人教版(2019)必修第三册 Unit 3 Diverse Cultures 单词课件(共36张PPT)


名称 人教版(2019)必修第三册 Unit 3 Diverse Cultures 单词课件(共36张PPT)
格式 pptx
文件大小 8.3MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-09-19 18:03:30



Words and Expressions
1.diverse [da 'v s]: adj. 不同的;多种多样的
=various [ ve r s]: adj. 不同的; 各种各样的
=different: adj. 不同的; 有区别的; 有差异的
be diverse/different/ various from 和...不同
diversity n.差异(性);不同(点);多样性
a diversity of =a variety of 多种多样
People from diverse cultures
much more diverse
1)__________________________(不同文化背景的人)work together in
this company.
2)Society is now _________________ (更多样性)than ever before.
3)Many teachers seek ____________ (diverse)in their students.
2. fortune ['f t u n/ 'f t n ]: n.机会;运气; 财富
seek one’s fortune: 寻找成功致富之路; 闯世界
misfortune n.不幸
fortunate [ f t n t]: adj.幸运的 unfortunate adj. 不幸的
fortunately adv. 幸运地 unfortunately adv. 不幸地
___________, I was_________ enough to attend the film festival in Paris. If only I had the _________ to meet the famous star, who sought his _______ in the big city when he was young.
3. fortune cookie: 幸运曲奇
4. gumbo ['ɡ mb ]: n. 秋葵汤 (用秋葵荚做的浓鸡汤或海鲜汤)
I’m cooking gumbo!
5. nachos ['n t z ]: n. (复数)墨西哥玉米片
Could you bring me some nachos and two glasses of beer
6.chip [t p]: n. (英)炸土豆条; (美)炸薯片;芯片;碎片
We ate chips every night, but hardly ever had fish.
7.cheese [t i z]: n.干酪;奶酪
If you like cheese, go for the ones with the least fat.
8.spicy ['spa si]: adj. 加有香料的;辛辣的
Spicy food does harm to babies.
1)I am willing ________(承认)that I do make mistakes.
2)He _____________________(承认驾驶) the car without insurance.
3) It is said that he _____________________ The Peking University.
9.ethnic ['eθn k]: adj. 具有民族特色的;异国风味的;民族的;种族的
ethnicity n.种族渊源;种族特点
You will learn about ________________________ 具有民族特色的少数民族
文化 in China.
10. admit [ d'm t]: v. 承认; 准许进入/加入
be admitted to/into...: 被允许进入;被录取
be admitted as 被承认为;被接受为
admit doing 承认做过某事
admission [ d m n]: n. 进入; 承认; 招供;入场费; 门票费
the ethnic minority cultures
to admit
admitted having driven
has been admitted to
1)Great/Big changes __________________________________
in China inthe last/past 40 years.
2) 我突然想到一个好主意。
11.definitely ['def n tli]: adv.肯定;确实
definite adj. 肯定的,确定的
I can say _______________(很肯定)I have passed the exams.
12. occur [ 'k (r)]: v. 发生;出现
sth occur(s) to sb 某人突然想到;想起
It occurs to sb that .. /to do...某人突然想到…=It hits/strikes sb that...
occurrence Cn. 发生,出现,事件
quite definitely
have happened/occurred/taken place
A good idea occurs to me.
13. downtown [,da n'ta n ]: adv.在市中心;往市中心
go downtown: 去商业中心区
live/work downtown: 在商业中心区工作/住在商业区
It’s a long way to go from here to downtown.
14.mission ['m n]: n.传教(区); 重要任务; 使命
15. district ['distrikt]: n. 地区; 区域
_________________________(最繁忙的商业区)in Beijing is around
Wangfujing Street.
The busiest shopping district
Her mission in life is ______________________ (为农民工作)
to work for the farmers.
16.graffiti [ɡr 'fi ti]: n. (复数)涂鸦;胡写乱画
1)Graffiti is not the lowest form of art.
ic ['k m k]: n. 连环画; 漫画杂志; 喜剧演员;
adj.滑稽的; 使人发笑的
1)Mr. Bean is a fine___________.(喜剧演员).
