 给(某人)暗示(或提示) 
3.pessimistic adj. 悲观的;悲观主义的 
4.surgeon n. 外科医生 
5.surgery n. 外科手术;外科学 
6.liberation n. 解放;摆脱 
7.stimulate vt. 激发;促进;刺激 
8.nut n. 坚果 
9.dynamic adj. 充满活力的;精力充沛的;动态的 
1. form a habit of  养成……的习惯
2. in response to  回答;答复
3. rely on  依赖;依靠;信赖
4. straight away  立即;马上
5. decide on  决定;选定
6. make up one’s mind  下定决心
7. be composed of  由……组成(或构成)的
8. shave off  剃掉;刮去
9. stressed out  焦虑不安;心力交瘁
10. worn out  筋疲力尽的;疲惫的
11. be addicted to  对……有瘾
12. be accustomed to  习惯于……
13. build up one’s body  增强某人的体质
14. keep fit  保持健康
1.These bad habits, if left unchecked , could lead to more serious ones when they become adults.(状语从句的省略)
2. The good news is that we can change , if we understand how habits work.(that引导的表语从句)
3. Neither too much nor too little is good .(neither...nor...)
4. I got so absorbed that I played the games  day and night. (so...that...)
1.The new trade agreement should  facilitate  (促进) more rapid economic growth.
2.Considering these  negative (负面的) effects low gravity has on the human body, astronauts  discipline  (严格要求) themselves to do at least two hours of exercise every day.
3.People who  abuse  their power at will are sure to be punished sooner or later.
4.The doctor said that you might feel sleepy after taking these  pills .
5.We should form the habit of backing our files up in case we  delete  them by mistake.
6.This is a good opportunity to  enhance  the reputation of the company across the country and further increase its share of the market.
1.The book was so absorbing  that she was totally  absorbed  in it.(absorb)
2.The  physicist  has been interested in  physics  since childhood and has overcome lots of  physical  difficulties, for he is  physically  disabled.(physical)
3.The company wanted him to be their  consultant , but he refused after he  consulted  with his friends.(consult)
4.You can always  rely  on Peter, a  reliable  friend who is always there for you.(rely)
5.A  specialist  in psychology will attend the meeting and make a  special  speech for us on Wednesday.(special)
6.People were all  disturbed  by the  disturbing  facts the newspaper reported yesterday.(disturb)
7.This experience is  rewarding  not only for its  rewards , but also for the team spirit we gained from it.(reward)
8.He missed the goal  repeatedly  at the beginning; however, the  repetition  of aiming enabled him to perfect his technique.(repeat)
in response to rely on stressed out
be accustomed to straight away
1.After seeing the depressed expression on his face, I knew  straight away  that something bad had happened.
2.It was some time before the door opened  in response to  his ring.
3.He  is accustomed to  rising early and doing some exercise in the morning every day.
4.You may  rely on  it that Hailey will come and help us when we are in need.
5.The reform of education aims to resolve the problem that many students are overburdened and  stressed out , having to cope with too much work.
 When asked  why he was late, he kept silent.
 What should be paid special attention to is that  such harmful items as plastics and used batteries should not be mixed with other wastes.
The cave they found  was neither big nor small , cosy enough for two persons.
Ali  was so happy to see his grandmother that  tears of joy were shining in his eyes.
1.It’s easy for teenagers to form bad habits which have negative impacts on their physical and mental health, so preventing harmful habits is important. As the saying goes, "We are what we repeatedly do," which is indicated in the concept of "habit cycle" in modern psychology. Then how does the "habit cycle" work? Firstly, there is a "cue" as a signal. Then there is a "routine" in response to the cue. Finally, there is the "reward", the good thing we get from the routine stimulating another repetition of the cycle. To facilitate a positive change to bad habits, we must examine our bad habit cycles, decide on what changes will be made and try to adjust them. Remember not to be pessimistic if you don’t succeed straight away. After all, there is no "magic pill" or delete button!
2.I got so absorbed in mobile games before, another addictive thing other than alcohol and cigarettes according to specialists, that I often felt dizzy and worn out since I also had to keep up with my schoolwork. Therefore, I made up my mind to change and refresh myself then. First, I arranged the time used on my mobile phone reasonably, instead of relying on my parents to enhance my discipline. Second, I turned to different activities in spare time, like skateboarding, bowling, swimming, and watching comedies, since a healthy life is composed of many parts. With the liberation from mobile games, a dynamic student has come back.
