人教版(2019) 必修 第一册 Unit 3 Sports and Fitness 重点单词变形,词组,短语,句型 导学案(原卷版+解析版)


名称 人教版(2019) 必修 第一册 Unit 3 Sports and Fitness 重点单词变形,词组,短语,句型 导学案(原卷版+解析版)
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版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-09-18 12:42:04


专题04 Unit 3 Sports and Fitness 重点单词变形,词组,短语,句型
B1 Unit 3 Sports and Fitness重点单词变形
1.fitness n. 健康;健壮;适合→fit adj. 适合的;健康的 vt.& vi. 适合→unfit adj. 不适合的;不健康的
vt.& vi. 不适合;不相宜
2.host vt. 主办;主持 n. 主人;东道主;节目主持人→hostess n. 女主人
3.sweat vt. 使出汗;出汗弄湿 vi. 出汗;流汗 n. 汗水;出汗→sweaty adj. 满是汗水的;汗水湿透的
4.legend n. 传奇故事(或人物);传说→legendary adj. 传说中的;非常有名的
5.athlete n. 运动员;运动健儿→athletic adj. 健壮的;运动的
6.honour n. 荣誉;尊敬;荣幸→honourable adj. 可敬的;体面的→honoured adj. 受尊敬的
7.glory n. 荣誉;光荣;赞美→glorious adj. 光荣的;辉煌的
8.championship n. 锦标赛;冠军赛;冠军称号→champion n. 冠军;优胜者
9.determination n. 决心;决定→determine v. 决心;决意→determined adj. 坚决的;下定决心的,有决心的
10.injure vt. 使受伤;损害→injured adj. 受伤的;有伤的→injury n. 伤害;损伤
11.strength n. 力量;体力→strengthen v. 增强→strong adj. 强壮的
12.failure n. 失败;失败的人(或事物)→fail v. 失败
13.compete vi. 竞争;对抗→competition n. 竞争;比赛→competitor n. 竞争者;对手→competitive adj. 竞争的
14.stress n. 压力;紧张;重音 vt. 强调;重读;使焦虑不安 vi. 焦虑不安 →stressful adj. 造成压力的→stressed adj. 感到压力的
B1 Unit 3 Sports and Fitness词组一
1.come along 跟随;到达;进步;赶快
2.work out 锻炼;计算出;解决
3.make it 获得成功,成功做到;准时到达
4.fall apart 破裂;破碎;崩溃
5.lose heart 丧失信心;泄气
6.give up 放弃;投降
7.make sense 有道理;合乎情理;表述清楚
8.pretend to do sth 假装做某事
9.make a difference 有作用,有影响
10.cut out 停止做(或使用、食用);剪下
11.compare ... with/to ... 与……比较
12.set an example 树立榜样
13.even if/though 即使;虽然
14.rather than 而不是
15.now and then 有时;偶尔
16.be up to sb 取决于某人;由某人负责
17.be positive about 对……积极
B1Unit 3 Sports and Fitness 词组二
1.a soccer stadium       球场
2.a boxing match 场拳击比赛
3.the badminton court 毛球场
4.a marathon race 拉松赛跑
5.ski equipment 雪装备
6.a running track 道
7.a school gym 校体育馆
8.the gymnastics competition 操比赛
9.ancient legend 代传说
10.do push-ups 俯卧撑
11.a morning jog 跑
12.an error in judgement 断错误
13.a sports event 育比赛项目
14.cold sweat 汗
15.a chess master 位国际象棋大师
16.a gold medal 牌
17.miles apart 距数英里
18.a football captain 球队队长
19.pretend to be sick 装生病
20.a population of two million 百万人口
21.cheat in an exam 考试中作弊
22.a live audience 名现场观众
23.a positive attitude 极的态度
24.a slim figure 条的身材
25.a balanced diet 衡的饮食
26.rather cold 相当冷
B1Unit 3 Sports and Fitness重点句型
教材原句 When Michael Jordan's feet left the ground, time seemed to stand still. 当迈克尔·乔丹双脚离地的那一瞬间,时间似乎都凝固了。
高考运用 ①The bird seemed to wait for me, its eyes locked on mine as if trying to convey some deep, unspoken gratitude.这只鸟似乎在等待我,它的眼睛紧紧地盯着我的眼睛,仿佛试图传达出某种深深的、无言的感激之情。 ②(外研版必修3佳句)One moment she seems to be laughing at me, but then again I catch a sense of sadness in her smile. 上一刻她仿佛还在取笑我,而下一刻我却能从她的微笑中捕捉到一丝悲伤。
2.even if/though引导让步状语从句
教材原句 A soccer player should not pretend to fall down even if it helps his/her team. 即使对自己的球队有帮助,一个足球运动员也不应该假装跌倒。
高考运用 ①Even if I will not pursue it as my life career, I will still continue learning and playing the piano as my hobby. 即使我不会把它作为我的职业生涯,我仍然会继续学习并把弹钢琴作为我的爱好。 ②(外研版必修1佳句)Whatever our hobbies, the Internet can connect us with others who also enjoy doing them,even if they live on the other side of the world. 不管我们的爱好是什么,我们都能在网上结识同好,哪怕他们住在世界的另一端。
B1Unit 3 Sports and Fitness 重点词汇、短语和句式
重点词汇1. come along跟随;出现;进步;赶快
[教材原句] Would you like to come along 你愿意一起去吗?