2)I saw the child_______________ (在读漫画).
18.afterward(s) ['ɑ ft w dz ]: adv.以后;后来
Afterwards she was sorry for what she had said.
comic actor
reading a comic
Head to the main page.
晚饭后, 他们前往长城
After breakfast, they headed to the Great Wall.
19. head to...: (朝…)前进; (向…)去
head for/to/towards…: 向…前进
head north/south 朝北/朝南走
raise one’s head 抬头
hold one’s head high 昂首挺胸
lose one’s head 惊慌失措
1)In the afternoon, I ___________(前往)a local museum that showed the ____________(history)changes in California.
2)China is a country ____________________________ (拥有5千年的历史).
20. historical [h 'st r kl]: adj.(有关)历史的
historic adj. 有历史意义的
a historical event 历史上的事件
a historic event 有历史意义的事件
history [ h st( )r ]: n. 历史; 经历
headed to
with a history of 5000 years
21. seek [si:k] (sought/ sought [s t]) v.寻找;寻求;争取; (向人)请求
seek for sb/sth 寻找某人/某物
  seek to do sth 试图/设法做某事
1)We ______________________(试图改进关系) between our two countries.
seek one’s fortune seek advice/help [from sb.]
seek to improve relations
We were advised to seek legal advice/seek advice from a lawyer.
1) 他年薪7万美元。
22.earn [ n]: v. 挣得; 赚得; 赢得; 博得
earn/make money 挣钱
 earn respect/reputation 赢得尊重/名誉
 earn one's/ living=make living 谋生 earnings 利润,收入
He earns about $70, 000 a year.
As a teacher, she had earned the respect of her students.
23.immigrant [' m ɡr nt]: n. (外来)移民;外侨
1. Life is very hard for almost every new immigrant in the USA.(译)
immigrate v.迁徙;移居入境
immigration n.迁徙;移居
The region has become increasingly popular with immigrant families from
China and India.
24. china ['t a n ]: n. 瓷;瓷器
The old man bought a china vase in the city last month.
He was an illegal immigrant.
25. select [s 'lekt ]: v. 选择;挑选;选拔(精选)
select …from…: 从…选择/挑选/选拔
select sb to do sth 挑选某人去做某事
select sb as... 选拔某人作为…
selection n. 挑选
1)Winners will ____________ (select) at the end of each month.
2)When __________ (select) fresh fish, you should smell it.
3)She was selected _____ the candidate(候选人) for Bath.
be selected
26. jazz [d z]: n. 爵士乐
1)I much prefer jazz _____ rock music.
2)She only plays jazz _____ a hobby.
27. bar [bɑ (r)]: n. 酒吧;小吃店;小馆子
He got ________(drink) in the bar.
28.diagram ['da ɡr m]: n.简图;图解;图表;示意图
The temperature ___________(show) on the diagram by a red line.
29. journal ['d nl]: n. 日志;日记;报纸;刊物
keep a journal/diary 写日记
journalist n.记者;新闻工作者
All our results are published in scientific journals.
He began to keep a journal/diary when he was 13 years old.
is shown
30.claim [kle m]: v./n.夺取(生命);宣称;断言
claim to do 声称做某事
claim to have done sth 声称已做某事
make a claim 声称, 断言
It is claimed that... 据宣称/据说
I don't claim to be an expert.
The car crash claimed three lives.
③The singer has denied the magazine's claim _____ she is leaving the band.
31. series ['s ri z ]: n. 一系列; 连续;接连 (单数复数同形)
a series of 一系列或一连串
a TV series 电视连续剧
The students have put forward a series of questions.
2)The conductor produced _____ TV series about the homeless children in the countryside, and _____ is claimed that it will be the most popular one.
32. apart/aside from: 除了…外(还); 此外
apart from ≈ besides除了... (还) 【包含】= with,include
apart from ≈ but/except 除了【不包含】=without,not include
Apart from the three expensive cars, he also has a helicopter.
I like all sports apart from football.
