Unit 3 My weekend plan Part C story time 课件+单元整体教学设计+素材(共24张PPT)


名称 Unit 3 My weekend plan Part C story time 课件+单元整体教学设计+素材(共24张PPT)
格式 zip
文件大小 153.0MB
资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(PEP)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-09-18 09:31:10


Unit3 My weekend plan
C Stroy time
Warm up:Let’s sing
A:What are/is ___ going to do
B:I’m going to______.
/He/She is going to_____.
A:When are/is_____going
2. 创编新对话。
visit my grandparents
go to the
take a trip
see a film
go for a
draw some
Free talk
Pre-reading:Talk about your plan for tomorrow
Zip is calling us. He has a question to ask us.
What are you going to do tomorrow
While-reading:Think and guess
Zip is calling Zoom to ask his plan for tomorrow.
What are you going to do tomorrow
GUESS: Maybe Zoom is going to _______.
While-reading:Watch and answer
What is Zoom going to do tomorrow
While-reading: Watch and answer
What are you going to do tomorrow
What is Zoom going to do tomorrow
I’m going to learn how to swim.
I’ll _____ you.
While-reading: Think and say
If you can’t swim, how to learn to swim.
Who can teach you
how to swim
swimming coach
Where can you learn
how to swim
swimming pool
We should always
Pay attention to safety.
While-reading: Look and answer
Where is Zoom now
At home.
What is Zoom doing
He’s watching TV.
While-reading:Watch and answer
How does Zoom learn to swim at home
While-reading:Watch and answer
How does Zoom learn to swim at home
He’s learning to swim by __________.
Watching TV
Please don’t _______ me.
I’m ________ to swim
Can Zoom learn to swim at home
How can you learn to swim without going to a pool
While-reading: Think and guess

