

名称 高中英语人教版(2019)选择性必修第四册复习学案(5份打包,含答案)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-09-10 18:42:14


1. joint  n.公共场所;关节 adj.联合的;共同的
2. dive  vi.& n.潜水;跳水;俯冲
3. sponsor  vt.倡议;赞助;主办 n.倡议者;赞助者
4. liberty  n.自由
5. temporary  adj.暂时的;短暂的
6. license  vt.批准;许可 n.许可证;执照
7. capacity  n.能力;容量
8. fence  n.栅栏;围栏
9. prison  n.监狱;监禁
10. grand  adj.大;宏大的
1. found  vt.创立;建立→ foundation  n.创建;基础→ founder  n.创立者;缔造者
2. political  adj.政治的→ politics  n.政治→ politician  n.政治家
3. locate  vt.把……安置在→ located  adj.位于→ location  n.位置
4. entitle  vt.给……命名;使享有权利→ entitled  adj.有资格的→ entitlement  n.权利;资格
5. free adj.免费的;自由的;不受约束的→ freedom  n.自由;不受……影响的状态
6. distribute  vt.分配;分发;(使)分布,分散→ distribution  n.分布;分配;分发→ distributor  n.经销商;分销商
7. frequent  adj.频繁的;经常发生的→ frequency  n.发生率;重复率;频率→ frequently  adv.频繁地;时常
8. violent  adj.暴力的;猛烈的→ violence  n.暴力;暴行
1.barbecue n. 户外烧烤;烤架 
2.bakery n. 面包店;面包厂 
3.butcher n. 肉贩;屠夫;刽子手 
4.premier adj. 最著名的;第一的;首要的  n. 总理;首相 
5.herb n. 药草;香草;草本 
6.hollow adj. 中空的;空心的 
7.straightforward adj.  坦率的;简单的 
8.slogan n. 标语;口号 
9.minister n. 部长;大臣 
10.frog n. 蛙;青蛙 
11.arrow n. 箭;箭头 
12.golf n. 高尔夫球运动 
13.strait n. 海峡 
14.sample n. 样品 
15.monument n. 纪念碑(或馆、堂、像等);历史遗迹 
16.phase n. 阶段;时期 
17.trunk n. 树干 
18.session n. 一场;一段时间;会议 
19.nest n. 巢穴;鸟窝 
20.biology n. 生理;生物学 
1. peak season  高峰季节
2. a flock of  一群(羊或鸟)
3. a handful of  少数人(或物);一把(的量)
4. lead to  导致
5. be native to  原产于……
6. play a part in  在……中起作用
7. pick up  捡起;拾起;(无意中)学会
8. make sure  确定
9. come across  (偶然)遇见
10. in use  在使用中
1. While it may lay eggs  in a nest like a bird, it’s really a primitive mammal, with a unique biology.(while引导的让步状语从句)
2.Most of their musical instruments are really just sticks found on the ground,  among which there is an amazing instrument called the didgeridoo.("介词+关系代词"引导的定语从句)
3.There are only a small handful of animals in the world  that can do that !(there be+名词+定语从句)
4.I tried to learn how to play it, but after trying for hours, I  was convinced that I could never make a musical sound with this instrument!(be convinced that...)
1.Could you please  sponsor (赞助) me for my school’s campaign for Help the Aged?
2.This  grand  building was seen as the landmark of the town.
3.Only by their  joint  efforts can parents and children bridge the generation gap between them.
4.We shouldn’t be frustrated by the  temporary  problem in front of us and we believe we can overcome it at last.
5.Limited resources are restricting our  capacity  for developing new products.
6.Some children often  dive  into the river to cool off in hot summer,but it’s really dangerous.
7.The bird, delighted with its  liberty , flew away and did not come back.
8.The escaped man got arrested immediately he turned up at the railway station and was sent to  prison .
1.Women have gained the  freedom  to decide whether to marry or not, and they are  free  to choose their jobs at present.(free)
2.Most people take no interest in  politics ,but we’d better pay attention to  political  events in our country.(politics)
3.The Red Cross is  distributing  food and clothing to the refugees. The fair  distribution  makes them moved to tears.(distribute)
4.The University of Oxford was  founded  around 1,000 years ago. Since its  foundation , the university has produced many British prime ministers. (found)
5.In the past, traffic accidents happened  frequently .However, with our efforts, they have decreased in  frequency  over recent years.(frequent)
6.There are  violent  men in society and in some of the families, and we should say no to  violence  of all kinds.(violent)
7. Located  at the foot of the mountain, the small village is hard to find for most of the strangers because of its unique  location .(locate)
come across be native to pick up make sure
1.The wolf  is native to  the Falkland Islands, located 300 miles off the southeastern tip of South America.
2.He spoke for a long time but his meaning did not really  come across .
3.When someone pays a visit to you, it’s your duty to  make sure  he is comfortable at your home.
4.She was going over to her parents’ house to  pick up  her little daughter.
 While he is so strict with us in our study , he does care about our lives.
A variety of after-class activities, such as martial arts and Chinese calligraphy, are being held in our school, among which the traditional Chinese painting is my favourite .
3.有许多国际组织致力于拯救和保护濒危物种和自然环境。(there be+名词+定语从句)
There are many international organizations  that/which are devoted to saving and protecting endangered species and the natural environment .
4.我们坚信一起练习一定会给我们提供一个互相学习的好机会。(be convinced that...)
 We are convinced that practising together will definitely provide us with a good opportunity to learn from each other. 
Located to the south of the equator, Australia is often informally called "down under". Sydney, the largest city in Australia, is not only a political center but also the foundation of the country. It’s a popular getaway where you can dive into many yummy meals. Bakeries, fast-food joints, butcher shops, and restaurants provide you with the premier food experiences. However, when it comes to life, Australians have a straightforward attitude. They long for freedom and their economy has picked up greatly these years. There are some iconic sites, and their grand tourism slogan "There’s nothing like Australia." is awesome.
As we all know, Australia has lots of unique animals. The kangaroo has a wide distribution and is a symbol of the country. Baby kangaroos sleep in their mother’s pouch, a temporary environment. Koalas spend most of their time living on tree trunks. Some are raised in certain licensed zoos and animal experts check them on a weekly basis. The duck-billed platypus is really a primitive mammal, with a unique biology. Besides, it has the capacity to find food in the water.
1 located adj.位于
1.[译林选必①-1]Sky Buffet is considered by many locals to be the perfect  location (locate) for a special occasion.
2.[译林选必②-1]The nursing home,  located (locate) on a housing estate, has more than 150 senior citizens, some of whom are over 90 years old.
3.西安位于中国的西北部,曾是十三个朝代的都城。 (景点介绍)
→①Xi’an,  which is located in the northwest of China , served as the capital of 13 dynasties.(非限制性定语从句)
→② Located in the northwest of China , Xi’an served as the capital of 13 dynasties.(分词短语作状语)
★be located in/on/at位于,坐落于(=be situated in/on/at=lie in/on/at) ★locate vt.找出……的准确位置;把……安置在 location n.地点,位置
2 freedom n.自由;不受……影响的状态
1.Everyone wants to have the complete freedom  to do (do) anything as they wish.
2.She gave some simple rules to follow for keeping babies clean, healthy and free  from/of  sickness.
→①To my satisfaction,  I have the freedom of choosing what I like . (freedom)
→②To my satisfaction,  I’m free to choose what I like .(free)
 Besides enriching our school life, the winter hiking also freed us students from the heavy work of study. 
★have the freedom of doing sth./to do sth.有做……的自由=be free to do sth. ★be free from/of不受……的影响;无……的 free sb. from...使某人摆脱…… set...free使获得自由;释放
3 distribution n.分布;分配;分发
1.[外研选必④-4]After I went on TV, a major Asian manufacturer of cosmetics was willing to purchase my product and help with its  distribution (distribute).
2.The money will be distributed  to/among  schools in the area, which is sure to help many children from poor families.
本题考查的是distribute...to/among...的被动结构。此处改为主动形式应为:distribute the money to/among schools。
Up to now, large quantities of food  have been distributed to people  affected by the earthquake.
★distribute vt.分发;分配;分销 distribute...to/among...把……分发/分配给……
4 capacity n.能力;容量
1.[译林选必②-4]Facial recognition technology, with its capacity  to analyse (analyse) a huge amount of data, has come into widespread use.
2.我能说一口流利的英语,与外国游客交流没有困难。 (申请信)
→① With the capacity for speaking fluent English , I have no difficulty communicating with foreign visitors.(with复合结构)
→② Capable of speaking fluent English , I have no difficulty communicating with foreign visitors.(形容词短语作状语)
★have a capacity to do sth./for doing sth.有做某事的能力(=be able to do sth.) ★capable adj.有能力的 be capable of有……的能力
5 pick up捡起,拾起;(不费力地)获得;(无意中)得到,听到,学会;(开车)接人;接收(信号、声音、图像等)
①Here’s a tip I picked up from my mother on how to save money. (无意中)得到,听到,学会 
②[外研必修①-3]Stuart, what time does Bob’s birthday party finish tonight?Do you need me to pick you up?  (开车)接人 
③[译林选必④-1]For example, picking up garbage around your neighbourhood contributes to a cleaner environment.  捡起,拾起 
④I have formed the habit of picking up the programme every day.  接收(信号、声音、图像等)  
2.The place we passed by became cleaner than before because we each carried a bag and  picked up garbage wherever we were (不管我们在哪里都会捡垃圾). (活动介绍)
 If I’m available then, I’ll pick you up at the airport. 
6 "介词+关系代词"引导的定语从句
1.[外研选必③-2]In October 1964, China exploded its first atomic bomb, marking a successful start of the "two bombs, one satellite" project,  in  which more than 17,000 scientists and researchers participated.
participate in表示"参与,参加",是固定短语。此处把介词in放到了关系代词which前面。
2.In a job, you’ll work with diverse groups of people, from  whom  you’ll learn varying viewpoints and experience.
I have actively attended the lecture on Chinese and foreign culture,  from which I have a full understanding of the difference  between Chinese and British culture.
★"介词+关系代词"引导定语从句时,如果先行词指人,关系代词用whom;如果先行词指物,关系代词用which。 ★关系代词前介词的选择:根据介词与定语从句中的某些成分构成的固定搭配;根据介词与先行词构成的固定搭配;根据语境。
1.[2021新高考Ⅰ]I bought a handful  of  perfectly ripe small strawberries and a little sweet melon.
本题应注意handful虽然以-ful结尾,但它是名词,而非形容词。a handful of少数人(或物),handfuls of几把,一把把。
2.[2021全国乙]She gives me the  freedom (free) to make mistakes and to learn from them all.
3.[全国Ⅰ]At present, the world has about 6,800 languages. The  distribution (distribute) of these languages is hugely uneven.
4.[江苏高考]  Located (locate) where the Belt meets the Road, Jiangsu will contribute more to the Belt and Road construction.
5.[江苏高考]The barefoot kid who just a few years previously had been living in poverty, surrounded by criminals and  violence (violent), had written a new chapter in the history of sports.
Ⅱ.阅读理解—— 一词多义、熟词生义
A. (碰巧或廉价地)买到 B. 接人
C. 拿起 D. 接电话
E. 取回 F. 偶然学会
①[2023新高考Ⅱ]What I was to do was fly to Topeka to pick up Tiffy.  B 
②[2023全国甲]The invitation is clear: Weiner wants you to pick up a coffee or tea and sit down with this book.  C 
③[2021新高考Ⅰ] On our first morning in Paris, I went around the corner to the food market to pick up some groceries. A 
④[2021全国乙]That said, to be honest the only people who ever ring our home phone are our Baby Boomers parents, to the point where we play a game and guess who is calling before we pick up the phone(using Caller ID would take the fun out of it).  D 
⑤[2020新高考Ⅰ]It is the story of an American travelling to a strange land, and of the people he meets on his way:Rustam, his translator, a lovely 24-year-old who picked up his colorful English in California, Oleg and Natasha, his hosts in Tashkent, and a string of foreign aid workers.  F 
⑥[2020天津]Once the book you’ve requested is delivered to the nearest branch, they will inform you by e-mail, so you can pick it up.  E 
2.[北京高考]However, anger can easily turn violent, and it is best to know the reasons for anger to appear in order to prevent its presence.  adj.暴力的 
3.[天津高考]Having gone through the long process with art, rock climbing, and reading and writing, now I’ve got to a point in my life where I know I am smart enough to dive into an area that is totally unknown, hard, but interesting. v.扑向,冲向(此处引申为"迅速投入") 
写作一 基础写作——中国代表性动物
假定你是李华,你校英文报正在开展以"The Iconic Animals of China"为主题的征文活动。请你写一篇文章投稿,内容包括:动物名称、特征、生活区域和生活习性等。
 Regarded as the symbol of harmony between man and nature, giant pandas enjoy an iconic status at home and abroad. 
 The distribution of this animal is mainly concentrated in Southwest China, where they have full freedom of action in nature reserves. 
 Although they look fat and walk slowly, they are capable of climbing trees with ease. 
 Because of many reasons, the number of giant pandas in the wild has dived sharply. 
 We believe everything will be better through our joint efforts. 
 Regarded as the symbol of harmony between man and nature, giant pandas enjoy an iconic status at home and abroad. 
 The distribution of this animal is mainly concentrated in Southwest China, where they have full freedom of action in nature reserves. Although they look fat and walk slowly, they are capable of climbing trees with ease. 
 The bad news is that, because of many reasons, the number of giant pandas in the wild has dived sharply. However, we believe everything will be better through our joint efforts. 
写作二 读后续写——动作描写之各种"去向"
积累背诵 仿写运用
单 词 go, head, leave, come, return, climb; downstairs 根据左栏素材完成下列各句 1."我下楼的时候踩空了,摔了一跤。没有什么严重的。"她笑着说。 "I  was walking downstairs  when I missed my foot and had a fall. Nothing serious," she laughed. 2.这名徒步旅行者凭借着地图和指南针,在茂密的森林中前进。 The hiker  made his way through  the dense forest, using a map and a compass to guide him. 3.我们一大早就出发去机场,以便赶上我们的航班。 We  set off for the airport   early in the morning to catch our flight. 4.我把手提箱拿到出租车上,然后回来帮助那位女士。她挽着我的胳膊,我们慢慢地向出租车走去。 I took the suitcase to the taxi, and then  returned to help the woman . She took my arm, and we  walked slowly toward the taxi .
词 组 1.head for/to 去…… 2.set off for 出发去…… 3.wind/snake one’s way 蜿蜒前行 4.make one’s way 前进,行进 5.feel one’s way 摸索着前进 6.step forward 走上前去 7.walk sb. to... 送某人去……
佳 句 1.After finishing work, she headed for the nearest café to have a cup of coffee and relax. 工作结束后,她前往最近的咖啡馆喝杯咖啡放松一下。 2.They fought their way through the crowd to the cashier. 他们挤过人群来到收银员跟前。 3.In the darkness, he felt his way along the wall, searching for the light switch. 在黑暗中,他摸索着沿着墙壁前进,寻找灯的开关。
[2023重庆巴蜀中学阶段练习]With one’s eyes closed, Beijing’s main roads sound like any Chinese city. All around is the roar of traffic, featuring recorded safety warnings from buses and the occasional bell of a rental-bicycle. But in the capital’s last hutongs, as its ancient grey-walled alleys are known, fragments of an older soundscape can be heard.
The song of caged crickets is one. Hung in the doorways of courtyard homes, the insects bring a rural note into the city. A quarter-century ago their song was common.
Another relic is the musical sound produced by steel plates, announcing a knife sharpener’s arrival. Several such specialists still work Beijing’s streets. Their sounding-plates attract customers from hutong homes and high-rise flats. But the numbers are falling.
An almost-vanished Beijing sound is one of the strangest. Like the noise of flying saucers in an old science-fiction film, it is made by pigeon whistles. Tiny flutes made from bamboo, these are sewn into the tail feathers of pigeons kept in rooftop cages. The birds are released twice a day to circle in the sky. Even 20 years ago, it was possible to hear this melodic noise in the hutongs.
Modern Beijing is a city in a hurry. Many hutongs have been torn down to make way for wide avenues and shiny skyscrapers, leaving no room for pigeon lofts(鸽舍). Zhang Baotong is one of Beijinig’s last master pigeon-whistle makers. He is advising a museum of sound in Songzhuang, a suburb of Beijing that is popular with artists. A rooftop cage is planned, with more than 100 pigeons that will take to the skies for visitors.
The co-founder of the museum, Colin Siyuan Chinnery, is a British-Chinese artist and collector of Beijing’s sounds. He lists the rattles(拨浪鼓) and rhythmic cries used by fortune-tellers and medicine sellers, doctors, barbers and knife sharpeners. Many of these will be showcased in an exhibition about old Beijing narrated by an animation of Mr. Zhang. Other places had traders’ cries, but true Beijingers dismiss sellers elsewhere as mere loud shouters; Beijingers’ pride is one tradition that never fades, Mr. Chinnery says.
1.Why does the author mention the song of caged crickets in paragraph 2?
A. To promote insect conservation.
B. To highlight urban development.
C. To explain the decline of hutongs.
D. To illustrate a typical hutong sound.
解析 D 推理判断题。由第一段最后一句话中的"fragments of an older soundscape can be heard"以及第二段开头"The song of caged crickets is one"可知,作者提到笼中蟋蟀的叫声是为了说明一个典型的胡同声音,故选D。
2.What can be heard both in hutongs and on streets?
A. Warnings from buses.
B. The song of caged crickets.
C. Noise of flying saucers.
D. Cries of knife sharpeners.
解析 D 细节理解题。由第三段中的"Another relic is the musical sound produced by steel plates, announcing a knife sharpener’s arrival. Several such specialists still work Beijing’s streets. Their sounding-plates attract customers from hutong homes and high-rise flats"可知在胡同和街道上都能听到的是磨刀师傅的叫喊声,故选D。
3.What has contributed to the decline of pigeon whistles?
A. The changing taste of artists.
B. The decreasing number of hutongs.
C. The rapid expansion of pigeon lofts.
D. The new method of road construction.
解析 B 细节理解题。由第五段中的"Modern Beijing is a city in a hurry. Many hutongs have been torn down to make way for wide avenues and shiny skyscrapers, leaving no room for pigeon lofts(鸽舍)"可知,胡同数量减少导致了鸽舍的减少,故选B。
4.What is the ultimate goal of the museum in Songzhuang?
