江西省宜春市2024-2025学年高二上学期开学考试 英语 (PDF版,含答案,无听力原文及音频)


名称 江西省宜春市2024-2025学年高二上学期开学考试 英语 (PDF版,含答案,无听力原文及音频)
格式 pdf
文件大小 319.5KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-09-18 18:29:30



2026 届高二上学期诊断考试英语试卷 A. He finds them meaningful.
B. He shows no interest in them.
命题:郭玉婷 审题:张伟
第一部分 听力(共两节,每小题 1.5分, 满分 30 C. He once collected many paintings.分)
5 14. When did the woman fall in love with painting 第一节 听下面 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,
10 A. After attending an art class.并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每
B. After listening to a presentation.
1. What are the speakers mainly talking about C. After visiting an exhibition.
A. Amovie director. B. A popular movie. C. A piece of music. 15. What does Kevin plan to do this Saturday
2. What did the man do this morning A. Offer a training course. B. See an art show. C. Have a meeting.
A. He had a check-up. B. He did some sports. C. He did some shopping. 16. What is the probable relationship between the speakers
3. Why is the woman here A. Classmates. B. Colleagues. C. Strangers.
A. To see a doctor. B. To pick up her grandpa. C. To get some medicine. 听第 10段材料,回答第 17至 20题。
4. What does the man say about the woman 17. Who is the speaker probably talking to
A. Kind. B. Helpful. C. Positive. A. Theatre workers. B. Students. C. School leaders.
5. Who is probably Jane 18. What will the speaker prepare for the sixth-grade classes
A. The man's mother. B. The woman's daughter. A. Costumes. B. Scripts. C. Makeup.
C. The man's granddaughter. 19. How long will it take for all the plays to be ready
15 1.5 22.5 A. Three months. B. Seven months. C. Nine months.第二节(共 小题;每小题 分,满分 分)
5 A B C 20. What is the speaker mainly talking about 听下面 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 、 、 三个选项中选出
5 A. Drama schedule. B. Children's books. C. Short plays.最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 秒钟;
5 第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 50分)听完后,各小题将给出 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
第一节(共 15小题;每小题 2.5分,满分 37.5分)
听下面一段对话,回答第 6和第 7两个小题。
6. Where does the conversation take place 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
A. In a restaurant. B. In a hotel. C. In a clothes shop. A
7. When will the woman get her blouse Discover exciting optional courses at our school and join us to explore your interests and
A. This Thursday. B. This Friday. C. This Saturday. develop new skills!
听第 7段材料,回答第 8、9 Podcasting 101题。
8. What does the woman think of the parents Dive into the active world of podcasting (播客 ) and improve your speaking and technical
A. Impolite. B. Unkind. C. Irresponsible. skills. This course offers hands-on training in making interesting videos on topics of your choice.
9. What will the speakers do next A perfect stage to express yourself and learn the ropes of digital storytelling.
A. Eat in the restaurant. B. Go to another restaurant. C. Chat with the boy. ·Schedule: Fridays, 4:30 PM—5:15 PM
8 , 10 12 ·Requirements: Please bring a USB stick听第 段材料 回答第 至 题。
10. Where did the woman get the information Easy Carpentry
A. On a website. Release your creativity and manual skills with our Easy Carpentry (木工) workshop. Learn
B. From her former co-workers. the basics of carpentry, including the safe use of tools, as you create functional and decorative
C. On the Oxford job board. items like tables, birdhouses and musical boxes.·Schedule: Mondays, 3:30 PM—4:30 PM
11. Why does the company conduct the interview ·Requirements: Safety glasses required
A. To carry out more projects. Show Choir
B. To support the present team. Explore the art of singing performance and dance routines in our Show Choir program. Take
C. To develop computer engineering. part in singing and dancing to a variety of lively songs. Work together with other members to
12. What can be known about the woman stage an impressive end-of-term performance. This program is a fantastic opportunity to make
A. She has some work experience. new friends.
B. She is accepted by the company. ·Schedule: Thursdays, 1:00 PM—1:45 PM
C. She got a doctor's degree in Oxford. ·Requirements: No items necessary
听第 9段材料,回答第 13至 16题。 Yoga and You
13. What does Kevin say about the paintings Start a journey of self-discovery and relaxation with our Yoga and You class. Practice
standing and balancing like trees and mountains to become more flexible and feel happier. Yoga C
promotes better sleep and a healthier figure. Have you ever seen the Moon rising over your town or city It can appear very large when it
·Schedule: Wednesdays, 4:00 PM—5:00 PM is low on the horizon. Our moon goes through phases(月相) and it looks a little different every
·Requirements: Please bring a towel and a yoga mat day. When the whole moon is lit up, it is called a full moon. When the Moon is entirely dark, it’s
21. What skill will students develop in Podcasting 101 a new moon. When there is only a thin edge of the circle shining, it’s a crescent moon.
