Unit 2Lesson 11 Revision___range___encil___ueen___uleroqpr PresentationWhat is this?
It is S. PresentationS 像长蛇在爬行,
小蛇也学大蛇走,长短高低要分清。 PresentationWhat is this?
It is T. Presentation小写的t像鱼钩,
大写的T像铁锚. PresentationWhat is this?
It is U. Presentation大写U像水桶,不忘一竖拉到底。 PresentationWhat is this?
It is V. Presentation大小V是胜利,斜竖中间俩指头。 PresentationWhat’s this?
It’s a school. PresentationWhat is this?
It is tea. PresentationWhat is this?
It is an umbrella. PresentationWhat are these?
They are vegetables. Exercises 仔细观察,看看分别少了大写还是小写。T U v Listen and write!A gameI say a letter, you write the two pairs.uU, uSummary本课重点:
熟练掌握s, t, u, v四个字母的大小写书写格式。Homework.
完成课本P27,Activity3 《Let’s do it》.The End