come across  (偶然)遇见;碰见;被理解;被弄懂
come up with 想出
when it comes to... 当提到……
①There is a lecture tonight and you’re welcome to come along.
②Your French has come along a lot recently after you improved your study methods.
③I’m waiting for the right opportunity comes along.
④Come along! We are already late.
⑤She came an old brochure under the bed one day.
⑥The freshman came with such an amazing idea.
【答案】1.一起来2.进步3.出现4.快点5.across 6.up
When the right opportunity comes along, take it.好机会出现时要抓住它。
重点词汇2. work out锻炼;计算出;解决;制定出;想出
[教材原句] Come and work out at a gym!来健身房锻炼吧!
①We must work out a good idea to have a cheap holiday.
②You have to work out a plan as quickly as possible.
③It’s so difficult that we can’t work out the math problem.
④The famous actor keeps fit by working out for an hour every morning.
While he is paying a visit to Disneyland,I am working out in the gym.他在逛迪斯尼乐园,而我在健身房锻炼。
重点词汇3. make it获得成功;准时到达;渡过难关;能够出席
[教材原句] You can make it! 你可以做到!
①I believe I have the talent to make it.
②The flight leaves in twenty minutes—we’ll never make it.
③He didn’t make it to another summer and died that winter.
④I’m sorry I didn’t make it to your lecture last Sunday.
⑤They set sail in the morning and made it a small town before dark.
As long as you have a dream, keep trying and you will make it.只要你有梦想,不断努力就一定能成功。
重点词汇4. master n.高手;主人 vt.精通;掌握
[教材原句] They must be athletes who are masters in their sports and also set good examples for others.他们必须是所在运动项目的大师,并且是他人学习的楷模。
①It is clear that this painting is the work of a master.
②I find it very hard to master a foreign language.
We do believe that we are the master of the future.我们的确相信未来掌握在我们自己的手中。
考点5. honour n.荣誉;尊敬;荣幸
[教材原句] As a player, Lang Ping brought honour and glory to her country.作为一名运动员,郎平为她的祖国赢得了荣誉。
(1)in honour of 为了纪念
It’s my great honour to do sth 我非常荣幸做某事
have the honour of doing/to do sth 有幸做某事
(2)feel honoured to do sth 做某事感到荣幸
①I feel great (honour) to stand here to share my secret to learning English.
②I have the honour (make) a speech to welcome the respected guests.
③We celebrate Teachers’ Day every year honour of teachers.
【答案】1.honoured 2.to make 3.in
Tom is the first student in our school to win such a special honour.汤姆是我们学校第一个获此殊荣的学生。
重点词汇6. determination n.决心;决定
[教材原句] When the Chinese team was preparing for the 2015 World Cup, her determination was tested.当中国队备战2015年世界杯时,她的决心受到了考验。
(1)with determination   有决心
(2)determine vt. 决定;确定;下决心
determined adj. 有决心的
①Lang Ping is a famous volleyball coach, a woman great determination.
②I am (determine) to make use of my spare time to do exercise.
【答案】1.with 2.determined
Only those who have enough courage and determination can overcome the difficulty they meet with.只有那些有足够勇气和决心的人才能克服他们所遇到的困难。
考点7. injure vt.使受伤;损害
[教材原句] One of the best players had been injured, and the team captain had to leave because of heart problems.最优秀的队员中有一人受伤了,而且队长也因心脏问题离队。
(1)injured adj.受伤的;有伤的
the injured 伤员;伤者
(2)injury n. 伤;伤口;伤害;损伤
do an injury to sb 伤害某人
①I hear that the (injure) have been transported to that big hospital.
