课题 Unit 6 When was it invented Section B (3a-Self check) 班级 备课教师
课型 写作课 课时 6
核心素养与思政渗透 本课时话题以“我的发明”为中心而展开,引导学生综合运用被动语态进行写作练习。通过对自己愿意创造的发明的特征、用途、改进等方面信息的表述,激发学生的英语学习兴趣,回顾和复习本单元语言知识,增强语言运用能力,在语言学习中发展逻辑思维、辩证思维和创新思维,鼓励学生积极参与合作学习,学会分享,并放开思维,大胆想象,积极想办法解决生活和学习中遇到的困难,保持对科学发明探索的兴趣。
课标分析 新课标要求九年级学生能分析和梳理常见书面语篇的基本结构特征;能用简单的连接词建立语义联系;在书面表达中,能选用不同句式结构和时态,描述和介绍身边的人、事物或事件,表达情感、态度、观点和意图等;能欣赏、鉴别美好事物,形成健康的审美情趣;具有国家认同感和文化自信,有正确的价值观和积极向上的情感态度;有自信自强的良好品格,做到内化于心、外化于行;能多角度、辩证地看待事物和分析问题;能在学习活动中积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务能在学习过程中积极思考,主动探究,发现并尝试使用多种策略解决语言学习中的问题,积极进行拓展性运用。
教学目标 语言能力 能够围绕“我的发明”的话题,通过看、读、说等活动搜集、理解所需要的语言基础信息;能够正确使用有关词汇和被动语态句型,简要介绍发明物品的特征、用途、改进等方面的信息并且能够表达自己对此发明的情感态度;
文化意识 能够放开思维,大胆想象,积极参与合作学习,学会分享,并积极想办法解决生活和学习中遇到的困难,保持对科学发明探索的兴趣;
思维品质 能够在老师的帮助下,通过学习,多层次、多角度、多元化地内化有关“发明”的语言知识;在写作中,注意到语篇的整体性、结构性、逻辑性;
学习能力 能够通过多种渠道学习和复习,保持英语学习兴趣;认识了以读促写的写作模式并尝试进行写作,认识到写作的步骤有头脑风暴、提纲罗列、修改提升等。
教材内容分析 本课是一节以话题为核心的写作课,要求学生思考一种自己愿意创造的发明,并写一段话来介绍和推销自己的发明。3a活动让学生先列出自己想要解决的困难、发明的名称和用途,既能激发学生思考写作内容,还是对发明灵感往往来自解决生活中困难的实际需求的说明;3b要求学生写一段话向同学推荐自己的发明。
重点 用本单元所学的重点单词、词组和句型来描述自己的发明;
难点 动词的过去分词的准确运用;对发明的时间、地点、过程和用途等信息的简要介绍和对科学发明探索的情感态度表达。
学情分析 本课时以介绍自己的发明为中心话题。介绍发明物品的文章通常属于说明文,对于学生来说比较难写,要么无内容下笔,要目无法用英文表达出想写的内容。因此,必要的范例和前期的框架一定要提供,要给予学生足够多的输入,才能引导学会成功输出。通过前几个课时的学习,学生有一定的被动语态的句型积累,在语篇学习中也对科技发明、美食发明、运动项目发明等有了一定的了解,对于发明这个话题也较为熟悉感兴趣,这是本课时学习的优势所在,在此基础上做一定的扩充。
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教 学 流 程
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学 生 活 动 教 师 导 学
Step 1. Lead-in. Watch the video and answer the questions. Sa: It is about a flying bike. Sb: The direction of the wind, the weight, the design... Sc: Its function, appearance... Step 2. Pre-writing. Checking. Read the instruction and analyze the writing style, the topic, the person and the tense with the help of T. Listing. List the points and try to make an outline. Vocabulary collections. Try to fill in the blanks to describe the appearance, color, shape, speed, function of the flying bike. Sa: The color of my flying bike is black and orange. Sb: The speed of the flying bike is 1,800 km/h. Sc: You can either ride the bike on the ground or ride it in the air. Try to think of some improvement suggestions. Sa: The flying bike will be made of a light material so that it can be carried conveniently. Connecting. Step 3. While-writing. Write a passage based on it. 10 minutes will be given. Step 4. Post-writing. After finish writing, have a self-check for 3 minutes according to the checklist. Then share their passage with partners and evaluate each other according to the evaluation sheet. Appreciate the sample writing and sum up what a good article needs. Step 5. Self check. Finish the self check part. Report their answers and talk about their reasons. Play a video about the invention —— flying bike. T: What is this video about T: What can affect the flight of a flying bike T: If you were to design the flying bike, what good ideas do you have Present