专题07语篇填空(人教版2019)(含答案) 备战2024-2025学年高二英语上学期期中真题分类汇编(人教版2019)


名称 专题07语篇填空(人教版2019)(含答案) 备战2024-2025学年高二英语上学期期中真题分类汇编(人教版2019)
格式 zip
文件大小 1015.2KB
资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-09-20 10:37:46


专题 07 语篇填空
(23-24 高二上·浙江宁波·期中)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号
These days we can often see students doing morning exercises to stay 1 (health).
Most of you probably do the same kind of exercises. But my school exercises have gained 2
(popular) because of their local and special designs.
Students at a middle school in Mianyang, Sichuan Province, combine Sichuan Opera with
their exercise. Shen Junhua, 3 is in charge of organizing the school's exercises, said,
"Sichuan Opera is 4 local opera, but now it is facing a problem because few young want
to learn it. So we invited local artists 5 (create) a simple and easy-to-learn Sichuan Opera
exercise.The new type of exercise 6 (practice) since 2017 and is now popular among
students. 7 (learn) the exercise is not easy, so new students have to spend weeks
practicing it until they can do it well. Some students have also joined the school's Sichuan Opera
club due 8 their own interest, although they had hardly heard of Sichuan Opera before.
They found 9 very difficult but meaningful to learn Sichuan Opera.
By combining opera with daily exercise, the activity allows students to take part in the
development of Sichuan Opera's culture. 10 (hope), the seed of traditional culture can
be spread in this way.
(23-24 高二上·山东潍坊·期中)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单
Grain Buds, or Xiaoman, the 11 (eight) of the 24 solar terms of a year, usually
falls on May 21,marking the 12 (arrive) of hot summer and downpours.
Just like its English name “ Grain Buds”, Xiaoman is a period of time when the grains are
about to ripen but are not quite there yet, 13 is also referred to as the waterfall in the
southern area of China. If the rainfall is sufficient, the following season of rice planting 14
(guarantee). When it arrives, rainfall increases across the country and temperature 15
(gap) between north and south narrow. During the period, waves of wheat are bright, pomegranate
are red as fires, and lotus buds stand upright, 16 (create) a charming early summer scene.
The flavor (气味) for this period of time combines sweet and bitterness. Cherry with sweet
and juicy taste is 17 (definite) the best choice for the beginning of summer. Bitter herbs,
rich in diversified vitamins and mineral substances, are 18 must during the summer
Xiaoman, always used 19 a metaphor for the best state of life in Chinese culture,
20 (indicate) we should maintain a constant state of balance in the character and attitude
towards life.
(23-24 高二上·浙江湖州·期中)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当内容(1 个单词)或括号内
There are currently over 3, 000 endangered languages in the world on the edge of
extinction. And languages and dialects are dying at 21 alarming rate. According to
National Geographic, one language disappears from the earth every 14 days, and few leave any
recognizable marks. The least spoken languages in the world tend to be spoken only by a few
elders of small 22 (community). Learning a dying language rarely appeals to people
23 try to secure their place in a global economy, so younger generations aren’t typically
learning these languages 24 their parents or grandparents. Most of these endangered
languages also lack a writing system, 25 (make) their preservation an even bigger
In this landscape of amazing loss, institutions and projects are trying to save 26 is
left. The Endangered Languages Documentation Programme 27 (found) in 2002 with the
aim of preserving languages threatened by extinction. It not only funds individual projects 28
(develop) by scholars, but also provides training in London and around the world 29
(help) prepare the methods required for research work. The purpose of documenting languages
must not 30 (simple) be to pin(钉) them to the wall like butterflies.
(23-24 高二上·湖南邵阳·期中)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词
Sichuan hot pots, Nanjing salted duck and Cantonese dim sum are the 31
(tradition)Chinese foods.
Sichuan hot pots are believed 32 (start)off in the late Qing Dynasty as a way for
boatmen on the Yangtze River to keep warm during the cold and wet winters. 33
(gradual), it ranges from simple delicious dishes by boiling vegetables, chillies and Sichuan
peppers in water 34 multiple options of soups, vegetables, meats and sauces, appealing to
people of different tastes. When I tried it, the hot flavour 35 (quick) our laughter and
conversation, making the meal the perfect way to relax with friends.
Nanjing’ s most famous food export is salted duck, 36 is juicy and salty. 37
takes several days to prepare each Nanjing salted duck. A local history book from the late Qing
Dynasty praised it, 38 (say)it was without equal.
In Guangzhou, morning tea is 39 essential part of the daily routine. Today
Guangzhou’s restaurants stimulate 40 (customer)appetite with more than a thousand
offerings, with each more delicate and delicious.
(23-24 高二上·四川成都·期中)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单
Around 160 experts attended the International Forum on Cave Temple Conservation in
Chongqing 41 August 19 to 21 to explore opportunities for cooperation and methods to
protect rock carvings in cave temples around the world.
The carvings run the risk of damage over time as a result of weathering and climate change.
Li Qun, director of the National Cultural Heritage Administration, 42 (say) in the opening
ceremony that Chinese cave temples displayed remarkable characteristics in terms of their subject
matter, and artistic style, which reflected the 43 (peace) nature of Chinese civilization.
The Chongqing forum was held to improve the preservation of cave temples and uncover
their value and historical significance, 44 (contribute) to the preservation of humanity’s
intellectual achievements.
Experts agreed 45 (promote) the protection of cave temples in light of global climate
change, develop new materials, build early warning systems, and create a global database of
historical images, 46 they hope would help future generations appreciate their beauty.
“Water and wind are the primary factors causing damage to the cave temples and stone
carvings 47 (global),” said an expert, adding that climate change had led to the increasing
uncertainty 48 (cause) by natural threats. He called for in-depth 49 (study) on core
factors such as water-related damage and the geological environment. Moreover, efforts should be
directed toward strengthening archaeological investigations 50 exploring the values of
these sites, as well as managing tourism.
(23-24 高二上·河北邢台·期中)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单
Shennongjia is said to be the place 51 Yan Di once lived. Some visitors hope that
they may even encounter the legendary wild men in the remote mountains and virgin (原始状态
的 ) forests. They do not 52 (actual) see any wild man, but they are attracted by
Shennongjia’s vibrant (充满生机的) ecology, rich biodiversity and karst landforms.
Shennongjia’s beauty 53 (vary) over the year as nature takes its course. 54
(tourist) can enjoy flower blossoms in spring, be shaded from the summer heat, appreciate red
leaves in autumn 55 go skiing in winter. In 2010s, China announced its plan of 56
(build) 10 pilot national parks for ecosystem preservation, including in Shennongjia Forestry
District, Hubei Province.
Official data showed that visitors to Shennongjia Forestry District 57 (reach) about
15. 5 million in 2020. By 2025, the forest area aims 58 (increase) that annual figure to over
30 million, with tourism revenue of more than 10 billion yuan.
Visitors can employ a bus service if they do not drive 59 (they) own cars. The
journey to Shennongjia will take up to five hours from nearby Yichang or Shiyan. In May, 2021,
Shennongjia was connected to 60 newly built freeway, making the mountainous region
more accessible.
(23-24 高二上·甘肃甘南·期中)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单
It is a special cross-country race. The competitors’ vehicles are made 61 fruits and
vegetables like carrots, eggplants, grapefruits, pumpkins and oranges. They are the creations of
pupils from the Shanghai World Foreign Language Primary School.
According to Chen You, the science class teacher, 62 (base) knowledge had been
taught within 6 classes to students before they drew sketches and 63 (choose) vegetables
to make a food car.
Although students were encouraged 64 (design) their cars together with parents,
all the cars should be made in the class. After 65 (bring) piles of ingredients as well as
tools the children began their innovation. Some cut the carrot slices to make them round, and some
others assembled (组装) their car components together.
In addition to the 66 (compete), students are required to reflect on the 67
(difficulty) they encountered making their vehicles, 68 things they have learned from the
activity and the improvements they think the course can make.
69 touched the teachers most was the unity and friendship among the children. For
example, although the contest was fierce (激烈的), students felt 70 (excite) for the
champion car as if they themselves had stood out, and when a girl’s car fell apart their friends
comforted her and helped reassemble the car.
(23-24 高二上·安徽合肥·期中)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单
While the key to success in both 71 (person) and professional relationships lies in
your ability 72 (communicate) well, it’s not the words that you use 73 your
body language that speaks the loudest.
Whether you’re aware 74 it or not, when you interact with others, you’re
continuously giving and receiving wordless signals. All of your nonverbal 75 (behavior)
— the gestures you make, your tone of voice and how much eye contact you make — send strong
messages. They can build trust and draw others towards you, or they can confuse 76
you’re trying to express. These messages don’t stop when you stop speaking, either. Even when
you’re silent, you’re still communicating nonverbally.
In some instances, what comes out of your mouth and what you communicate through your
body language may be two 77 (total) different things. If you say one thing, but your body
language says something else, your listener will likely feel that you’re being dishonest. When
faced with such 78 (mix) signals, the listeners have to choose whether to believe your
verbal or nonverbal messages. Since body language is a natural language that 79 (show)
your true feelings and intentions, they’ll likely choose the nonverbal messages.
However, by improving how you understand and use nonverbal communication, you can
express what you really mean, connect better with others, and build stronger, more 80
(reward) relationships.
(23-24 高二上·广东茂名·期中)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号
After graduating in 1953, Yuan Long ping worked as a researcher. He realised that larger
fields were not the solution. Instead, farmers needed 81 (boost) yields in the fields they had.
