【素养测评】Unit 3 Healthy or unhealthy?牛津深圳版六年级上册提升培优评价卷(含答案)


名称 【素养测评】Unit 3 Healthy or unhealthy?牛津深圳版六年级上册提升培优评价卷(含答案)
格式 docx
文件大小 321.3KB
资源类型 试卷
版本资源 牛津深圳版
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-09-11 10:52:45



【素养测评】Unit 3 Healthy or unhealthy 六年级英语上册提升培优评价卷(含答案)牛津上海版(深圳用)
Tom: Hey, Sarah! I heard we should eat healthy. 1
Sarah: Hi, Tom! Eating healthy means we should have more meals with fruit, vegetables and whole grains (谷物).
Tom: Oh, so it’s not just about eating less
Sarah: Right, it’s not just about eating less. It’s also about eating the right kinds of food.
Tom: 2
Sarah: You can stack on fruit, like apples or oranges. They’re better than chips and candy.
Tom: 3 Are those OK
Sarah: Pizzas and hamburgees are fine, but they’re not so healthy when we eat them too often.
Tom: Got it. 4 Can I have cola
Sarah: Cola is OK sometimes, but it’s sweet, so we should drink it less Tom: Is there any food we should not eat
Sarah: Yes, we should not eat too much sweet or fried food. It’s not good for our health.
Tom: Thanks. Sarah! I’ll try to eat healthier from now on.
Sarah: 5 Eating healthy will help us feel better.
A.But what does that mean (意味着)
B.I love pizzas and hamburgers.
C.What are some healthy snacks I can have
D.How about drinks
E.You’re welcome, Tom!
A lot of people around the world are getting fat because they eat too much junk food. Junk food has lots of calories, but not many nutrients (营养物). Nutrients are things that your body needs, such as vitamins, minerals and fiber. Most people consider (认为) “fast food”, like KFC and packaged snacks, to be junk food. These food come from factories, where producers (生产者) add sugar, salt and oil to improve the taste. Junk food does taste good. That’s why people drink large cups of iced tea and Coke, and eat big bags of potato chips, but still feel hungry. Their brains keep telling them to eat because the food is not supplying (供应) their bodies with enough nutrients. Humans evolved (逐步发展) eating three main kinds of food: meat, vegetables and fruit. These are “real foods”. Things like sugar, flour and oil are not part of a human’s natural diet.
6.Why are a lot of people around the world getting fat ( )
A.Because they eat too much meat.
B.Because they eat too much junk food.
C.Because they eat too much sweet food.
7.What does junk food have ( )
A.Junk food has lots of calories and many nutrients.
B.Junk food has lots of nutrients, but not many calories.
C.Junk food has lots of calories, but not many nutrients.
8.What do the producers in the factories do for junk food ( )
A.They add sugar, salt and oil to improve the taste.
B.They add vitamins, minerals and fiber to improve the taste.
C.They add vitamins and nutrients to improve the taste.
9.Why do people still feel hungry after drinking large cups of iced tea and Coke, and eating big bags of potato chips ( )
A.Because the food is so delicious that people want to eat more.
B.Because people’s appetite improved dramatically (胃口大增).
C.Because the food is not supplying their bodies with enough nutrients.
10.What are the three main kinds of food humans evolved ( )
A.They are meat, vegetables and fruit.
B.They are meat, vegetables and rice.
C.They are meat, flour and vegetables.
Mrs King is about fifty years old. Her husband has a factory in the town and gets a lot of money. Their three children work in the factory, too. Mrs King has nothing to do every day. She lives happily. Mrs King likes eating meat and cakes very much. So her husband and children often buy some for her. She doesn’t like sport. She always gets up at about eleven in the morning. So she gets very fat. Now it’s difficult for her even to walk.
