人教版(2019)必修第二册 Unit 3 The internet Reading and Thinking 教学设计


名称 人教版(2019)必修第二册 Unit 3 The internet Reading and Thinking 教学设计
格式 docx
文件大小 142.4KB
资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-09-20 20:08:02



人教版新教材B2U3 Reading and Thinking:
Stronger Together:How We Have Been Changed By The Internet 教学设计
文本含5个段落,交代了故事发生的时代背景、地点、人物,以及事件发生的原因、经过和结果。语篇结构完整,主题思想温馨积极,充满正能量。第一段是引子,点明了文章的话题范围,即互联网改变了人们的生活,强调了互联网对日常生活产生的影响;第二段叙述了Jan Tchamani “触网”的原因和经历;第三段讲述了Jan开办IT俱乐部,帮助老年人使用电脑和网络并取得一定成效的故事,是文章的核心部分;第四段介绍Jan消除数字鸿沟的理念和下一步的行动目标。最后一段以引用主人公的一番话结尾,体现了主人公推己及人、悲悯天下的高尚情怀,利用互联网,她不仅提升了自己,也帮助了他人。
综上分析,全文可分成两个部分,第一部分为第一段,介绍互联网带来的变化,第二部分为第二段到第五段,是通过Jan Tchamani的具体例子来说明互联网可以让我们更强大。
该阅读文本是必修2 Unit3 Reading and thinking读思版块,适用于高一年级学生。上课对象是重点中学学生,英语学科素养整体较好,已经掌握了基本的阅读技能,能够获取和处理信息,具有较好的表达能力和对事物的分析评判能力。在话题内容上,学生对互联网在日常生活中应用较为熟悉,了解互联网给人类带来的诸多便利,但是缺乏对互联网主题语言的探究意识,还需在课堂活动设计中不断提供自主阅读的支架,引导其阅读过程关注主题内涵的深入探索,并及时结合文本深度阅读创建真实语言综合运用的语境,提升其批判性思维和创新思维能力。
1. 理解感悟文本中出现的新词汇和词块,如convenient, databases, software, networks, remove the distance, have access to, go through tough times等,聚焦互联网给我们生活带来的改变。
2. 利用信息预测、自主提问、寻读获取信息等阅读策略阅读记叙事文本,并借助标题深入理解主题。主标题Stronger Together表示结果或状态,副标题How We Have Been Changed by the Internet指明了话题范围,并通过现在完成时的被动语态强调了互联网的作用和意义,主副标题结合起来揭示了文章的主题意义——人们因互联网而联结、而改变,变得更强大。
3. 辨析阅读文本中标题的内涵意义,精准理解语言的字面意义,正确推断语言背后的隐含意义,准确把握文本传递的主题信息及要义。
4. 通过了解互联网的日常运用,学会正确合理使用互联网进行学习和社会交往,发展批判性思维和创新思维能力。
教学步骤 教学活动 设计意图 互动时间&模式
Step 1 Lead in Ask Ss to watch a short video and think about the questions: What is the video about Guide Ss to pay attention to the words like communicate, connect, inspire, evolve, educate support. 本活动旨在引出互联网相关话题,激活话题知识,并适度铺垫新语言。 5’ CW
Step 2 Raise the topic Encourage Ss to think about changes caused by the Internet. Guide Ss to deepen the theme-related vocabularies 通过描述插图启动主题思维,初步感知文本的话题内容,补充主题学习所需的话题词汇知识。
Step 3 Predict the content Guide Ss to predict the text type and main idea of the text according to the title and the logic behind the headline. Guide Ss to explore the structure of the text 通过预测文体和标题、自主提问等系列活动,阅读主副标题,了解背后的因果逻辑,预测文章主要内容和框架结构。 5’ CW IW
Step 4 Explore the details Activity1: Read paragraph 1 and explore the changes caused by WWW Guide Ss to read paragraphs 1 and find answers to the following questions: ① How does WWW change our life according to P1 [Possible answers: It serves as electronic payment, information source, entertainment tools] ② What’s the significance of WWW [Possible answers: As a wide-ranging application, it makes our life more convenient.] ③ How do you understand the sentence “But the Internet has done much more for people than simply make life more convenient. ” 活动1聚焦文本第一段,旨在让学生梳理第一段中互联网对人们生活的影响。让学生关注“But the Internet has done much more for people than simply make life more convenient. ”这一承上启下的句子,为引出下文Jan Tchamani 构建网络社区,造福社会做铺垫。 5’ IW CW
Activity2: Read paragraphs 2-5 and explore the details of Jan Tchamani’s being stronger by the Internet Guide Ss to read paragraphs 2-5 and solve the following questions: ①Who is Jan Tchamani ②What ups and downs did she experience ③How did the Internet change her life ④How do you understand her sayings “When you go through tough times, you meet others who are facing similar challenges.” “Thinking about other people’s situations inspired me to offer help. ” What kind of person she is 活动2聚焦文本第二部分 Jan Tchamani具体案例的细节,引导学生通过细读文本,从她的个人经历逐步感受互联网将一个因身体原因被迫在家的老年人变成积极改变自身状态,并乐于帮助同处困境的人们的故事。进而理解互联网可以将a depressive woman变成a positive woman甚至是 a supportive helper的励志故事。 10’ CW IW
Step 5 Interpret the headline Guiding question: How do you understand the title-Stronger Together:How We Have Been Changed By The Internet 深入理解标题:The Internet makes us physically stronger, psychologically stronger, socially stronger. 5’ IW GW CW
Step 6 Share your story Ask Ss to share with the class a similar experience in their daily life, showing how the Internet has changed them. 通过让学生分享自己的互联网故事,个性化表达主题意义和观点思想。 5’ GW CW
Step 7 Homework Ask Ss to write a passage titled “How we have been changed by the Internet”, using the story they shared with the class as a specific example. Polish it with what we have learned in this class . 基于所创设情境,依托建构创造类读后活动,迁移、运用主题内容及语言,建构新语篇。 5’ GW CW
备注:Ss: Students IW: Individual work GW: Group work CW: Class work