

名称 四川省绵阳市南山中学2024-2025学年高二上学期9月月考英语试题(PDF版,含答案,含听力原文及音频)
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文件大小 19.1MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-09-18 17:19:26


2024 年秋季高二 9 月月考英语参考答案
1-10 BBCCA 6-10 CABBC 11-15 AACAB 16-20 ABBCC
21-23 BCD 24-27 ACCB 28-31 DCDA 32-35 DCAB 36-40 GFDAE
41-45 BCAAD 46-50 CBDAB 51-55DCBCD
56.sixth; 57.beating; 58.proud; 59.fought; 60.that/which; 61.especially; 62.gave;
63.to; 64.celebration; 65.a
Our English puppet show, "Havoc in Heaven" , will be put on in the second Academic
Hall at 7 pm this Saturday. "Havoc in Heaven" is a classic Chinese tale that tells the story of
the Monkey King and his exciting adventures. We will bring it to life through the art of
Everyone is welcome to be a part of this special event. After the show, please share your
thoughts and suggestions, as your feedback is valuable to us.
Mark your calendars and get ready for an unforgettable puppet show experience. We
can't wait to see you there!
English Club
六. 写作·第二节
Instantly, the cougar removed its claws and wheeled toward Larrane. "Stay behind me!"
Larrane screamed at kids as she faced the beast. Acting before she could think, she grabbed
the animal’s forelegs and pulled them off her. Summoning(使出) all her strength, push the
animal’s paws inward to protect herself from being cut. She thought, "If the cat gets away
from me, he’ll kill the children."She pushed the cat directly at the dog, shouting, "Pal, do
something!" The cougar fell backward but rolled instantly to its feet and ran past Pal through
the brush farther along the sandbank.
Watching the cat move away, Larrane ordered, "Let’s go as fast as we can!" Pal gave chase,
barking madly. They climbed up the hill, Lisa still crying, Mikey remaining silent. In five
minutes, they were all inside the front door of the school. Suddenly Larrane was aware of
her own pain. Her hands shook as she telephoned the hospital.At the hospital, Mikey
needed 40 stitches. Larrane had met the greatest challenge of her life head-on and won. .
Her friends and neighbors applauded her strength.And as a result, Larrane knew that she
could accomplish anything.In 1992,she was awarded the Star of Courage for her bravery.
Text 1
W: I wanted to eat chicken and soup for lunch. But I changed my mind now. It’s too hot to
eat soup or a large plate of meat.
M: You’re right. How about a mixed vegetable salad
W: Sure. (1) I’ll make one now.
Text 2
M: Do you run or lift weights first I want to burn more fat and gain muscle.
W: It depends on the time of day for me. I always run first in the morning.
M: Great. I’ll join you first. Then I’ll do arm workouts. (2)
Text 3
W: It’s a shame we’re so busy now. Do you remember the days when we met every day
M: Yes! Now, we have to work five days per week. But I’m still glad that we can see each
other once every Sunday.
W: True! (3)
Text 4
M: Your dance is so special. Where did you learn it
W: This is the traditional dance style across many countries in South America. Parents
always teach their children to dance.My parents taught me when I was young. (4) And
I’ve taught my children and friends!
Text 5
M:What are your plans now With those exam grades, you could do anything!
W:①I haven’t quite decided. My parents are focused on me earning money, but I’ve always
thought of doing something meaningful to the world. (5) I think I’d like to be a
①本句中 haven’t quite之间存在“失去爆破”现象:haven’t最后一个音为爆破音/t/,quite 第一个音为爆破音/k/,两者遇到
一起,前面的爆破音做出发音的准备,但并不发音;另外,本句中 quite decided 之间存在“失去爆破”现象:quite 最后
一个音为爆破音/t/,decided 第一个音为爆破音/d/,两者遇到一起,前面的爆破音做出发音的准备,但并不发音。
teacher or a doctor.
Text 6
W: Organizing your phone more carefully can really improve concentration.
M: You mean deleting unnecessary apps, turning off pop-ups(弹窗)…that type of thing
W: Yes. But also, avoid placing social media apps on your phone’s home screen. ②Hide
them away, (6) so you can’t open them without thinking. In fact, I only use social
media on my laptop. (7)
M: That’s a good idea. I often find myself on Weibo when I’m at work. Maybe I’ll just use it
on my home computer in the future.
②本句中 hide them 之间存在“不完全爆破”现象:hide 最后一个音为爆破音/d/,them 第一个音为摩擦音/ /,两者遇到一
Text 7
M: We mostly took math or science classes during our first and second high school years.