1 reward n.回报;奖励;报酬 vt.奖励;奖赏;给以报酬
1.[人教选必①-3]It is both challenging and  rewarding (reward) to study abroad.
2.The baby rewarded his mother  with  a smile  for  singing to him.
3.It is unfair that the specialist gets very little  in reward for his hard work.
注意in reward for中,reward前没有冠词,而as a reward for中,reward前有冠词a。
 Whoever finds the wallet is guaranteed/sure/certain/bound to be rewarded with 50 yuan the moment he/she returns it. 
★as a reward (for)作为(对……的)报酬/奖赏 in reward (for)作为(对……的)报答 ★reward sb.with sth. for (doing) sth.为(做)某事而用某物酬谢某人 ★rewarding adj.值得做的;有益的;报酬高的
2 compose vt.& vi.作曲 vt.组成;撰写;使镇静
1.[北师必修③-7]He(Beethoven) is regarded as one of the greatest  composers (compose) in the history of music.
注意空处除了要使用名词外,还因空前有one of,要变复数。
2.周五晚上关于心理学的讲座由三部分组成。 (通知)
→①Three parts  compose  the lecture on psychology on Friday night.
→②The lecture on psychology on Friday night  is composed of/consists of/is made up of/is comprised of  three parts.
注意consist of直接以主动形式表示"由……组成"。
★be composed of (=consist of/be made up of/be comprised of)由……组成 ★composition n.作曲;创作;作品;作文;组成 ★composer n.作曲家
3 refresh vt.使恢复精力;使凉爽;刷新;使想起
①[译林选必④-4]This is not to suggest that there is no need for you to study in school but to acknowledge that refreshing your knowledge through lifelong learning is both essential and beneficial. 刷新 
acknowledge在此处意为"承认",后接了一个宾语从句,宾语从句中refreshing your knowledge是动名词短语作主语。
②A cool shower refreshed him straight away after a long travel in the burning sun.  使凉爽,使恢复精力 
③The old man had to refresh his memory of the regular physical examination by looking at his note monthly.  使想起 
2.[译林选必④-3]Get a good night’s rest so that you feel and look  refreshed (refresh).
3.While waiting for the traffic lights, I rolled down the window to  refresh myself with fresh air (用新鲜空气来提神). (读后续写之细节描写)
★refresh oneself (with sth.) (用……)提神 refresh one’s memory唤起某人的记忆 ★refreshed adj.精神振作的 refreshing adj.令人耳目一新的;使人精力充沛的 refreshment n.恢复活力;食物和饮料;[pl.](会议或旅行等期间提供的)茶点
4 absorb vt.吸引全部注意力;吸收;理解,掌握;使并入;减轻作用;耗费
4.[外研必修②-4]Because I thought ballet was more or less the same everywhere,I was totally unprepared for its unique beauty.As soon as the curtain rose, I was  absorbed (absorb).
5.[译林选必④-2]The English-speaking community does not hesitate about absorbing foreign words  into  its daily vocabulary.
6.[外研选必②-5]Producers absorb water and dissolved nutrients  from  the soil.They also make their own food by absorbing light  from  the sun.
Leaning against a big tree, Lucy  was absorbed in reading  when a little rabbit popped out from the grass.(absorbed)
表示"集中注意力于/全神贯注于……"的还有:concentrate (one’s mind/attention) on,be buried/lost in,keep one’s mind on,focus/fix one’s mind/attention on,lose oneself in/bury oneself in,pay attention to。
★absorb...from ...从……中吸收…… absorb...into ...把……吸收进…… ★absorbed adj.被……吸引住的;全神贯注的 be absorbed in全神贯注于 ★absorbing adj.十分吸引人的
5 rely on/upon依赖;依靠;信赖;指望(depend/count on/upon)
1.[译林选必①-2]My host family are big fans of country music, so I can always rely on them  to introduce (introduce) me to some great songs.
2.[译林选必④-1]But I know Jimmy will meet me here if he’s alive, for he always was the truest and  most reliable (rely) fellow in the world.