How this could be done was a 82 (challenge) question at the time. Yuan was convinced that
the answer could 83 (find) in the creation of hybrid rice. A hybrid is 84 cross
between two or more varieties of a species. One characteristic of hybrids is that they usually attain
a higher yield than conventional 85 (crop). However, whether it was possible to develop a
hybrid of self-pollinating plants such as rice 86 (be) a matter of great debate. The common
87 (assume) then was that it could not be done. 88 intense effort, Yuan overcame
enormous technical difficulties to develop the first hybrid rice 89 could be used for
farming in 1974. This hybrid enabled farmers to expand their output 90 (great).
(23-24 高二上·河北保定·期中)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单
Over the past decades, the small, industrial city of Zibo has been best known for 91
(it) petrochemical output. In recent months, however, it has become the centre of a 92
(nation) barbecue craze and social-media phenomenon unlike anything China has seen before.
Tourists have flooded the city in the central province of Shandong in the hope of 93 (try)
its lesser-known kebabs (烧烤), posting videos on the Internet, 94 then departing (离开).
Yards have been 95 (temporary) turned into dining halls in order to deal 96
massed crowds.
During the recent May Day holiday, one of 97 most important weeks of the year
for shopping and entertainment spending, the petrochemical city 98 (list) as a top tourist
destination alongside other popular places such as the Great Wall and the Terracotta Warriors. A
widely 99 (share) online picture jokes that the last time so many people showed up in the
city was during the Siege of Qi, a famous battle 100 took place in the area in 284 BC.
(23-24 高二上·湖北孝感·期中)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单
The popularity of Chinese video-sharing social networking service TikTok continues to
grow among young people in the United States, especially teens and young adults.
The service lets users create and share short videos, many of 101 are within 15
seconds. The TikTok app offers a wide choice of sounds, brief parts of songs and special effects
tools 102 (produce)a video. Videos often include popular songs from famous 103
(artist) and TikTok has even helped begin the careers of new music stars.
TikTok 104 (consider) a competitor to video-sharing app Snapchat, as well as
Facebook’s Instagram service. Snapchat and Instagram also mainly interest young users with
photos and videos centered 105 (large) on fashion, pop culture and humor.
Last year, TikTok was the 106 (two) most downloaded app from Apple and
Google stores. Only WhatsApp was downloaded more. 107 was said that people have
downloaded the TikTok app 1.65billion times.
While TikTok has continued to grow, some experts and parents have expressed concerns
about videos 108 (appear) on TikTok that might be 109 (harm) to young users.
For this reason, they urge parents to monitor what their children watch on TikTok and suggest that
only those over 16 should have access 110 the service.
(23-24 高二上·四川南充·期中)阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词
Traditional Chinese culture is beginning to capture the attention of the world. Kung fu,
111 (especial), has had a great effect 112 the millions of people who first learned
about China through it. From that, they may come to China and learn about some other 113
(aspect) of this culture. Other Asian nations have long known about the 114 (great) of
ancient Chinese culture. Their own cultures are 115 mix of native ones and those
Chinese characteristics. Korea and Japan long ago adopted Confucianism, something that
continues today even as it 116 (challenge) by pop culture. This strength comes from the
ideas given in the Four Books of Confucianism, 117 built upon the ideas of an even
118 (much) ancient period codified (编纂) in the Five Classics. From them, the West learns
what is uniquely Chinese, for example, feng shui. So far China has taken steps 119
(further) this spread of its culture by 120 (establish) Chinese Cultural Centers in such
places as the United States and Europe.
(23-24 高二上·安徽宣城·期中)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单
Last month, 28–year–old model Huang Qian decided to add baduanjin (八段锦) to her daily
routine. At first, she saw videos of people practicing 121 social media platforms. So she
122 (natural) associated it with the kind of exercise favored by the elderly because of slow
movements. Nevertheless, now Huang enjoys practicing the exercise, 123 stretches and
relaxes her whole body. Baduanjin, 124 form of qigong, is a set of traditional Chinese
fitness exercises 125 (combine) physical movement with breathing and meditation. It
126 (date) back to the Song Dynasty (960–1279). Baduanjin uses breathing and concentration
techniques 127 (improve) body and mind through eight well-designed sequences. 128
(compare) with other types of qigong exercise, such as tai chi and wuqinxi, baduanjin is more
suited to beginners thanks to its simple, gentle movements. Huang was also excited to find out that
one of her favorite fitness influencers German Pamela Reif, 129 (add) baduanjin to her
workout videos already. The video has received more than 900,000 views, 49,000 likes and
24,000 reports since it was posted on Bilibili on Aug 8. Like many traditions, such as hanfu and
music, baduanjin is receiving a growing 130 (recognize) from people of all ages and is
making a return to daily life.
(23-24 高二上·湖北黄冈·期中)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单
Live streaming (直播) has gone popular in China. Many have turned 131 (they) into
live streaming users or followers. But many problems come along. Many minors have ever spent
large amounts of money 132 (tip) and buying virtual gifts for their idols during live
streams. Some live streams promote online games, poor products with misleading claims, and
even something illegal 133 affects underage (未成年的) followers.
Chinese authorities have introduced a set of updated regulations (管理) on live streaming
industry 134 (protect) the interests of minors. The new rules, issued by a central
department, including the National Radio, 135 (publish) on Saturday. A source told
China Daily, “I know that 136 (probable) means the days are gone when live streamers
were often rewarded without inspection.” Besides, those under the age of 16 will be prohibited to
perform as live streamers under the new rules. For those 137 (applicant) aged between 16
and 18, the 138 (approve) of their guardians (监护人) is necessary.
The document also calls for cooperation to carry 139 further inspections (检查).
Online game enterprises and platforms, like Tencent and NetEase, have also been required to
follow 140 stricter regulations to manage the services of live streaming games.
(23-24 高二上·广西南宁·期中)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单
As a long-time resident of Beijing, I have always wanted to travel around and see more of
China. And I finally found my big chance on the Labor Day holiday, 141 people would
have seven days off, so I made a trip to Shanghai.
It was my first time that I 142 (travel) by not only rail but high-speed rail as well,
which made this trip special. Many Americans aren’t used to 143 (take) public
transportation, instead mainly using cars to get around. For me, riding to Shanghai by train was
especially fascinating since I could 144 (expose) to different kinds of beautiful scenery and
towns along the way through the spacious windows. In particular, I have always been a fan of the
uniquely-shaped 145 (mountain) of China, enjoying their elegant shapes as they make the
peaceful horizon more attractive. Another benefit of riding on trains was the spacious legroom
which allowed me 146 (relax) more easily during my trip.
Throughout the journey, I couldn’t help considering it to be a good idea for the US to build
a 147 (similar) useful and convenient railway system. The outspread cities in the US make
148 easy to see how the US would benefit from this kind of public investment. This could lead
to less 149 (dependent) on car ownership and have a positive impact 150 both the
economy and environment.
(23-24 高二上·广东广州·期中)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号
The Cultural Landscape of Old Tea Forests of the Jingmai Mountain in Pu’er gained World
Heritage Site status on the 45th Session of the World Heritage Committee of UNESCO on
Sunday, becoming China’s 57th entry on that list. 151 is also the first World Heritage Site
with 152 theme of tea. The landscape 153 (create) by ancestors of Blang people
who immigrated to Jingmai Mountain in the 10th century AD and discovered wild tea trees, as
well as by the ancestors of Dai people. 154 the basis of longstanding practices, local people
developed an under-story growing technique 155 (eventual) . That is to create ideal light
conditions for the growing of tea trees to produce quality organic tea leaves without the 156
(apply) of pesticides and chemical fertilizers.
China will strengthen 157 (effort) to better supervise the heritage site, face climate
change, guide local communities 158 (join) in protection and regulate tourism to ensure
lastingly inherited outstanding universal values of the old tea forests.
On Jingmai Mountain, communities also maintain ancient governance systems to protect
the site, including traditional festivals and ceremonies 159 (relate) to Tea Ancestor, a belief
160 spirits live in forest as well as among local fauna and flora. Tea leaves contribute to over
90 percent of the income for those communities.
(23-24 高二上·山西太原·期中)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单
Nowadays about one 161 (five) of the global population celebrate the Spring
Festival, making it a worldwide festival. The Spring Festival, widely known as Lunar New Year,
162 (honor) as the United Nations Floating Holiday on December 22, 2023.
163 is announced that the UN will try to avoid 164 (arrange) conference
activities on the day. This resolution reflects the great influence of Chinese culture. It will promote
Chinese tradition 165 (global) as well.
With a history of 4000 years, the Spring Festival has continued all the way to today and it
has spread 166 many countries in the world. Therefore, it is 167 bond between
China’s present and past. It is a strong connection between Chinese people at home 168
abroad. Why has this been possible Featuring family reunion and well-being, the Spring Festival
inherits the treasure of Chinese culture: harmonious coexistence. It also expresses a common goal
169 all countries should pursue: to create a world with a 170 (share) future of
harmony and prosperity.
(23-24 高二上·青海西宁·期中)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单
Jiangxi Province has taken many measures to protect finless porpoises (江豚 ), 171
have faced dramatic changes in their living environment as Poyang Lake, China’s largest
freshwater lake, suffered a severe drought.
The species, 172 (list) as critically endangered by the International Union for
Conservation of Nature, now lives only along the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River.
The number of finless porpoises 173 (drop) significantly in the past few years, with only
457 174 (live) in Poyang Lake.
As the water level dropped to less than 12 meters, the lake officially entered this year’s dry
season on August 6, 175 (early) than at any time since records began in 1951. Severe
drought has reduced the lake by 75 percent. This change will 176 (undoubted) increase
the risk of the finless porpoises hitting boats and also result 177 a food shortage for the
Wang Liang, who works for the provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of
Jiangxi, said the province has released 178 total of 200 million fish, shrimps (虾) and
crabs into the waters 179 (enrich) the food supply and more than 2,000 180
(volunteer) have been trained to rescue the species.
