人教版(2019)必修第一册 Unit 2 Travelling around Reading and thinking 教案


名称 人教版(2019)必修第一册 Unit 2 Travelling around Reading and thinking 教案
格式 docx
文件大小 152.2KB
资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-09-21 15:06:18



人教版新教材B1U2 Reading and Thinking:Travel Peru教学设计
本板块的活动主题是“探索秘鲁”(Explore Peru),旅游的话题贴近学生的生活,虽然学生对秘鲁并不是很了解,但因此极大地引起了学生的阅读兴趣和探究欲望,也增加了学生了解非英语国家的机会,培养学生的国际视野。该部分除了文字外,还提供了图片、地图、视频等多模态形式的语篇,培养学生看的能力。
阅读文本由两篇不同体裁的文本组成。一篇来自百科全书(Encyclopedia),介绍秘鲁的地理位置、自然地理分区、历史和官方语言,旨在向读者介绍秘鲁;另一篇标题为Travel Peru,来自秘鲁旅游手册(brochure),推荐秘鲁的四条旅游路线:亚马逊雨林、马丘比丘、库斯科和的的喀喀湖,介绍了到这几处旅游的天数、交通、住宿和活动等情况,旨在向读者推荐秘鲁的旅游线路。
该阅读文本是必修1Unit2Reading and thinking部分,适用于高一年级学生。上课对象是重点中学学生,英语学科素养整体较好,具有良好的表达能力和对事物的分析评判能力。在话题内容上,学生虽然对秘鲁了解不多,但对于旅游这个话题很感兴趣,在介绍国家及推荐旅游线路的相关语言上有一定的积累。因而,本节课设计将凸显生本课堂理念,以学生为主体,充分保证学生的阅读理解与表达的时空,加强对其自主性阅读能力的培养。
1. 通过阅读、视频、图片等多种形式了解秘鲁,获取和梳理文本中关于秘鲁的信息,熟悉单元话题语言,并在此基础上解读文本中的隐性信息,激发起对人类古老文化的感悟、体验和理解。
教学步骤 教学活动 设计意图 互动时间&模式
Step 1 Lead-in Ask Ss to think about the meaning of “explore” in the title Guide students to predict what we might learn about Peru if we were to explore it. Watch a short video “Welcome to Peru” to see which aspects of Peru are mentioned in it and check. Ask students to think about other sources of information we can find about Peru 本活动旨在激活学生对单元话题的背景知识,通过预测和观看视频让学生形成对秘鲁的直观感受,熟悉话题词汇。引出不同的获取旅游信息的不同渠道,为接下去的阅读展开做好铺垫。 7’ CW IW
Step 2 Pre-reading Ask Ss to predict the text type according to the title and pictures. Guide Ss to a question: What might be the differences between these two texts 通过教材标题、插图预测文体,旨在培养学生预测文体的阅读策略,同时引导学生初步感知不同文体的文本之间的区别,形成阅读期待。 5’ CW IW
Step 3 Global reading (skimming) Ask Ss to read the text briefly to confirm whether their predictions are right and to summarize the main idea for each text. Guide Ss to pay attention to the differences between these two texts and fill in the form on the worksheet. 该活动旨在训练学生快速阅读全文以获取主要信息的能力,梳理百科全书词条和旅游宣传册的差别。 5’ IW
Step 4 Detailed reading Activity 1: Read Text 1 to conclude the key information of Peru and analyse the language features of this text type Ask Ss to read Text 1 and conclude the key points of Peru. Guiding question: ①What aspects of information about Peru are talked about in the text [Possible answers: location, geographic characteristic, history, language] ②What happened to Peru after 1821 [Possible answer: Peru gained independence.] ③Why is Spanish its official language [Possible answer: It’s once conquered by Spanish who brought their own language to Peru.] ④Which sentence showed us the close connection between its history and language [Possible answer: It is for this reason that ... Here emphatic sentence pattern is used to emphasize the close connection between certain period of history and language] Read the text again to analyse the language features. Guiding questions: ①What writing skill is used in this text [Possible answer: listing specific numbers] ②What’s the function of these numbers in an encyclopedia article [Possible answer: To present the accurate fact/ truth] ③Is there any personal opinion in it [Possible answer: No.] ④So what tone does the author use [Possible answer: Objective.] ⑤What about other language feature do you find [Possible answer: The language in an encyclopedia article is simple and concise.] ⑥What’s the purpose of this text [Possible answer: To introduce Peru.] 活动1聚焦文本开头两段,指向自主提问2-4,意在通过信息的获取梳理与解读,培养学生区分字面意义和隐含意义的阅读策略,体悟隐含意义对理解文本的深层含义的主要作用和意义。 10’ CW IW
Activity 2: Read and analyse Text 2, including key information and language pare these two different types of text. Give students enough time to read Text 2 by themselves to gain key information and then fill in the blanks. ①Read the text and fill in the blanks on Page 27. ②Which tour(s) would you recommend for people who enjoy history and culture Why [Possible answers: I would recommend Machu Picchu for the reason that people can have a better understanding of ancient Inca civilisation.] By analyzing the Amazon Rainforest Tour, ask Ss to focus on the language features of a brochure. Guiding questions: ①What is impressive about the Amazon Rain- forest Tour [Possible answers: Living in the middle of the forest, the plants and animals unique to the rainforest.] ②What words or expressions does the writer use to attract tourists [Possible answers: A short flight, explore, enjoy, unique to.] Descriptive and inviting words were used to give tourists a clear and vivid picture of the travel route. ③What sentence structures does the writer use to organize the paragraph [Possible answers: A short flight from...takes