②You’d better not walk along the narrow path,for you may do yourself injury.
The athlete was injured in the game,so he had to quit the game.那个运动员在比赛中受伤了,所以他只好放弃比赛。
重点词汇8. strength n.力量,体力; 强项,优势
[教材原句] Jordan’s skills were impressive, but the mental strength that he showed made him unique.乔丹的球技令人赞叹,然而他所展现的精神力量使他成为一名独一无二的球星。
build up one’s strength    增强体质
strengthen vt.& vi. 加强;增强
①As a teacher, you should know the (strength) and weaknesses of your students.
②We want (strength) our ties with them.
【答案】1.strengths2.to strengthen
I am fond of English, so English is my strength.我喜欢英语, 因此英语是我的优势学科。
重点词汇9. failure n.失败;失败的人(或事物)
[教材原句]I can accept failure; everyone fails at something.But I can’t accept not trying.
①As a matter of fact, he thought of himself as a failure.
②She was very sad for her continued failure to find a job.
(2)We are often ashamed of our shortcomings,our mistakes and our failures(fail).(2020·全国Ⅰ)
As for students like us, we should have a good attitude towards failure.对于像我们一样的学生,我们应该对失败有良好的态度。
重点词汇10. fall apart破裂;破碎;崩溃
[教材原句] The team that Lang Ping had built was falling apart.由郎平一手打造的团队处于崩溃的边缘。
take apart     拆开
tell...apart 把……区别开来
①After only one year,their friendship fell apart.
②The beautiful vase dropped on the ground and fell apart.
③She has a strong will and won’t fall apart in hard times.
④He took a computer yesterday but didn’t know how to put it together again.
I think this old chair is falling apart.我觉得这把旧椅子要散架了。
重点短语11. give up放弃;投降
[教材原句] Losing games taught him to practise harder and never give up.赛场上的失利教会他更加努力地训练和绝不放弃。
give in    屈服;投降;让步(后跟to sb);上交
give out 分配;分发;用光;筋疲力尽
give off 放出;发出(光、热、气味等)
give away 泄露;赠送
①No matter how they frighten us, we will never give .
②The couple gave most of their money to the poor in their small town.
③When I arrived,the volunteers were giving the foods to those in need.
【答案】1.in2.away 3.out
You will make it in the end if you do not give up.如果你不放弃,你最终就会成功。
核心词汇12. compete vi.竞争;对抗
[教材原句]An athlete should think about honour and his/her fans if he/she is competing for his/her country.如果一个运动员在为他/她的国家比赛,他/她应该考虑荣誉和他/她的粉丝。
(1)compete in...  参加……比赛;在……方面竞争
compete for... 为……而竞争
compete with/against...for... 为争取……而与……对抗/竞争
(2)competition n. 比赛;竞争
(3)competitive adj. 竞争的;有竞争力的
(4)competitor n. 竞争者;对手
①The two players competed with each other a gold medal.
②The young (compete) won a gold medal in the match.
【答案】1.for 2.competitor
I’m writing to invite you to compete in Chinese paper-cutting art exhibition.我写信邀请你参加中国的剪纸艺术展。
重点词汇13. pretend vi.& vt.假装;装扮
[教材原句] A soccer player should not pretend to fall down even if it helps his/her team.
(1)pretend that+从句 假装……
①The man pretended (be) a police officer to cheat others.
②Mary pretended (finish) her homework and went out to play with her classmates.
【答案】1.to be2. to have finished
If you pretend to know what you don’t know, you’ll only cheat yourself.如果你不懂装懂,那只会欺骗自己。
重点词汇14. diet n.规定饮食;日常饮食vi.节食
[教材原句] I worried about my weight and tried every new diet I read about online.我担心我的体重,也尝试了网上看到的每一种新的饮食方案。
go on a diet 节食,控制饮食(表动作)
be on a diet 在节食(表状态)
a balanced/healthy diet 均衡的/健康的饮食
①She is a diet, hoping to become slimmer.
②No sugar in my coffee, please; I’m (diet).