A. Performing first aid. B. Giving speeches on stage. When a crescent moon is rising, we can occasionally see a unique event. When the Sun, the
C. Creating short films. D. Debating on heated topics. Earth, and the Moon are lined up just right, some of the sunlight that hits the Earth can be
22. When can a student learn to make a hand-made decoration reflected onto the Moon. This causes most part of the Moon to give off a faint glow(光辉), while
A. Fridays, 4:30 PM—5:15 PM. B. Mondays, 3:30 PM—4:30 PM. the rest of the Moon is brightly lit by the sunlight.
C. Thursdays, 1:00 PM—1:45 PM. D. Wednesdays, 4:00 PM—5:00 PM. This phenomenon is named the Da Vinci glow. It was Leonardo da Vinci, a great artist,
23. Which course suits those who enjoy both physical activity and teamwork inventor and scientist, who explained it for the first time. Sometimes, it is also called
A. Podcasting 101. B. Easy Carpentry. C. Show Choir. D. Yoga and You. “earthshine.”
B When Da Vinci wrote about earthshine, he suggested that it might be caused by sunlight
Tom was pleased to get a role in the school play. It wasn’t a major role and he had only four reflected from the Earth’s oceans. He was almost completely correct, except for one detail: most
or five lines. However, he worked hard at perfecting the lines, repeating them in front of a mirror of the reflected sunlight comes from the clouds in our atmosphere. The reflected light from the
over and over again, as his drama teacher had suggested. He had great fun rehearsing (排练) with Earth is bright enough to light up the side of the Moon that isn’t receiving direct sunlight.
the older students. Then finally the big night came. The Da Vinci glow is not easy to see. Conditions need to be just right. Due to the angles of
Suddenly, things felt different. The theater was full of audience. He looked around at those light, the Moon has to be very low on the horizon. The best time to see it will be in the days
experienced actors and saw the confidence they’d shown at rehearsal seemed to have disappeared. before and after the new moon. During these days, the lit-up edge of the crescent moon is at its
Everyone was on edge. When Tom got on stage, he couldn’t help hurrying into the words he had thinnest stage. If you observe the Moon before sunrise or after sunset, it may be possible to
repeated so many times before. He tried to slow down but, thinking about doing that, he suddenly witness the reflected light from the Earth. For the best experience, choose a location outdoors
realized he had missed a sentence. With no time to think it over, he carried on. When he stepped where there is not too much artificial light. You can use a telescope, but it’s not necessary since
off the stage, his hands felt sweaty and his heart was racing. He didn’t think about what he had the Moon will look just as impressive when viewed with the bare eye.
achieved. Instead, he was beating himself up for the mistake that he had made. 28. Which of the following is the Da Vinci glow
The audience, of course, didn’t know he had missed a sentence. In fact, no one noticed it
except his drama teacher. “Well done,” she said. “Acting is like learning to ride a bike. You may
fall off a few times, yet each time you get back on, you do it better. Your performance may not
have been perfect but, for your first time, it was great.”
The drama teacher’s words put Tom’s mind at ease. He caught the look of his face in a mirror,
which was smiling back at him. Without knowing it, he raised two hands with his thumbs (拇 29. What is the main cause of the Da Vinci glow
指)up. A. Sunlight received by the Moon’s surface.
24.What do we know about Tom before the big night B. Sunlight reflected from the Earth’s clouds.
A He was sad about his limited lines. C. Sunlight reflected from the Earth’s oceans.. D. Sunlight received by the Moon’s lit-up edge.
B.He expected a major role in the play. 30. Why is the Da Vinci glow an unusual phenomenon
C.He worked hard to prepare for the play. A. It requires specific light conditions. B. It lasts too short to be observed.