→①I can  rely on you to offer me some advice   whenever I’m in trouble with my English.(不定式)
→②I can  rely on it that you will offer me some advice whenever I’m in trouble with my English.(it作形式宾语)
★rely on/upon... for...依靠……获得…… rely on... to do sth.依靠/相信……做某事 rely on it that...相信/指望…… ★reliable adj.可信赖的;真实可信的
6 decide on决定;选定
1.[译林选必④-3]You may have a brilliant idea, but before you decide  to put (put) it into action, it is wise to weigh up the advantages and disadvantages of this option.
2.[人教选必④-5]Is it essential that teenagers decide  on/upon  a career before they become adults?
3.The growing pressure of the crisis may mean that the moment of  decision (decide) can’t be too long delayed.
4.检查面试地址,决定使用何种交通方式,并为交通延误留出额外时间。 (建议信)
Check the address of the interview,  decide what (mode of) transport/transportation to use  and allow extra time for traffic delays.
★decide to do sth.决定做某事 decide on/upon 决定;选定 decide between A and B在A和B之间作出抉择 decide+特殊疑问句+to do决定…… ★decision n.决定;作决定;决断(力) undecided adj.未作出决定的;犹豫不决的
7 make up one’s mind下定决心
1.[人教选必①-5]Whether they can live a healthy life is the first thing they are considering. So they have made up their minds  to move (move) to the countryside, where they can live a green life.
2.Integrity and honesty are words  that/which come/spring to mind (突然想到) when talking of the man.
3.She  couldn’t keep/fix/concentrate her mind on her schoolwork (无法把注意力集中在功课上), with loud cheers outside disturbing her constantly.
4.[译林选必①-1]The mooncake is always my favourite because of its satisfying taste that is out of this world and  the happy memories it brings to mind (它唤起的美好回忆).
短语"bring...to mind"的主语是人时,意为"想起,记起", 主语是物时,意为"使想起,使记起"。当"bring"后的宾语过长时, 通常将其放在短语后面以避免头重脚轻。例如:The painting brings to mind some of Picasso’s early works. 这幅油画使人想起了毕加索早期的作品。
But  we need to keep/bear in mind  that what we see on social media is often not the whole truth about a person.
★make up one’s mind to do sth.下定决心做某事 ★change one’s mind改变主意 keep/bear...in mind(keep/bear in mind that...)记住…… keep/fix/concentrate one’s mind on全神贯注于…… es/springs to mind突然想到 bring/call...to mind(使)想起……
8 either... or.../neither... nor... 或者……或者……/既不……也不……
1.[外研必修③-3]However, neither the story nor the details of the experiment  are  (be)entirely true. Although it has been proved that Franklin’s experiment took place, more than one scientist has questioned what really happened.
neither...nor...连接两个并列的主语时,谓语动词的数按"就近原则"确定。the details of the experiment表示复数,故谓语应用复数形式,又根据第二句的时态可知,空处也应用现在时,故填are。
2.[外研选必④-2]Although they try very hard to find the Blue Bird, the birds they find either change colour  or  die.
3.Tom didn’t go to the cinema yesterday at last. Mike didn’t, either.
→ Neither Tom nor Mike went to the cinema yesterday at last. (neither...nor...)
If you need more information,  you can contact me either by email or by phone .
9 状语从句的省略
1.Though  frightened (frighten), the calf gathered all her strength to get up but slipped over and over again. (读后续写之动作描写)
本句中由Though引导的让步状语从句若补充完整,为Though she was frightened,从句主语与主句主语the calf一致,且从句中含有be动词was,故从句可省略she was。
2.When  adapting (adapt) the play, we ran into some difficulties.
本句中由When引导的时间状语从句若补充完整,为When we were adapting the play,从句主语与主句主语一致,且从句中含有be动词were,故从句可省略we were。
I would never forget the feeling of powerlessness  when faced with/facing the injured in that accident .(face)
"面对,面临某人或某事物"可用face sb./sth.,也可用be faced with sb./sth.。
★省略条件:状语从句中的主语是it或者与主句主语一致,且从句谓语中含有be动词。 ★省略形式:省略从句中的it或主语以及be动词。
本单元: month(月) +-ly(按……)→monthly(按月来算→每月的,按月的)
1.[北师必修③-9]This means  timely (time) review during this period, with a few revisits to what is learnt, can significantly help us to remember the information.