But now that we’ve got enough credits, maybe we can sign up for new courses. (8)
W: Right! We need more variety in our final high school year. (8) Is there any course you
M: I’m thinking of signing up for art classes. I’m interested in painting and design. (8)
W: Cool. I’ll take a Chinese class. I want to explore a different culture. (8)
M: We have ten minutes before lunch starts. Let’s go to the school secretary’s office and sign
up for these classes. (9)
W: Let’s go! (9)
Text 8
M:Will you finish today’s work by 5:00 p.m. (10)
W:Yes, sure. Why
M: I invited some people we work with to my house to catch a football match, (10) (11)
and my wife will prepare some traditional British foods and desserts. Would you like to
come (11)
W: It sounds cool, but I’m not really into sports.
M: No worries. It’s not really about the game. I just want to share British culture. (12) I
used to love watching football matches at university. And I’d also love to share typical
British activities like singing songs with fans and chatting with friendly people.
W: Cool. That does sound fun.
M: It’s going to be great, trust me. See you there later
W: Sure!
Text 9
M: Can you believe our African volunteer trip is over (14) (15) It feels like we just
arrived here yesterday. Now, we’re going to board and fly home. (13) But these have
been the best two weeks of my life.
W: I agree. I wish we could have spent another month in these villages. But I’ll keep the
memories in Congo for the rest of my life.
M: Helping the kids learn English and playing with them — what an experience! (14)
W: But the best part for me was our life lessons. Seeing their positive attitude towards
challenges was an inspiration to me. (15)
M: Yes. Also, the friendships we made here. I’ll treasure this forever.
W: Me too. During this trip, spending time with our school’s students and teachers was
perfect. (16) By the way, there are many other ways we could organize trips. I’ve heard
of other groups gathering community members or sports groups for volunteer trips.
M: True! We can plan our projects, like building schools or providing food for the homeless.
It’ll be our way of making a difference.
Text 10
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Museum of Bad Art! (17) Yes, you heard it
right — bad art. You might be wondering why we would celebrate something that seems
so strange. (17) But we believe that bad art brings out a different kind of beauty. I’m sure it
will surprise you. At first, the co-founder, ③an art dealer named Scott Wilson, found a
painting next to a garbage can and saved it. (18) Then he put it on a special exhibition
with some other unfavorable paintings. Unexpectedly, it became a huge hit. So, this museum
is a reminder that creativity knows no limits, (19) and that even the least liked pieces can
move us deeply. As you journey through our collection, you will see pieces that challenge
your traditional opinions of what art should be. Paintings featuring odd figures, strange
colors, and unique subjects will catch your eye. (19) The other co-founder of the
museum, Marie Jackson, said it was built to celebrate an artist’s right to fail. (20) At the
Museum of Bad Art, beautiful mistakes become unforgettable masterpieces(杰作).
③本句中 art dealer 之间存在“失去爆破”现象:art 最后一个音为爆破音/t/,dealer 第一个音为爆破音/d/,两者遇到一起,
42024年 9 月
绵阳南山中学 2024 年秋季高二 9 月月考
时间:120 分钟 分值:150 分
命题人:王强 审题人:官德、张馨月
第 I卷(选择题)
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分)
做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有 2分钟的时间将试卷上
第一节(共 5小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5分)
听下面 5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选
出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有 10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。
例:How much is the shirt
A. 19.15. B. 9.18. C. 9.15.
答案是 C。
1.What do the speakers prefer eating now
A. Chicken. B. Salad. C. Soup.
2.What’s the main idea of this conversation
A. The time of exercise.
B. The order of exercise.
C. The effects of exercise.
3. How often do the speakers meet now
A. Every day. B. Five times per week. C. Once per week.
4. How did the woman learn the traditional dance
A. From her children. B. From her friends. C. From her parents.
5.What do we know about the woman
A. She values the meaning of her future work.
B. She wants to make more money.
C. She has decided to be a doctor.
第二节 (共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)