D.He was confident of the play’s success. C. It occurs at the crescent moon stage. D. It needs bright light from the Sun.
25.How did Tom feel when he finished the performance 31. Which of the following matters most to an ideal observation of the phenomenon A. A suitable place. B. Good eyesight.
A.Regretful. B.Relieved. C.Hopeful. D.Confused. C. A special instrument. D. Bright moonlight.
26.Why did Tom raise his hands with thumbs up in the end D
A.He got his teacher’s forgiveness. A “spark bird” is the species that inspires someone to start birdwatching, namely birding. For
B.He made peace with his imperfection. Trish Kane, that bird was the cardinal (红衣凤头鸟). Hearing cardinals’ calls was an initial step
C He decided to correct his mistakes. toward over 1,960 hours of birding, 33 field notebooks and a career change. In her book, Birding. to Change the World, Kane charts her transformation from a journalist to an environmentalist.
D.He admired his own face in the mirror. In 2005, a terrible hurricane hit Kane’s hometown. After it, she had to cope with the loss of
27.What message does the author seem to convey in the text her home. In watching the cardinals and other birds, she found relief. Soon she started bringing
A.Well begun, half done. B.Hope for the best, prepare for the worst. her students along. “My students stared at me in disbelief when I told them I had never cared
C Practice makes perfect. D Let your fault make you better, not bitter. about birds before,” Kane writes. “I suddenly wondered how many creatures would die because. . of the way we lived.” She decided to pursue an environmentally-conscious career. In 2007, she
took a course to study environmental science. While being a listening ear is sometimes all someone needs to feel better, you can also
Most of the book focuses on Kane’s efforts to preserve Warner Park, an ideal location become an ongoing source of support. Check in with the person experiencing a mental health
satisfying birding requirements for her class. She successfully campaigned to stop the problem like depression so that they know you are always there for them. Make contact with
construction of a parking lot. Her activism snowballed into a local bird watching and protecting them regularly to see how they are feeling. Just knowing someone cares can make a world of
organization. It eventually became part of Kane’s doctoral research, and launched a birding class difference.
that pairs middle school students with college-student advisors. Call emergency services
The book shows readers that a good knowledge of nature doesn’t require a degree. Take Your support, guidance, and listening ear can be of great value to anyone going through a
Jeremy, a seemingly uninterested boy in Kane’s birding class. When reporters joined an outing, tough time. 40 . If someone you know is experiencing self- abuse thoughts or tendencies,
the normally quiet Jeremy started talking excitedly about the bunting, a small blue bird. Kane don't delay in seeking emergency help. The faster you act, the safer your friend or family member
soon learned that he had secretly taken to studying the field guide given to him by his advisor. may be.
At its core, Birding to Change the World is about how people and birds today depend on one A. Check in with them
another. “For birds, that dependence is concrete. For thousands of years, our species has seen B. Suggest support services
birds as a symbol of liberation,” Kane writes. In her case, it is liberation from the grief and C. However, it's essential to know your limits
depression that the hurricane brought. “Bird by bird, they carve a new pathway in my life, a D. Such a course may just help you to prevent someone's depression
joyful pathway.” E. They may not need you to offer solutions or even give them a hug
32. What made Kane pursue an environmentalist career F. Sometimes, the best thing you can do is encourage them to seek professional help
A. Her guilt about the serious harm to birds. G. You don't have to be in a professional health role to attend depression prevention training
B. The desire to guide students to go birding. 第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
C. The comfort from birding after the disaster. 第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
D. Her students’ disbelief in her ignorance of birds. 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
33. What can we learn about Kane from paragraph 3 As a growing family, we gathered lots of stuff, especially toys. After our first boy was born,
A. She worked hard on her latest book. friends and family __41__ him with gifts, flooding our once __42__ rooms with many colorful
B. She protected Warner Park on her own. playthings.
C. Her birding class consisted of advisors. __43__ my son’s seemingly countless possessions robbed me of the mood to enjoy life. My
D. Her activism led to positive chain effects. spare time melting away, my __44__ began to mount up.
34. What does Jeremy’s experience suggest Then one day, the weight of the mess became too much to bear. I __45__! It was time to
A. Interest in nature differs between kids and adults. make a __46__. I grabbed trash bags and rushed into my son’s bedroom, __47__ the scattered (散
B. Children learn more from nature than from books. 落的) toys on the floor quickly. Then I took those bags of toys immediately to the basement(地下
C. Children are born curious about outdoor activities. 室 ). Of course, there was the initial crying over losing his toys, but gradually he managed to
