人教版(2019)必修第一册 Unit 1 Teenage life 视听说教学设计


名称 人教版(2019)必修第一册 Unit 1 Teenage life 视听说教学设计
格式 docx
文件大小 169.6KB
资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-09-21 15:05:14



人教版新教材B1U1 Listening, Speaking & Talking教学设计
本课时教学内容聚焦青少年课外活动(Extra-curricula activities),由Listening and Speaking和Listening and Talking两个板块组成。
Listening and Speaking板块的活动任务为“选择一个社团”,包括两段有关社团选择的对话,一段是师生对话,另一段是学生之间的对话。通过听力活动,学生对芭蕾舞团、自然社团、志愿者社团、辩论社、戏剧社等不同的学校社团有所了解,最终能在社团选择上提出合理建议并作出正确选择。学生社团是青少年校园生活的重要组成部分,通过对这个板块活动的体验,学生能进一步拓展知识、发展技能、培养兴趣。
Listening and Talking板块的活动任务为“为青少年策划一项营地活动”。听力文本是一段对话,两位青少年在谈论各自的周末计划,介绍了探险营和国际青年营两个营地的活动安排并表达了对营地生活的期待。目前越来越多的青少年有参加各种营地活动的意愿,这是青少年学生结识朋友、开阔眼界、培养团队精神和沟通表达能力的良好机会。
1. 理解感悟主题语境中出现的新表达,如通过讨论社团和营地名称理解ballet, volunteer , debate , adventure, youth 等,通过理解不同社团和营地活动内容理解 movement, greenhouse, experts, clean up, survival skills等, 通过运用预测听力内容的策略理解content。通过表达对不同社团和营地喜好、选择和策划理解actually,be suitable for,I'm keen on/passionate about..../ ...would be one of my best choices./ ...sounds interesting/exciting to me./...attract/appeal to me.../It will be thrilling/fun to do sth.There is always plenty of fun for me to...等句式等。同时,将这些新词汇内化成自己的语言,自觉运用到各个课堂活动中。
2. 通过预测听力内容,获取关键信息,概括推理信息,了解芭蕾舞团、自然社团、志愿者社团、辩论社、戏剧社等学校社团和探险营和国际青年营两个营地的活动安排。
3. 通过自编对话,表达对不同社团的个人喜恶和选择理由,从而思考如何更好地做一个人生决定。
4. 通过小组讨论,运用be going to do/will do/plan to do/there will be/hope to do等句式表达对将来的打算或意愿,策划一个同龄人喜欢的营地活动并制作成海报。
1. 通过听力活动,了解高中学校不同社团活动和营地活动的相关内容。
2. 通过口语活动,表达对学校社团的喜恶和选择,并策划一个营地活动并制作成海报。
教学步骤 教学活动 设计意图 互动时间&模式
Step 1 Lead-in Activity 1: Choose a school club 1. Free talk: What will you do to make your senior high school more colorful What clubs are you interested in 2. Match the photos with the names of the clubs. 3. Match personal interests with the clubs 1. 利用图片创设语境,导入主题,预热听力活动,激活主题思维。 2. 初步感知表达个人喜好的语言。 3’ CW
Step 2 Listening 1. Predict the content of the conversation and answers to the questions in Activity2 by reading the questions and choices. 2. Listen to Conversation 1 and finish the following tasks. ① What are they learning about in Conversation1 A.Hearing B. Sounds C. Dogs ② How old are you if you could hear the second one ③In which club may this conversation happen A. Science Club. B. Ballet Club. C. Nature Club. D. Debate Club. 3. Listen to Conversation 2 and finish the following tasks. ①The students are discussing _______ in Conversation 2. A. schoolwork B. relationships C. dating ②In which club may this conversation happen 4. Listen to Conversation 3 and finish the following tasks. ①Guess the meanings of movement and greenhouse according to the context. ②Tick the activities that happen in each club. ③Do you think the clubs are suitable for Adam Why Listen to the conversation again and find the reasons. 1. 在听力活动之前和之间,通过浏览活动中的问题和选项,渗透听力策略。引导学生预测听力内容,带着目的与期待开展听力活动。 2. 通过听力活动,基于如何选择适合自己的社团这一话题,理解、推理判断并整合信息,培养主题思维。 3. 积累表达个人喜好的语言, 为下阶段口语表达做好准备。 15’ CW IW
Step 3 Speaking 1. Can you learn something from Adam’s choice What did he take into consideration when choosing the club 2. Which club would you like to choose Why ① Read the example on Page 13 in pairs to find Sam’s consideration for choosing a club and more expressions for likes . ② Pair work: make up a dialogue about how to help each other choose a school club. ③ Use the checklist to give feedback ④ Discussion: How can we make a better decision 1. 基于话题,将听力练习中所得的观点和语言运用到校园生活实际情景,对于主题思维并作出个性化表达和评价。 2. 拓展主题,引发学生思考如何更好地做一个人生决定,促进思维和成长。 8’ IW PW CW
Step 4 Free talk Activity2: Plan a camp for teenagers 1. Free talk: ①What’s the difference between a club and a camp ② What will you consider when choosing a camp ③ What camp can you see in each picture What activities will it include What can students learn in these activities 利用图片创设语境,导入主题,通过头脑风暴自由讨论,激活主题思维。 3’ CW
Step 5 Listening 2. Listening ①Listen to the conversation and tick what they are going to do at the camps ②Listen again and write down the expressions for talking about the future. 1. 听取关键信息,了解探险应和国际青年营的相关信息。 2. 积累表达将来要做的事情和计划的语言,为之后的口语表达提供更丰富的语言支架。 6’ IW CW
Step 6 Talking 3. If you have the chance to design a new camp, how will you design it 4. Group work: plan a youth camp. ① Brainstorm: thinks of ideas for the camp. ②Present your ideas for a youth camp to the class. 创设语境,通过小组合作,运用主题内容和语言,策划一个营地活动。 5’ GW CW
Step7 Homework Make a poster about your camp and with your partners share it with the class. 制作一张营地校报,盘活课堂所学,将所学运用到生活实际,用语言交流和做事。
备注:Ss: Students IW: Individual work GW: Group work CW: Class work
Choose a school club Plan a camp for teenagers
How to expres
s likes
I like/enjoy/prefer/am fond of doing sth.
I'm interested in sth/doing sth.
I'm usually satisfied/pleased with...
I'm keen on/passionate about...
...attract/appeal to me...
It will be thrilling/fun to do sth.
How to choose a suitable club
interest/ preference
advantages and disadvantages
time schedule/future plan
other people’s preference
to make a better decision
listen to others
weigh advantages & disadvantages
think twice
follow the heart
) (
How to talk about future activities
will/ shall do…
be going to do…
plan/ hope/intend /expect/ to do…
decide/determine to do
be determined to do
consider/look forward to doing
How to plan a camp