(23-24 高二上·江苏盐城·期中)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单
Flames in kilns (窑炉) around China 181 (burn) since the Xia and Shang dynasties.
Along the way was born porcelain (瓷器).
Porcelain is made by heating materials, often a mix of China stone and kaolin clay, in a kiln
at a temperature as high as 1,200 degree Celsius. Temperature is key to 182 (make)
porcelain. Going through the fire of reinvention at a high temperature blesses porcelain with
strength and colors. Celadon ( 青 瓷 ) produced in Longquan, Zhejiang province, 183
technique passed down for more than 1,600 years, is a 184 (character) example of workers’
long-standing dream. It takes 72 steps to produce perfect green. Porcelain has also been a carrier
for cultural exchanges. In company with China’s silk and tea, porcelain was one of the first goods
185 (receive) worldwide trade. As it travelled around the globe through the ancient Maritime
Silk Road, porcelain enjoyed great 186 (popular) among royal families and upper classes in
Europe, 187 were attracted to these beautiful artworks. Porcelain began as a practical
container 188 evolved into pieces of art. Even when broken into pieces and 189
(bury) deep in mud, cultural values attached to porcelain would exist.
As a memory that 190 (feel) with both hands, porcelain is touchable history.
(23-24 高二上·浙江杭州·期中)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单
This year has seen many events in Chinese film industry. However, the launch of the
Youku non-barrier cinema is 191 significance. According to reports, anyone with 192
visual disability can register and enjoy all the non-barrier films in the online cinema oeuvre(全部
It should be noted that there are over 17 million people 193 (suffer)from visual
disabilities in China alone. It’s really hard for us to imagine the 194 (disappoint)of the
visually disabled people who know there is a new film but can’t watch it.
That’s why barrier-free films appeared, namely broadcasting the 195 (origin)film in
a hall, 196 a speaker explains its storyline to the visually disabled audience at the same
time. 197 , it’s always easier said than done. Funds 198 (need)to rent a hall big
enough to support audiences and work needs to be done to inform the targeted audiences.
Therefore, most domestic barrier-free film studios are non-profitable.
199 new media technologies have made it possible for people with visual
disabilities to enjoy the show, a barrier-free cinema hall could only support about 300 audiences at
the most. But a barrier-free film online could be heard by maybe 3 million. That enables more of
the visually disabled community 200 (enjoy)films and enrich their daily lives.
(23-24 高二上·山东日照·期中)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的单词或括号内单
The buzzwords ( 时髦术语 ) “brittle college students” have gone viral on the Internet
recently among mounting concerns over 201 serious decline in the physical health of
Chinese college students. The words refer to the new generation of college students generally
202 (suffer) from many physical problems. “Brittle,” which 203 (apparent) means
tender and fragile (脆弱), has been used by netizens jokingly 204 (describe) how easily
college students can get injured and sick.
Such comments have caused heated discussions over the declining physical 205
(fit) of contemporary college students, 206 is confirmed by the astonishing record of visits
to one hospital in the city of Zhengzhou, north-central Henan Province. It is reported that
Zhengzhou Central Hospital 207 (rece ve) some 1,700 young people aged between 18
and 25 in its emergency department in September alone.
“These young people were mainly diagnosed (诊断 ) with trauma, abdominal pain, chest
tightness, hyperventilation, acute alcoholism, and cholecystitis. Most cases were caused by
208 (regular) daily routine, staying up late and unhealthy diet,” said Cheng Xiaodan, deputy
director of the hospital’s emergency department.
A report pointed out that unhealthy lifestyle is common 209 college students.
Many participants said they had experienced health 210 (issue) such as poor skin
condition, lack of sleep, and emotional problems.
(23-24 高二上·浙江绍兴·期中)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号
China will establish a new batch of national parks this year amid its efforts of accelerating
the construction of its national park and botanical garden systems. The new parks 211
(include) Huanghekou, Qianjiangyuan-Baishanzu and Kalamayli will be built 212 a steady
and orderly manner. China’s national parks are specific land or sea areas 213 main purpose
is to preserve the nationally representative natural ecosystems of the country and realize the
214 (science) protection and rational use of natural resources.
In 2021, China established the first batch of national parks, with 215 area of 230,000
square km protected land. These parks are home to nearly 30 percent of the key terrestrial wildlife
species found in the country. Since the establishment of the first batch of national parks, more than
390 mining sites 216 (close). The Sanjiangyuan park realized the full protection of the
source of the Yangtze, Yellow and Lancang rivers and the Tibetan antelope population has 217
(eventual) recovered to over 70,000. In the Giant Panda National Park, more than 70 percent of
wild pandas are under good protection.
A National Park Law is being made and China 218 (adopt) a more advanced park
management system, increase the 219 (apply) of new technologies, build a world-class
research monitoring platform, and 220 (strong) national park management capabilities in
the near future.
(23-24 高二上·广西桂林·期中)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单
The vast fields of wheat in Northeast China are no ordinary plants — they were created in
outer space. They are a variety known as Luyuan502 and are China’s second most 221
(wide) grown type of wheat. The plants were bred from seeds 222 (fly) into orbit 340 km
above the Earth’s surface. In the unique low gravity environment, they picked up subtle (微妙的)
changes to DNA that gave them new qualities, 223 made them more tolerant to drought
and able to better resist certain diseases.
They are an example of a growing number 224 important food crops that are being
bred on spacecraft and space stations while orbiting our planet. 225 some of the
mutations (突变 ) leave the plants unable to grow, others can be advantageous. Some plants
become 226 (strong) than previous ones. Besides, they are able to resist more extreme
growing conditions, but others produce more foods from a single plant or grow faster or require
less water.
China 227 (experiment) with space mutagenesis since 1987. Since then it has
conducted dozens of missions 228 (carry) crop seeds into orbit. “We benefit from
China’s strong space programme,” says one of the 229 (expert) in China’s space
mutagenesis project. “We can use recoverable satellites, high-altitude platforms and manned
spacecraft to send our seeds to space up to 230 (two) a year and use those space
utilities for crop improvement.”
(23-24 高二上·四川成都·期中)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入一个适当的单词或所给单词
Humans successfully reached the top of the world, Mount Qomolangma, for the first time in
1953. On May 23, 70 years later, a Chinese expedition team reached its peak and 231
(carry) out scientific research, which celebrated the historical adventure. The journey to the top is
232 (extreme) dangerous and takes both bravery and good physical health 233 (complete).
Climbers fight against the harsh (恶劣的) environment and go beyond 234 (they) limits.
The main reason why scientists fearlessly continue this climb to the top can be the rich
information that Mt Qomolangma provides. Due to its biodiversity, it can 235 (see) as a
“micro Earth”. The drop in altitude (海拔) from the top is huge, forming 236 wide range of
climates and creating its own ecosystem. Also, the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau (青藏高原), 237 Mt
Qomolangma is located, is an important ecological resource.
“The expedition has transformed from ‘I want to conquer you’ to ‘I want to understand
you’,” said Yao Tandong, team 238 (lead) of the expedition. The scientists’ work was
beyond 239 (collect) samples. Advanced equipment like drones (无人机) and 3D laser
scanning, was used to better monitor pollutants and changes in glaciers. With those new
technologies, the expedition resulted 240 important international influence.专题 07 语篇填空
(23-24 高二上·浙江宁波·期中)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号
These days we can often see students doing morning exercises to stay 1 (health).
Most of you probably do the same kind of exercises. But my school exercises have gained 2
(popular) because of their local and special designs.
Students at a middle school in Mianyang, Sichuan Province, combine Sichuan Opera with
their exercise. Shen Junhua, 3 is in charge of organizing the school's exercises, said,
"Sichuan Opera is 4 local opera, but now it is facing a problem because few young want
to learn it. So we invited local artists 5 (create) a simple and easy-to-learn Sichuan Opera
exercise.The new type of exercise 6 (practice) since 2017 and is now popular among
students. 7 (learn) the exercise is not easy, so new students have to spend weeks
practicing it until they can do it well. Some students have also joined the school's Sichuan Opera
club due 8 their own interest, although they had hardly heard of Sichuan Opera before.
They found 9 very difficult but meaningful to learn Sichuan Opera.
By combining opera with daily exercise, the activity allows students to take part in the
development of Sichuan Opera's culture. 10 (hope), the seed of traditional culture can
be spread in this way.
1.healthy 2.popularity 3.who 4.a 5.to create 6.has been practiced
7.Learning 8.to 9.it 10.Hopefully
1.考查形容词。句意:这些天我们经常可以看到学生做早操来保持健康。stay healthy“保持
健康”。故填 healthy。
2.考查名词。句意:但我的学校的早操因为它们的地方性和特殊设计而广受欢迎。gain 后
接名词 popularity 作宾语。故填 popularity。
面临着一个问题,因为很少有年轻人想学它。先行词为 Shen Junhua 作非限制性定语从句的
主语,指人,关系代词为 who,that 不能引导非限制性定语从句。故填 who。
着一个问题,因为很少有年轻人想学它。opera 为可数名词,表示 “一种地方戏剧”,且 local
首字母为辅音音素,用不定冠词 a。故填 a。
invite sb to do sth“邀请某人做某事”。故填 to create。
6.考查时态和语态。句意:自 2017 年以来,人们一直在练习这种新型运动,现在在学生中
很受欢迎。根据“since 2017”可知,本句为现在完成时,主语“The new type of exercise”与谓
语 practice 为被动关系,所以本句为现在完成时的被动语态。故填 has been practiced。
到他们能做得很好。本句为动名词作主语,置于句首,首字母大写。故填 Learning。
几乎没有听说过川剧。due to“由于”为固定短语。故填 to。
9.考查形式宾语。句意:他们发现学习川剧很困难,但很有意义。it 作形式宾语,真正的
宾语为动词不定式。故填 it。
子,表示“有希望地”。故填 Hopefully。
(23-24 高二上·山东潍坊·期中)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单
Grain Buds, or Xiaoman, the 11 (eight) of the 24 solar terms of a year, usually
falls on May 21,marking the 12 (arrive) of hot summer and downpours.