A. To attract artists and craftsmen.
B. To rebuild rooftop cages for pigeons.
C. To preserve the sounds of old Beijing.
D. To display sounds from all walks of life.
解析 C 推理判断题。由最后一段中的"He lists the rattles(拨浪鼓) and rhythmic cries used by fortune-tellers and medicine sellers, doctors, barbers and knife sharpeners. Many of these will be showcased in an exhibition about old Beijing narrated by an animation of Mr. Zhang"可推知,艺术家们将即将消失的声音重新放回博物馆中,他们的最终目的是想要保护老北京的声音,故选C。
[中华文化/2024广东湛江开学质检]The Mogao Grottoes were a center of Buddhist life and some of the world’s great cultures for hundreds of years. However, by the late Qing Dynasty they had been abandoned and nearly forgotten and many of the caves had become damaged by the elements. Around 1900, with the discovery of a library of thousands of ancient documents, the caves received new interest from Chinese and foreign researchers. Unfortunately, this resulted in tens of thousands of items from the caves being taken to foreign museums.
In the 1940s, many researchers and artists visited the area to study traditional Chinese art. Copies of some of the artwork painted by respected artists such as Zhang Daqian and Guan Shanyue helped people all over the country learn about Dunhuang. These artists were also inspired by the artwork they saw in the caves and it began to influence their painting styles. Others stayed in the desert for much longer; Chang Shuhong stayed for the rest of his life — struggling to record the cultural treasures and protect them from the weather. As a result of their efforts the Dunhuang Academy was formed to protect and study the Mogao Grottoes.
In 1987, the Mogao Grottoes were named a UNESCO World Heritage Site. While the caves are open to the public, access is now limited in order to protect the artwork. However, the caves can be seen online in digital form so that people around the world can study and enjoy them.
Despite its remoteness, the Mogao Grottoes continue to draw visitors. And just as the sand and desert have survived largely unchanged through the centuries, this small art gallery in the desert has also survived largely unchanged providing an amazing look at a world long ago past.
1.When did the Mogao Grottoes regain the world’s attention?
A. Hundreds of years ago.
B. In the late Qing Dynasty.
C. In the late eighties of the 20th century.
D. Around the beginning of the 20th century.
解析 D 细节理解题。由第一段中的"Around 1900, with the discovery of a library of thousands of ancient documents, the caves received new interest from Chinese and foreign researchers"可知,本题选D。
2. What is the author’s purpose in mentioning the artists in the 1940s?
A. To learn about their works.
B. To show how hard they worked.
C. To compare their different styles.
D. To appreciate their contributions.
解析 D 推理判断题。由第二段中的"As a result of their efforts, the Dunhuang Academy was formed to protect and study the Mogao Grottoes"可推知,文章提及20世纪40年代的艺术家们是为了赞赏他们在传承莫高窟文化上的贡献,故选D。
3.When people have no access to visiting the caves,    .
A. they can do research online
B. they can enjoy the digital versions
C. they can watch copies in art galleries
D. they can study them in foreign museums
解析 B 细节理解题。由第三段中的"While the caves are open to the public, access is now limited in order to protect the artwork. However, the caves can be seen online in digital form so that people around the world can study and enjoy them"可知,为了保护艺术品,现在莫高窟被限制进入,然而,人们可以在网上以数字形式看到、研究和欣赏它们,故选B。
4.Which of the following can be a suitable title for the text?
A. The Mogao Grottoes — Center of Buddhist Life
B. The Mogao Grottoes — Art Gallery in the Desert
C. Respected artists — Protectors of the Mogao Grottoes
D. An Amazing Tourist Attraction — the Mogao Grottoes
解析 B 标题归纳题。通读全文可知,文章在第一段讲述了莫高窟重新获得人们关注的原因;第二段提及20世纪40年代的艺术家们在传承莫高窟文化上所做的努力,赞赏了他们的贡献;第三段讲述莫高窟被列为世界文化遗产;第四段讲述了莫高窟的艺术价值。因而,本文主要介绍了沙漠中的艺术长廊——莫高窟。由此可知,选项B可以概括文章主旨,做文章的标题最佳。
[2023福建师大附中期末]Ciudad Perdida, Colombia’s "Lost City", is older than Machu Picchu. There are no trains or buses allowing of easy travels to reach its ruins. The remote place is only  1  on foot: a tiring multi-day hike.
Despite this, I couldn’t  2  the opportunity to visit Ciudad Perdida. 12 other hikers and I went there in  3  with a licensed guide. The dirt path, which  4  through towering palms and dangling vines(藤蔓), proved  5  right from the start. It’s recommended that hikers have good general  6 , as the journey is difficult. Horses helped to carry basic  7  like food to the cabins where we would sleep. Along the way we also met the natives.They have been left undisturbed for centuries and there’s a deep  8  between them and the land.
The next morning, we were off early to beat the heat, but high temperatures and muscle pain had already  9  by the time we reached the final stage — 1,200 stone steps to  10 . After finally lifting my  11  body up the long flight of stairs, my eyes rested on the scene that had  12  the backbreaking journey: Ciudad Perdida.
I looked down and  13  at the beautiful site below. While the return trip included  14  the mental hurdle(障碍) of having already accomplished our goal, the experience is the one I would do  15 . It is the difficulty that makes the journey a more rewarding one. Earned views are always better.
本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。作者讲述了自己徒步去游览哥伦比亚的"遗失之城"Ciudad Perdida的经历和感受。
1.A. impressive B. accessible
C. worthwhile D. dangerous
解析 B 这个偏僻的城市仅能步行到达:累人的多日徒步旅行。impressive给人印象深刻的, accessible可到达的,worthwhile值得的,dangerous危险的。B项符合语境。
2.A. resist B. obtain
C. promote D. find
解析 A 此处说的是作者无法抗拒这么一个好机会。couldn’t resist意为"无法抗拒"。
3.A. company B. combination
C. harmony D. communication
解析 A 我和另外12个徒步旅行者与一个有执照的导游一起去了那里。 in company with意为"与……一起,在……的陪同下",符合语境。
4.A. buried B. spread
C. spun D. wound
解析 D 那条土路蜿蜒穿过(wound)高耸的棕榈树和悬挂的藤蔓,事实证明此路从一开始就具有挑战性(challenging)。
5.A. disappointing B. embarrassing
C. challenging D. amazing
解析 C 参见上题解析。disappointing令人失望的,embarrassing令人尴尬的,amazing令人吃惊的。
6.A. character B. research
C. independence D. fitness
解析 D 建议徒步旅行者有良好的身体素质,因为旅程是困难的。character性格,research 研究,independence独立,fitness健康。D项符合语境。
7.A. equipment B. furniture
C. possessions D. necessities
解析 D 由like food可知,所填词指基本的必需品(necessities),故选D项。equipment装备, furniture家具,possessions财产。
8.A. similarity B. distinction
C. bond D. belief
解析 C 这些本地人在这块土地上生活了好几个世纪了,因此他们和土地之间有着深厚的联系(bond),故选C项。
9.A. watched out B. cut off
C. set in D. gave in
解析 C 随着时间的流逝,旅行团在到达最后一段时,气温已经升高,而且在徒步中,徒步者的肌肉也开始 (set in) 酸痛,故选C项。watch out小心,cut off切断;give in屈服。
10. A. construct B. pick
C. cover D. explore
解析 C 第二天我们趁天还没热,很早就出发了,但当我们到达最后一段——要走1 200级石台阶时,高温和肌肉疼痛已经开始了。 cover行走(一段路程)。
11. A. energetic B. painful
C. unhealthy D. delicate
解析 B 在我终于把我疼痛的(painful)身体挪上长长的石阶后,我的目光停留在促使我辛苦跋涉的那一景色上:Ciudad Perdida。energetic精力充沛的,unhealthy不健康的, delicate易碎的。
12. A. convinced B. predicted
C. motivated D. simplified
解析 C convince使信服,predict预测,motivate激励,simplify简化。由"Despite this, I couldn’t  resist  the opportunity to visit Ciudad Perdida"可知,想看到Ciudad Perdida的景象激励作者开始了这段艰苦的旅程,故选C项。
13. A. aimed B. pointed
C. bent D. wondered
解析 D 我向下看,惊叹(wondered)于下面的美丽场景。
14. A. overcoming B. memorizing
C. observing D. fixing
解析 A 尽管返程包括要克服(overcoming)已经完成了我们的目标的心理障碍,但是这次经历是我愿意再次(again)体验的。memorize记忆,observe观察,fix修理。
15. A. otherwise B. again
C. though D. instead
解析 B 参见上题解析。otherwise否则,though然而,instead代替。
[2024天星原创]Noted for its colorful culture and awesome 1    (beautiful), Bali, an island in Indonesia, attracts a steady flow of visitors. A huge part of Bali’s appeal lies 2     the variety of experiences it offers and the states of mind it can lead to. It has something 3    (offer) to every type of traveller. There are so many amazing things in Bali that it can be hard to decide what to do first.
You won’t have seen Bali 4     you haven’t fully explored South Bali. This part of the island is home to busy beach destinations like Seminyak and Canggu, as 5     as quieter and more family-centered ones like Sanur. There 6    (be) no better area to discover Bali’s modernness than Seminyak and Canggu. The two areas are closely situated to one another, 7    (match) each other perfectly. They are especially popular with digital nomads(游牧民) who 8    (draw) here by the relaxed lifestyle, and plenty of cool cafes, and co-working spaces.
Bali holds plenty of appeal 9    (simple) outside these main tourist areas. Unsung highlights of the island include diving under the coral reefs(珊瑚礁) off the northwest coastline and hunting down 10    (hide) waterfalls.
1.beauty 考查名词。空处所填词被awesome修饰,作介词for的宾语,因此填不可数名词beauty。
2.in 考查介词。巴厘岛的吸引力很大程度上在于它提供的各种体验和它可以促成的精神状态。lie in表示"在于",是固定搭配。
3.to offer have sth. to do表示"有……要做",不定式作定语,have对应的主语是不定式动作的执行者,不定式用主动形式表示被动意义。
4.if 考查状语从句。如果你没有对巴厘岛南部进行极致探索,那你就称不上见过巴厘岛。由语境可知,空处应填if(如果)。
5.well 考查短语连词。as well as连接并列的两个部分:busy beach destinations和quieter and more family-centered ones。as well as表示"和,也"。
6.is 考查时态和主谓一致。此处表示一般情况,应用一般现在时;谓语动词应与no better area在人称和数上保持一致,故填is。
7.matching 考查非谓语动词。这两个地方距离很近,相得益彰。句子已有谓语,空前没有连词,故此处应填非谓语动词。match与句子主语是逻辑上的主谓关系,且此处表示伴随状况,故用现在分词matching。
8.are drawn 考查时态、语态和主谓一致。此处描述现在的客观情况,应用一般现在时;draw(吸引)与主语是被动关系,且主语为复数,故填are drawn。
9.simply 考查副词。空处所填词在句中作状语,因此要使用副词simply。
10.hidden 考查形容词。所填词修饰名词waterfalls,故应用形容词hidden(隐藏的)。选择性必修第四册
1. fiction  n.小说;虚构的事
2. integrity  n.诚实正直;完整;完好
3. dignity  n.庄重;庄严;尊严
4. salary  n.薪水;薪金
5. weekly  adj.每周的n.周刊
6. labour  n.劳动(者) vi.奋斗;努力工作
7. backwards  adv.向后;倒着;往回
8. lamp  n.灯;台灯
9. pace  n.速度;步伐;节奏 vt.& vi. 调整节奏
10. random  adj.随机的;不可思议的
1. appoint  vt.任命;委任;安排→ appointment  n.预约;约会;委任→ appointed  adj.指定的
2. guilt  n.内疚;悔恨;犯罪→ guilty  adj.内疚的;有罪的;有过失的
3. suspend  vt.悬;挂;暂停;暂缓→ suspension  n.悬浮;暂缓;暂令停职
4. dismiss  vt.让(某人)离开;解散; 解雇→ dismissal  n.解雇;免职
5. declare  vt.表明;宣称;公布→ declaration  n.(纳税品等的)申报(单);宣布;公告;声明(书)
6. calculate  vt.计算;核算;预测→ calculation  n.计算→ calculator  n.计算器
7. divide  vt.(使)分开;使意见不一→ division  n.分开;分隔;除(法)
8. urge  n.强烈的欲望;冲动vt.催促;力劝;大力推荐→ urgency  n.紧急;紧急的事→ urgent  adj.紧急的;迫切的→ urgently  adv.迫切地;紧急地
9. explode  vi.& vt.爆炸;爆破→ explosion  n.爆炸;突然爆发;激增
1.bonus n. 意外收获;奖金;红利 
2.ridiculous adj. 愚蠢的;荒谬的; 荒唐的 
3.absurd adj. 荒谬的;荒唐的 
4.nail n. 指甲;趾甲;钉子  vt. (用钉子)钉牢;固定 
5.saleswoman n. 女售货员;女推销员 
6.ladder n. 梯子;阶梯 
7.rumour n. 谣言;传闻 
8.fare n. 车费;船费;飞机票价 
9.flour n. 面粉;(谷物磨成的)粉 
10.venue n. 活动场地(如音乐厅、会场等) 
11.superior adj. 更好的;占优势的;(在级别或重要性上)更高的 
12.leather n. 皮革;[pl.]皮衣;皮外套 
13.panel n. 控制板; 仪表盘;专家咨询组 
14.inch n. 英寸 
15.niece n. 侄女;外甥女 
16.fetch vt. (去)拿来;(去)取来 
17.handkerchief n. 手帕;纸巾 
18.maximum adj. 最大极限的  n. 最大量;最大限度 
19.stun vt. 使震惊;使昏迷 
20.mud n. 泥; 泥浆 
1. test out  检验;测试
2. more like  更像是;更接近
3. on a...basis  根据;以……的方式(基准)
4. pros and cons  事物的利与弊;支持与反对
5. superior to  比……更好;更胜一筹
6. take over  占上风;取而代之;接管
7. conflict with  与……冲突或抵触
8. turn out  关掉;熄灭;在场;结果是
9. fall away  (逐渐)减少;消失
10. have an urge to do sth.  有强烈的欲望做某事
1.He suggested that  she invite Gladys and her friends to the house the night before he was to leave and Larry was to return.[suggest that ...(should+)do sth.]
2.She heard him declare that he did not want to leave her the next day,and that he felt more than just the desire to please her .(more than...)
3.It would not be surprising if we  found it difficult to distinguish  between reality and science fiction in the future.(find+it+宾补+不定式)
4.He seemed  more like a human than a machine .(more...than...)
1.Honesty and  integrity (正直)are the qualities that a leader should be made of.
2.In the practice, we can experience the value of  labour (劳动) and expose ourselves to a wide range of practical skills.
3.If you were wrong, admit it. You won’t lose  dignity (尊严), but will gain respect.
4.Everyone can play a part in reducing waste, for instance, not purchasing more food than necessary in your  weekly (每周的) shopping.
5.We’d better live our life at our own  pace  instead of comparing ourselves with others.
6.With the development of technology, things which only exist in science  fiction  have been brought into our daily lives.
7.He would not accept this job for such a small  salary  since he has a large family to support.
8.I sat down on the floor, pulled a few books off the shelf at  random  and began to read.
1.The work was so  urgent  that our boss  urged  us to finish it at all costs. And we soon realized the  urgency  of the matter.(urge)
2.I feel  guilty  about the silly mistake I made yesterday and no words can express my  guilt .(guilt)
3.My friend Jenny was  appointed  as the chairwoman of the committee. We made an  appointment  to celebrate at the restaurant, but I couldn’t arrive at the  appointed  time because of something unexpected.(appoint)
4.She  declared  that she would go to work abroad on her own but many of her friends were very worried about her on hearing her  declaration .(declare)
5.He was  dismissed  without any reason last week and he wanted to find the truth behind his  dismissal .(dismiss)
test out turn out superior to conflict with
take over have an urge to fall away
1.The young man looks sad and we  have an urge to  give advice immediately to make him feel better.
2.After he lost all his wealth, many of his old friends  fell away  from him.
3.Their opinion on the accident  conflicts with  ours,so more evidence is needed.
4.Never worry and keep calm — everything will  turn out  all right in the end.
5.His work is to  test out  new designs of cars before they are put on the market.
6.I’ve personally never subscribed to the view that either sex is  superior to  the other.
7.She decided that I was the ideal person to  take over  the job.
1.我建议你应该去办公室向你的老师请教学习英语的方法。[suggest that ...(should+)do sth.]
I  suggest that you (should) go to the office  to consult your teacher about the methods of learning English.
2.她不仅是我们的老师,也是我们的朋友。(more than...)
 She is more than our teacher ; she is also our friend.
He  found it difficult to hide his disappointment  when she didn’t come.
I’m cautious by nature, so I tend to be  more a follower than a leader .
1.More and more people like science fiction. Satisfaction Guaranteed is a short sci-fi novel about a robot called Tony,which was going to be tested out by Claire. Claire thought Tony looked more like a human than a machine,and Tony treated Claire with dignity and integrity. He helped Claire with her appointment and the preparation for a party. When everything got ready, Claire dismissed Tony. However, he declared that he had fallen in love with her and then disappeared from sight. Claire felt more than guilty. However, everything was over.
2.Presuming that you have a chance to get a time machine, you may have an urge to take over the world. But have you ever taken all the pros and cons into consideration? You can travel to a special period at maximum speed to enjoy stunning experiences. However, it turns out that there is a division between the past and the present. You can’t calculate what will happen next and decide whether a dream is superior to reality. But as long as the time machine doesn’t explode, you will have random potential.
1 guilty adj.内疚的;有罪的;有过失的
1.[北师选必①-2]So many people could never go to school. They didn’t have the chance to learn and get on in life. This worried me a lot and I felt very guilty  being (be) a rich man without doing anything.
After lying to my parents, I  had a strong sense of guilt .
 I felt guilty about letting other people know your secret by accident. 
★feel guilty (about) doing sth.因做某事而感到内疚 be guilty of有罪责的;有过失的 ★guilt n.内疚;悔恨;有罪 a sense of guilt罪恶感
2 dismiss vt.让(某人)离开;解散;解雇;消除;不予考虑
①[外研选必④-5]Although his theory has been dismissed by scholars, it shows how powerful the secrets of Ancient Maya civilisation are among people.  不予考虑 
②[人教选必④-1]The night of the party arrived. The clock struck eight. The guests would be arriving soon, so Claire dismissed Tony for the rest of the night.  让(某人)离开 
句中的strike是高考常考词汇,特别注意一词多义。strike v. (struck;struck)打;撞击;罢工;袭击;报时;划(火柴);使忽然想起 n.罢工。
③Mary was at the risk of being dismissed since she always chatted with others during the working time.  解雇 
④Dismissing her fears, she climbed higher.  消除 
2.He failed to pass the drug test, and the boss had to dismiss him  from  his job.
