专题06 完形填空(人教版2019)(含答案) 备战2024-2025学年高二英语上学期期中真题分类汇编(人教版2019)


名称 专题06 完形填空(人教版2019)(含答案) 备战2024-2025学年高二英语上学期期中真题分类汇编(人教版2019)
格式 zip
文件大小 1.2MB
资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-09-20 10:14:32


专题 06 完形填空
(23-24 高二上·山东临沂·期中)I have always wondered how far I could push myself. What are
my 1 limits
Our bodies, of course, set 2 for each of us. Even with newer running shoes and
better 3 , there will always be limits to how fast people can 4 or how much
weight they can lift. Also, although we can get ourselves in 5 shape, some of us are just
genetically more suited to strength and 6 . But, more importantly, it’s a person’s 7
that determines how far he or she can go.
So, how could I best test myself
John Collins was living in Hawaii when he 8 this question. One night, he was
listening to a few friends argue about whether runners or swimmers were in better shape. He
9 the argument by turning it into an idea for a competition. Each 10 would swim3. 9
kilometers, bike 180 kilometers and then run 42 kilometers. The first one to 11 would be
given the title Ironman!
I decided to take the advice. Preparing for the Ironman race started with food. I started
12 five to seven times a day to give myself more energy as I 13 .
Swimming, cycling and running began to 14 a large part of each day for me. In
between, there were workouts in the gym.
Finally, the day arrived. Seventeen hours after starting, I arrived at the finish line. I 15
wasn’t the first, but I had challenged myself and felt like a winner!
1.A.social B.intellectual C.readable D.physical
2.A.goals B.examples C.limits D.records
3.A.warning B.blessing C.training D.understanding
4.A.learn B.drive C.speak D.run
5.A.better B.darker C.smaller D.sharper
6.A.wisdom B.speed C.labor D.management
7.A.mind B.patience C.choice D.background
8.A.laughed at B.put forward C.objected to D.benefited from
9.A.weakened B.remembered C.started D.broadened
10.A.audience B.instructor C.discoverer D.competitor
11.A.fail B.finish C.apply D.disappear
12.A.drinking B.eating C.dancing D.swimming
13.A.exercised B.calculated C.played D.escaped
14.A.sum up B.insist on C.take up D.depend on
15.A.certainly B.generally C.impossibly D.gratefully
1.D 2.C 3.C 4.D 5.A 6.B 7.A 8.B 9.D
10.D 11.B 12.B 13.A 14.C 15.A
【导语】本文是夹叙夹议文。作者一直想知道自己的身体极限是什么 作者参加了铁人赛准
1.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我的身体极限是什么 A. social 社会的;B. intellectual 知识
的;C. readable 可读的;D. physical 身体的。根据“Our bodies, of course, set        for
each of us.”可知,作者不知道自己身体极限是什么。故选 D。
2.考查名词词义辨析。句意:当然,我们的身体为我们每个人设定了限制。A. goals 目标;
B. examples 例子;C. limit 极限;D. records 记录。根据“there will always be limits”可知,身
体有极限。故选 C。
多少重量总是有限制的。A. warning 警告;B. blessing 祝福;C. training 训练;D. understanding
理解。根据“there will always be limits to how fast people can     or how much weight they
can lift.”可知,通过更好的训练,人们能跑更快或能举起更大重量的物体,故选 C。
多少重量总是有限制的。A. learn 学习;B. drive 开车;C. speak 说话;D. run 跑步。根据“Even
with newer running shoes ”可知,准备跑鞋跑步。故选 D。
一些人只是在基因上更适合力量和速度。A. better 更好的;B. darker 更暗的;C. smaller 更
小的;D. sharper 更锋利的。根据“Even with newer running shoes and better        , ”
可知,经过更好训练可以让体型更好,故选 A。
些人只是在基因上更适合力量和速度。A. wisdom 智慧;B. speed 速度;C. labor 劳动;D.
management 管理。根据“some of us are just genetically more suited to strength”可知,锻炼让我
们保持体型也能提升力量和速度,故选 B。
A. mind 思想;B. patience 耐心;C. choice 选择;D. background 背景。根据“but I had challenged
myself and felt like a winner!”可知,这是思想决定自己走多远。故选 A。
8.考查动词短语辨析。句意:约翰·科林提出这个问题时住在夏威夷。A. laughed at 嘲笑;
B. put forward 提出;C. objected to 反对;D. benefited from 从中受益。根据“So, how could I best
test myself ”可知,这是约翰提出的问题。故选 B。
9.考查动词词义辨析。句意:他扩大了论点,把它变成了一个竞赛的想法。A. weakened 变
弱;B. remembered 记得;C. started 开始;D. broadened 扩大。根据“by turning it into an idea for
a competition.”可知,这是他把论点进行了扩大。故选 D。
10.考查名词词义辨析。句意:每个参赛者都要游泳 9 公里,自行车 180 公里,然后跑步
42 公里。A. audience 观众;B. instructor 指导者;C. discoverer 发现者;D. competitor 竞赛者。
根据“by turning it into an idea for a competition. ”可知,这是参赛者要完成的项目。故选 D。
11.考查动词词义辨析。句意:第一个到达终点的人将被授予铁人的称号!A. fail 失败;B. finish
完成;C. apply 运用;D. disappear 消失。根据“would be given the title Ironman!”可知,第一
个达到终点的人。故选 B。
A. drinking 喝水;B. eating 吃;C. dancing 跳舞;D. swimming 游泳。根据“Preparing for the
Ironman race started with food”可知,开始吃得更多。故选 B。
A. exercised 练习;B. calculated 计算;C. played 演奏;D. escaped 逃离。根据“Preparing for the
Ironman race started with food.”可知,作者在为铁人赛锻炼身体。故选 A。
14.考查动词短语辨析。句意:游泳、骑自行车和跑步开始占据我每天的大部分时间。A. sum
up 总结;B. insist on 坚持;C. take up 占据;D. depend on 依赖 。根据“In between, there were
workouts in the gym.”可知,大部分时间被游泳、骑自行车、跑步占据。故选 C。
certainly 当然;B. generally 一般;C. impossibly 不可能;D. gratefully 感激。根据“but I had
challenged myself and felt like a winner!”可知,虽然作者不是第一个到达终点的人,这是当然
地,但是感觉自己像一个胜利者。故选 A。
(23-24 高二上·湖北武汉·期中)My grandfather lives a normal life and now enjoys his retired
life as most 16 people. But to me, he is special in many ways.
17 his graduation from senior high school, he became a teacher and taught three
subjects. My grandfather did everything he could to 18 his students would have a 19
The national college 20 exam resumed (重启) in 1977. At that time, my grandfather
already had three children. It would mean lots of time and 21 to take the exam, but after
seeking advice from others, he 22 to take the exam that year. He wanted to 23 his
desire for higher education and for a better life for his children. He 24 .
After graduating from university, my grandfather returned to his hometown and opened an
agricultural machinery market, which thrived and became known as the best of its kind in town.
Almost all the people in the county knew his name. 25 his success, my grandfather
worked hard on the market’s management. He stayed up late to figure out what customers truly
wanted. All these efforts 26 his market to run well for decades.
My grandfather has also committed a lot 27 his family. He remembers many
stories of his children, and he made swings for me by himself. He taught his children to become a
deep thinker and form a 28 of reading. When I was small, he read me 200 ancient poems.
Probably 29 this, the spirit of traditional Chinese culture is deeply rooted in me.
My grandfather lives every day to its fullest. He always inadvertently (不经意地) 30
many people. I believe his spirit will be passed down forever.
16.A.elder B.older C.elderly D.oldest
17.A.When B.As C.In D.On
18.A.contradict B.distinguish C.assume D.ensure
19.A.conventional B.promising C.integrated D.luxurious
20.A.entrance B.admission C.enter D.admit
21.A.strength B.power C.force D.energy
22.A.enquired B.ceased C.preferred D.determined
23.A.fulfill B.fill C.expand D.boost
24.A.went through B.made it C.pulled through D.paid off
25.A.As B.Although C.Though D.Despite
26.A.disabled B.enabled C.distracted D.evaluated
27.A.to B.on C.in D.into
28.A.habitat B.habit C.diary D.dairy
29.A.thanks for B.on behalf of C.as a result D.on account of
30.A.encounters B.acknowledges C.intervenes D.influences
16.C 17.D 18.D 19.B 20.A 21.D 22.D 23.A
24.B 25.D 26.B 27.A 28.B 29.D 30.D
退休生活。A. elder 年龄较大的;B. older 更老的;C. elderly 上了年龄的;D. oldest 最老的。
根据上文“now enjoys his retired life”可知,作者的爷爷是退休人员,所以属于上了年龄的老
年人。故选 C。
17.考查介词词义辨析。句意:高中一毕业,他成为了一名教师,教了三门课。A. When 当…
时候;B. As 当…时候;C. In 在…内;D. On 一…就。根据下文“his graduation”可知,空格后
面是名词,空格处要用介词,表示时间,意为“一…就”。故选 D。
A. contradict 相矛盾;B. distinguish 区分;C. assume 假如;D. ensure 确保。根据上文“My
grandfather did everything he could”可知,作者的祖父尽他所能应该是要确保他的学生有一个
充满希望的未来。故选 D。
19.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:见第 3 题详解。A. conventional 传统的;B. promising 有
前途的;C. integrated 合成的;D. luxurious 奢侈的。根据上文“My grandfather did everything he
could”可知,作者的祖父尽他所能应该是要确保他的学生有一个充满希望的未来。故选 B。
20.考查名词词义辨析。句意:全国大学入学考试于 1977 年恢复。A. entrance 入口;B.
admission 承认;C. enter 进入;D. admit 承认。根据下文“exam resumed (重启) in 1977”可知,
这里指 1977 年中国恢复的高考。故选 A。
意见后,他决定参加当年的考试。A. strength 力气;B. power 能量;C. force 迫使;D. energy
精力。根据下文“to take the exam”可知,参加高考需要花费大量的时间和精力。故选 D。
22.考查动词词义辨析。句意:见第 6 题详解。A. enquired 要求;B. ceased 停止;C. preferred
更喜欢;D. determined 决心。根据下文“After graduating from university”可知,虽然有可能,
但是作者的爷爷仍然决定要参加高考。故选 D。
23.考查动词词义辨析。句意:他想实现他对高等教育和孩子们更好生活的渴望。A. fulfill
完成;B. fill 填充;C. expand 扩张;D. boost 促进。根据下文“his desire for higher education and
for a better life for his children.”可知,作者的爷爷决定要参加高考是想要完成他的愿望。故选
24.考查动词短语辨析。句意:他成功了。A. went through 经历;B. made it 成功;C. pulled
through 通过;D. paid off 有回报。根据下文“graduating from university”可知,作者的爷爷成
功考上了大学。故选 B。
A. As 当…时候;B. Although 尽管;C. Though 尽管;D. Despite 尽管。根据下文“his
选 D。
26.考查动词词义辨析。句意:所有这些努力使他的市场在几十年里运行良好。A. disabled
残疾;B. enabled 使能够;C. distracted 使分心;D. evaluated 评估。根据下文“his market to run
well for decades”可知,这里指作者的爷爷付出的努力使他的市场在几十年里运行良好。故选
27.考查介词词义辨析。句意:我爷爷也为他的家庭付出了很多。A. to 到;B. on 在…上;
C. in 在…内;D. into 到…内。根据上文“committed a lot”可知,这里指爷爷也为他的家庭付
出了很多。故选 A。
A. habitat 栖息地;B. habit 习惯;C. diary 日记;D. dairy 奶制品。根据下文“When I was small,
he read me 200 ancient poems. Probably      this, the spirit of traditional Chinese culture is
deeply rooted in me.”可知,爷爷是要培养作者养成读书的习惯。故选 B。
A. thanks for 感谢;B. on behalf of 代表;C. as a result 因此;D. on account of 因为。根据下
文“the spirit of traditional Chinese culture is deeply rooted in me”可知,作者认为,因为他爷爷
给他读了 200 首古诗,所以中国传统文化的精神才深深植根于他心中。故选 D。
30.考查动词词义辨析。句意:他总是在不经意间影响许多人。A. encounters 偶遇;B.
acknowledges 承认;C. intervenes 介入;D. influences 影响。根据下文“I believe his spirit will be
passed down forever.”可知,爷爷是事迹影响了很多人。故选 D。
(23-24 高二上·新疆塔城·期中)In 2017, I was diagnosed (诊断) with Type 1 diabetes (糖尿
病 ). And then I was told that I couldn’t drive for a few weeks until my blood sugar levels had
31 .
