人教版(2019)必修第二册 Unit 5 Music WRITE A SPEECH 说课课件(共19张PPT)


名称 人教版(2019)必修第二册 Unit 5 Music WRITE A SPEECH 说课课件(共19张PPT)
格式 pptx
文件大小 660.1KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-09-19 13:04:52



Material analysis (文本分析中需关注其与单元其它语篇之间的关联点)
文本分析: 文本指向“人与社会”的主题语境,关乎“音乐的疗愈功能”这一话题。文本体裁为演讲稿,聚焦音乐对人的积极作用,并与 reading and thinking 板块“音乐让世界更美好”的思想连贯统一。阅读文章主要讲述了主人公 Sarah Williams 于生病期间,在音乐的影响下收获了快乐、力量与希望,并以此鼓舞、呼吁他人通过音乐树立积极向上的生活态度的故事,强调了音乐的对人们生活的积极影响,体现了“音乐是治愈心灵的良药(Music is the medicine of the mind)".
Students analysis
本课例授课对象为高一的学生。学生具备基本的英语语言知识储备和基本的语言运用能力。在学习了 reading and thinking 这一板块之后,学生对音乐这一主题有了比较深入的了解。在第一册第四单元主课文中,学生已接触过明喻,暗喻,拟人等修辞手法,能够对修辞格进行基本的识别,并阐述其功能,但学生却缺乏在写作中使用修辞格的能力。此外,学生对演讲稿这一体裁相对陌生,还不具备写一篇观点鲜明,语言生动,行文连贯的演讲稿的能力,需要教师在篇章结构内容,修辞手法,语篇连贯等方面提供帮助。
study concepts
Study purpose: 在本阅读课结束后,学生应能够:
1. 通过与学生制定“一篇好的演讲稿” 的评定标准,借助评价量表进行自我评价和同伴评价,诊断反思写作过程和结果,对初稿加工润色,发展写作监控能力,提升评鉴能力,实现以“评”促学。
2. 通过思维导图,小组讨论等活动,学生能够充分利用评价要素的导向作用,逆向解读语篇,分析演讲稿语言特征,梳理文本信息,把握演讲稿的结构和内容,搭建写作框架。
3. 通过语篇研读活动,学生能够理解、阐释和运用演讲稿中隐喻等修辞手段,能够正确使用关于描述音乐积极作用的修辞格进行模仿创新,并正确、灵活运用到写作中。
教学重点: 1. 通过思维导图阅读提取、归纳文章组织架构,搭建写作框架:辨别并恰当使用文中多种修辞手法,学习相关功能性语句运用到写作中;独立产出演讲稿的初稿,并将评价量表与写作过程深度融合。2. 通过头脑风暴和语篇研读等活动,学生能够根据评价对阅读文本的解读和信息处理,依托评价的各关键要素以及核心问题,引导核心要素及其方面的思考和体验。
study procedure
1. ASk Ss to review the virtual choir.
What do you know about a virtual choir
2. Present the tasks of this lesson to students based on the goals of the whole unit.
1) Read Sarah William’s speech and understand what is good speech.
2) Write a speech about music's value and eneourage them to write a speech about the impact of music on them
Purpose: 本环节为本单元的阅读课的复习和读写课的导入,通过对虚拟合唱团的回顾,导入话题,布置写作任务,起到一个承上启下的作用,搭建单元话题框架,使学生形成整体单元意识。
Activity 1: Review and Lead-in
Activity 2: Read and Assess(set the evaluation criteria for a good speech)
1. Ask Ss to think about the aspects they should consider when writing a speech.
Q:What should we consider when we write a Speech
2. Guide Ss to discuss the evaluation criteria for a good speech from the following aspects (theme,content,structure,language,caherence,tone).
Purpose: 该活动旨在使学生通过讨论,共同制定演讲稿的写作标准,并基于此标准对阅读语篇进行分析,同时在写作环节中,以此指导写作、反思写作、改进写作。
Activity 3: Read for the structure and content)
Guide Ss to read for the main idea and detailed information of each paragraph based on the mind map.