句意:这意味着在这段时间内及时复习,对所学内容重看几次,可以大大帮助我们记住信息。分析句子结构可知,means后跟宾语从句,"    (time) review during this period"为宾语从句的主语。空处位于名词review前,故应用形容词。time"时间",-ly"……的",timely→时间的→及时的。
2.[2021新高考Ⅰ]The staff is  friendly (friend) and helpful, providing you with a map of the city when you arrive, and offering advice if you require some.
3.[人教选必①-2]Your home will also learn your  daily (day) routine and preferences, so everything will be ready for you when you get home each evening.
4.[人教必修③-3]I walked around looking at the street art for a few hours.It was quite modern and  lively (live).
live adj.活的/v.活,ly"像……的",lively→像活的一样→活泼的。注意:通常情况下,n.+-ly→adj.,adj.+-ly→adv.。但有些形容词或动词后加-ly,也可变为形容词。类似的还有:lonely"孤独的",deadly"致命的",likely"可能的",costly"花费大的",等等。
5.[人教选必②-1]Asking questions can help you understand the content. It can also help you think more  deeply (deep) about the topic.
1.[2023全国甲]A day’s work was rewarded  with  £5 in pocket money.
2.[2022新高考Ⅰ]Do you want to be a better athlete in your favorite sport? Or do you just want to be  physically (physical) fit, able to move with strength and flexibility?
3.[2022浙江1月]For nearly a decade now, Merebeth has been a self-employed pet transport  specialist (special).
4.[2022浙江1月]After long discussions we somehow agreed to do a study on the  psychological (psychology) well-being of teenagers.
5.[2021全国乙]Still, 55 percent of Australians have a landline(座机) phone at home and only just over a quarter (29%) rely only  on  their smartphones, according to a survey(调查).
6.[北京高考]Not everyone acts the same in  response to events, and that is why what triggers one person may or may not trigger another.
7.[全国Ⅰ]When the container is full, you can suck the  refreshment (refresh) out through the tube, and won’t have to break down the still(蒸馏器) every time you need a drink.
8.[浙江高考]That young man is honest, cooperative, always there when you need his help. In short, he’s reliable (rely).
9.[全国Ⅰ]Our  monthly (month) talks start at 19:30 on the first Thursday of each month except August.
Ⅱ.阅读理解—— 一词多义、熟词生义
A. v.吸收 B. adj.全神贯注的
C. v.理解,掌握
①[2020新高考Ⅰ]In fact, most people only absorb about 20 percent of a speaker’s message.  C 
②[全国Ⅰ]It takes sunscreen about fifteen minutes to start working, and that’s plenty of time for your skin to absorb a day’s worth of Vitamin D.  A 
③[全国Ⅱ]These kids are so absorbed in their studies that I just sit back. I don’t teach.  B 
2.[2021天津]She had to take time to discipline her daughter.  v.管教 
☆The school has a reputation for high standards of discipline.这所学校因纪律严格而闻名遐迩。
☆He’ll never get anywhere working for himself ─ he’s got no discipline.他为自己工作是不会有什么成就的——他毫无自制力。
☆To answer these questions,Brooks surveys a wide range of disciplines.为了回答这些问题,布鲁克斯调查了非常多学科。
3.[2020江苏]Before one of these workouts, the men skipped breakfast, meaning that they exercised on a completely empty stomach after a long overnight fast(禁食). v.不做(应做的事等);不参加 
4.[江苏高考]If you want to disturb the car industry, you’d better have a few billion dollars: Mom-and-pop carmakers are unlikely to beat the biggest car companies.  v.搅乱 
mom-and-pop adj.(商店或企业) 夫妻(或家庭)经营的。disturb熟义为"打扰",除此之外,还有"使焦虑,使不安,使烦恼"之意。如:The letter shocked and disturbed me.这封信使我感到震惊和不安。
5.[江苏高考]In tests conducted by Tomasello, the human children did no better than the chimps(黑猩猩) on the physical world tests but were considerably better at understanding the social world.  adj.客观存在的,物质的 
句意:在托马塞洛进行的测试中,人类儿童在客观世界测试中的表现并不比黑猩猩好,但在理解社会世界方面明显表现得更好。physical world与social world相对应。physical熟义为"身体的",除此之外还有"物理学的"意思,如:physical laws"物理定律"。
写作一 基础写作——越野赛跑活动报道
1.为了让我们学生振奋起来,激发我们对运动的兴趣,我们学校上周日组织了一场5公里越野赛跑。(refresh, stimulate)
 In order to refresh us students and stimulate our interest in exercise, our school organized a 5km cross-country race last Sunday. 
