Unit 2Lesson 12 Revision___eacherst___dentde___kdoo___t s u rLet’s check our homework. WarmingLet’s go on learning the last letters.
How many letters will we learn today? WarmingWhat is this?
It is W. Presentation双V变成大W,
双V一撇是小w。 PresentationWhat is this?
It is X. Presentation大错特错,画个叉X,
小叉弯弯犯小错. PresentationWhat is this?
It is Y. Presentation弹弓去横是大Y. PresentationWhat is this?
It is Z. Presentation大Z像2没写好,小z大Z一个样。 PresentationWhat’s this?
It’s a window. PresentationWhat is this?
It is X-ray. PresentationWhat color is this?
It is yellow. PresentationWhat is this?
It is a zoo. Exercisew 仔细观察,看看分别少了大写还是小写。X Y z Let’s follow the lettersA gameOne student says “a”, the next student say “b”, then another student say “c”, one by one, follow them.abSummary小结
大写一律上两格,上不顶线为准则。小写有头上两格,b d h k和l;
有尾下面两格托,g q y p莫写错。无头无尾中间格,十三个字母勿漏写。a c e m n o r s u v w x z i t中上一格半,还有f j三格点。所有字母略右斜,笔顺笔画须记得。Homework.
把24个英文字母的大小写按顺序背写一遍,注意书写格式哦。The End