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课题 六上 Unit8 Chinese New Year 教时 1 执教 日期
教学目标 1、能听懂、会读、会说Hong Kong, tangyuan, Chinese New Year’s Eve, Chinese New Year’s Day, red packet, lion dance, fireworks, firecracker。 2、能听懂、会读、会说日常用语What are you/they going to do… I’m/We’re going to …。 3、能正确地理解并朗读对话内容,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试复述课文内容。 4、能初步运用本课所学的词汇和日常用语谈论春节的习俗。 教学重难点 能听懂、会读、会说Hong Kong, tangyuan, Chinese New Year’s Eve, Chinese New Year’s Day, red packet, lion dance, fireworks, firecracker。 制定依据: 本课是六年级上册Unit 8 Chinese New Year的第一教时,教学Story time 板块的内容。此板块通过电子邮件的方式,围绕“春节”这一主题,用be going to … 的句型,展示了香港女孩Anna 一家春节的活动计划。在5AU6中,提及过电子邮件和网友的话题;在5BU7中,对”Spring Festival”有过初步的讨论。
教 学 过 程
教学环节 教 师 活 动 学 生 活 动 设 计 意 图
开放式 导入 真实性情境 Greetings Let’s enjoy Enjoy a video. T: What festival is this video about Play a guessing game T:It’s small and red. It’s made of paper. We put money in it. What is it Greetings Enjoy the song. S:Chinese New Year. S:It’s a red packet. 欣赏新年的视频,以学生喜闻乐见的形式创设情境,导入新课,为学生创造轻松愉快的学习气氛,同时引出课题。 通过猜谜游戏,引出具有新年特色的红包,教授新单词。
核心过程 推进 发展性任务 1.Open and answer 1)T:2024 is the year of... 2)T: Have a talk:What do you often do at Chinese New Year 3)T:When is Chinese New Year’s Day in 2024 2.Think and say T:Who is she Where is she from 3.Scan and say T:Who is this email to What’s the subject of this email What does Anna write about Chinese New Year Can you find the sentence structure used most in her plan S:Dragon. S: I often... S:It’s on 10th of February. S:She is Anna. She is from Hong Kong. S:It’s to Su Hai. It’s Chinese New Year. Her plan. be going to... 创设真实情境,通过开红包的形式,回答关于新年的相关问题,学习Chinese New Year’s Eve和Chinese New Year's Day。 通过观察邮件,了解邮件的相关格式,发现用be going to...的句型结构来描写计划,为后面语言运用奠定基础。
多元化意义协商 Skim and find T:In what order does Anna write about her plan Can you find the time quickly Read and underline T:What is Anna going to do before Chinese New Year Why do we buy new clothes Why do we eat tangyuan New clothes mean new start. Tangyuan means reunion. Listen and imitate Pair-work task Check and learn On Chinese New Year’s Eve T:Why do they buy flowers Flowers mean good wishes. What are you going to do on Chinese New Year’s Eve Make a new year wish. On Chinese New Year’s Day T:Why do your parents give you red packets Red packets mean good luck. On the second day of Chinese New Year T:When do we often watch fireworks S:In time order. Find the time. S:She is going to buy some new clothes and food.Then, in the evening, she is going to make some cakes and tangyuan. Listen and imitate Pair-work task Talk about Anna’s plan for Chinese New Year’s Eve. I’m going to... I want... next year. Talk about Anna’s plan for Chinese New Year’s Day. Talk about Anna’s plan for the second day of Chinese New Year. 通过创设真实情境,让学生自主发现Chinese New Year的时间,Chinese New Year前做的事情,增加了学生对于中国新年更多的了解,充足了学生的背景文化知识,培养了学生思维的发散性。 小组合作,自主学习后面三个时间的计划,完成时间轴,培养学生自主学习能力。 通过一系列的问题,引发学生深思活动背后的寓意,为后续语言语用奠定基础。
开放式 延伸 创造性应用 Read in class 2.Choose and retell Read Retell Anna’s plan in groups. 根据完成的板书,就文本和视频的内容,复述Anna的新年计划,让学生进行多元表达,提升学生的语用能力。
作业设计 Have to do:1.Read and retell Anna’s email. Make your plan for Chinese New Year with your family. Choose to do: 1.Surf the Internet, try to know more about Chinese New Year customs(习俗) in different places. 2.Send an email to me.