the instruction and guide Ss to catch some key information. Then guide Ss to think about the main information points of the flying bike. Guide Ss to think about how to describe the invention by offering some structures. Then provide some pictures and sentence structures for Ss to introduce the development of the invention. T: Why can planes take off, but ordinary bicycles can’t Then teach Ss how to have a conclusion by draw a simple mind map. Offer some linking words to help Ss connect the information logically. While Ss are writing, walk around the classroom to offer help if they need. Offer the evaluation standards to the class. Pick out one or two examples to evaluate in class. Let Ss finish the activities in Self Check. 通过“飞行单车”的发明过程视频,引出“发明”话题,激发学生的学习兴趣,也向学生展示了发明者不怕失败、不断尝试的探索精神。 培养学生的审题意识,包括对主题、体裁、人称、时态、写作要点的分析等。 培养学生列提纲的写前习惯,整体构建文章结构,合理分配内容要点,促进发散思维和逻辑思维的提升。 在提纲的基础上,鼓励学生发散思维,针对每一项内容要点尝试进行多样化的表达,激发其写作兴趣和表达的欲望,通过例句和图样展示,促进学生阅读理解能力的提升,并引导学生开阔思维,就曾经学过的和本单元课文中有关介绍发明的不同方面的句式要求学生套用练习,帮助学生回顾本单元写作任务所涉及的词汇和句型,为下面的写作活动做好充分的铺垫和示范。 在示范的过程中不断渗透写作技能和方法,促进学生良好写作习惯的养成。在文章基本完成后,指导学生加入连接词,使全文连贯有逻辑。 让学生在课堂上进行限时写作,既能保证学生的写作时间,又能提高写作效率。同时,学生完成作文的情况也可作为本节课教学效果的一个重要评价指标。 培养学生良好的自我纠正习惯和方法,以及合作精神、批判思维能力和对作品的鉴赏能力。 在自我修改和同伴修改的基础上,集思广益,取其精华,学会运用更多的方法把文章写好。 自我检测,总结反思。
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课 时 达 标 检 测
Ⅰ. 阅读下面包含本单元词汇的短文,从方框中选单词并用其适当形式完成短文,有两个多余项。 without, daily, have, boil, of, rule, mention, profession, take, custom, remain, suddenly There are many useful inventions in our 1. life, such as different styles of shoes with special heels, scoops, zippers, locks, bells or fridges powered by electricity. They are used not only in trade but also at the Olympics. We can divide them into different parts. You can make a list of them. When somebody 2. musical instruments, he or she may think of the pioneer of invention, Mr. Bell, all of a 3. . When you throw the ball into a basket, you may remember the Canadian hero, James Naismith, a 4. teacher. If a 5. wants to buy some sour biscuits or crispy and salty cookies on the website, he or she may want to know who invented computers. And when you smell tea, 6. doubt, it may remind you of a national 7. , Shen Nong. He invented tea by accident when he was 8. water. If an accidental earthquake happened, nearly every project was destroyed, but a low library 9. , the library would have great popularity. And you may look up to the builders who built it. Well, every invention 10. a point. Thanks to the inventions, we can live a life full of pleasure.
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课 时 教 学 设 计 尾 页
板 书 设 计
Unit 6 When was it invented Section B (3a-Self check)
作 业 设 计
Level A Write a passage about your own invention with a picture of it. And make a brochure called “Our Inventions” in groups of six and share it next class.
Level B Draw a mind map to sum up the knowledge of this unit.
教 学 反 思
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