 Ninety students from twenty classes, of whom thirty were girls, entered for the race, and none of them skipped it. 
3.早上9点,参赛者们一接到信号就从学校门口出发了,经过人民公园,最后到达了南山脚下,疲惫不堪,但很开心。(worn out)
 At nine o’clock in the morning, the participants set out from the school gate as soon as they received the signal, through the Renmin Park, and finally arrived at the foot of Nanshan Mountain, worn out but happy. 
4.比赛很有意义,不仅提高了我们的身体和心理素质,而且帮助我们树立了积极的生活态度。(rewarding, physical, psychological)
 The race was rewarding, not only improving our physical and psychological qualities, but also helping us build a positive attitude towards life. 
A Cross-Country Running Race
 In order to refresh us students and stimulate our interest in exercise, our school organized a 5km cross-country race last Sunday. Ninety students from twenty classes, of whom thirty were girls, entered for the race, and none of them skipped it. At nine o’clock in the morning, the participants set out from the school gate as soon as they received the signal, through the Renmin Park, and finally arrived at the foot of Nanshan Mountain, worn out but happy. All of us agreed that the race was rewarding, not only improving our physical and psychological qualities, but also helping us build a positive attitude towards life. Therefore, we do hope that the school will hold more similar activities in the future. 
写作二 读后续写——动作描写之各种"笑"
积累背诵 仿写运用
单 词 smile, laugh, grin 咧嘴笑, giggle咯咯地笑, chuckle轻声地笑 根据左栏素材完成下列各句 1."我成功了。" 我高兴地喊道,然后转过身来,对姐姐报以温暖的微笑。 "I made it," I cried in delight and turned around,  casting a warm smile at my sister  .(现在分词作状语) 2.老师尽管对这个结果很失望,但还是勉强露出一丝微笑。 Although the teacher was disappointed at the result, he still  forced/squeezed a smile . 3.他用方言讲了个笑话,逗得大家哈哈大笑。 He told a joke in dialect,  making everyone roar with laughter .(现在分词作状语) 4.听到我们队赢得了比赛,教练笑得合不拢嘴。 Hearing that our team won the match, our coach  grinned/smiled from ear to ear . 5.当意识到我们有多么傻的时候我们都笑得浑身直抖。 We all  shook with laughter  when we realized how stupid we’d been.
词 组 1.grin/smile from ear to ear 笑得合不拢嘴 2.force/squeeze a smile勉强露出一丝微笑 3.cast a smile at sb.向某人微笑 4.a bright/big smile/grin灿烂的笑容 5.laugh one’s head off狂笑不已 6.burst into laughter突然大笑 7.roar with laughter放声大笑 8.shake with laughter笑得浑身直抖
佳 句 1.She was relieved to see his face light up with a boyish grin. 看到他脸上现出孩子气的笑容,她总算松了口气。 2.The audience roared with laughter at the comedians’ jokes.观众们被喜剧演员的笑话逗得哈哈大笑。 3.When I walked past her, she flashed a shy smile at me without saying anything.我从她旁边走过时,她羞怯地朝我一笑,什么也没说。
[健康意识/2023甘肃兰州一诊]Ministers will offer rewards such as clothes vouchers(票券) and discounted theme park tickets in return for exercising and eating healthily, under plans to solve Britain’s obesity crisis.
The anti-obesity project, which uses an app to help people make changes to their diet and physical activity, will launch next year, initially in a pilot(试验性的) project. Participants will wear Fitbit-style devices that can generate personalized health recommendations, such as increasing their step count, eating more fruit and vegetables and reducing portion(分量) size. Those increasing their exercise by taking part in organized events such as parkruns or walking to school or work may accumulate extra points in the app. The app could also be used to monitor supermarket spending, rewarding those who cut their calorie intake and buy healthier options. Participants will collect points for their healthy behaviors, which will unlock rewards that could include gym passes, clothes or food vouchers and discounts for shops, cinema or theme park tickets.
