人教版(2019)必修第三册 Unit 1 Festivals and Celebrations Reading and Thinking课件(16张PPT)


名称 人教版(2019)必修第三册 Unit 1 Festivals and Celebrations Reading and Thinking课件(16张PPT)
格式 pptx
文件大小 1014.9KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-09-19 17:53:44



Language focus
Reading and thinking
1. 年夜饭 eating reunion dinner with family on New Year’s eve;
2. 收压岁包 giving and receiving lucky money;
3. 制作圆团和尺糕 making sticky rice bun and sticky rice cake
4. 打扫房子和院子 cleaning up houses and gardens
5. 穿上新衣,打扮自己 dress up in new clothes;
6. 装饰房屋和贴春联 decorating houses and paste couplets;
7. 放烟花爆竹 setting off fireworks and firecrackers;
8. 看春晚 watching the CCTV Gala;
9. 发送 短信祝福 sending message greetings;
10. 探亲 visiting friends and relatives;
11. 看武隆和舞狮 seeing the lion and dragon dances
12. 迎财神 welcome the God of Fortune/wealth
1. a wide range of origins
2. this festival takes places after…
3. gather in the crops
4. they are grateful for the year’s supply of food
5. The season featured a parade and a great feast.
6. admire the shining moon
7. play a significant role in
8. over time
9. fade away
10. light firecrackers
11. drive away the evil spirits
12. give up this custom
13. in spite of its riligious origins
take place 非偶然事件的发生
When does the party take place
When will the sports meeting take place
14. with businesses taking advantage of the celebrations
15. reflect beliefs and faiths (have belief/faith in)
16. They are occasions that allow us to relax and enjoy life.
17. forget about our work for a little while
18. have a lot in common
1. No matter how different they may seem, all over the world, the spirit of sharing joy, gratitude, love or peace is common in all festivals.
2. Online shopping websits and social media apps have made it much easier for the public to spend more on gifts.
make it hard/easy for sb to do sth 使某人难以/方便做某事
make it impossible/possible for sb to do sth 使某人不可能/能做某事
Wechat makes it easy for people to pay and communicate with others.
This storm made it hard for villagers to have access to enough food supply.
The disease made it impossible for William to go to school every day.
1. do sth for the first time
2. sth falls on …
3. set off to
4. as if they were eagles
5. their show of strength and grace
6. they have been riding horses
7. doing sth is totally worth it.
8.i can’t wait.
1. to be frank
2. the fireworks going off throughout the night were really annoying.
3. seem to do
4. except for that
1. 各种各样的起源
2. 这个节日发生在
3. 收割庄稼
4. 他们对这一年的收获的食物表达感恩。
5. 庆祝活动以游行(parade)和丰盛的筵席为特色。
6. 观赏明月
7. 扮演重要角色
8. 随着时间
9. 渐渐消失
10. 驱赶鬼神
11. 虽然起源于宗教
12. 随着商业家利用这些庆祝活动
13. 暂时忘却工作的时刻
14. 有很多共同之处
1. 第一次做某事
2. 节日在哪一天
3. 动身去哪里
4. 仿佛他们是老鹰
5. 他们是在马背上长大的
6. 做某事是值得的
7. 实话是或
8. 整晚燃放的烟花真是很烦人。
9. 似乎很多
10. 除了那个
Retell the passage
Supporting details
Short summary
1. They have a wide range of origins.
origin n. 起源,起因;出身 original adj. 新颖的,原创的 originate vi
It’s a book about the origin of the universe.
She tries to hide her upper-class origins, but her accent gives her away.
1) 我的工作是想出有创意、新颖的广告创意。
My job is to think up creative and original advertising ideas.
2) 原来是间卧室,但我们把它改成了书房。
Originally it was a bedroom, but we turned it into a study.
3) 万圣节盛装的传统是怎么起源的?
How did the tradition of wearing costumes on Halloween originate
2. They have a wide range of origins.
1) 元宵节有各种庆祝活动,包括猜谜语、参观灯市等。
There are a wide range of activities during the Lantern Festival,
including guessing riddles and visiting a lantern fair.
2) 书的价格从50美元到几百美元不等。
Costs of the books range from 50 to several hundred dollars.
3) 他做过许多不同的工作,从厨师到司机。
He has had a number of different jobs, ranging from chef to driver.
4) 即使是最便宜的房子也超出了我们的承受范围。
Even the cheapest property was out of our price range.
4. It featured a parade and a great feast with music, dancing and sports. (vt.)
1) 漂亮的寺庙和古老的市集是该镇的主要特色。
The town’s main features are its beautiful temple and ancient marketplace.
= The town features its beautiful temple and ancient marketplace.
2) Van Gogh画作的一个重要特色是色彩鲜亮。
An important feature of Van Gogh’s paintings is their bright colors.
5. Customs play a significant role in festivals.
significant adj. 有重大意义的;显著的 be significant =
(1) 友谊在他的生活中扮演了重要的角色。
Friendship plays an important/ significant role in his life.
(2) 这是第一种似乎对该病有显著疗效的药物。
It is the first medicine that seems to have a very significant effect
on this disease.
(3) 你的学习效率有了显著的提高。
Your learning efficiency has shown a significant improvement.
6. Another example is Halloween, which slowly became an exciting festival for children, in spite of its religious origins.
In spite of illness, he kept working.
In spite of the fact that Tom was an alcoholic, Gerry was in deep love with him.
8. They are occasions that allow us to relax and enjoy life.
on such an occasion
occasionally adv. 偶然,有时候
(1) 我看到鲍勃在晚会上弹钢琴,那次他真是太帅了。
I saw Bob play the piano in the party and on that occasion he
was simply brilliant.
(2) 由于在偏远地区工作,他只是偶尔去看望父母。
As he works in a remote area, he visits his parents only
1. dressed
2. original
3. religious
4. charming
5. joyful
6. grateful
7. agricultural
8. believable
9. faithful
10. occasional
11. regional
12. representative
13. graceful
14. respectful respectable
1. dress
2. origin
3. religion
4. charm
5. joy
6. gratitude
7. agriculture
8. belief
9. faith
10. occasion
11. region
12. represent
13. grace
14. respect