【答案】1.on 2.dieting
During festivals and celebrations, doctors remind people to keep a balanced diet.节日和庆典期间,医生提醒人们均衡饮食。
重点词汇15. stress n.压力;紧张;重音 vt.强调;重读;使焦虑不安 vi.焦虑不安
(1)under stress 在压力之下
place/put stress on 强调……
(2)stress the importance of... 强调……的重要性
(3)stressful adj. 产生压力的;紧张的
(4)stressed adj. 感到压力的
①Actually,a lot of teenagers in China are great stress.
②Obviously,the athlete felt (stress) before the game.
【答案】1.under 2.stressed
He stressed that we should pay more attention to our safety in particular.他强调我们尤其要多注意安全。
重点短语16.. make sense有道理;合乎情理;表述清楚
[教材原句] That doesn’t make any sense!那没有任何意义!
make no sense 没道理;没意义
make sense of 理解;明白
①This sentence ,__no matter how you read it.无论你怎样读这个句子,它都讲不通。
②Can you this new brochure 你能看懂这本新手册吗?
【答案】1.makes no sense2.make sense of
He doesn’t talk much, but what he says makes sense.他话不多,但言之有理。
重点短语17. make a difference有作用或影响
[教材原句] I had no idea a letter could make such a difference!我没有料到一字之差,区别竟如此之大!
make no difference (to sb/sth)   对(某人/物)没有作用或影响
make some difference (to sb/sth) 对(某人/物)有些作用或影响
It makes a difference to sb+wh-从句 ……对某人来说有作用或影响
①His words make no difference him, for he is quite stubborn.
② makes no difference to me whether you give up the plan.
【答案】1.to 2.It
[注意] difference前可以加上big,great等形容词,表示程度。
Luckily my teacher often tells me that every small thing can make a big difference.幸运的是,我的老师经常告诉我,小事情也能起到重要作用。
重点短语18. rather than而不是;与其……倒不如
[教材原句]Once I started thinking about fitness rather than weight, things began to change.
(1)rather than是一个并列连词,它连接的并列成分可以是名词、代词、形容词、介词(短语)、动名词、分句、不定式、动词等。
(2)rather than连接两个名词或代词作主语时,谓语动词应与其前面的名词或代词在人称和数上保持一致。
①I would rather play badminton than (swim) on Sundays.
②The director,rather than the clerks, (be) responsible for the incident.
I’d like to go there by train rather than by air.我宁愿坐火车而不是乘飞机去那儿。
重点短语19. cut...out停止做(或使用、食用);剪下;切去;删掉
[教材原句] Rather than cutting out the foods I enjoyed, I added healthy foods to my meals.我不再拒绝我喜欢的食物,而是在自己的三餐中添加健康食品。
cut off  切断;断绝;剪掉;砍掉;阻碍
cut up 切碎;使伤心
cut down 降低;减少;砍倒
cut in 插嘴;打断(谈话);插入;插队
①I like this article so much that I cut it out of the newspaper.
②He has decided to cut out smoking and drinking.
③His right arm was cut out because of the serious wound.
④We were cut in the middle of our telephone conversation because my cell phone was out of power.
If you cut out fat and sugar in your foods,you will be much slimmer.如果你的食物中没有脂肪和糖,你就会苗条许多。
[教材原句] Finally, I stopped comparing myself with actresses and models and looking for things that were wrong with my face or body.最后,我不再拿自己和女演员和模特相比,不再寻找自己的脸蛋或身体还有哪里不美。
compared with... 与……比较起来
compare...to... 把……比喻为……
compare notes with sb 与某人交换意见
①Sure, we have learned not to compare ourselves others.
②Michael’s new house is like a huge palace, (compare) with his old one.
【答案】1.with 2.compared
I’d like to compare notes with my parents on how to make friends.我想与父母就如何交友交换意见。
重点句式21.In the final seconds of a game, Jordan always seemed to find a way to win.在比赛的最后几秒钟,乔丹似乎总能找到制胜的方法。
[句型公式] Sb/Sth seems/seemed+不定式,表示“看来……;好像……”,该句型可转化为It seems/seemed that...。
(1)Sb/Sth seems/seemed+不定式
=It seems/seemed that... 看来……;好像……
(2)It seems+adj./n.+to do sth 看起来……
It seems as if/as though... 看起来好像……
There seems (to be)... 看起来有……
① they have known the truth.看来他们已经知道真相了。
②It seems difficult (learn) so many new words by heart in a short time.似乎很难在短时间内把这么多生词背下来。
③ our team is going to win.看来好像我们队要赢了。
④There seems (be) hope that business will get better.看起来生意很有希望会好转的。
【答案】1.It seems that2.to learn3.It seems as if4.to be
重点句式22.A soccer player should not pretend to fall down even if it helps his/her team.足球运动员不应该假装摔倒,即使这对他/她的球队有帮助。
[句型公式] even if引导让步状语从句。
even though意为“即使;尽管”,相当于even if,用于引导让步状语从句。
①I won’t take part in his party he invites me.