Driving was a 32 very soon after diagnosis for me. I needed to get to the chemist’s
shop for my diabetes medicine and get to hospital appointments, but at first couldn’t, for having
been told not to drive. I didn’t want to be a 33 , having to ask for lifts all the time.
I found it really 34 to be unable to drive, but things settled down after that and
seemed to be 35 for a while. 36 , to my surprise, I had severe hypoglycemia (低血
糖 ) last year and wasn’t able to 37 it myself. I called an ambulance and was taken to
38 , where I saw doctors and nurses I didn’t know as none of them were connected to the
diabetes team who usually cared for me. That’s where my 39 began. They advised me not
to drive on the basis of this disease. They told me to call the Driver and Vehicle Licencing Agency
(DVLA) and 40 what they’d told me to them. This led to my licence being canceled.
I couldn’t 41 all that had happened. It seemed 42 . I needed answers and
43 , so I phoned the Diabetes UK Helpline number I got from their website. They 44 I
was right in thinking that the DVLA shouldn’t have 45 my licence based on this
hypoglycemia, according to the law. With their help, the DVLA sent me a letter admitting making
a mistake. I got it back in six weeks.
31.A.settled B.increased C.worsened D.changed
32.A.problem B.task C.habit D.joy
33.A.failure B.mistake C.burden D.success
34.A.hard B.convenient C.safe D.funny
35.A.worrying B.thrilling C.amazing D.fine
36.A.Thus B.Meanwhile C.Instead D.However
37.A.record B.manage C.examine D.describe
38.A.hospital B.office C.school D.factory
39.A.exercise B.trouble C.dream D.experiment
40.A.explain B.return C.suggest D.repeat
41.A.forget B.regret C.believe D.remember
42.A.unafraid B.unfair C.unsure D.unhealthy
43.A.blood B.help C.evidence D.money
44.A.shouted B.wondered C.said D.imagined
45.A.canceled B.used C.borrowed D.copied
31.A 32.A 33.C 34.A 35.D 36.D 37.B 38.A
39.B 40.D 41.C 42.B 43.B 44.C 45.A
下来。A. settled 安定下来;B. increased 增加;C. worsened 恶化;D. changed 改变。根据上
文“In 2017, I was diagnosed (诊断) with Type 1 diabetes (糖尿病).”可知,作者的血糖水平正常
后才可以开车。故选 A。
32.考查名词词义辨析。句意:在诊断后不久,开车对我来说就是一个问题。A. problem 问
题;B. task 任务;C. habit 习惯;D. joy 快乐。根据下文“I needed to get to the chemist’s shop for
my diabetes medicine and get to hospital appointments, but at first couldn’t, for having been told
not to drive.(我需要去药店买我的糖尿病药,去医院预约,但一开始我做不到,因为被告知
不能开车)”可知,对作者来说不能开车是一个问题。故选 A。
33.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我不想成为一个负担——不得不一直要求搭便车。A. failure
失败;B. mistake 错误;C. burden 负担;D. success 成功。根据下文“having to ask for lifts all the
time”可知,作者不想成为他人的负担。故选 C。
一段时间似乎还不错。A. hard 困难的;B. convenient 方便的;C. safe 安全的;D. funny 有趣
的。根据前文“I needed to get to the chemist’s shop for my diabetes medicine and get to hospital
appointments, but at first couldn’t, for having been told not to drive.(我需要去药店买我的糖尿
开车真的很难。故选 A。
一段时间似乎还不错。A. worrying 令人担心的;B. thrilling 令人兴奋的;C. amazing 令人惊
异的;D. fine 好的。根据上文“but things settled down after that”可知,此处与前面糟糕的心情
形成对比,结合选项可知,fine 符合语境。故选 D。
无法处理这件事。A. Thus 因此;B. Meanwhile 其间,同时;C. Instead 代替;D. However 然
而。根据下文“I had a severe hypoglycemia (低血糖) last year”可知,此处与上文“In 2017, I was
diagnosed (诊断) with Type 1 diabetes (糖尿病).”形成转折关系。故选 D。
无法处理这件事。A. record 记录;B. manage 设法应付、处理;C. examine 检查;D. describe
描述。根据下文“I called an ambulance”可知,作者自己无法处理这件事。故选 B。
hospital医院;B. office办公室;C. school学校;D. factory工厂。根据上文“I called an ambulance”
可知,作者被送到了医院。故选 A。
39.考查名词词义辨析。句意:这就是我的麻烦开始的地方。A. exercise 练习;B. trouble 麻
烦;C. dream 梦想;D. experiment 实验。根据下文“They told me to call the Driver and Vehicle
Licencing Agency ( DVLA) and_______what they’d told me to them. This led to my licence
being canceled.”可知,在医院作者的麻烦开始了。故选 B。
告诉我的话。A. explain 解释;B. return 返回;C. suggest 建议;D. repeat 重复。根据下文“what
they’d told me to them”可知,此处指“重复他们告诉我的话”。故选 D。
41.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我简直不敢相信所发生的一切,这似乎是不公平的。A. forget
忘记;B. regret 后悔;C. believe 相信;D. remember 记得。根据上文可知,作者被诊断患有
糖尿病,而现在却得了低血糖,所以作者简直不敢相信所发生的一切。故选 C。
unafraid 不害怕的;B. unfair 不公平的;C. unsure 不确定的;D. unhealthy 不健康的。根据上
太不公平了。故选 B。
国糖尿病求助热线电话。A. blood 血液;B. help 帮助;C. evidence 证据;D. money 钱。根据
下文“so I phoned the Diabetes UK Helpline number I got from their website”可知,作者打英国
糖尿病求助热线电话寻求答案和帮助。故选 B。
不应该因为我低血糖而取消我的执照。A. shouted 大喊;B. wondered 想知道;C. said 说;
D. imagined 想象。后文“I was right in thinking that the DVLA shouldn’t have”是他们说的内容。
故选 C。
不应该因为我低血糖而取消我的执照。A. cancelled 取消;B. used 使用;C. borrowed 借;D.
copied 复制。根据下文“With their help, the DVLA sent me a letter admitting making a mistake. I
got it back in six weeks.(在他们的帮助下,DVLA 给我写了一封信,承认犯了一个错误。我六
故选 A。
(23-24 高二上·广东广州·期中)When my sister Diane began playing the violin, she was seven.
How did she sound Terrible. But she didn’t 46 . At twelve, she asked our parents if she
could 47 a full-time music school. They said no. Actually, everyone agreed that my sister
didn’t have talent.
I was better at my 48 . My teacher had told my parents that I had great potential. So
my parents found the best piano teacher in the area to 49 me. But the only time when he
was available was Saturday at 3 p.m. Back then, I was 50 by the British TV show—The
Avengers, which was 51 every Saturday at 3 p.m. I let nothing take up my The Avengers
hour. So I 52 this amazing opportunity. Today, I don’t even have a 53 in my house.
My sister became an engineer, but she 54 stopped making music. When she was in
her40s, she changed her career. She went back to college, got a 55 in music education, and
became a music teacher. She starts kids off on their first instrument and gives them all the
encouragement and support she never 56 .
Recently, she and a pianist pal put on a recital (音乐演奏会). A big crowd of friends and
family were 57 for her. As she played, I looked around at the 58 . Everyone was
obviously enjoying the music. It occurred to me that I was the only person who remembered that
7-year-old kid making those 59 sounds and knew how far she had come, despite
Talent is 60 . But enthusiasm is even more important.
46.A.admit B.advance C.quit D.improve
47.A.attend B.pay C.leave D.visit
48.A.major B.project C.article D.instrument
49.A.examine B.train C.correct D.challenge
50.A.frightened B.serious C.attracted D.particular
51.A.played B.filmed C.designed D.selected
52.A.jumped at B.opened up C.waited for D.turned down
53.A.tutor B.musician C.piano D.violin
54.A.already B.even C.never D.once
55.A.degree B.chance C.prize D.program
56.A.expected B.provided C.imagined D.received
57.A.existing B.remaining C.absent D.present
58.A.crowd B.students C.lights D.stage
59.A.sweet B.bad C.powerful D.pleasing
60.A.nothing B.important C.necessary D.beneficial
46.C 47.A 48.D 49.B 50.C 51.A 52.D 53.C
54.C 55.A 56.D 57.D 58.A 59.B 60.B
46.考查动词词义辨析。句意:但她没有放弃。A. admit 承认;B. advance 前进;C. quit 放
弃;D. improve 提高。根据前文“When my sister Diane began playing the violin, she was seven.
How did she sound Terrible.”可知,妹妹黛安娜七岁时开始拉小提琴,但是很差,以及后文
“At twelve, she asked our parents if she could        a full-time music school.”她想上一
所全日制的音乐学校,所以是她没有放弃。故选 C 项。
47.考查动词词义辨析。句意:12 岁时,她问我们的父母她是否可以上一所全日制音乐学
校。A. attend 上学;B. pay 支付;C. leave 离开;D. visit 访问。根据后文“They said no.”可知,
父母拒绝了,所以此处是问他们的父母她是否可以上一所全日制音乐学校。故选 A 项。
48.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我更擅长演奏乐器。A. major 专业;B. project 工程;C.article
文章;D. instrument 乐器。根据后文“My teacher had told my parents that I had great potential. So
my parents found the best piano teacher in the area to        me.”可知,作者老师说作者
很有潜力,父母找老师教作者钢琴,所以是在乐器上有天赋。故选 D 项。
49.考查动词词义辨析。句意:所以我父母找了当地最好的钢琴老师来训练我。A. examine
检查;B. train训练;C. correct改正;D. challenge挑战。根据前文“My teacher had told my parents
that I had great potential. So my parents found the best piano teacher”可知,作者的说作者很有潜
力,所以父母找老师训练作者。故选 B 项。
50.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:当时,我被每周六下午 3 点播放的英国电视剧《复仇者》
所吸引。A. frightened 受惊的;B. serious 严肃的;C. attracted 被吸引的;D. particular 特别的。
根据后文“I let nothing take up my The Avengers hour.”可知,《复仇者》这个节目吸引了作者。
故选 C 项。
51.考查动词词义辨析。句意:当时,我被每周六下午 3 点播放的英国电视剧《复仇者》所
吸引。A. played 播放;B. filmed 拍摄;C. designed 设计;D. selected 挑选。根据下文“every
Saturday at 3 pm. I let nothing take up my The Avengers hour.”可知《复仇者》是每周六下午 3
点播出,应使用动词 play。故选 A 项。
52.考查动词短语 辨析。句意:所以我拒绝了这个绝佳的机会。A. jumped at 欣然接受;
B. opened up 打开;C. waited for 等候;D. turned down 拒绝。根据上文“I let nothing take up my
The Avengers hour.”可知,作者不让任何事情占据自己的电视时间,故拒绝了这个机会。故
选 D 项。
53.考查名词词义辨析。句意:今天,我家里甚至没有钢琴。A. tutor 家庭教师;B. musician
音乐家;C. piano 钢琴;D. violin 小提琴。根据前文“So my parents found the best piano teacher
in the area to        me.”可知,作者父母让作者练钢琴,但是作者为了追剧拒绝了,
所以是现在家里没有钢琴。故选 C 项。
already 已经;B. even 甚至;C. never 从不;D. once 从前。根据后文“became a music teacher”
可知,妹妹成为了音乐老师,所以她从未停止过音乐创作。故选 C 项。
A. degree 学位;B. chance 机会;C. prize 奖金;D. program 节目。根据下文“in music education,
and became a music teacher.”可知,她成了音乐老师,应是得到一个学位。故选 A 项。
从未得到过的鼓励和支持。A. expected 盼望;B. provided 提供;C. imagine 想象;D. received
得到。根据前文“At twelve, she asked our parents if she could       a full-time music
school. They said no. Actually, everyone agreed that my sister didn’t have talent.”可知,她给孩子
们的鼓励和支持是她从来没得到的。故选 D 项。
57.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:一大群朋友和家人出席了她的演奏会。A. existing 现行的;
B. remaining 剩下的;C. absent 缺席的;D. present 出席的。根据上文“Recently, she and a pianist
pal put on a recital (音乐演奏会).”可知,既然是演唱会,一定有很多朋友家人出现在音乐会上
为她捧场。故选 D 项。
58.考查名词词义辨析。句意:在她演奏的时候,我环顾了一下人群。A. crowd 人群;B. students
学生;C. lights 灯光;D. stage 舞台。根据上文“A big crowd of friends and family were       
for her.”可知,当她演奏时周围都是观众。故选 A 项。
59.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我突然意识到,我是唯一一个记得那个 7 岁的孩子发出这
些糟糕的声音的人,并且知道她已经走了多远,不管发生了什么。A. sweet 甜的;B. bad 糟
糕的;C. powerful 强大的;D. pleasing 令人高兴的。根据前文“When my sister Diane began
playing the violin, she was seven. How did she sound Terrible.”可知,她七岁时演奏的是糟糕的
声音。故选 B 项。
60.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:天赋很重要。A. nothing 极为普通的、不值一提的;B. important
重要的;C. necessary 必要的;D. beneficial 有益的。根据下文“But enthusiasm is even more
important.”可知作者要表达的是,天赋很重要,但是热情更重要,故选 B 项。
(23-24 高二上·山东德州·期中)I decided to be a teacher when I was 10, because I could clearly
see some of my teachers had extraordinary powers.