Where are they going
To the swimming pool.
Can Zoom learn to swim this time
Come on. Let’s go to the ___________.
swimming pool
No. I’m _____ of water.
While-reading:Watch and answer
Can Zoom learn to swim this time
While-reading:Watch and answer
Can Zoom learn to swim this time
While-reading: Read and answer
How does Zip teach Zoom to swim
Jump in.
Catch this.
Learn by doing.
We should always remember:___________.
“Learn by doing”
Post-reading: Read and match
How does Zoom feel
No. I’m afraid of water.
It’s easy.
Post-reading: Enjoy the story
Post-reading: Listen and imitate
What are you going to do tomorrow
I’m going to learn how to swim.
I’ll teach you.
Post-reading: Listen and imitate
Please don’t disturb me.
I’m learning to swim.
How can you learn to swim without going to a pool.
Come on. Let’s go to the swim pool.
No, I’m afraid of water.
Post-reading: Listen and imitate
Just jump in. Catch this. Practice and you will learn.
Help! Help!
Just try.
This way...This way ...
OK, now can you do it
Post-reading: Listen and imitate
Oh,it’s easy.
We should always remember:
“Learn by doing.”
Post-reading: Let’s retell
I’m going to ________ tomorrow.
I can’t learn how to swim by _______ TV.
I should go to the ______________.
First, _________. Then _________________
and ___________. At last, I _____ swim.
We should always remember: “___________”.
swimming pool
jump in
catch the swimming ring
Learn by doing
Post-reading: Choose a title for the story
A Practice makes perfect!
B Never too late to learn!
C Learn by doing!
Choose a title for the story
PEP六上Unit3 My weekend plan!单元整体设计
第一部分 单元教学设计总思路
(一) 单元主题意义分析 项目 内容
主题意义 ◎交往 √ ◎感情 ◎态度
育人价值 培养学生合理安排自己学习与生活的能力
(二) 教材分析 本单元是人教版英语六年级上册的第三单元,单元的话题是“My weekend plan” 本单元通过不同的场景,提供了表达活动计划、地点和时间的句型结构。共三个版块A部分,B部分和C部分。A部分包括重点词组和情景对话,共两个课时。第一课时呈现了Sarah和陈杰讨论周末计划的场景,引出重点单词、词组和句型What are you going to do.…. I’m going to…第二课时呈现了Mike和 Sarah打电话互相讨论明天的活动计划的场景,巩固句型What are you going to do.…. I'm going to.….A部分重点掌握词组和谈论活动内容的句型What are/is….going to do.…. We’re/I’m going to.….He/She is going to…B部分包括重点词组、情景对话和读和写,共三个课时。第一课时通过John和Jack在电影院前讨论下一步计划的场景,很自然的引出了句型Where are you going I’m going…第二课时通过Amy和John回家聊的场景,呈现了句型Where are you going I’m going to…. When are you going 第三课时呈现了谈论节日 吴斌斌的日记和语音三个部分,拓展本单元的知识。B部分重点是掌握单词和谈论计划的时间与地点的句型 Where are/is…going We’re/I’m going to.…. He/She is going to.… When are/is going C部分包括B部分的听力测试、归纳一般将来时态和C部分的故事,共一课时。重点是复习巩固本单元所学重点词汇和句型。
本刚上 六年级的学生学英语已经三年了,六年已形成较好的英语学习习惯,绝大多数的学生掌累了一定的词汇、句型,以及了解一些常见的语法,具备了基本的英语听、说、读、写技能。大部分学生对英语有着浓厚的学习兴趣,也掌握了学习英语的方法,但仍有些学生在英语学习上由于基础薄弱和态度不好,造成英语学习困难重重。当然他们也喜欢引起别人的注意,重视老师的表扬,不怕犯错,很少有羞怯感。他们的记忆力好,形象思维好,但缺乏理性思维,逻辑思维不强。他们爱玩、爱唱、爱游戏、爱活动,这一切都是小学生身心发展的特点。当然六年级个别学生还存在顽劣和懒惰倾向,上课爱搞小动作,作业完成不及时的坏毛病,学习效率也较差。 逻辑
本单元通过不同的场景,提供了表达活动计划、地点和时间的句型结构。共三个版块A部分,B部分和C部分。A部分包括重点词组和情景对话,共两个课时。第一课时呈现了Sarah和陈杰讨论周末计划的场景,引出重点单词、词组和句型What are you going to do.…. I’m going to…第二课时呈现了Mike和 Sarah打电话互相讨论明天的活动计划的场景,巩固句型What are you going to do.…. I'm going to.….A部分重点掌握词组和谈论活动内容的句型What are/is….going to do.…. We’re/I’m going to.….He/She is going to…B部分包括重点词组、情景对话和读和写,共三个课时。第一课时通过John和Jack在电影院前讨论下一步计划的场景,很自然的引出了句型Where are you going I’m going…第二课时通过Amy和John回家聊的场景,呈现了句型Where are you going I’m going to…. When are you going 第三课时呈现了谈论节日 吴斌斌的日记和语音三个部分,拓展本单元的知识。B部分重点是掌握单词和谈论计划的时间与地点的句型 Where are/is…going We’re/I’m going to.…. He/She is going to.… When are/is going C部分包括B部分的听力测试、归纳一般将来时态和C部分的故事,共一课时。重点是复习巩固本单元所学重点词汇和句型。
( 一 )能力目标 (1))能够听、说、读、写词组:take a trip,go to the supermarket, visit my grandparents, see a film, tonight, this morning,this afternoon this evening,next week postcard dictionary comic book,word book (2)能够听、说、认读单词和词组:lesson,space,travel,half,price, Mid-Autumn Festival, together, get together, moon cake, poem, moon (3)能够听、说、读、写句型:-What are you going to do tomorrow I'm going to have an art lesson. -Where are you going -I'm going to the cinema. -When are you going -Next Wednesday. (4)能够掌握句式:-What+be动词+主语+going to+do+将来时间 -主语+be动词+going to+动词原形+其他。 -Where+be动词+主语+going -主语+be动词+going to+地点。 (二)知识目标 (1)能够正确使用take a trip,go to the supermarket,visit my grandparents, see a film, tonight, this morning, this afternoon, this evening, next week, postcard, dictionary,comic book, word book谈论或描述自己的活动计划。 (2)能够在情境中恰当运用句型谈论活动计划的内容、地点和时间: What are/is.….going to do.…. I’m going to.….,He/She is going to... Where are/is…going We’re/I’m going to.…,He/She is going to... (三)情感目标: (1)培养学生合理安排自己学习与生活的能力。 (2)树立需要在活动前做好合理计划的意识,鼓励自己“做中学”。
第二部分 分课时教学设计
【第 5课时】
教师 授课内容 Part B:Read and write
课时文本分析 [What]主题意义和主要内容 本课时是人教版六年级上册第三单元第六课时,与前几课时紧密相连。围绕“本单元的重点词汇和句型”展开。主要通过Let's check.和 Let's wrap it up.检测本单元的A,B部分的核心词汇和句型。Story time巩固本单元句型,增加学生语言的输入。本课时是对前几课时重点知识的回顾,本课时的重点是复习本单元的知识和完成听力练习。[How]文本结构和语言修辞 本课时的词汇的教学,要结合图示、联系上下文帮助学生理解。遵循以学生为主体,教师为主导的原则,采取小组合作的方式,全面调动学生的参与,引导学生自主学习,培养良好的阅读习惯和技巧。
教学重点 ((1)能够较好的完成Let’s check。 (2)复习本单元知识。 (3)能够理解故事,尝试表演故事
教学难点 能够根据例词提示在文段中找到更多双音节词或多音节单词,知道重音位置并能正确朗读出来。
教学环节 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图
Pre- task Greeting Free talk Greeting to the teacher
While-task Lead- in: What is Zoom going to do tomorrow May be... 本部分通过融合A,B部分的内容创设情景,让学生能在一个连贯的语境中理解和学习新词。
2;Look and guess S1: take a trip 通过观察图片,发现信息,引出新词的学习,让学生能更直观的感知。
3.Look and say How does Zoom feel 4.Watch and answer 通过找规律引出本节课的重点单词,学生对这种方式更感兴趣,同时也增加了学生的视觉、听觉的语言输入,为后面输出打下基础。
4.Read and answer 通过思考,加深对对话的理解
Post-task 1.Retell the story S1:What are you going to do tomorrow ... 训练学生的听力和图文匹配能力,提高学生对新词的理解能力,同时也是检验学生的学习方式。
Role-play S1:...
6.Homework 分层作业,自主拓展,有利于学生的语言表达和写作能力的发展。
Unit3:My weekend plan