专题05阅读之七选五(人教版2019)(含答案) 备战2024-2025学年高二英语上学期期中真题分类汇编(人教版2019)


名称 专题05阅读之七选五(人教版2019)(含答案) 备战2024-2025学年高二英语上学期期中真题分类汇编(人教版2019)
格式 zip
文件大小 1.1MB
资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-09-20 09:05:50


专题 05 阅读之七选五
(23-24高二上·内蒙古呼和浩特·期中)Have you ever heard someone say, “breakfast is the most
important meal of the day”, or give you advice about why it’s vital to start the day with a healthy
breakfast 1 Is it really that important In a sense, it really matters.
Energy restoration
The word “breakfast” comes from “breaking the fast” — the idea of ending the period in
which we didn’t eat during the night. The regeneration process that takes place while we sleep
consumes some of our natural food reserves to heal our bodies. 2 So, in that way, a healthy
breakfast makes sense.
Weight management
There are also many often-quoted studies which seem to link a state of obesity with skipping
breakfast. 3 In a US study, 50,000 people were monitored over seven years, and those who
ate a healthy breakfast were found to have a lower BMI, which seems to suggest that breakfast
may indeed help people maintain a healthy weight.
Better brain function
4 Breakfast is also associated with improved brain function, including
concentration and language. A review of 54 studies found that eating breakfast can improve
memory, though the effects on other brain functions were inconclusive. However, one of the
researchers says there is reasonable evidence that breakfast does improve concentration.
What’s most important is what we eat for breakfast. High-protein breakfasts have been
found particularly effective in reducing food cravings and consumption later in the day. However,
studies found that there is no agreement on what type of breakfast is healthier. 5
A.Breakfast helps us refill the exhausted stores.
B.Weight-loss is likely to cause them health problems.
C.Breakfast has been found to affect more than just weight.
D.Breakfast types don’t matter as much as simply eating something.
E.Thus, it is suggested that a healthy breakfast can regulate and lose weight.
F.Many people are recommended to manage their weight by skipping meals.
G.It seems that this feast, for many of us, is necessary for our day to start well.
【答案】1.G 2.A 3.E 4.C 5.D
1.根据上文“Have you ever heard someone say, “breakfast is the most important meal of the day”,
or give you advice about why it’s vital to start the day with a healthy breakfast ”(你是否听过有
关重要的?)提出有人说早餐的重要性。结合选项 G 项 It seems that this feast, for many of us,
is necessary for our day to start well.(对于我们中的许多人来说,这场盛宴似乎是我们一天良
好开始的必要条件。)承接上文内容,继续强调早餐的作用,上下文语意连贯。故选 G 项。
2.根据上文“The regeneration process that takes place while we sleep consumes some of our
natural food reserves to heal our bodies.”(在我们睡觉时进行的再生过程会消耗一些我们的天
然食物储备来治愈我们的身体。)提出晚上睡觉会消耗身体中的食物储备。结合选项 A 项
Breakfast helps us refill the exhausted stores.(早餐帮助我们补充耗尽的储备。)承接上文,说
明早餐可以补充消耗的储备,照应主题“Energy restoration”。故选 A 项。
3.根据上文“There are also many often-quoted studies which seem to link a state of obesity with
skipping breakfast.”(还有许多经常被引用的研究似乎将肥胖状态与不吃早餐联系起来。)提
出关于肥胖与早餐的研究。结合选项 E 项 Thus, it is suggested that a healthy breakfast can
regulate and lose weight.(因此,建议健康的早餐可以调节和减肥。)给出研究的结论:健康
的早餐可以调节体重和减肥,上下文语意连贯。故选 E 项。
4.第三段中介绍了健康的早餐可以调节体重和减肥,设空句下文“Breakfast is also associated
with improved brain function, including concentration and language.”(早餐还能改善大脑功能,
包括注意力和语言能力。)提出新的功能:改善大脑功能。结合选项 C 项 Breakfast has been
found to affect more than just weight.(研究发现,早餐影响的不仅仅是体重。)承上启下,句
中“more than just weight”照应第三段内容。故选 C 项。
5.根据上文“However, studies found that there is no agreement on what type of breakfast is
对于早餐类型没有确定的说法,结合选项 D 项 Breakfast types don’t matter as much as simply
eating something.(早餐的种类并不重要,重要的是吃点东西。)承接上文,说明早餐类型并
不重要,但是一定要吃早餐,上下文语意连贯。故选 D 项。
(23-24 高二上·河南信阳·期中)Have you considered how to choose your major in university,
which is of great significance for your future career Here is some practical advice.
Don’t choose a major merely based on money or the salary prospect, otherwise mistakes
will happen. 6 . Can you see yourself investing the next 40 years in this career without
getting bored Actually choosing a major with a high-paying career won’t guarantee you a
high-paying job. 7 .
A hobby is never meant to be your priority. You want to pick something that interests you,
but you need to be sure you won’t get sick of it as time progresses. Typically, people will confuse
their hobbies with their passions. 8 , while passion comforts you and drives you crazy at the
same time. It inserts itself into your life. When you choose to study your hobby and build your life
around it, it can lose its appeal and won’t be relaxing.
9 . Being interested in a major isn’t enough. Researching the field will ensure you
choose a right major. If you know someone in the field, ask them for some information.
Don’t always depend on your parents. The opinions of your family aren’t something to
ignore. 10 . After all, the choice is ultimately yours. If anyone wants to help you in choosing
a major and you completely agree with their opinions, then go with it. But if you want your future
to go in any other direction, speak up.
A.Therefore, listen to their opinions carefully
B.Never choose a major by feeling instead of research
C.You should also consider your passions, dislikes, and happiness
D.However, don’t be afraid to voice your own opinions and choices
E.A hobby is a pursuit outside one’s regular occupation for relaxation
F.It depends on position openings and your competitors when you graduate
G.Remember, the key to success is making the right decision based on your own passions and
【答案】6.C 7.F 8.E 9.B 10.D
6.前文“Don’t choose a major merely based on money or the salary prospect, otherwise mistakes
will happen. (不要仅仅根据金钱或薪水前景来选择专业,否则会发生错误)”提醒不要仅根据
金钱或薪水前景来选择专业,空处应该会介绍选择专业的其他依据,C 项“You should also
consider your passions, dislikes, and happiness (你还应该考虑自己的爱好、厌恶和快乐)”符合
语境,承接前文。故选 C。
7.前文“Actually choosing a major with a high-paying career won’t guarantee you a high-paying
job. (事实上,选择一个高薪职业的专业并不能保证你得到一份高薪的工作)”指出高薪职业的
专业并不意味着高薪的工作,空处应该会解释工作的高薪与否受其他因素影响,F 项“It
depends on position openings and your competitors when you graduate (这取决于你毕业时的职
位空缺和你的竞争对手)”符合语境,承接前文,其中的 It 指代前文说的得到一份高薪工作。
故选 F。
8.前文“Typically, people will confuse their hobbies with their passions. (通常,人们会混淆他
们的爱好和热情)”指出会有混淆爱好和热情的情况,后文“while passion comforts you and
drives you crazy at the same time (而激情在抚慰你的同时也让你疯狂)”解释了热情的含义,空
处应该是解释爱好的含义,E 项“A hobby is a pursuit outside one’s regular occupation for
relaxation (爱好是人们在日常工作之外为放松而进行的一种追求)”符合语境,和后文形成对
比,其中的 hobby 和前文的 hobbies 呼应。故选 E。
9.空处位于段首,是段落主旨句,需统领段落内容,根据后文“Being interested in a major
isn’t enough. Researching the field will ensure you choose a right major. If you know someone in
the field, ask them for some information. (仅仅对专业感兴趣是不够的。研究这个领域可以确保
专业感兴趣,还要对专业做好研究,B 项“Never choose a major by feeling instead of research
(永远不要凭感觉而不是研究来选择专业)”符合语境,契合后文内容,其中的 research 和后文
的 Researching 呼应。故选 B。
10.前文“The opinions of your family aren’t something to ignore. (你家人的意见不容忽视)”指
出家人意见的重要性,后文“After all, the choice is ultimately yours. (毕竟,选择权最终是你的)”
指出选择专业的权力在于自己,空处应该涉及转折,强调个人想法的重要性,D 项“However,
don’t be afraid to voice your own opinions and choices (然而,不要害怕表达你自己的观点和选
择)”符合语境,承上启下。故选 D。
(23-24 高二上·重庆万州·期中)One good part about school is field trips. Students can get out of
the classroom and into the real world, even if just for a few hours. 11 Whether it is learning
how to feed chickens on the farm or understanding how gravity works at the science museum,
these hands-on learning experiences bring them benefits.
Students do better in school. Students who go on field trips generally have better grades.
12 In fact, in a study conducted by some researchers, 89% of adults said educational trips had a
positive, lasting impact on their education and career. It's because the trips made them more
curious and interested in and out of school.
13 When exploring a new place, students have the opportunity to listen to and talk to
new people. They can learn how to effectively communicate with strangers, get along with them
and work with them. For example, they may acquire the skill of using body language to interact
with strangers.
Students learn to be more independent. A field trip includes many things. Although adults
are in charge, it’s also up to students to figure out what exhibits they want to learn about, how they
can finish certain tasks, etc. During field trips, students can have many such situations to learn to
be independent. In the process, they sometimes may feel unpleasant and stressed. 14
Students develop a stronger connection to a neighborhood. By getting out of the classroom
and, into the streets, students can become more familiar with a neighborhood. 15 Moreover,
they have the chance to communicate with local people, which also improves their connection to
the neighborhood.
A.Students master more social skills.
B.So students can develop lifelong friendships.
C.And they have higher graduation rates from school.
D.These trips, wherever they are, can influence students.
E.But they’ll see their ability to deal with problems alone improve.
F.They will learn more about its culture, environment, population, etc.
G.Teachers’ detailed guidance will help students behave well in school.
【答案】11.D 12.C 13.A 14.E 15.F
11.根据上文“One good part about school is field trips. Students can get out of the classroom and
into the real world, even if just for a few hours.(学校的一个好处就是实地考察。学生可以走出
教室,进入现实世界,即使只有几个小时)”以及后文“Whether it’s learning how to feed chickens
on the farm or understanding how gravity works at the science museum, these hands-on learning
experiences bring children benefits. (无论是学习如何在农场喂鸡,还是在科学博物馆了解重力
益的,后文提到了不同的实地考察场地,故 D 选项“这些旅行,无论在哪里,都会影响孩子”
符合语境,故选 D。
12.根据上文“Students do better in school. Students who go on field trips generally have better
grades. (学生在学校表现更好。参加实地考察的学生通常成绩较好)”以及后文“In fact, in a
study conducted by some researchers, 89% of adults said educational trips had a positive,
lasting impact on their education and career. It’s because the trips made them more curious and
interested in and out of school.(事实上,在一些研究人员进行的一项研究中,89%的成年人说
续说明参加实地考察的影响:他们有更高的毕业率。故 C 选项“他们有更高的毕业率”符合语
境,故选 C。
13.根据后文“When exploring a new place, students have the opportunity to listen and talk to new
people. They can learn how to effectively communicate with strangers, get along with them and
work with them. For example, they may acquire the skill of using body language to interact (互动)
with strangers.(当探索一个新的地方时,学生们有机会倾听和与陌生人交谈。他们可以学习
即掌握了社交技能。故 A 选项“学生掌握了更多的社交技能”符合语境,故选 A。
14.根据上文“Students learn to be more independent. A field trip includes many things. Although
adults are in charge, it’s also up to students to figure out what exhibits they want to learn about,
how they can finish certain task, etc. During field trips, students can have many such situations to
learn to be independent. During the process, they sometimes may feel unpleasant and stressed.(学
学会了更加独立,但是有时会感到不愉快和压力,E 选项“但是他们会发现自己单独处理问
学生能力提高的表现,故选 E。
15.根据上文“Students develop a stronger connection to the neighborhood. By getting out of the
classroom and into the streets, students can become more familiar with their neighborhood.(学生
文“Moreover, they have the chance to communicate with local people, which also improves their
connection to the neighborhood.(此外,他们有机会与当地人交流,这也提高了他们与社区的
具体说明了解社区的哪些方面。F 选项中 its 与上下文的 neighborhood 相对应。故 F 选项“他
们将更多地了解它的文化、环境、人口等”符合语境,故选 F。
(23-24 高二上·安徽黄山·期中)How writing has helped my life
Writing has and is changing my life and these are some of the ways it has greatly helped me
over the years.