There was an English teacher in fifth grade who could 61 and effortlessly transport
us to different worlds every day by telling us stories from books we would otherwise never
62 . It was even shocking that my teacher could 63 the invisible. I was one of those who
64 insight (洞察). Yet my teacher would always notice me and the 65 message in her
eyes suggested that she could see me through. She had another superpower and even after four
decades, I could still 66 remember her lessons about the great masters of art and great
geographers. She did this even though her 67 was not art, nor geography. I knew I wanted
to be one of those all-seeing ones with the 68 that made children feel safe and valued.
I know being a teacher isn’t the 69 or the most financially rewarding of jobs. And
there are occupational 70 —your knees can become worn out from years of carrying
piles of notebooks up and down the school staircase; your 71 can give in from too much
talking. But despite all that, there are still those choosing this 72 . To them, teaching is not
just a job—it is a science, an art and a craft, which demands 73 labour and investment.
I have taught for three decades. Occasionally, I meet my 74 students. Their
obvious love for me and fond 75 of our time together are my rewards.
61.A.carefully B.casually C.deliberately D.magically
62.A.take away B.pick up C.hand out D.leave alone
63.A.see B.bear C.break D.cover
64.A.missed B.hated C.lacked D.valued
65.A.ambiguous B.foreign C.urgent D.unspoken
66.A.vividly B.partly C.hardly D.roughly
67.A.work B.task C.major D.duty
68.A.empathy B.doubt C.desire D.superpower
69.A.easiest B.hardest C.dullest D.weakest
70.A.errors B.risks C.skills D.stages
71.A.voice B.sight C.cars D.legs
72.A.sign B.cause C.gift D.reason
73.A.cheap B.private C.slight D.emotional
74.A.present B.former C.patient D.polite
75.A.adventures B.services C.memories D.messages
61.D 62.B 63.A 64.C 65.D 66.A 67.C 68.D
69.A 70.B 71.A 72.B 73.D 74.B 75.C
我们带到不同的世界,给我们讲一些我们永远不会拿起的书里的故事。A. carefully 仔细地;
B. casually 随意地;C. deliberately 故意;D. magically 神奇地。根据后文“transport us to different
worlds every day”可知,老师把我们带到不同的世界,所以是神奇地的事。故选 D 项。
我们带到不同的世界,给我们讲一些我们永远不会拿起的书里的故事。A. take away 拿走;
B. pick up拿起;C. hand out分发;D. leave alone不打扰。根据前文“stories from books we would
otherwise never”结合选项,应是永远不会拿起的书符合语境。故选 B 项。
63.考查动词词义辨析。句意:甚至令我震惊的是,我的老师能看到看不见的东西。A. see
看见;B. bear 忍受;C. break 打破;D. cover 覆盖。根据前文“It was even shocking”以及后文
“the invisible”可知,看到看不见的东西,令作者震惊。故选 A 项。
64.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我是那种缺乏洞察力的人。A. missed 错过;B. hated 厌恶;
C. lacked 缺乏;D. valued 重视。根据前文“It was even shocking that my teacher could _____ the
乏洞察力的。故选 C 项。
她能看穿我。A. ambiguous 模棱两可的;B. foreign 外国的;C. urgent 紧急的;D. unspoken
无言的。根据后文“message in her eyes suggested that she could see me through.”可知,老师通
过眼睛表达信息,所以是无言的。故选 D 项。
她给我上的关于伟大艺术大师和伟大地理学家的课。A. vividly 生动地;B. partly 部分地;
C. hardly 几乎不;D. roughly 粗略地。根据前文“She had another superpower and even after four
decades”以及后文“remember her lessons about the great masters of art and great geographers”可
术大师和伟大地理学家的课。故选 A 项。
67.考查名词词义辨析。句意:尽管她的专业不是艺术,也不是地理,她做到了。A. work
工作;B. task 任务;C. major 专业;D. duty 责任。根据后文“not art, nor geography”结合选项,
应是老师的专业不是艺术,也不是地理符合语境。故选 C 项。
力的全能者之一。A. empathy 同情;B. doubt 怀疑;C. desire 渴望;D. superpower 超能力。
根据前文“She had another superpower”可知,作者认为老师有超能力,他也想成为这样的人。
故选 D 项。
A. easiest 最容易的;B. hardest 最艰难的;C. dullest 最无聊的;D. weakest 最虚弱的。根据
前文“being a teacher”以及后文“the most financially rewarding of jobs”结合实际可知,老师不
是最容易的工作,也不是最赚钱的工作。故选 A 项。
楼梯上拿着成堆的笔记本而磨损;你的声音会因为说得太多而变弱。A. errors 错误;B. risks
风险;C. skills 技能;D. stages 时期。根据后文“your knees can become worn out from years of
carrying piles of notebooks up and down the school staircase; your _____ can give in from too
much talking.”可知,膝盖和声音会因为职业受损,所以是职业上的风险。故选 B 项。
楼梯上拿着成堆的笔记本而磨损;你的声音会因为说得太多而变弱。A. voice 嗓音;B. sight
视力;C. cars 轿车;D. legs 腿。根据后文“give in from too much talking”可知,说太多的话,
会导致嗓音变弱。故选 A 项。
72.考查名词词义辨析。句意:但尽管如此,仍然有人选择了这一事业。A. sign 标志;B. cause
事业;C. gift 礼物;D. reason 原因。根据后文“To them, teaching is not just a job”可知,教学
不仅仅是一份工作,所以是仍然有人选择了这一事业。故选 B 项。
一门艺术和一门手艺,需要情感劳动和投入。A. cheap 便宜的;B. private 私人的;C. slight
轻微的;D. emotional 情感的。根据前文“made children feel safe and valued”可知,老师需要
让孩子们感到安全和被重视,根据实际,这需要感情的投入才能实现。故选 D 项。
74.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:偶尔,我会遇到我以前的学生。A. present 当前的;B. former
以前的;C. patient 有耐心的;D. polite 有礼貌的。根据前文“I have taught for three decades.”
可知,作者教了三十年书,再根据 Occasionally 可知,偶尔遇到的,应是以前的学生。故选
B 项。
报。A. adventures 冒险;B. services 服务;C. memories 记忆;D. messages 信息。根据前文
“Occasionally, I meet my ______ students.”可知,作者遇到以前的学生,所以是和他们在一起
的美好回忆。故选 C 项。
(23-24 高二上 ·海南海口 ·期中)Alonzo Johnson stopped. He decided to help a (n) 76
elderly man down an escalator (自动扶梯) in a Massachusetts shopping mall last week, 77
the 23-year-old could never have predicted that his simple, random act of kindness would win him
the 78 of thousands of people online.
An old man 79 at the top of an escalator and a few people started gathering 80
to get on. It was clear he was feeling 81 as to whether to step on to the escalator or not.
Johnson spotted the senior citizen hesitating and 82 the simplest kindness. He reached out
an arm and asked with a smile on his face, “Can I help you, sir ”
The old man quietly started to 83 to the young man that he had gotten stuck on an
escalator once and was a little 84 . The young man gently offered his assurance, they 85
each other eye to eye for just a moment and the old man 86 his arm. Everyone else
remained 87 and waited.
Paula Picard and a friend were standing nearby and 88 to take a touching photo of
the pair linking arms as they 89 the escalator together. She posted the photo on Facebook
and it spread 90 with more than 20, 000 likes and 25, 000 comments in just a few hours
76.A.busy B.frightened C.injured D.blind
77.A.so B.if C.but D.because
78.A.praise B.blame C.consideration D.motivation
79.A.stopped B.worked C.read D.fell
80.A.running B.pushing C.shouting D.waiting
81.A.hopeful B.convenient C.unsure D.uncomfortable
82.A.offered B.sold C.wanted D.took
83.A.promise B.prove C.apologize D.explain
84.A.excited B.surprised C.scared D.disappointed
85.A.argued with B.listened to C.looked at D.ran into
86.A.accepted B.shook C.refused D.left
87.A.anxious B.patient C.interested D.worried
88.A.managed B.avoided C.asked D.failed
89.A.talked about B.walked towards C.went down D.searched for
90.A.differently B.quickly C.strangely D.completely
76.B 77.C 78.A 79.A 80.D 81.C 82.A 83.D
84.C 85.C 86.A 87.B 88.A 89.C 90.B
【导语】这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了 23 岁的 Alonzo Johnson 在购物中心帮助一位恐惧乘
Facebook 上,这张照片短短几个小时内在网上迅速传播。
到惊吓的老人从自动扶梯上下来,但这位 23 岁的年轻人永远不会想到,他这个简单、随机
的善举会为他赢得成千上万网友的赞扬。A. busy 忙碌的;B. frightened 害怕的;C. injured
受伤的;D. blind 看不见的。结合后文“as to whether to step on to the escalator or not”可知,老
人在扶梯上感到很害怕。故选 B。
惊吓的老人从自动扶梯上下来,但这位 23 岁的年轻人永远不会想到,他这个简单、随机的
善举会为他赢得成千上万网友的赞扬。A. so 所以;B. if 如果;C. but 但是;D. because 因为。
结合前后文语境可知为转折关系,应用连词 but。故选 C。
惊吓的老人从自动扶梯上下来,但这位 23 岁的年轻人永远不会想到,他这个简单、随机的
善举会为他赢得成千上万网友的赞扬。A. praise 赞美;B. blame 责备;C. consideration 考虑;
D. motivation 动力。根据上文“his simple, random act of kindness would win him the”指善举得
到赞美。故选 A。
起等着上扶梯。A. stopped 停止;B. worked 工作;C. read 阅读;D. fell 落下。根据后文“at the
top of an escalator and a few people started gathering”可知,老人停了下来,所以后面的人聚集
起来了。故选 A。
起等着上扶梯。A. running 奔跑;B. pushing 推;C. shouting 叫喊;D. waiting 等待。根据上
文“a few people started gathering”可知,一些人开始聚集在一起等着上扶梯。故选 D。
81.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:很明显,他不确定要不要上自动扶梯。A. hopeful 有希望
的;B. convenient 方便的;C. unsure 不确定的;D. uncomfortable 不舒服的。根据后文“as to
whether to step on to the escalator or not”指不确定要不要上扶梯。故选 C。
A. offered 提议;B. sold 卖;C. wanted 想要;D. took 带走。根据后文“He reached out an arm and
asked with a smile on his face, “Can I help you, sir ”(他伸出一只手,面带微笑地问:“先生,我
能为您效劳吗?”)”可知,年轻人提议帮助老人。故选 A。
有点害怕。A. promise 承诺;B. prove 证明;C. apologize 道歉;D. explain 解释。根据后文“to
the young man that he had gotten stuck on an escalator once”可知老人在解释自己不敢走扶梯的
原因,故选 D。
上,有点害怕。A. excited 激动的;B. surprised 惊讶的;C. scared 害怕的;D. disappointed 失
望的。根据上文“to the young man that he had gotten stuck on an escalator once”可知因为被困过,
所以害怕。故选 C。
了他的手臂。A. argued with 争论;B. listened to 听;C. looked at 看着;D. ran into 遇见。根
据后文“each other eye to eye for just a moment”指他们对视了,故选 C。
了他的手臂。A. accepted 接受;B. shook 摇晃;C. refused 拒绝;D. left 离开。根据后文“the
pair linking arms”可知,两个人对视了一会儿,老人接受了他的手臂。故选 A。
87.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:其他人都保持耐心等待。A. anxious 焦虑的;B. patient 耐
心的;C. interested 感兴趣的;D. worried 担心的。根据后文“and waited”可知,其他人都在
耐心等着他们。故选 B。
手一起下电梯的感人照片。A. managed 设法做到;B. avoided 避免;C. asked 询问;D. failed
失败。根据后文“to take a touching photo of the pair”可知拍到了照片,应用 manage to do sth.