Just like its English name “ Grain Buds”, Xiaoman is a period of time when the grains are
about to ripen but are not quite there yet, 13 is also referred to as the waterfall in the
southern area of China. If the rainfall is sufficient, the following season of rice planting 14
(guarantee). When it arrives, rainfall increases across the country and temperature 15
(gap) between north and south narrow. During the period, waves of wheat are bright, pomegranate
are red as fires, and lotus buds stand upright, 16 (create) a charming early summer scene.
The flavor (气味) for this period of time combines sweet and bitterness. Cherry with sweet
and juicy taste is 17 (definite) the best choice for the beginning of summer. Bitter herbs,
rich in diversified vitamins and mineral substances, are 18 must during the summer
Xiaoman, always used 19 a metaphor for the best state of life in Chinese culture,
20 (indicate) we should maintain a constant state of balance in the character and attitude
towards life.
11.eighth 12.arrival 13.which 14.will be guaranteed 15.gaps 16.creating
17.definitely 18.a 19.as 20.indicates
11.考查序数词。句意:谷蕾,或称小满,是二十四节气中的第八节气,通常在 5 月 21 日,
标志着炎热的夏季和暴雨的到来。根据下文的“of the 24 solar terms of a year”可知,空处指的
是第八个节气,所以用序数词形式。故填 eighth。
12.考查名词。句意:谷蕾,或称小满,是二十四节气中的第八节气,通常在 5 月 21 日,
标志着炎热的夏季和暴雨的到来。根据空前的 the 和空后的 of 可知,空处为名词形式。故填
成熟的时期,也被称为中国南方的瀑布。句中先行词为“a period of time”,在非限制性定语
从句中担当主语,所以用关系代词 which 引导。故填 which。
14.考查时态和语态。句意:如果雨量充足,下一季的水稻种植就有保障。if 引导的从句用
一般现在时,主句用将来时;主语 the following season of rice planting 和 guarantee 之间存在
被动关系,所以空处为一般将来时的被动语态。故填 will be guaranteed。
句为一般现在时,根据本句的谓语动词 narrow 可知,主语为复数形式。故填 gaps。
人的初夏场景。表示主句一句话所带来的自然而然的结果,所以用 v-ing 形式,作结果状语。
故填 creating。
故填 definitely。
18.考查冠词。句意:苦中草药富含多种维生素和矿物质,是夏季的必备品。must 为名词
冠词 a。故填 a。
应该在性格和生活态度上保持一种恒定的平衡状态。固定短语:be used as“被当做……”。故
填 as。
般现在时;主语 Xiaoman 为单数,所以谓语动词用第三人称单数形式。故填 indicates。
(23-24 高二上·浙江湖州·期中)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当内容(1 个单词)或括号内
There are currently over 3, 000 endangered languages in the world on the edge of
extinction. And languages and dialects are dying at 21 alarming rate. According to
National Geographic, one language disappears from the earth every 14 days, and few leave any
recognizable marks. The least spoken languages in the world tend to be spoken only by a few
elders of small 22 (community). Learning a dying language rarely appeals to people
23 try to secure their place in a global economy, so younger generations aren’t typically
learning these languages 24 their parents or grandparents. Most of these endangered
languages also lack a writing system, 25 (make) their preservation an even bigger
In this landscape of amazing loss, institutions and projects are trying to save 26 is
left. The Endangered Languages Documentation Programme 27 (found) in 2002 with the
aim of preserving languages threatened by extinction. It not only funds individual projects 28
(develop) by scholars, but also provides training in London and around the world 29
(help) prepare the methods required for research work. The purpose of documenting languages
must not 30 (simple) be to pin(钉) them to the wall like butterflies.
21.an 22.communities 23.who/that 24.from 25.making 26.what
27.was founded 28.developed 29.to help 30.simply
项目成立于 2002 年,旨在保护濒临灭绝的语言。
定搭配:at a rate 意为“以……的速度”,空后是 alarming,为原因音素开头,所以应该用 an。
故填 an。
可知,空前是形容词 small,所以空处应填名词,community 意为“社区”,为可数名词,根
据空前的 a few 可知,应该用复数形式。故填 communities。
句子结构可知,空处引导定语从句,从句缺少主语,应该用关系代词,先行词为 people,指
人,所以应该用 who 或者 that 引导。故填 who 或者 that。
知,此处考查固定搭配:learn sth. from sb.意为“向某人学某事”。故填 from。
为更大的挑战。分析句子结构可知,本句已有谓语动词 lack,所以 make 应该用非谓语动词
词作结果状语。故填 making。
引导,根据句意,此处指物,应该用 what 引导。故填 what。
27.考查动词时态和语态。句意:濒危语言文献项目成立于 2002 年,旨在保护濒临灭绝的
语言。分析句子结构可知,本句缺少谓语动词,所以 found 作谓语,主语是 The Endangered
Languages Documentation Programme ,为第三人称单数,同时两者间是被动关系,所以应
该用被动语态,再根据时间状语 in 2002,可知应该用一般过去时。故填 was founded。
培训,帮助准备研究工作所需的方法。分析句子结构可知,本句已有谓语动词 funds,所以
develop 应该用非谓语形式,根据空后的 by 表“被”之意,所以应该用过去分词表被动。故填
培训,帮助准备研究工作所需的方法。分析句子结构可知,本句已有谓语动词 provides,所
以 help 应该用非谓语形式,此处应该用不定式,作目的状语。故填 to help。
子结构可知,空后是动词 be,所以空处应填副词修饰动词,simple 的副词形式是 simply。
(23-24 高二上·湖南邵阳·期中)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词
Sichuan hot pots, Nanjing salted duck and Cantonese dim sum are the 31
(tradition)Chinese foods.
Sichuan hot pots are believed 32 (start)off in the late Qing Dynasty as a way for
boatmen on the Yangtze River to keep warm during the cold and wet winters. 33
(gradual), it ranges from simple delicious dishes by boiling vegetables, chillies and Sichuan
peppers in water 34 multiple options of soups, vegetables, meats and sauces, appealing to
people of different tastes. When I tried it, the hot flavour 35 (quick) our laughter and
conversation, making the meal the perfect way to relax with friends.
Nanjing’ s most famous food export is salted duck, 36 is juicy and salty. 37
takes several days to prepare each Nanjing salted duck. A local history book from the late Qing
Dynasty praised it, 38 (say)it was without equal.
In Guangzhou, morning tea is 39 essential part of the daily routine. Today
Guangzhou’s restaurants stimulate 40 (customer)appetite with more than a thousand
offerings, with each more delicate and delicious.
31.traditional 32.to have started 33.Gradually 34.to 35.quickened
36.which 37.It 38.saying 39.an 40.customers’
名词,设空处应用形容词修饰名词,故填 traditional。
的冬天用它来取暖。设空处在句中作非谓语,sth be believed to do do 表示“人们相信……”,
且动词 start 的动作发生在主句谓语动词之前,所以应用动词不定式的完成式。故填 to have
副词的形式。故填 Gradually。
34.考查介词。句意见上题解析。固定短语 from…to…从……到……,故填 to。
I tried it,(当我试着吃的时候)”可知,句子的时态为一般过去时,设空处应用动词过去式的形
式。故填 quickened。
导非限制性定语从句,先行词为 salted duck,关系词在非限制性定语从句中作主语,故填
它,说它是无与伦比的。固定句型 it takes some time to do sth.意为“花费一段时间做某事”,
此处应用 it 作形式主语。故填 It。
38.考查非谓语动词。句意见上题解析。设空处在句中作非谓语,和句子的逻辑主语 book
之间是主动关系,表示伴随。故填 saying。
essential 是以元音音素开头的单词,所以其前应用不定冠词 an。故填 an。
都更加精致美味。名词 appetite 前应用名词所有格修饰,且此处表示复数概念。故填
(23-24 高二上·四川成都·期中)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单
Around 160 experts attended the International Forum on Cave Temple Conservation in
Chongqing 41 August 19 to 21 to explore opportunities for cooperation and methods to
protect rock carvings in cave temples around the world.
The carvings run the risk of damage over time as a result of weathering and climate change.
Li Qun, director of the National Cultural Heritage Administration, 42 (say) in the opening
ceremony that Chinese cave temples displayed remarkable characteristics in terms of their subject
matter, and artistic style, which reflected the 43 (peace) nature of Chinese civilization.
The Chongqing forum was held to improve the preservation of cave temples and uncover
their value and historical significance, 44 (contribute) to the preservation of humanity’s
intellectual achievements.
Experts agreed 45 (promote) the protection of cave temples in light of global climate
change, develop new materials, build early warning systems, and create a global database of
historical images, 46 they hope would help future generations appreciate their beauty.
“Water and wind are the primary factors causing damage to the cave temples and stone
carvings 47 (global),” said an expert, adding that climate change had led to the increasing
uncertainty 48 (cause) by natural threats. He called for in-depth 49 (study) on core
factors such as water-related damage and the geological environment. Moreover, efforts should be
directed toward strengthening archaeological investigations 50 exploring the values of
these sites, as well as managing tourism.