听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、
C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小
题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
听第 6 段材料,回答第 6、7 题。
6.What does the woman suggest doing
A. Leaving phones at home.
第 1 页,共 10 页
2024年 9 月
B. Removing all social media apps.
C. Making certain apps harder to find.
7. How does the woman usually use social media
A. On her personal laptop. B. On her work computer. C. On her phone.
听第 7 段材料,回答第 8、9 题。
8.Why do the speakers want to take new courses
A. To get more credits.
B. To satisfy their interests.
C. To explore different cultures.
9.What will the speakers do next
A. Prepare lunch. B. Go to an office. C. Learn more about the courses.
听第 8 段材料,回答第 10 至 12 题。
10. What is the relationship between the speakers
A. Husband and wife. B. Coach and player. C. Co-workers.
11. What is the man doing
A. Making an invitation.
B. Arranging a singing contest.
C. Introducing a sports activity.
12. What is the man’s main purpose
A. To share British culture.
B. To recall memories of university.
C. To try different foods and desserts.
听第 9 段材料,回答第 13 至 16 题。
13. Where does the conversation take place
A. At a village. B. At a school. C. At an airport.
14. What did the speakers mainly do during the trip
A. They taught classes. B. They built schools. C. They helped the homeless.
15. What did the woman like most about the trip
A. Playing with kids. B. Learning to be positive. C. Making new friends.
16. Who did the speakers go with on this trip
A. Schoolmates and teachers. B. Community members. C. Sports teammates.
听第 10 段材料,回答第 17 至 20 题。
17. What may be people’s first impressions of the museum
A. It’s amazing. B. It’s unusual. C. It’s famous.
18. Where did Scott get the painting at first
A. At a special exhibition. B. Next to a trash can. C. From an art dealer.
19. What can be most expected to see at the museum
A. Traditional art pieces.
B. Well-known masterpieces.
C. Paintings with particular subjects.
20. What was the purpose of establishing the museum
A. To move people with good art.
B. To show what art should be.
第 2 页,共 10 页
2024年 9 月
C. To celebrate artists’ failure.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分 50 分)
第一节(共 15小题;每小题 2.5分,满分 37.5 分)
阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答
Maasai Tribe Visit
The Maasai tribe(部落)experience is recommended for everyone visiting Arusha, a
Tanzanian city. During this time, you will have a full day' s experience as a tribal Maasai.
This is a deep cultural experience that anyone and any group can enjoy.
During the day you will be separated into two different groups, a group for men and a
group for women.
Some of the activities that boys will take part in are:
preparing beds
dancing in different places around the community
looking after goats(山羊)
finding natural medicines in the forest
meeting with different families
drinking medicines that are known to make you stronger
Some of the activities that women will take part in are:
meeting and discussing family and tribal matters with each other
going to get water
collecting firewood
milking cattle (牛)
preparing and cooking food
singing songs with other women
building houses
making bracelets from beads(用珠子做手镯)
If you choose to sleep overnight, you will sleep in a traditional Maasai boma, a small
house, or you can sleep out by the fire and enjoy stories told by the villagers.
Here are the details of the Maasai Tribe Visit:
Full-day experience:
Price: $140 per person
Includes 2 meals
Full-day and overnight experience:
Price: $200 per person
Includes 3 meals
21. What do we know about the Maasai Tribe Visit
A. It is for young people. B. It is a cultural tour.
C. It lasts at least for several days. D. It takes place just on weekends.
第 3 页,共 10 页
2024年 9 月
22. Which activity can a boy choose to do during the trip
A. Carry water. B. Build a house.
C. Dance in different places. D. Collect wood for a fire.
23. What may a visitor who stays overnight enjoy
A. Visits to more places. B. One more cheap dinner.
C. A free bracelet from beads. D. A good sleep by the fire.
Last week, the Los Angeles Unified School District became the largest in US to
approve(批准) a districtwide cellphone ban. For teachers, this is great news. For many kids,
it’s less welcome. Parents, meanwhile, are conflicted, caught between wanting their children
to learn without distraction(分心 ) and worried about the loss of the constant and easy
communication to which they’ve grown used.
Smartphones undoubtedly hold back students’ attention to solving for x or close reading
a Shakespearean poem.A 2023 study by Common Sense Media revealed that teens check
their phones more than 100 times a day on average. On top of the hundreds of notifications
lighting up screens and interrupting class lectures, teens now spend 4.8 hours on social media
each day. The relationship between screen exposure(使用屏幕 ) and mental well-being
remains unclear, but some studies suggest there is cause for concern.
Yet many parents remain careful of banning phones during the school day. They are
afraid that doing so would cut communication between them and their children — not only
when they want to organize pickups or drop-offs but also in the event of an emergency.
Schools have managed to function without smartphones for centuries. For concerned
parents, equipping their children with traditional cellphones, these days dubbed
“dumbphones,” might be the best option; schools might consider whether selective(选择性
的 ) phone bans that permit such devices could work. Or parents could get even more
old-fashioned and simply call their school’s office when necessary.