表示“设法做某事,并取得成功”。故选 A。
手一起下电梯的感人照片。A. talked about 谈论;B. walked towards 走向;C. went down 向下
走;D. searched for 搜索。上文提到老人被困在扶梯顶端,所以后来是在年轻人的帮助下走
下来。故选 C。
90.考查副词词义辨析。句意:她把照片上传到脸书上,短短几个小时就获得了 2 万多个赞
和 2.5 万多条评论。A. differently 不同地;B. quickly 快速地;C. strangely 奇怪地;D. completely
完全。根据后文“with more than 20,000 likes and 25,000 comments in just a few hours”可知,照
片迅速得到了大家的点赞和评论。故选 B。
(23-24 高二上·内蒙古呼和浩特·期中)About one year ago, it hit me that I should be grateful for
the small good things. So I started 1 things that I hadn’t before. One day, something big
I used to live in an area where the public 2 was not very good. If you came back
home after 7 p. m. you would have to 3 for about an hour to catch a bus or a taxi. So
there were many non-official “taxis” 4 to take people home, but for a bit higher 5
that not everyone could afford every day. 6 , I would take them only when I was really
7 and anxious to go home.
One day, when I took a non-official “taxi”, which was 8 cheaper than the official
ones, I felt lucky and 9 . But that was just the beginning! When we 10 , the
driver said that he would not 11 and that he was just doing it as an act of 12 ,
because his mother had done it before.
I felt so 13 that I failed to find words to 14 how grateful I was for
being one of the people he took. He made my day and I felt so good during the following days
because of that free ride. Since then I have decided to do acts of kindness myself that might
15 others.
1.A.performing B.producing C.noticing D.organizing
2.A.communication B.welfare C.transportation D.relationship
3.A.stop B.walk C.plan D.wait
4.A.agreeing B.struggling C.offering D.managing
5.A.debt B.price C.service D.discount
6.A.Personally B.Naturally C.Obviously D.Gradually
7.A.excited B.interested C.tired D.confused
8.A.still B.never C.hardly D.even
9.A.grateful B.awful C.regretful D.hopeful
10.A.whispered B.complained C.arrived D.argued
11.A.comment B.charge C.insist D.respond
12.A.grace B.wonder C.kindness D.mercy
13.A.puzzled B.touched C.delighted D.embarrassed
14.A.prove B.express C.explain D.suggest
15.A.affect B.control C.warn D.challenge
1.C 2.C 3.D 4.C 5.B 6.A 7.C 8.D 9.A
10.C 11.B 12.C 13.B 14.B 15.A
1.考查动词词义辨析。句意:所以我开始注意到我以前没有注意到的事情。A. performing
表演;B. producing 生产;C. noticing 注意;D. organizing 组织。根据上文“I should be grateful
for the small good things.”我应该感激那些美好的小事,由此可推知,此处应表示作者开始注
意到我以前没有注意到的事情。故选 C 项。
2.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我以前住在一个公共交通不太发达的地方。A. communication
交流;B. welfare 福利;C. transportation 运输;D. relationship 关系。根据下文“catch a bus or a
taxi”和“many non-official “taxis”可知,此处指的是这里的公共交通不是很好。public
transportation 意为“公共交通”,符合语境。故选 C 项。
3.考查动词词义辨析。句意:如果你晚上 7 点后回家,你将不得不等大约一个小时才能赶
上公共汽车或出租车。A. stop 停止;B. walk 步行;C. plan 计划;D. wait 等待。根据下文“for
about an hour to catch a bus or a taxi.”一个小时才能赶上公共汽车或出租车,由此可知,此处
应表示想要乘坐公交或出租车,就要等大约一个小时。故选 D 项。
高,不是每个人每天都能负担得起。A. agreeing 同意;B. struggling 斗争;C. offering 提供;
D. managing 经营。根据句意以及该句中的“to take people home”可知,此处应表示这些非官
方的“出租车”是为了赚钱,主动搭载乘客。offer to do sth 表示“主动做某事”。故选 C 项。
高,不是每个人每天都能负担得起。A. debt 债务;B. price 价格;C. service 服务;D. discount
折扣。根据下文“not everyone could afford every day.”可知,此处表示这些非官方的“出租车”
收费较高。故选 B 项。
会乘坐它们。A. Personally 个人地;B. Naturally 自然地;C. Obviously 显然;D. Gradually 渐
渐地。根据下文“I would take them only when…go home.”是作者在说明自己的情况,因此用
Personally,表示“就本人而言”。故选 A 项。
才会乘坐它们。A. excited 激动的;B. interested 感兴趣的;C. tired 疲劳的;D. confused 困惑
的。根据下文“anxious to go home.”着急回家,由此可推知,此处应表示作者工作了一天,感
到很疲劳,着急回家。故选 C 项。
的更便宜,我感到幸运和感激。A. still 仍然;B. never 从不;C. hardly 几乎不;D. even 甚至。
根据上文提到的非官方“出租车”收费较高,以及下文“cheaper than the official ones”可知,此
故选 D 项。
方的更便宜,我感到幸运和感激。A. grateful 感激的;B. awful 可怕的;C. regretful 后悔的;
D. hopeful 有希望的。根据上文的“cheaper”和“lucky”说明作者很感激。故选 A 项。
因为他妈妈以前就这么做过。A. whispered耳语;B. complained抱怨;C. arrived到达;D. argued
争论。根据下文内容并结合语境可知,此处表示他们已经到达目的地。故选 C 项。
因为他妈妈以前就这么做过。A. comment 评论;B. charge 收费;C. insist 坚持;D. respond
回复。根据下文“because of that free ride.”可知,司机师傅没有收费。charge 表示“收费,要
价”符合语境。故选 B 项。
因为他妈妈以前就这么做过。A. grace 优雅;B. wonder 奇迹;C. kindness 善良;D. mercy 仁
慈。 根据句意以及下文“because his mother had done it before.”由此可推知,此处应表示司机
师傅没有收费只是为了做好事。故选 C 项。
带走的人之一的感激之情。A. puzzled 困惑的;B. touched 感动的;C. delighted 高兴的;D.
embarrassed 尴尬的。根据下文“how grateful I was for being one of the people he took.”可知,
作者被司机师傅的行为感动。故选 B 项。
走的人之一的感激之情。A. prove 证明;B. express 表达;C. explain 解释;D. suggest 建议。
根据语境以及上文“I failed to find words”可知,此处应表示作者不知道用什么样的语言表示
感谢。故选 B 项。
15.考查动词词义辨析。句意:从那时起,我决定自己做一些可能影响他人的善举。A. affect
影响;B. control 控制;C. warn 警告;D. challenge 挑战。根据句意以及上文“I have decided to
do acts of kindness”由此可知,此处应表示司机的善意行为让作者非常感动,作者也决定去
做可能会影响到别人的善事。故选 A 项。
(23-24 高二上·重庆渝北·期中)My daughter loved dancing until she didn’t find it attractive.
After an 1 first year, I noticed her interest fading week by week. Then one day, she
slowly walked to me before class and asked if she could just 2 it.
My first reaction was to advise her to “finish what you start”. 3 , sticking with
something difficult can teach perseverance, discipline and confidence. But watching mydaughter
4 herself into each ballet position, I started to question how much 5 that “blanket
advice” made. Is it really in my kid’s best 6 or even practical, to make her stick to every
commitment through until she reaches a bitter end What if there are different but 7
valuable qualities, which can be gained by 8 the things that are not right for her.
After a few days’ consideration, she decided dance wasn’t for her - a choice I 9 .
Quitting is never a black and white issue. Sometimes, it means 10 a barrier in your way
to love something else. In my daughter’s case, ending dance made space for her new hobbies, such
as horseback riding and Girl Scouts. She’s into them for now, but it is okay if that 11
As adults, we are used to 12 the power of saying yes, but what about saying no
The ability to recognize when something isn’t an 13 investment of our time or energy
is also important. As my daughter gets older, I want her to feel confident to 14
something that’s no longer meeting her needs. She shouldn’t be held back by the thought that she
must finish something at any cost 15 because she has started.
1.A.routine B.passionate C.depressing D.independent
2.A.defeat B.make C.try D.skip
3.A.After all B.In case C.In addition D.By contrast
4.A.addict B.expose C.drag D.commit
5.A.sufficiency B.sense C.energy D.desire
6.A.interest B.help C.manner D.element
7.A.seemingly B.partly C.equally D.hardly
8.A.insisting on B.making up for C.fixing up D.letting go of
9.A.required B.suspected C.ignored D.supported
10.A.spotting B.clearing C.challenging D.crossing
11.A.yet B.once C.still D.even
12.A.experiencing B.stressing C.monitoring D.judging
13.A.informal B.unfair C.external D.proper
14.A.abandon B.attach C.treasure D.permit
15.A.roughly B.slightly C.merely D.nearly
1.B 2.D 3.A 4.C 5.B 6.A 7.C 8.D 9.D
10.B 11.C 12.B 13.D 14.A 15.C
周消退。A. routine 日常的;B. passionate 有热情的;C. depressing 令人沮丧的;D. independent
独立的。根据上文“My daughter loved dancing”可知,作者的女儿热爱舞蹈,所以她对学习舞
蹈这件事是有热情的。故选 B。
参加。A. defeat 打败;B. make 做;C. try 试;D. skip 跳过。根据上文“her interest fading week
by week”可知,女儿学舞蹈的热情逐渐消退了,所以她后来应该是不想参加舞蹈课了,skip
意为“跳过,不参加”,符合句意。故选 D。
A. After all 毕竟;B. In case 万一;C. In addition 此外;D. By contrast 作为对比。根据下文
“sticking with something difficult can teach perseverance, discipline and confidence.”可知,坚持
是她的女儿想要放弃学习舞蹈,after all 意为“毕竟”,用来说明理由,符合句意。故选 A。
刀切的建议”有多大意义。A. addict 上瘾;B. expose 暴露;C. drag 拖;D. commit 承诺。根
据上文“Then one day, she slowly walked to me before class and asked if she could just     
it.”可知,作者的女儿不愿意学舞蹈,推断出作者的女儿做这件事是费力的,drag oneself into
sth. 意为“费力做某事”,符合句意。故选 C。
5.考查名词词义辨析。句意:见第 4 题详解。A. sufficiency 效率;B. sense 意义;C. energy
精力;D. desire 渴望。根据上文“My first reaction was to advise her to “finish what you start”.”
的意义,make sense 意为“有意义”,符合句意。故选 B。
我孩子的最大利益吗,甚至是现实吗?A. interest 兴趣;B. help 帮助;C. manner 方式;D.
element 要素。根据上文“I started to question how much     that “blanket advice” made.”可
知,作者开始质疑她的做法是不是对孩子有益。故选 A。
东西来获得呢?A. seemingly 似乎;B. partly 部分地;C. equally 平等地;D. hardly 几乎不。
具有相同的价值,equally 意为“相等地”,符合句意。故选 C。
东西来获得呢。A. insisting on 坚持;B. making up for 弥补;C. fixing up 固定;D. letting go of
放手。根据下文“she decided dance wasn’t for her”可知,女儿决定不再学习舞蹈,说明作者认
为应该放下不适合的东西。故选 D。
A. required 要求;B. suspected 怀疑;C. ignored 忽视;D. supported 支持。根据下文“In my
daughter’s case, ending dance made space for her new hobbies, such as horseback riding and Girl
的决定是支持的。故选 D。
10.考查动词词义辨析。句意:有时候,这意味着要扫清一道障碍,去爱别的东西。A. spotting
发现;B. clearing 清理;C. challenging 挑战;D. crossing 通过。根据上文“But watching my
daughter    herself into each ballet position”可知,作者看见女儿吃力地练习舞蹈,她认
为这件事情变成了生活中的障碍,她认为放弃学舞蹈就是在清除障碍。故选 B。
11.考查副词词义辨析。句意:她现在很喜欢,但如果这种情况仍然改变也没关系。A. yet
然而;B. once 曾经;C. still 仍然;D. even 甚至。根据上文“but it is okay”可知,上下文表示
没关系。故选 C。
experiencing 经历;B. stressing 强调;C. monitoring 监视,管理;D. judging 判断。根据上文
“ticking with something difficult can teach perseverance, discipline and confidence.”可知,作者之
故选 B。
一点的能力也很重要。A. informal 非正式的;B. unfair 不公平的;C. external 外部的;D. proper
恰当的。根据上文“she decided dance wasn’t for her”可知,女儿认为学舞蹈不适合她,也说明
选 D。
的需求的东西。A. abandon 放弃;B. attach 附属;C. treasure 珍惜;D. permit 允诺。根据上
文“Quitting is never a black and white issue.”可知,作者认为,放弃没有对错之分,推断出她
希望女儿有信心放弃一些不再满足她的需求的东西。故选 A。
A. roughly 大约;B. slightly 稍微;C. merely 仅仅;D. nearly 几乎。根据下文“because she has
不过是一件不重要的事情罢了,merely 意为“仅仅,只不过”,符合句意。故选 C。
(23-24 高二上·安徽合肥·期中)No one expected Jamie MoCrazy to live after her fall. The
chances of 1 were slim when her brain started bleeding in eight spots. Family and friends
2 , hoping for a miracle (奇迹) but fearing the worst. .