My writing got better.
Writing did make me become a better writer. 16 It’s almost impossible to keep
doing something over and over again without getting better at it, so when I say writing has
improved my writing skills, it would be foolish to disagree.
I feel much more confident with words.
Writing helped me build a good relationship with the English language. Before, I had to
check and recheck every word I wanted to use in an article to be sure I was using it correctly.
17 And I’m proud to say that I can use words effectively without having to run to a dictionary
every second.
My imagination and speed grew.
The more I wrote, the more my imagination grew so that everything around me started
becoming an inspiration for an article. 18 I also went from someone who struggled to
come up with a 450-word essay, to someone who could put together a 1,000-word essay in less
than 30 minutes.
Just the act of putting down some words and creating a work of pure imagination gives me
inner joy and peace. Whenever I feel down, I write.
Finally ...
Writing is a skill that anyone could acquire if they put hard work into it. So next time
you’re lonely or just bubbling with anxiety, try writing. 20 Just pour out your heart on
your paper or screen.
A.My mental health has improved.
B.Writing helps me recover memories.
C.Now, that weight is off my shoulders.
D.We all know the saying “Practice makes perfect.”
E.I’ll never stop developing this beloved craft.
F.Don’t worry about being perfect because no one is.
G.I can look at a pencil and come up with a 500-word essay about it
【答案】16.D 17.C 18.G 19.A 20.F
16.根据下文“It’s almost impossible to keep doing something over and over again without getting
better at it, so when I say writing has improved my writing skills, it would be foolish to disagree.”
makes perfect 与下文中的 It’s almost impossible to keep doing something over and over again ...
getting better at it ... has improved my writing skills 相呼应。故 D 选项“我们都知道“熟能生巧”
这句话”切题。故选 D 项。
17.根据上文“Before, I had to check and recheck every word I wanted to use in an article to be
sure I was using it correctly.”( 以前,我必须反复检查我想在文章中使用的每个单词,以确
保我使用的是正确的。)根据下文“And I’m proud to say that I can use words effectively without
having to run to a dictionary every second.”( 我很自豪地说,我可以有效地使用单词,而不必
她现在不需要查词典就能灵活使用单词,因此,C 项“现在,我肩上轻松多了”符合语境。C
项中的 Now 和前一句中的 Before 形成对照,that weight 指代前一句中的 I had to check and
recheck every word。故选 C 项。
18.根据设空处前一句“The more I wrote, the more my imagination grew so that everything
around me started becoming an inspiration for an article.”(我写得越多,我的想象力就越丰富,
何东西都能成为她文章的灵感来源,因此,G 项“我可以看着一支铅笔,写出一篇 500 字的
文章”符合语境。G 项是对前一句内容的具体举例说明。故选 G 项。
19.设空处为小标题。后面一段的内容“Just the act of putting down some words and creating a
work of pure imagination gives me inner joy and peace. Whenever I feel down, I write.”(仅仅是
我就会写作。)主要谈了写作有助于抒发情绪,故 A 项“我的心理健康得到了改善”符合语境。
故选 A 项。
20.根据上文“Writing is a skill that anyone could acquire if they put hard work into it. So next
time you’re lonely or just bubbling with anxiety, try writing.”( 写作是一种任何人只要努力学
习就能掌握的技能。所以,下次当你感到孤独或焦虑时,试着写作吧。)及下文“Just pour out
your heart on your paper or screen.”(只要在纸上或屏幕上倾诉你的内心。)设空处前后两句建
议人们投入写作,故 F 项“不要担心自己是否完美,因为没有人是完美的”表明任何人都可以
写作,鼓励大家投入写作,符合语境。故选 F 项。
(23-24 高二上 ·山东青岛 ·期中)Whether you run a race or bounce a basketball, you do it
because it’s fun. Some scientists claim that play is a natural instinct, just like sleep. 21
Sports come in many shapes and sizes. Both team and individual sports have advantages and
disadvantages. In a team sport such as soccer, you’re part of a group, struggling to be a winning
team. 22 In an individual sport such as tennis, you’re usually concerned only about your
own performance. That can make these sports more challenging.
There’s little doubt about the value of sports. We learn how to negotiate plans, settle
disagreements, and monitor our attitude. Since organized sports are a hands-on, minds-on learning
process, they stimulate our imagination, curiosity, and creativity. 23 For example, we use
language during play to solve problems, and we use math skills to recognize averages and odds of
each sports play.
In a perfect world, everyone would have fun playing sports. 24 Sports can cause
broken bones, scrapes and bruises. They can also hurt us psychologically. When young children
play self-initiated games such as hide-and-seek, misunderstandings and hurt feelings are part of
the learning process.
Playing sports doesn’t mean you have to play on a school team. Few people have what it
takes to be a professional athlete. But your school basketball coach or gymnastics teacher has
found a way to make play their work. In doing so, they’ve found a profession best suited to their
25 There’s no better place to play and learn about the world than on a sports field.
A.But that’s not always the case.
B.Regardless of your sport, play to have fun.
C.Sports may have begun as a form of survival.
D.The skills we learn can be applied to school and work.
E.This might explain why sports are likely to be as old as humanity.
F.There are rules to obey, skills to learn, and strategies to carry out.
G.You must learn to get along with your teammates and share responsibility.
【答案】21.E 22.G 23.D 24.A 25.B
21.根据上文“Some scientists claim that play is a natural instinct, just like sleep. (一些科学家声
E“This might explain why sports are likely to be as old as humanity. (这也许可以解释为什么体
育运动可能和人类一样古老。)”承接自然,且 E 项中 sports 与上文 play 相呼应,故选 E。
22.根据上文“In a team sport such as soccer, you’re part of a group, struggling to be a winning
team. (在足球等团队运动中,你是一个团队的一部分,努力成为一个获胜的团队。)”可知,
在团队运动中,必须学会与队友相处,分享责任,才有可能让团队获胜。选择项 G“You must
learn to get along with your teammates and share responsibility. (你必须学会与队友相处并分担
责任。)”承接自然,且 G 项中 teammates 与上文 group 相呼应,故选 G。
23.根据上文“Since organized sports are a hands-on, minds-on learning process, they stimulate
our imagination, curiosity, and creativity. (由于有组织的体育运动是一个动手、动脑的学习过
选择项 D“The skills we learn can be applied to school and work. (我们学到的技能可以应用到
学校和工作中。)”承接自然,且 D 项中 skills 与上文 imagination, curiosity, and creativity 相
呼应,故选 D。
24.根据上文“In a perfect world, everyone would have fun playing sports. (在一个完美的世界里,
每个人都会在运动中获得乐趣。)”和下文“Sports can cause broken bones, scrapes and bruises.
They can also hurt us psychologically.(运动可以导致骨折,擦伤和擦伤。它们也会在心理上伤
害我们。)”可知,运动可以获得乐趣,但有时也带来伤害,选择项 A“But that’s not always the
case. (但情况并非总是如此。)”构成转折关系,且 A 项中 that 指代上文内容,故选 A。
25.根据下文“There’s no better place to play and learn about the world than on a sports field. (没
选择项 B“Regardless of your sport, play to have fun. (不管你从事什么运动,玩得开心就好。)”
承接自然,且 B 项中 play 与下文 play 相呼应,故选 B。
(23-24 高二上·福建漳州·期中)Getting regular exercise in this day and age can be tough. NHS
recommends the adults aged between 19 and 64 should try to be daily active and achieve at least
15 minutes of aerobic (有氧的) activity. 26 . But there are ways you can ‘sneak’ (偷偷地
做) exercising into your lifestyle.
Hobbies are a fantastic way to mask the weekly chores of regular exercise. Often, they can be
more effective than a gym membership, as you are likely to stick with for longer periods of time.
27 . Regular dancing has been contributing to losing weight, maintaining strong bones and
improving posture, muscle strength and balance.
As for parents, you have fantastic ways of ‘sneaking’ in weekly exercise by involving active
playtime. When spending essential time with your kids, get outside and get active, rather than
watching a movie together or other indoor activities. Not only is this beneficial for you, but also
your children. 28 , for instance, digging up the ground for kids veggie garden.
Believe it or not, getting stuck into cleaning your house can be a fantastic way to burn
calories. There is nothing quite like that clean house feeling. 29 . Of course, a few shifts to
your weekly housework will help you get the most out of this type of exercise. Increasing both the
pace at which you do your housework, such as vacuuming and mopping.
30 . Workplace workouts can help you make the most of your limited hours. Fitting
even just 10-minute exercise session at work goes a long way in improving your health and well
being. It can also allow you to recharge and refocus on your next work.
A.Many of us fail to attain this target
B.There is no barrier to learning to dance
C.And there are so many fun things you can do together
D.One of the best active hobbies is taking up dance lessons
E.Then you can find one that is best suited to your interests
F.And it’s even better feeling if you get a good workout from it
G.Integrating certain exercises into your workday is not as odd as it seems
【答案】26.A 27.D 28.C 29.F 30.G
26.由上文“Getting regular exercise in this day and age can be tough. NHS recommends the
adults aged between 19 and 64 should try to be daily active and achieve at least 15 minutes of
aerobic (有氧的) activity.(在这个年龄段进行定期锻炼可能很困难。英国国家医疗服务体系建
议,年龄在 19 岁至 64 岁之间的成年人应尽量保持日常活动,并至少进行 15 分钟的有氧运
动)”可知,这里主要讲我们应该每天至少保持 15 分钟的有氧运动。而 A 项 Many of us fail to
attain this target(我们中的许多人未能实现这一目标)符合语境,其中 this target 指代上文 be
daily active and achieve at least 15 minutes of aerobic (有氧的) activity,有承上作用。故选 A 项。
27.由下文“Regular dancing has been contributing to losing weight, maintaining strong bones and
improving posture, muscle strength and balance.(经常跳舞有助于减肥、保持强健的骨骼、改善
姿势、肌肉力量和平衡)”可知,这里主要讲跳舞的益处,而 D 项 One of the best active hobbies
is taking up dance lessons(最活跃的爱好之一是上舞蹈课)符合语境,其中 dance lessons 与下文
Regular dancing 对应,有启下作用。故选 D 项。
28.由上文“When spending essential time with your kids, get outside and get active, rather than
watching a movie together or other indoor activities. Not only is this beneficial for you, but also
your children. (当与孩子共度重要时光时,到户外活动,而不是一起看电影或其他室内活动。
这不仅对你有益,对你的孩子也有益)”可知,这里主要建议和孩子一起从事户外活动,而 C
项 And there are so many fun things you can do together(你们可以一起做很多有趣的事情)符合
语境,其中 you 指代上文父母和孩子们,且 so many fun things 和下文 digging up the ground
for kids veggie garden 对应,有启下作用。故选 C 项。
29.由上文“Believe it or not, getting stuck into cleaning your house can be a fantastic way to burn
calories. There is nothing quite like that clean house feeling.(信不信由你,花时间打扫房子是燃
会给人一种很好的感觉。而 F 项 And it’s even better feeling if you get a good workout from it(如
果你从中得到良好的锻炼,感觉会更好)符合语境,其中 it 指代上文 cleaning your house,且
even better feeling 也与上文 feeling 对应,所以有承上作用。故选 F 项。
30.由下文“Workplace workouts can help you make the most of your limited hours. Fitting even
just 10-minute exercise session at work goes a long way in improving your health and well being.