33. minority [ma 'n r ti]: n. 少数民族;少数派;少数人
minor adj. 少数的,微小的
major adj.主要的; 大的; 重要的
majority [m 'd r ti]: n.大部分;大多数
be in the minority/majority 占少数/多数
a minority/majority of + C、U名词 + 动词单/复数 少数/多数
Only a small minority of students are interested in politics these days.
2)In China the minority nationalities _________(占据) six percent of the population.
take up
34. escape [ 'ske p]: v. 逃走;逃脱;避开 n. 逃跑;逃脱;解脱
escape from...: 从...逃跑
escape doing sth 逃脱做某事
have a narrow escape: 九死一生
In the UK ten prisoners escaped from prison yesterday evening.
She was lucky to escape punishment./She was lucky to escape being punished.
35. bring about: 导致;引起
1. 5G technology will bring about a revolution in many fields. (译)
2.It can bring _______ bad memories in the body and brain.
3.Many women still take career breaks to bring ______ children.
4.The photos bring ______ lots of good memories.
5.Earthquake sites should ____________(regard) as a sad memory rather than a tool to bring ______ money.
bring up 养育,抚养;提出;呕吐
bring back 使回想起;使...恢复
bring in 引进,生产
bring out 出版,生产;使显示
be regarded
36. Atlantic [ t'l nt k ]: adj. 大西洋的
the Atlantic/Pacific/Indian/Arctic Ocean: 大西洋/太平洋/印度洋/北冰洋
The Atlantic Ocean separates America from Europe.
37.financial [fa 'n n l]: adj. 财政的; 财务的; 金融的
全球经融危机 global financial crisis
finance n. 金融,财务
He tried to solve his financial problems, but he failed.
38. poetry ['p tri]: n.诗集;诗歌;诗作 (不可数名词)
poem [ p m]: n. 诗; 诗歌(可数名词)
poet [ p t]: n. 诗人
Li Bai wrote a great deal of _______. Most of his ______ have
passed down to us. What a great ______ he is.
39. jeans [d i nz]: n.牛仔裤
The girl is wearing a pair of blue jeans.
40.boot [bu t]: n.靴子;后备箱;行李箱(UK)
You ought to take off your boots before you go to bed.
41.mushroom ['m r m]: n.蘑菇;葷(hūn)
There are _________________________ (各种各样的) wild mushrooms in the forest.
42.poisonous ['p z n s]: adj.引起中毒的; 有毒的;分泌毒素的
poison n.毒物;毒药;毒素V.毒死;毒害
Some wild mushrooms are poisonous, and some even have a deadly poison.
various/ a variety of/ varieties of
43.fold [f ld]: v.包;裹;折叠;(可)折小; (可)叠平
fold (up)折叠;对折
fold one’s arm 双臂交叉在胸前
unfold: v.打开; (使)展开 folding adj 可折叠的
1. He folded ____ his umbrella when _________ (enter) the room.
2. As the mist cleared, a most beautiful view ______ (fold) before their eyes.
3. Jack 把双臂交叠在胸前,把头扭过去。
With arms folded over his chest, he turned his head away.
44.super ['su p (r)]: adv. 特别;格外 adj. 顶好的; 超级的
super excited 超级兴奋
a super opportunity 一个绝佳的机会
super- superstar/superhero 超级明星/英雄
supermarket 超市
superpower 超级大国
1) 听说下个月要去贵州玩,我很开心。
Hearing we’re going to Guizhou Province next month, I’m super excited!
45. collection [k 'lek n]: n.作品集;收集物;收藏品
have a collection of…:有…的收藏
collect [k lekt]:v. 收集; 采集; 收藏;募集
1)The painting comes from his private __________(collect).
2)The museum is filled with a collection ____ ancient beds and chairs.
46.accessory [ k'ses ri]: n. 配饰;附件; 配件
He wil buy some bicycle ___________ (accessory) at the town tomorrow.
47.souvenir [ su v 'n (r)]: n.纪念物;纪念品
a souvenir shop: 纪念品商店
She bought the watch _____ a souvenir of France.