She had been 3 in freestyle skiing’s World Tour Finals in Canada when disaster
struck. Having successfully completed her 4 run, ranking fourth in the standings, she
increased the difficulty for her second and final run. However, her 5 landed first, lying
there unconscious (无意识的).
Ten days after the 6 , at the age of 22, she opened her eyes. Although she only
7 them for a few seconds, they were enough to add a little 8 to the darkest days. Six
weeks later, she could recognize her parents.
The 9 was slow, often painful. There were physical and mental problems to
overcome. The 10 challenges she faced were the easiest while her emotions were
greatly affected. It took her five years to 11 recover from the accident.
“That does not mean my 12 has to be worse. I viewed it as climbing a mountain.
The views on the top might be even more 13 ,” MoCrazy said.
Her life goal now is to 14 others who have suffered traumatic (创伤性的) brain
injuries, 15 a non-profit organization MoCrazy Strong with her mother for the purpose
of giving back.
1.A.winning B.survival C.profit D.training
2.A.disagreed B.smiled C.waited D.fell
3.A.competing B.teaching C.swimming D.walking
4.A.first B.second C.third D.fourth
5.A.arms B.head C.feet D.back
6.A.order B.fight C.work D.accident
7.A.opened B.closed C.touched D.narrowed
8.A.water B.style C.light D.gratitude
9.A.service B.speed C.trip D.recovery
10.A.academic B.physical C.mental D.similar
11.A.barely B.potentially C.emotionally D.immediately
12.A.life B.family C.heart D.income
13.A.scientific B.detailed C.distant D.amazing
14.A.defeat B.help C.employ D.bother
15.A.breaking down B.figuring out C.searching for D.setting up
1.B 2.C 3.A 4.A 5.B 6.D 7.A 8.C 9.D
10.B 11.C 12.A 13.D 14.B 15.D
【导语】本文是一篇记叙文。本文讲述了自由式滑雪选手 Jamie MoCrazy 在比赛中不幸摔倒,
脑部多处出血,生命垂危,但她最终坚强地康复并建立了非营利组织 MoCrazy Strong 来帮
winning 获胜;B. survival 生存;C. profit 利润;D. training 训练。根据后文“when her brain started
bleeding in eight spots.”可知,当 Jamie 的大脑开始有八个地方出血时,她活下来的机会渺茫。
故选 B。
况。A. disagreed 不同意;B. smiled 微笑;C. waited 等待; D. fell 跌倒。根据“hoping for a
miracle”可知,家人们一直等待奇迹的出现。故选 C。
A. competing 比赛;B. teaching 教学;C. swimming 游泳;D. walking 步行。根据“in freestyle
skiing’s World Tour Finals”可知,正在加拿大参加自由式滑雪世界巡回赛决赛。故选 A。
轮也是最后一轮比赛中增加了难度。A. first 第一;B. second 第二;C. third 第三;D. fourth
第四。根据后文“she increased the difficulty for her second and final run.”可知,她成功地完成
了第一轮比赛。故选 A。
5.考查名词词义辨析。句意:然而,她的头先落地,躺在那里失去了知觉。A. arms 臂;
B. head 头部;C. feet 脚;D. back 背部。根据前文“when her brain started bleeding in eight
spots.”可知,大脑开始有八个地方出血是因为她的头先落地。故选 B。
6.考查名词词义辨析。句意:事故发生 10 天后,22 岁的她睁开了眼睛。A. order 命令;B.
fight 打斗;C. work 工作;D. accident 事故。根据“However, her ________ landed first, lying
there unconscious (无意识的).”可知,她在比赛中受伤头部着地是一起事故。故选 D。
点光明。A. opened 打开,睁开;B. closed 关闭;C. touched 触摸;D. narrowed 变窄。根据
前文“she opened her eyes”可知,她睁开眼睛只有几秒钟。故选 A。
8.考查名词词义辨析。句意:同上。A. water 水;B. style 风格;C. light 光;D. gratitude 感
激。根据“to the darkest days”可知,睁开眼睛的几秒钟,足以为最黑暗的日子增添一点光明。
故选 C。
9.考查名词词义辨析。句意:恢复是缓慢的,往往是痛苦的。A. service 服务;B. speed 速
度;C. trip 旅行;D. recovery 恢复。根据“slow”可知,在事故之后恢复的时光往往是缓慢的。
故选 D。
影响。A. academic 学术的;B. physical 身体的;C. mental 精神的;D. similar 相似的。根据
前文“There were physical and mental problems”以及“her emotions”可知,她在恢复过程中遇到
了身体和精神上的问题,但与情绪相对应的是身体上的挑战是容易面对的。故选 B。
11.考查副词词义辨析。句意:她花了五年时间才在情商上从那次事故中恢复过来。A. barely
勉强;B. potentially 潜在地;C. emotionally 情感上;D. immediately 立即地。根据“while her
emotions were greatly affected”可知,花费了 5 年的时光才从情感上恢复过来。故选 C。
12.考查名词词义辨析。句意:这并不意味着我的生活就得更糟。A. life 生活;B. family 家
庭;C. heart 心;D. income 收入。根据后文“I viewed it as climbing a mountain.”可知,她把自
己的生活视为攀爬高山。故选 A。
13.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:山顶的景色可能更令人惊叹。A. scientific 科学的;B. detailed
详细的;C. distant 遥远的;D. amazing 惊人的。根据“on the top”可知,山顶的景色是更令人
惊叹的。故选 D。
母亲一起成立了一个非营利组织 MoCrazy Strong,以回馈社会。A. defeat 击败;B. help 帮助;
C. employ 雇用;D. bother 打扰。根据“who have suffered traumatic (创伤性的) brain injuries”
可知,她现在的生活目标是帮助其他遭受创伤性脑损伤的人。故选 B。
15.考查动词短语辨析。句意:同上。A. breaking down 崩溃;B. figuring out 弄清;C. searching
for 搜寻;D. setting up 建立。根据“a non-profit organization”可知,她与母亲一起成立了一个
非营利组织 MoCrazy Strong,以回馈社会,帮助其他遭受创伤性脑损伤的人。故选 D。
(23-24高二上·江苏盐城·期中)Mr. Vedder has impacted my life in ways even I cannot imagine.
In my seventh-grade year, I was 1 to Mr. Vedder, an English teacher beyond any other.
When I was younger, I 2 becoming famous like every other student of my age.
When I 3 into Mr. Vedder’s classroom on the first day of school, he made me 4
what I truly wanted to do: write. He liked writing, and pushed me to share his 5 . And in
fact his enthusiasm greatly 6 me. After that, I always 7 myself with a 8
in my hand or a story to write.
In the classroom, Mr. Vedder was a(n) 9 role model. Even on the darkest,
10 and longest days, Mr. Vedder was there to make all of us feel that the day was going too
fast, and we didn’t want it to 11 . Actually, in his class, everyone genuinely wanted to
If one were to 12 Mr. Vedder, they would know that he was involved in education.
This is due to his 13 with students. Unlike any other teacher I have ever seen, Mr.
Vedder can connect with his students better than the students themselves. Having Mr. Vedder as a
teacher is 14 to having him as a friend.
Mr. Vedder has changed my life forever and for the better, and I’m 15 for what he
has done for me.
1.A.introduced B.limited C.committed D.reduced
2.A.insisted on B.allowed for C.dreamed of D.competed in
3.A.broke B.stepped C.looked D.slipped
4.A.recommend B.forget C.realize D.guess
5.A.duty B.weakness C.anxiety D.passion
6.A.amused B.influenced C.damaged D.disturbed
7.A.found B.rewarded C.provided D.bought
8.A.ball B.bag C.ticket D.book
9.A.academic B.curious C.enthusiastic D.honest
10.A.hardest B.safest C.simplest D.happiest
11.A.extend B.occur C.change D.end
12.A.persuade B.oppose C.approach D.applaud
13.A.agreement B.argument C.comparison D.association
14.A.helpful B.equal C.important D.familiar
15.A.grateful B.responsible C.eager D.fit
1.A 2.C 3.B 4.C 5.D 6.B 7.A 8.D 9.C
10.A 11.D 12.C 13.D 14.B 15.A
英语老师。A. introduced 介绍;B. limited 限制;C. committed 承诺;D. reduced 减少。根据
后文“to Mr. Vedder, an English teacher beyond any other”指作者被介绍给英语老师。故选 A。
insisted on 坚持认为;B. allowed for 允许;C. dreamed of 梦想;D. competed in 比赛。根据后
文“becoming famous”指作者梦想着出名。故选 C。
我真正想做的是什么:写作。A. broke 打破;B. stepped 行走;C. looked 看;D. slipped 滑动。
根据后文“into Mr. Vedder’s classroom on the first day of school”指第一天走进教室,应用 step
into。故选 B。
我真正想做的是什么:写作。A. recommend 建议;B. forget 忘记;C. realize 意识到;D. guess
猜测。根据后文“what I truly wanted to do: write”可知,老师让作者意识到自己想要写作,
realize 符合语境。故选 C。
5.考查名词词义辨析。句意:他喜欢写作,并鼓励我分享他的激情。A. duty 义务;B. weakness
虚弱;C. anxiety焦虑;D. passion激情,喜好。根据上文“He liked writing, and pushed me to share
his”指老师鼓励作者分享自己的喜好,即写作。故选 D。
6.考查动词词义辨析。句意:事实上,他的热情极大地影响了我。A. amused 娱乐;B. influenced
影响;C. damaged 破坏;D. disturbed 打扰。根据后文“in my hand or a story to write”作者也开
始写故事,可知老师影响了作者。故选 B。
A. found 发现;B. rewarded 奖励;C. provided 提供;D. bought 购买。根据后文“myself with
a”指作者发现自己去哪儿都带着书或者写故事。故选 A。
A. ball 球;B. bag 包;C. ticket 票;D. book 书籍。根据后文专题 06 完形填空
(23-24 高二上·山东临沂·期中)I have always wondered how far I could push myself. What are
my 1 limits
Our bodies, of course, set 2 for each of us. Even with newer running shoes and
better 3 , there will always be limits to how fast people can 4 or how much
weight they can lift. Also, although we can get ourselves in 5 shape, some of us are just
genetically more suited to strength and 6 . But, more importantly, it’s a person’s 7
that determines how far he or she can go.
So, how could I best test myself
John Collins was living in Hawaii when he 8 this question. One night, he was
listening to a few friends argue about whether runners or swimmers were in better shape. He
9 the argument by turning it into an idea for a competition. Each 10 would swim3. 9
kilometers, bike 180 kilometers and then run 42 kilometers. The first one to 11 would be
given the title Ironman!
I decided to take the advice. Preparing for the Ironman race started with food. I started
12 five to seven times a day to give myself more energy as I 13 .
Swimming, cycling and running began to 14 a large part of each day for me. In
between, there were workouts in the gym.
Finally, the day arrived. Seventeen hours after starting, I arrived at the finish line. I 15
wasn’t the first, but I had challenged myself and felt like a winner!