It can also allow you to recharge and refocus on your next work.(工作场所的锻炼可以帮助你充
分利用有限的时间。即使在工作中只进行 10 分钟的锻炼,也能大大改善你的健康和幸福感。
炼。而 G 项 Integrating certain exercises into your workday is not as odd as it seems (把某些锻炼
融入你的工作中并不像看起来那么奇怪)符合语境,其中 your workday 和下文 Workplace 对
应,有启下作用。故选 G 项。
(23-24 高二上 ·福建福州 ·期中)Traveling is a great way to experience new cultures and
landscapes, learn about different ways of life, and simply have an adventure. It can also help you
open your mind to new ideas and perspectives. 31 They provide insight, tips, and
inspiration for people looking to explore the world around them. From detailed guides to personal
stories, these books offer readers a way to experience the world without ever leaving their homes.
One book that perfectly captures (描述) the spirit of travel is The Distance Between Us by
Reyna Grande. 32 Through her moving writing style, Grande paints a vivid picture of the
struggles and joys of crossing a physical and cultural border.
Her book has a great impact on readers. 33 By sharing her own experiences,
Grande offers hope and inspiration to anyone looking to take the leap and explore the world
around them.
One of the greatest benefits of traveling to places inspired by books for students is the
opportunity to explore and learn about many different cultures. Immersing (使沉浸) yourself in
unfamiliar surroundings can help open your eyes to different ways of life. 34
Being able to communicate effectively with those from different backgrounds is essential
for any student, especially in today’s international society. 35 It can further improve
conversation and fluency (流畅).
Lastly, by traveling to places inspired by books, students will gain a deeper understanding
of the works that inspired them to take the journey in the first place.
A.Meeting new people can be invaluable.
B.That’s why there are so many books about traveling.
C.Literary works often include ideas beyond a reader’s imagination.
D.It can even help you gain insight into why people live differently from you.
E.It’s an inspiring story that will stay with them long after they finish the last page.
F.Traveling abroad helps students practice using their language skills in real-life situations.
G.In this book, Grande describes her journey from Mexico to America and how it shaped her life.
【答案】31.B 32.G 33.E 34.D 35.F
31.根据上文“Traveling is a great way to experience new cultures and landscapes, learn about
different ways of life, and simply have an adventure. It can also help you open your mind to new
ideas and perspectives.(旅行是一个用来体验新的文化和风景,了解不同的生活方式,并有一
“They provide insight, tips, and inspiration for people looking to explore the world around them.
From detailed guides to personal stories, these books offer readers a way to experience the world
without ever leaving their homes.(它们为想要探索周围世界的人们提供洞察力、技巧和灵感。
故 B 选项“这就是为什么有那么多关于旅行的书”符合语境,故选 B。
32.根据上文“One book that perfectly captures (描述) the spirit of travel is The Distance Between
Us by Reyna Grande.(雷纳·格兰德的《我们之间的距离》完美地诠释了旅行的精神)”以及后文
“Through her moving writing style, Grande paints a vivid picture of the struggles and joys of
crossing a physical and cultural border.(通过她动人的写作风格,格兰德描绘了一幅生动的画面,
故本句承接上文,说明书中的内容。故 G 选项“在这本书中,格兰德描述了她从墨西哥到美
国的旅程,以及它如何影响了她的生活。”符合语境,故选 G。
33.根据上文“Her book has a great impact on readers.(她的书对读者有很大的影响)”以及后文
“By sharing her own experiences, Grande offers hope and inspiration to anyone looking to take
the leap and explore the world around them.(通过分享自己的经历,格兰德给那些想要跨出一步,
探索周围世界的人带来了希望和灵感)”可知,本句主要说明了这本书的具体影响,故 E 选项
故选 E。
34.根据上文“One of the greatest benefits of traveling to places inspired by books for students is
the opportunity to explore and learn about many different cultures. Immersing (使沉浸) yourself
in unfamiliar surroundings can help open your eyes to different ways of life.(对学生来说,去受书
的生活方式,本句为本段最后一句,故对上文进行补充说明。故 D 选项“它甚至可以帮助你
了解为什么别人的生活方式和你不一样”符合语境,故选 D。
35.根据上文“Being able to communicate effectively with those from different backgrounds is
essential for any student, especially in today’s international society.(能够与来自不同背景的人有
了出国旅游对语言的提高。故 F 选项“出国旅游可以帮助学生练习在现实生活中运用语言技
能”符合语境,故选 F。
(23-24 高二上·广东深圳·期中)Gardening has been around for as long as humans have been
growing food. Today it is known for its health benefits. Focusing attention on the tasks and details
of gardening can reduce negative thoughts and feelings and make you feel better. 36
Besides, things like weeding and digging are a good exercise. If you don’t like going to the gym,
gardening is an enjoyable way to help you keep fit.
You can include gardening in your life in many ways.
Decide what you want to grow. 37 Different plants need varying amounts of care.
Make choices about what to grow based on how much time you have, where you live, and how
much money you can invest in your plants.
38 A community garden is a shared space where people grow plants in one large
area or in smaller individual plots. Search online for community gardens near you. This is also a
great place to ask questions and learn from experienced gardeners.
Grow plants indoors. You don’t need to own land to start gardening. 39 All you
need is a window or artificial sunlight source, potting soil, containers, and other supplies based on
what plants you grow.
Not every plant will grow exactly how you want or expect. Almost every gardener will
have problems growing and caring for their plants at some point. 40
A.Tending plants is an easy job.
B.Get involved at a community garden.
C.Do you have a favorite flower, fruit, or vegetable
D.Plenty of plants grow well indoors in pots or planters.
E.Just spending time around plants eases stress for many people.
F.Indoor gardens are an entertaining way to green up your home.
G.Learn from your problems, and don’t let them keep you from continuing to garden.
【答案】36.E 37.C 38.B 39.D 40.G
36.根据上文“Focusing attention on the tasks and details of gardening can reduce negative
thoughts and feelings and make you feel better. (把注意力集中在园艺的任务和细节上可以减少
更好。选项 E“花时间在植物周围可以缓解许多人的压力。”与上文承接自然。故选 E。
37.根据上文“Decide what you want to grow. (决定你想要种什么。) ”可知,本段主要介绍要
决定种植哪种植物。选项 C“你有最喜欢的花、水果或蔬菜吗?”与上文承接自然,指出可以
种植自己最喜欢的植物。故选 C。
38.根据下文“A community garden is a shared space where people grow plants in one large area
or in smaller individual plots.(社区花园是人们在一大片土地上共同种植植物的地方。)”可知,
接下来是对 Acommunity garden 下定义,所以空处要先提出“社区花园”这一概念。选项 B“参
与一个社区花园。”和下文意思一致。故选 B。
39.根据上文“Grow plants indoors. (在室内种植植物。)”可知,本段主要介绍在室内种植植
物。选项 D“许多植物在室内的小盆中生长良好。”符合题意。故选 D。
40.根据上文“Almost every gardener will have problems growing and caring for their plants at
some point(几乎每个人在种植植物时都会遇到问题或失败。不要灰心。)”可知,接下来应介
绍在遇到失败时的做法。选项 G“从错误中吸取教训,不要让它们阻碍你继续努力。”与上文
承接自然。故选 G。
(23-24 高二上·安徽滁州·期中)What does it mean to take responsibility What does being a
responsible person mean Responsibility is a virtue that everyone should have. But it seems that
nowadays most people are willing to take convenience over responsibility. 41 After all,
your world is a reflection of you and you alone.
Being responsible means being aware. The first step of responsibility starts with being
aware of your actions. Consciously or unconsciously, your actions are affecting those around you.
42 Be responsible and be mindful of every word you say and every act you commit.
43 Seize the present moment, and do all you can today to become a more
responsible person. Your responsible acts today will lead to a responsible future.
Being responsible involves humility ( 谦 逊 ). Responsibility means accepting the
consequences of your actions, even if it is the expense of your ego (自我). We all make mistakes.
44 By accepting responsibility, we can improve our integrity. Nothing says more of our
integrity than the way we handle responsibility.
Accept responsibility, learn from your mistakes, and move on with your life. 45
Don’t ever feel it is too late to accept responsibility for wrong actions in the past. Do what is right,
and give your soul the peace it deserves.
A.So what can you do to be more responsible
B.The matter is outside our area of responsibility.
C.Do it with a sense of pride and a spirit of adventure.
D.Don’t ignore what you do to others or how you hurt them.
E.Taking responsibility means attending to the needs of the present.
F.It is a natural part of life, especially when we act without paying much attention.
G.That is the healthiest and most beneficial way to accept our mistakes and failures.
【答案】41.A 42.D 43.E 44.F 45.G
41.根据上文“What does it mean to take responsibility What does being a responsible person
mean Responsibility is a virtue that everyone should have. But it seems that nowadays most
people are willing to take convenience over responsibility.(承担责任是什么意思?做一个负责
而不是责任)”以及后文“After all, your world is a reflection of you and you alone.(毕竟,你的世
意追求便利而不是责任,可知本句通过设问来引出后文变得更负责的方法。故 A 选项“那么
你能做些什么来更负责任呢?”符合语境,故选 A。
42.根据上文“Consciously or unconsciously, your actions are affecting those around you.(有意无
的人,以及你该怎么办。故 D 选项“不要忽视你对别人做了什么,或者你是如何伤害他们的”
符合语境,故选 D。
43.根据后文“Seize the present moment, and do all you can today to become a more responsible
person. Your responsible acts today will lead to a responsible future.(抓住当下,尽你今天所能成
抓住当下,尽你今天所能成为一个更负责任的人,即关注当前的需要。故 E 选项“承担责任
意味着关注当前的需要”符合语境,故选 E。
44.根据上文“We all make mistakes.(我们都会犯错)”以及后文“By accepting responsibility, we
can improve our integrity. Nothing says more of our integrity than the way we handle
后文给出方法。故 F 选项“这是生活中很自然的一部分,尤其是当我们不太注意的时候”符合
语境,故选 F。
45.根据上文“Accept responsibility, learn from your mistakes, and move on with your life.(承担
责任,故本句说明这么做的好处。故 G 选项“这是接受我们的错误和失败的最健康、最有益
的方式”符合语境,故选 G。
(23-24 高二上·山东泰安·期中)It’s very common these days for people to have a gym plan.
Whatever the drive behind it, it is impossible for people to take some sort of regular exercise each
But if you’ve never done it before, what’s the best way to go about it Well, many people
make use of a PT—that’s a personal trainer. This might be because they’re wet behind the ears or
maybe they just don’t want to design their own workout plan. A PT will create a proper plan for
you based on your aims. 46 And, better still, they will teach you how to move in a way
that won’t weaken you.
47 Each hourly session can be expensive because you have to pay both the PT and
membership of the gym, too. If you are short of cash then regular sessions might be out of your
So what’s left 48 It’s relatively easy to do if you have the know-how. But before
you do, here are some basic pointers.
First, keep your fitness goal in mind. Are you looking to slim down, bulk up(健壮 ), or
increase your abilities Whatever it is, make sure the things you choose to do are in pursuit of that
goal. Next, do your research. These days, social media is chock-full of fitness videos and advice.