3.逃跑的念头在心头一闪,但我立刻打消了,认为这样做不现实。 (读后续写之心理描写)
The thought of escape crossed my mind, but immediately  I dismissed it as unrealistic .
★dismiss...from...去除,消除;把……免职 dismiss...as...对……不予考虑 ★dismissal n.免职,解雇;不予考虑
3 declare vt.表明;宣称;公布
1.When they asked him about his opinion, he declared strongly  against  the policy because it offended his interest.2.[译林选必③-3]Japan had hatched a plot to launch a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor, so the attack began without warning and without declaring war  on  the United States.
3.当老师宣布我是这次英语演讲比赛的获胜者时,我又惊又喜。 (读后续写之心理描写)
 When the teacher declared me to be the winner of the English Speech Contest, I was surprised and pleased. 
★declare for/against声明支持/反对…… declare war on...向……宣战 declare...to be/as...宣布……为…… ★declaration n.断言,宣称;宣告,声明
4 urge n.强烈的欲望;冲动 vt.催促;力劝;大力推荐
1.[译林选必②-4]As we become more and more dependent on computers, some scientists are urging us  to think (think) about the dangers posed by the advances in AI.
2.[人教选必④-1]I had a strong urge  to look (look)at the random things that were being flashed before my eyes!
3.Scientists and politicians have deeply recognized the  urgent (urge) need to address climate change and take effective action to protect the planet for generations to come.
→①Parents are supposed to  urge that their children (should) work out actively .(宾语从句)
→②Parents are supposed to  urge their children to take exercise actively .(不定式)
★urge sb. to do sth.=urge that sb. (should) do sth.敦促某人做某事 have/feel an urge to do sth.渴望做某事 ★urgent adj.紧急的,迫切的 urgency n.紧急,迫切
5 take over占上风;取而代之;接管;接手
①[人教选必④-1]In sci-fi stories, robots often become superior and take over.  占上风,取而代之 
②[人教必修②-4]Almost everywhere you go in the UK, you will be surrounded by evidence of four different groups of people who took over at different times throughout history.  接管,接手 
2.科技是用来帮助我们的,因此我们不应该让它控制我们的生活。 (发言稿)
Technology is there to help us, so we shouldn’t allow it  to take over our life .
6 turn out关掉;熄灭;在场;使朝外;结果是
①[人教必修②-5]As it turned out, there was no need to be nervous because all my hard work paid off and I played perfectly.  证明是,结果是 
②[外研必修③-2]In Uganda, Ryan at last saw the finished well with his own eyes.But that was not all.He also saw hundreds of delighted students who had turned out to welcome him.  在场 
③Remember to turn out the lights when you go to bed.  关掉,熄灭 
①as it/things turned out是固定表达,意为"正如后来表明的;果然如此;果不其然"。②well n.水井③remember to do sth.记得做某事;remember doing sth.记得做过某事
2.我们学校的足球比赛结果比我想象的更精彩。 (活动介绍)
→① Our school’s football match turned out to be more exciting than I imagined. (不定式)
→② It turned out that our school’s football match was more exciting than I imagined. (it作形式主语)
7 more than 非常;不只是;超过
①[人教必修②-4]And if you introduce yourself to a friendly face, you are more than likely to experience local culture and customs first-hand.  非常 
②Each year, more than 1,000 additions are made to English dictionaries.Recent additions include "selfie" and "netizen".  超过 
③[外研选必③-2]His hard work made him more than a fashion photographer — he was a "cultural anthropologist", who we can thank for recording the life of a whole city and its people over half a century.  不只是 
2.Without advertising, it will be very difficult for customers to judge the worth of a product.
→Without advertising, it will be  more than  difficult for customers to judge the worth of a product.(词汇升级)
除more than外,表示"非常"的词语还有:highly,extremely,awfully,quite等。
Hearing the explosion, the boy  was more than frightened and ran away quickly .
★more than+形容词 非常…… more than+数词/从句 超过…… more than+名词 不只是,不仅是 ★no more than 只不过,仅仅 not more than 不超过,至多 ★more...than...与其说……不如说……
本单元 guilt 内疚,有罪→guilty 内疚的,有罪的 haze 雾霭→hazy 朦胧的,模糊的
拓展 dust 灰尘→dusty布满灰尘的 mud 泥→muddy 泥泞的 rain 雨→rainy 多雨的 smoke 烟→smoky 烟雾弥漫的 juice 汁→juicy 多汁的 anger愤怒→angry愤怒的,生气的 spice 香料→spicy(食物)加有香料的 cream 奶油→creamy似奶油的 salt 盐→salty 含盐的,咸的
1.As we all know, an astronaut needs to be  healthy (health) and calm in order to work in space.
2.The weather was surprisingly warm and  sunny (sun).
3.I am used to dozing for a while after lunch, otherwise I often feel  sleepy (sleep) and lack passion all the afternoon.
4.I was so  hungry (hunger) that I couldn’t help taking a bit of the bread Dad had prepared for me.
5.Two cars skidded on the  icy (ice) pavement and crashed onto the trees along the side.
1.[2023全国乙]As it turned  out , Douglas did exactly what she needed to do to become Olympic champion when she defeated two Russians.
2.[2022新高考Ⅰ]Everyone can play a part in reducing waste, whether by not purchasing more food than necessary in your  weekly (week) shopping or by asking restaurants to not include the side dish you won’t eat.
3.[2022新高考Ⅱ]Participants were  randomly (random) divided into two groups.
4.[2021新高考Ⅱ]A new exhibition in Halifax uses everyday activities to explain the hidden math principles we all use on a regular  basis (base).
on a regular basis表示"定期地",其中regular还可以换成permanent,temporary,daily等形容词,分别表示"永久地,临时性地,每天地"。
5.[2020新高考Ⅱ]To remember all the questions you have when you are not in the doctor’s office, write them down and bring the list with you to your  appointment (appoint).
6.[全国Ⅱ]Dismissing small talk  as  unimportant is easy, but we can’t forget that deep relationships wouldn’t even exist if it weren’t for casual conversation.
7.[全国Ⅰ]I never felt an urge  to learn (learn) any sign language before.
8.[安徽高考]In colonies(群体) that range in size from a few hundred to tens of millions, they organize their lives with a clear  division (divide) of labor.
Ⅱ.阅读理解—— 一词多义、熟词生义
1.[2022浙江1月]The benefits of regular exercise are well documented but there’s a new bonus to add to the ever-growing list.  n.意外收获 
2021新高考Ⅰ阅读理解A篇中,bonus也表示"意外收获":It’s affordable, and it’s got a fun atmosphere without being too noisy. As an added bonus, it’s close to the main train station.(added bonus表示"额外的好处")
2.[北京高考]There are probably decades in which to plan for the arrival of super intelligent machines. But the problem should not be dismissed out of hand, as it has been by some AI researchers.  v.不予考虑;摒弃 
be dismissed out of hand可用作固定表达,意为"直接被摒弃",如:The suggestion shouldn’t be dismissed out of hand (=without thinking about it). 这个建议不应当直接被摒弃。
写作一 基础写作——新型城市
你校英语俱乐部将举办主题为"未来的新型城市"的英语讨论活动。请根据下列要点, 发挥你的想象力,用英语写一篇发言稿。内容包括:
 As a result of the rising sea level caused by global warming and exploding population, our cities are urged to make some changes. 
2.在海上建设漂浮城市的想法在我心里占据了上风。(take over)
 The idea of constructing floating cities on the sea takes over in my mind. 
 The floating city seems to suspend on a man-made island, which is almost entirely covered by plants. 
 With solar, wind and wave power, the floating city may be superior to where we live now. 
5.我相信,随着科技的发展,这种城市将会是最适合我们的。(turn out)
 I believe this kind of city will turn out to be the most suitable for us with the development of science and technology. 
 Good morning, everyone. I’m glad to share my view on "the new city in the future". 
 As a result of the rising sea level caused by global warming and exploding population, our cities are urged to make some changes. In the circumstances, the idea of constructing floating cities on the sea takes over in my mind. The floating city seems to suspend on a man-made island, which is almost entirely covered by plants. Besides, with solar, wind and wave power, the city may be superior to where we live now. I believe this kind of city will turn out to be the most suitable for us with the development of science and technology. 
 Thank you! 
写作二 读后续写——动作描写之各种"想"
积累背诵 仿写运用
单 词 think, consider, wander 走神, flash 突然想到; considering考虑到 根据左栏素材完成下列各句 1.艾薇盯着衣服,陷入了沉思。这时,一个念头闪过她的脑海:"为什么不送给那些需要的人呢?" Ivy stared at the clothes,  deep/lost in thought . Then  an idea flashed through her mind , "Why not give them to those in need?"(第一空形容词作状语) 2.那天晚上,她独自回家,想着是否能永远避开海蒂。然后她想到了她们从三岁起是如何一起玩耍的。 That evening, she went back home alone,  thinking if she would avoid  Heidi forever. And then she  thought about/of  how they had played together since they were just three years old.(第一空现在分词作状语) 3.自从那次事件之后,我一直在反省自己,觉得自己做错了什么,但我没有足够的勇气向他道歉。 Since that incident I  had been reflecting on myself , feeling that I had done something wrong, but I didn’t have enough courage to apologize to him. 4.转念一想,我决定试一试。就在那时,我突然想到,前几天布莱恩提到他喜欢我做的炒饭。  On second thought(s) , I decided to try. Just then  it occurred to/hit/struck me  that several days before Brian ever mentioned that he loved the fried rice I cooked. 5.他回想起第一次见到索菲的那一天。 He  thought back to the day  he’d first met Sophie. 6.在收集了所有的请求后,巴特利特夫人告诉我们,她会考虑我们选择的游戏,并在第二天告诉我们结果。 After collecting all the requests, Mrs Bartlett informed us that she would  take into account/consideration the games we chose  and let us know the result the next day.
词 组 1.be deep/lost in thought陷入沉思 2.come up with想出 3.think of/about想起;考虑到 4.think over仔细考虑 5.think twice三思 6.think back 回想,追忆 7.on second thought(s) 又一想,转念一想 8.at the thought of 一想到…… 9.reflect on仔细思考;反思 10.take...into account/consideration把……考虑在内
佳 句 1.An idea flashed through his mind. 他脑子里闪过一个念头。 2.It occurred to/hit/struck Jane that she had overlooked an important detail in her presentation while she was standing before the audience. 当简站在听众面前时,她突然想到自己忽略了演讲中的一个重要细节。 3.Rick was lost in thought. It slowly dawned on him that Luke had done nothing wrong. 里克陷入沉思。他慢慢明白了卢克并没有做错什么。 4.Then, my thoughts wandered to the lady who was enjoying a delicious dish with her little girl. 然后,我的思绪转到了那位女士身上,她和她的小女儿正在享用一道美味的菜肴。 5.Thinking hard, she tried to figure out a solution to the complex math problem. 她冥思苦想,试图找出解决这个复杂数学问题的方案。
[2023山西运城二模]On February 20, the science fiction magazine Clarkesworld was forced to stop accepting any new articles from writers after it was flooded with AI-written stories.
"By the time we closed on the 20th, we had received 500 human-written stories and 700 AI-written ones," said editor-in-chief Neil Clarke. "It was increasing at such a speed that we figured that by the end of the month, we would have doubled the number of articles we normally have. The rate had been growing from previous months, and we were concerned that we had to do something to stop it."
Worries about AI misuse have frequently appeared in headlines recently, particularly since the launch of ChatGPT in November 2022, which can not only answer a broad range of questions, but also create original poems and stories.
Clarke said magazines like his, which pay contributors for their work, were being targeted by people trying to make quick money. He said he had already spoken to editors of other magazines and that all of them had agreed to stop accepting AI-written articles. He also admitted that the humor of his sci-fi magazine being targeted by AI robots is not lost on him.
"You know, our mascot(吉祥物) is a robot. So we see the irony," he said. "But the thing is that science fiction is often intended to give a warning to people. We don’t celebrate technology just because it exists. We want to make sure that we’re using it right. And there are some significant legal and moral issues around this technology that we’re not ready to accept."
Clarke said the magazine didn’t know how to deal with the issue, and part of the motivation to speak out was in the hope of finding some solutions. He also said the quality of the AI-written stories was very poor.
1. What’s the matter with the magazine Clarkesworld?
A. It will close down forever.
B. It was targeted by AI writers.
C. It stopped paying contributors.
D. It has lost many good authors.
解析 B 细节理解题。由"On February 20, the science fiction magazine Clarkesworld was forced to stop accepting any new articles from writers after it was flooded with AI-written stories"可知,Clarkesworld是被AI写手逼得不得不暂停接受新稿件,故选B。
2. What can we infer about other magazines’ attitude to the AI-written stories?
A. Disapproving. B. Favorable.
C. Unknown. D. Tolerant.
解析 A 推理判断题。由第四段中的"He said he had already spoken to editors of other magazines and that all of them had agreed to stop accepting AI-written articles"可推知,其他杂志对AI生成的作品持否定态度,故选A。
3. What does Neil Clarke say about science fiction?
A. It often intends to find some solutions.
B. It welcomes the existing new technologies.
C. It will accept AI-written stories in the near future.
D. It often tries to warn of the dark side of technologies.
解析 D 细节理解题。由第五段中的"But the thing is that science fiction is often intended to give a warning to people. We don’t celebrate technology just because it exists. We want to make sure that we’re using it right. And there are some significant legal and moral issues around this technology that we’re not ready to accept"可知,Neil Clarke认为科幻作品经常试图提醒人们技术的黑暗面,故选D。
4. Where is this text most likely from?
A. A notice. B. A science fiction work.
C. A news report. D. A book review.
解析 C 推理判断题。文章第一段清楚地交代了时间、事件等信息,下文对事件进行了展开。再结合文章的写作风格和明显的时效性不难得知,本文应该是一篇新闻报道,故选C。
[2023广西柳州开学考] It’s the year 2140 and two kids ride their surfboards in the heart of Manhattan, near the point where Sixth Avenue meets Broadway. If you are familiar with this junction you will know it is far from the US’s current coastline. But in Kim Stanley Robinson’s novel New York2140, Manhattan is flooded after continuous climate change causes the sea level to rise by 15.25m.
Robinson’s 2017 climate fiction novel belongs to a new kind of novel, which tells "the story of the next century". It might be helping readers across the world comprehend the situation in which we currently find ourselves.
Climate change is an indescribable crisis to make sense of. Drop some poisonous chemicals in a river now and you will see dead fish within days, but what do you witness when you release carbon dioxide (CO2)?
"This is where fiction comes in: It brings the abstract data closer to home by focusing on the faces and stories in these futures. Show readers a detailed account of a climate-changed future," says Robinson, and they have an easier time imagining it. "Science fiction gets people thinking in a way that another report on climate change doesn’t," says Shelley Streeby, a professor of Literature and Ethnic Studies at UC San Diego. "It helps people feel not only about what might be coming, but also about the present. It is about taking certain conditions that exist nowadays, extending them into the future and throwing a bunch of characters into their midst."
In the search to adopt climate change as a topic, writers are doing what they do best: trying to tell a good story. Sometimes they write with a touch of optimism as they negotiate the current crisis. But even with this optimism, these writers want to make sure the world knows they, at least, are paying attention.
1.What is the function of the first paragraph?
A. To give background on a story.
B. To promote the novel New York2140.
C. To lead to the topic of climate fiction.
D. To show the influence of climate change.
解析 C 推理判断题。通读第一段内容可知,本段主要描绘了Robinson的小说《纽约2140》中的故事情节,再结合第二段首句"Robinson’s 2017 climate fiction novel belongs to a new kind of novel, which tells ‘the story of the next century’"及下文对气候小说的描述可推知,作者主要借助《纽约2140》的故事情节引出气候小说这一话题,故选C项。
2.How does the author show the climate change crisis is "indescribable"?
A. By inferring. B. By comparing.
C. By analyzing. D. By imagining.
解析 B 推理判断题。由第三段"Climate change is an indescribable crisis to make sense of. Drop some poisonous chemicals in a river now and you will see dead fish within days, but what do you witness when you release carbon dioxide (CO2)?"可知,为了说明气候变化带来的危机是难以描述的,作者对比了释放有毒化学物质和释放二氧化碳的情况,前者的后果可见,而后者的后果不可见,故选B项。
3.What’s Streeby’s attitude toward science fiction?
A. Approving. B. Cautious.
C. Negative. D. Doubtful.
解析 A 推理判断题。由第四段中Shelley Streeby的话"Science fiction gets people thinking in a way that another report on climate change doesn’t"和"It helps people feel not only about what might be coming, but also about the present"可知,Streeby认为科幻小说让人们以另一种方式思考气候变化,让人们感知未来和当下。由此推知,Streeby对科幻小说是持赞成(approving)态度的,故选A项。
4.Which is the best title for the text?
A. Climate Crisis: No Longer a Forecast
B. The Future World: More Promising
C. New York2140: a New Type of Novel
D. Climate Fiction: a Reminder of Climate Change
解析 D 标题归纳题。通读全文可知,气候小说从更加生动的角度向人们展示未来气候变化带来的问题,从而帮助人们更好地理解气候变化的后果,引导人们更加关注当前的环境。因此,D项最适合做本文的标题。
This month, science fiction magazine Lightspeed changed its normal publishing schedule to bring readers a special issue: "Women Destroy Science Fiction! "
It’s more than just a collection of stories entirely edited and written by women. It’s an exhibition of all the ways in which women are writing — and have written.
Many of the stories will be considered the best hard science fiction even by the pickiest critics(评论家). For example, Tananarive Due’s Like Daughter deals with what happens when humans have easy access to cloning. The Unfathomable Sisterhood of Ick by Charlie Jane Anders takes place in a future where changing brain chemistry is as common as taking vitamins now.
However, it is also true that the authors are more focused on the relations between people, or between people and society, or changing cultural and gender roles. There are stories that refuse to stay firmly within science fiction borders. For example, James Tiptree Jr.’s Love Is the Plan and the Plan Is Death is a mixture of horror, mystery and even love, something not commonly seen in science fiction.