1.A.social B.intellectual C.readable D.physical
2.A.goals B.examples C.limits D.records
3.A.warning B.blessing C.training D.understanding
4.A.learn B.drive C.speak D.run
5.A.better B.darker C.smaller D.sharper
6.A.wisdom B.speed C.labor D.management
7.A.mind B.patience C.choice D.background
8.A.laughed at B.put forward C.objected to D.benefited from
9.A.weakened B.remembered C.started D.broadened
10.A.audience B.instructor C.discoverer D.competitor
11.A.fail B.finish C.apply D.disappear
12.A.drinking B.eating C.dancing D.swimming
13.A.exercised B.calculated C.played D.escaped
14.A.sum up B.insist on C.take up D.depend on
15.A.certainly B.generally C.impossibly D.gratefully
(23-24 高二上·湖北武汉·期中)My grandfather lives a normal life and now enjoys his retired
life as most 16 people. But to me, he is special in many ways.
17 his graduation from senior high school, he became a teacher and taught three
subjects. My grandfather did everything he could to 18 his students would have a 19
The national college 20 exam resumed (重启) in 1977. At that time, my grandfather
already had three children. It would mean lots of time and 21 to take the exam, but after
seeking advice from others, he 22 to take the exam that year. He wanted to 23 his
desire for higher education and for a better life for his children. He 24 .
After graduating from university, my grandfather returned to his hometown and opened an
agricultural machinery market, which thrived and became known as the best of its kind in town.
Almost all the people in the county knew his name. 25 his success, my grandfather
worked hard on the market’s management. He stayed up late to figure out what customers truly
wanted. All these efforts 26 his market to run well for decades.
My grandfather has also committed a lot 27 his family. He remembers many
stories of his children, and he made swings for me by himself. He taught his children to become a
deep thinker and form a 28 of reading. When I was small, he read me 200 ancient poems.
Probably 29 this, the spirit of traditional Chinese culture is deeply rooted in me.
My grandfather lives every day to its fullest. He always inadvertently (不经意地) 30
many people. I believe his spirit will be passed down forever.
16.A.elder B.older C.elderly D.oldest
17.A.When B.As C.In D.On
18.A.contradict B.distinguish C.assume D.ensure
19.A.conventional B.promising C.integrated D.luxurious
20.A.entrance B.admission C.enter D.admit
21.A.strength B.power C.force D.energy
22.A.enquired B.ceased C.preferred D.determined
23.A.fulfill B.fill C.expand D.boost
24.A.went through B.made it C.pulled through D.paid off
25.A.As B.Although C.Though D.Despite
26.A.disabled B.enabled C.distracted D.evaluated
27.A.to B.on C.in D.into
28.A.habitat B.habit C.diary D.dairy
29.A.thanks for B.on behalf of C.as a result D.on account of
30.A.encounters B.acknowledges C.intervenes D.influences
(23-24 高二上·新疆塔城·期中)In 2017, I was diagnosed (诊断) with Type 1 diabetes (糖尿
病 ). And then I was told that I couldn’t drive for a few weeks until my blood sugar levels had
31 .
Driving was a 32 very soon after diagnosis for me. I needed to get to the chemist’s
shop for my diabetes medicine and get to hospital appointments, but at first couldn’t, for having
been told not to drive. I didn’t want to be a 33 , having to ask for lifts all the time.
I found it really 34 to be unable to drive, but things settled down after that and
seemed to be 35 for a while. 36 , to my surprise, I had severe hypoglycemia (低血
糖 ) last year and wasn’t able to 37 it myself. I called an ambulance and was taken to
38 , where I saw doctors and nurses I didn’t know as none of them were connected to the
diabetes team who usually cared for me. That’s where my 39 began. They advised me not
to drive on the basis of this disease. They told me to call the Driver and Vehicle Licencing Agency
(DVLA) and 40 what they’d told me to them. This led to my licence being canceled.
I couldn’t 41 all that had happened. It seemed 42 . I needed answers and
43 , so I phoned the Diabetes UK Helpline number I got from their website. They 44 I
was right in thinking that the DVLA shouldn’t have 45 my licence based on this
hypoglycemia, according to the law. With their help, the DVLA sent me a letter admitting making
a mistake. I got it back in six weeks.
31.A.settled B.increased C.worsened D.changed
32.A.problem B.task C.habit D.joy
33.A.failure B.mistake C.burden D.success
34.A.hard B.convenient C.safe D.funny
35.A.worrying B.thrilling C.amazing D.fine
36.A.Thus B.Meanwhile C.Instead D.However
37.A.record B.manage C.examine D.describe
38.A.hospital B.office C.school D.factory
39.A.exercise B.trouble C.dream D.experiment
40.A.explain B.return C.suggest D.repeat
41.A.forget B.regret C.believe D.remember
42.A.unafraid B.unfair C.unsure D.unhealthy
43.A.blood B.help C.evidence D.money
44.A.shouted B.wondered C.said D.imagined
45.A.canceled B.used C.borrowed D.copied
(23-24 高二上·广东广州·期中)When my sister Diane began playing the violin, she was seven.
How did she sound Terrible. But she didn’t 46 . At twelve, she asked our parents if she
could 47 a full-time music school. They said no. Actually, everyone agreed that my sister
didn’t have talent.
I was better at my 48 . My teacher had told my parents that I had great potential. So
my parents found the best piano teacher in the area to 49 me. But the only time when he
was available was Saturday at 3 p.m. Back then, I was 50 by the British TV show—The
Avengers, which was 51 every Saturday at 3 p.m. I let nothing take up my The Avengers
hour. So I 52 this amazing opportunity. Today, I don’t even have a 53 in my house.
My sister became an engineer, but she 54 stopped making music. When she was in
her40s, she changed her career. She went back to college, got a 55 in music education, and
became a music teacher. She starts kids off on their first instrument and gives them all the
encouragement and support she never 56 .
Recently, she and a pianist pal put on a recital (音乐演奏会). A big crowd of friends and
family were 57 for her. As she played, I looked around at the 58 . Everyone was
obviously enjoying the music. It occurred to me that I was the only person who remembered that
7-year-old kid making those 59 sounds and knew how far she had come, despite
Talent is 60 . But enthusiasm is even more important.
46.A.admit B.advance C.quit D.improve
47.A.attend B.pay C.leave D.visit
48.A.major B.project C.article D.instrument
49.A.examine B.train C.correct D.challenge
50.A.frightened B.serious C.attracted D.particular
51.A.played B.filmed C.designed D.selected
52.A.jumped at B.opened up C.waited for D.turned down
53.A.tutor B.musician C.piano D.violin
54.A.already B.even C.never D.once
55.A.degree B.chance C.prize D.program
56.A.expected B.provided C.imagined D.received
57.A.existing B.remaining C.absent D.present
58.A.crowd B.students C.lights D.stage
59.A.sweet B.bad C.powerful D.pleasing
60.A.nothing B.important C.necessary D.beneficial
(23-24 高二上·山东德州·期中)I decided to be a teacher when I was 10, because I could clearly
see some of my teachers had extraordinary powers.
There was an English teacher in fifth grade who could 61 and effortlessly transport
us to different worlds every day by telling us stories from books we would otherwise never
62 . It was even shocking that my teacher could 63 the invisible. I was one of those who
64 insight (洞察). Yet my teacher would always notice me and the 65 message in her
eyes suggested that she could see me through. She had another superpower and even after four
decades, I could still 66 remember her lessons about the great masters of art and great
geographers. She did this even though her 67 was not art, nor geography. I knew I wanted
to be one of those all-seeing ones with the 68 that made children feel safe and valued.
I know being a teacher isn’t the 69 or the most financially rewarding of jobs. And
there are occupational 70 —your knees can become worn out from years of carrying
piles of notebooks up and down the school staircase; your 71 can give in from too much
talking. But despite all that, there are still those choosing this 72 . To them, teaching is not
just a job—it is a science, an art and a craft, which demands 73 labour and investment.
I have taught for three decades. Occasionally, I meet my 74 students. Their
obvious love for me and fond 75 of our time together are my rewards.
61.A.carefully B.casually C.deliberately D.magically
62.A.take away B.pick up C.hand out D.leave alone
63.A.see B.bear C.break D.cover
64.A.missed B.hated C.lacked D.valued
65.A.ambiguous B.foreign C.urgent D.unspoken
66.A.vividly B.partly C.hardly D.roughly
67.A.work B.task C.major D.duty
68.A.empathy B.doubt C.desire D.superpower
69.A.easiest B.hardest C.dullest D.weakest
70.A.errors B.risks C.skills D.stages
71.A.voice B.sight C.cars D.legs
72.A.sign B.cause C.gift D.reason
73.A.cheap B.private C.slight D.emotional
74.A.present B.former C.patient D.polite
75.A.adventures B.services C.memories D.messages
(23-24 高二上 ·海南海口 ·期中)Alonzo Johnson stopped. He decided to help a (n) 76
elderly man down an escalator (自动扶梯) in a Massachusetts shopping mall last week, 77
the 23-year-old could never have predicted that his simple, random act of kindness would win him
the 78 of thousands of people online.
An old man 79 at the top of an escalator and a few people started gathering 80
to get on. It was clear he was feeling 81 as to whether to step on to the escalator or not.
Johnson spotted the senior citizen hesitating and 82 the simplest kindness. He reached out
an arm and asked with a smile on his face, “Can I help you, sir ”
The old man quietly started to 83 to the young man that he had gotten stuck on an
escalator once and was a little 84 . The young man gently offered his assurance, they 85
each other eye to eye for just a moment and the old man 86 his arm. Everyone else
remained 87 and waited.
Paula Picard and a friend were standing nearby and 88 to take a touching photo of
the pair linking arms as they 89 the escalator together. She posted the photo on Facebook
and it spread 90 with more than 20, 000 likes and 25, 000 comments in just a few hours
76.A.busy B.frightened C.injured D.blind
77.A.so B.if C.but D.because
78.A.praise B.blame C.consideration D.motivation
79.A.stopped B.worked C.read D.fell
80.A.running B.pushing C.shouting D.waiting
81.A.hopeful B.convenient C.unsure D.uncomfortable
82.A.offered B.sold C.wanted D.took
83.A.promise B.prove C.apologize D.explain
84.A.excited B.surprised C.scared D.disappointed
85.A.argued with B.listened to C.looked at D.ran into
86.A.accepted B.shook C.refused D.left
87.A.anxious B.patient C.interested D.worried
88.A.managed B.avoided C.asked D.failed
89.A.talked about B.walked towards C.went down D.searched for
90.A.differently B.quickly C.strangely D.completely
(23-24 高二上·内蒙古呼和浩特·期中)About one year ago, it hit me that I should be grateful for
the small good things. So I started 1 things that I hadn’t before. One day, something big
I used to live in an area where the public 2 was not very good. If you came back
home after 7 p. m. you would have to 3 for about an hour to catch a bus or a taxi. So
there were many non-official “taxis” 4 to take people home, but for a bit higher 5
that not everyone could afford every day. 6 , I would take them only when I was really
7 and anxious to go home.
One day, when I took a non-official “taxi”, which was 8 cheaper than the official
ones, I felt lucky and 9 . But that was just the beginning! When we 10 , the
driver said that he would not 11 and that he was just doing it as an act of 12 ,
because his mother had done it before.
I felt so 13 that I failed to find words to 14 how grateful I was for
being one of the people he took. He made my day and I felt so good during the following days
because of that free ride. Since then I have decided to do acts of kindness myself that might
15 others.
1.A.performing B.producing C.noticing D.organizing
2.A.communication B.welfare C.transportation D.relationship
3.A.stop B.walk C.plan D.wait
4.A.agreeing B.struggling C.offering D.managing
5.A.debt B.price C.service D.discount
6.A.Personally B.Naturally C.Obviously D.Gradually
7.A.excited B.interested C.tired D.confused
8.A.still B.never C.hardly D.even
9.A.grateful B.awful C.regretful D.hopeful
10.A.whispered B.complained C.arrived D.argued
11.A.comment B.charge C.insist D.respond
12.A.grace B.wonder C.kindness D.mercy
13.A.puzzled B.touched C.delighted D.embarrassed
14.A.prove B.express C.explain D.suggest
15.A.affect B.control C.warn D.challenge
(23-24 高二上·重庆渝北·期中)My daughter loved dancing until she didn’t find it attractive.