Watch as many of these as possible and be a little critical of them. Finally, keep your feet on the
ground. 49 It takes at least three months to see any realistic body changes. And don’t
exercise too much—never work in pain—a good workout is difficult and challenging, but never
painful. 50
If nothing else, focus on calisthenics(健美操)—these are the basic body movements which
everyone can do anywhere, even at home.
A.Pain means you are damaging yourself.
B.They will charge you for their train work.
C.They will tailor it to your current abilities.
D.However, the trade-off with a PT is the price.
E.Be patient with yourself and set realistic goals.
F.Make sure that the place where you exercise is good.
G.Well, if you have the courage for it, you can make your own plan.
【答案】46.C 47.D 48.G 49.E 50.A
46.根据上文“A PT will create a proper plan for you based on your aims.(私人教练会根据你的
目标为你制定一个合适的计划)”可知,上文提到了私人教练会根据你的目标制定计划,C 选
项“他们会根据你目前的能力量身定做”符合语境,承接上文对此进一步解释说明。故选 C。
47.根据后文“Each hourly session can be expensive because you have to pay both the PT and
membership of the gym, too. If you are short of cash then regular sessions might be out of your
那么定期训练可能超出了你的预算)”可知,本段主要说明了找私人教练的价格问题。故 D 选
项“然而,找私人教练需要妥协的是价格”符合语境,故选 D。
48.根据后文“It’s relatively easy to do if you have the know-how. But before you do, here are
some basic pointers.(如果你有诀窍,这是相对容易做到的。但在此之前,这里有一些基本的
贵,可推测是建议自己制定计划。故 G 选项“嗯,如果你有勇气,你可以制定自己的计划”
符合语境,故选 G。
49.根据后文“It takes at least three months to see any realistic body changes. And don’t exercise
too much—never work in pain—a good workout is difficult and challenging, but never painful.(至
见需要耐心。故 E 选项“对自己有耐心,设定现实的目标”符合语境,故选 E。
50.根据上文“And don’t exercise too much—never work in pain—a good workout is difficult and
challenging, but never painful. (不要运动太多——永远不要在痛苦中工作——好的锻炼是困
痛苦意味着什么。故 A 选项“疼痛意味着你在伤害自己”符合语境,故选 A。
(23-24 高二上·浙江台州·期中)Unique among all the positive emotions, hope requires some
degree of conflict, difficulty, negativity, or uncertainty to be ignited. People high in hope are
optimistic about their future and believe in possibilities. They see challenges as opportunities to
grow and learn, rather than as obstacles. 51 Here are tips on how to cultivate hope.
Set and achieve goals. Without a clear goal, it’s easy to get distracted and lose focus.
Hopeful people usually visualize their goals and create conditions that set them up for success.
52 Getting three emails out in the next 15minutes or preparing lunch in the next 20 minutes are
simple examples.
Stick with positive people. 53 This doesn’t mean being intolerant of another
person’s difficulties, negativity, or struggles, but it does mean that hopeful people tend to spend
more time associating with those who share a bright and proactive attitude. They maintain a
healthy balance but don’t get overwhelmed by the negativity around them.
54 While believing in oneself is important, highly hopeful people are able to
forgive themselves as well. This is a unique combination because this type of confidence allows a
person to be imperfect. In addition, they are willing to take reasonable risks and accept failures to
support their growth and move forward.
Keep a positive outlook. No matter what life throws at them, they endeavor to see the silver
lining. They don’t let the circumstance define their emotional response. In addition, high-hope
people are also creative problem-solvers. When faced with a challenge, they don’t give up easily.
A.Believe in the power of risks.
B.Be self-reflective and confident.
C.This is key to the success of many high-hope people.
D.One way this gets done is through achievable micro-goals.
E.Being around positive people contributes to keeping optimistic.
F.Therefore, they’re constantly trying to improve themselves and their skill sets.
G.Instead, they work out solutions that help them overcome the obstacles in their way.
【答案】51.C 52.D 53.E 54.B 55.G
51.根据上文“Unique among all the positive emotions, hope requires some degree of conflict,
difficulty, negativity, or uncertainty to be ignited. People high in hope are optimistic about their
future and believe in possibilities. They see challenges as opportunities to grow and learn, rather
than as obstacles.(在所有的积极情绪中,希望是独一无二的,它需要一定程度的冲突、困难、
和学习的机会,而不是障碍”这类人成功的关键。故 C 选项“这是高期望的人成功的关键”符
合语境,故选 C。
52.根据上文“Set and achieve goals. Without a clear goal, it’s easy to get distracted and lose
focus. Hopeful people usually visualize their goals and create conditions that set them up for
常会设想他们的目标,并为成功创造条件)”以及后文“Getting three emails out in the next
15minutes or preparing lunch in the next 20 minutes are simple examples.(在接下来的 15 分钟内
发三封邮件或者在接下来的 20 分钟内准备午餐都是简单的例子)”可知,后文列举了简单的
例子,说明要从小目标开始。故 D 选项“一种方法是通过可实现的小目标”符合语境,故选
53.根据上文“Stick with positive people.(和积极的人在一起)”可知,本句承接上文,说明要
和积极的人在一起的原因。故 E 选项“和积极的人在一起有助于保持乐观”符合语境,故选
54.根据后文“While believing in oneself is important, highly hopeful people are able to forgive
themselves as well. This is a unique combination because this type of confidence allows a person
to be imperfect. In addition, they are willing to take reasonable risks and accept failures to support
their growth and move forward.(虽然相信自己很重要,但充满希望的人也能原谅自己。这是
接受失败,以支持他们的成长和前进)”可知,本段提到了接受失败和自信,故 B 选项“自我
反省,自信”符合语境,故选 B。
55.根据上文“In addition, high-hope people are also creative problem-solvers. When faced with a
challenge, they don’t give up easily.(此外,高期望的人也是创造性的问题解决者。当面对挑战
时,他们不会轻易放弃)”可知,本句主要说明高期望的人的如何面对挑战的。故 G 选项“相
反,他们想出解决办法,帮助他们克服前进道路上的障碍”符合语境,故选 G。
(23-24 高二上·河南开封·期中)Four Ways to Beat the Monday Blues
Are you feeling down because the weekend is almost over Take it easy, and you can try
the following ways to help you overcome the Monday Blues.
Make a list for your next week.
Instead of focusing on difficult tasks that lay ahead of you, think about all the good to
come. 56 A good place to start is to think of one thing you are excited about for each
category: at work, after work, and at the weekend. If it’s hard to come up with three things to look
forward to, get planning ASAP! We’re not talking about anything difficult, just simple things that
uplift you like meeting a friend for coffee.
Sleep has a tremendous effect on our mood. According to Harvard Medical School, “poor
or inadequate sleep can cause stress, while healthy sleep can enhance well-being.” So, if you find
yourself a little more short-tempered than normal, sleep may be the answer. 58 It’s worth
taking this into account on Sunday to avoid a lack of energy on a Monday morning.
Choose your favorite clothes.
59 In fact, psychologists conclude that the strong link between clothing and mood
suggests we should put on clothes that we associate with happiness, even when feeling low. In
short, wearing whatever you like on Monday makes you feel great!
Arrange some easy tasks.
After a weekend of fun and taking it easy, it might be best to keep Monday’s schedule a
little lighter than other days. This doesn’t mean sitting around and drowning in your blues. It
means that instead of facing the most complicated stuff on a Monday, put some time into the
easier tasks. 60
A.Form a routine of daily life.
B.Go to bed early on Sunday night.
C.Don’t underestimate the power of a suit.
D.Reduce Monday Blues by allowing yourself to do Monday with ease.
E.Putting less pressure on yourself is a good way to beat the Monday Blues.
F.Take a nap to energize or get to bed earlier tonight to make up for lost sleep.
G.Make a list by writing out some things that you are currently looking forward to.
【答案】56.G 57.B 58.F 59.C 60.D
56.根据上文“Instead of focusing on difficult tasks that lay ahead of you, think about all the good
to come.(不要把注意力集中在摆在你面前的困难任务上,想想所有美好的事情)”以及后文“A
good place to start is to think of one thing you are excited about for each category: at work, after
work, and at the weekend. If it’s hard to come up with three things to look forward to, get
planning ASAP! We’re not talking about anything difficult, just simple things that uplift you like
meeting a friend for coffee.(一个好的开始是在每个类别中想一件让你兴奋的事情:工作时,
故 G 选项“列一张清单,写下你目前期待的事情”符合语境,故选 G。
57.根据本段内容“Sleep has a tremendous effect on our mood. According to Harvard Medical
School, “poor or inadequate sleep can cause stress, while healthy sleep can enhance well-being.”
So, if you find yourself a little more short-tempered than normal, sleep may be the answer.(睡眠
可知,本段主要是针对睡觉提出建议。由此可知,B 选项“星期天晚上早点睡觉”符合语境,
故选 B。
58.根据上文“So, if you find yourself a little more short-tempered than normal, sleep may be the
answer.(所以,如果你发现自己比平时脾气更暴躁,睡觉可能是答案)”以及后文“It’s worth
taking this into account on Sunday to avoid a lack of energy on a Monday morning.(为了避免周
提出的建议,且与睡眠有关。由此可知,F 选项“打个盹来补充能量,或者今晚早点上床睡
觉来弥补失去的睡眠”符合语境,故选 F。
59.根据后文“In fact, psychologists conclude that the strong link between clothing and mood
suggests we should put on clothes that we associate with happiness, even when feeling low. In
short, wearing whatever you like on Monday makes you feel great!(事实上,心理学家得出结论,
即衣服也存在力量。由此可知,C 选项“不要低估衣服的力量”符合语境,故选 C。
60.根据上文“It means that instead of facing the most complicated stuff on a Monday, put some
time into the easier tasks.(这意味着与其在周一面对最复杂的事情,不如把时间花在更容易的
任务上)”可知,上文建议做更容易的任务,即度过一个放松的周一。由此可知,D 选项“减
少“周一抑郁”,让自己轻松度过周一”符合语境,故选 D。
(23-24 高二上·广东广州·期中)If I could offer you a magic drug that would make you happier,
more optimistic and more productive, and cost nothing and will require very little effort, would
you be interested Of course you would! 61 Besides, gratitude requires little time and no
money. But why can gratitude improve our productivity and results
62 We learn the importance of saying “thank you” as little children. This childhood
lesson is extremely of great use. 63 How do you feel about them Does their appreciation
positively impact your relation with them Of course it does! So be grateful for people, their
contributions and their actions and make sure you let them know how you feel.
Gratitude improves problem solving skills. 64 However, when we think about
what we are grateful for, we open our minds up to new possibilities and connections. We also
enter a problem solving situation with a perspective of opportunity rather than challenge or issue.
Gratitude helps us learn. Every dark cloud has a silver lining. 65 Being grateful for
our situation, even if we don’t like everything about it, allows us to be thankful for opportunity to
learn something new.
So the more aware and grateful we are of what we have and our capabilities, the more
capable and elective we become in living.
A.Gratitude improves attitudes.
B.Gratitude improves relationships.
C.Behind every problem lies an opportunity.
D.Being more grateful often makes us more joyful and more optimistic.
E.Think about those people you know — who are most appreciative of you.
F.Too often we look at problem solving with a very bored or exhausted view.
G.Grateful people experience fewer aches and pains and report feeling healthier.