41.from 42.said 43.peaceful 44.contributing 45.to promote 46.which
47.globally 48.caused 49.studies 50.and
41.考查介词。句意:8 月 19 日至 21 日,约 160 名专家参加了在重庆举行的石窟寺保护国
际论坛,探讨合作机会和保护世界各地石窟寺中石刻的方法。根据空后的“August 19 to 21”
可推知,此处介绍论坛的持续时间,表示“从 8 月 19 日至 21 日”,因此空处应用介词 from,
构成固定短语 from… to…。故填 from。
结合从句时态推断此处在叙述过去发生的事情,时态应用一般过去时。故填 said。
格方面表现出显著的特点,反映了中国文明的和平本质。分析句子可知,空处是修饰 nature
的定语,peace 的形容词形式 peaceful 符合题意,意为“和平的”。故填 peaceful。
随着句子行为自然发生的结果,作结果状语,因此应用 contribute 的现在分词形式。故填
它们的美。根据“agreed”可推知,此处用固定短语 agree to do sth.,意为“同意做某事”,因此
空处应用 promote 的不定式形式作宾语。故填 to promote。
这些行动指物,在从句中作主语,因此应用关系代词 which 作引导词。故填 which。
知,空处修饰动词短语 causing damage to,因此应用 global 的副词形式 globally,意为“全球
地”。故填 globally。
分析句子可知,空处作 uncertainty 的后置定语,是非谓语动词,cause“造成”和 uncertainty
逻辑上是被动关系,且动作已完成,因此应用 cause 的过去分词形式。故填 caused。
究。study“研究”为可数名词,此处表示泛指,因此 study 应用复数形式。故填 studies。
分析句子可知,空处连接前后两个动名词短语 strengthening…和 exploring…,两者之间是并
列的关系,因此应用并列连词 and。故填 and。
(23-24 高二上·河北邢台·期中)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单
Shennongjia is said to be the place 51 Yan Di once lived. Some visitors hope that
they may even encounter the legendary wild men in the remote mountains and virgin (原始状态
的 ) forests. They do not 52 (actual) see any wild man, but they are attracted by
Shennongjia’s vibrant (充满生机的) ecology, rich biodiversity and karst landforms.
Shennongjia’s beauty 53 (vary) over the year as nature takes its course. 54
(tourist) can enjoy flower blossoms in spring, be shaded from the summer heat, appreciate red
leaves in autumn 55 go skiing in winter. In 2010s, China announced its plan of 56
(build) 10 pilot national parks for ecosystem preservation, including in Shennongjia Forestry
District, Hubei Province.
Official data showed that visitors to Shennongjia Forestry District 57 (reach) about
15. 5 million in 2020. By 2025, the forest area aims 58 (increase) that annual figure to over
30 million, with tourism revenue of more than 10 billion yuan.
Visitors can employ a bus service if they do not drive 59 (they) own cars. The
journey to Shennongjia will take up to five hours from nearby Yichang or Shiyan. In May, 2021,
Shennongjia was connected to 60 newly built freeway, making the mountainous region
more accessible.
51.where 52.actually 53.varies 54.Tourists 55.and 56.building
57.reached 58.to increase 59.their 60.a
句,先行词为 place,关系词在从句中作地点状语,所以空白处应用关系副词 where。故填
态、丰富的生物多样性和喀斯特地貌所吸引。修饰动词 see,应用副词作状语,故填
53.考查时态。句意:随着自然的发展,神农架的美景每年都在变化。根据下文“over the year
as nature takes its course”可知,此处的时态要用一般现在时,结合主语 Shennongjia’s beauty,
是不可数名词,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式,所以此处用 varies。故填 varies。
主语用名词 tourist,可数名词,此处表示不止一个游客,用复数,故填 Tourists。
据句意,enjoy flower blossoms in spring,be shaded from the summer heat, appreciate red leaves in
autumn 和 go skiing in winter 之间是并列关系,应用并列连词 and 连接,故填 and。
56.考查动名词。句意:2010 年,中国宣布了建设 10 个生态系统保护试点国家公园的计划,
其中包括湖北省神农架林区。介词后接动名词作宾语,故填 building。
57.考查时态。句意:官方数据显示,去年神农架林区游客达到了 1550 多万人次。分析句
子可知,reach 是 that 引导的宾语从句的谓语动词,根据时间状语 in 2020 可知,描述过去发
生的事情用一般过去时,动词使用过去式形式,故填 reached。
58.考查非谓语动词。句意:到 2025 年,森林面积的目标是在不久的将来把这个年度数字
提高到 3000 万以上,旅游收入超过 100 亿元。aim to do“力求达到”,结合设空前 aims,故
用动词不定式作宾语。故填 to increase。
容词性物主代词,their 表示“他们的”,符合题意,故填 their。
60.考查冠词。句意:在 2021 年五月,神农架将与一条新建的高速铁路相连接,这将使山
区变得更加便利。此处泛指“一条新建的高速铁路”,应用不定冠词,newly 是辅音音素开头
的单词,前边应用不定冠词 a,故填 a。
(23-24 高二上·甘肃甘南·期中)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单
It is a special cross-country race. The competitors’ vehicles are made 61 fruits and
vegetables like carrots, eggplants, grapefruits, pumpkins and oranges. They are the creations of
pupils from the Shanghai World Foreign Language Primary School.
According to Chen You, the science class teacher, 62 (base) knowledge had been
taught within 6 classes to students before they drew sketches and 63 (choose) vegetables
to make a food car.
Although students were encouraged 64 (design) their cars together with parents,
all the cars should be made in the class. After 65 (bring) piles of ingredients as well as
tools the children began their innovation. Some cut the carrot slices to make them round, and some
others assembled (组装) their car components together.
In addition to the 66 (compete), students are required to reflect on the 67
(difficulty) they encountered making their vehicles, 68 things they have learned from the
activity and the improvements they think the course can make.
69 touched the teachers most was the unity and friendship among the children. For
example, although the contest was fierce (激烈的), students felt 70 (excite) for the
champion car as if they themselves had stood out, and when a girl’s car fell apart their friends
comforted her and helped reassemble the car.
61.of 62.basic 63.chose 64.to design 65.bringing 66.competition
67.difficulties 68.the 69.What 70.excited
橙子。固定搭配:be made of“由……组成”。故填 of。
62.考查形容词作定语。句意:据科学班老师陈友介绍,在 6 节课的时间里,学生们先学习
了基础知识,然后再画草图,选择蔬菜制作美食车。此处 knowledge 是名词,由形容词修饰,
base 的形容词是 basic。故填 basic。
63.考查一般过去时。句意:据科学班老师陈友介绍,在 6 节课的时间里,学生们先学习了
基础知识,然后再画草图,选择蔬菜制作美食车。before 引导的时间状语从句中动词 choose
与 drew 构成并列谓语。故填 chose。
该在课堂上制造。固定搭配:encourage sb. to do sth.“鼓励某人做某事”,其中动词不定式作
宾语补足语,但该句是被动语态,句中动词不定式作主语补足语。故填 to design。
中 after 是介词,后面用动名词作宾语。故填 bringing。
及他们从活动中学到的东西,以及他们认为课程可以带来的改进。根据空前的 the 可知,此
处用名词作宾语,所给词 compete 是动词,其名词是 competition,此处表示这次比赛,用单
数。故填 competition。
故答案为 difficulties。
活动中学到的东西”,用定冠词修饰。故填 the。
代词 what 引导的主语从句,位于句首用大写。故填 What。
他们自己脱颖而出一样。此处指“学生感到兴奋”,所以用动词 excite 的情感形容词 excited。
故填 excited。
(23-24 高二上·安徽合肥·期中)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单
While the key to success in both 71 (person) and professional relationships lies in
your ability 72 (communicate) well, it’s not the words that you use 73 your
body language that speaks the loudest.
Whether you’re aware 74 it or not, when you interact with others, you’re
continuously giving and receiving wordless signals. All of your nonverbal 75 (behavior)
— the gestures you make, your tone of voice and how much eye contact you make — send strong
messages. They can build trust and draw others towards you, or they can confuse 76
you’re trying to express. These messages don’t stop when you stop speaking, either. Even when
you’re silent, you’re still communicating nonverbally.
In some instances, what comes out of your mouth and what you communicate through your
body language may be two 77 (total) different things. If you say one thing, but your body
language says something else, your listener will likely feel that you’re being dishonest. When
faced with such 78 (mix) signals, the listeners have to choose whether to believe your
verbal or nonverbal messages. Since body language is a natural language that 79 (show)
your true feelings and intentions, they’ll likely choose the nonverbal messages.
However, by improving how you understand and use nonverbal communication, you can
express what you really mean, connect better with others, and build stronger, more 80
(reward) relationships.
71.personal 72.to communicate 73.but 74.of 75.behaviors 76.what
77.totally 78.mixed 79.shows 80.rewarding
响亮的不是你说的话,而是你的肢体语言。修饰后文名词 relationships 应用形容词 personal,
作定语。故填 personal。
但最响亮的不是你说的话,而是你的肢体语言。名词 ability 后跟不定式作后置定语。故填
to communicate。
最响亮的不是你说的话,而是你的肢体语言。表示“不是……而是……”句型为 not…but…。
故填 but。
的信号。表示“意识到”短语为 be aware of。故填 of。
流的次数——都传递了强烈的信息。根据上文 All of your nonverbal 可知 behavior 应用复数
形式。故填 behaviors。
达的东西。引导宾语从句,从句缺少宾语,应用 what 引导。故填 what。
件完全不同的事情。修饰形容词 different 应用副词 totally,故填 totally。
非口头信息。修饰名词 signals 应用形容词 mixed,作定语。故填 mixed。
他们很可能会选择非语言信息。定语从句修饰先行词 language,根据上文 is 可知为一般现在
时,谓语与先行词保持一致,用三单形式。故填 shows。
的意思,更好地与他人交流,建立更牢固、更有益的关系。修饰名词 relationships 应用形容
词 rewarding,作定语。故填 rewarding。
(23-24 高二上·广东茂名·期中)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号
After graduating in 1953, Yuan Long ping worked as a researcher. He realised that larger
fields were not the solution. Instead, farmers needed 81 (boost) yields in the fields they had.