you from ...to...; From there, you’ll spend one day doing ...; You can then spend three days exploring ...] Actually, different aspects are integrated logically and naturally in three long sentences. ④Make a conclusion of the differences between the two text types and finish the table. [Possible answers: content----detailed description with opinions; language features----subjective tone descriptive and inviting language; purpose----to recommend] Based on the differences between these two different types of text, ask Ss a question: If you were to explore Peru, which type of text would you like to read Why Activity 3: Encourage Ss to read the rest three tours uninterruptedly to explore more about Peru and the writing skills with the help of the form. Give Ss enough time to read the rest parts uninterruptedly to get information and complete the form. Allow students to exchange their ideas with their classmates. Ask several Ss to share and illustrate what they’ve found. After Ss’ presentation, guide Ss to think further and add more. Machu Picchu Tour Guiding questions: ①Was the key information presented clearly Give an example. [Possible answers: Yes. Especially amazing is the Incas’ dry stone method of building.] ②This sentence is an inverted sentence. What’s the function of it [Possible answers: This sentence structure was used to highlight the Incas’ dry stone method of building.] ③What does “other than” mean [Possible answers: Except.] ④Through this sentence, we have been impressed with ancient Incas’ building skill, then let’s watch a video to gain a more vivid picture of this skill and think about a question: What can we learn from this video [Possible answers: This building skill reflected ancient Inca builders’ great wisdom. Machu Picchu is an engineering marvel in history and a great part of Inca civilisation.] Cusco Tour Guiding questions: ①In this part, imperative sentences were used with a series of verb phrases. Please think about their functions [Possible answers: Imperative sentences make it easier to follow; A series of verb phrases leave an impression on readers that it’s worth a visit there with abundant travelling resources.] ②Read another passage about Cusco and complete it with the correct forms of the new words from the two texts. [Possible answers: destination; unique; Empire; admire; paths; officials.] ③What impresses you most [Possible answers: the Inca civilisation.] ④What are the tourists recommended to do [Possible answers: To learn about the Inca civilisation, including its history, architecture, culture, tradition ....] ⑤How do you understand four “local” in it [Possible answers: Tourists are recommended to integrate into the local culture, local surroundings and local people’s life. ] Lake Titicaca Tour Guiding question: ①What language features does it have in common with the previous three tours [Possible answers: use descriptive and inviting words; use imperative sentence and various sentence structure; present the key information clearly] ②What person was used in this whole text First person, second person or third person [Possible answers: Second person.] ③Why the second person was used in a brochure [Possible answers: Address the readers as “you” to sound friendly.] Last Part What’s the function of this part [Possible answers: 1. To invite tourists by saying come and experience what Peru has to offer and using descriptive and inviting words. 2. To provide more information] Complete and check the language bank table. 活动2围绕第3-6段,解决自主提问2-4。依托自主阅读并构建思维导图、分享阐述思维导图、深入探究思维导图三个层次来引导深度分析文本,形成对“问题(Risk)—解决(Rescue)—结果(Recovery)这一篇章结构的整体把握。在此过程中,依托拓展性问题的思考,更深层次分析推断危机背后之根本原因、促成动物数量回升背后的相关因素、动物保护的潜在威胁等深层次问题,进而感悟改变当前人们不良生活方式,并为之不断努力、共同努力的重要意义。 活动3指向对段落7的解读,解决学生的两个自主提问“How did the author feel ”和“What did he learn from the experience ”在此基础上,引导学生联结生活、联系自我,通过小组讨论,在回应原文关键信息的过程中,个性化思考、阐释在改变人们生活方式、促成人与自然的和谐共处中我们的可做可为。 27’ IW GW CW 15’ IW GW CW
Step 5 Conclusion Encourage Ss to make a summary of what they’ve learned from the text, including various aspects of information about Peru, how to tell the differences between encyclopedia and brochure and how to make a good brochure. 依托深化理解类读后活动,通过再次解读标题,深度分析推断作者的写作意图。基于此,引导学生以一句话总结所学内容的方式,个性化表达主题意义和观点思想。 10’ IW PW CW
Step 6 Homework Ask Ss to choose four famous sites and work with your teammates to design a good brochure for tourists, using what we’ve learned in class. The structure The content The language 基于所创设情境,依托建构创造类读后活动,迁移、运用主题内容及语言,建构新语篇。
备注:Ss: Students CW: Class work IW: Individual work GW: Group work