人教版(2019)必修第二册 Unit 4 History and traditions Discovering useful structures 教学设计


名称 人教版(2019)必修第二册 Unit 4 History and traditions Discovering useful structures 教学设计
格式 doc
文件大小 185.4KB
资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-09-20 20:09:04



人教版新教材B2U4 History and Traditions:Discovering useful structures教学设计
本单元的话题是历史与传统,通过本单元的学习,学生能够对比中外历史与传统,找出历史形成的原因,和能辩证地看待中外不同文化传统,并树立正确的社会主义价值观。本课时指向“人与社会”的主题语境,关乎历史与传统这一话题,主要教学内容为过去分词作定语和宾补的用法,这节课以两篇语篇为载体,语法为输出工具,理解过去分词作定语和宾补的意义和功能,体会并运用这一语法手段“表达情感和描述场景”。 在用过去分词作定语和宾语补足语获取语篇信息的同时,分析不同文化意识,并辩证地看待问题和表达观点。
本节课的主题是“过去分词作定语和宾语补足语”,利用四篇语篇作为载体。第一个语篇是对本单元的“Reading and Thinking”的文本复习,让学生重温第三课时的阅读文章,加强理解英国的历史和文化。第二至第四个语篇是扩展文章,主题是“historic sites in UK”,介绍莎士比亚故居、数学桥的传说以及温莎城堡,体会其中英国文化、历史及文学情怀。 利用第一个语篇,学生熟悉阅读文章,在熟悉的语篇中能够快速地找到本课的目标语法,并理解相应语义,这种“可理解性的输入”更好地增强学生学习的自信心;语篇二至四是介绍了英国文化历史 ,除了增强对英国文化传统的进一步理解的同时,让学生使用该语法点进行表达情感和描述场景,并进行写作,同时进一步进行文化迁移,内化语法知识,创设情境,依托建构创造类读后活动,迁移、运用主题内容及语言,建构新语篇。 。
本课时的活动主题为“表达情感和描述场景”(Express your feelings and describe situations)。学生通过观察、分析与归纳总结过去分词作定语和宾补的主要功能是较生动地民俗情景、事务以及个人情感。
该课时是必修2Unit2Discovering useful structures部分,适用于高一年级学生。上课对象是普通高中中等偏上学生,英语学科素养整体较好,具有良好的表达能力和对事物的分析评判能力。在话题内容上,学生虽然对英国的历史文化了解不多,但学过阅读第一课时后,对英国历史文化有了一定的了解,而且对中国的历史文化了解充分。因而,本节课设计将凸显生本课堂理念,以学生为主体,充分保证学生的阅读理解,观察,发现以及探究的能力。在探究过去分词做定语和宾补的用法的过程中表达游览历史文化名迹的情感和情景描述,加强对其探索发现能力的培养。
本课以发展学生学科核心素养为目标,践行综合视野下的过去分词作定语和宾补的基本结构和功能教学,在综合兼顾语言、文化、思维和策略的同时,侧重于在语篇阅读和观察发现中发展其思维品质,通过 、合作讨论等活动,让学生体验过去分词作定语和宾补的基本结构和功能,为内容而教,为思维而教,为语言而教。
以任务链的形式开展启发式教学,引导学生通过观察、发现、总结、运用等方式发现语言规律,内化语言知识和语法学习,发展语言能力,形成自主学习能力。 创设贴近学生生活实际的语篇和主题语境,引导学生进行实际生活中语法运用的意义探究,在语篇中实现目标语言的学习和理解,培养学生语法意义的理解和表达运用的能力。
1. 复习阅读中与英国相关话题下的语言,理解感悟英国文化和传统。
2. 利用观察、发现、探究和总结以及运用等方式发现过去分词作定语和宾补的基本结构和功能 。
3. 通过文本阅读辨析过去分词作定语和宾补的用法和功能 。
教学步骤 教学活动 设计意图 互动时间&模式
Step 1 Lead-in and review (show video about some famous historic sites in UK)Ss watch a short video about some famous historic sites in UK and review what they have learned about UK history, historic sites and some important words and expressions in reading . And explore more about UK historic sites. There are so much more to learn about the interesting history and culture of the ____(unite) Kingdom, which___(location) north-west of Europe Continent. Almost everywhere you go in the UK, you will be ____(surround) by the great historic sites as well as lots of museums with ancient relics . The UK is a ____(fascinate) mix of history and modern culture. If you keep your eyes open, you will be ____(surprise) to find that you can see both its past and its present. pay attention to the words and expressions like surround, achievement, location, as well as , join to, fascinating, keep one’s eyes open. Meanwhile, introduce Shakespeare’s Birthplace. 本活动旨在引出与英国相关历史和传统相关话题语料,激活、补充主题,复习与英国相关的历史景点,并适度铺垫过去分词做的使用。 5’ CW
Observe and Discover
Step 2 Observe and Discover (1) (show pics of Shakespeare's Birthplace ) Ss read the passage and then answer the questions. Shakespeare's Birthplace is one of the most well-known and respected tourist destinations in UK, located in England County Warrick Stratford town of Henry street. This is a separate two-storeyed house, where Shakespeare spent his childhood. And the house surrounded by beautiful natural landscape looked amazing. At present, the museum is open to the public, and it is also a tourist attraction. It is regarded as a "place for literary lovers". Q1: Where is Shakespeare’s Birthplace Q2: What do people think about it Q3: What kind of house it is Ss observe and compare the text sentences with the answers . Meanwhile, discover the position, the meaning and functions of past participle used as the attribute. Analyze the sentences and find out the rules. Q1: Where is Shakespeare’s Birthplace Shakespeare's Birthplace……, located in England County Warrick Stratford town of Henry street. Q2: What do people think about it Shakespeare's Birthplace is well-known and respected tourist destinations. Q3: What kind of house it is It is a separate two-storeyed house. And the house surrounded by beautiful natural landscape looked amazing. Discover the meaning and functions. Meaning: 过去分词表被动/完成 Function:作定语修饰名词/代词 位置: 单个的过去分词位于被修饰词前面 过去分词词组位于被修饰词后面 通过活动,启动主题思维,引导学生观察语法现象,发现语法规律,归纳语法规则。学生通过回答Shakespeare's Birthplace这个语篇的问题,理解过去分词描述情景的功能,并发现过去分词作定语的意义、功能和位置。使学生在完成任务的过程中体会其用法和差异。 10’ CW IW