【答案】61.D 62.B 63.E 64.F 65.C
61.根据前文“If I could offer you a magic drug that would make you happier, more optimistic and
more productive, and cost nothing and will require very little effort, would you be interested Of
course you would!(如果我能给你一种神奇的药物,让你更快乐、更乐观、更有效率,而且不
gratitude requires little time and no money.(此外,感恩只需要很少的时间和金钱)”可知,空处
应讲述感恩有助于让人更快乐、更乐观,D 项“更多的感恩往往会让我们更加快乐和乐观。”
符合题意,选项中的“more joyful and more optimistic”对应前面的“happier, more optimistic”,
“grateful”对应后面的“gratitude”。故选 D。
62.空处为本段的主旨句,根据后文“Does their appreciation positively impact your relation with
them Of course it does!(他们的感激对你和他们的关系有积极的影响吗?当然有!)”可知,本
段讲述了感恩对关系的有益影响,所以 B 项“感恩可以改善人际关系”符合题意。故选 B。
63.前文“We learn the importance of saying ‘thank you’ as little children. This childhood lesson is
extremely of great use.(我们从小就知道说‘谢谢’的重要性。这个童年的教训非常有用)”讲述了
我们从小接受的感恩教育是有用的,后文“How do you feel about them Does their appreciation
positively impact your relation with them (你觉得他们怎么样?他们的感激对你和他们的关系
有积极的影响吗?)”提到了那些感激你的人和你之间的关系,them 为空处提到的内容,指代
的是那些感激你的人,所以 E 项“想想你认识的那些最感激你的人”符合题意。故选 E。
64.本段首句“Gratitude improves problem solving skills.(感恩可以提高解决问题的能力)”表明
本段描述感恩可以提高解决问题的能力,后文“However, when we think about what we are
grateful for, we open our minds up to new possibilities and connections.(然而,当我们想到我们
新的可能性和联系,所以空处应讲述解决问题时常遇到的问题,F 项“我们常常以一种非常
无聊或疲惫的视角来看待解决问题。”符合题意。故选 F。
65.本段首句“Gratitude helps us learn.(感恩帮助我们学习)”表明本段描述感恩帮助学习,前
文“Every dark cloud has a silver lining. (黑暗中总有一线光明)”提到黑暗中总有一线光明,与
C 项“每个问题的背后都蕴藏着机会。”构成类比,说明我们可以通过解决问题进行学习,引
出后文“Being grateful for our situation, even if we don’t like everything about it, allows us to be
thankful for opportunity to learn something new.(对我们的处境心存感激,即使我们并不喜欢它
的一切,也会让我们对学习新东西的机会心存感激)”。故选 C。
(23-24 高二上·广东湛江·期中)A gym membership can be nice. 66 All you need is a
little bit of time and space at home for yourself. But before everything, you need to create an
at-home fitness routine.
Spend 5 to 10 minutes warming up before every workout. Not sure what to do Try
jumping jacks, leg or arm circles, or even dancing. Just get your blood pumping. Do a progressive
aerobic (有氧的) activity that uses the same muscles you want to work out. 67
Do strength training twice a week to build muscles. Strength training, also called resistance
training, makes you stronger and builds endurance (忍耐力). 68 This helps you do a harder
workout every time you exercise.
69 You might be eager to just stop your workout when you’ve finished your last set
of activity, but take a few minutes to do low-intensity exercises that lower your heart rate. You
might drop your run into a walk or slow down your cycling, for instance.
Set achievable goals that you can break into smaller tasks. It’s one thing to say you want to
get fit, but that means something different for everyone. 70 It should be specific, realistic,
and meaningful. Then, break down the goal into small, actionable steps so it feels like you’re
making progress regularly.
A.After all, we work out to build our muscles.
B.Equipment is the key to carrying out a workout plan.
C.But you don’t have to have one to get into great shape.
D.For instance, slowly jog if you are going for a longer run.
E.Spend five to ten minutes cooling down after each workout.
F.Figure out what you plan to achieve and make that your goal.
G.Try to do exercises that work many parts of your body and make you feel stronger.
【答案】66.C 67.D 68.G 69.E 70.F
66.前文“A gym membership can be nice. (健身会员卡是不错的选择)”指出有健身会员卡是不
错的,后文“All you need is a little bit of time and space at home for yourself. (你所需要的只是
在家里给自己一点时间和空间)”说明在家锻炼也很好,因此 C 项“But you don’t have to have
one to get into great shape. (但你不一定非要有一个才能保持好身材)”符合语境,说明健身会
员卡并非保持好身材的必需品,和前文构成转折,引出后文的观点,其中的 one 指代前文的
A gym membership。故选 C。
67.前文“Do a progressive aerobic (有氧的) activity that uses the same muscles you want to work
out. (做一个循序渐进的有氧运动,使用你想锻炼的肌肉)”建议循序渐进地开展有氧运动,因
此 D 项“For instance, slowly jog if you are going for a longer run. (例如,如果你要跑地更远,
就慢慢地跑)”符合语境,举出有氧运动中跑步的例子,承接前文的建议。故选 D。
68.前文“Strength training, also called resistance training, makes you stronger and builds
endurance (忍耐力). (力量训练,也称为阻力训练,使你更强壮,培养耐力)”介绍力量训练的
概念和作用,后文“This helps you do a harder workout every time you exercise. (这有助于你在
每次锻炼时都能进行更难的锻炼)”指出一个做法的好处,因此 G 项“Try to do exercises that
work many parts of your body and make you feel stronger. (试着做一些锻炼身体各个部位的运
后文的 This 指代选项内容。故选 G。
的形式。根据后文“You might be eager to just stop your workout when you’ve finished your last
set of activity, but take a few minutes to do low-intensity exercises that lower your heart rate. (当
的心率)”可知,本段建议在最后做低强度的运动,因此 E 项“Spend five to ten minutes cooling
down after each workout. (每次锻炼后花 5 到 10 分钟做放松练习)”符合语境,契合段落内容,
其中的 cooling down 和后文的 low-intensity exercises 呼应。故选 E。
70.前文“It’s one thing to say you want to get fit, but that means something different for everyone.
后文“It should be specific, realistic, and meaningful. (它应该是具体的、现实的、有意义的)”说
明一个事物的标准,因此 F 项“Figure out what you plan to achieve and make that your goal. (弄
引出后文的标准,后文的 It 指代其中的 your goal。故选 F。
(23-24 高二上·江苏苏州·期中)What comes to mind when you think about chocolate A candy
bar at Halloween Ice cream on a hot day
For Ibrahim, a 12-year-old boy from the West African country of Ghana, chocolate is not
about sweet treats; it is about bitter work. 71 But if they did, we would learn that Ibrahim
spends his days growing and harvesting cocoa beans, from which chocolate is made. We would
also learn that he is just one of more than two million children who perform this difficult labour
instead of attending school.
To change the harmful practices like this, some farms use an approach called Fairtrade.
72 It aims to create a different relationship between buyers (chocolate companies) and sellers
(cocoa farmers) by encouraging farmers to join together to form a shared business called a
cooperative. Because farmers work together instead of competing with each other, they can
demand a higher price from the buyers. 73
Consumers like you can play a role as well. You can buy Fairtrade chocolate if possible,
pressure candy companies to change their labour practices, or ask local stores to sell Fairtrade
products. 74 It is a programme recognizing schools that provide Fairtrade products in
cafeterias or include related lessons in curriculum (课程).
Chocolate has a hidden story that affects children like Ibrahim—children who want a happy
future just like you do. 75 By enjoying Fairtrade products or simply spreading the word,
you can make chocolate as sweet for all children as it is for you.
A.You have the power to change the story.
B.The labels on chocolate do not tell his story.
C.Fairtrade is a way of doing business that prohibits child labour.
D.You can also take action through the Fairtrade Schools network.
E.On many farms, children like Ibrahim perform difficult farming tasks.
F.Cocoa trees grow in the tropical climates of Africa, Latin America and South-East Asia.
G.With more income, farmers can pay adult workers and can send their children to school.
【答案】71.B 72.C 73.G 74.D 75.A
71.上文“For Ibrahim, a 12-year-old boy from the West African country of Ghana, chocolate is
not about sweet treats; it is about bitter work. (对于来自西非国家加纳的 12 岁男孩易卜拉欣来
说,巧克力并不是甜食,而是甜点。这是关于艰苦的工作。)”指出制作巧克力是 12 岁男孩
Ibrahim 的艰辛工作,下文“But if they did, we would learn that Ibrahim spends his days growing
and harvesting cocoa beans, from which chocolate is made. (但如果它们是这样,我们就会了解
空处应用与下文内容相反,应该介绍我们无法了解到 Ibrahim 的情况,B 项“巧克力上的标签
并没有讲述他的故事。”符合,下文的 they 代指 The labels on chocolate,故选 B。
72.上文“To change the harmful practices like this, some farms use an approach call专题 05 阅读之七选五
(23-24高二上·内蒙古呼和浩特·期中)Have you ever heard someone say, “breakfast is the most
important meal of the day”, or give you advice about why it’s vital to start the day with a healthy
breakfast 1 Is it really that important In a sense, it really matters.
Energy restoration
The word “breakfast” comes from “breaking the fast” — the idea of ending the period in
which we didn’t eat during the night. The regeneration process that takes place while we sleep
consumes some of our natural food reserves to heal our bodies. 2 So, in that way, a healthy
breakfast makes sense.
Weight management
There are also many often-quoted studies which seem to link a state of obesity with skipping
breakfast. 3 In a US study, 50,000 people were monitored over seven years, and those who
ate a healthy breakfast were found to have a lower BMI, which seems to suggest that breakfast
may indeed help people maintain a healthy weight.
Better brain function
4 Breakfast is also associated with improved brain function, including
concentration and language. A review of 54 studies found that eating breakfast can improve
memory, though the effects on other brain functions were inconclusive. However, one of the
researchers says there is reasonable evidence that breakfast does improve concentration.
What’s most important is what we eat for breakfast. High-protein breakfasts have been
found particularly effective in reducing food cravings and consumption later in the day. However,
studies found that there is no agreement on what type of breakfast is healthier. 5
A.Breakfast helps us refill the exhausted stores.
B.Weight-loss is likely to cause them health problems.
C.Breakfast has been found to affect more than just weight.
D.Breakfast types don’t matter as much as simply eating something.
E.Thus, it is suggested that a healthy breakfast can regulate and lose weight.
F.Many people are recommended to manage their weight by skipping meals.
G.It seems that this feast, for many of us, is necessary for our day to start well.
(23-24 高二上·河南信阳·期中)Have you considered how to choose your major in university,
which is of great significance for your future career Here is some practical advice.
Don’t choose a major merely based on money or the salary prospect, otherwise mistakes
will happen. 6 . Can you see yourself investing the next 40 years in this career without
getting bored Actually choosing a major with a high-paying career won’t guarantee you a
high-paying job. 7 .
A hobby is never meant to be your priority. You want to pick something that interests you,
but you need to be sure you won’t get sick of it as time progresses. Typically, people will confuse
their hobbies with their passions. 8 , while passion comforts you and drives you crazy at the
same time. It inserts itself into your life. When you choose to study your hobby and build your life
around it, it can lose its appeal and won’t be relaxing.
9 . Being interested in a major isn’t enough. Researching the field will ensure you
choose a right major. If you know someone in the field, ask them for some information.
Don’t always depend on your parents. The opinions of your family aren’t something to
ignore. 10 . After all, the choice is ultimately yours. If anyone wants to help you in choosing
a major and you completely agree with their opinions, then go with it. But if you want your future
to go in any other direction, speak up.
A.Therefore, listen to their opinions carefully
B.Never choose a major by feeling instead of research
C.You should also consider your passions, dislikes, and happiness
D.However, don’t be afraid to voice your own opinions and choices
E.A hobby is a pursuit outside one’s regular occupation for relaxation
F.It depends on position openings and your competitors when you graduate
G.Remember, the key to success is making the right decision based on your own passions and
(23-24 高二上·重庆万州·期中)One good part about school is field trips. Students can get out of
the classroom and into the real world, even if just for a few hours. 11 Whether it is learning
how to feed chickens on the farm or understanding how gravity works at the science museum,
these hands-on learning experiences bring them benefits.