The next question for schools is how to ban cellphones. A popular option is requiring the
use of magnetic(有磁性的 ) bags that lock in the morning and unlock when the final bell
rings, or in the event of an emergency.
When smartphone bans are done right, they can make a big difference. At Bethlehem
Central High School near Albany, N.Y., for example, academic progress has improved since
applying a ban last fall. Students are less distracted and more tuned into learning. Parents
have even said they’re surprised at the success of the newly phone-free school.
24. What does the underlined word “conflicted” in paragraph 1 mean
A.Not knowing what to do. B.Very happy with sth.
C.Not good at some things. D.Worried about sth.
25. What does paragraph 2 mainly talk about
A. How to learn Shakespeare’s plays and poems in school.
B. Screen exposure does make people mentally unhealthy.
C. Heavy usage of smartphones seriously affect students.
D. Students in USA love phones more than ones in China.
26. What schools can do for concerned parents
A.Ban the parents’ own smartphones.
B.Selectively ban some students’ phones.
第 4 页,共 10 页
2024年 9 月
C.Allow students carry dumbphones.
D.Encourage them to shout outside window.
27.Why is Bethlehem Central High School mentioned in the last paragraph
A.Students there are allowed to use smartpones.
B.To show smartphone bans are beneficial.
C.Parents there are less distracted and surprised.
D.Just to praise the school’s achievements.
Profits at Netflix have increased as the world's largest streaming(在线播放 ) service
added millions of subscribers(订户).
The entertainment giant added 9.3 million new viewers in the latest quarter( 季
度)—more than expected by analysts on Wall Street—leaving it with a record 269.6 million
"We're off to a good start in 2024,"the company said. Its shares(股票 ) dropped 2%
yesterday, however, after rising by almost a third since January.
Profits at Netflix rose 15% to $9.4bn ( 7.7bn) in the three months to 31
income(净收入) jumped 79% to $2.3bn over the same period.
Netflix pioneered the streaming revolution. Hollywood's established giants, from Disney
to Warner Bros, are still struggling to catch up and turn a profit on their own competitor
digital services.
A growth in subscribers early in the pandemic paused in 2022 as limits were lifted. But
shares in Netflix have increased over the past two years as it shored up growth by forbidding
password-sharing and introducing a cheaper level of its service, with advertisements.
Netflix has also broadened to live events, including coverage of World Wrestling
Entertainment, and videogaming.
In a letter to investors on Wednesday night, the company announced it would stop
reporting how many members it has from next year.
As it has regained momentum(发展势头) following its post-pandemic growth struggles,
Netflix has been trying to direct Wall Street's focus away from its subscriber growth numbers,
arguing that other financial things including sales were more important.
Forecasting sales growth of up to 15% this year, the company said to achieve "healthy"
long-term growth it will need to "improve the variety and quality" of movies, shows and
games on its platform; make it easier for users to find new series; and build its ad-funded
level into a "more meaningful contributor" to its business.
28. What do we know about Netflix
A. Its net income jumped 15% to $2.3bn.
B. It has 9.3 million subscribers in the world.
C. Its profits rose by $9.4bn in the first quarter.
D. It is the biggest streaming service worldwide.
29. Why did the company say “We’re off to a good start in 2024”
A. It pioneered the great streaming change in the first 3 months.
B. Its growth in subscribers paused after the limits were lifted.
C. It gained more subscribers and more profits in the first quarter.
D. Its shares dropped 2% yesterday after falling by almost a third.
第 5 页,共 10 页
2024年 9 月
30. Why does the company plan to stop reporting how many subscribers it has
A. It has reported wrong numbers in the past years.
B. It is addicted to videogaming and hurting its users.
C. It lost so many users in the first 3 months worldwide.
D. It wants to highlight its more important financial parts.
31. What will Netflix do according to the last paragraph
A. It will improve the variety and quality of their products.
B. It wants to make it easier to find more new profits.
C. It has to make sales grow up to 15% during this quarter.
D. It intends to achieve unhealthy long term growth.
Good news for lazy gardeners: one labour-saving change could almost double the
number of butterflies in your garden, according to a new scientific study—let the grass grow
Now an analysis of six years of butterfly sightings across 600 British gardens has
provided evidence that wilder lawns increase numbers.The benefits of leaving areas of grass
long were most obvious in gardens within intensively(密集) farmed landscapes, with up to
93% more butterflies found and a greater range of species. Gardens with long grass in urban
areas showed an 18% increase.