After an 1 first year, I noticed her interest fading week by week. Then one day, she
slowly walked to me before class and asked if she could just 2 it.
My first reaction was to advise her to “finish what you start”. 3 , sticking with
something difficult can teach perseverance, discipline and confidence. But watching mydaughter
4 herself into each ballet position, I started to question how much 5 that “blanket
advice” made. Is it really in my kid’s best 6 or even practical, to make her stick to every
commitment through until she reaches a bitter end What if there are different but 7
valuable qualities, which can be gained by 8 the things that are not right for her.
After a few days’ consideration, she decided dance wasn’t for her - a choice I 9 .
Quitting is never a black and white issue. Sometimes, it means 10 a barrier in your way
to love something else. In my daughter’s case, ending dance made space for her new hobbies, such
as horseback riding and Girl Scouts. She’s into them for now, but it is okay if that 11
As adults, we are used to 12 the power of saying yes, but what about saying no
The ability to recognize when something isn’t an 13 investment of our time or energy
is also important. As my daughter gets older, I want her to feel confident to 14
something that’s no longer meeting her needs. She shouldn’t be held back by the thought that she
must finish something at any cost 15 because she has started.
1.A.routine B.passionate C.depressing D.independent
2.A.defeat B.make C.try D.skip
3.A.After all B.In case C.In addition D.By contrast
4.A.addict B.expose C.drag D.commit
5.A.sufficiency B.sense C.energy D.desire
6.A.interest B.help C.manner D.element
7.A.seemingly B.partly C.equally D.hardly
8.A.insisting on B.making up for C.fixing up D.letting go of
9.A.required B.suspected C.ignored D.supported
10.A.spotting B.clearing C.challenging D.crossing
11.A.yet B.once C.still D.even
12.A.experiencing B.stressing C.monitoring D.judging
13.A.informal B.unfair C.external D.proper
14.A.abandon B.attach C.treasure D.permit
15.A.roughly B.slightly C.merely D.nearly
(23-24 高二上·安徽合肥·期中)No one expected Jamie MoCrazy to live after her fall. The
chances of 1 were slim when her brain started bleeding in eight spots. Family and friends
2 , hoping for a miracle (奇迹) but fearing the worst. .
She had been 3 in freestyle skiing’s World Tour Finals in Canada when disaster
struck. Having successfully completed her 4 run, ranking fourth in the standings, she
increased the difficulty for her second and final run. However, her 5 landed first, lying
there unconscious (无意识的).
Ten days after the 6 , at the age of 22, she opened her eyes. Although she only
7 them for a few seconds, they were enough to add a little 8 to the darkest days. Six
weeks later, she could recognize her parents.
The 9 was slow, often painful. There were physical and mental problems to
overcome. The 10 challenges she faced were the easiest while her emotions were
greatly affected. It took her five years to 11 recover from the accident.
“That does not mean my 12 has to be worse. I viewed it as climbing a mountain.
The views on the top might be even more 13 ,” MoCrazy said.
Her life goal now is to 14 others who have suffered traumatic (创伤性的) brain
injuries, 15 a non-profit organization MoCrazy Strong with her mother for the purpose
of giving back.
1.A.winning B.survival C.profit D.training
2.A.disagreed B.smiled C.waited D.fell
3.A.competing B.teaching C.swimming D.walking
4.A.first B.second C.third D.fourth
5.A.arms B.head C.feet D.back
6.A.order B.fight C.work D.accident
7.A.opened B.closed C.touched D.narrowed
8.A.water B.style C.light D.gratitude
9.A.service B.speed C.trip D.recovery
10.A.academic B.physical C.mental D.similar
11.A.barely B.potentially C.emotionally D.immediately
12.A.life B.family C.heart D.income
13.A.scientific B.detailed C.distant D.amazing
14.A.defeat B.help C.employ D.bother
15.A.breaking down B.figuring out C.searching for D.setting up
(23-24高二上·江苏盐城·期中)Mr. Vedder has impacted my life in ways even I cannot imagine.
In my seventh-grade year, I was 1 to Mr. Vedder, an English teacher beyond any other.
When I was younger, I 2 becoming famous like every other student of my age.
When I 3 into Mr. Vedder’s classroom on the first day of school, he made me 4
what I truly wanted to do: write. He liked writing, and pushed me to share his 5 . And in
fact his enthusiasm greatly 6 me. After that, I always 7 myself with a 8
in my hand or a story to write.
In the classroom, Mr. Vedder was a(n) 9 role model. Even on the darkest,
10 and longest days, Mr. Vedder was there to make all of us feel that the day was going too
fast, and we didn’t want it to 11 . Actually, in his class, everyone genuinely wanted to
If one were to 12 Mr. Vedder, they would know that he was involved in education.
This is due to his 13 with students. Unlike any other teacher I have ever seen, Mr.
Vedder can connect with his students better than the students themselves. Having Mr. Vedder as a
teacher is 14 to having him as a friend.
Mr. Vedder has changed my life forever and for the better, and I’m 15 for what he
has done for me.
1.A.introduced B.limited C.committed D.reduced
2.A.insisted on B.allowed for C.dreamed of D.competed in
3.A.broke B.stepped C.looked D.slipped
4.A.recommend B.forget C.realize D.guess
5.A.duty B.weakness C.anxiety D.passion
6.A.amused B.influenced C.damaged D.disturbed
7.A.found B.rewarded C.provided D.bought
8.A.ball B.bag C.ticket D.book
9.A.academic B.curious C.enthusiastic D.honest
10.A.hardest B.safest C.simplest D.happiest
11.A.extend B.occur C.change D.end
12.A.persuade B.oppose C.approach D.applaud
13.A.agreement B.argument C.comparison D.association
14.A.helpful B.equal C.important D.familiar
15.A.grateful B.responsible C.eager D.fit
(23-24 高二上·四川成都·期中)One January evening in 2008, Rachel Lapierre bought a $4
lottery (彩票) ticket at the grocery store. The 46-year-old mother of four was wearing herself thin
as a full-time 1 and part-time volunteer aid worker. After an exhausting day, she needed
something to 2 her spirits.
For years, Lapierre longed to be able to 3 her nursing job and focus on the volunteer
work she found most 4 . She promised that if she ever won the lottery, that’s what she would
5 , the next day, the lottery office informed her that she had won a sum of $675,000.
Staying 6 to her word, Lapierre devoted her life to her passion project Le Book
Humanitaire, which has since become a non-profit 7 .
Le Book, as Lapierre, now 62, affectionately calls it, 8 as a simple list of good deeds
she wrote down in a notebook to 9 what she had done to help others. To her, the deeds
were just small acts of 10 that anyone else might have done. But word started
11 , her phone began ringing and a Facebook page she created for the project became an
effective way to deal with 12 from those in need and those who wanted to help.
Le Book Humanitaire now has a team of 80 volunteers, 13 local emergency
support, medical outreach and food delivery to seniors.
“When you do a good deed, it has a butterfly effect,” says Lapierre. “One good deed can
14 ten people. So if we all do a good deed That can 15 the world.”
1.A.cleaner B.nurse C.chemist D.doctor
2.A.lower B.capture C.break D.lift
3.A.quit B.find C.accept D.keep
4.A.stressful B.meaningful C.painful D.challenging
5.A.Unexpectedly B.Hopefully C.Suddenly D.Gradually
6.A.fair B.strange C.true D.open
7.A.store B.hospital C.company D.organization
8.A.expanded B.developed C.began D.changed
9.A.keep track of B.make sure C.deal with D.reflect on
10.A.politeness B.kindness C.rudeness D.wickedness
11.A.arriving B.leaking C.gathering D.spreading
12.A.requests B.suggestions C.orders D.thoughts
13.A.explaining B.passing C.offering D.introducing
14.A.encourage B.attract C.interest D.affect
15.A.survive B.save C.create D.protect
(23-24 高二上·浙江杭州·期中)While high school does not generally encourage students to
explore new aspects of life, college sets the stage for that exploration. I myself went through this
1 process and found something that has changed my 2 at college for the better: I discovered
ASL-American Sign Language.
I never felt an urge(冲动)to 3 any sign language before. My entire family is hearing,
and so are all my friends. The 4 language were enough in all my interactions. Little did I
know that I would discover my 5 for ASL.
The story began during my first week at college. I watched as the ASL Club 6 their
translation of a song. Both the hand movements and the very idea of communicating without
speaking 7 me. What I saw was completely unlike anything I had experienced in the 8 .
This newness just left me 9 more.
After that, feeling the need to explore further, I decided to drop in on one of ASL Club's
meetings. I only learned how to 10 the alphabet(字母表 )that day. Yet instead of being
discouraged by my 11 progress, I was excited. I then made it a point to 12 those meetings
and learn all I could.
The following term, I registered an ASL class. The professor was deaf and any talking was
13 . I soon realized that the silence was not unpleasant. 14 if there had been any talking, it
would have caused us to learn less. Now, I appreciate the silence and the 15 way of
communication it opens.
1.A.searching B.planning C.natural D.formal
2.A.progress B.experience C.advance D.potential
3.A.choose B.read C.learn D.create
4.A.official B.non-verbal C.body D.spoken
5.A.love B.concern C.aim D.request
6.A.recorded B.detected C.performed D.assessed
7.A.flooded B.supported C.attracted D.embarrassed
8.A.process B.end C.distance D.past
9.A.showing B.desiring C.claiming D.acting
10.A.print B.write C.sign D.count
11.A.obvious B.regular C.relevant D.slow
12.A.chair B.sponsor C.attend D.organize
13.A.welcomed B.available C.repeated D.impossible
14.A.Hence B.Instead C.Nevertheless D.Lastly
15.A.new B.quick C.popular D.easy
(23-24 高二上·浙江嘉兴·期中)Molai grew up in a tiny village in India. The village lay near
some wetlands which became his second 1 . He learned the value and beauty of 2
there from a very young age.
When he was 16, Molai began to notice something 3 happening around his home. A
flood had hit the area earlier that year and the 4 it caused had driven away a number of
birds. 5 , the number of snakes had declined as well. He 6 that it was because there
weren’t enough trees to protect them from the 7 . The solution, of course, was to plant trees
so the animals could seek 8 during the daytime. He turned to the 9 department for
help but was told that nothing would grow there. However, Molai went looking on his own and
10 a nearby island where he began to plant trees.
11 young plants in the dry season was 12 for a lone boy. Molai built at the
13 of each sapling (幼树 ) a bamboo platform, where he placed pots with small holes to
14 rainwater. The water would then drip (滴落) on the plants below.
Molai 15 to plant trees for the next 37 years. His efforts have resulted in 1,360
acres of naturally-grown land that has become home to many plants and animals.
1.A.dream B.job C.home D.choice
2.A.nature B.youth C.culture D.knowledge
3.A.remarkable B.interesting C.discomforting D.embarrassed
4.A.waste B.instant C.barrier D.damage
5.A.Besides B.However C.Therefore D.Otherwise
6.A.inquired B.realized C.remembered D.predicted
7.A.noise B.heat C.disease D.dust
8.A.directions B.partners C.help D.shelter
9.A.labor B.police C.forest D.finance
10.A.rebuilt B.discovered C.left D.managed
11.A.Decorating B.Observing C.Watering D.Guarding
12.A.tough B.illegal C.adorable D.efficient
13.A.back B.top C.foot D.side
14.A.clean B.boil C.pour D.collect
15.A.returned B.learned C.reacted D.continued
(23-24 高二上·广东广州·期中)The universal use of technology has resulted in a constant
current of information interrupting the “flow” of our life. This 1 pattern was initially
marketed as “call-waiting” for our phones. But now our eyes, ears, and fingers are glued to our
technology 24/7. We are 2 by emails, texts, or the news on our Facebook pages. My
friend Ron refers to this technology as “weapons of mass distraction.”
But how is this mass distraction 3 us According to a 2010 Kaiser Family
Foundation report, children from eight to eighteen spend an average of seven hours and
thirty-eight minutes a day using entertainment media. In addition, a study found that exposure to
4 media was associated with attention problems in a sample of 210 college students.
The 5 is just part of the larger picture. Dealing with a crowd of daily text messages
and emails makes it difficult for us to be by ourselves when all that activity stops. Although a
sense of 6 is natural at times, our addiction to the nonstop interaction afforded by
technology deepens that feeling when access to the technology is unexpectedly 7 . Just
think how you feel when you lack cell phone or web access. Is it possible that our obsession with
continually checking our emails and text messages has contributed to our 8 to genuinely
relate with others
Apart from the effects of technology on our 9 and our ability to be at ease without
technology, let’s examine how interacting with our devices 10 the development of our
fundamental communication and social skills. Many researchers observe that everyday
conversation between human beings is becoming increasingly 11 .