Step 3 Practice1 Ss read the passage about Shakespeare's Birthplace in UK and complete the passage with past participle as the attribute . Shakespeare's Birthplace is the most _____(visit) place. People can see some household items _____(use) by Shakespeare and also admire his works _____(complete) in this house. Every year, thousands of tourists come to visit the house, which is _______(最喜爱的景点) for Shakespeare lovers because of many masterpieces _____(创作). 通过语篇进行应用实践,在有意义的练习中体会语法形式所表达的意义,内化语法知识,同时, 让学生理解并运用过去分词作定语的位置变化以及功能意义。该活动旨在训练学生探索发现过去分词作定语的用法。 IW
Step 4 Observe and Discover (2) 1.Activity 1 Ss read the passage about the legends of the Mathematical Bridge 1. Ss read the passage to observe the sentence pattern and discover the meaning and functions of past participle used as the object complement. At the back yard of Queen’s college, you will find yourself attracted by an ancient bridge, the Mathematical Bridge. It was said that the bridge was designed by Newton, and he had the bridge built without suing a single nail. Some students were curious about it and got the bridge taken apart to see how it was build. 2.Analyze the sentences and find out the rules. have/get/make + 宾语+过去分词 see/hear/find/feel/observe/notice/watch + 宾语+过去分词 活动1聚焦过去分词作宾补的用法, 引导学生在阅读故事的过程中,去观察语法现象,发现语法规律,归纳语法规则。 10’ CW IW
3.Activity 2: Read and practice read the passage about Windsor Castle in UK and complete the passage with past participle as O.C.. Walking by Windsor Castle, we____(很惊讶地发现)the large number of visitors. Then I (注意到一个装饰最华丽的房间).Many tourists (和这些装饰拍照). The scene __(使我迷惑不解). Then a guide spoke slowly to ____(让我自己理解). I (听到它被宣称)___by the guide that they were treasures from the Royal Collection. 活动2在语篇中运用过去分词作宾补进行正确的表达。通过语篇进行应用实践,在有意义的练习中体会语法形式所表达的意义,内化语法知识,同时,提供了与单元主题相关的情境,让学生进一步熟悉过去分词作宾补的形式,体会其意义和功能。学生可以在完成活动的过程中获取相关的文化信息。 10’ IW GW CW
总结和产出(Summary and production)
Step 5 Summary draw a mind-map to summarize up the rules of past participle used as attribute and the object complement. 通过画思维导图的方式让学生自己梳理,归纳,总结语法规律,进一步内化知识,形成结构化知识。 10’ IW PW GW
Step 6 Creation Watch a video about Tianyi Pavilion Museum in Ninbo, and brainstorm the information from the video with partners. Introduce Tianyi Pavilion Museum by using past participle used as attribute and the object complement. References about Tianyi Pavilion Museum from the video may be as follows: 天一阁 坐落于宁波城西、月湖之滨,掩映于一片湖光绿荫之中。是以藏书文化为特色,融社会历史、艺术于一体的专题性博物馆。 天一阁以其藏书文化、园林艺术、古建风格及地理位置,每年吸引着来自世界各地的游客。 现藏各类古籍近30万卷,尤其以明代地方志和科举录最为珍贵。 基于所创设情境,依托建构创造类读后活动,迁移、运用主题内容及语言,建构新语篇。通过小组合作,降低难度,同时为后续的写作搭好语言支架。 GW IW
Step 7 Homework Ss write an introduction about Tianyi Pavilion Museum by using past participle used as attribute and the object complement. 假如你是李华,你的外国朋友lily对中国民间藏书楼很感兴趣,请你写信介绍世界上现存的最古老的民间藏书楼之一宁波天一阁(Tianyige)的情况。 让学生用英语表达中国文化,增强跨文化交流意识,树立文化自信。 GW
备注: IW: Individual work GW: Group work CW: Class work
possible version:
Tianyi Pavilion Museum is one of the most well-known and respected library in China, located in the west of Ninbo city.
It is a thematic museum featuring book collection culture. For centuries, Tianyi Pavilion has maintained a reputation for being the "Book City of South China".
Walking by Tianyi Pavilion museum, I found myself surprised by its historical exhibits and Chinese art exhibits. Then I notice the library integrated by culture, social studies, history and art. Many tourists had a picture taken with these treasures.
Visiting this charming place can help visitors learn more about the history of Chinese libraries and books.