So are women destroying science fiction?
If your idea of science fiction is limited to the concept formed by works like Isaac Asimov’s Night Fall and Arthur Charles Clarke’s Childhood’s End, then many of the stories within these pages may well seem like devastation.
"But the stories we read and the stories we tell shape who we are," Pat Murphy once said in a famous speech back in 1991. "They also shape the culture they’re born into. Thus, if women keep writing such kind of science fiction, and keep calling it science fiction, the room for science fiction will expand. They will exist nicely beside other kinds of science fiction."
I cannot agree more. Women have the right to create a space for themselves within science fiction, one filled with their dreams, experiences and realities.
1.What is special about the latest edition of Lightspeed?
A. All the stories are written by female novelists.
B. It is a collection of the published love stories.
C. It has been well received by most of the critics.
D. Every story in it belongs to hard science fiction.
解析 A 细节理解题。由第二段中的"It’s more than just a collection of stories entirely edited and written by women"可知,本题选A项。
2.Which of the following can be considered non-science-fiction in a strict sense?
A. Like Daughter.
B. The Unfathomable Sisterhood of Ick.
C. Childhood’s End.
D. Love Is the Plan and the Plan Is Death.
解析 D 细节理解题。由第四段中的"There are stories that refuse to stay firmly within science fiction borders. For example, James Tiptree Jr.’s Love Is the Plan and the Plan Is Death is a mixture of horror, mystery and even love, something not commonly seen in science fiction"可知,从严格意义上讲,Love Is the Plan and the Plan Is Death 不能算科幻小说,故选D项。
3.What does the underlined word "devastation" in paragraph 6 mean?
A. Destruction. B. Progress.
C. Contribution. D. Reward.
解析 A 词义猜测题。由第五段"So are women destroying science fiction? "和第六段"If your idea of science fiction is limited to the concept formed by works like Isaac Asimov’s Night Fall and Arthur Charles Clarke’s Childhood’s End, then many of the stories within these pages may well seem like devastation"可推知,画线词在意义上与destroying对应,故选A项。
4.What did Pat Murphy mean in his speech?
A. Science fiction is an important part of our life.
B. Women are unsuitable to write science fiction.
C. The definition of science fiction should be expanded.
D. Science fiction should focus mainly on future technologies.
解析 C 推理判断题。由第七段中的"Thus, if women keep writing such kind of science fiction, and keep calling it science fiction, the room for science fiction will expand. They will exist nicely beside other kinds of science fiction"可推断,Pat Murphy 认为存在的就是合理的。我们应该拓展科幻小说的定义,接纳感性味较重的作品,故选C项。
[2023四川广安一诊]The Japanese branch of the Chinese Literature Readers’ Club was established at the China Cultural Center in Tokyo 1     September 2022.
The event had Chinese sci-fi writers Wang Jinkang, Bao Shu, and Qi Yue, alongside Japanese sci-fi writer Taiyo Fujii and Nozomi Oomori, the Japanese 2    (translate) of Liu Cixin’s The Three-Body Problem, as guest speakers to talk about their sci-fi creations 3     the development trend of sci-fi.
Shi Yongjing, cultural counselor(参赞) at the Chinese embassy in Japan, said that "both China and Japan have a long history of translating each 4    (other) cultural works". The club will provide a new platform for Japanese readers 5    (learn) about contemporary China, she said.
During the event,6     ran for more than two hours, three Chinese writers shared stories about how they became sci-fi writers. 7    (start) from Chinese writer Lao She’s Cat Country, Japanese guest speakers talked about their 8    (joy) experiences of reading Chinese science fiction. For them, Chinese sci-fi literature 9    (develop) quickly in the last 10 years, and works like The Three-Body Problem have attracted many Japanese readers.
In recent years, on average, China has 10    (annual) published more than 500 sci-fi novels. In 2023, Chengdu in Southwest China’s Sichuan Province hosted the 81st World Science Fiction Convention.
1.in 考查介词。表示具体的月份的时候,通常用介词in。
2.translator 考查名词。所填词作Nozomi Oomori的同位语,意为"翻译家,译员",故用单数名词translator。
3.and 考查连词。分析句子结构可知,所填词连接两个并列的名词性短语,表示"和",故填并列连词and。
4.other’s 考查代词的格。each other’s意为"彼此的"。
5.to learn 考查非谓语动词。此处应用不定式的一般主动式表示目的和主动关系,故填to learn。
6.which 考查定语从句。分析句子结构可知,所填词引导非限制性定语从句,从句中缺少主语,先行词为the event,故填which。
7.Starting 考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知,此处应用非谓语动词。start与Japanese guest speakers为主谓关系,且此处表示伴随状况,故用现在分词Starting。
8.joyful 考查形容词。分析句子结构可知,所填词作定语,意为"快乐的",故填joyful。
9.has developed 考查时态、语态和主谓一致。分析句子结构可知,所填词充当谓语。由时间状语 in the last 10 years可知,此处用现在完成时,且Chinese sci-fi literature与develop之间为主谓关系,故填has developed。
10.annually 考查副词。分析句子结构可知,所填词作状语,修饰谓语动词has published,故用副词annually。UNIT 5  LAUNCHING YOUR CAREER
1. bounce  vi.& vt.(使)弹起 n.弹性;弹跳
2. drawer  n.抽屉
3. debt  n.债务;欠款
4. spy  n.间谍 vi.从事间谍活动 vt.发现
5. justice  n.公平;合理
6. accuse  vt.控告;控诉;谴责
7. greedy  adj.贪婪的;贪心的
8. parking  n.停车位;停车
9. fry  n.油煎的食物 vt.& vi.油炸;油炒;油煎
10. purse  n.钱包;皮夹子(尤指女用)
11. sew  vi.& vt.(过去式 sewed ;过去分词 sewn/sewed ) 缝制;缝
12. cage  n.笼子 vt.关在笼子里
13. certificate  n.合格证书;证明
14. desert  n.沙漠;荒漠
15. acquire  vt.获得;购得
1. law  n.法律 →  lawyer  n.律师
2. category  n.种类;范畴 →  categorise/categorize  vt.把……分类
3. participate  vi.参加;参与 →  participation  n.参加;参与 →  participant  n.参与者;参加者
4. detect  vt.侦察出;发现 →  detective  n.侦探;警探
5. account  n.账目;账户;叙述 vi.导致;作出解释 →  accountant  n.会计;会计师
6. social  adj.社会的;社交的 →  society  n.社会;协会 →  socialist  adj.社会主义的 n.社会主义者 →  socialism  n.社会主义
7. dedicate  vt.把……奉献给 →  dedicated  adj.献身的;专心致志的 →  dedication  n.献身;奉献
8. wool  n.毛;毛线;毛料 →  woollen  adj.羊毛的;毛线的
9. prior  adj.先前的;优先的 →  priority  n.优先事项;首要的事
10. finance  n.资金;财政;金融 vt.提供资金 →  financial  adj.财政的;金融的 → financially  adv. 财政上;金融上
11. receive  vt.收到;接待 →  receipt  n.收据;接收→  reception  n.接待;欢迎;招待会 →  receptionist  n.接待员
12. employ  vt.雇用;运用 →  employer  n.雇主;老板 →  employee  n.受雇者;雇员 →  employment  n.雇用;聘用
1.wrist n. 手腕;腕关节 
2.bridegroom n. 新郎 
3.profile n. 简介;侧面轮廓  vt. 概述;写简介 
4.code n. 代码;密码  vt. 编码;把……译成密码 
5.communist adj. 共产主义的  n. 共产主义者 
6.fox n. 狐狸;狡猾的人 
7.council n. 委员会;市政服务机构 
8.canal n. 运河;灌溉渠 
9.supervise vt.& vi.  主管;指导;监督 
10.handwriting n. 书法;书写;笔迹 
11.disk(disc) n. 磁盘;盘 
12.knit vt.& vi.  编织;针织;(使)紧密结合  n. 编织的衣服;针织衫 
13.collar n. (动物)颈圈;衣领 
1. bounce around  蹦来蹦去;弹来弹去
2. head start  起步前的优势
3. come to a conclusion  得出结论
4. attend to  关怀;照料;处理
5.a chest of drawers  抽屉柜 
1.You don’t want to look back in years to come and say, "I wish  I had thought more about what I really wanted to do ." (wish后宾语从句中的虚拟语气)
2.The secret to a good career is  finding something that you are passionate about . (v-ing短语作表语)
3. The first time I observed the process of  water being split into oxygen and hydrogen, I was deeply attracted by the charm of chemistry. (the first time引导的时间状语从句)
4.I have been captain of my school table tennis team for two years, so I know  how to lead and decide on priorities .(疑问词+不定式)
5.Do you agree that  there is no point studying something  that you like but you are not very good at? (there is no point doing...)
1.The contract says that I must pay all the  debts (欠款) within three years after graduation.
2.Martin Luther King inspired people around the world to fight for equal rights and  justice  (公平).
3.On my mother’s birthday, I  fried  (煎) fish, which was her favourite dish.
4.One day, when I was cleaning my house I found the lost disk at the back of the  drawer  (抽屉).
5.As we exited from the  parking  (停车) lot, we could see dozens of people assembling near the fountain.
6.The mother has her son’s name tag  sewed/sewn (缝) on his schoolbag.
7.Mogao Caves in the Gobi  desert  (沙漠) are filled with invaluable paintings and sculptures.
8.Education is important, as it provides opportunities for us to  acquire  knowledge and skills to solve real-world problems.
9.To be an accountant, you must provide a financial  certificate  indicating you are fit to work.
10.The journalist was  accused  of reporting false news and damaging the teacher’s reputation.
1.Mr Simon, the  employer , needed more  employees  for his fast-growing company. Hearing the news, many people who were seeking  employment  sent applications to him.(employ)
2.Around 50 students  participated  in the cross-country run. After the competition, every  participant  received a small souvenir for their  participation .(participate)
3.To be more  financially  independent from her parents, she went to Beijing, the major  financial  center of China.(finance)
4.Right after I unloaded the fruit, I  received  the manager’s message. He asked me to go to the  reception  desk where I would have my  receipt .(receive)
5.The  accountant  was around when the cars crashed. She gave the police a full  account  of the accident.(account)
6.He is quite  dedicated  to his teaching career. His  dedication  is greatly admired by the students and their parents. (dedicate)
7.The man got panicked immediately when the  lawyer  told him that it’s against the  law  to catch this kind of bird.(law)
8.As an experienced  detective , Arnold  detected  certain sadness on the old man’s face when questioning him about the murder.(detect)
bounce around head start
come to a conclusion attend to
1.After all these years of working, I  come to a conclusion  that nothing is impossible to a willing mind.
2.The ball  bounced around  in the yard and the kid chased after it happily.
3.You have so many things to  attend to . Can you manage all by yourself?
4.It’s common sense that good education will give you a  head start  in life.
Oh, we missed the sunrise. I wish  we had set out one hour earlier .
My first part-time job was  attending to my neighbours’ babies  when they were out for shopping.
3.我第一次读你们的报纸时,就发现它很吸引人,尤其是旅游专栏。(the first time引导的时间状语从句)
 The first time I read your newspaper , I found it appealing, especially the travel column.
I was wondering  whether to participate  when my English teacher came to me, telling me that it was a good chance to display my talent.
5.考虑到剩下的几张票和长长的队伍,我认为等在这里没有意义。(there is no point doing...)
Taking a few tickets left and the long queue into consideration, I think  there is no point waiting here .
What do you want to be in the future, a lawyer, an accountant, a detective or a receptionist? We can easily come to a conclusion that a good education will give you a head start in life. Be dedicated to work and attend to problems with care. If you are accused of bad performance, improve yourself. Acquire more skills and get certificates if you can. Employers also admire people with a speciality, such as good handwriting and proficiency in computers. In addition, be careful about your finances and avoid getting into debt.
1 debt n.债务;欠款;人情债,恩情
He left university with  up to 50,000 yuan in debt . After three years of working, he finally  paid off all his debts .
I have always been a good payer and  have never gone/got/run/fallen into debt .
3.I owe a great debt of thanks to Jack, whose careful research was of great help.(英译汉)
★强调状态: be in debt 负债 be out of debt不负债 ★强调动作: go/get/run/fall into debt陷入债务之中 get out of debt摆脱债务,不负债 pay off one’s debts还清某人的债务 owe sb. a debt 欠某人人情
2 accuse vt.控告;控诉;谴责
1.[人教选必④-5]There was a huge debate about whether the reporter should be accused  of  spying on the star couple.
2.Three man, charged  with  an attempted murder, was in court today.
3. Accused of drunk driving  (被指控酒驾), the man was taken to the police station.(accuse, 分词短语作状语)
★accuse sb.of (doing) sth.=charge sb. with (doing) sth.控告/指责某人(做了)某事
3 acquire vt.获得;购得
1.The acquisition (acquire) of experience is through a large number of practical activities.
2.I’m glad to share with you my experience  acquired (acquire) in that adventure.
3.网上学习已经逐渐成为人们获取知识和解决问题的一种重要方式。 (线上课程)
 Online learning has gradually become an important means of acquiring knowledge and solving problems for people. (a means of )
★acquisition n.(知识、技能等的)获得,得到
4 attend to 关怀;照料;处理
1.The reason why he changed his idea was that he had to go back home to  attend (to) his sick mother (照顾他生病的母亲).
I’m writing to offer you some suggestions about  how to attend to the conflicts between you and your classmates .(疑问词+不定式)
★attend v.参加;照料 attend (to) sb. 照料某人 attend to sth.处理某事
5 wish宾语从句中的虚拟语气
1.I wish I  had attended  (attend) the professor’s lecture, but I was in hospital then.
2.Ellen is a fantastic dancer. I wish I  danced  (dance) as well as her.
3.I have been out of employment for months. How I wish I  would/could/should/might get  (get) a job offer next moment!
 How I wish I could go back to ten years ago! 
★wish后的宾语从句用虚拟语气,从句谓语有三种形式: 1.一般过去式(be动词一般用were)(与现在事实相反) 2."had+过去分词"或"would/could+have+过去分词"(与过去事实相反) 3."should/would/could/might+动词原形"(对未来的希望)
作名词后缀 作介词后缀
本单元 handwriting 书法;书写;笔迹 parking 停车位;停车
拓展 feeling 感觉 shopping 购物 meeting 会议 hearing 听觉 finding 调研结果 building 建筑物 concerning 关于,涉及 regarding 关于,至于 considering 考虑到,就……而言
1.Just like Oscar Wilde once said, "To love oneself is the  beginning (begin) of a lifelong romance."
2.As well as being good for the environment,  gardening (garden) is also good for the soul.
3.If you desire physical exercise, you can choose activities from  swimming (swim) to horse riding.
4.Exactly how much water is enough for our body depends on a variety of factors,  including (include) our weight, age, location and overall health.
1.[2022浙江1月]For nearly a decade now, Merebeth has been a self-employed pet transport specialist. Her pet transport job was born of the  financial (finance) crisis(危机) in the late 2000s.
2.[2021新高考Ⅰ]By day, Robert Titterman is a  lawyer (law). In his spare time though he goes on stage beside pianist Maria Raspopova — not as a musician but as her page turner.
3.[2020全国Ⅰ]In another, employees (employ) were shown to be 15% more productive when their workplaces were decorated with houseplants.
4.[全国Ⅰ]In analyzing his and other research, Dr.Prinstein came  to  another conclusion: Not only is likability related to positive life outcomes, but it is also responsible for those outcomes, too.
5.[江苏高考]Nowadays the  priority (prior) for travelling is shifted from shopping to food and scenery.
Ⅱ.阅读理解—— 一词多义、熟词生义
1.[2021北京]You must arrange and finance your travel to and from the location where you will do your internship.  v.提供资金 
2.[全国Ⅰ]The science of creating and reading coded messages is called cryptography.  adj.加密的 
写作一 基础写作——五年后的我
 I will choose to work as an accountant. 
 For one thing, I will major in finance in college. For another, my debts for education need to be paid. 
3.白天,我会专心致志地工作。工作结束以后,我会继续学习来获取一些证书。(acquire, certificate)
 I will be dedicated to my work during the day. After work, I will continue learning to acquire some certificates. 
I often imagine what my life will be like in five years.
 I will have graduated from university.I will choose to work as an accountant. For one thing, I will major in finance in college. For another, my debts for education need to be paid. I will be dedicated to my work during the day. After work, I will continue learning to acquire some certificates. Time permitting, I will get a driving licence. Meeting friends and going shopping are good ways to relax during my spare time. Of course, regular exercise is also a must to ensure my health. 
 In a word, I will attend to myself well and my life will be much more colourful. 
写作二 读后续写——动作描写之各种"频率"
积累背诵 仿写运用
单 词 always, usually, often, frequently, constantly, regularly, sometimes, occasionally, hardly, seldom, rarely, never, hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, annually/yearly 根据左栏素材完成下列各句 1.现在这对老夫妇已经搬到养老院去了。我的邻居经常去看望他们。 Now the old couple have moved to a nursing home. My neighbor  often visits them或visits them regularly/frequently . 2.我确实每天练习几次。然而,我在练习时要么错过一些节拍,要么无法很好地把握节奏。 I  did practice several times each day . However, I either skipped some beats or failed to grasp the rhythm well when practicing. (do强调谓语) 3.在接下来的一个星期里,我们交换了更多伤人的信件。我每天晚上哭着入睡,认为我们的友谊结束了。 Over the next week, we exchanged more hurtful letters. I cried myself to sleep  every night , believing our friendship was over. 4.肯叔叔住在俄亥俄州,偶尔会来看我们,并和我们一起住几天。 Uncle Ken,living in Ohio,comes to visit us  from time to time/once in a while/every now and then/occasionally  and stays with us for a couple of days. 5.吉姆继续说:"我妈妈总是做午餐给我带去学校,而且她从不忘记我的甜点。" Jim continued, "My mom  always makes lunch  for me to take to school, and she  never forgets my dessert ." 6.我们仍然冷得发抖。然后我们用一个热水袋取暖,每两个小时换一次热水。 We still trembled with cold. Then we used a hot-water bottle and changed the hot water  every two hours .
