人教版(2019)必修第一册 Unit 1 Teenage life Reading for Writing 课件(18张PPT)


名称 人教版(2019)必修第一册 Unit 1 Teenage life Reading for Writing 课件(18张PPT)
格式 pptx
文件大小 7.6MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-09-19 18:42:35



Write a letter of advice
M1U1 Teenage Life
Reading for Writing
Free talk
As a teenager, what problems do you have in your daily life
generation gap with parents
poppy love
being addicted to the Internet/computer games
great pressure from heavy school work
feeling lonely and isolated
conflicts between friends/classmates
high expectations from parents and teachers
Free talk
Facing these problems, how will you seek for help
communicating sincerely face to face
turning to trustworthy friends for help
asking for advice on social media
writing a letter to a professional adviser
ringing help hotlines
___________ writes a letter of _______ to ________________.
What is Worried Friend's problem
What will be included in the letter
How did Susan Luo make her suggestions acceptable and effective
Susan Luo
Worried Friend
She understands Worried Friend's feeling and talks about the negative effects of computer addiction.
Why does Susan Luo show her understanding and talk about the negative effects of computer addiction
To make her suggestions more acceptable and persuasive.
Do you think Susan Luo's advice is useful Why or why not
What other kinds of advice would you give
Hi, my name is Jane and I’m a freshman at Quzhou No.2 High School in ZheJiang Province. Going from junior high school to senior high school is a really big challenge. The first week was difficult to adapt but exciting.
First, I had to adjust myself to the routine here, which was totally different from that in the junior high school. The time of classes has significantly changed from 5 hours to nearly 9 hours and at first the 4 extra hours of learning nearly freaked me out. But as time went by I gradually got used to the new schedule and really devoted myself to studying harder. Another big shift lay in the increased time of autonomous learning. At the beginning it was difficult to have my time well-organized. However, our head teacher recommended us that we should arrange our schedules in advance by writing a to-do list everyday, which truly helped me keep up with the new routine in senior high school.
One Possible Version
Also, every day I had to face mountainous homework assigned by different teachers and some of them were exactly hard to complete. The increase in variety of the class and its complexity really made me at a loss. Therefore, piles of assignment usually took up most of my time, leaving me with little time to review and preview lessons. Later, under the guidance of teachers, I redesigned my learning methods--- I would always review lessons learned before doing homework and it obviously turned out to be an effective method as my understanding of the knowledge and efficiency greatly improved.
Furthermore, I had to get familiar with new classmates and teachers. Though it took much effort and time, that still gave me a hint of excitement. What further excited me was that I was selected to be the monitor of the class and I know it means I must be responsible for all classmates and be obliged to give them a hand whenever they need help.
The first week is not that easy and pleasant, but I know I have to embrace all the challenges. I’m sure I will get better prepared for my new journey and that nothing will ever pull me down if I face difficulties positively.
Have trouble in doing---
have difficulty in doing---
be anxious about---
be worried about—
find it hard to do ---
It is difficult to do---
It is confusing to do----
What annoyed /upset me most was that---
I had to do---
Anxious and frightened, I was anxioous to do--
school adviser; recommended;
sign up for
improve himself;
joined … instead
study harder;
be responsible;
be well prepared
Find out the organization of the letter.
Mark the parts of the letter that match the following points.
A. I know what the problem is.
B. I understand how you feel.
C. This is my advice and reason.
D. I think my advice will help.
I would be more than happy if my suggestions can be considered./ can be of some help.
Language Features
What expressions does Susan Luo use to make suggestions Circle them in the letter.
Can you think of more expressions of making suggestions
What expressions does Susan Luo use to show her understanding Can you think of other ways to express understanding
More Expressions
Making suggestions
Why don't you ...why not
It couldn't be better if you could ...
I think it would be beneficial if you could ...
I'd like to propose that you should ...
It's advisable/ recommended to do ...
You may/ might as well do ...
You may consider doing...
From my point of view, it would be wise/ reasonable/ a good idea to—
Were I you, I would---
J.Hearing that ---, I am writing to provide some practical suggestions.
Showing understanding
I feel terribly sorry to hear/ know/ learn that ...
I know well how it feels to ...
I know you didn't mean to ...
I know you have trouble in ...
It happens to everyone.
Everyone will have one of those periods when things seem to be going wrong.
Take it easy and things will be better.
It’s not unusual/common for –to --
It’s natural you feel worried ---
Group discussion
Work in groups. Choose one of the three situations and discuss his/ her problem. List possible suggestions and reasons.
Individual writing
Dear _________,
You wrote that ____________.
I understand that __________.
I think ___________________
because _________________.
I'm sure that ______________.
Best wishes,
Write the date and greet the reader.
Show the reader that you know what the problem is.
Tell the reader that you understand how he/ she feels.
Tell the reader what you think he/ she should do.
Explain your reason(s).
Tell the reader what you think will happen.
Close and sign the letter.
Exchanging ideas
Are all the parts of a letter included and organized in good order
Does the writer give reasons for the advice
Does the writer use proper expressions to give suggestions
Does the writer use commas and stops correctly
Is the handwriting easy to read
Use the checklist to give feedback on your partner's draft.
Revising and sharing
Get your draft back and revise it.
Recommend one group member to share his/ her letter of advice.
Select the “Best Adviser of the Class”.
Those who haven't shared in class put up the letters onto the “Advice Corner” in the classroom.
After-class assignment
假定你是李华, 你的英国朋友Tom将在暑假期间来中国交流学习。他学了两年中文,但仍然担心中文交流时遇到困难,写信向你求助。请你用英语给Tom回信,要点如下:
Thank You