Students do better in school. Students who go on field trips generally have better grades.
12 In fact, in a study conducted by some researchers, 89% of adults said educational trips had a
positive, lasting impact on their education and career. It's because the trips made them more
curious and interested in and out of school.
13 When exploring a new place, students have the opportunity to listen to and talk to
new people. They can learn how to effectively communicate with strangers, get along with them
and work with them. For example, they may acquire the skill of using body language to interact
with strangers.
Students learn to be more independent. A field trip includes many things. Although adults
are in charge, it’s also up to students to figure out what exhibits they want to learn about, how they
can finish certain tasks, etc. During field trips, students can have many such situations to learn to
be independent. In the process, they sometimes may feel unpleasant and stressed. 14
Students develop a stronger connection to a neighborhood. By getting out of the classroom
and, into the streets, students can become more familiar with a neighborhood. 15 Moreover,
they have the chance to communicate with local people, which also improves their connection to
the neighborhood.
A.Students master more social skills.
B.So students can develop lifelong friendships.
C.And they have higher graduation rates from school.
D.These trips, wherever they are, can influence students.
E.But they’ll see their ability to deal with problems alone improve.
F.They will learn more about its culture, environment, population, etc.
G.Teachers’ detailed guidance will help students behave well in school.
(23-24 高二上·安徽黄山·期中)How writing has helped my life
Writing has and is changing my life and these are some of the ways it has greatly helped me
over the years.
My writing got better.
Writing did make me become a better writer. 16 It’s almost impossible to keep
doing something over and over again without getting better at it, so when I say writing has
improved my writing skills, it would be foolish to disagree.
I feel much more confident with words.
Writing helped me build a good relationship with the English language. Before, I had to
check and recheck every word I wanted to use in an article to be sure I was using it correctly.
17 And I’m proud to say that I can use words effectively without having to run to a dictionary
every second.
My imagination and speed grew.
The more I wrote, the more my imagination grew so that everything around me started
becoming an inspiration for an article. 18 I also went from someone who struggled to
come up with a 450-word essay, to someone who could put together a 1,000-word essay in less
than 30 minutes.
Just the act of putting down some words and creating a work of pure imagination gives me
inner joy and peace. Whenever I feel down, I write.
Finally ...
Writing is a skill that anyone could acquire if they put hard work into it. So next time
you’re lonely or just bubbling with anxiety, try writing. 20 Just pour out your heart on
your paper or screen.
A.My mental health has improved.
B.Writing helps me recover memories.
C.Now, that weight is off my shoulders.
D.We all know the saying “Practice makes perfect.”
E.I’ll never stop developing this beloved craft.
F.Don’t worry about being perfect because no one is.
G.I can look at a pencil and come up with a 500-word essay about it
(23-24 高二上·山东青岛·期中)Whether you run a race or bounce a basketball, you do it
because it’s fun. Some scientists claim that play is a natural instinct, just like sleep. 21
Sports come in many shapes and sizes. Both team and individual sports have advantages and
disadvantages. In a team sport such as soccer, you’re part of a group, struggling to be a winning
team. 22 In an individual sport such as tennis, you’re usually concerned only about your
own performance. That can make these sports more challenging.
There’s little doubt about the value of sports. We learn how to negotiate plans, settle
disagreements, and monitor our attitude. Since organized sports are a hands-on, minds-on learning
process, they stimulate our imagination, curiosity, and creativity. 23 For example, we use
language during play to solve problems, and we use math skills to recognize averages and odds of
each sports play.
In a perfect world, everyone would have fun playing sports. 24 Sports can cause
broken bones, scrapes and bruises. They can also hurt us psychologically. When young children
play self-initiated games such as hide-and-seek, misunderstandings and hurt feelings are part of
the learning process.
Playing sports doesn’t mean you have to play on a school team. Few people have what it
takes to be a professional athlete. But your school basketball coach or gymnastics teacher has
found a way to make play their work. In doing so, they’ve found a profession best suited to their
25 There’s no better place to play and learn about the world than on a sports field.
A.But that’s not always the case.
B.Regardless of your sport, play to have fun.
C.Sports may have begun as a form of survival.
D.The skills we learn can be applied to school and work.
E.This might explain why sports are likely to be as old as humanity.
F.There are rules to obey, skills to learn, and strategies to carry out.
G.You must learn to get along with your teammates and share responsibility.
(23-24 高二上·福建漳州·期中)Getting regular exercise in this day and age can be tough. NHS
recommends the adults aged between 19 and 64 should try to be daily active and achieve at least
15 minutes of aerobic (有氧的) activity. 26 . But there are ways you can ‘sneak’ (偷偷地
做) exercising into your lifestyle.
Hobbies are a fantastic way to mask the weekly chores of regular exercise. Often, they can be
more effective than a gym membership, as you are likely to stick with for longer periods of time.
27 . Regular dancing has been contributing to losing weight, maintaining strong bones and
improving posture, muscle strength and balance.
As for parents, you have fantastic ways of ‘sneaking’ in weekly exercise by involving active
playtime. When spending essential time with your kids, get outside and get active, rather than
watching a movie together or other indoor activities. Not only is this beneficial for you, but also
your children. 28 , for instance, digging up the ground for kids veggie garden.
Believe it or not, getting stuck into cleaning your house can be a fantastic way to burn
calories. There is nothing quite like that clean house feeling. 29 . Of course, a few shifts to
your weekly housework will help you get the most out of this type of exercise. Increasing both the
pace at which you do your housework, such as vacuuming and mopping.
30 . Workplace workouts can help you make the most of your limited hours. Fitting
even just 10-minute exercise session at work goes a long way in improving your health and well
being. It can also allow you to recharge and refocus on your next work.
A.Many of us fail to attain this target
B.There is no barrier to learning to dance
C.And there are so many fun things you can do together
D.One of the best active hobbies is taking up dance lessons
E.Then you can find one that is best suited to your interests
F.And it’s even better feeling if you get a good workout from it
G.Integrating certain exercises into your workday is not as odd as it seems
(23-24 高二上 ·福建福州 ·期中)Traveling is a great way to experience new cultures and
landscapes, learn about different ways of life, and simply have an adventure. It can also help you
open your mind to new ideas and perspectives. 31 They provide insight, tips, and
inspiration for people looking to explore the world around them. From detailed guides to personal
stories, these books offer readers a way to experience the world without ever leaving their homes.
One book that perfectly captures (描述) the spirit of travel is The Distance Between Us by
Reyna Grande. 32 Through her moving writing style, Grande paints a vivid picture of the
struggles and joys of crossing a physical and cultural border.
Her book has a great impact on readers. 33 By sharing her own experiences,
Grande offers hope and inspiration to anyone looking to take the leap and explore the world
around them.
One of the greatest benefits of traveling to places inspired by books for students is the
opportunity to explore and learn about many different cultures. Immersing (使沉浸) yourself in
unfamiliar surroundings can help open your eyes to different ways of life. 34
Being able to communicate effectively with those from different backgrounds is essential
for any student, especially in today’s international society. 35 It can further improve
conversation and fluency (流畅).
Lastly, by traveling to places inspired by books, students will gain a deeper understanding
of the works that inspired them to take the journey in the first place.
A.Meeting new people can be invaluable.
B.That’s why there are so many books about traveling.
C.Literary works often include ideas beyond a reader’s imagination.
D.It can even help you gain insight into why people live differently from you.
E.It’s an inspiring story that will stay with them long after they finish the last page.
F.Traveling abroad helps students practice using their language skills in real-life situations.
G.In this book, Grande describes her journey from Mexico to America and how it shaped her life.
(23-24 高二上·广东深圳·期中)Gardening has been around for as long as humans have been
growing food. Today it is known for its health benefits. Focusing attention on the tasks and details
of gardening can reduce negative thoughts and feelings and make you feel better. 36
Besides, things like weeding and digging are a good exercise. If you don’t like going to the gym,
gardening is an enjoyable way to help you keep fit.
You can include gardening in your life in many ways.
Decide what you want to grow. 37 Different plants need varying amounts of care.
Make choices about what to grow based on how much time you have, where you live, and how
much money you can invest in your plants.
38 A community garden is a shared space where people grow plants in one large
area or in smaller individual plots. Search online for community gardens near you. This is also a
great place to ask questions and learn from experienced gardeners.
Grow plants indoors. You don’t need to own land to start gardening. 39 All you
need is a window or artificial sunlight source, potting soil, containers, and other supplies based on
what plants you grow.
Not every plant will grow exactly how you want or expect. Almost every gardener will
have problems growing and caring for their plants at some point. 40
A.Tending plants is an easy job.
B.Get involved at a community garden.
C.Do you have a favorite flower, fruit, or vegetable
D.Plenty of plants grow well indoors in pots or planters.
E.Just spending time around plants eases stress for many people.
F.Indoor gardens are an entertaining way to green up your home.
G.Learn from your problems, and don’t let them keep you from continuing to garden.
(23-24 高二上·安徽滁州·期中)What does it mean to take responsibility What does being a
responsible person mean Responsibility is a virtue that everyone should have. But it seems that
nowadays most people are willing to take convenience over responsibility. 41 After all,
your world is a reflection of you and you alone.
Being responsible means being aware. The first step of responsibility starts with being
aware of your actions. Consciously or unconsciously, your actions are affecting those around you.
42 Be responsible and be mindful of every word you say and every act you commit.
43 Seize the present moment, and do all you can today to become a more
responsible person. Your responsible acts today will lead to a responsible future.
Being responsible involves humility ( 谦 逊 ). Responsibility means accepting the
consequences of your actions, even if it is the expense of your ego (自我). We all make mistakes.
44 By accepting responsibility, we can improve our integrity. Nothing says more of our
integrity than the way we handle responsibility.
Accept responsibility, learn from your mistakes, and move on with your life. 45
Don’t ever feel it is too late to accept responsibility for wrong actions in the past. Do what is right,
and give your soul the peace it deserves.
A.So what can you do to be more responsible
B.The matter is outside our area of responsibility.
C.Do it with a sense of pride and a spirit of adventure.
D.Don’t ignore what you do to others or how you hurt them.
E.Taking responsibility means attending to the needs of the present.
F.It is a natural part of life, especially when we act without paying much attention.
G.That is the healthiest and most beneficial way to accept our mistakes and failures.
(23-24 高二上·山东泰安·期中)It’s very common these days for people to have a gym plan.
Whatever the drive behind it, it is impossible for people to take some sort of regular exercise each
But if you’ve never done it before, what’s the best way to go about it Well, many people
make use of a PT—that’s a personal trainer. This might be because they’re wet behind the ears or
maybe they just don’t want to design their own workout plan. A PT will create a proper plan for
you based on your aims. 46 And, better still, they will teach you how to move in a way
that won’t weaken you.
47 Each hourly session can be expensive because you have to pay both the PT and
membership of the gym, too. If you are short of cash then regular sessions might be out of your
So what’s left 48 It’s relatively easy to do if you have the know-how. But before
you do, here are some basic pointers.
First, keep your fitness goal in mind. Are you looking to slim down, bulk up(健壮 ), or
increase your abilities Whatever it is, make sure the things you choose to do are in pursuit of that
goal. Next, do your research. These days, social media is chock-full of fitness videos and advice.
Watch as many of these as possible and be a little critical of them. Finally, keep your feet on the
ground. 49 It takes at least three months to see any realistic body changes. And don’t
exercise too much—never work in pain—a good workout is difficult and challenging, but never
painful. 50
If nothing else, focus on calisthenics(健美操)—these are the basic body movements which
everyone can do anywhere, even at home.