词 组 1.from time to time/once in a while/every now and then有时,时不时地 2.once a day一天一次, twice a week 一周两次, three times a month每月三次 3.every two days每两天, every a few weeks 每隔几周 4.every weekend每周末, every morning每天早上
佳 句 1.I stayed at home, glancing at my front yard nervously from time to time, feeling that lady would knock at our door at any time. 我待在家里,时不时紧张地瞥一眼前院,觉得那位女士随时会来敲门。 2.But anyway, my father was studying for his Ph.D., and he would walk up and down a big hill to and from the campus on a regular basis. 但无论如何,我父亲正在攻读博士学位,他会定期翻越一座大山往返校园。 3.Miss Lee said I had strong verbal skills but weak study habits. Translation: I never closed my mouth, and I seldom opened a book. 李老师说我的语言能力很强,但学习习惯很差。翻译过来就是:我从不闭嘴,却很少打开一本书。
[责任担当/2023渝琼辽名校仿真模拟联考]My parents ran the Pagonis Restaurant, a small eatery in Charleroi, Pennsylvania, and my first real job, when I was six years old, was shining diners’ shoes. My duties increased as I grew older. By the age of ten I was clearing tables and working as the janitor(清洁工). Dad beamed when he told me that I was the best "mop guy" he’d ever had.
Working in the restaurant was a source of great pride because I was pitching in for the good of the whole family. But my father made it clear that I had to meet certain standards to be part of the team. I had to be responsible, hard-working and polite to the customers.
Except for the shoeshine job, I was never paid for any work I did at the restaurant. One day I made the mistake of telling Dad I thought he should give me $10 a week. He said, "Okay, then how about you paying me for the three meals a day you eat here? And for the times you bring in your buddies for free sodas?" He figured I owed him about $40 a week. This taught me that when you negotiate, you’d better know the other side’s arguments as well as your own.
I remember coming home to Charleroi after being away in the army about two years. I had just been promoted to captain and was full of pride as I walked into my parents’ restaurant. The first thing Dad said was, "It’s the janitor’s day off. How about you cleaning up tonight?""I can’t believe this!" I thought. "I’m an officer in the United States Army!" But it didn’t matter. As far as Dad was concerned, I was just another member of the team. I reached for the mop.
Working for Dad had taught me that loyalty to a team comes first. It doesn’t matter whether that team is involved in a family restaurant or in the army.
1. How was the author’s work at the restaurant?
A. It was unpaid.
B. It was beyond his power.
C. It was negotiable.
D. It was thought highly of by his father.
解析 D 细节理解题。由第一段中的"By the age of ten I was clearing tables and working as the janitor(清洁工). Dad beamed when he told me that I was the best ‘mop guy’ he’d ever had"可知,父亲对作者的清洁工作评价很高,很赞赏,故选D项。
2. What do the underlined words "pitching in" in Paragraph 2 mean?
A. Doing my bit.
B. Swallowing my pride.
C. Making a sacrifice.
D. Earning a living.
解析 A 词义猜测题。由画线短语前的"Working in the restaurant was a source of great pride"可知,作者在自家小餐馆工作是有自豪感的,因为他为了整个家庭的利益,付出了自己的一份努力,所以画线短语应该表示"出了自己的一份力",故选A项。
3. What can we learn about the author from Paragraph 4?
A. He got annoyed at his father’s words.
B. He hadn’t expected to be treated as before.
C. His father didn’t realize he was an honored captain.
D. His father fully understood his son’s pride as an officer.
解析 B 推理判断题。由第四段中的"I remember coming home to Charleroi after being away in the Army about two years. I had just been promoted to captain and was full of pride as I walked into my parents’ restaurant. The first thing Dad said was, ‘It’s the janitor’s day off. How about you cleaning up tonight?’‘I can’t believe this!’ I thought. ‘I’m an officer in the United States Army!’"可知,作者为自己的军官的身份很自豪,认为自己和以前不一样了。可是爸爸还是把他看成家庭团队中的普通一员,对待他和以前一样,让他打扫。不难得知,作者很意外,故选B项。
4. What qualities are required to be a good team member according to the text?
A. Responsibility and generosity.
B. Politeness and kindness.
C. Diligence and faithfulness.
D. Devotion and ambition.
解析 C 推理判断题。由第二段中的"I had to meet certain standards to be part of the team. I had to be responsible, hard-working and polite to the customers"可知,根据文中父亲的标准,一个团队的成员应该勤奋、责任心强。be hard-working与diligence意思一致,be responsible 和 faithfulness意义一致,故选C项。
[2023湖南长沙雅礼中学二模]Known on the social media as the Sioux Chef, Sean Sherman grew up on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation. He is reconnecting the locals of North America with native flavors and ingredients, and working to inspire a generation of indigenous(本土的) chefs to reclaim their cooking past.
Pine Ridge in South Dakota contains some of the poorest communities in the country, and it’s out of that environment that Sherman got his first job in the restaurant industry as a dishwasher at a local steakhouse. As he developed a love of cooking, which saw him move to Minneapolis to study Japanese and French cuisines, Sherman realized he didn’t know indigenous recipes.
"What were my Lakota ancestors eating and storing away? How were they getting oils, salts and fats and things like that?" Sherman remembered asking himself in an interview on PBS NewsHour. "So it took me quite a few years of just researching, but it really became a passion."
These years of researching, talking to elders, and consulting written material helped him produce The Sioux Chef’s Indigenous Kitchen, which in 2018 won Sherman the James Beard Award for Best American Cookbook.
After publishing the book, Sherman opened his restaurant, Owamni, in Minneapolis and created the North American Traditional Indigenous Food Systems(NATIFS). It is a professional indigenous kitchen and training center that seeks to create an educational space for native chefs to be trained and develop their skills, and reconnect with their cooking heritage.
"Part of our challenge to ourselves was to cut out ingredients that are not native so we stopped using dairy, wheat flour and cane sugar," he said. He cooks with local ingredients. His choices of meats are the same as those hunted by his ancestors — deer, fish, and birds.
"For indigenous people who went through very strong assimilation(同化现象), we lost a lot of our food culture," Sherman said. "But we’re at a point now where we can reclaim it and develop it for the next generation. To be able to share culture through food will be really healing."
Sean Sherman在松树岭印第安人保留地长大。他致力于重新确定本土菜肴的地位,并且鼓励更多的人成为本土厨师,以对抗现如今世界各地菜肴的严重同化。
1. What did Sherman realize when he was in Minneapolis?
A. He didn’t have enough cooking passion.
B. He should spend a few years researching cooking.
C. He should write a book about the indigenous recipes.
D. He didn’t know his Lakota ancestors’ cooking ways and ingredients.
解析 D 细节理解题。由第二段中的"As he developed a love of cooking, which saw him move to Minneapolis to study Japanese and French cuisines, Sherman realized he didn’t know indigenous recipes"和第三段中的"What were my Lakota ancestors eating and storing away?"可知,Sherman在明尼阿波利斯的时候意识到了他不知道他的拉科塔祖先的烹饪方法和配料,故选D。
2. Sherman set up the NATIFS center to     .
A. make money and open his own restaurant
B. build an educational space for local children
C. train and help local chefs to cook local food
D. teach native chefs the most superb cooking skills
解析 C 细节理解题。由第五段内容可知,Sherman创办北美传统土著食品系统就是为了培训当地厨师,发展他们自己的技能并重拾他们的烹饪传统,故选C。
3. What is a problem for his native cooking culture according to Sherman?
A. Very strong assimilation.
B. Its high speed of evolution.
C. Too much meat in the diet.
D. Indigenous recipes that can’t be shared.
解析 A 细节理解题。由最后一段中的"‘For indigenous people who went through very strong assimilation(同化现象), we lost a lot of our food culture,’ Sherman said"可知,Sherman认为本土烹饪文化的最大问题就是被同化得太严重,失去了很多祖先的饮食文化,故选A。
4. Which is the best title for the passage?
A. Local recipes: chefs trained
B. Local recipes: fame achieved
C. Local recipes: restaurants refreshed
D. Local recipes: food culture preserved
解析 D 标题归纳题。由第一段最后一句"He is reconnecting the locals of North America with native flavors and ingredients, and working to inspire a generation of indigenous(本土的) chefs to reclaim their cooking past"以及接下来几段的介绍可知,全文是围绕Sean Sherman对保护本土餐饮文化所做的努力展开的,由此可知,"Local recipes: food culture preserved"做文章标题最为合适。
[2023甘肃一诊]A job opening is a vacancy which an employer desires to fill.  1 . For job seekers, tracking down job openings is very important, while employers want to quickly fill the position with the best possible person.
When an employer recognizes the need for a new employee, the person in charge of hiring usually sits down and creates an advertisement for the job opening. Typically, the advertisement includes the job title and a brief description of the duties associated with the job. The company name is included, contact information is provided,  2 .
 3 . If the job is with an Internet firm, for example, the job will usually appear on the company website and on relevant online job boards. If the job is a more casual retail job, it might be published in local classified ads. Some employers may also directly advertise a job opening with a sign in the window.
 4 . By researching the information carefully, they can determine whether or not they are fit for a job. Job applicants should follow application directions carefully.  5 . An applicant who drops by for a copy of a job application in tidy clothing, for example, is far more likely to get the job. Resumes and other supporting materials should also be neatly organized to project an air of responsibility and confidence.
A. Typically, such openings are advertised
B. They should always present themselves neatly
C. A job opening will be published in various locations
D. and applicants are required to offer their qualifications
E. and potential salary information may be included as well
F. People looking for job opportunities generally search in particular areas
G. Applicants should carefully review the available information of a job opening
1.A "A job opening is...desires to fill"与A项衔接自然。A项中的openings与空前句子中的vacancy相对应。
2.E 由空前的逗号可知,答案锁定在D项和E项之中;由第二段尾句中的"The company name is included, contact information is provided"可知,本空填E项。E项也在公司提供的信息范畴之内。
3.C 通读第三段内容可知,该段主要介绍了招聘广告的投放地点,包括线上发布、在橱窗标牌上贴出等。C项能充当该段的主题句。
4.G 由空处下句"By researching the...fit for a job"可知,通过仔细研究信息,他们可以确定自己是否适合一份工作,而G项中的carefully review the available information of a job opening与之相吻合。
5.B 由空后的"An applicant who...to get the job"可知,一个穿着整洁的、顺道来索要一份求职申请表的求职者得到这份工作的可能性要大得多,B项(他们应该始终整洁地展示自己)与此对应。
[2023湖北武汉调研]Like most people, I have to work for a living. We have a bank loan, and other  1  we have to pay. But I certainly don’t have a nine-to-five  2 . I decided long ago that I could not  3  fixed working hours for a big company and that I certainly wasn’t suitable to  4  in an office day in and day out. I work  5  as a writer, garden designer, and sustainability consultant. For many days I work long hours, but I have a lot of  6  and control over everything. I have found my  7  — what I really want to do.
But I fully appreciate that most people are not in such a  8  position and that some of them have no choice but to  9  the work they do not like. Therefore, many people feel  10  in their jobs even when they are not really stuck at all. Finding sustainable solutions and a better quality of life means  11  long and hard about what you really want to do, and how you can  12  that goal.
Working for yourself is beneficial on  13  levels: You save time, you save money, and you can potentially  14  your carbon footprint. Consider this: Management consultancy firm WSP found working from  15  can help reduce your carbon footprint in the summer months.
1. A. wages B. rents
C. bills D. fines
解析 C 结合"I have to work for a living.We have a bank loan"和常识可知, 作者生活不易,有银行贷款和其他账单需要支付, 故选C。wage工资,rent租金,bill账单,fine罚款。
2. A. habit B. job
C. workout D. trip
解析 B 由下文内容可知,作者是自由职业者,没有一份朝九晚五的工作, 故选B。
3. A. arrange B. resist
C. avoid D. bear
解析 D 由后文可知, 此处应指作者很久以前就决定自己不能忍受大公司固定的工作时间, 故选D。arrange安排,resist抵抗,avoid避免,bear忍受。
4. A. arrive B. compete
C. sit D. communicate
解析 C 由语境可知,此处是指作者不适合日复一日地坐在办公室里, 故选C。
5. A. dully B. occasionally
C. cooperatively D. independently
解析 D 此处应表示作者是独立工作的作家、花园设计师和可持续发展顾问,independently表示"独立地",故选D。dully呆滞地,occasionally偶尔,cooperatively合作地。
6. A. judgment B. flexibility
C. burden D. doubt
解析 B 由空后的"and control over everything"可知, 此处表示作者的工作有很大的灵活性, 可以掌控一切, 故选B。judgment判断力,flexibility灵活性,burden负担,doubt怀疑。
7. A. routine B. style
C. pressure D. passion
解析 D 由破折号后面的"what I really want to do"可知, 此处指作者找到了自己的热情所在, 故选D。routine常规,style风格,pressure压力,passion热情。
8. A. fortunate B. promising
C. profitable D. permanent
解析 A 由后面的"and some of them have no choice but to  9  the work they do not like"可知,作者明白多数人不像自己那么幸运,故选A。fortunate幸运的,promising有前途的,profitable获利的,permanent永久的。
9. A. submit to B. leave out
C. make for D. depart from
解析 A 由语境可知,他们中的一些人别无选择, 只能屈服于他们不喜欢的工作, 故选A。submit to屈服于,leave out忽略,make for前往,depart from离开。
10. A. interested B. relaxed
C. engaged D. trapped
解析 D 由语境可知,此处表示"许多人觉得自己被工作困住了, 即使他们实际上根本没有被困住",故选D项。
11. A. complaining B. thinking
C. worrying D. arguing
解析 B 此处表示找到可持续的解决方案和更好的生活质量意味着要长期认真地思考你真正想做的事情以及你如何能够实现那个目标,故选B。
12. A. reach B. ignore
C. discover D. switch
解析 A 参见上题解析。reach 实现。
13. A. special B. multiple
C. high D. spiritual
解析 B 由后文可知,此处指为自己工作有很多好处, 故选B。multiple多种多样的。
14. A. decrease B. record
C. calculate D. increase
解析 A 由下文中的"can help reduce your carbon footprint"可知, 此处指你可以减少你的碳足迹, 故选A。
15. A. nothing B. reality
C. home D. office
解析 C 结合后面的"can help reduce your carbon footprint"和常识可知, 此处指在家办公有助于减少夏季的碳足迹, 故选C。work from home 在家上班。UNIT 3  SEA EXPLORATION
1. tale  n.故事;叙述
2. withdraw  vi.& vt.(过去式 withdrew ;过去分词 withdrawn ) (使)撤回;撤离
3. bond  n.纽带;关系 vt.& vi.增强信任关系;使牢固结合
4. laptop  n.笔记本电脑;便携式电脑
5. tax  vt.对……征税;使纳税 n.税;税款
6. underwater  adv.在水下 adj.水下的
7. meanwhile  adv.与此同时; (比较两方面)对比之下
8. arrest  n.逮捕;拘留;中止 vt.逮捕;拘留;阻止
1. extend  vt.扩展;使伸长;延长→ extension  n.扩大;延伸→ extensive  adj.广泛的;广阔的
2. negotiate  vt.商定;达成(协议) vi.谈判;磋商;协商→ negotiation  n.谈判;协商
3. profession  n.职业;行业→ professional  adj.专业的;职业的n.职业运动员→ professionally  adv.专业地;内行地→ professor  n.教授
4. mix  vt.& vi.(使)混合;调配→ mixed  adj.混合的→ mixture  n.混合;结合体;混合物
5. cover  vt.覆盖;报道→ coverage  n.新闻报道;覆盖范围
6. applaud  vt.& vi.鼓掌vt.称赞;赞赏→ applause  n.鼓掌;掌声
7. migrate  vi.移居;移动;迁移→ migration  n.迁移;迁徙;移居
8. mercy  n.仁慈;宽恕;恩惠→ merciful  adj.宽大的;仁慈的
9. possess  vt.拥有;具有;支配→ possession  n.[pl.]个人财产;拥有;控制
10.  oppose  vt.反对→ opposed  adj.强烈反对的;对立的→ opposite  adj.对面的;相反的 n.对立面prep.与……相对→ opponent  n.对手;反对者
1.merchant n. 商人;批发商  adj. 海上货运的 
2.fleet n. 舰队;机群;车队 
3.behold vt. 看;看见 
4.league n. 等级;水平;联合会;联赛 
5.royal adj. 皇家的;高贵的 
6.spice n. (调味)香料 
7.channel n. 航道;海峡;频道 
8.tournament n. 锦标赛;联赛 
9.manned adj. 有人控制的;需人操纵的 
10.capsule n. 胶囊;太空舱 
11.coral n. 珊瑚 
12.exploit vt. 开发;利用 
13.murder vt.& n. 谋杀 
14.log vt. 把……载入正式记录;记录  n. 正式记录;日志;原木 
15.marine adj. 海的;海产的 
1. reach out  伸(手);伸手(拿……)
2. withdraw from  退出;撤回
3. in hand  在手头;可供使用
4. search for  寻找;搜寻
5. a mixture of...and...  ……与……的混合
6. under the command of  在……的指挥下
7. for the benefit of  为了……的利益
8.set sail 起航;开航 
9.in a league of one’s own 独领风骚 
10.press conference 记者招待会;新闻发布会 
1. To complete the great map of the world  was a strong passion for the people of early civilizations.(动词不定式作主语)
2. The aim of this initiative is to encourage cooperation and trade  across the historic Silk Road areas, and strengthen the bonds between China and the rest of the world. (The aim...is to do...)
3.From a scientific point of view, there is an urgent need to study  the Arctic in order to understand climate change and its effects.(There is an urgent need to do sth.)
4.We need to understand what is happening to our planet  so that we can take action .(so that引导的目的状语从句)
5.Hopefully,  as technology improves , we may have more options for managing this balance.(as引导的时间状语从句)
1.The police had him  arrested  and sent him to jail.
2.May I use your  laptop  to submit a form? Mine was left home.
3.A  bond  of friendship has been formed between the two girls after the competition.
4.The drug was  withdrawn  from sale after a number of people suffered serious side effects.
5.The doctor will see you again next month.  Meanwhile , you must take these pills once a day.
6.Most parents tell fairy  tales  to their children before sleeping.
7.Take a deep breath and see how long you can stay  underwater .
8.The government is making efforts to cut down on  tax(es)  for local companies.