One day, she went to see the doctor. The doctor looked over her carefully and then said, “There is something wrong with your heart(心脏), Mrs King. It’s bad for you to eat too much sugar and meat. You should eat a piece of bread for each meal.” “That’s easy, doctor,” said Mrs King. “But when should I eat it Before a meal or after a meal ”
11.Mr King has a factory but doesn’t get much money. ( )
12.Mrs King has many things to do every day. ( )
13.Mrs King doesn’t like sport and she always gets up every late. ( )
14.There is something wrong with Mrs King’s head. ( )
15.Mrs King doesn’t understand(明白) the doctor. ( )
Kitty: What did you have for breakfast, Joe
Joe: I had some noodles for breakfast. What about you, Kitty
Kitty: I had a sandwich and a glass of milk for breakfast.
Joe: What did you have for lunch yesterday, Kitty
Kitty: I had a salad for lunch. What about you, Joe
Joe: I had a hamburger and some chips for lunch. What did you have for dinner yesterday, Kitty
Kitty: I had some pizza and fruit for dinner.
A.chicken B.vegetable soup C. a salad(沙拉) D.a sandwich E. milk F. noodles G. fruit H. a hamburger l. pizza J. chips
Kitty Breakfast:
Joe Breakfast:
bread rice chicken hamburgers pie milk cola egg
Breakfast √ √ √
Lunch √ √ √
dinner √ √ √
17.What did Joe have for
He had some , and an egg for breakfast.
18.What did Joe have for
He had some chicken, and for lunch.
19.What did Joe have for
He had some , and for dinner.
Jim and Matt lived in a small 20 in the wall. Jim did some exercise every day. He was strong and 21 . Matt never did any exercise. He ate all day and all night. Soon he became very fat. “You should do some exercise. You’re getting too fat,” said Jim. But Matt did not 22 Jim’s advice. One day, Jim and Matt were in the kitchen. A cat came. Jim quickly ran into the hole in the wall. He was 23 there. Matt ran to the hole too, but he couldn’t run fast. He was too 24 . What happened to Matt Can you guess
20.A.hole B.lake C.land
21.A.weak B.healthy C.unhealthy
22.A.have to B.get to C.listen to
23.A.safe B.lost C.dangerous
24.A.thin B.fat C.strong
每年的 4月7日是World Health Day(世界健康日),作为自己健康的第一责任人,请你以“How can we keep healthy ” 为题,参考思维导图内容,写一写如何保持健康,词数不少于60个。
1.A 2.C 3.B 4.D 5.E
6.B 7.C 8.A 9.C 10.A
6.句意:为什么全世界的人们正在变胖?A因为他们吃太多的肉。B因为他们吃太多的垃圾食品。C因为他们吃太多的甜食。根据“A lot of people around the world are getting fat because they eat too much junk food. ”可知全世界的人们正在变胖是因为他们吃太多的垃圾食品,故选B。
7.句意:垃圾食品有什么?A垃圾食品有大量的热量和许多营养物质。B垃圾食品有大量的营养物质,但是没有太多的热量。C垃圾食品有大量的热量,但是没有太多的营养物质。根据“Junk food has lots of calories, but not many nutrients (营养物).”可知垃圾食品有大量的热量,但是没有太多的营养物质,故选C。
8.句意:工厂的生产者对垃圾食品做什么?A他们增加糖,盐和油来改善味道。B他们增加维他命,矿泉水和纤维来改善味道。C他们增加维他命和营养物质来改善味道。根据“These food come from factories, where producers (生产者) add sugar, salt and oil to improve the taste. ”可知生产者增加糖,盐和油来改善味道。故选A。
9.句意:为什么在喝了一大杯冰茶和可乐并且吃了一大袋子薯条后,人们还感觉饿?A因为食物是如此的美味以至于人们想吃更多。B因为人们的胃口大增。C因为食物不给他们的身体提供足够的营养物质。根据“Their brains keep telling them to eat because the food is not supplying (供应) their bodies with enough nutrients. ”可知食物不能供应身体足够的营养物质,在喝了一大杯冰茶和可乐并且吃了一大袋子薯条后,人们还感觉饿,故选C。