D. Potential in kids can be released with proper guide. __48__ it.
35. Which is the best title for the text Days went by. Then weeks. ___49__, the absence of disorder seemed to promote a deeper
A. A Joyful Experience of Birding sense of appreciation for the toys that __50__. With fewer toys, my son had to rely on his
B. The Transformative Power of Birding imagination, like __51__ a paper box into a spaceship and going on a fantasy adventure in it. It’s
C. A Life Journey of an Environmentalist been months, and those packed toys are still in the basement.
D. The Self-appreciation of a Book Writer With each passing day, the __52__ of our minimalist lifestyle(极简生活)became more
第二节 (共 5小题;每小题 2.5分,满分 12.5分) obvious. Freed from the burden of cleaning up the house, we __53__ a world where less really
阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项 became more. Minimalism allows me to see more __54__ in life, and my boy is becoming more
Knowledge is power, and the more you learn about mental health, the better the position you __55__ when playing with a reduced number of toys.
may be in to help those facing mental health battles. Consider doing the following things to 41. A. helped B. filled C. showered D. equipped
support those closest to you. 42. A. empty B. modern C. bright D. quiet
Attend a training course 43. A. Selling B. Sorting C. Counting D. Delivering
36 . In fact, anyone can benefit from depression awareness training that focuses on 44. A. laziness B. anxiety C. regret D. guilt
supporting those at risk. You might be a teacher that manages youth or a sports coach wanting to 45. A. retired B. escaped C. cheered D. exploded
pick up on depression risk signs in your players. You may even be a worried parent who wants to 46. A. donation B. record C. promise D. change
make sure your children can tell you anything. Depression awareness and prevention courses 47. A. playing with B. putting aside C. picking up D. throwing away
teach you both theoretical and practical skills to recognize warning signs and behaviors. 37 . 48. A. accept B. believe C. share D. remember
Listen 49. A. Originally B. Hopefully C. Unexpectedly D. Unfortunately
If someone approaches you in their time of need, it's not always easy to know what you' re 50. A. waited B. remained C. increased D. appeared
supposed to do, and it may be more beneficial for you to just listen. 38 . They may just need 51. A. placing B. turning. C. dividing D. mixing
to get what they are feeling off their chest and to feel valid at that moment. Try your best not to 52. A. benefits B. symbols C. impressions D. patterns
interrupt, but ask questions if you require clarification. The more listening you do, the better your 53. A. missed B. disconnected C. imagined D. unlocked
position in deciding what to do next. 54. A. problems B. predictions C. preparations D. possibilities
39 55. A. generous B. courageous C. creative D. supportive
第二节 (共10小题, 每小题1.5分, 满分15分) 第二节(满分 25 分)
阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词) 或括号内单词的正确形式,并将答案填写在答 阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。
题卡上。 Maggie was an average teenager who often felt invisible among her peers (同龄人). She felt
The recent opening of a new exhibition building at the Sanxingdui Museum, in Guanghan, like she was an outsider. School, in particular, was a source of anxiety for her.
in Sichuan province, made the place 56 instant tourist hot spot. The bronze heads, golden When she was depressed, she would hide in her small garden. But the plants there never
masks, holy trees and various statues reveal the 57 ( mystery) faces of a culture dating back seemed to thrive (繁茂). It was always a disappointment, and she felt discouraged. “I am just a
more than 3,000 years. loser,” she thought to herself.
For those who cannot make it to Sanxingdui Museum, an immersive exhibition equipped One day, while visiting a gardening website, Maggie discovered an exciting smart device
with digital technology, 58 ( title) Hello Sanxingdui, 59 ( offer) an alternative means to called “GreenThumb.” It claimed to help even the most inexperienced gardeners grow amazing
show the magnificence of this Bronze Age culture. plants. Interested, she decided to give it a try.