1.Some people think that  opponents  only give them pressure, while others are  opposed  to the idea and believe they can bring the  opposite  effect. (oppose)
2.The professor  gave us such a  professional  introduction about his  profession .(profession)
3.The girl who  possesses  the qualities of intelligence and creativity has accumulated a great many  possessions . Nowadays, she is in  possession  of two famous firms.(possess)
4.I came home from the meeting with  mixed  feelings. It was a  mixture  of excitement and nervousness.(mix)
5.The audience broke into  applause . They kept  applauding  until the next performer walked onto the stage.(applaud)
6. The issue is still under negotiation (negotiate).
withdraw from in hand search for
for the benefit of under the command of
1.It happens that we are  searching for  a new team coach. Would you like to come?
2.We need more people to work  for the benefit of  the community.
3.The three classes are all  under the command of  Mr Brown, so he must be responsible for everyone.
4.If you apply yourself to the job  in hand , you’ll soon finish it.
5.She had kind of expected him to  withdraw from  the course, because it was obviously beyond his reach.
 To sleep early is of great significance  especially when you have a test the next day.
2.演讲比赛的目的是唤起学生节约粮食的意识。(The aim...is to do...)
 The aim of the speech contest is to arouse the students’ awareness of saving food. 
3.迫切需要教育人们垃圾分类的重要性。(There is an urgent need to do sth.)
 There is an urgent need to educate people  about the significance of garbage classification.
4.我们所有人都应该感激我们所拥有的,这样我们才能过上幸福的生活。(so that引导的目的状语从句)
All of us should be grateful for what we have  so that we can live a happy life .
He had lost his way in the forest and  as darkness fell  he felt very frightened and lonely.
1.Long before Marco Polo’s tales inspired European explorers, merchants and explorers had set sail from east to west. The Silk Road across the sea was even extended to the Indian Ocean apart from the overland route. There, merchants met to negotiate trade deals. In the Ming Dynasty, Zheng He set sail to the east coast of Africa. African royal families sent gifts in return for silk and spices. Although China withdrew from further expeditions later, these sea routes remained active channels. The historic Silk Road now helps to strengthen the political, economic and cultural bonds between China and other countries. With the latest technology in hand, China is reaching out across the sea far into the future.
2.Some people argue that exploring the sea is not exploiting it. However, some countries are still "murdering" intelligent marine creatures like whales without mercy according to media coverage. The sea is home to life, not human beings’ possessions. All of us in any profession should protect it. Meanwhile, some opponents applaud sea exploration, believing that to understand it is to better protect it.
1 extend vt.扩展;使伸长;延长;扩大……的范围(或影响);给予 vi.包括;涉及(范围)
1.[人教选必①-5]The shelter...is comprised of two large tunnels that were intended to one day become an  extension (extend) of the London Underground.
2.Everyone was impressed by his  extensive (extend) knowledge of music.
3.《史记》共52万余字,涉及3 000多年的历史,分为五部分,共130篇。
Totalling over 520,000 Chinese characters and  extending over a period of more than 3,000 years , Records of the Historian consists of 130 chapters in five categories.
4.我很荣幸代表我们班向您发出邀请。 (邀请信)
It is my honour to  extend an invitation to you  on behalf of our class.
★extend sth. to sb.给予某人某物 ★extension n.扩大;延伸;延长(或扩大)的事物 extensive adj.广泛的;广阔的 extended adj.延长了的;扩展了的
2 negotiate vt.商定;达成(协议) vi.谈判;磋商;协商
1.[译林选必④-2]For example, if you are a business person negotiating  with  a large enterprise  about/for  a deal, you should do it face to face, using formal language in a straightforward manner.
2.The problem is so tough that it is still under  negotiation (negotiate).
3.参加这次活动提高了我们的谈判技巧,培养了我们的团队精神。 (活动意义)
Participation in the activity  (has) improved our negotiation skills  and built our team spirit.
★negotiate with sb.about/for sth.和某人商议某事 ★negotiation n.谈判;协商 under negotiation在商谈中 in negotiation with和……协商中
3 mercy n.仁慈,宽恕;恩惠,幸运
1.[译林选必④-1]A ship without an anchor is  at  the mercy of the waves and winds...
2.She was such a  merciful (mercy) woman that she often distributed food and clothing to the homeless.
3.他们在海里漂了一整天之后,大自然对他们展示了些许怜悯。 (读后续写之情境描写)
→①Nature  showed a little mercy to them/had a little mercy on them  after they had floated on the sea for a whole day. (mercy)
→②Nature  was a little merciful to them  after they had floated on the sea for a whole day.(merciful)
★show mercy to/have mercy on对……怜悯或宽恕 without mercy残忍地;毫无同情心地 at the mercy of任由……摆布或控制 ★merciful adj.宽大的;仁慈的 be merciful to对……仁慈 ★merciless adj.残忍的
4 possession n.拥有;控制;[usually pl.]个人财产
1.[人教选必④-4]The only  possessions (possess) I could see were one broom, a few saucers, a kettle, cups, pans, and a couple of jars.
2.The  possession (possess) of a passport is essential for foreign travel.
3.You can succeed only when you have a good mood.
→ Only when you are in possession of a good mood can you succeed. (倒装;词汇升级)
4.作为中国四大名著之一,这本书具有极大的智慧和中文的精髓,值得一读。 (推介信)
Regarded as one of the four famous Chinese classics of literature,  the book possesses great wisdom  and the essence of Chinese, which makes it worthwhile to read.(possess)
★in possession of拥有(强调状态) in sb.’s possession=in the possession of sb.为某人所有 take possession of拥有;占有(强调动作) ★possess vt.拥有;具有(特质);(情绪等) 控制
5 in hand 在手头;可供使用(available);在掌握中
1.in hand hand in hand hand out by hand
①[人教必修①-1]Every Wednesday,we work at a soup kitchen and  hand out  food to homeless people in the community.
②[人教选必①-5]Peanuts are planted in April or May. It takes around 120 to 160 days for them to be ready for harvesting. This is usually done  by hand .
③[人教选必②-3]What we can say, however, is that culture and cuisine go  hand in hand , and if you do not experience one, you can never really know the other.
④[人教选必④-3]With lots of food and drink  in hand , they set off for their picnic.
 On the one hand , they’d love to have kids;  on the other (hand) , they don’t want to give up their freedom.
They allow visitors who have never been to China  to experience traditional Chinese culture (at) first hand .
★at hand(在时间或距离上)接近(close) by hand手工 (at) first hand第一手;亲自 hand in hand手拉手;密切关联 give/lend a helping hand帮助 on the one hand...on the other (hand)...一方面……,另一方面…… ★hand in上交 hand down传给(后代) hand out分发
6 reach out伸出(手)
1.[外研选必①-6]Cuona Lake is so close to the railway that I want to reach  out  and touch its pale blue mirror-like surface.
2.[外研选必④-6]The sacrifice of the Challenger calls to us, reminding us that we must continue to reach  for  the stars, no matter how distant they might seem.
3.尽管Meredith一家并不富裕,但他们总是愿意力所能及地向他人伸出援手。 (人物介绍)
Although the Merediths weren’t well off, they were always  willing to reach out to others within their reach .
★reach out to sb.对某人感兴趣;向某人伸出援手 reach for伸出手去拿…… reach a conclusion/decision/goal得出结论/做出决定/达成目标 ★within/beyond/out of (the) reach of在……能力可及的范围内/外
7 There is an urgent need to do sth. 迫切需要做某事。
1.There is no point  pushing (push) them to practice unless they are talented and they enjoy it.
2.It’s no use crying over spilt milk.[谚语翻译]
 There is an urgent need for us to try every means to fight against global warming  which has become a great threat to sea creatures.
4.[人教选必④-4]毫无疑问,这些活动将给你留下难忘的回忆。 (活动总结)
 There is no doubt that these activities will leave you with unforgettable memories. 
★There is no need (for sb.) to do...(某人)不需要做…… ★There is evidence/no doubt/no denying that...有证据表明/毫无疑问/不可否认…… There is no use/good/point/sense (in) doing...做……没有意义。
8 as引导的从句
All my team members are excited about this competition  as we have great enthusiasm for computer programming .
 Tired as we were , we felt relaxed and we became more passionate about sports.
3.我们都知道,没有付出就没有收获。 (读后续写之主旨升华)
 As we all know, no pain, no gain. 
However,  as the race went on , I became extremely tired and couldn’t keep up with other racers any more.
Tom was so intelligent that  he did exactly as the teacher had taught him .
★as引导原因状语从句,表示"因为" 。 ★as引导让步状语从句,表示"尽管,虽然",状语从句需要倒装。 ★as引导时间状语从句,表示"随着"。 ★as引导方式状语从句,表示"像……一样,正如"。 ★as引导比较状语从句时基本结构是as...as。前一个as是副词;后一个as引导比较状语从句,表示"像……一样,正如"。 ★as引导非限制性定语从句,表示"正如,像",指代整个主句,在非限制性定语从句中作主语、表语或宾语,从句可位于句首、句中或句末,通常由逗号与主句隔开。
1.[2023新高考Ⅰ]When I handed  in  the essay to my teacher, he read it, laughed out loud, and said, "Great. Now, write it again."
2.[2022全国甲]Throughout her career(职业) as a  professional (profession) dancer, she toured in the UK, but always longed to explore further.
3.[2021新高考Ⅰ]Jeff broke two eggs into a plate and added in some milk. Jenna found the bread and put two slices into the egg  mixture (mix).
4.[全国Ⅲ]If you are in need of a deadline  extension (extend), simply explain the situation to the professor.
5.[浙江高考]...I stepped foot onto UCR’s campus, where over 400 organizations exist, ranging from  political (politics) organizations to karate club.
6.[江苏高考]When he selects news of the other kind, he usually withdraws  from  the world of threatening reality toward the dream world.
Ⅱ.阅读理解—— 一词多义、熟词生义
1.[2020全国Ⅱ]It was a special time to bond with my children and it filled them with the wonderment of books.  v.增强亲密关系 
2.[天津高考]Boldness — a willingness to extend yourself to the extreme — is not one that can be acquired overnight.  v.使竭尽全力 
写作一 基础写作——保护海洋
 Extending about three quarters of the planet, oceans are crucial for the global climate. 
 Marine life also provides abundant resources and food for us. 
 It’s our responsibility to protect oceans instead of regarding them as our possessions that can be at the mercy of humankind. 
4.利用手头可用的先进技术,尽我们所能做出改变。(in hand)
 Do whatever we can with advanced technologies in hand to make a difference. 
 Meanwhile, we’re supposed to call on people around us to take action, too. 
Our Oceans, Our Responsibility
June 8th was officially named by the UN in 2009 as World Oceans Day. It aims to raise people’s awareness of protecting oceans. 
 It goes without saying that oceans play a critical role in the world. Extending about three quarters of the planet, oceans are crucial for the global climate. In addition, marine life also provides abundant resources and food for us. 
 It’s our responsibility to protect oceans instead of regarding them as our possessions that can be at the mercy of humankind. First of all, do whatever we can with advanced technologies in hand to make a difference. For example, stop throwing garbage into oceans. Meanwhile, we’re supposed to call on people around us to take action, too. I believe we will have cleaner oceans. 
写作二 读后续写——动作描写之各种"程度"
积累背诵 仿写运用
单 词 further, quite, rather, highly, greatly, fairly, extremely, absolutely, totally, completely, fully, entirely, really, awfully, deeply, partly, slightly, largely, widely, perfectly, badly, enormously, nearly, desperately, enough; severe 根据左栏素材完成下列各句 1.小男孩完全被弄糊涂了,弄不明白这个故事的含义。于是他请导游进一步解释。 The little boy was  completely puzzled/confused  and could not figure out the implication of the story. So he asked the guide to  explain further . 2.她最好的朋友在婚礼上发表的发自内心的演讲深深地感动了她。 She was  deeply moved  by the heartfelt speech given by her best friend at the wedding. 3.在街上漫无目的地闲逛了几个小时后,她感到有点饿了,想要吃点东西。 Having wandered aimlessly in the street for hours, she felt  a little hungry  and wished for something to eat. 4.杰克的话使罗丝大为恼火,她非常生气地喊道:"你为什么总是做什么事都这么慢?" Jack’s words threw Rose into great fury and she got  extremely/very angry , shouting "Why are you always so slow at everything?" 5.他低着头向老太太道歉:"我对此感到非常抱歉。我向你保证,这种事不会再发生了。" With his head down, he apologized to the old lady, "I’m  terribly sorry  about it. I assure you it won’t happen again."
词 组 a lot, a bit, a little, a great deal, to some extent, in large part在很大程度上
佳 句 1.Grace kept quiet because she thought she was not good enough to play for an audience. 格蕾丝保持沉默,因为她认为自己不够好,不适合为观众演奏。 2.The teacher said, "Sally, you have worked really hard and fully deserve the praise for your outstanding performance." 老师说:"萨莉,你学习很努力,你的出色表现完全值得表扬。" 3.Shocked and dumb, Grady was rooted to the ground for seconds, and then dashed to their camp desperately, shouting for help in the meantime. 格雷迪被吓得目瞪口呆,呆住几秒钟,然后拼命冲向他们的营地,同时大声呼救。 4.Obviously, that experience had a profound impact on my life. 显然,那次经历对我的生活产生了深远的影响。
[2024天星原创]One of the ocean’s noisiest creatures is smaller than you’d expect — snapping shrimp(鼓虾). They create a widespread background noise in the underwater environment, which helps them communicate, defend territories and hunt for food. When enough shrimp snap(发出噼啪声) at once, the noise can dominate the soundscape of coastal waters.
Aran Mooney, a biologist at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, suggested that with increased ocean temperatures, snapping shrimp will snap more often and louder than before. This could raise the background noise of the global ocean. "They make a sound by closing a claw so fast. This makes a bubble(泡泡) and when that bubble explodes, it makes that snapping sound," said Mooney.
Mooney detected a strong relationship between warmer waters and deafening, more frequent snapping shrimp sounds by experimenting with the shrimp in tanks in the lab and by listening to the shrimp in the ocean at various water temperatures. "As the temperature rises, the snap rate increases," he said. This makes sense because shrimp are essentially cold-blooded animals, meaning their body temperature and activity levels are largely controlled by their living environment. "We can actually show in the field that not only do snap rates increase, but the sound levels increase as well," he said.
How the louder snapping shrimp would bother or benefit the surroundings remained to be seen. "We know that fish use sound to communicate," Mooney said. "If the environment gets noisy, it has the potential to influence that communication. That’s something we have to follow up on." There is also the possibility that the change of snapping shrimp disturbs instruments humans use to detect mines, which could have implications for national defense.
1. What can we know about the snapping shrimp’s sound?
A. It has multiple uses.
B. It is vital to the ecosystem.
C. It is hard to be detected.
D. It aims to protect the shrimp.
解析 A 细节理解题。由第一段中的"They create a widespread background noise...which helps them communicate, defend territories and hunt for food"可知,鼓虾发出的声音有助于它们交流、保卫领土和寻找食物,即其声音有多种作用,故本题选A。
2. How does Mooney reach the conclusion?
A. By observing snapping shrimp in the field.
B. By recording snap rates in the lab.
C. By analyzing the way shrimp make noise.
D. By comparing shrimp’s sound in different places.
解析 D 推理判断题。由第三段的"Mooney detected a strong relationship between warmer waters...tanks in the lab and by listening to the shrimp in the ocean at various water temperatures"可知,Mooney通过实验室的水箱用鼓虾做实验,并听海洋中各种水温里的鼓虾发出的声音,发现了温暖的水域与震耳欲聋、更频繁的鼓虾声之间的密切关系,即他通过对比不同地点鼓虾发出的声音得出了结论,所以本题选D。
3. What might Mooney research next?
A. Applications of shrimp’s sound.
B. Impacts of the noise on other creatures.
C. Means of communication among fish.
D. Methods of preventing shrimp’s snapping.
解析 B 推理判断题。最后一段提到吵闹的鼓虾会如何干扰或有益于周围环境还有待观察。如果环境变得嘈杂,它有可能影响鱼类之间的交流,Mooney认为这是他们必须跟进的研究。还有一种可能性是,鼓虾发出的声音变大会干扰人类用来探测水雷的仪器。由此可推断,Mooney接下来可能会研究鼓虾发出的声音对其他生物的影响,故本题选B。
4. Which of the following can be the best title for the text?
A. Underwater World Is No Longer Quiet
B. Small Animals Make a Big Difference
C. Warming Oceans Are Getting Louder
D. Snapping Shrimp’s Noise Speaks Much
解析 C 标题归纳题。通读全文内容可知,文章主要介绍了随着气候变暖及海水温度升高,鼓虾发出的声音也日益增大,发出声音的频率也增加,这可能会影响其他海洋生物和人类。C项"变暖的海洋变得更吵闹"形象贴切地总结了文章内容,做本文的标题最佳。
[2023河南名校联考]Scientists have discovered what they believe is the world’s largest plant, an underwater field of sea grass that stretches for 112 miles off the west coast of Australia. This huge meadow(草地) has spread widely all through Shark Bay. The sea grass plant is believed to be around 4, 500 years old.
Many plants create new plants by growing flowers and spreading seeds. The DNA of the plants that grow from these seeds is slightly different from the DNA of the plants that the seeds came from. By comparing the DNA from their samples, the scientists hoped to get an idea of how many different sea grass plants there were in the meadow.
What they learned shocked them — all of the grass samples had almost exactly the same DNA. That meant that they were all just one plant, one big sea grass plant spreading out over 77 square miles. This makes it the largest known plant in the world by far.
So how has the Shark Bay sea grass grown so large? Instead of spreading with flowers and seeds, it spreads by cloning(克隆) itself. As its roots spread out under the sea floor, new plants shoot up from those roots.
The sea grass in Shark Bay is also unusual in another way. It’s a "polyploid". Usually, an organism(有机体) has two parents, and gets half of its DNA from each. But polyploid organisms have all of the DNA from both parents, meaning they have twice as much DNA. The scientists think the extra DNA may make it easier for the sea grass to survive in difficult conditions.
The Shark Bay sea grass generally grows and spreads about 14 inches a year. Because of the history of Shark Bay and the rate of growth, the scientists believe that the plant is about 4, 500 years old.
1.Why did the scientists compare the DNA of the sea plants?