②He is willing to help us .
【答案】1. even if/though 2.even if/though he is very busy专题04 Unit 3 Sports and Fitness重点单词变形,词组,短语,句型
B1 Unit 3 Sports and Fitness重点单词变形
1.fitness n. 健康;健壮;适合→fit adj. 适合的;健康的 vt.& vi. 适合→unfit adj. 不适合的;不健康的
vt.& vi. 不适合;不相宜
2.host vt. 主办;主持 n. 主人;东道主;节目主持人→hostess n. 女主人
3.sweat vt. 使出汗;出汗弄湿 vi. 出汗;流汗 n. 汗水;出汗→sweaty adj. 满是汗水的;汗水湿透的
4.legend n. 传奇故事(或人物);传说→legendary adj. 传说中的;非常有名的
5.athlete n. 运动员;运动健儿→athletic adj. 健壮的;运动的
6.honour n. 荣誉;尊敬;荣幸→honourable adj. 可敬的;体面的→honoured adj. 受尊敬的
7.glory n. 荣誉;光荣;赞美→glorious adj. 光荣的;辉煌的
8.championship n. 锦标赛;冠军赛;冠军称号→champion n. 冠军;优胜者
9.determination n. 决心;决定→determine v. 决心;决意→determined adj. 坚决的;下定决心的,有决心的
10.injure vt. 使受伤;损害→injured adj. 受伤的;有伤的→injury n. 伤害;损伤
11.strength n. 力量;体力→strengthen v. 增强→strong adj. 强壮的
12.failure n. 失败;失败的人(或事物)→fail v. 失败
13.compete vi. 竞争;对抗→competition n. 竞争;比赛→competitor n. 竞争者;对手→competitive adj. 竞争的
14.stress n. 压力;紧张;重音 vt. 强调;重读;使焦虑不安 vi. 焦虑不安 →stressful adj. 造成压力的→stressed adj. 感到压力的
B1 Unit 3 Sports and Fitness词组一
1.come along 跟随;到达;进步;赶快
2.work out 锻炼;计算出;解决
3.make it 获得成功,成功做到;准时到达
4.fall apart 破裂;破碎;崩溃
5.lose heart 丧失信心;泄气
6.give up 放弃;投降
7.make sense 有道理;合乎情理;表述清楚
8.pretend to do sth 假装做某事
9.make a difference 有作用,有影响
10.cut out 停止做(或使用、食用);剪下
11.compare ... with/to ... 与……比较
12.set an example 树立榜样
13.even if/though 即使;虽然
14.rather than 而不是
15.now and then 有时;偶尔
16.be up to sb 取决于某人;由某人负责
17.be positive about 对……积极
Unit 3 Sports and Fitness 词组二
1.a soccer stadium       球场
2.a boxing match 场拳击比赛
3.the badminton court 毛球场
4.a marathon race 拉松赛跑
5.ski equipment 雪装备
6.a running track 道
7.a school gym 校体育馆
8.the gymnastics competition 操比赛
9.ancient legend 代传说
10.do push-ups 俯卧撑
11.a morning jog 跑
12.an error in judgement 断错误
13.a sports event 育比赛项目
14.cold sweat 汗
15.a chess master 位国际象棋大师
16.a gold medal 牌
17.miles apart 距数英里
18.a football captain 球队队长
19.pretend to be sick 装生病
20.a population of two million 百万人口
21.cheat in an exam 考试中作弊
22.a live audience 名现场观众
23.a positive attitude 极的态度
24.a slim figure 条的身材
25.a balanced diet 衡的饮食
26.rather cold 相当冷
Unit 3 Sports and Fitness重点句型
教材原句 When Michael Jordan's feet left the ground, time seemed to stand still. 当迈克尔·乔丹双脚离地的那一瞬间,时间似乎都凝固了。
高考运用 ①The bird seemed to wait for me, its eyes locked on mine as if trying to convey some deep, unspoken gratitude.这只鸟似乎在等待我,它的眼睛紧紧地盯着我的眼睛,仿佛试图传达出某种深深的、无言的感激之情。 ②(外研版必修3佳句)One moment she seems to be laughing at me, but then again I catch a sense of sadness in her smile. 上一刻她仿佛还在取笑我,而下一刻我却能从她的微笑中捕捉到一丝悲伤。
2.even if/though引导让步状语从句
教材原句 A soccer player should not pretend to fall down even if it helps his/her team. 即使对自己的球队有帮助,一个足球运动员也不应该假装跌倒。
高考运用 ①Even if I will not pursue it as my life career, I will still continue learning and playing the piano as my hobby. 即使我不会把它作为我的职业生涯,我仍然会继续学习并把弹钢琴作为我的爱好。 ②(外研版必修1佳句)Whatever our hobbies, the Internet can connect us with others who also enjoy doing them,even if they live on the other side of the world. 不管我们的爱好是什么,我们都能在网上结识同好,哪怕他们住在世界的另一端。
B1Unit 3 Sports and Fitness 重点词汇、短语和句式
重点词汇1. come along跟随;出现;进步;赶快
[教材原句] Would you like to come along 你愿意一起去吗?