A.Pain means you are damaging yourself.
B.They will charge you for their train work.
C.They will tailor it to your current abilities.
D.However, the trade-off with a PT is the price.
E.Be patient with yourself and set realistic goals.
F.Make sure that the place where you exercise is good.
G.Well, if you have the courage for it, you can make your own plan.
(23-24 高二上·浙江台州·期中)Unique among all the positive emotions, hope requires some
degree of conflict, difficulty, negativity, or uncertainty to be ignited. People high in hope are
optimistic about their future and believe in possibilities. They see challenges as opportunities to
grow and learn, rather than as obstacles. 51 Here are tips on how to cultivate hope.
Set and achieve goals. Without a clear goal, it’s easy to get distracted and lose focus.
Hopeful people usually visualize their goals and create conditions that set them up for success.
52 Getting three emails out in the next 15minutes or preparing lunch in the next 20 minutes are
simple examples.
Stick with positive people. 53 This doesn’t mean being intolerant of another
person’s difficulties, negativity, or struggles, but it does mean that hopeful people tend to spend
more time associating with those who share a bright and proactive attitude. They maintain a
healthy balance but don’t get overwhelmed by the negativity around them.
54 While believing in oneself is important, highly hopeful people are able to
forgive themselves as well. This is a unique combination because this type of confidence allows a
person to be imperfect. In addition, they are willing to take reasonable risks and accept failures to
support their growth and move forward.
Keep a positive outlook. No matter what life throws at them, they endeavor to see the silver
lining. They don’t let the circumstance define their emotional response. In addition, high-hope
people are also creative problem-solvers. When faced with a challenge, they don’t give up easily.
A.Believe in the power of risks.
B.Be self-reflective and confident.
C.This is key to the success of many high-hope people.
D.One way this gets done is through achievable micro-goals.
E.Being around positive people contributes to keeping optimistic.
F.Therefore, they’re constantly trying to improve themselves and their skill sets.
G.Instead, they work out solutions that help them overcome the obstacles in their way.
(23-24 高二上·河南开封·期中)Four Ways to Beat the Monday Blues
Are you feeling down because the weekend is almost over Take it easy, and you can try
the following ways to help you overcome the Monday Blues.
Make a list for your next week.
Instead of focusing on difficult tasks that lay ahead of you, think about all the good to
come. 56 A good place to start is to think of one thing you are excited about for each
category: at work, after work, and at the weekend. If it’s hard to come up with three things to look
forward to, get planning ASAP! We’re not talking about anything difficult, just simple things that
uplift you like meeting a friend for coffee.
Sleep has a tremendous effect on our mood. According to Harvard Medical School, “poor
or inadequate sleep can cause stress, while healthy sleep can enhance well-being.” So, if you find
yourself a little more short-tempered than normal, sleep may be the answer. 58 It’s worth
taking this into account on Sunday to avoid a lack of energy on a Monday morning.
Choose your favorite clothes.
59 In fact, psychologists conclude that the strong link between clothing and mood
suggests we should put on clothes that we associate with happiness, even when feeling low. In
short, wearing whatever you like on Monday makes you feel great!
Arrange some easy tasks.
After a weekend of fun and taking it easy, it might be best to keep Monday’s schedule a
little lighter than other days. This doesn’t mean sitting around and drowning in your blues. It
means that instead of facing the most complicated stuff on a Monday, put some time into the
easier tasks. 60
A.Form a routine of daily life.
B.Go to bed early on Sunday night.
C.Don’t underestimate the power of a suit.
D.Reduce Monday Blues by allowing yourself to do Monday with ease.
E.Putting less pressure on yourself is a good way to beat the Monday Blues.
F.Take a nap to energize or get to bed earlier tonight to make up for lost sleep.
G.Make a list by writing out some things that you are currently looking forward to.
(23-24 高二上·广东广州·期中)If I could offer you a magic drug that would make you happier,
more optimistic and more productive, and cost nothing and will require very little effort, would
you be interested Of course you would! 61 Besides, gratitude requires little time and no
money. But why can gratitude improve our productivity and results
62 We learn the importance of saying “thank you” as little children. This childhood
lesson is extremely of great use. 63 How do you feel about them Does their appreciation
positively impact your relation with them Of course it does! So be grateful for people, their
contributions and their actions and make sure you let them know how you feel.
Gratitude improves problem solving skills. 64 However, when we think about
what we are grateful for, we open our minds up to new possibilities and connections. We also
enter a problem solving situation with a perspective of opportunity rather than challenge or issue.
Gratitude helps us learn. Every dark cloud has a silver lining. 65 Being grateful for
our situation, even if we don’t like everything about it, allows us to be thankful for opportunity to
learn something new.
So the more aware and grateful we are of what we have and our capabilities, the more
capable and elective we become in living.
A.Gratitude improves attitudes.
B.Gratitude improves relationships.
C.Behind every problem lies an opportunity.
D.Being more grateful often makes us more joyful and more optimistic.
E.Think about those people you know — who are most appreciative of you.
F.Too often we look at problem solving with a very bored or exhausted view.
G.Grateful people experience fewer aches and pains and report feeling healthier.
(23-24 高二上·广东湛江·期中)A gym membership can be nice. 66 All you need is a
little bit of time and space at home for yourself. But before everything, you need to create an
at-home fitness routine.
Spend 5 to 10 minutes warming up before every workout. Not sure what to do Try
jumping jacks, leg or arm circles, or even dancing. Just get your blood pumping. Do a progressive
aerobic (有氧的) activity that uses the same muscles you want to work out. 67
Do strength training twice a week to build muscles. Strength training, also called resistance
training, makes you stronger and builds endurance (忍耐力). 68 This helps you do a harder
workout every time you exercise.
69 You might be eager to just stop your workout when you’ve finished your last set
of activity, but take a few minutes to do low-intensity exercises that lower your heart rate. You
might drop your run into a walk or slow down your cycling, for instance.
Set achievable goals that you can break into smaller tasks. It’s one thing to say you want to
get fit, but that means something different for everyone. 70 It should be specific, realistic,
and meaningful. Then, break down the goal into small, actionable steps so it feels like you’re
making progress regularly.
A.After all, we work out to build our muscles.
B.Equipment is the key to carrying out a workout plan.
C.But you don’t have to have one to get into great shape.
D.For instance, slowly jog if you are going for a longer run.
E.Spend five to ten minutes cooling down after each workout.
F.Figure out what you plan to achieve and make that your goal.
G.Try to do exercises that work many parts of your body and make you feel stronger.
(23-24 高二上·江苏苏州·期中)What comes to mind when you think about chocolate A candy
bar at Halloween Ice cream on a hot day
For Ibrahim, a 12-year-old boy from the West African country of Ghana, chocolate is not
about sweet treats; it is about bitter work. 71 But if they did, we would learn that Ibrahim
spends his days growing and harvesting cocoa beans, from which chocolate is made. We would
also learn that he is just one of more than two million children who perform this difficult labour
instead of attending school.
To change the harmful practices like this, some farms use an approach called Fairtrade.
72 It aims to create a different relationship between buyers (chocolate companies) and sellers
(cocoa farmers) by encouraging farmers to join together to form a shared business called a
cooperative. Because farmers work together instead of competing with each other, they can
demand a higher price from the buyers. 73
Consumers like you can play a role as well. You can buy Fairtrade chocolate if possible,
pressure candy companies to change their labour practices, or ask local stores to sell Fairtrade
products. 74 It is a programme recognizing schools that provide Fairtrade products in
cafeterias or include related lessons in curriculum (课程).
Chocolate has a hidden story that affects children like Ibrahim—children who want a happy
future just like you do. 75 By enjoying Fairtrade products or simply spreading the word,
you can make chocolate as sweet for all children as it is for you.
A.You have the power to change the story.
B.The labels on chocolate do not tell his story.
C.Fairtrade is a way of doing business that prohibits child labour.
D.You can also take action through the Fairtrade Schools network.
E.On many farms, children like Ibrahim perform difficult farming tasks.
F.Cocoa trees grow in the tropical climates of Africa, Latin America and South-East Asia.
G.With more income, farmers can pay adult workers and can send their children to school.
(23-24 高二上·辽宁大连·期中)For outdoor enthusiasts, it is crucial to be prepared for any sort
of natural disaster in the open air. 76 . It includes what kinds of disasters may strike, and
what resources should be taken on your trip.
77 Desert areas are more likely to be affected by droughts; coastal regions are more
likely to see hurricanes; mountainous areas are likely to avalanches ( 雪崩 ) in winter and
landslides in summer. Therefore, always do some research ahead of time to help you find right
survival strategies in different conditions.
While you’re planning, the essential thing to consider is the things you should pack for your
trip. Any disaster that may separate you from civilization for a period of time will require you to
provide your own food, water, and shelter for at least a few days. 78 For disasters that may
wet your equipment, flameless light sources are a must. What you bring with you should be suited
to the disaster you might encounter.
Once you complete your survival plan, it’s better to review it periodically. When a natural
disaster strikes, you probably won’t have time to go over a document or go online to seek advice.
If a natural disaster strikes while you are in the wilderness, you should put your survival
plan into effect immediately. 80 Then contact others for help. Do not wait around to see if
the disaster is really that serious, do not panic, and do not easily abandon your plan.
A.But this is not always the case.
B.It’s also a good idea to bring light sources.
C.That means having a disaster response plan.
D.It’s also great to consult with the specialists in person.
E.Consequently, revising it frequently is strongly recommended.
F.Different kinds of disasters are likely to occur in different areas.
G.Stay calm, act decisively, and begin working to keep yourself alive.
(23-24 高二上·黑龙江哈尔滨·期中)What Are the Advantages of Team Sports
The list of benefits from team sports is long, regardless of their talent or the team’s record.
Here are just a few:
Obviously, fitness is a big benefit. Many studies now show that our eating habits and lifestyle
habits are making us less healthy. And exercise can give us some relief from these conditions. At
the same time, playing a team sport lays the foundation for lifelong fitness habits.
Life skills
Equally important are the non-athletic skills that sports build. “There is a lot you can learn in
sports that you will use in the rest of your life,” explains John Duffy, a Chicago-area psychologist.
“You learn to play on a team. 82 . And you learn to be gracious when you win and when
you lose.”
Academic (学术的) success
Research shows that schools with strong athletic programs have higher test scores and lower
drop-out rates. 83 . And they also have self-reported higher education aspirations (抱负),
diligence in homework completion and lower absenteeism.
In team sports, teammates learn to respect each other and encourage everyone to do their
best. 84 .
Additional benefits for females
85 The Women’s Sports Foundation reports that girls who participate in team sports
are more likely to have a positive outlook on their bodies.
C.It’s also about showing respect for the teammates
D.Meanwhile, female athletes have additional advantages
E.You learn to handle challenges and deal with difficulties
F.Everyone learns to work together because it is what’s best for the team
G.Students who play team sports are more likely to graduate than those who don’t
(23-24 高二上·江苏苏州·期中)Do you get nervous thinking about geometry, equations or a
coming math test If yes, you are far from alone. 86 Students in countries with higher
levels of math anxiety tend to achieve lower math grades, according to a study published in the
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences on Feb 15.
According to a University of Cambridge study, in ordinary life, many people experience
some degree of discomfort when faced with a math problem, ranging from mild tension to strong
fear. 87 They may then try to avoid every situation involving numbers, meaning they are
held back from pursuing careers related to this subject.
Comfort comes from the fact that those with math anxiety are not necessarily to be bad at
math. 88 They may have had a really bad experience with math and there are ways to
improve math achievement.
