

名称 江苏省南京市2015.12.21高三教研活动课件:基于思维发展的阅读训练课-南外李俊讲座(4份打包)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 通用版
科目 英语
更新时间 2016-01-30 22:54:22


南京外国语学校 李俊?
英语课程的学习,既是学生通过英语学习和实践活动,逐步掌握英语知识和技能,提高语言实际运用能力的过程;又是他们磨砺意志、陶冶情操、拓展视野、丰富生活经历、开发思维能力、发展个性和提高人文素养的过程。高中英语课程应强调在进一步发展学生综合语言运用能力的基础上, 着重提高学生用英语获取信息、处理信息、分析问题和解决问题的能力,特别注重提高学生用英语进行思维和表达的能力。
思维能力:运用已有概念进行观察、想象、分析、归纳、综合、推理、探究、创造和评价的能力。 (韩宝成, 2014)通过英语学习得到进一步发展的十种思维能力
基于思维发展的阅读训练课要注意的事项 通过英语学习得到进一步发展的十种思维能力 (程晓堂)
1. 观察和发现能力
2. 比较与分析能力
Peter eats apples.
Apples are eaten by Peter.
小李是中国人。中国人很勤劳。3. 逻辑思维能力
The research includes both qualitative and quantitative methods.
Alice in Wonderland
Mad Hatter: Would you like a little more tea?
Alice: Well,I haven’t had any yet, so I can’t very well take more.
Mad Hatter: Yes. You can always take more than nothing.
4. 概念建构能力
desk table pen 5. 信息记忆与转换能力
6. 批判思维能力
Harry faces Eton drugs test.
The president’s dishonesty was frowned on by the majority of Americans.
7. 认识周围世界的能力
microphone8. 时空判断能力
Pormpuraaw 澳大利亚北部土著部落
Last week a ship sank off the coast of Florida.
9. 严密思维能力
Yesterday Peter ate two apples.
10. 创新思维能力
I eat with chairs.
I teach with students.
smilence togayther Stupig wall.e Z-turn democrazy innernet当前阅读教学中常见的问题:
学生的自读和理解 谁都不能包办代替 教师是导演
允许学生失败 探究思维能力在不断尝试中2. 教师肢解篇章过度 学生整体理解不足