Purpose: 该活动旨在使学生以思维导图的形式解构文本,分析归纳文本的结构、内容和语言。为写作搭建结构、内容和语言支架。
1. Encouage Ss to share the main idea of each paragrph and the detailed information of Para.1 and Para.2
Q1: What is the main idea of each paragraph
Q2: What detailed information is contained in the first paragraph
1) Do you think it a good beginning why
Q3: How did Sarah tell her story ( which aspects did her story cover)
1) What was the problem she was faced with
2) How did she introduce her problem
3) How did she overcome her problem
4) How did Sarah make her story understood
Purpose: 该部分通过对比演讲稿开头句式,使学生明确一个好的开头应“开门见山”地提出演讲话题:通过第二段的解读,学生形成对“问题(problem)一解决(solution)这一段落结构模式的把握,以及设问句引出故事的作用。同时体会词汇衔接手段使语意衔接更流畅的作用。
Q2: How did music help her recover from her illness
2. Inspire Ss to conclude the theme of the speech
Purpose: 本环节基于对演讲稿的主体部分的内容,语言的分析,提取该语篇的主题意义“音乐是治愈心灵的良药。”
Q1: Which sentence did Sarah use to show the impact of music on her
Music is the medicine of the mind
(C) Music gave me happiness. When I listened to music, (D)it made my spirits fly like a kite in the wind. (C) Music gave me strength and brought me relief. (E) It was the rock I leant on to become strong and to get through those hard times. Moreover, (C) music gave me hope and a sense of satisfaction. (F) It became my best friend. It spoke words of encouragement to the deepest part of my being.
3. Ask Ss to recognize the rhetorical devices in Para.3 and make their sentences with the devices.
Q1:Do you like this paragraph Why
Q2: What rhetorical devices are used in this paragraph
Q3:Could you write down the impact of music on you with the rhetorical devices
Purpose: 本环节旨在通过目标阅读使学生关注演讲稿的语言特征一一灵活运用修辞手法,使演讲更加有表现力。同时运用修辞格进行仿写,加深对修辞格的理解,不断感悟修辞格在表达中的作用,也为后续写作提供更多语言素材。
Music gave me happiness. ____________________________________
Music gave me strength and brought me relief. _______________________
Moreover, music gave me hope and a sense of satisfaction. _____________
It was a signpost
It was like a gentle breeze, stroking
my face and touching my heart.
who kept me company when I was in trouble.
It became my companion,
for me, guiding me through a life of confusion
More examples of rhetorical devices
4. Ask students to conclude the hope of the speaker to the audience and share with them another function of the ending part ( Para.4)
Q: What was Sarah’s hope for the audience
Purpose: 本环节旨在使学生体悟结尾的作用,即表达希望;同时了解结尾部分“呼吁行动”的作用。
I hope none of you have to go through the same kind of suffering that i did. at the same time, we all go through various periods when we feel sad or alone. During those times, music can helpl you in the same way that it helped me. I hope all of you will some begin to treasure music and make it a part of your life.
treasure music
make it a part of life
call for action
another function
Activity 4: write a speech and revise the draft
Ask students to write a speech about the impact of music on them and revise their draft according to the evaluation ceriteria.
1. Write a speech about the impact of music on you based on what you have learned today.
2.Exchange the draft with your partner, revise and polish it accarding to the checklist.
Purpose: 学生运用本节课知识进行初稿写作,独立输出语言,实现输入与输出平衡;根据评价量表进行写作自评与互评发展写作监控能力,实现以“评”促学,发挥评价的“反拨”作用。
Activity 6: Deliver the Speech and make comments
Invite a student to deliver a speech and ask other students to make comments on his/her speech according to the checklist.
Purpose: 本环节通过使学生走上讲台进行有说服力感染力的演讲,最终达成语言的输出:也通过真实情境,提升学生评鉴能力
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