A. To find ways to protect sea plants.
B. To discover the diversity of sea plants.
C. To identify the oldest plants in the sea.
D. To explore the unknown ocean resources.
解析 B 细节理解题。由第二段最后一句"By comparing the DNA from their samples, the scientists hoped to get an idea of how many different sea grass plants there were in the meadow"可知,科学家比较海洋植物的DNA是为了发现海洋植物的多样性,故选B。
2. What can we learn about the sea grass in Shark Bay?
A. Its DNA cannot be cloned.
B. It blooms and bears many seeds.
C. Its roots are a connected whole.
D. It is the fastest growing grass in the world.
解析 C 推理判断题。由第四段最后一句"As its roots spread out under the sea floor, new plants shoot up from those roots"可推知,鲨鱼湾的海草的根是一个相连的整体,故选C。
3. What is one of the advantages of polyploid organisms?
A. Gaining the ability to grow bigger.
B. Getting parts of the parents’ DNA.
C. Having an advantage over any other sea plant.
D. Being more adaptable to tough conditions.
解析 D 细节理解题。由第五段最后一句"The scientists think the extra DNA may make it easier for the sea grass to survive in difficult conditions"可知,多倍体生物的优点之一是更能适应恶劣的环境,故选D。
4. What is the main idea of this text?
A. Genetic changes in sea grass.
B. The ecological status of the sea floor.
C. Scientists found world’s largest plant.
D. New underwater grass is discovered.
解析 C 主旨大意题。通读全文可知,第一段第一句"Scientists have discovered what they believe is the world’s largest plant, an underwater field of sea grass that stretches for 1.12 miles off the west coast of Australia"为文章的主题句,下面内容是围绕该句展开的,由此可知,C项切题。
For more than a century, fishermen in Laguna, Brazil, have caught fish with the help of bottlenose dolphins.
The dolphins push schools of fish in the  1  of the shore and then jump out of the water,  2  to the fishermen to rapidly cast out their nets. The fishermen make a large catch, and  3  , the dolphins look around for the fish that have missed the fishing nets — a quick and easy meal!
This dolphin-human  4  is especially unique, because it is  5  to both humans and dolphins.
According to a study  6  with underwater sound recordings, dolphins occupied with this relationship with humans are 13% more likely to  7  in the wild. This is because they stay near the shores of the ocean and are less likely to be  8  when fishing nets are thrown into the open ocean. In Laguna, fishing with fellow dolphins has become a(n)  9  in many families, though the dolphins are not  10  trained for this purpose. From their  11 , fishermen pass on their knowledge to their children, teaching them to  12  with their partners through clicking noises and how to distinguish dolphin behaviors.
Interestingly, this is not the first time humans and other species of animals have 13  to hunt for food together. In Africa, the honeyguides, a small bird species that  14  on beeswax, use large noises and calls to communicate, leading humans to trees where bees’ nests are  15 .
Researchers hope that future generations will be able to carry on this special tradition.
1. A. form B. center
C. direction D. position
解析 C 海豚把成群的鱼向海岸的方向(direction)驱赶,然后跳出水面,示意渔民们快速撒下他们的网,故选C。
2. A. reporting B. promising
C. answering D. signaling
解析 D 参见上题解析。signal示意,发出信号。
3. A. in return B. in balance
C. in brief D. in advance
解析 A 渔民们捕获了大量的鱼,作为回报(in return),海豚四处寻找漏网的鱼——一顿容易且快捷的饭。
4. A. interaction B. interruption
C. instruction D. education
解析 A 由第一段"For more than a century, fishermen in Laguna, Brazil, have caught fish with the help of bottlenose dolphins"以及第二段的具体描述可知,此处指的是海豚和人类的互助合作关系,故选A。
5. A. restricted B. beneficial
C. dangerous D. challenging
解析 B 这种海豚和人类的互助合作是独一无二的,因为这是对人类和海豚都有益的(beneficial)事情,故选B。restricted受限制的,dangerous危险的,challenging有挑战性的。
6. A. designed B. conducted
C. prepared D. observed
解析 B 根据一项用水下录音进行(conducted)的研究,忙于与人类互助的海豚在野外活下来的可能性增加了百分之十三,故选B。design设计,prepare 准备,observe观察。
7. A. survive B. develop
C. suffer D. exist
解析 A 参见上题解析。survive幸存。
8. A. doubted B. controlled
C. harmed D. shocked
解析 C 这是因为它们待在海岸附近,当渔网被扔进海洋里时被伤害(harmed)到的可能性更小,故选C。
9. A. fashion B. tradition
C. information D. impression
解析 B 由第一段"For more than a century, fishermen in Laguna, Brazil, have caught fish with the help of bottlenose dolphins"以及文章最后一句"Researchers hope that future generations will be able to carry on this special tradition"可知,这已经成了很多家庭的传统,故选B。
10. A. cautiously B. carefully
C. thoughtfully D. intentionally
解析 D 在Laguna,与海豚共同捕鱼已经成了很多家庭的传统,虽然这些海豚并不是为了这个目的而刻意(intentionally)训练的,故选D。 cautiously谨慎地,carefully认真地, thoughtfully考虑周全地。
11. A. movement B. schedule
C. experience D. imagination
解析 C 根据他们的经验(experience),渔民们把他们的知识传递给他们的孩子,教他们通过滴答声与他们的搭档交流并教他们如何区分海豚的行为,故选C。movement运动, schedule时间表, imagination想象。
12. A. connect B. contact
C. communicate D. mix
解析 C 参见上题解析。
13. A. approached B. competed
C. separated D. cooperated
解析 D 有趣的是,这并非人类与动物首次合作捕食,故选D。approach靠近,compete比赛, separate隔开。
14. A. feed B. work
C. operate D. look
解析 A 在非洲,响蜜鸟,一种以蜂蜡为食的小鸟,用大量的噪音和叫声来与人交流,带着人们找到有隐藏蜂巢的树。feed表示"以……为食",符合语境。
15. A. exposed B. hidden
C. broken D. furnished
解析 B 参见上题解析。hide隐藏。
[2023浙江温州三模]Inspired by the work of William Beebe, Dr.Sylvia Earle began her work as an oceanographer at an early age when she 1    (knock) off her feet by a wave. She was fascinated by the ocean and its creatures. Although she struggled 2    (balance)her studies and family, Earle earned her PhD from Duke University, becoming well-known in the marine science community. Early in her career and while she was four 3    (month) pregnant, Earle traveled 30.5m below the surface in a submersible. Her experience of 4    (live) in an underwater marine habitat earned her celebrity status in the scientific community.
With the experience, Earle developed an interest 5     deep-sea exploration, and in 1979 she broke 6     record for deep-sea diving at 381m below the surface in a special suit called the JIM Suit designed to withstand(承受) the 7    (press). Earle decided to test the suit as part of her research on a book 8    (publish) by the National Geographic Society, and the diving techniques only scratched the surface of the ocean. Following this adventure, Earle started two companies 9     produced deep-sea exploration vehicles. The continued advancement in the technology of these vehicles has helped open up areas in the deep sea 10    (previous) unexplored.
本文主要讲述了美国深海探险家Sylvia Earle无畏艰险、探索海洋的事迹。
1.was knocked 考查时态、语态和主谓一致。由时间状语at an early age可知,此处是在陈述过去发生的事情,且主语she和knock之间是被动关系,故填was knocked。
2.to balance 考查非谓语动词。struggle to do sth.意为"艰难地做某事,努力做某事",为固定用法,故填to balance。
3.months 考查名词的数。由空前的four可知,空处填months。
4.living 考查非谓语动词。所填词作介词of的宾语,表示一般情况和主谓关系,故用living。
5.in 考查介词。develop an interest in...为固定短语,意为"对……产生兴趣", 故填in。
6.the 考查冠词。此处表示特指,故填the。
7.pressure 考查名词。所填词作宾语,表示"压力",故用不可数名词pressure。
8.published 考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知,空处应填非谓语动词。book和publish之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,且非谓语所表示动作已完成,再结合空后的by可知,此处应用过去分词published。
9.which/that 考查定语从句。分析句子结构可知,空处所填词引导限制性定语从句,并在从句中作主语,先行词为two companies,故填which/that。
10.previously 考查副词。分析句子结构可知,空处所填词修饰作定语的unexplored,故填副词previously。UNIT 4  SHARING
1. parcel  n.包裹 vt.裹好;打包
2. mail  n.邮件;邮政 vt.邮寄;发电邮给
3. secondary  adj.中学的;次要的
4. chorus  n.合唱曲;合唱团 vt.合唱;齐声说
5. uniform  n.校服;制服 adj.一致的;统一的
6. rigid  adj.死板的;固执的
7. shade  vt.给……遮挡(光线);加灯罩 n.阴凉处;灯罩;阴影部分
8. wrinkle  vt.& vi.(使脸上)起皱纹;皱起 n.皱纹
9. housing  n.住房;住宅
10. platform  n.平台;站台;舞台
11. drag  vt.拖;拽 vt.& vi.缓慢而费力地移动
12. privilege  n.优惠待遇;特权
13. resign  vi.& vt.辞职;辞去
14. lately  adv.最近;近来
15. input  n.情况;信息;输入 vt.输入
1. dust  n.沙土;灰尘 vi.& vt.擦灰 →  dusty  adj.布满灰尘的
2. rub  vt.& vi.擦;摩擦 →  rubber  n.橡皮;黑板擦;橡胶
3. chemistry  n.化学 →  chemical  adj.化学的 →  chemist  n.化学家;药剂师;药房
4. ripe  adj.成熟的;时机成熟的 →  ripen  vt.& vi.(使)成熟
5. disable  vt.使伤残;使无效 →  disabled  adj.有残疾的;丧失能力的 →  disability  n.缺陷;障碍
6. deserve  vt.值得;应得;应受 →  deserving  adj.值得的;应得的
7. consult  vt.咨询;请教 →  consultation  n.咨询;咨询会 →  consultant  n.顾问
8. stable  adj.稳定的;牢固的 →  stability  n.稳定(性);稳固(性) →  unstable  adj.不稳定的
1.clay n. 黏土;陶土 
2.weed n. 杂草;野草  vt.& vi. 除杂草 
3.tablet n. 平板电脑;便笺本;药片 
4.bubble vi. 起泡;沸腾 
5.tube n. 管子;管状物 
6.circus n. 马戏团 
7.hut n. 简陋的小房子(或棚、舍) 
8.fireplace n. 壁炉 
9.doorway n. 门口;出入口 
10.leftover adj. 吃剩的;残留的  n. 吃剩的食物;遗留物 
11.handshake n. 握手 
12.plug vt. 封堵;补足  n. 堵塞物;插头;插座 
13.tune n. 曲调;曲子  vt.  调音;调节;调频道 
14.contract vt. 感染(疾病);与……订立合同(或契约)  n. 合同;契约 
15.criterion n.(pl. criteria)  标准;准则;原则 
1. not to mention  更不用说;且不说
2. take...for granted  认为……是理所当然;对……不予重视
3. pray that  但愿
4. upside down  颠倒,翻转
5.a chorus of  齐声;异口同声 
1.There is no equipment, and  since there isn’t even a washroom , if I need water I have to carry it from my house in a basin! (since引导的原因状语从句)
2.The other day  I was showing the boys a chemistry experiment when , before I knew it, the mixture was bubbling out of the test tube spilling everywhere! (be doing...when...)
3.Another teacher and I walked for two and a half hours to get there — first, up a mountain  from where we had fantastic views , and then down a shaded path to the valley below. (from where ...)
4.Tombe’s father, Mukap, a man with a strong jaw and a wrinkled forehead, led us to his house, a low, round bamboo hut with no windows, with a door just big enough to get through, and  with grass sticking out of the roof  — this shows it is a man’s house.(with复合结构)
5.Now, not only are Tanzanians helped by the hospital , but people in neighbouring countries are helped as well. (not only位于句首引起的倒装)
1.Check carefully the name, address and phone number on the  parcel  (包裹) before sending it out.
2.My father was a fairly  rigid  (固执的) person. It took me much effort to persuade him to live with us.
3.Waving to his friends, he stepped down from the train onto the  platform  (平台).
4.My knees ache due to the rainy weather. That’s why I haven’t been sleeping well  lately  (最近).
5.It’s my  privilege  to speak here on behalf of our school.
6.Actually, I do know I need to  drag  myself away from the online world sometimes, especially because real life can be just as interesting.
7.In China, many  secondary  schools request that students should wear  uniforms  to school.
8.Looking at the  wrinkles  next to his eyes, I suddenly realized that Dad had aged.
9.In our yard stands a big tree. We usually have our meals in the  shade  of the tree at noon.
10.Joseph  resigned  from the company, intending to set up his own business.
1.A terrible disease  disabled  Lisa’s right hand. However, the  disability  didn’t stop her from receiving education. The  disabled  girl learned to write with her left hand and got a master’s degree in literature at 27.(disable)
2.Zhang Guimei devotes her life to a  deserving  cause — providing education for girls in the mountains. She fully  deserves  our respect.(deserve)
3.My mother  consulted  a nutritionist about my growth yesterday afternoon. After the  consultation , my mother got a personal diet.(consult)
4.The first time I saw the experiment of dry ice, I developed a great interest in  chemistry . I made up my mind then to be a great  chemist  like John Dalton when I grew up.(chemical)
5.Our car was driving along the  dusty  country road, sending up clouds of  dust  into the air, which blocked our view.(dust)
not to mention take for granted
upside down pray that
1.I  pray that  my grandmother will soon recover from her illness.
2.To enrich our literature, the school library has subscribed to lots of magazines in foreign languages, not to mention  those in Chinese.
3.I was amazed that virtually many things I  took for granted  in my hometown just didn’t happen in London.
4.To remove the plant, turn the pot  upside down  and tap gently on the bottom to loosen it.
Visit fast food restaurants less often, since fast food makes you put on weight quickly .
2.上周五我正在操场上散步,这时墙上的一则通知引起了我的注意。(be doing...when...)
Last Friday, I was walking in the playground when  a notice on the wall caught my attention.
3.最后,我们到达了山顶,从那里我们可以欣赏到壮丽的景色。(from where ...)
Finally, we reached the top of the mountain, from where we could enjoy splendid scenery .
 With time going by , more and more people are beginning to realize the importance of protecting wildlife.
5.通过积极参加各种团体活动,你不仅会玩得开心,而且有机会结交有共同兴趣的朋友。(not only位于句首引起的倒装)
By taking an active part in various group activities,  not only will you enjoy yourself  but you can also have chances to make friends with common interests.
The village’s primary school stands at the end of the dusty road. Students study without things we take for granted, such as pens, textbooks, not to mention cotton uniforms. The only teacher is disabled, with a disability in his left leg. Despite the disability, he stands on the platform to give lessons the whole day. At night, after dragging himself home, he checks the homework in his little hut shaded by high trees. Hard as it is, he never thinks about resigning. He feels it is a privilege to send the children to secondary school in the town. He prays that more children could go out of the mountain. He fully deserves respect. Lately, one of his students, Joe, came back as a chemist. Joe has decided to change the village with every effort.
1 shade vt.给……遮挡(光线);加灯罩;把……涂暗 n.阴凉处;灯罩;阴影部分;色度
①Van Gogh’s sunflower paintings are among his most famous, in which he used different shades of yellow.  n.色度 
②When it was time to have lunch, we had a picnic under the shade of some trees and appreciated the gift of nature.  n.阴凉处 
③She shaded her eyes against the sunshine.  vt.给……遮挡(光线) 
 Hard as I tried, her work put mine in the shade. (as引导的让步状语从句)
★in the shade (of...) 在(……的)阴凉处 put sb./sth. in the shade 使某人或某物黯然失色/相形见绌
2 drag (dragged; dragged; dragging) vt.拖;拽 vt.& vi.缓慢而费力地移动
1.The next morning, he arrived school early,  dragging  (drag) his bag behind him.
2.当我们拖着身子下山回家时,我的肌肉酸痛,膝盖颤抖。 (读后续写之动作描写)
My muscles were aching and my knees shaking as we  dragged ourselves down the mountain towards home .
It was so cold outside. I managed to  drag myself out of bed , still half asleep.
★drag oneself down/to/out of...费力地走下/到/出…… drag ... out of... 把……从……中拖出来
3 disabled adj.有残疾的;丧失能力的
1.[北师必修②-6]Reeve became a passionate and energetic advocate for people with back injuries and  disabilities (disable), raising millions of dollars in support of medical research.
2.[人教必修③-4]Despite the difficulties, scientists hope future discoveries will not only enable us  to understand  (understand) how the universe began, but also help us survive well into the future.
3.The illness  disabled (disable) the girl and left her  unable (able) to dance and work.
4.The designers made great efforts to make sure that the  disabled (disable) have access to the facilities as the rest of us.
★disable vt.使残疾,使丧失能力 disability n.残疾;障碍 disabled adj.丧失能力的,有残疾的 ★able adj.有能力的;能干的→unable adj.未能,无法→ability n.能力 be able to do sth. 能够做某事 have the ability to do sth. 有能力做某事 ★enable vt.使能够 enable sb. to do sth. 使某人有能力做某事
4 deserve vt.值得;应得;应受
1.The Weasley family devote much time and funds to a  deserving (deserve) cause — teaching deaf kids skills to earn a living.
 No matter how ordinary a job is, it deserves our respect , because every job plays a part in the society.
3.知道你要去中国旅游,我列了一些值得去的景点。 (推介信)
→①Knowing that you are going to travel in China, I have made a list of attractions  that/which deserve visiting/to be visited . (定语从句,visit v.)
→②Knowing that you are going to travel in China, I have made a list of attractions  deserving a visit . (分词短语作定语,visit n.)
★deserve to do sth. 值得/应该做某事 deserve doing/deserve to be done 值得被做 deserve it (口语)活该,自作自受 ★deserving adj.值得的,值得帮助的
5 take... for granted 认为……是理所当然;对……不予重视
1.我们总是理所当然地认为地球可以为我们提供无穷无尽的自然资源,因此我们过度开发资源。 (保护地球)
 We always take it for granted that the earth can provide us with limitless natural resources , so we over-exploit the resources.(it作形式宾语)
2.没人认真对待我的投诉,真让我恼火。 (投诉信)
 It really annoyed me that no one took my complaint seriously.  (it作形式主语)
 Don’t take for granted what your parents do for you. 
★take it for granted that...,其中it作形式宾语,真正的宾语是后面that引导的从句。 ★take sth. seriously 认真对待某事 take it easy 别着急;放轻松 take...for example 拿……举例
6 "介词+关系副词"引导的定语从句
1.The child hid behind the door, from  where  he stared at the guests inside and out.
2.I graduated from the Beijing Normal University in 2012, since  when  I have worked as a teacher in my hometown.