“教师必须走进文本 站在语篇的高度俯视文本 厘清文章脉路和语篇逻辑 抓住主旨 体会文章要义 然后根据文章的主旨正确理解信息 把握细节信息的附着点”(戴军熔 2012)3. 学生表层理解有余 深层理解不足
创造性理解(文字的批判性)4. 任务设计过于简单 语言运用训练不足
显性 隐性
任务设计的质量决定思维的深度和强度5. 唯语言的阅读
1. 读前创设对话情景,激活学生思维
了解学生 选好课文突破口创设问题 从学生的生活经历和知识储备、作者的写作意图、文章主旨、图画
提取知识 激活思维 为阅读文本做准备2. 抓住文本 读中开展多样的阅读任务 拓展学生思维 培养逻辑思维能力
阅读填空 判断真伪 回答问题 删补语段信息 猜测词义 句子替换 信息编排
行文特点 逻辑关系 文本所蕴含的情感态度价值观
“读中活动形式的灵活性、活动难度的层次性以及学生活动的量和质是有效的语言输入和输出所需要考虑的重要内容” (戴军熔, 2011)3. 读后抓住文本与生活的联系 以读带说 以读促写 发展延伸学生思维 培养创新思维
在理解文本和小组合作讨论基础上分享 倾听 思考 交流 碰撞基于思维发展的阅读训练课要注意的事项:
归纳和推理的要求 长难句理解的要求 有效阅读策略的要求 词义猜测和转换的要求
精品旅游路线 (高考真题)二个回归
1. 注重语篇层次的教学
--注重培养学生在阅读过程中整体把握文本大意并探索语篇结构及其意义的意识与能力,帮助学生在大脑里建立起所学课文体裁的形式图式(不是简单的Introduction → Main body → Conclusion);
--更重要的是,引导学生在语篇层次观察和体会所教语言现象的功能与作用,确保学生学后会用2. 注重思维训练
--最重要的是,教师要对所教文本有透彻深入的理解和思考,不可一知半解,望文生义。3. 注重课文的思想内涵和情感价值
阅读是一个充满了积极思维活动的过程,也是一种创造性实践(杨宪平, 2011)
英语阅读教学中要以思维为中介,实际上思维也是出发点和目标,把语言本质与教学的规律贯穿起来,让思维贯穿于整个语言教学过程的始终。(王淑花, 2015)
外语教学 外语教育
Thanks for listening!课件5张PPT。Compare the educational systems of China and Western countries.
What do you think of this situation that a large numbers of Chinese students are applying for a foreign university?
What are the effects if Chinese students studying abroad on Chinese economy?
What do you think of the documentary produced by BBC this summer called “Are Our Kids Tough Enough - Chinese Schools”?Our Kids Tough Enough - Chinese Schools”?Education crossbordersJasmine Dec.1.1. I like its general design
2.I maintain doubt about specific details
3. So we had better regard the documentary as a window rather than the entire building.BBC
Documentary1.Culture - educational philosophy(教学理念)
West: individualism
East: collectivism
2.Criteria - educational goals
West: All-round ability
East: Of course gaokao-oriented
3.Social fun_ction
West: Solidification of class structure(阶级固化)
East: Flow of class structure(阶级流动) Comparison of
educational systemsAdmire individualism culture more.
Learn advanced tech and knowledge.
Live cross-culturally.
shortcut or even escapeChinese students studying abroad1. irresponsible
2. Chinese elite universities
3. unprejudiced selection mechanism
What are the effects of Chinese students studying abroad on Chinese economy?
Time is too limited to finish this part.Education: the permanent topic
Compare the educational systems of China and Western countries.
What do you think of this situation that a large numbers of Chinese students are applying for a foreign university.
What are the effects if Chinese students studying abroad on Chinese economy?
What do you think of the documentary produced by BBC this summer called “Are Our Kids Tough Enough - Chinese Schools”?
Intro Maximize the effect of daily report
Incorporate these for topics into my speech
BBC documentary
1. I like its general design:
It looks at the educational differences at a creative angle.
It has resulted in lots of discussions and conversations about education and even we can call it a phenomenal event, which reflects its positive social value.
I maintain doubt about specific details
Both sides haven’t been fully represented. (e.g. Students intention: it’s interesting to be on TV; Chinese teachers from the elite school and it’s a bit unnatural for them to...)
The filming editing is biased.(e.g. Cut fragments of Li Aiyun’s lecture: Qs and Parents) 3. So we’d better regard the documentary as a window rather than the entire building. There are lots limitations one documentary can go beyond.
Comparison of educational systems
Culture - educational philosophy(教学理念)
West: individualism - more respect to personal talents and interest (e.g. Separation of class )
East: collectivism - more regular process to cultivate corporate honor of a class and the harmonious unity (e.g. Uniform and morning exercise)
Criteria - educational goals
West: All-round ability - they explain a lot about why can we get this formula, this conclusion, emphasize how to know instead of how to do exercises; other fields(projects, community service)
East: Of course gaokao-oriented - PILES of textbooks and exercises (practise makes perfect)
Social fun_ction West: Solidification of class structure(阶级固化) e.g. 10% private English schools occupies the majority of Oxford and Cambridge freshman every year.
East: Flow of class structure(阶级流动) Poor kids’ Chinese dream
Chinese students studying abroad
Admire individualism culture more.
Learn advanced tech and knowledge.
Live cross-culturally.
One thing to be clear, I support studying abroad out of pure desire of knowledge or cultural experience but I object to using studying abroad as a shortcut or even escape from our traditional education.
The latter is irresponsible for the time and money spent for the parents and oneself.
Also, 1 Chinese elite universities can provide equally professional materials.
2 Chinese way of choosing students is no longer the “Imperial exam”, we can learn all-round ability if we devote ourselves to it. And its selection mechanism is unprejudiced.
Why don’t you study abroad?
Faith in Chinese top education
My plan: experience both sides by myself and absorb the essence of both by having my undergraduate education in China and graduate education abroad
Care for parents
What’s your comment on those who stay abroad after graduation?
No moral judgments on them like they betray there country. (choice freedom)
The reason why they choose this way: the chaotic academic atmosphere in China currently and the loopholes in legislation on the protection of patent
How to attract talents return to homeland? Introduce programmes and create a better atmosphere
Are you satisfied with your current education?
Absolutely in NFLS.
Teachers with tolerance and understanding to students
Less “rote learning” and more flexible learning choice and schedule
Encouragement for individualism and respect for the difference
What reform do you expect in Chinese education? How to carry out?
To improve the equality of education.
Improve overall economy.
Form the general acknowledgement that knowledge is power.
Establish some mechanism such as raising rural teachers’ subsidies and making it a regulation that urban teachers must have 5 years’ of experience in rural schools before they finish their career lives
What are the effects if Chinese students studying abroad on Chinese economy?
Study the most advanced theories and technology and apply it into the development of our country
Lead to the emergence of a booming industry. (organizations like New Orientation)
Brain drain
What do you think about MOOC?
It has great advantages
Free access of top university education to everyone: somehow equal to all
Customized by every user himself and the time schedule if flexible
I don’t believe it will replace the traditional classroom teaching
Not adequate certificate and recognition
Can’t replace the interaction between teacher and student
But I will use it to broaden my horizon after my pre-approval process