89 If you’re feeling stressed before a math exam, it may help to spend a few minutes
exploring those feelings before the exam begins. It’s about making sure you’re interpreting your
feelings correctly. In addition, a little math anxiety could be taken as a positive challenge to
overcome. 90
A.Also, there are ways to manage your stress related to math.
B.Students with math anxiety may be disadvantaged in intelligence.
C.If a child has math anxiety, don’t assume that they’re not good at math.
D.Math anxiety has become a common psychological condition among students around the world.
E.Just because you have a fast heartbeat and sweaty palms, that does not necessarily mean you
will fail.
F.Just like many people get stage fright before delivering a speech, this nervous energy can help
to motivate.
G.Some people also experience physical symptoms such as sweaty palms or a racing heart.
(23-24 高二上·山西朔州·期中)The advice of “eat the frog first thing in the morning” sounds
extremely strange. However, this somewhat-commonly known expression is one way of
describing an absolutely helpful productivity tip.
“Eat the frog” actually means “do the day’s worst task as soon as you wake up”. 91 .
Basically, what Twain is believed to have said is that if you have to eat a frog, you should do it
straight away in the morning so the worst part of your day is immediately behind you.
You don’t really have to eat the frog as soon as you wake up. 92 . You can just make
a conscious (刻意的) effort to get your hardest responsibilities handled before moving on to lesser
ones. When I have to have an uncomfortable phone call, I schedule it for the earliest possible time
in the day. When I have a project due, I try to wake up early to take care of it instead of staying up
late. I can prove the fact that I feel great throughout the day knowing that the worst thing I had to
do is already done. 93 .
If you struggle with procrastination (拖延症 ) — whether cleaning your house or doing
work for school or your job or you find that you get all the little stuff done but don’t make
sufficient progress on the big stuff, try following the advice. 94 . Study for the test in your
most difficult class before studying for your easier ones.
95 . Put the most important or troublesome tasks at the top of your list, and then
enjoy the satisfaction of crossing them off early. At some point, moving on to the smaller
activities — even if they’re not important — will feel like a reward.
A.You get the idea
B.This quote comes from Mark Twain
C.Schedule the most annoying tasks for the morning
D.If you’d like to be more productive, eating the frog is for you
E.But you should try to get frogs out of the way as soon as possible
F.This advice also helps to make a to-do list every night for the next day and rank it
G.This always makes me feel like any other tasks I need to handle are a piece of cake
(23-24 高二上·湖南常德·期中)How to do basic First Aid
Basic first aid refers to a temporary form of help given to someone who has been injured or
has got sick due to choking, a heart attack, drugs or other medical emergencies. 96 .
Care for the person who has just gone through serious damage, including both physical
treatment and emotional support. 97 . Let the person know that help is on its way and that
everything will be all right. Also you can ask for their names, if they know what has happened,
and then about their interests.
98 , if a person is in a state similar to sleep. You’d better listen for the sound of air
coming in and out, and feel for air using the side of your face. If there are no signs of breathing,
place two fingers under the chin (下巴) and gently guide the face pointing upwards to open up
their airways.
Perform 30 chest compressions ( 心肺复苏 ) and two rescue breaths as part of CPR.
99 . And then press the chest down about 2 inches at a rate of 100 compressions per minute.
After 30 compressions, give two rescue breaths, done by opening the airways, closing the nose
and fully covering the mouth hole.
Make sure the person is warm as you wait for medical help. Remove some of your own
clothing, such as your coat or jacket, and use it as a cover until medical help arrives. However, if
the person has a heatstroke (中暑), do not cover him or keep him warm. 100 .
A.Instead, try to cool him
B.You must stay calm
C.Perform first aid immediately
D.Check for breath
E.Here are some tips for first aid
F.It is important to take the correct chest compressions
G.In the center of the chest, put your two hands together first
(23-24 高二上·广东广州·期中)Breathing is a basic human function. 101 . You may be
surprised to learn that there are better ways to breathe than others.
It’s easy to get in the habit of taking short, shallow breaths. I’s important to train yourself to
breathe deeply since deep breaths are better at oxygenating your body and can actually help
reduce stress. Take a moment to pay attention to your breathing. 102 , you’re likely to take
shallow breaths. Try practicing deep breathing for several minutes every day. Over time, it will
become easier and feel more natural.
Schedule regular check-ins to stay focused on your breathing. Since you don’t usually
realize that you’re breathing, it can be tricky to notice whether or not you’re doing it properly. Try
to check-in at the same time every day, like each morning and lunchtime, so that it becomes part
of your routine.
103 . For example, if you notice that you’re taking shallow breaths whenever you
check on your breathing, you’ll know to work on taking deeper breaths from your diaphragm (隔
104 . To make deep breathing easier, try practicing a couple of breathing exercises so
you can use them the next time you’re feeling overwhelmed. For example, you can quickly relax
when you’re feeling stressed by taking deep breaths through your nose and then sighing out loud
on your exhales (呼出). If you ever feel like you’re on the edge of having a panic attack, take a
deep breath in for 3 seconds, hold it for 3 seconds, and then slowly exhale through pursed lips.
105 .
Deep breathing exercises help you take the time out of your day to focus on just your
breaths. This can help you relax in the moment and improve your form when breathing throughout
the day.
A.When you take a deep breath
B.Repeat the exercise until you calm down
C.If only your chest is rising and falling when you breathe
D.But most of the time you don’t even realize you’re doing it
E.So you can use them the next time you’re feeling overwhelmed
F.Deep, purposeful breaths calm you down in stressful or scary situations
G.Being more mindful of your breathing can help you make adjustments if necessary
(23-24 高二上·广东深圳·期中)Einstein’s Opinions on Creative Thinking
“The greatest scientists are artists as well,” said Albert Einstein, one of the greatest
physicists and an amateur pianist and violinist.
For Einstein, insight did not come from logic or mathematics. 106 “All great
achievements of science must start from intuitive (直觉的 ) knowledge. Imagination is more
important than knowledge.”
107 Surprisingly, it wasn’t the content of an idea, or its subject, that determined
whether something was art or science, but how the idea was expressed. If what is seen and
experienced is described in the language of logic, then it is science. If it is communicated and
recognized intuitively, then it is art. 108 That’s why he said that great scientists were also
109 “If I were not a physicist,” he once said, “I would probably be a musician. I
often think in music and I see my life in terms of music. I get most joy in life out of music.” Music
provided Einstein with a connection between time and space, which both combine spatial (空间
的) and structural aspects. “The theory of relativity occurred to me by intuition and music is the
driving force behind this intuition,” said Einstein. “My parents had me study the violin from the
time I was six. 110 ”
A.But how did art differ from science for Einstein
B.Instead, it came from intrusion (直觉) and inspiration.
C.My new discovery is the result of musical insight.
D.There is no doubt that my theory was a great breakthrough then.
E.Einstein himself worked intuitively and expressed himself logically.
F.Einstein also owed his scientific insight and intuition mainly to music.
G.For Einstein, it was the humanities that mainly contributed to his achievements.
(23-24 高二上 ·安徽合肥 ·期中) It can be a wonderful and satisfying experience to have
roommates to share a home with. Living with others can often help you develop close
relationships and learn some life skills along the way. 111 .
Honest communication
In order to solve any problems that may arise, effective communication is necessary.
112 , where you feel free to voice worries, expectations and feedback. It is recommended to
have house meetings on a regular basis where all important information is shared and addressed.
Nothing is more important than keeping your shared space clean and organized. Take the
time to clean up shared areas like bathrooms and kitchens and respect each other’s standards of
Develop a sense of humor
114 . Developing a sense of humor will help relieve tension and create a more
lighthearted atmosphere, especially when you and your roommates have the same sense of humor.
Be considerate of your roommates’ needs
Being considerate of your roommates’ schedule, preferences and routines is part of living
with them. A supportive living environment is created by small things, for example, offering to
pick up groceries or helping with housework. 115 , especially when one of your
roommates is studying or working or when anyone in the apartment is asleep.
A.Respect yourself
B.You can create an open-door policy
C.Keep shared space clean and organized
D.It is also wise to be mindful of noise levels
E.Here are practical tips on how to be a good roommate
F.Living with others can lead to disagreements and arguments
G.Being a good roommate is more than making your rent payments on time
(23-24 高二上·四川成都·期中)Habits to live a healthier life
At a time when life expectancy in the US has fallen and diet-related disease is a leading cause
of death, it’s no wonder that Dan Buettner’s decades-long exploration of centenarians (百岁老人)
is attracting lots of attention. He says they have unconsciously created a long-lived environment
through their habit. 116 .
●Change social media to make friends
The best longevity secret is to manage your immediate social circle. 117 . If you’re
happy and engaged, positive emotions can spread. If you aim to live a healthier life, your odds
improve if those around you are committed to it. So, try this principle of human behavior to help
align (使协调 ) yourself with people who can serve as a sounding board to help you live with
●Trade the La-Z-Boy for a garden
118 . For those of you who don’t like the gym, you may be inspired by the way people
in the long-lived zones put movement into their everyday routines. Plant a garden in your
backyard. It pushes you to weed and water almost every day and that keeps you moving.
● 119
The nap (小睡) is an age-old tradition, of course. And though modern life has pushed it to
near extinction, the most recent science shows that a 20-minute nap in the afternoon can make up
for an hour of lost sleep and helps keep you sharp later in the day.
On the whole, we’d be wise to stop and take notes. 120 : Good food, good sleep, good
friends, plenty of movement and a sense of purpose are a recipe for living better.
A.Take a nap in the afternoon
B.Build movement into your day
C.Make yourself become a joiner
D.Find people who can inspire you
E.There’s no single change to create a culture of health
F.Scientific research confirms the centenarians’ way of life
G.Here are my opinions on ways to change old habits for new ones
(23-24 高二上·山西运城·期中)The possibility of being killed on a single airline flight is one in
4.7 million. Here are some lifesaving habits you are supposed to remember every time you fly.
Your carry-on bag
The safest thing to do with your carry-on is leave it on the plane. Flight crews ask you to
keep your luggage clear of the aisles (通道) for a reason. 121 With as few as 90 seconds
to evacuate (撤离) a burning place, the precious time spent reaching for luggage could be a life
and death decision for someone.
Your seat
122 The safest place to sit on a plane is behind the wings. A Popular Mechanics
study of 20 commercial jet crashes with both fatalities (死亡) and survivors found that passengers
seated in the rear cabin (behind the wings) had a 69 percent chance of survival, compared with just
49 percent for those in first class.
During a crash
The first thing you should do during a crash is put on the oxygen mask the minute it drops.
During a loss of cabin pressure, the fall in oxygen can knock you unconscious in as little as
20 seconds. 123 You can’t help if you can’t breathe.
Listen to your flight attendants. Most importantly, through any emergency, be nice to the
flight attendant.
What to wear
124 The US National Transportation Safety Board says that 68 percent of plane
crash fatalities occur in post-crash fires, not in the initial impact.
Fortunately, here’s what you can plan for days in advance while you pack your suitcase: on
the day you’re flying, avoid wearing synthetic fibers like polyester and nylon. Instead, choose
natural materials like cotton or wool. It’s also a good idea to wear long pants (like jeans) and a
long-sleeved shirt for extra protection from flames and sharp objects. 125
Sippers might seem like a good idea for braving airport security, but in the chaos of a crash
or evacuation, they’ll only slow you down.
A.You can narrowly escape from an air crash.
B.Always secure your oxygen mask before helping others.
C.Good mentality (心态) of a pilot is a necessity for safe flight.
D.Besides, the best shoes to wear on a plane never leave your feet.
E.The safest way to dress on a plane is avoid anything easy to catch fire.
F.In the event of an evacuation, you don’t want it blocking an escape route.
G.In the event of an evacuation, the closer you are to an exit, the higher the chance you’ll have to
escape safely.