Module 1 Using my five senses
Unit 1 What can you see (period 1)
TEACHER: Gong Ling
BOOK: Oxford English (Shang hai Edition) 2B Module1 Unit1
知识目标 能够熟练的掌握并且运用核心的颜色类单词white, purple, pink, orange, brown, black.等能够使用核心句型What colour is/are… It is/They are…进行一些问答。使用I can see… It’s/ They are…来简单的介绍一些事物。
能力目标 1. 能使用新学的单词以及句型来对周边的事物进行简单的关于颜色的询问,并作出回答。2. 学会用What colour is it It is…的句型来询问和回答物品颜色的复数形式.3. 能够结合以前的学习内容,对自己周边的事物进行介绍。
情感目标 通过学习和交流,使学生能了解同伴看到的事物及事物的颜色,并且知道大自然的丰富多彩,热爱大自然的各种颜色变迁。
课时 课时话题 教材板块
主要板块 辅助板块
1 In the park Look and learn Listen and enjoy
2 What can you see Look and say Listen and enjoy
3 In the nature Say and act Play a game
Oxford English Book 2B M1U1 What can you see (Period1)
Topic: In the park
知识 1. 在语境中学习词汇并运用:white, purple, pink, orange,brown,black.2. 在语境中学会表达句型并运用: What colour is/ are… It’s/ They’re … I can see…
能力 1. 能够运用I can see…It’s/ They’re…句型及新授词汇来进行一些关于颜色类的问答。2. 能用所学词汇和句型简单描述周边事物的颜色。
情感 1. 了解以及欣赏公园中的四季图片,热爱四季变迁所带来的颜色交替,热爱大自然。
1. 在语境中学习词汇并运用:white, purple, pink, orange,brown,black.
2. 在语境中学会表达句型并运用:
What colour is/ are…
It’s/ They’re …
I can see…
What can you see
I can see a pear.
What colour is it
It’s yellow.
What can you see
I can see three rabbits.
What colour are they
What can you see
I can see apples.
What colour are they
They are red.
In the park
Let’s go to the park!
In spring/summer/ autumn/ winter, it’s warm/ hot/ cool/ cold.
I can see flowers/ trees/ leaves/ snowman.
They are pink/ green and brown/ yellow/ white.
I like spring/ summer/ autumn/ winter.
Pre-task preparation 1. Introduce Show some picture of different seasons 用一些不同季节的图片吸引学生的注意力,为引入本课的新授内容作铺垫。
2. Review Have the students ask and answer questions to review the colours they have learnt.
While-task procedure 1.Ask and answer 1.Show the picture2.Ask and answer: What can you see What colour is it 利用交互式白板的聚光灯模式设置悬念,代入主题。通过教师使用的图片中学习新单词,在掌握但此后让学生从生活中思考问题,将习得的单词带入日常生活内。使用ipad让学生进行创作并投影至屏幕让学生进行介绍。在涂色中学习单词,增加学生学习的兴趣。同时使用简单有趣的绕口令帮助区分同一单词的不同含义。使用神奇墨水等功能直观的演示两种颜色的混合色,加深学生对颜色的理解以及记忆。从之前神奇墨水的内容推导出接下来的学习内容,让学生一边复习之前的单词一边学习新单词。同时教授两种对比强烈的颜色类单词,加深学生的记忆。
2.Learn the word: pink 1.Show the picture and ask the questions:T: What can you see S: I can see flowers.T: What colour are they S They are pink.2.Ask and answer: What else is pink 3. Let’s draw
3. BrownPurple orange 1.Ask and answerT: What can you see in summer S: I can see trees.T: What colour are they S: They are green and brown.2.Tongue twister: An orange is orange
4. Play a game 1.Let’s guess:If we mix two colours together, what colours will it be, white 1.Review the word: pinkPink is composed of red and white.2.What things are white 3.Somethings are white.Also, somethings are black.
Post-task activities 1. Let’s talk2. Enjoy the pictures 1. Draw a new park.2.Ask students to introduce their own park 1. 学生创设一个公园并进行介绍,锻炼他们灵活的使用单词以及句型。2. 欣赏美丽的季节图片,让学感受到各个季节的美好以及颜色的变迁,从而热爱大自然。
In the park