人教版(2019) 选择性必修 第四册 Unit 4 Sharing Writing-make a speech导学案(含答案)


名称 人教版(2019) 选择性必修 第四册 Unit 4 Sharing Writing-make a speech导学案(含答案)
格式 docx
文件大小 23.9KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-09-25 13:53:33



选择性必修四Unit 4 Writing--make a speech about China’s Aid to Other Countries
1. ___________I am talking about today is .. 我今天要谈论的话题是…
2. Thank you for ____________________________________________________(给我这个机会谈论有关)…
3. I'm __________________________________(非常荣幸)speak here on behalf of our school.
4.I'm going to talk about something______________________________(至关重要)to all of us.
5. _________________________________(真正要紧的)is whether you can concentrate on your lessons.
6. _________________________________(最重要的是)is that you should believe in yourself.
7.Although ___________________________________(解决这个问题似乎有挑战性), it is true that face-to-face communication is very important in keeping good relationships.
8.With _________________________________________________(科技的迅速发展),cellphones have become _____________(increasing) important in our daily life.
9. I hope I have made myself_______________( understand).
10. ____________________________(我很荣幸)have the opportunity to share with you my opinion on how to keep healthy.
11. It's my turn to make a speech here. I'd like to __________________________________________________(强调有积极的生活态度的重要性).
12. Today I am honored _____________________________________(有机会竞选)the president of the English club.
13. It's my great honor to stand here _________________________________(代表所有学生), and I'd like to offer you _________________________________________________(表示最热烈的欢迎).
14. _________________________(如此重要) is a balanced diet that no one can ignore it.
15.____________________________________________(我坚信)honesty is the best policy in most situations.
16.___________________________________________(正如俗话所说的那样), "Change the world by changing yourself.
17.__________________________________(毋庸置疑)more and more boys are addicted to computer games.
18.___________________________________________________(我们不仅要专注于学习),but we should also _______________________________________________________(定期锻炼来增强我们的体质).
19. ____________________________________________________________________(当谈到最重要的) family tradition, _________________________________(我首先想到的)is ____________________(honest).
20. __________________________________(依我看), important as learning for students, healthy lifestyle is ________________________________________________(同样重要).
21.Thank you ______________________________________(从心底)for giving me this chance to speak to you today.
22.I hope everyone finds your stay here ___________________________________(一次愉快的经历)and your visit will____________________________________(一定会促进我们的友谊).
最近校报计划举办一场以中国对外援助为主题的演讲比赛,请你写一篇参赛演讲稿。内容包括:1.中国对外援助的项目举例; 2. 谈谈个人对此的感想;3.发出倡议;
注意事项:1.词数100左右; 2.可适当增加细节使行文连贯。
主题 体裁
人称 时态
布局 第一部分: 第二部分: 第三部分:
1.__________________________(众所周知)is that China is a ________________(有担当的国家)in the world.
3.We see China people on TV_____________________________________________________(在世界各个遥远的地方帮助其他国家发展).
4.We see Chinese workers_____________________________________________________(修建公路)in the Congo,_______________(修建港口)in Pakistan,______________(修铁路)in Panama, and_____________(修建飞机场)in Sri Lanka.
5.We see Chinese___________(矿工),___________(石油工人),______________(农业专家),____________(机械师)and doctors___________(work) ______________________________________________(几乎在世界的每个角落忙碌着).
6.I am ______________________________(为..感到自豪)what they have done.
7. It shows that we are_____________________________________(全球公民)interested in_______________(世界稳定), and_________we ________________________(对他人负责)others and are ready to ____________________________________________________________(建设人类命运共同体).
8. Everyone should_________________________________________(努力)to create a __________________(和谐的)world.
你校将举办英语演讲比赛。请你以 Be Smart Online Learners为题写一篇发言稿参赛。
注意:1.词数100左右; 2.可适当增加细节使行文连贯。
honor;honored 2.topic/theme 3.speech4.chance/opportunity 5.make/deliver/address a speech 6.It is an honor to do sth./feel honored to do sth 7.have a chance/an opportunity to do sth 8.share with sb one’s view on.. 9. on behalf of/represent 10. from the bottom of one’s heart 11. give sb the opportunity/chance to do sth 12.In conclusion/brief/short 13. I’m firmly convinced that...14.build a community with a shared future for mankind
What 2. give me this chance/opportunity to talk about 3. quite honored to 4. vitally important 5. What really matters/counts 6. What is most important 7. it seems challenging to solve the problem 8. the rapid growth of science and technology;increasingly 9. understood 10. It is a great honor for me to 11.stress the importance of having a positive attitude to/towards life 12.to have the opportunity/chance to run for 13.on behalf of/representing all the students;my warmest welcome 14.So critical 15. I am firmly convinced that 16. Just as the saying goes 17. No one can deny the fact that 18. Not only should we focus on study;do exercise regularly to strengthen our body 19. When it comes to the most important ;the first that comes to my mind ;honesty 20. From my point of view;of equal significance 21. from the bottom of my heart 22. an enjoyable experience ;surely promote our friendship
主题: 中国对外援助 体裁:演讲稿 人称:一三人称为主 时态:一般现在时为主 布局:第一部分:中国对外援助项目举例 第二部分: 谈谈个人对此的感想 第三部分: 发出倡议
遣词造句 1. far-off/remote 2. port 3. railway 4. miner 5. agricultural expert 6. mechanic 7. stable;stably;stability 8. responsible;responsibly;responsibility 9. see sb doing sth 10. be proud of 11. global citizen 12. be responsible for 13. the world stability
连词成句 1. What is known to us all ; responsible 2. has contributes a lot to the world peace and development 3. helping other countries to develop in far-off places in the world 4. building roads;a port ;railway;an airport 5. miners;oil workers;agricultural experts;mechanics;working ; in nearly every corner of the world 6. quite proud of 7. global citizens;the world stability;that;feel responsible for ;build a community with a shared future for mankind 8. make joint efforts ;harmonious
What is known to us all is that China is a responsible country in the world ,which contributes a lot to the world peace and development.
While watching TV or browsing the latest news online, we often see Chinese people helping other countries to develop in far-off places in the world .
Hello, everyone,
I am honored to have the opportunity to share with you my view on China’s Aid to Other Countries.
What is known to us all is that China is a responsible country in the world, which contributes a lot to the world peace and development. While watching TV or browsing the latest news online, we often see Chinese people helping other countries to develop in far-off places in the world . For instance,we see Chinese workers building roads in the Congo,a port in Pakistan, railways in Panama and an airport in Sri Lanka.Additionally, Chinese miners, oil workers , agricultural experts, mechanics and doctors are seen working in nearly every corner of the world.
I am quite proud of what they have done, for it shows that we Chinese are global citizens interested in the world stability and that we feel responsible for others . We are ready to build a community with a shared future for mankind. I hope everyone can make joint efforts to create a harmonious world. That’s all. Thank you!
Be Smart Online Learners
Good morning, everyone,
It is a great honour for me to stand here and address my speech titled Be Smart Online Learners.
With the development of the Internet, more and more of us prefer to take advantage of online resources to improve our study. Undoubtedly, there will be many advantages including flexibility and convenience. Just as a saying goes ,”Every coin has two sides.” Online learning sometimes contributes to low efficiency because of a lack of self-discipline.
As far as I am concerned, I would like to be a smart online learner. But we should work out a scientific schedule first and select excellent resources,which will promote our productivity. Finally, complete devotion is of great significance.
I hope that the advice above will benefit all of you a lot.That’s all! Thank you!