How this could be done was a 82 (challenge) question at the time. Yuan was convinced that
the answer could 83 (find) in the creation of hybrid rice. A hybrid is 84 cross
between two or more varieties of a species. One characteristic of hybrids is that they usually attain
a higher yield than conventional 85 (crop). However, whether it was possible to develop a
hybrid of self-pollinating plants such as rice 86 (be) a matter of great debate. The common
87 (assume) then was that it could not be done. 88 intense effort, Yuan overcame
enormous technical difficulties to develop the first hybrid rice 89 could be used for
farming in 1974. This hybrid enabled farmers to expand their output 90 (great).
81.to boost 82.challenging 83.be found 84.a 85.crops 86.was
87.assumption 88.Through 89.that 90.greatly
81.考查非谓语动词。句意:相反,农民需要提高他们现有田地的产量。need to do sth.“需
要做某事”;boost“提高”。分析句子结构可知,此处要使用不定式 to boost,作 need 的宾语。
故填 to boost。
战”。分析句子结构可知,此处要使用形容词 challenging“具有挑战性的”,作定语,修饰名
词 question。故填 challenging。
引导的宾语从句中,从句主语 the answer 与动词 find“找到”为被动关系,故用过去分词
foud,且位于情态动词 could 后,故用 be found。故填 be found。
此处要使用冠词 an“一个”,修饰名词 cross,表示泛指。故填 an。
物”,为可数名词。结合句意可知,传统作物不止一种,故此处要使用名词复数形式 crops。
故填 crops。
议的问题。结合句意和空前的 was 可知,事情发生在过去,故句子用一般过去时,whether it
was possible to develop a hybrid of self-pollinating plants such as rice 为主语从句,故用 was,
作系动词。故填 was。
少名词作主语,且根据空后的 was 判断,故用单数形式 assumption“假设”,作主语。故填
88.考查介词。句意:经过艰苦的努力,袁克服了巨大的技术困难,于 1974 年研制出了第
一个可用于农业的杂交水稻。结合句意可知,此处要使用介词 Through“经过”。故填
89.考查定语从句。句意:经过艰苦的努力,袁克服了巨大的技术困难,于 1974 年研制出
了第一个可用于农业的杂交水稻。分析句子结构可知,空处引导定语从句,修饰名词 hybrid
rice,且 hybrid rice 有序数词 first 修饰,故填 that,引导定语从句。故填 that。
用副词 greatly“大大地”,作状语,修饰 expand。故填 greatly。
(23-24 高二上·河北保定·期中)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单
Over the past decades, the small, industrial city of Zibo has been best known for 91
(it) petrochemical output. In recent months, however, it has become the centre of a 92
(nation) barbecue craze and social-media phenomenon unlike anything China has seen before.
Tourists have flooded the city in the central province of Shandong in the hope of 93 (try)
its lesser-known kebabs (烧烤), posting videos on the Internet, 94 then departing (离开).
Yards have been 95 (temporary) turned into dining halls in order to deal 96
massed crowds.
During the recent May Day holiday, one of 97 most important weeks of the year
for shopping and entertainment spending, the petrochemical city 98 (list) as a top tourist
destination alongside other popular places such as the Great Wall and the Terracotta Warriors. A
widely 99 (share) online picture jokes that the last time so many people showed up in the
city was during the Siege of Qi, a famous battle 100 took place in the area in 284 BC.
91.its 92.national 93.trying 94.and 95.temporarily 96.with
97.the 98.was listed 99.shared 100.which/that
output 应用形容词性物主代词 its。故填 its。
这在中国是前所未见的。修饰名词 craze,应用形容词 national。故填 national。
知名的烤肉串,并在网上发布视频,然后离开。try 作介词 of 的宾语,应用动名词形式。故
填 trying。
烤肉串,并在网上发布视频,然后离开。结合前后文语境可知,trying its lesser-known
kebabs,posting videos on the Internet 与后文 then departing 为并列关系,应用连词 and。故填
95.考查副词。句意:为了应对拥挤的人群,院子暂时变成了餐厅。修饰动词短语 turn into
应用副词 temporarily,故填 temporarily。
96.考查介词。句意:为了应对拥挤的人群,院子暂时变成了餐厅。短语 deal with 表示“应
对”。故填 with。
这座石化城市与长城和兵马俑等其他热门景点一起被列为顶级旅游目的地。后文 most
important 为最高级,前面要与定冠词连用。故填 the。
语构成被动关系,根据上文 the recent May Day holiday 可知为一般过去时的被动语态,主语
为 the petrochemical city,谓语用单数。故填 was listed。
市是在公元前 284 年的齐城之战期间,这是一场发生在该地区的著名战役。修饰后文名词
picture 应用形容词 shared。故填 shared。
座城市是在公元前 284 年的齐城之战期间,这是一场发生在该地区的著名战役。定语从句修
饰先行词 battle,在从句中作主语,指物,故填 which/that。
(23-24 高二上·湖北孝感·期中)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单
The popularity of Chinese video-sharing social networking service TikTok continues to
grow among young people in the United States, especially teens and young adults.
The service lets users create and share short videos, many of 101 are within 15
seconds. The TikTok app offers a wide choice of sounds, brief parts of songs and special effects
tools 102 (produce)a video. Videos often include popular songs from famous 103
(artist) and TikTok has even helped begin the careers of new music stars.
TikTok 104 (consider) a competitor to video-sharing app Snapchat, as well as
Facebook’s Instagram service. Snapchat and Instagram also mainly interest young users with
photos and videos centered 105 (large) on fashion, pop culture and humor.
Last year, TikTok was the 106 (two) most downloaded app from Apple and
Google stores. Only WhatsApp was downloaded more. 107 was said that people have
downloaded the TikTok app 1.65billion times.
While TikTok has continued to grow, some experts and parents have expressed concerns
about videos 108 (appear) on TikTok that might be 109 (harm) to young users.
For this reason, they urge parents to monitor what their children watch on TikTok and suggest that
only those over 16 should have access 110 the service.
101.which 102.to produce 103.artists 104.is considered 105.largely
106.second 107.It 108.appearing 109.harmful 110.to
101.考查定语从句。句意:该服务允许用户创建和共享短视频,其中许多短视频在 15 秒内
语从句,先行词为 short videos,应用关系代词 which。故填 which。
102.考查非谓语。句意:TikTok 应用程序提供了广泛的声音选择、歌曲的简短部分和特效
工具来做视频。分析句子可知,此空应填不定式作目的状语。故填 to produce。
103.考查名词复数。句意:视频中经常包含著名艺术家的热门歌曲,TikTok 甚至帮助新音
乐明星开始了他们的职业生涯。由前文 popular songs 可知,这里表示来自不同著名艺术家
的歌曲,所以此空应用名词复数形式。故填 artists。
104.考查被动语态。句意:TikTok被认为是视频共享应用 Snapchat以及 Facebook的 Instagram
服务的竞争对手。分析句子可知,此空应填谓语动词,TikTok 与 consider 为被动关系,且
这里时态与下文保持一致,也应用一般现在时。故填 is considered。
105.考查副词。句意:Snapchat 和 Instagram 也主要以时尚、流行文化和幽默为中心的照片
和视频吸引年轻用户。分析句子可知,此空应填副词修饰后面介词短语搭配。故填 largely。
106.考查序数词。句意:去年,TikTok 是苹果和谷歌商店下载量第二大的应用。分析句子
可知,这里表示“第二大下载量的应用”,所以应用序数词。故填 second。
107.考查代词。句意:据说,人们已经下载了 16.5 亿次 TikTok 应用程序。分析句子可知,
这里考查固定句型 it is said that...“据说”,其中 it 为形式主语,且句首时首字母应大写。故填
108.考查非谓语。句意:尽管 TikTok 持续发展,但一些专家和家长对 TikTok 上出现的可
能对年轻用户有害的视频表示担忧。分析句子可知,此空应填非谓语,videos 和 appear 为主
动关系,再由句意可知,这里应用现在分词作定语。故填 appearing。
109.考查形容词。句意:尽管 TikTok 持续发展,但一些专家和家长对 TikTok 上出现的可
能对年轻用户有害的视频表示担忧。分析句子可知,此空应填形容词作表语,harmful 表“有
害的”,符合句意。故填 harmful。
110.考查介词。句意:或者出于这个原因,他们敦促家长监控孩子在 TikTok 上观看的内容,
并建议只有 16 岁以上的人才能使用该服务。分析句子可知,这里考查固定搭配 have access
to“使用”,符合句意。故填 to。
(23-24 高二上·四川南充·期中)阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词
Traditional Chinese culture is beginning to capture the attention of the world. Kung fu,
111 (especial), has had a great effect 112 the millions of people who first learned
about China through it. From that, they may come to China and learn about some other 113
(aspect) of this culture. Other Asian nations have long known about the 114 (great) of
ancient Chinese culture. Their own cultures are 115 mix of native ones and those
Chinese characteristics. Korea and Japan long ago adopted Confucianism, something that
continues today even as it 116 (challenge) by pop culture. This strength comes from the
ideas given in the Four Books of Confucianism, 117 built upon the ideas of an even
118 (much) ancient period codified (编纂) in the Five Classics. From them, the West learns
what is uniquely Chinese, for example, feng shui. So far China has taken steps 119
(further) this spread of its culture by 120 (establish) Chinese Cultural Centers in such
places as the United States and Europe.