After a competitive tender(投标) process, HeadUp has been chosen to deliver the project, with 3 million pounds coming from the Department of Health and Social Care to provide incentives in the pilot. Evidence suggests financial incentives can improve rates of physical activity and inspire healthier eating. HeadUp will work with a range of organizations to provide rewards such as vouchers, discounts and gift cards.
Sajid Javid, the health secretary, said: "This new pilot will pave the way for developing innovative ways to improve the lives of individuals, and also help to reduce stress on the National Health Service. This pilot is an excellent opportunity to find how best to inspire people to make small changes to their daily lives that will have a lasting positive impact on their health."
1.What’s the purpose of introducing the anti-obesity project?
A. To protect people’s health.
B. To help people save money.
C. To encourage research in education.
D. To find a cure for obesity-related illnesses.
解析 A 细节理解题。由第一段"Ministers will offer...plans to solve Britain’s obesity crisis"和第二段中的"uses an app to help people make changes to their diet and physical activity"可以看出,反肥胖运动是为了解决英国社会的肥胖危机,保障人民身体健康,故A项正确。
2. What can we know from the second paragraph?
A. The project has been proven to be very successful.
B. Participants will unlock the rewards by using the app.
C. Participants will be rewarded if they live a healthy lifestyle.
D. Participants will lose weight when they wear Fitbit-style devices.
解析 C 细节理解题。由第二段中的"rewarding those who cut their calorie intake and buy healthier options. Participants will collect points for their healthy behaviors, which will unlock rewards...tickets"可知,如果参与者减少卡路里摄入、购买更健康的食品,也就是有一个健康的生活方式,他们就可以获得各种形式的奖励和积分,故C项正确。
3.What does the underlined word "incentives" in Paragraph 3 probably mean?
A. Data. B. Suggestions.
C. Rewards. D. Products.
解析 C 词义猜测题。由画线词前面的"with 3 million pounds coming from the Department of Health and Social Care"和第二段的内容可知,卫生与社会保障部会投资300万英镑来奖励那些采用健康生活方式的参与者,因此画线词incentives应表示"奖励,鼓励",故C项与画线词在意义上最为接近。
4. What’s Sajid Javid’s attitude towards the anti-obesity project?
A. Negative. B. Positive.
C. Indifferent. D. Not clear.
解析 B 态度推断题。由最后一段中Sajid Javid所说的话"This new pilot will pave the way for developing innovative ways to improve the lives...help to reduce stress...This pilot is an excellent opportunity...positive impact on their health"可以看出,Sajid Javid对反肥胖运动持积极的态度,故B项正确。
[2024贵州贵阳摸底]One recent report found that adults in the US check their phones, on average, 344 times a day — once every four minutes — and spend almost three hours a day on their devices in total. The problem for many of us is that one quick phone-related task leads to a quick check of our email or social media feeds, and suddenly we’ve been trapped into endless scrolling(刷屏).
What we do know is that the simple distraction of checking a phone or seeing a notification(通知) can have negative consequences. This isn’t very surprising; we know that, in general, multitasking harms memory and performance. One of the most dangerous examples is phone use while driving. One study found that merely speaking on the phone, not texting, was enough to make drivers slower to react on the road. It’s true for everyday tasks, too. Simply hearing a notification "ding" made participants of another study perform far worse on a task — almost as badly as participants who were speaking or texting on the phone during the task.
In one recent study, for example, researchers asked participants to either put their phones next to them so they were visible (like on a desk), nearby and out of sight (like in a bag or pocket), or in another room. Participants then completed a series of tasks to test their abilities to process and remember information, their problem-solving, and their focus.
They were found to perform far better when their phones were in another room instead of nearby — whether visible, powered on or not. That held true even though most of the participants claimed not to be consciously thinking about their devices.
Our brains may be subconsciously hard at work on preventing the desire from checking our phones, or constantly monitoring the environment to see if we should check our phone (eg. waiting for a notification). Either way, this distracted attention can make doing anything else more difficult. The only "fix", the researchers found, was putting the device in a different room entirely.
【词语积累】 device n.装置,设备
multitasking n.多任务处理
visible adj.可见的,看得见的 process v.处理,加工
claim v.声称,宣称 constantly adv.重复不断地,一直,始终
entirely adv.完全地,彻底地
1.What did the recent report in Paragraph 1 find?