10.句意:人类逐渐发展的三种主要的食物类型是什么?A它们是肉,蔬菜和水果。B它们是肉,蔬菜和米饭。C它们是肉,面粉和蔬菜。根据“Humans evolved (逐步发展) eating three main kinds of food: meat, vegetables and fruit. ”可知人类逐步发展的三种主要的食物是肉,蔬菜和水果,故选A。
11.F 12.F 13.T 14.F 15.T
11.句意:金先生有一家工厂,但没有多少钱。根据句子“Mrs King is about fifty years old. Her husband has a factory in the town and gets a lot of money.金夫人大约50岁。她的丈夫在镇上有一家工厂,赚了很多钱。”可知题干与短文不符,故答案为F。
12.句意:金夫人每天有很多事情要做。根据句子“Mrs King has nothing to do every day.金夫人每天无所事事。”可知题干与短文不符,故答案为F。
13.句意:金夫人不喜欢运动,她总是起得很晚。根据句子“She doesn’t like sport. She always gets up at about eleven in the morning.她不喜欢运动。她总是在上午十一点左右起床。”可知题干与短文相符,故答案为T。
14.句意:金夫人的脑袋出了问题。根据医生说的句子“There is something wrong with your heart, Mrs King.金夫人,你的心脏出了问题。”可知题干与短文不符,故答案为F。
15.句意:金夫人不懂医生的话。根据金夫人说的句子“But when should I eat it Before a meal or after a meal 但是我什么时候该吃呢?餐前还是餐后?”可知金夫人对医生的建议不明白,故题干与短文相符,故答案为T。
16. DE C IG F HJ
【分析】A. chicken鸡肉 B. vegetable soup蔬菜汤, C. a salad沙拉, D. a sandwich 三明治,E. milk 牛奶,F. noodles面条, G. fruit水果,H. a hamburger汉堡, l. pizza 披萨,J. chips薯片
早饭:由句子 I had a sandwich and a glass of milk for breakfast.可知早饭吃一个三明治和喝了一杯牛奶。故选DE。
午饭:由句子I had a salad for lunch. 可知午饭吃了沙拉。故选C。
晚饭:由句子I had some pizza and fruit for dinner.可知晚饭吃了披萨和水果。故选IG。
早饭:由句子 I had some noodles for breakfast. 可知早饭吃了一些面条。故选F。
午饭:由句子 I had a hamburger and some chips for lunch.可知午饭吃了一个汉堡和一些薯片。故选HJ。
17. breakfast bread milk 18. lunch hamburgers cola 19. dinner rice chicken a pie/pies
19.句意:Joe晚饭吃什么?他晚饭吃了一些____,______和_______。由答句中dinner可知问的是晚饭吃什么,所以问句中填dinner。由表格中可知他晚饭吃了米饭,鸡肉和馅饼,故答案为dinner;rice;chicken;a pie/pies。
20.A 21.B 22.C 23.A 24.B
How can we keep healthy
World Health Day is on April 7th every year. Health is very important for all of us. How can we keep healthy Here are some tips.
First, we should have a healthy diet. We should eat enough fruit and vegetables, and drink a lot of water and some milk every day. We shouldn’t eat too much sweet food and fried food. We should drink less cola. Second, we should do more exercise. We should play sports at least three times a week. We shouldn’t sit still for hours. At last, we should develop healthy habits. We should go to bed early and get up early. We should wash our hands before meals. We should feel happy about our life.
Let’s eat healthy food, do more exercise and develop healthy habits from now on. Everyone can keep healthy.
【详解】题干解读:该题目要求用第一人称以“How can we keep healthy ”为题写一写如何保持健康,参考思维导图的提示,从饮食、运动和习惯等方面来写。注意文章为一般现在时,并且保证一定词数的要求。
参考词汇:World Health Day世界健康日,important重要的,keep healthy保持健康,tip建议,have a healthy diet保持健康饮食,enough足够的,fruit and vegetables蔬菜水果,fried food油炸食品,less少的,at least至少,sit still坐着不动,at last最后,develop healthy habits养成健康的习惯
参考句型:Health is…;Here are…;First, we should…;We should…;We shouldn’t…;Second, we should…;At last, we should…;Let’s…;Everyone can…
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