人教版(2019)必修第一册 Unit 4 Natural disasters Project 教案


名称 人教版(2019)必修第一册 Unit 4 Natural disasters Project 教案
格式 docx
文件大小 139.7KB
资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-09-22 09:13:07



人教版新教材B1U4 Project:Give a presentation on natural disasters 教学设计
本课型是本单元的Project 部分,主要任务是让学生选择一个自然灾害,探究其成因、影响以及我们可以采取的措施,最后要求学生做一个关于该自然灾害的presentation.
该课型是必修1Unit4 Project部分,上课对象是高一年级学生,具有一定的表达能力和对事物的分析评判能力。在话题内容上,学生对自然灾害有一定的了解,但是不够深入。本节课设计将凸显生本课堂理念,以学生为主体,充分保证学生的探究与表达的时空,加强对其自主性表达能力的培养。
掌握一些原因和结果的表达,表示原因如: be generated by, be caused by , be triggered by, because of , on account of, owing to等 表示结果如:as a result, as a consequence, lead to, contribute to, result in 等。
了解presentation 的基本结构和要求,能就某一种自然灾害做一个presentation, 包括其成因、影响及应对措施。
4. 通过探究学习和成果呈现,了解自然灾害的巨大危害,增强风险意识。
引导学生借助于网络或其他渠道获取关于自然灾害的成因、影响及应对措施的相关信息,能有效整合所获取的相关信息并以presentation 的形式呈现。
教学步骤 教学活动 设计意图 互动时间&模式
Step 1 Brainstorm Ask Ss to name some natural disasters. Could you name some natural disasters 本活动旨在引出自然灾害相关话题,激活主题学习所需的文化背景知识 1’ CW
Step 2 Talk about a tsunami Ask Ss to explore the causes of a tsunami. Q1: What are the known causes of a tsunami Ask Ss to explore the possible effects of a tsunami Q2: What are the possible effects of a tsunami Q3: What suggestions will you give to stay safe during a tsunami 借助于已有的知识储备,引领学生探究海啸的成因、影响及应对措施 6’ CW IW
Step 3 summarize expressions concerning causes and effects Causes: be caused by / be generated by /be triggered by / owing to / due to / because of / on account of Effects: thus / therefore / hence /accordingly / consequently / as a result /as a consequence 旨在激发学生的已有知识,培养学生的整合归纳能力,为最后的输出做铺垫。 2’ CW
Step 4 Talk about one of the disasters Divide the whole class into eight groups and ask them to discuss one of the disasters, including its causes, effects and solutions. 该活动旨在训练学生的自主探究能力以及小组合作能力。 10’ CW
Step 4 Give a presentation Activity1: Make it clear to the students the basic structure and requirements of a presentation. Start your presentation with a “Hook”( a story or fact to catch the attention of your listeners). eg. On Monday, 5 September 2003, 600 hundred disappeared when ... Reduce your ideas to three main points to help listeners remember what you say. eg. So always remember to drop, cover and hold on... Prepare visual aids for your presentation (photos, charts, tables, etc.). 活动1: 旨在让学生明确presentation的基本结构和要求。 1’ IW
Activity 2: Show my presentation as an example. 活动2: 通过教师的引领示范,帮助学生搭建语言和结构的脚手架 2’ IW
Activity 3: Ask several groups to make their presentations. 活动3: 通过小组展示,旨在培养学生的思维品质和语言能力。 8’ CW
Step 5 Assessment Ask students to assess the presentations of each group based on the checklist. 该活动旨在培养学生的批判性思维,引导学生能根据评判标准做出正确的评判。 2’
undersea earthquake
Causes undersea landslide
volcanic eruption
people : swept away, killed, injured or missing
Effects destroy buildings ,roads and bridges
properties: sweep away boats and vehicles
overwhelm entire towns and cities
know the warning signs
Suggestions: seek higher ground
grab something and hold on