come across  (偶然)遇见;碰见;被理解;被弄懂
come up with 想出
when it comes to... 当提到……
①There is a lecture tonight and you’re welcome to come along.
②Your French has come along a lot recently after you improved your study methods.
③I’m waiting for the right opportunity comes along.
④Come along! We are already late.
⑤She came an old brochure under the bed one day.
⑥The freshman came with such an amazing idea.
When the right opportunity comes along, take it.好机会出现时要抓住它。
重点词汇2. work out锻炼;计算出;解决;制定出;想出
[教材原句] Come and work out at a gym!来健身房锻炼吧!
①We must work out a good idea to have a cheap holiday.
②You have to work out a plan as quickly as possible.
③It’s so difficult that we can’t work out the math problem.
④The famous actor keeps fit by working out for an hour every morning.
While he is paying a visit to Disneyland,I am working out in the gym.他在逛迪斯尼乐园,而我在健身房锻炼。
重点词汇3. make it获得成功;准时到达;渡过难关;能够出席
[教材原句] You can make it! 你可以做到!
①I believe I have the talent to make it.
②The flight leaves in twenty minutes—we’ll never make it.
③He didn’t make it to another summer and died that winter.
④I’m sorry I didn’t make it to your lecture last Sunday.
⑤They set sail in the morning and made it a small town before dark.
As long as you have a dream, keep trying and you will make it.只要你有梦想,不断努力就一定能成功。
重点词汇4. master n.高手;主人 vt.精通;掌握
[教材原句] They must be athletes who are masters in their sports and also set good examples for others.他们必须是所在运动项目的大师,并且是他人学习的楷模。
①It is clear that this painting is the work of a master.
②I find it very hard to master a foreign language.
We do believe that we are the master of the future.我们的确相信未来掌握在我们自己的手中。
考点5. honour n.荣誉;尊敬;荣幸
[教材原句] As a player, Lang Ping brought honour and glory to her country.作为一名运动员,郎平为她的祖国赢得了荣誉。
(1)in honour of 为了纪念
It’s my great honour to do sth 我非常荣幸做某事
have the honour of doing/to do sth 有幸做某事
(2)feel honoured to do sth 做某事感到荣幸
①I feel great (honour) to stand here to share my secret to learning English.
②I have the honour (make) a speech to welcome the respected guests.
③We celebrate Teachers’ Day every year honour of teachers.
Tom is the first student in our school to win such a special honour.汤姆是我们学校第一个获此殊荣的学生。
重点词汇6. determination n.决心;决定
[教材原句] When the Chinese team was preparing for the 2015 World Cup, her determination was tested.当中国队备战2015年世界杯时,她的决心受到了考验。
(1)with determination   有决心
(2)determine vt. 决定;确定;下决心
determined adj. 有决心的
①Lang Ping is a famous volleyball coach, a woman great determination.
②I am (determine) to make use of my spare time to do exercise.
Only those who have enough courage and determination can overcome the difficulty they meet with.只有那些有足够勇气和决心的人才能克服他们所遇到的困难。
考点7. injure vt.使受伤;损害
[教材原句] One of the best players had been injured, and the team captain had to leave because of heart problems.最优秀的队员中有一人受伤了,而且队长也因心脏问题离队。
(1)injured adj.受伤的;有伤的
the injured 伤员;伤者
(2)injury n. 伤;伤口;伤害;损伤
do an injury to sb 伤害某人
①I hear that the (injure) have been transported to that big hospital.