A. Multitasking is very dangerous.
B. The notification is always heard.
C. People are addicted to mobile phones.
D. People like doing phone-related tasks.
解析 C 细节理解题。由第一段的"One recent report found that adults in the US check their phones...on their devices in total"可知,最近的一份报告发现,美国成年人平均每天查看手机344次——每4分钟一次——每天总共花在手机上的时间接近3个小时。再结合第一段的"suddenly we’ve been trapped into endless scrolling(刷屏)"可知,人们会突然陷入无止境的刷屏中。因此该报告发现人们对手机上瘾,故选C项。
2. How is the text developed?
A. By making comparisons.
B. By examining differences.
C. By following the order of importance.
D. By analyzing causes and giving examples.
解析 D 写作手法题。第二段的"What we do know is that the simple distraction...multitasking harms memory and performance"道明了手机让人分心产生负面后果的原因;再由第二段的"One of the most dangerous examples is phone use while driving"以及第三段的"In one recent study, for example, researchers asked participants to either put their phones next to them...in another room"可知,作者用例子来说明手机让人分心的危害和避免手机干扰的方法。综上可知,文章通过分析原因和举例来展开论述,故本题选D。
3. What should you do to prevent the desire for checking phones?
A. Do anything more difficult.
B. Use phones to do right things.
C. Monitor the environment around.
D. Stay away from phones entirely.
解析 D 细节理解题。由最后一段末句"The only ‘fix’, the researchers found, was putting the device in a different room entirely"可知,研究人员发现只有完全把手机放在另一个房间才能阻止人们看手机的欲望,故选D。
4. What would be the best title for the text?
A. How Do We Avoid the Distraction of Phones?
B. Why Are People Fond of Using Mobile Phones?
C. What Should We Do When Buying Mobile Phones?
D. How Do We Do Research by Using Mobile Phones?
解析 A 标题归纳题。通读全文可知,文章第一段介绍人们手机上瘾的现象;第二段讨论手机让人分心产生负面后果的原因;第三、第四段介绍一个研究,该研究发现参与者的手机在另一个房间时他们表现更好;第五段指出解决手机干扰的方法。故A项(我们如何避免手机的干扰?)最适合做本文的标题。
[2024安徽六校入学素质测试]Getting Your Kids to Have an Appetite for Sport
Being active and moving is so important a thing for all of us, especially for children.  1  Some parents feel upset when they see their child doesn’t show interest in sport. So how can you encourage them to have a go?
It is such a good idea to lead by example as a parent. This is true for a variety of aspects, especially when children are unwilling to get involved in sport.  2  So you need to be someone who is interested and active, if you want any hope of them doing so too. If you lie on the couch all day then they will just learn to do that too.
 3  While they can choose who they want to support, seeing your enthusiasm for a particular player or team can be just what is needed to start their journey. You can look for a team uniform store to get them a sport shirt with their name on, for example, as well as watch the team play one of their games.  4 
If something is dull, it will be hard for children to be enthusiastic about it. This will make them turn their backs on it, which is not a good thing for later life. If they show particular skill and learn to play sport, then more practice and training can come in.  5  When they can enjoy what they do, they will only see it as something fun to do, rather than what we as adults might see it as, such as a chore to burn calories.
Whatever sport your children choose to play, encourage them and make it fun, and then it will be something that they will want to carry on doing as they go about the rest of their lives.
A. They won’t be interested in sport if you’re not.
B. Share your enthusiasm and it will help to fuel a passion.
C. Here are some other tips that you would share with them.
D. So think about ways that can get them to be active in the sport.
E. How active a child is will impact his overall health and learning.
F. Apart from leading by example, you could also share your favorite team.
G. However, the main message of involving children in sport is to keep it fun.
1.E "Being active...especially for children"与E项之间为递进关系,E项从更具体的方面说明了活跃程度对孩子的影响。
2.A A项与"So you need to be someone who is interested and active"之间为因果关系。
3.F F项放在此处可充当段落主题句。
4.B B项中的share your enthusiasm与段落中的seeing your enthusiasm相照应。
5.G G项与"When they can enjoy what they do, they will only see it as something fun to do"相吻合。
[2023宁夏银川二诊改编]People may misunderstand what they used to be familiar with. I remember a  1  professor, invited to our school to teach stress management principles in the school hall filled with students.