48. percentage [p 'sent d ]: n.百分率;百分比
percent = per cent: 百分之... ...percent of +n, 谓语单复数由n决定
the percentage of+不可数n, 指的是“……的百分比” 谓语用单数。
a percentage of+可数n, 指的是“……的一部分”,谓语由of后的名词决定
1)The percentage of women engineers ______ (be) small.
2) A small percentage of the students _______ (be) from the countryside.
3) Thirty percent of air in the city _________________ (pollute) so far.
has been polluted
49. climate ['kla m t]: n.气侯(Un)
weather: n. 天气 (Un)
a pleasant/warm/wet climate: 宜人的/温暖的/潮湿的气候
They wanted to move to a warmer climate.
50. mild [maild]: adj.温和的;和善的;轻微的
1)The climate is mild all year round, _______ (mean) it is always a good time to visit.
2)He is a mild man and is willing ________ (help) anybody in need.
to help
51. settle ['setl]: v. 定居;结束(争论);解决(纠纷)
settle down: 定居;安顿下来; 坐下; 躺下
settle down to doing sth: 着手做某事
settle a problem 解决一个问题
settlement n.定居点;协议;解决
settler n. 移居者
She settled in Thailand after her father’s death.
It’s time you settled your differences with your father.
52. construction [k n'str k n]: n.建筑; 建造;建造物; (句子等)结构
be under construction: 在建设中
construct [k n str kt]: v. 建造; 绘制
constructive adj. 建设性的;积极的
1)They have already started ____________ (construct) on the new airport.
2)The high-speed railway is still __________________ (在建设中).
53. material [m 't ri l]: n. 材料;布料;素材 adj. 物质的;实际的
The materials are soft and comfortable to wear.
2)They have spent much money buying ________ (build) materials.
under construction
54. to name but a few: 仅举几例 (用逗号隔开,放句尾)
1)Yesterday Mr. Black praised Betty, Alice and Robert, to name but a few.
2)Next year they will visit Germany, Italy and Spain, to name but a few.
55. tai chi/ t’ai chi [,tai 't i:]: n.太极拳
practise tai chi: 打太极拳
1)I am in good health and I practise tai chi every day.
2)During tai chi, you focus on movement and breathing.
56. clothing ['kl ]: n.衣服;服装(总称Un)
cloth [kl θ/kl θ]: Un. 布
clothes [kl z/kl z]: n.衣服(复数)
an item/article of clothing:一件衣服
1) 某些当地人会给无家可归的人提供衣服和食物。
Some locals offered food and clothing to the homeless people.
2) 试穿一下衣服和鞋子,确保他们合身
Try on clothing and shoes to make sure they fit.
57. herbal ['h bl]: adj. 药草的;香草的
herb: n. 草本植物; 药草; 香草
Many old people are great believers in herbal medicines.
58. suit [su t/sju t]: n. 西服;套装 v. 适合;满足…需要;相配;合身
suit sb/sth 适合某人/事物
a suit of一套
suitable adj.适合的;适宜的;相配的
be suitable for sb/sth适合于某人/某物 be suitable to do sth 适合做某事
You should choose a computer to suit your particular needs.
59. (at) first hand: 第一手;亲自
at hand 在手边;在附近;即将到来;即将发生
hand in hand 手拉手 go/happen hand in hand 同时发生
I found out my grades(成绩) on the Internet at first hand.
60. item ['a t m ]: n.项目;一件商品/物品; 一条(新闻)
an item/a piece of news: 一条新闻
If the item is not good, you will get your money back.
61. contain [k n'te n]: v.包含; 含有; 容纳
contain: 【侧重包含所含之物的的全部内容。还常指具体物质的内容,含量 】
The parcel(包裹) _________ (contain) a dictionary. (包裹里只有1本词典)
The parcel ______ (include)a dictionary. (包裹除1本词典外还有其它东西)
62. neat [ni:t]: adj.极好的; 整洁的; 整齐的
1)You ought to keep your classroom neat and clean every day.
2)She was wearing a neat black suit.