111.especially 112.on 113.aspects 114.greatness 115.a 116.is challenged
117.which 118.more 119.to further 120.establishing
响。副词 especially 可以修饰名词等内容,表示陈述某一事实之后,列举一个具有代表性的
例子,作进一步强调。故填 especially。
112.考查介词。句意:同上。have a great effect on“对……有巨大的影响”是固定搭配。故填
后,可数名词 aspect 应用复数作介词 about 的宾语。故填 aspects。
114.考查名词。句意:其他亚洲国家早就知道中国古代文化的伟大。定冠词 the 后,应用
其名词 greatness(不可数)作介词 about 的宾语。故填 greatness。
115.考查冠词。句意:他们自己的文化是本土文化和中国特色的混合。可数名词单数 mix
是泛指概念,应用不定冠词限定。mix 以辅音音素开头,a max of 意为“……的混合”。故填
的挑战,这种思想今天仍在继续。动词 challenge 和主语之间是被动关系,根据前文 continues
today 可知,此处描述现实情况,用一般现在时的被动语态。主谓一致,故填 is challenged。
更古老时期的思想基础之上。此处引导非限制性定语从句,先行词为 the Four Books of
Confucianism,指代事物,应用关系代词 which 引导从句,作主语。故填 which。
118.考查形容词比较级。句意:同上。根据句意和 even 可知,此处形容词 ancient 应用比
较级 more ancient。故填 more。
“为了”。故填 to further。
120.考查非谓语动词。句意:同上。介词 by 后应用动名词作宾语。故填 establishing。
(23-24 高二上·安徽宣城·期中)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单
Last month, 28–year–old model Huang Qian decided to add baduanjin (八段锦) to her daily
routine. At first, she saw videos of people practicing 121 social media platforms. So she
122 (natural) associated it with the kind of exercise favored by the elderly because of slow
movements. Nevertheless, now Huang enjoys practicing the exercise, 123 stretches and
relaxes her whole body. Baduanjin, 124 form of qigong, is a set of traditional Chinese
fitness exercises 125 (combine) physical movement with breathing and meditation. It
126 (date) back to the Song Dynasty (960–1279). Baduanjin uses breathing and concentration
techniques 127 (improve) body and mind through eight well-designed sequences. 128
(compare) with other types of qigong exercise, such as tai chi and wuqinxi, baduanjin is more
suited to beginners thanks to its simple, gentle movements. Huang was also excited to find out that
one of her favorite fitness influencers German Pamela Reif, 129 (add) baduanjin to her
workout videos already. The video has received more than 900,000 views, 49,000 likes and
24,000 reports since it was posted on Bilibili on Aug 8. Like many traditions, such as hanfu and
music, baduanjin is receiving a growing 130 (recognize) from people of all ages and is
making a return to daily life.
121.on 122.naturally 123.which 124.a 125.combining 126.dates
127.to improve 128.Compared 129.had added 130.recognition
【导语】这是一篇说明文。文章主要讲述了一位 28 岁的模特黄倩决定把八段锦加入她的日
配:on social media platforms 意为“在社交媒体平台上”。故填 on。
作缓慢。空处修饰空后的动词,应该用副词修饰。故填 naturally。
在从句中作主语,用 which 引导。故填 which。
的中国传统健身运动。form 以为“形式”,为可数名词,句中用的单数,前应用不定冠词修
饰,form 为辅音音素开头,用 a 修饰。故填 a。
相结合的中国传统健身运动。分析句子结构可知,已有谓语动词 is,空处需填非谓语动词作
定语,exercises 和 combine 为逻辑主谓关系,需用现在分词形式。故填 combining。
使用一般现在时,主语为 it,谓语动词使用第三人称单数形式。故填 dates。
善身心。分析句子结构可知,已有谓语动词 uses,空处需填动词不定式作目的状语。故填 to
baduanjin 和 compare 为逻辑动宾关系,需填过去分词形式,位于句首,首字母需大写。故
填 Compared。
(Pamela Reif)已经在她的健身视频中添加了八段锦。空处为宾语从句的谓语,根据“already”
和“was also excited to find out”可知,此处使用过去完成时,表示“过去的过去”。故填had added。
认可,并正在回归日常生活。不定冠词 a 修饰单数可数名词,空处需填名词作宾语,recognize
的名词形式是 recognition。故填 recognition。
(23-24 高二上·湖北黄冈·期中)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单
Live streaming (直播) has gone popular in China. Many have turned 131 (they) into
live streaming users or followers. But many problems come along. Many minors have ever spent
large amounts of money 132 (tip) and buying virtual gifts for their idols during live
streams. Some live streams promote online games, poor products with misleading claims, and
even something illegal 133 affects underage (未成年的) followers.
Chinese authorities have introduced a set of updated regulations (管理) on live streaming
industry 134 (protect) the interests of minors. The new rules, issued by a central
department, including the National Radio, 135 (publish) on Saturday. A source told
China Daily, “I know that 136 (probable) means the days are gone when live streamers
were often rewarded without inspection.” Besides, those under the age of 16 will be prohibited to
perform as live streamers under the new rules. For those 137 (applicant) aged between 16
and 18, the 138 (approve) of their guardians (监护人) is necessary.
The document also calls for cooperation to carry 139 further inspections (检查).
Online game enterprises and platforms, like Tencent and NetEase, have also been required to
follow 140 stricter regulations to manage the services of live streaming games.
131.themselves 132.tipping 133.that 134.to protect 135.were published
136.probably 137.applicants 138.approval 139.out 140.the
131.考查代词。句意:许多人已经变成了直播用户或粉丝。分析句子可知,此处 turned 这
一动作的实施者和承受者为相同,空处应用 they 的反身代词形式 themselves,意为“他们自
己”。故填 themselves。
礼物。分析句子可知,空处和 buying 并列,此处用固定短语 spend money (in) doing sth.表示
“花钱做某事”,因此 tip 应用动名词形式,作宾语。故填 tipping。
响未成年粉丝的非法内容。分析句子可知,空处引导限制性定语从句,修饰先行词 something
illegal,先行词指物,且含不定代词 something,在从句中作主语,应用关系代词 that 作引导
词。故填 that。
用 protect 的不定式形式。故填 to protect。
六发布的。分析句子可知,空处作句子的谓语,时间状语为 on Saturday,句子叙述过去发生
的事情,时态应用一般过去时,publish“发布”和主语 The new rules 之间是被动关系,应用被
动语态,且主语是复数名词,be 动词应用 were。故填 were published。
监管就获得打赏的日子已经一去不复返了。”分析句子可知,空处修饰动词 means,probable
的副词形式 probably 符合题意,意为“可能”。故填 probably。
137.考查名词的数。句意:年龄在 16 岁至 18 岁之间的申请人,必须获得其监护人的同意。
根据空前的“those”可知,申请人不止一个,空处应用 applicant 的复数形式。故填 applicants。
138.考查名词。句意:年龄在 16 岁至 18 岁之间的申请人,必须获得其监护人的同意。分
析句子可知,空处作句子的主语,在定冠词 the 后,用 approve 的名词形式 approval 符合题
意,意为“同意”。故填 approval。
业和平台也被要求遵守更严格的规定来管理直播游戏服务。根据“carry”和“further inspections”
可推知,此处用固定短语 carry out 表示“开展”。故填 out。
理直播游戏服务。分析句子可知,空处表示特指,指上文已知的规定,应用定冠词 the。故
填 the。
(23-24 高二上·广西南宁·期中)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单
As a long-time resident of Beijing, I have always wanted to travel around and see more of
China. And I finally found my big chance on the Labor Day holiday, 141 people would
have seven days off, so I made a trip to Shanghai.
It was my first time that I 142 (travel) by not only rail but high-speed rail as well,
which made this trip special. Many Americans aren’t used to 143 (take) public
transportation, instead mainly using cars to get around. For me, riding to Shanghai by train was
especially fascinating since I could 144 (expose) to different kinds of beautiful scenery and
towns along the way through the spacious windows. In particular, I have always been a fan of the
uniquely-shaped 145 (mountain) of China, enjoying their elegant shapes as they make the
peaceful horizon more attractive. Another benefit of riding on trains was the spacious legroom
which allowed me 146 (relax) more easily during my trip.
Throughout the journey, I couldn’t help considering it to be a good idea for the US to build
a 147 (similar) useful and convenient railway system. The outspread cities in the US make
148 easy to see how the US would benefit from this kind of public investment. This could lead
to less 149 (dependent) on car ownership and have a positive impact 150 both the
economy and environment.
141.when 142.had travel(l)ed 143.taking 144.be exposed 145.mountains
146.to relax 147.similarly 148.it 149.dependence 150.on
期,所以我去了上海。分析句子成分可知,先行词是 the Labor Day holiday,从句中作时间
状语,用关系副词 when 引导非限制性定语从句,故填 when。
别。在 It was my first time that+从句的句型中,从句的时态应用过去完成时,故填 had
be used to doing sth.“习惯于做某事”,to 在该句型中为介词,用动名词作宾语,故填 taking。
到沿途各种美丽的风景和城镇。expose 作谓语,主语 I 和 expose 之间是动宾关系,情态动
词后接 be done 构成被动语态,故填 be exposed。
为它们使宁静的地平线更具吸引力。根据本句的 their elegant shapes as they make the peaceful
horizon more attractive.可知,此空应该是复数,故填 mountains。
易放松。allow sb.to do sth,表示“允许某人做某事”,用不定式作宾语补足语,故填 to relax。
统是个好主意。本空是副词修饰形容词 useful and convenient,故填 similarly。
受益。分析句子可知,it 是形式宾语,真正的宾语是“to see how the US would benefit from this
kind of public investment”,故填 it。
lead to 后加名词作宾语,dependence“依赖;依靠”,不可数名词,故填 dependence。
have a positive impact on sth.,是固定短语。故填 on。
(23-24 高二上·广东广州·期中)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号
The Cultural Landscape of Old Tea Forests of the Jingmai Mountain in Pu’er gained World
Heritage Site status on the 45th Session of the World Heritage Committee of UNESCO on
Sunday, becoming China’s 57th entry on that list. 151 is also the first World Heritage Site
with 152 theme of tea. The landscape 153 (create) by ancestors of Blang people
who immigrated to Jingmai Mountain in the 10th century AD and discovered wild tea trees, as
well as by the ancestors of Dai people. 154 the basis of longstanding practices, local people
developed an under-story growing technique 155 (eventual) . That is to create ideal light
conditions for the growing of tea trees to produce quality organic tea leaves without the 156
(apply) of pesticides and chemical fertilizers.