"We wanted to be able to give tried and tested gardening advice that will benefit
butterflies, as we know lots of people want to help," said Dr Richard Fox, the head of science
at Butterfly Conservation and a co-author of the study, published in the journal Science of
the Total Environment.
"This study proves, for the first time, that allowing a patch of grass to grow long will
attract more butterflies into your garden," he said.
According to the study, long grass in gardens attracts more butterfly species whose
caterpillars feed on grasses. Fox said this suggested the lift in population was not simply
because long grass provided more nectar(花蜜 ) from wildflowers within it, but because
butterflies were seeking or actually breeding(繁殖) in rewilded lawns.
Fox said: "What people are doing with long grass in gardens is creating potential or
actual breeding habitat.In order to make an impact on the bio-diversity crisis we need to be
creating places where butterflies and other wildlife can breed .
If you have a patch of long grass you may have grasshoppers, beetles and ant hills as
well—there will be all these spin-offs(派生物)."He added。
32. What do we know about the study
A. The researchers viewed 600 Americans gardens.
B. Only more butterflies were found in the gardens.
C. Dr. Richard Fox alone completed the research.
D. It proves wilder lawns attracts more butterflies.
33. Why do more butterfly species go to wilder fields
A. They can eat caterpillars on the long grass.
B. Wildflowers create a beautiful environment.
C. Butterflies will easily breed babies there.
D. Wild grass can itself provide sweet nectar.
第 6 页,共 10 页
2024年 9 月
34. Which is the most suitable title for the passage
A. Long grass brings more butterflies.
B. Lazy gardeners have a good harvest.
C. More sighting of butterflies in cities.
D. A good labour-saving change in factory.
35.What do Fox’s words mean in the last two paragraphs
A. If you are lazy, your vegetables will be eaten by insects.
B. The effortless change helps solve the bio-diversity crisis.
C. We should protect just butterflies instead of other wildlife.
D. Ants and grasshoppers are less important than butterflies.
第二节(共 5小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5分)
All apps collect data as you use them. Following these four steps will help ensure you're
not oversharing.
For starters, download apps only from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store, not
from random(随机的) websites. 36
Before you accept an app's terms and conditions, look at what information it's planning
to collect. 37 For example, why would a gaming app need access to your text messages
Also, most apps don't need to know your location, but for those that do, you can choose to
enable location services only when using the particular app, another smart privacy safeguard.
Sign up using an e-mail address you've set up just for things like app permissions and
e-mail news-letters. 38 This way, if there is a security breach(漏洞 ), your exposure is
controlled to things connected to an unimportant address.
39 It means a long one (at least ten characters) with a mixture of letters, numbers, and
special characters-and, sorry, a unique password for each app. According to security experts,
a good trick is to create a memorable"passphrase" by creating a series of random words, and
then substitute(以...替换) numbers or special characters (i.e., @ for a) for some of the letters.
40 Go ahead and write them down— just store your cheat sheet(备忘纸条) in a secure
location (not your wallet or phone case!).Or enlist a password manager such as 1Password or
A.Use a secure password.
B.The websites are secure.
C.These letters are very useful.
D.Don’t use your main e-mail address.
E.How will you ever remember them all
F.Think twice if it's asking for too many permissions.
G.These apps meet the major companies quality standards.
第 7 页,共 10 页
2024年 9 月
第三部分语言运用(共三节,满分 30 分)
第一节(共 15小题;谈小题 1分,满分 15 分)
阅读下面短文,从每小题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最
Wait a Minute, Mr. Postman
I wanted to repaint a graffiti(涂鸦)-tagged U.S. Postal Service mailbox. It 41 in front
of an apartment building my family has 42 since 1965 in Lakewood, Ohio. I wanted to
make it 43 again. That simple. This would be like an 44 project, but it wouldn't make
people 45 and anxious.
I had hoped the Postal Service would do the job, but I had no such 46 . A clerk(职员)
at the neighborhood branch told me in 2021 that it would take "months, not weeks" to clean
the box.
When 2022 came around and the graffiti was 47 on the mailbox, I wrote the
mayor(市长). She wrote back:"We know your 48 and feelings; however, we cannot 49
graffiti from mailboxes because they are property( 财 产 ) of the United States Postal
Service.We will reach out to USPS again to convey the need to 50 this problem without
Last year I was really 51 with this situation and 52 a can of deep-blue spray
paint((喷漆). I worked at midday but 53 nobody was walking by while I painted.