★from where常用于引导非限制性定语从句,在意义上相当于and from here/there。 ★"介词+关系词"引导定语从句,一般用关系代词而不用关系副词,比较特殊的有from where和since when。
1.[2020新高考Ⅱ]Clutching(抓牢) the baby to his chest and  dragging (drag) the boy alongside, Grant ran down the hallway.
2.[2020北京]So we just take  it  for granted that he needs no supervision(指导) for managing his stuff.
3.[2020天津]It’s been years since they were  dusty (dust) little rooms with books.
4.[北京高考]"I just love driving, and I love these kids," Wilson said. "It’s such a privilege  to be (be) a part of these kids’ lives, even just for a few hours, getting to know them and hearing their stories."
5.[天津高考]I had a learning  disability (disable) from an early age. I went to a special school where I got plenty of extra help.
Ⅱ.阅读理解—— 一词多义、熟词生义
1.A. 阴凉处 B. 色度C. 一点,略微
①[2021全国Ⅲ]He passed milky white waterfalls and mountains in many shades of blue.  B 
②[2020天津]Before Vinnie could say yes, the President hurried on, a shade of apology in his voice.  C 
③[全国Ⅰ]There was no shade as the trees were no more than 3 feet tall. A 
2.A. 站台 B. 平台 C. 讲台
①[2021全国甲]Each year, the high standard of entries has shown that the Awards are the perfect platform to showcase the very best photography of the British landscape. B 
②[2020全国Ⅰ]Many stations have wheelchair access from the car park or entrance to the station platforms.  A 
③[广东高考]Sally walked onto the platform, picked up a piece of chalk and wrote on the blackboard: "Rule 1: We are family!" C 
3.[2023全国乙]If you want to tell the history of the whole world, a history that does not privilege one part of humanity, you cannot do it through texts alone, because only some of the world has ever had texts, while most of the world, for most of the time, has not. v.特别优待 
4.[2020江苏]You can be the one who directs the conversation to fun topics that are ripe for others to add humor.  adj.适宜的 
5.[天津高考]His parents always had him weeding the garden, carrying out the garbage and delivering newspapers.  v.除杂草 
写作一 基础写作——图书分享活动
是一个面向全球的图书分享网站。该网站组织的分享活动有两种参与方式:一是自由分享(wild release),即把书放在指定地点,由其他参与者自由获取;二是定向分享(controlled release),即直接传递给另一位参与者。
 Lately, I happened to learn about your activity of sharing books. 
 This activity offers a platform to connect readers from different parts of the world. 
 I have been fond of reading since secondary school, and I feel like sharing books with people who have the same interest. 
 I hope to have the privilege to join you. 
Dear Sir or Madam,
 Lately, I happened to learn about your activity of sharing books, which offers a platform to connect readers from different parts of the world. I am writing to apply to participate. 
 I have been fond of reading since secondary school, and I feel like sharing books with people who have the same interest, so I hope to have the privilege to join you. 
 Of the two ways to share books — wild release and controlled release — the latter wins my favour. By means of controlled release, I can not only share books with other participants, but also exchange ideas with them. 
 If you could provide more specific information for me, I would be very grateful. Looking forward to your reply. 
Li Hua
写作二 读后续写——动作描写之各种"速度"
积累背诵 仿写运用
单 词 slowly, quickly, fast, soon, swiftly, immediately/instantly/directly; quicken, slow 根据左栏素材完成下列各句 1.约瑟夫正在弹奏最后一节,这时一个中年男子放慢了脚步,往帽子里放了50美元。 Joseph was playing his last chapter when a middle-aged man  slowed down his pace  and put 50 dollars into the hat. 2.刹那间,他成功地接住了掉落的玻璃杯,没让它掉在地上。  In a flash , he managed to catch the falling glass before it hit the ground. 3.脸上带着失望的神情,莱诺的妈妈严厉地对他说:"立刻关掉电视去写作业。" With a disappointed expression on her face, Leno’s mother said sternly to him, "Turn off the TV  immediately/at once/right away   and do your homework." 4.走出家门后,我松了一口气,以最快的速度向汽车站跑去。 After I got out of the house, I breathed a sigh of relief and ran toward the bus stop  at top speed . 5.我竭尽全力加快速度,但突然摔倒在地上。 I gathered up my strength to  speed up/pick up speed  but suddenly fell to the ground.
词 组 1.speed up/pick up speed 加快速度 2.slow down/reduce speed 慢下来,减速 3.right away/at once/in no time/in an instant立刻,马上 4.at high/low/full/top speed 以高/低/全/最高速 5.in a flash转瞬间,立即 6.like the wind一阵风似的,飞快地
佳 句 1.The athlete swiftly crossed the finish line, breaking the previous record. 那名运动员迅速冲过终点线,打破了之前的纪录。 2.The alarm went off, and the firefighters immediately rushed to the scene. 警报器响了,消防员立即冲向现场。 3.Suddenly, John slowed down and sat onto the ground with a sharp pain. On spotting his painful look, I ran up to him as fast as a bolt of lightning. 突然,约翰放慢了速度,坐在地上,感到一阵剧痛。一看到他痛苦的表情,我像闪电一样飞快跑向他。
[志愿服务/2023江苏苏北七市二模]When she first came to Britain as a refugee(难民) from Nigeria six years ago, Kemi had a three-month-old daughter, a room in a shared house and £5.39 to survive on each day. Finding money for new clothes was out of the question.
After four years, Kemi was granted refugee status and secured her first job interview — unsurprisingly, she had nothing to wear. However, she was referred to a small social enterprise called Give Your Best, which asked her her size and what kind of clothes she liked. "And they gave me three beautiful shirts. Those clothes were like gold to me. They asked me what I actually wanted. That makes you feel valued."
The initiative was launched by Sol Escobar, who had spent several years volunteering at refugee camps in northern France. A friend put her in contact with a household of refugee women who couldn’t access any clothing. Escobar realised she had surplus(剩余) clothes she could donate, and appealed to her friends and networks for help. She was flooded with offers, but didn’t want to overload the women with potentially improper clothing. "So I thought, if I take photos of all of these items and put them on an Instagram page, they can all choose the things that they actually want."
Eighteen months later, Give Your Best has processed almost 11,000 items of clothing, and has more than 800 refugee women approved to "shop" for free on its virtual shopfront. It is aiming for much more, however. Having reached the very limit of donations and requests it could handle through Instagram, the enterprise has just launched a new digital platform that will allow it to hugely upscale.
Like the hugely successful clothing resale app, clothes are photographed and uploaded to Give Your Best, where customers select those they like and donors then post the item. Crucially, however, no money changes hands.
As well as giving choice to its users and minimising fashion waste, Escobar says one consequence has been the small but intimate(亲密的) connections established between donor and shopper. Many donors choose to include a supportive note and a small gift — hugely welcomed by recipients (接受者), but also a reminder that "on the other side of your package, there’s a woman who is your size and has your fashion sense, because she’s shopping from your wardrobe(衣橱)".
本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了Sol Escobar创立的企业Give Your Best为难民提供免费的衣服,并在捐赠者和难民之间建立了亲密的人际关系。
1. What’s the purpose of the enterprise?
A. To offer job training to refugees.
B. To provide childcare for refugees.
C. To give refugees dignity of choice.
D. To strengthen refugees’ social position.
解析 C 推理判断题。由第二段内容可知,Give Your Best让像Kemi一样的难民可以根据自己的尺码和喜好选择衣服,这种做法给予了难民选择的尊严,故选C项。
2. What does paragraph 3 focus on?
A. How the enterprise survived.
B. How the enterprise advertised.
C. How the enterprise was named.
D. How the enterprise was initiated.
解析 D 段落大意题。通读第三段可知,本段主要讲是的企业Give Your Best是如何创立的,故选D项。
3. What do we learn about the enterprise from the text?
A. It is warmly received.
B. It is difficult to operate.
C. It makes huge profits.
D. It needs to be more creative.
解析 A 推理判断题。由第四段中的"Eighteen months later, Give Your Best has processed almost 11,000 items of clothing, and has more than 800 refugee women approved to ‘shop’ for free on its virtual shopfront"可推知,企业Give Your Best深受欢迎,故选A项。
4. What does the enterprise bring to its donors and recipients?
A. Enjoyable shopping experiences.
B. A sense of social responsibility.
C. Close interpersonal relationships.
D. A good insight into the fashion trend.
解析 C 细节理解题。由最后一段中的"As well as giving choice to its users and minimising fashion waste, Escobar says one consequence has been the small but intimate(亲密的) connections established between donor and shopper"可知,Give Your Best让捐赠者和接受者建立了亲密的人际关系,故选C项。
[2024天星原创]Robin Hood famously stole from the rich and gave to the poor. Newly hatched young barn owls(仓鸮) do something similar.
On average, barn owls raise six chicks at once — and sometimes as many as nine. But they don’t all hatch at the same time, which means the older owls are generally larger and healthier than their younger brothers and sisters. As long as the little owls remain in the nest, they’re completely dependent on their parents for food. In many birds, the oldest would simply outcompete the youngest, but barn owls are different. It turns out that the older, healthier birds sometimes share their meals with their hungry siblings(兄弟姐妹).
"In chicks, it is really rarely observed. So it’s quite impressive that in this group, there is behavior showing they work together," added evolutionary biologist Pauline Ducouret from the University of Lausanne in Switzerland. She and her team wanted to know how this unique behavior evolved. It could be explained by the direct benefits gained through group work, such as sharing food for grooming(梳毛). Or it could be explained by the indirect benefits gained from helping others that are closely related — also known as "kin selection".
They found that the answer was both. Younger birds groomed older ones more often than older ones groomed the youngsters. And in return, the older birds fed their younger siblings. In addition, older owls would offer food to their hungry siblings rather than eat themselves, even in the absence of grooming. Ducouret said that evolutionary biologists usually characterize sibling relationships as competitive or even opposed. But remarkably complex examples of group work can still be found among animal brothers and sisters.
It seems that even newly hatched barn owls know that sharing is caring. So think twice before doing something selfish. After all, you don’t want to be defeated by a newly hatched bird.
【词语积累】 hatch v.(使)孵出,孵化 n.新孵出的幼崽
outcompete v.(在竞争中)胜出,(竞争力)超过
evolutionary adj.进化的,演变的
youngster n.幼小动物,年轻人
characterize v.描述,刻画,表现(……的特征、特点)
remarkably adv.惊人地,非凡地
1. What do we know about the little barn owls?
A. They are fed by parents in the nest.
B. They are hatched at the same time.
C. They hunt for food soon after hatching.
D.They compete with siblings for food.
解析 A 细节理解题。由第二段的"As long as the little owls remain in the nest, they’re completely dependent on their parents for food"可知,只要小仓鸮还待在巢里,它们就完全依赖父母喂食,故A项正确。
2. What does the third paragraph serve as?
A. The explanation of kin selection.
B. A background of researchers’ study.
C. The comment on barn owls’ behavior.
D. An introduction of barn owls’ living habits.
解析 B 推理判断题。由第三段内容,尤其是"She and her team wanted to know how this unique behavior evolved"可知,研究人员认为,这种现象在雏鸟身上很少被观察到,所以小仓鸮的合作行为就非常让人印象深刻。他们想知道这种独特的行为是如何进化形成的。由此可推知,第三段主要介绍的是研究人员进行研究的背景。
3. What is the author’s tone in the last paragraph?
A. Worried. B. Serious.
C. Amazed. D. Humorous.
解析 D 推理判断题。最后一段提到,似乎连刚孵化的小仓鸮都知道分享就是关心,所以在做一些自私的事情之前要三思而后行。毕竟,你也不想被一只刚孵化出来的鸟打败。由此可知,作者在最后一段使用了比较幽默的方式来行文,故D项正确。
4.Which can be the best title for the text?
A. Sibling Relationships Are Important for Barn Owls
B. Barn Owls Are Found to Be Good at Stealing Food
C. Barn Owl Babies Can Be Helpful Hatch Mates
D. Grooming Is a Language Among Barn Owls
解析 C 标题归纳题。由全文内容,尤其是由第四段的"They found that the answer was both. Younger birds groomed older ones more often than older ones ...even in the absence of grooming"可知,文章主要介绍了仓鸮雏鸟的合作行为。C项(仓鸮雏鸟可能是对新孵出的幼崽有帮助的同伴)概括了文章主要内容,且表达形象贴切,做本文标题最佳。
[2023湖北武汉统考]The most important thing to keep in mind when deciding to serve another is that service expects no rewards. When you expect something in return, and are not serving out of the goodness of your heart, others will notice. Sure they’ll thank you.  1 
When you give from your heart, the real power of service comes into play. Serving is a great opportunity to strengthen your trust and respect for another, and for them to do the same to you. Not only do you feel great about helping out, but you build your relationship with them, and they will feel more willing to help you in the future. 2 
However, why is service so rarely seen these days? 3  Sure, living in this day and age does not leave us much time, and the last thing people want to do is more work. "I’m too busy, there’s too much work, or I don’t have the time" may run through your head when you hear the word service, but the truth is the benefits are worth the sacrifice. Gandhi once said, "The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others."  4  Some ideas of places you can serve are volunteer centers, nursing homes, and so on. You can serve people as long as you want to.
 5  Although it does take some work, the benefits are well worth the sacrifice. Not only do you feel better about making another’s day a little less stressful, but you strengthen your relationship with them and they will be more willing to help you in the future.
A. It’s a win-win situation.
B. Service is simple.
C. Overall, service and selflessly giving to others is very powerful and has many benefits.
D. And they will offer you worse service.
E. Service is a complex event.
F. The problem is, there’s always an excuse not to serve.
G. But the service becomes more of a situation, "I’ll do this for you if you do this for me".
1.G 上文提示"当你期望得到回报,而不是出于好心去服务,别人会注意到的。当然他们会感谢你的"。G项(但服务更像是这样一种情况,"如果你为我做这件事,我就会为你做这件事")与上文存在转折关系。
2.A 上文提到"帮助别人你不仅会感觉很好,而且你还和他们建立了关系,他们将来会更愿意帮助你"。A项(这是一个双赢的局面)是对上文的总结。
3.F F项道出了"However, why is service so rarely seen these days? "的原因所在。
4.B 上文提到"找到自我的最好方法就是全身心地投入到为他人服务中",再根据下文提到的"你可以服务的地方有志愿者中心、养老院等等"可知,B项放在此处能起到承上启下的作用。
5.C 下文提到"虽然这确实需要付出一些努力,但付出的代价是值得的"。C项(Overall, service and selflessly giving to others is very powerful and has many benefits)放在此处能很好地与下文衔接。
[2024河北衡水武强中学期中]Blankets can keep you warm on cold nights or clean and relatively ant-free on picnics, but Lucy Blaylock makes blankets for a different purpose: to  1  people going through difficult times. She wants her blankets to feel like a big,  2  hug. Lucy learned to sew three years ago, when she was 8. After she  3  a blanket for a friend’s birthday, she started to think about other kids who might need a little  4  love. She didn’t know whether she was right so she shared her  5  on a social website for help. Surprisingly, she received 16  6  from children facing issues such as cancer, autism(自闭症) and the death of a grandmother.
"It makes me 7  when I think of the kids getting the package in the mail and  8  it," said the 11-year-old, who just completed fifth grade in Gallatin, Tennessee. "I always hope they know someone  9  them."
Since 2019, Lucy has 10  about 500 Lucy’s Love Blankets to kids living in 14 countries and nearly three-dozen states. She spends about two hours  11  her name inside a heart on the blankets — her logo, of sorts.
For kids who are interested in volunteering, she encourages them to go ahead without  12 . "Don’t wait  13  you have everything figured out. Just do it, and keep going," she said. "Even when you feel like it might not be making so big a  14 , serving other people always matters. Even though you may  15  something hard and challenging at times, it is always the right thing to do."
本文是一篇记叙文。一个名叫Lucy Blaylock的11岁女孩制作毯子给那些正在面对困难的人。她希望这些毯子能给人们带来安慰和温暖。
1. A. protect B. save
C. comfort D. prevent
解析 C 毯子可以让你在寒冷的夜晚保持温暖,也可以让你在野餐时干净、相对没有蚂蚁,但Lucy Blaylock制作毯子的目的不同:安慰(comfort)经历困难时期的人。
2. A. warm B. clean
C. usual D. wise
解析 A 她想让她的毯子感觉像一个温暖的(warm)拥抱。
3. A. bought B. showed
C. made D. got
解析 C 她为一个朋友的生日制作(made)了一条毯子后,她开始思考是否还有其他需要额外(extra)关爱的孩子们。
4. A. common B. bearable
C. expensive D. extra
解析 D 参见上题解析。
5. A. idea B. excitement
C. work D. success
解析 A 由"she started to think about other kids who might need a little  4  love"可知,她有想给其他孩子做毯子的想法,故选A。
6. A. doubts B. responses
C. issues D. shares
解析 B 令人惊讶的是,她收到了16个孩子的回复(responses),这些孩子面临着癌症、自闭症和祖母去世等问题。
7. A. puzzled B. excited
C. lucky D. comfortable
解析 B 当我想到孩子们收到邮递的包裹并打开(opening)时,我就很兴奋(excited)。
8. A. tearing B. receiving
C. throwing D. opening
解析 D 参加上题解析。
9. A. takes up B. deals with
C. cares about D. depends on
解析 C 我总是希望他们知道有人关心(cares about)他们。
10. A. paid B. donated
C. passed D. collected
解析 B 自2019年以来,露西已经向生活在14个国家和近36个州的孩子们捐赠(donated)了大约500条"Lucy爱毯"。
11. A. writing B. sticking
C. sewing D. figuring
解析 C 她花了大约两个小时把自己的名字缝(sewing)在毯子上的心形图案里——这是她的标志。
12. A. hesitation B. patience
C. power D. practice
解析 A 对于那些对志愿服务感兴趣的孩子,她鼓励他们毫不犹豫(hesitation)地去做。
13. A. before B. until
C. once D. after
解析 B 由"Don’t wait"可知,此处表示不要等到把所有事情弄清楚再去做,not...until为固定结构,意为"直到……才",故选B。
14. A. light B. hug
C. name D. difference
解析 D 即使你觉得自己的贡献可能不会产生太大的影响,为他人服务始终是重要的。make a big difference为固定短语,意为"产生重大的影响"。
15. A. find out B. take up
C. lead to D. meet with
解析 D 即使你有时会遇到(meet with)一些困难和挑战,但这永远是正确的事情。find out发现,take up学着做,lead to导致。