It provides a time-travel experience for both an educational and artistic appeal. The journey As soon as Maggie received the GreenThumb device and unboxed it, she carefully followed
begins 60 a brief timeline of texts, photos and videos, showing how Sanxingdui was first the set up steps, and within minutes, GreenThumb was activated and began to scan (扫描) the
discovered in the 1920s, 61 objects were found by farmers accidentally; and it highlights garden. Imagine having a cool device that tells you exactly what the plants need — like a
the archaeologists’ great efforts to reveal the myths surrounding Sanxingdui and the secrets personal plant caretaker! It reminds you to water, gives you tips on when to feed your plants, and
yet 62 ( uncover). even warns you about diseases. GreenThumb was just like a friend who always cared and helped.
On show 63 ( be) life-size reproductions(仿制品) of dozens of astonishing artifacts, During a lunch break at school, some classmates began discussing the latest events that had
such as 2.6-meter bronze statues, 3.8-meter-wide bronze masks and“ the holy tree” standing happened. Maggie wanted to share GreenThumb with others, too. But her voice was soon
nearly 4 meters. drowned out by louder voices. The conversation soon shifted to music, with each person talking
Images of these objects found at Sanxingdui and their 64 ( pattern) have been about their favorite song or artist. Maybe they didn’t hear her. Or they were just uninterested. She
digitalized, animated and projected on screens, leading the audience into the ancient kingdom of sank into silence, feeling unseen and unheard again. “I’ll show you what I can do with
Shu, a 65 ( civilize) that thrived for centuries in the southwest during the Zhou Dynasty, and GreenThumb,” she said to herself with determination.
disappeared suddenly, leaving many myths and legends. Every day after school, Maggie couldn’t wait to take care of her garden. She spent countless
hours in her garden tending to each plant. At first, she strictly followed GreenThumb’s
40 instructions. As time went by, she found her own talent in gardening and added some creative第四部分 写作(共两节,满分 分)
15 ideas to make her garden unique.第一节 (满分 分)
66. Peter “ ” 注意:1. 词数 150左右;2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。假定你是李华,你校交换生 即将参加城市举办的 穿越温古线 徒步活动,发来活动信
To Maggie’s joy, her garden became beautiful and lively in a few months. _____________________
1. 2. 3. _________________________________________________________________________________________接受或拒绝邀请; 提出建议; 表达期待。
Wengu Line Hike _________________________________________________________________________________________
Start Sifang Well “I saw the pictures online! How did you make your garden so amazing ” a classmate asked one
End Nanre village
Time 8 AM—12 AM, Saturday, October 13
Distance About 7 kilometres _________________________________________________________________________________________
注意:1.词数 80 左右;2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3.文中不能出现真实姓名与学校。 _________________________________________________________________________________________
Dear Peter,
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua
江西省宜春市 2024-2025 学年高二上学期开学英语试题答案
第一部分 听力
1. B
2. A
3. A
4. A
5. C
6. C
7. B
8. C
9. B
10. A
11. B
12. A
13. B
14. C
15. A
16. B
17. A
18. A
19. A
20. A
第二部分 阅读理解
21. C
22. B
23. C
24. C
25. A
26. B
27. D
28. B
29. A
30. A
31. A
32. C
33. D
34. D
35. B
第二部分 阅读理解
36. G
37. D
38. E
39. A
40. C
第三部分 语言运用
41. C
42. D
43. B
44. B
45. D
46. B
47. D
48. A
49. C
50. B
51. B
52. A
53. D
54. D
55. C
56. an
57. mysterious
58. titled
59. offers
60. with
61. when
62. to be uncovered
63. are
64. patterns
65. civilization
第四部分 写作
Dear Peter,
I'm glad to receive your invitation to the Wengu Line Hike. I'd love to join you. Here are some
suggestions for the activity. First, make sure to wear comfortable shoes and clothes. Second,
bring enough water and some snacks. Also, it's a good idea to bring a camera to capture the
beautiful scenery along the way.
I'm looking forward to the hike and having a great time with you.
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua
To Maggie's joy, her garden became beautiful and lively in a few months. The flowers bloomed
brightly, and the plants grew lush and green. Maggie felt a sense of pride and accomplishment.
She took pictures of her garden and shared them online, hoping to inspire others.
“I saw the pictures online! How did you make your garden so amazing ” a classmate asked one
morning. Maggie smiled and explained how she used the GreenThumb device and her own
efforts to transform the garden. The classmates were impressed and showed more interest in
her. Maggie felt finally seen and appreciated. From then on, she became more confident and
active in school, making more friends and enjoying her school life.