China will strengthen 157 (effort) to better supervise the heritage site, face climate
change, guide local communities 158 (join) in protection and regulate tourism to ensure
lastingly inherited outstanding universal values of the old tea forests.
On Jingmai Mountain, communities also maintain ancient governance systems to protect
the site, including traditional festivals and ceremonies 159 (relate) to Tea Ancestor, a belief
160 spirits live in forest as well as among local fauna and flora. Tea leaves contribute to over
90 percent of the income for those communities.
151.It 152.the 153.was created 154.On 155.eventually 156.application
157.efforts 158. to join 159.related 160.that
产名录,它是中国第 57 个入选该名录的项目,还介绍了该文化景观的特色和价值。
151.考查代词。句意:它也是第一个以茶为主题的世界遗产。分析句子可知,此空应填 it
作主语,指代上文The Cultural Landscape of Old Tea Forests of the Jingmai Mountain in Pu’er ,
且句首时首字母应大写。故填 It。
152.考查冠词。句意:它也是第一个以茶为主题的世界遗产。分析句子可知,这里考查 the
theme of 表“……的主题”,为固定搭配。故填 the。
153.考查时态语态。句意:这里的景观是由公元 10 世纪移民到景迈山的布朗人的祖先以及
傣族的祖先创造的,他们发现了野生茶树。分析句子可知,这里考查谓语动词,The landscape
与 create 为被动关系,且这里时态应与后面保持一致,用一般过去时。故填 was created。
术。分析句子可知,这里考查 on the basis of 表“基于”,为固定搭配,且句首时首字母应大
写。故填 On。
术。分析句子可知,此空应填副词作状语,修饰前面动词。故填 eventually。
况下生产出优质的有机茶叶。分析句子可知,这里应填名词作介词后宾语,application 表“运
用”,为不可数名词,符合句意。故填 application。
与保护,规范旅游业,确保老茶林突出的普遍价值得到持久传承。分析句子可知,effort 表“努
力”,为可数名词,而这里应用名词复数作宾语。故填 efforts。
定式作宾补。故填 to join。
be related to 与……有关,此处用过去分词作后置定语。故填 related。
仰。分析句子可知,这里考查同位语从句,而后面为完整句子,所以应用 that 引导该同位语
从句。故填 that。
(23-24 高二上·山西太原·期中)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单
Nowadays about one 161 (five) of the global population celebrate the Spring
Festival, making it a worldwide festival. The Spring Festival, widely known as Lunar New Year,
162 (honor) as the United Nations Floating Holiday on December 22, 2023.
163 is announced that the UN will try to avoid 164 (arrange) conference
activities on the day. This resolution reflects the great influence of Chinese culture. It will promote
Chinese tradition 165 (global) as well.
With a history of 4000 years, the Spring Festival has continued all the way to today and it
has spread 166 many countries in the world. Therefore, it is 167 bond between
China’s present and past. It is a strong connection between Chinese people at home 168
abroad. Why has this been possible Featuring family reunion and well-being, the Spring Festival
inherits the treasure of Chinese culture: harmonious coexistence. It also expresses a common goal
169 all countries should pursue: to create a world with a 170 (share) future of
harmony and prosperity.
161.fifth 162.was honored 163.It 164.arranging 165.globally
166.to 167.a 168.and 169.that/which 170.shared
节日。根据空前的 one 可知,这里表示五分之一,应用序数词 fifth。表示分数时,分子用基
数词,分母用序数词,当分词大于 1 时,分母的序数词要用复数。故填 fifth。
162.考查时态、语态和主谓一致。句意:春节被广泛称为农历新年,2023 年 12 月 22 日被
定为联合国浮动假日。根据句中的时间状语“on December 22, 2023”可知,这里是过去发生的
事情,应用一般过去时。主语 The Spring Festival 和 honor 之间是动宾关系,所以应用被动
语态,主语是单数,be 动词使用 was。故填 was honored。
163.考查 it 作形式主语。句意:据宣布,联合国将尽量避免在当天安排会议活动。It is
announced that...为固定句型,意为“据宣布……”,其中 It 作形式主语,that 引导的是主语从
句。故填 It。
164.考查非谓语动词。句意参考上题。固定搭配 avoid doing sth.意为“避免做某事”,动名词
作宾语。故填 arranging。
165.考查副词。句意:它也将在全球推广中国传统。空处修饰谓语 will promote,应用副词
globally 意为“全球地”。故填 globally。
166.考查介词。句意:春节有着 4000 年的历史,一直延续到今天,并传播到世界许多国家。
固定搭配 spread to...意为“传播到……”,to 是介词。故填 to。
167.考查冠词。句意:因此,它是连接中国现在和过去的纽带。空后的 bond 是第一次提到,
表示泛指,且其发音以辅音音素开头,应用不定冠词 a。故填 a。
168.考查连词。句意:这是海内外中国人之间的紧密联系。固定搭配 at home and abroad 意
为“在国内外”。故填 and。
运共同体。分析句子结构,空处引导限定性定语从句,先行词是 a common goal,指物,关
系词在从句中作宾语,应用关系代词 that 或 which 引导。故填 that 或 which。
170.考查非谓语动词。句意参考上题。share 意为“共享,共同拥有(某种看法﹑特质或经
历)”。空处应用非谓语动词,作定语修饰 future,share 和 future 之间是动宾关系,应用过
去分词。故填 shared。
(23-24 高二上·青海西宁·期中)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单
Jiangxi Province has taken many measures to protect finless porpoises (江豚 ), 171
have faced dramatic changes in their living environment as Poyang Lake, China’s largest
freshwater lake, suffered a severe drought.
The species, 172 (list) as critically endangered by the International Union for
Conservation of Nature, now lives only along the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River.
The number of finless porpoises 173 (drop) significantly in the past few years, with only
457 174 (live) in Poyang Lake.
As the water level dropped to less than 12 meters, the lake officially entered this year’s dry
season on August 6, 175 (early) than at any time since records began in 1951. Severe
drought has reduced the lake by 75 percent. This change will 176 (undoubted) increase
the risk of the finless porpoises hitting boats and also result 177 a food shortage for the
Wang Liang, who works for the provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of
Jiangxi, said the province has released 178 total of 200 million fish, shrimps (虾) and
crabs into the waters 179 (enrich) the food supply and more than 2,000 180
(volunteer) have been trained to rescue the species.
171.which 172.listed 173.has dropped 174.living 175.earlier
176.undoubtedly 177.in 178.a 179.to enrich 180.volunteers
finless porpoises,在从句作主语,指物。故填 which。
在长江中下游。分析句子结构可知 list 与逻辑主语 species 构成被动关系,故用过去分词作
定语。故填 listed。
173.考查时态。句意:在过去的几年里,江豚的数量急剧下降,目前只有 457 只生活在鄱
阳湖。根据后文 in the past few years可知为现在完成时,主语为The number of finless porpoises,
助动词用 has。故填 has dropped。
174.考查非谓语动词。句意:在过去的几年里,江豚的数量急剧下降,目前只有 457 只生
活在鄱阳湖。此处为 with 的复合结构,且 457 与 live 为主动关系,故用现在分词作宾补。
故填 living。
175.考查比较级。句意:随着水位下降到不足 12 米,8 月 6 日,该湖正式进入今年的旱季,
比 1951年有记录以来的任何时候都早。根据后文“than at any time since records began in 1951”
可知为比较级。故填 earlier。
修饰动词 increase 应用副词 undoubtedly,故填 undoubtedly。
短语 result in 表示“导致”。故填 in。
共放生了 2 亿只鱼、虾和蟹,并培训了 2000 多名志愿者来拯救这些物种。短语 a total of 表
示“总共”。故填 a。
江西省共放生了 2 亿只鱼、虾和蟹,并培训了 2000 多名志愿者来拯救这些物种。分析句子
结构可知 enrich 在句中作目的状语,应用不定式。故填 to enrich。
西省共放生了 2 亿只鱼、虾和蟹,并培训了 2000 多名志愿者来拯救这些物种。根据上文 more
than 2,000 可知可数名词 volunteer 应用复数。故填 volunteers。
(23-24 高二上·江苏盐城·期中)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单
Flames in kilns (窑炉) around China 181 (burn) since the Xia and Shang dynasties.
Along the way was born porcelain (瓷器).
Porcelain is made by heating materials, often a mix of China stone and kaolin clay, in a kiln
at a temperature as high as 1,200 degree Celsius. Temperature is key to 182 (make)
porcelain. Going through the fire of reinvention at a high temperature blesses porcelain with
strength and colors. Celadon ( 青 瓷 ) produced in Longquan, Zhejiang province, 183
technique passed down for more than 1,600 years, is a 184 (character) example of workers’
long-standing dream. It takes 72 steps to produce perfect green. Porcelain has also been a carrier
for cultural exchanges. In company with China’s silk and tea, porcelain was one of the first goods
185 (receive) worldwide trade. As it travelled around the globe through the ancient Maritime
Silk Road, porcelain enjoyed great 186 (popular) among royal families and upper classes in