As she 2  a glass of water, each of us expected we’d be asked the  3  "glass half empty or glass half full" question. Instead, with a smile on her face, the professor asked, "How  4  is this glass of water I’m holding?"
All of us shouted out answers ranging from 8 ounces to a couple of pounds.
She then replied, "From my point of view, the absolute weight of this glass doesn’t matter. It all  5  how long I hold it. If I hold it for a minute or two, it’s rather light. If I hold it for an hour straight, its weight might make my arm  6  a bit. If I hold it for a day straight, my arm will likely cramp up and feel  7  numb and paralyzed, forcing me to drop the glass to the floor. In each case mentioned above, the  8  of the glass doesn’t change, but the longer I hold it, the heavier it feels to me."
As the whole class 9  our heads in agreement, she continued, "Your  10  and worries in life are very much like this glass of water. Think about them for a little while and  11  happens. Think about them a bit longer and you begin to suffer a little. Think about them all day long, and you will feel specially numb and paralyzed —  12  of doing anything else until you drop them."
It’s important to remember to  13  your stresses and worries. Whatever happens during the day, as early in the evening as you can, put all your burdens down. Don’t  14  them through the night and into the next day with you. If you still feel the weight of yesterday’s stress, it’s a strong sign that it’s time to put the  15  down.
1. A. physics B. chemistry
C. literature D. psychology
解析 D 由下文中的"to teach stress management principles"可知,这是位心理学教授,故选D。
2. A. lent B. raised
C. drank D. pointed
解析 B 由第四段的内容可知,这里是指教授举起(raised)一杯水问学生问题,故选B。
3. A. interesting B. meaningful
C. typical D. personal
解析 C 结合常识和选项可知,学生们以为教授会问老生常谈的"半杯水还是一杯水的问题"。 interesting有趣的,meaningful有意义的,typical典型的,personal私人的。C项符合语境。
4. A. heavy B. thin
C. clean D. large
解析 A 由第四段中的"the absolute weight of this glass doesn’t matter"可知,教授没有问老生常谈的"半杯水还是一杯水的问题",而是问了这杯水的重量,故选A。
5. A. occurs to B. contributes to
C. agrees on D. depends on
解析 D 由"the longer I hold it, the heavier it feels to me"可知,教授认为,这杯水的重量取决于它被举起的时间长短。occur to被……想到,出现在……头脑中;contribute to向……捐献,促成,向……投稿,有助于;agree on就……取得一致意见;depend on取决于。D项符合语境。
6.A. ache B. break
C. injure D. bend
解析 A 结合常识可知,如果举一小时水杯的话教授的胳膊可能会有点儿疼,故选A。
7. A. slightly B. surprisingly
C. completely D. regularly
解析 C 如果举一天水杯的话,教授的胳膊可能会痛得痉挛,完全失去知觉,不能活动。slightly稍微,surprisingly令人吃惊地,completely完全地,regularly定期地。C项符合语境。
8. A. shape B. appearance
C. weight D. size
解析 C 结合上文的描述和常识可知,教授认为水杯的重量没有发生变化,故选C。
9. A. shook B. nodded
C. hung D. lifted
解析 B 由下文的"in agreement"可知,全体同学一致点头赞同,故选B。
10. A. joys B. stresses
C. laughs D. thrills
解析 B 生活中的压力和焦虑就像这杯水,选B。
11. A. everything B. something
C. anything D. nothing
解析 D 由常识可知,考虑一会儿生活中的压力和焦虑不会有什么不适,故选D。
12. A. incapable B. unable
C. ashamed D. shameful
解析 A 由上文描述的"考虑一会儿生活中的压力和焦虑不会有什么不适"和常识可知,考虑时间长了你会感到麻木,就不能做其他事了。(be) incapable of doing sth.没能力做某事。
13. A. let go of B. bear in mind
C. look back on D. take part in
解析 A 此处说的是"释放压力",故选A, let go of表示"释放"。
14. A. carry B. forget
C. enjoy D. avoid
解析 A 作者建议不要带着压力和焦虑过夜,故选A。
15. A. ability B. glass
C. duty D. attempt
解析 B 此处作者用教授的那杯水代指"压力和焦虑", 故选B。