②You’d better not walk along the narrow path,for you may do yourself injury.
The athlete was injured in the game,so he had to quit the game.那个运动员在比赛中受伤了,所以他只好放弃比赛。
重点词汇8. strength n.力量,体力; 强项,优势
[教材原句] Jordan’s skills were impressive, but the mental strength that he showed made him unique.乔丹的球技令人赞叹,然而他所展现的精神力量使他成为一名独一无二的球星。
build up one’s strength    增强体质
strengthen vt.& vi. 加强;增强
①As a teacher, you should know the (strength) and weaknesses of your students.
②We want (strength) our ties with them.
I am fond of English, so English is my strength.我喜欢英语, 因此英语是我的优势学科。
重点词汇9. failure n.失败;失败的人(或事物)
[教材原句]I can accept failure; everyone fails at something.But I can’t accept not trying.
①As a matter of fact, he thought of himself as a failure.
②She was very sad for her continued failure to find a job.
(2)We are often ashamed of our shortcomings,our mistakes and our failures(fail).(2020·全国Ⅰ)
As for students like us, we should have a good attitude towards failure.对于像我们一样的学生,我们应该对失败有良好的态度。
重点词汇10. fall apart破裂;破碎;崩溃
[教材原句] The team that Lang Ping had built was falling apart.由郎平一手打造的团队处于崩溃的边缘。
take apart     拆开
tell...apart 把……区别开来
①After only one year,their friendship fell apart.
②The beautiful vase dropped on the ground and fell apart.
③She has a strong will and won’t fall apart in hard times.
④He took a computer yesterday but didn’t know how to put it together again.
I think this old chair is falling apart.我觉得这把旧椅子要散架了。
重点短语11. give up放弃;投降
[教材原句] Losing games taught him to practise harder and never give up.赛场上的失利教会他更加努力地训练和绝不放弃。
give in    屈服;投降;让步(后跟to sb);上交
give out 分配;分发;用光;筋疲力尽
give off 放出;发出(光、热、气味等)
give away 泄露;赠送
①No matter how they frighten us, we will never give .
②The couple gave most of their money to the poor in their small town.
③When I arrived,the volunteers were giving the foods to those in need.
You will make it in the end if you do not give up.如果你不放弃,你最终就会成功。
核心词汇12. compete vi.竞争;对抗
[教材原句]An athlete should think about honour and his/her fans if he/she is competing for his/her country.如果一个运动员在为他/她的国家比赛,他/她应该考虑荣誉和他/她的粉丝。
(1)compete in...  参加……比赛;在……方面竞争
compete for... 为……而竞争
compete with/against...for... 为争取……而与……对抗/竞争
(2)competition n. 比赛;竞争
(3)competitive adj. 竞争的;有竞争力的
(4)competitor n. 竞争者;对手
①The two players competed with each other a gold medal.
②The young (compete) won a gold medal in the match.
I’m writing to invite you to compete in Chinese paper-cutting art exhibition.我写信邀请你参加中国的剪纸艺术展。
重点词汇13. pretend vi.& vt.假装;装扮
[教材原句] A soccer player should not pretend to fall down even if it helps his/her team.
(1)pretend that+从句 假装……
①The man pretended (be) a police officer to cheat others.
②Mary pretended (finish) her homework and went out to play with her classmates.
If you pretend to know what you don’t know, you’ll only cheat yourself.如果你不懂装懂,那只会欺骗自己。
重点词汇14. diet n.规定饮食;日常饮食vi.节食
[教材原句] I worried about my weight and tried every new diet I read about online.我担心我的体重,也尝试了网上看到的每一种新的饮食方案。
go on a diet 节食,控制饮食(表动作)
be on a diet 在节食(表状态)
a balanced/healthy diet 均衡的/健康的饮食
①She is a diet, hoping to become slimmer.
②No sugar in my coffee, please; I’m (diet).
During festivals and celebrations, doctors remind people to keep a balanced diet.节日和庆典期间,医生提醒人们均衡饮食。
重点词汇15. stress n.压力;紧张;重音 vt.强调;重读;使焦虑不安 vi.焦虑不安
(1)under stress 在压力之下
place/put stress on 强调……
(2)stress the importance of... 强调……的重要性
(3)stressful adj. 产生压力的;紧张的
(4)stressed adj. 感到压力的
①Actually,a lot of teenagers in China are great stress.