Many of today’s children are growing up with a built-in dependence on devices, making it
difficult for them to feel 12 in everyday social situations. Often they find it 13
to make eye contact or deal with even the simplest face-to-face interactions without the aid of
technology as an intermediary (媒介).
Over time these children forget how to relate with each other because they have become
habituated to using technology to 14 direct contact with others and life itself. 15 ,
some neuroscientists believe that use of the internet actually rewires our brains.
1.A.innovative B.pleasant C.typical D.disturbing
2.A.isolated B.flooded C.informed D.promoted
3.A.affecting B.enhancing C.highlighting D.establishing
4.A.print B.screen C.news D.online
5.A.attention B.association C.demand D.distraction
6.A.belonging B.independence C.loneliness D.simplicity
7.A.unavailable B.approachable C.changeable D.prospective
8.A.inability B.potential C.anxiety D.ambition
9.A.communication B.attention C.health D.intelligence
10.A.agree with B.adapt to C.contributes to D.impacts on
11.A.rare B.common C.strange D.popular
12.A.fascinated B.comfortable C.restless D.annoyed
13.A.convenient B.adaptable C.challenging D.inspiring
14.A.maintain B.endure C.avoid D.pursue
15.A.On the contrary B.In fact C.In addition D.On the
other hand
(23-24 高二上·黑龙江哈尔滨·期中)When other teenagers hang out with friends in the summer
vacations. Erica doesn’t join. Instead, the 16-year-old senior high student is 1 in filling cake
orders and updating her website. She 2 Kayke Bakery, a home-based business.
Erica started baking out of 3 in the year 2021. Her first attempt was a(n) 4 .Yet
she made more cakes the next day and 5 her techniques through teaching videos on a daily
basis. “I saw other people’s decorated cakes and was 6 to be a cake artist instead of just a
baker,” Erica said. After due 7 , she asked her parents about setting up her own business.
“Seeing how 8 she was,” Erica’s mother recalled, “we 9 beginning to help her cope
with all the legalities for its opening.” Soon, she had 10 customers always coming to her for
custom cakes. “ 11 dealing with both school and a business is tough on occasions, but I
managed to get 12 .” she said. “I’m glad to be able to do what I love.”
Always considered a 13 , Erica finished her senior year with almost full marks. She
plans to 14 cake decorating after senior high. “I’m thinking about starting non-profit
organizations.” In these years, besides learning various techniques, Erica has become more
15 . “I realize I possess great potential and power.”
1.A.applied B.occupied C.accommodated D.adapted
2.A.assists B.shelters C.charges D.runs
3.A.sympathy B.gratitude C.passion D.politeness
4.A.failure B.success C.pressure D.astonishment
5.A.employed B.perfected C.shared D.presented
6.A.reminded B.permitted C.instructed D.inspired
7.A.confirmation B.debate C.consideration D.contrast
8.A.annoyed B.elegant C.cautious D.serious
9.A.distinguished B.approved C.neglected D.hesitated
10.A.regular B.potential C.favoured D.demanding
11.A.Unobviously B.Unconsciously C.Unfortunately D.Unavoidably
12.A.down B.off C.through D.up
13.A.model B.sculptor C.psychologist D.captain
14.A.keep to B.go beyond C.jump at D.work on
15.A.mean B.modest C.assured D.sensitive
(23-24 高二上·河南洛阳·期中)I was working as a mechanical engineer, doing designing and
product development at my company. I was really having a good time.
However, one day, I got a message for a 1 from my manager at 4:45 pm. I went into
his office, and I saw someone from HR sitting beside him. My manager said,“Your 2 is not
up to the mark. You always need help from others to complete your work. You aren’t working
3 . So this will be your 4 day.” I had 5 my hardest in the last 3 months and to hear
something like that 6 my confidence. I tried to convince him but the 7 was final.
In this situation, I had two 8 . To feel sad for myself or to leave everything behind and
go get what I was worth. I told myself that I 9 a job. I started 10 a new job actively.
Putting in maximum effort, I got 11 . I made a record of 12 interviews in a week! I 12
several offers and accepted a new job! I was really 13 and proud of myself.
I just want to say that no matter how much you 14 , you can always get back up. I am
proud of myself that I stayed 15 and got a new offer within a few weeks.
1.A.fight B.meeting C.discussion D.drink
2.A.fault B.ambition C.trick D.performance
3.A.carefully B.immediately C.independently D.creatively
4.A.first B.last C.second D.third
5.A.worked B.played C.studied D.read
6.A.gave B.broke C.increased D.rebuilt
7.A.score B.attack C.decision D.offer
8.A.reasons B.problems C.rules D.choices
9.A.needed B.found C.had D.liked
10.A.referring to B.applying for C.succeeding in D.adapting to
11.A.friends B.visitors C.ideas D.interviews
12.A.chose B.designed C.received D.sent
13.A.happy B.depressed C.optimistic D.astonished
14.A.disagree B.pay C.eat D.fall
15.A.bored B.nervous C.strong D.curious
(23-24 高二上·浙江舟山·期中)Last year in early summer, I was walking to my house when I
saw two large birds standing in my yard. They didn’t seem to 1 me until I was right in front
of them and then they 2 disappeared into the nearby bushes. I was quite excited by the
3 of two special birds making a nest (巢) in my yard.
A few weeks later, the birds 4 . I found them crouching (蹲伏) beside a tree. As I
approached them, they 5 their heads and made a croaking (嘶哑地叫) sound. I didn’t know
why they were croaking at me until a short time later I made an amazing 6 : there were two
small birds 7 around happily.
As I inched towards the birds, 8 not to make sudden movements, they started their
croaking again, putting their necks forward so they seemed 9 and more threatening.
The mother put the baby birds under her wings and carefully crouched down over them so
her babies were well 10 .
I was watching them with respect when I suddenly 11 and fell to the ground. The
mother took this as a/an 12 and the father raced towards me, 13 his wings to
protect the mother and the baby birds.
I felt sorry to have disturbed them and left quickly. I am amazed by their 14
actions. Their parental love made them so courageous. It is hard not to show 15 for
1.A.remind B.confirm C.notice D.protest
2.A.immediately B.familiarly C.creatively D.slowly
3.A.feeling B.sense C.opinion D.idea
4.A.investigated B.removed C.gathered D.reappeared
5.A.stuck out B.put down C.hang out D.turned around
6.A.collection B.discovery C.conclusion D.mission
7.A.jumping B.fighting C.seeking D.marching
8.A.curious B.patient C.worried D.careful
9.A.neater B.simpler C.longer D.stronger
10.A.fed B.hidden C.raised D.identified
11.A.tripped B.moved C.alarmed D.responded
12.A.target B.defence C.threat D.escape.
13.A.shooting B.spilling C.folding D.spreading
14.A.military B.individual C.brave D.average
15.A.gratitude B.respect C.emotion D.pleasure
(23-24 高二上·江苏镇江·期中)In April last year, I saw a post on the PNP (Pilots N Paws)
website from a family in Topeka. They had to move to Virginia but they were on a very tight
1 . They could not afford to pay for 2 for their dog, Tiffy, and 3 wanted to take
her with them.
It just 4 that I was planning another PNP flight with another pilot, Karen, who 5
to take Tiffy from Kansas City to Virginia. What I was to do was fly to Topeka to 6 Tiffy.
When I met Tiffy’s owners, they seemed very 7 . George, the husband, was trying to
be calm, but I could tell this was 8 for him, having to leave his dog to a 9 and trust
that everything would 10 .
After some goodbyes, I asked George and his wife to help me 11 Tiffy into the
plane. I promised to take care of Tiffy and 12 them as soon as we got to Kansas City.
The flight was 13 , and Tiffy was a great passenger. The next day, she 14
with Karen and made it back to George in Virginia within a few days. He was so 15 and
sent me a nice e-mail with pictures. It felt great to know that I had helped bring this family
together again.
1.A.link B.turn C.budget D.schedule
2.A.transportation B.feed C.accommodation D.treat
3.A.casually B.originally C.privately D.extremely
4.A.seemed B.showed C.proved D.happened
5.A.waited B.offered C.hurried D.failed
6.A.pick up B.look after C.send off D.turn over
7.A.moved B.annoyed C.nervous D.amazed
8.A.difficult B.beneficial C.normal D.fortunate
9.A.colleague B.stranger C.neighbor D.passenger
10.A.take off B.speed up C.come back D.work out
11.A.change B.throw C.load D.feed
12.A.contact B.join C.leave D.serve
13.A.uneventful B.unexpected C.unnecessary D.unavoidable
14.A.returned B.agreed C.fought D.flew
15.A.honored B.generous C.grateful D.sympathetic
(23-24 高二上·福建漳州·期中)In the last months of Dad’s life, my brothers and I moved him to
a local nursing home nearby. I spent as much time as I could 1 him there. Cancer had
damaged his body badly and was now 2 his mind.
During one visit, I entered his room, only to find him in a 3 sleep. I sat by his side
for a while 4 , wishing for more time with him and also 5 I hadn’t made the most of
all the years we had together. Then I got up and walked out.
A light rain was starting to fall and it matched my 6 . As I walked to my car, I saw a
woman in a wheelchair 7 to move herself out of the rain. I 8 walked over and
helped push her inside. She thanked me and gave me a 9 smile. At that moment, I felt a
light shine into my soul and a sense of 10 return to my heart. I walked back out, letting the
rain wash over me, and thanked all the years I had with Dad. I also knew even if Dad died, the
love we shared would 11 continue.
I now still think of that 12 of loving kindness. It reminds me that while we might not
be able to live every moment to the fullest, we can still 13 the moments we do have. Life is
14 for love and kindness, which go beyond even death and are ever-lasting 15 .
May you fill your days with them.
1.A.inspecting B.observing C.joining D.visiting
2.A.eating away at B.keeping away from C.living up to D.getting rid of
3.A.disturbed B.light C.broken D.deep
4.A.silently B.impatiently C.secretly D.nervously
5.A.recalling B.understanding C.regretting D.denying
6.A.image B.mood C.taste D.character
7.A.hesitating B.pretending C.refusing D.struggling
8.A.quickly B.randomly C.curiously D.anxiously
9.A.forced B.beautiful C.fixed D.humorous
10.A.fun B.warmth C.amazement D.commitment
11.A.almost B.hardly C.still D.even
12.A.period B.adventure C.performance D.moment
13.A.value B.pick C.change D.create
14.A.tested B.kept C.meant D.used
15.A.belongings B.treasures C.goods D.possessions
(23-24 高二上·江西宜春·期中)In the past, I didn’t get on with my parents. I 1 talked to
them, because they liked to 2 me with my sister. And that made me 3 and sad. I
sometimes argued with them 4 this.
However, I wanted to show them that I could do things 5 my sister. Then I began to
spend most of my free time 6 in my bedroom. Luckily, my art teacher, Miss Green, 7
me a lot of help. She taught me some drawing 8 to help improve my paintings. At that time,
she was the only person I would like to talk to.
One day, I told Miss Green about my problem. She 9 me into taking part in a painting
competition. In her 10 the best way to communicate with my parents was to prove 11
to them.
After a few weeks’ waiting, the result finally 12 . I was very happy and excited
13 I got first prize! When I took the prize home, my parents were very 14 . They never
thought I could do a good job. I could see that they were very happy. And they began to care more
about me. Now, 15 between my parents and me are very good. So I think it’s very
important to have someone to talk to.
1.A.always B.hardly C.usually D.often
2.A.share B.compare C.change D.control
3.A.unhappy B.excited C.surprised D.unfair
4.A.from B.at C.with D.about
5.A.as long as B.as far as C.as well as D.so well as
6.A.painting B.reading C.exercising D.writing
7.A.had B.needed C.offered D.refused
8.A.spirits B.skills C.decisions D.signs
9.A.explained B.competed C.pushed D.developed
10.A.plan B.way C.side D.opinion
11.A.myself B.yourself C.herself D.himself
12.A.came back B.came out C.came in D.came on
13.A.though B.and C.until D.because
14.A.crazy B.surprised C.clear D.nervous
15.A.relations B.preparation C.temperature D.satisfaction