My 54 of blue was slightly off—I should have used navy(海军蓝)—but it was close
enough. I didn't 55 an art prize, yet here we are in 2024 with a clean blue box.
41. A.faces B.sits C.sells D.looks
42. A.sold B.burned C.owned D.seen
43. A.blue B.red C.yellow D.green
44. A.art B.music C.literature D.dance
45. A.happy B.satisfied C.hopeful D.nervous
46. A.job B.company C.luck D.service
47. A.never B.still C.forever D.already
48. A.offer B.progress C.love D.trouble
49. A.remove B.pay C.get D.draw
50. A.learn B.fix C.stop D.study
51. A.surprised B.creative C.calm D.annoyed
52. A.made B.robbed C.bought D.sent
53. A.signed up B.made sure C.head off D.turn on
54. A.idea B.duty C.shade D.choice
55. A.start B.hold C.borrow D.win
II 卷(非选择题)
第二节(共 10小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15分)
阅读短文内容,在空白处填入 1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
China's women's ace Zheng Qinwen has etched(铭刻) her name in tennis history after
winning the country's first singles Olympic gold medal in Paris on Saturday.
China's world No. 7 Zheng was the 56 (six) seed in the Olympic tournament(比赛).
第 8 页,共 10 页
2024年 9 月
She lived up to her favorite condition in the final against Croatia's 13th seed Donna Vekic at
the Roland Garros Stadium, 57 (beat) her opponent(对手) 6-2, 6-3.
"I did everything I could. I think my country will be 58 (pride) of me.I feel the
energy of all the support knowing that I play for my country.The success is for all my team
members, my families and whoever supported me, not just for me."I just 59 (fight)
every single match, there were two matches 60 I almost lost on my way to the final,
61 (especial) 0-4 down in the second set against Iga (Swiatek) in the semis. I just never
62 (give) up and tried to find every single solution," Zheng said of her tough path 63
And for the 64 (celebrate) The 21-year-old native of Hubei province just wants to
join her family and enjoy some home cuisine.
" For sure to eat some Chinese food, after having eaten chicken and rice every day here,
nothing much of flavor," she said with 65 grin(露齿的笑).
第四部分写作 (共两节,满分 40 分)
第一节 (满分 15分)
注意:1.写作词数应为 80 左右;
参考词汇:木偶剧 puppet show;《大闹天宫》“Havoc in Heaven”
English Club
第二节(满分 25 分)
On July 3, 1991, the five children in Larrane Leech’s day care(托儿所 ) group were
outdoors early, painting bright landscapes under the sun. By 10 a.m., it was time to find
shade, so Larrane, at 44, decided they would walk down to the river."We’re going to pick
berries now,"she announced. Larrane’s school stood on a wooded slope not far up from the
After clearing away the painting supplies and handing each child an empty jar on that
第 9 页,共 10 页
2024年 9 月
July morning, Larrane called for Pal, her one-year-old German shepherd mix(德国牧羊犬).
Stopping the children at the first berry(浆果) bush, Larrane pointed to the clusters(簇) of
sweet, navy blue fruit. "Look, the berries are all over,"she said. She helped Lisa find some
clusters on the lowest branches. Mikey watched and then bit into a berry. "Mmm, good," he
said, and got busy plucking more.
Near them a young cougar(美洲狮) cocked(竖起) an ear toward the birdlike talk and
sniffed(嗅) the air. Cougars rarely attack people or show themselves, but as towns expanded
into mountainous countryside, there had been more and more sightings.
Larrane and the children moved slowly from bush to bush. Pal stopped frequently in the
shade, panting. Within 20 minutes, the children had filled their jars and were almost at the
river. Here, the ground fell steeply to a cool, shady strip of sand about 15 feet wide.
Now the cougar could see the funny little creatures that had been making all the noise.
These were perfect prey(猎物): small and unaware.
Larrane sensed the children suddenly go quiet. She looked up to see the back end of a cat
the size of Pal standing over Mikey. The cat’s head was down.The sight of the cougar near
her kids momentarily froze Larrane. Now Natani was giggling(咯咯地笑) nervously. "Stop
licking Mikey’s face," she said playfully, as though talking to a house cat.Her mind racing
wildly, Larrane sprang toward the cougar. Blindly intending to grab its tail, she shifted aim at
the last minute and seized the cat by the scruff(颈背) of the neck.
Instantly, the cougar removed its claws and wheeled toward Larrane.
Watching the cat move away, Larrane ordered, "Let’s go as fast as we can!"
第 10 页,共 10 页