②Obviously,the athlete felt (stress) before the game.
He stressed that we should pay more attention to our safety in particular.他强调我们尤其要多注意安全。
重点短语16.. make sense有道理;合乎情理;表述清楚
[教材原句] That doesn’t make any sense!那没有任何意义!
make no sense 没道理;没意义
make sense of 理解;明白
①This sentence ,__no matter how you read it.无论你怎样读这个句子,它都讲不通。
②Can you this new brochure 你能看懂这本新手册吗?
He doesn’t talk much, but what he says makes sense.他话不多,但言之有理。
重点短语17. make a difference有作用或影响
[教材原句] I had no idea a letter could make such a difference!我没有料到一字之差,区别竟如此之大!
make no difference (to sb/sth)   对(某人/物)没有作用或影响
make some difference (to sb/sth) 对(某人/物)有些作用或影响
It makes a difference to sb+wh-从句 ……对某人来说有作用或影响
①His words make no difference him, for he is quite stubborn.
② makes no difference to me whether you give up the plan.
[注意] difference前可以加上big,great等形容词,表示程度。
Luckily my teacher often tells me that every small thing can make a big difference.幸运的是,我的老师经常告诉我,小事情也能起到重要作用。
重点短语18. rather than而不是;与其……倒不如
[教材原句]Once I started thinking about fitness rather than weight, things began to change.
(1)rather than是一个并列连词,它连接的并列成分可以是名词、代词、形容词、介词(短语)、动名词、分句、不定式、动词等。
(2)rather than连接两个名词或代词作主语时,谓语动词应与其前面的名词或代词在人称和数上保持一致。
①I would rather play badminton than (swim) on Sundays.
②The director,rather than the clerks, (be) responsible for the incident.
I’d like to go there by train rather than by air.我宁愿坐火车而不是乘飞机去那儿。
重点短语19. cut...out停止做(或使用、食用);剪下;切去;删掉
[教材原句] Rather than cutting out the foods I enjoyed, I added healthy foods to my meals.我不再拒绝我喜欢的食物,而是在自己的三餐中添加健康食品。
cut off  切断;断绝;剪掉;砍掉;阻碍
cut up 切碎;使伤心
cut down 降低;减少;砍倒
cut in 插嘴;打断(谈话);插入;插队
①I like this article so much that I cut it out of the newspaper.
②He has decided to cut out smoking and drinking.
③His right arm was cut out because of the serious wound.
④We were cut in the middle of our telephone conversation because my cell phone was out of power.
If you cut out fat and sugar in your foods,you will be much slimmer.如果你的食物中没有脂肪和糖,你就会苗条许多。
[教材原句] Finally, I stopped comparing myself with actresses and models and looking for things that were wrong with my face or body.最后,我不再拿自己和女演员和模特相比,不再寻找自己的脸蛋或身体还有哪里不美。
compared with... 与……比较起来
compare...to... 把……比喻为……
compare notes with sb 与某人交换意见
①Sure, we have learned not to compare ourselves others.
②Michael’s new house is like a huge palace, (compare) with his old one.
I’d like to compare notes with my parents on how to make friends.我想与父母就如何交友交换意见。
重点句式21.In the final seconds of a game, Jordan always seemed to find a way to win.在比赛的最后几秒钟,乔丹似乎总能找到制胜的方法。
[句型公式] Sb/Sth seems/seemed+不定式,表示“看来……;好像……”,该句型可转化为It seems/seemed that...。
(1)Sb/Sth seems/seemed+不定式
=It seems/seemed that... 看来……;好像……
(2)It seems+adj./n.+to do sth 看起来……
It seems as if/as though... 看起来好像……
There seems (to be)... 看起来有……
① they have known the truth.看来他们已经知道真相了。
②It seems difficult (learn) so many new words by heart in a short time.似乎很难在短时间内把这么多生词背下来。
③ our team is going to win.看来好像我们队要赢了。
④There seems (be) hope that business will get better.看起来生意很有希望会好转的。
重点句式22.A soccer player should not pretend to fall down even if it helps his/her team.足球运动员不应该假装摔倒,即使这对他/她的球队有帮助。
[句型公式] even if引导让步状语从句。
even though意为“即使;尽管”,相当于even if,用于引导让步状语从句。
①I won’t take part in his party he invites me.
②He is willing to help us .