人教版(2019)必修第二册 Unit 4 History and traditions Project 教学设计


名称 人教版(2019)必修第二册 Unit 4 History and traditions Project 教学设计
格式 docx
文件大小 199.6KB
资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-09-20 20:10:03



人教版新教材B2U4 History and Traditions:Revision ( Project)教学设计
本课复习的载体和主要内容包括:1. 从“介绍国家”角度:英国历史的简要发展进程,地理、社会及文化概况(同时复习相关主题语言);2. 从“描述地方”角度:爱尔兰乡村的美丽景色和风土人情(同时复习是用感官描写法介绍文化传统和风俗习惯和表达兴奋、惊讶和失望等情感的功能意念项目);3. 从“分享传统”角度:以家庭传承为载体对俄罗斯特有的茶文化的介绍,以及与中英茶文化的异同(同时复习如何通过物件去传递历史与传统,将个人、团体与传承紧密联结)。
以上复习为本单元的项目活动(Project)的输出做好内容、语言和思维的准备。项目要求学生制作一份关于一个国家\城市\村落的传统的海报并进行展现汇报。教科书上提供了关于墨西哥的传统的海报,包括图片和简介的文字描述,有亡灵节(Day of the dead festival)、帽子舞(Mexican hat dance)、庆祝活动皮纳塔(Celebration pinata)、流浪吉他音乐家(Mariachi guitar musician)、传统服饰(Traditional clothing)以及墨西哥最著名的美食之一——墨西哥卷饼(Taco-corn pancake)和由各种特色图标构成的墨西哥辣椒。整张海报图文并茂,展示出墨西哥多样的文化传统和美味美食,吸引读者进一步去探究其美妙。这份海报为学生思考制作他们感兴趣并想推荐的文化点做出体裁示范。同时单元前面的课时,特别是Reading and writing和Expanding your world为海报输出做好内容、语言和文化等方面的铺垫。
该课时是必修2 Unit4 History and Traditions的复习和项目活动部分,适用于高一年级学生,上课对象是重点高中的学生。学完本单元的内容后,学生已经积累了历史与传统相关主题语言。通过对主题图和名人名言、说明性文本、游览经历短文、视频、场景对话、介绍性文本、电子邮件、记叙文等的学习,对说明性文本和推介性文本体裁特点有了进一步的理解。基本能够通过对比分析、提炼关键信息、用自己的话概括等认识和理解国内外主要历史文化传统,通过感官来描述所见所感,运用所学的拟人、隐喻等写作技巧生动描述景点和游览情感等,但表达与整理的结构化可能不足。
教学步骤 教学活动 设计意图 互动时间&模式
课前任务(Before Class):draw a mind map on Britain history, historic sites and famous people
Step 1 Revision 1:mind-map (show pictures of Union flag,map ,historic sites and Shakespeare)Ss review and share what they have learned about British history, historic sites and historic people and explore more by sharing their ideas. Do you remember anything about British history, historic sites or people Could you choose one topic and tell us your opinion Could you share your mind map with your partner and give comments to each other (what you have learned from it and what can be improved) Show two pairs of mind maps and give comments. 借助课前完成导图,课后分享与评价导图,激活学生在本单元已学或者已知的关于英国的历史、名迹和人物的知识,复习运用相关主题语言,并发表自己的看法,相互学习,点评借鉴,对主题与主题意义形成更加深刻的认知。 7’ IW GW CW
Step 2 Revision 2:conversation (show pictures of Ireland)Ss review what they have learned about how to use different senses to describe a place by conducting a conversation and conclude the ways to make vivid and appealing descriptions. Do you remember the beautiful Ireland and its traditions and how the writer made the descriptions so vivid and appealing Let’s recall what we have learned and try to use them. Please read the sample dialogue and make a new one with your partner. A: Let’s discuss how the writer make the descriptions so vivid and appealing. B: OK. The writer used the sense of sight to describe the rolling green hills dotted with sheep and cattle. A: Well, how do you think of the description B: I think______. A: Can you use the same way to describe your favourite place B: Let me try.______ ...
Share the dialogues and conclude how to make the descriptions vivid and appealing. (sensory details, adj.\v., personification, metaphor...) 借助本单元已学语篇beautiful Ireland and its traditions,以对话的形式复习如何来更加生动地描写,并且将其迁移到描述自己最喜欢的一个地点,达到学以致用,并为后续项目活动做好铺垫。 7’ GW CW
Step 3 Revision 3:discussion (Show pictures of Samovar and other treasures)Ss review why the writer regards the samovar as his family treasure and choose it as his speech topic. Discuss to figure out what treasure they are interested in and what traditions are worth spreading. Look at the picture. Do you remember what it is Yes, it is a special teapot— the samovar. Could you discuss with your partner and figure out why the writer choose the samovar as his speech topic to show his family treasure and traditions (long history, family story, used in special occasions, culture, happiness...) When we are invited to introduce a treasure (an object, a place, a village, a city ) and its traditions to the foreign teachers in the international department of our school, what do you want to share and why (group work) 借助已学文本Samovar—the Special Teapot复习“祖传家宝”为话题,回顾俄罗斯特有的茶文化,以及作者的写作目的。通过讨论挖掘更多学生感兴趣的、身边的传统,探究个人和团体在传承中的作用,为后续项目学习做好内容的铺垫。 6’ GW CW
Step 4 Production:Post designing (show the sample poster of Mexican traditions)Ss deconstruct the structure and content and cooperate to design the poster about the traditions that they are going to present. Look at the poster on Mexican traditions and discuss: Q1 What are presented in the poster Q2 Why are they presented Q3 What impresses you most and why Conclude what are the characteristics of a poster and form the evaluation criteria for it. (appealing topic, vivid pictures, special demonstrations...) Task: We are preparing ourselves to introduce the traditions that we feel proud of to your foreign teachers and friends. Design a post er to introduce the traditions of the treasure in your mind. (group work) 通过对介绍墨西哥的传统的海报的结构和内容的解构,探究一份图文并茂的优秀海报的特点,在过程中形成评价标准。小组分工合作完成对身边的传统的海报制作,在活动中深刻地认识到历史和传统就在身边,传承和发扬需要共同的参与。 15’ GW CW
评价与巩固阶段(Evaluation & Consolidation)
Step 5 Evaluation:criteria-based (Show the evaluation criteria, discuss and evaluate) Review the evaluation criteria. Two groups show and present their posters. Ss discuss and evaluate according to the criteria and decide their preference . 复现和强调评价标准,请两组同学展示海报并做口头推介。其他同学讨论并根据评价标准点评海报和口头展示,选择自己喜欢的一份。学生在相互学习和点评中学习海报特点和文体,同时传播优秀传统,树立保护和传承意识。 5’ IW GW CW
Step 6 Expanding (homework) Polish the posters and post them on the classroom bulletin. Write down the presentation and make a short video to introduce the poster and post it online. 作业是课堂的延续,通过课内评价与讨论,学生继续合作完善组内海报并贴在宣传栏展示,既是对学生作品的认可和相互学习,又激励他们更加努力地改进。同时写出展示语能使学生的语言运用更有逻辑,更加严谨,为海报配音并做成视频发网络,有助于发展学生的综合素养和对优秀文化的宣传与推广。 GW
备注:Ss: Students IW: Individual work GW: Group work CW: Class work