Unit 1- Unit 3 综合复习 讲义+练习 (含答案)


名称 Unit 1- Unit 3 综合复习 讲义+练习 (含答案)
格式 docx
文件大小 188.4KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(PEP)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-09-27 10:52:20



综合复习六年级上册Unit 1--Unit 3内容
小升初----对应词积累 (课外括展) :
(1) brother sister (9) uncle aunt
(2) this that (10) morning evening
(3) grandfather grandmother (11) tomorrow yesterday
(4) man woman (12) waitress waiter
(5) daughter son (13) red green
(6) mother father (14) wife husband
(7) these those (15) girlfriend boyfriend
(8) girl boy
Unit 1:
post office邮局
Places (地点) bookstore书店
science muse科学博物馆
shoe store鞋店
traffic tools(交通工具):
bike(自行车) train (火车) plane (飞机) bus (公共汽车) ship (轮船) subway (地铁)
( 交通工具前加by,表示乘坐但步行要用on foot )
其他: by (乘坐) foot (脚) how (怎样) go to school (上学 )
三会 fifth第五 remember记住 find找到 difference不同
same相同的 every每个所有的 country国家 mean意思是
drive驾驶 right右边的 side边 England英国
Australia澳大利亚 however但是 left左边的 if如果
must必须 where 在哪里 please请 buy买
straight成直线地 then 然后 turn转弯 want 想要
a pair of 一双 minute分钟 tell 告诉 take乘坐
far 远 after school 放学以后 get off上车 get on下车
twelfth 第十二 party聚会;晚会 start 开始 excuse me 对不起 next to 与…相邻 bus stop 公交车站
1 询问地点用where
1.Where is the cinema It’s next to the bookstore.
“Where is the cinema ”是由特殊疑问词where 引导的一个特殊疑问句, where意为“在 哪里, 到哪里”, 用来询问地点, 放在句子的开头。
询问“某人或某物在哪里”的基本句型是:“ Where +is/are+ 主语?”,where is 后接名词 或代词的单数形式, where are 后接名词或代词的复数形式。
2.How can we get there Turn left at the bookstore.Then turn right at the hospital.
1)“How can we get there ”用来询问“怎样去某地”, 后面直接跟地点。 回答时, 可以 用“ Turn left, turn right, go straight.”等句来回答。
同义句:(1)Can you tell me the way to+地点?
(2)Where is the +地点?
(3)Which is the way to +地点
2)“Turn left at the bookstore.Then turn right at the hospital.”是指路的句型。
常用到的句型有:turn left, 向左转turn right, 向右转go straight直着走。同时表示在某处的 介词用at.
3.Where is the Italian restaurant Turn right here 意大利餐厅在哪儿?从这儿向右转吗?
No,turn left. 不,向左转。
4. Is it far No. 它远吗? 不远。
Is the Thames far far from here 泰晤士河离这儿远吗? No. 不远。
句中的far from意为“离……远”。反义词组为next to.
5.Is there a post office near here Yes,there is.
there be 句型 有
There is +可数名词单数或者不可数名词 …… There are +复数……
6. The hospital is on your left/right. 医院在你的左边/ 右边。
on + 形容词性物主代词+ left/right 在某人的左边/ 右边
on the left/right.在左边/ 右边
He helps the boys find the Italian restaurant.他帮这些男孩找到意大利餐厅。
help sb do sth 帮助某人做某事 = help sb with sth
1. 地点名词前面一定要有the,例如: Where is the cinema How can I get to the hospital
2. 时间前面用at. 例如:在三点钟: at 3 o’ clock.;
一段时间前面用for, 例如:三分钟for 3 minutes.
星期前面用on, 例如:on Monday, on Thursday, on Friday, on Saturday, on Sunday.
例如: Get on/ off at the cinema. 在电影院的地方上下车。
Turn left/ right at the bookstore. 在书店的地方左右转。
4. take the No. 57 bus = go by the No. 57 bus. 坐57路公交车
5. What a great museum!真是一个伟大的博物馆!
What an interesting film!多有趣的电影啊!
What + (a / an) + (形容词) + 名词 + 主语+ 谓语!
What an interesting book that is ! 那是一本多么有趣的书啊!
What bad weather ( it is ) ! 天气真糟糕啊!
What beautiful flowers they are !多么美丽的花啊!
How + 形容词/ 副词 + 主语+ 谓语!
How hard they work!他们工作多么努力啊!
How delicious the food is ! 这食物真好吃啊!
How beautiful the flowers are !这些花多么美丽啊!
1、交笔友是非常有趣的事情。假如你叫Kelly, 收到一封来自Edward的邮件。邮件缺了10个词,请你用所给的词填空。每空只填一词,每词只用一次。
building, post, museum, Usually, next, near, map, street, there, front
Hi, I’m Oliver. This is a _____________. It’s a _____________ map of our city. Look, _____________ is a park in Zhongshan Street. The office _____________ is on the right of the park. The cinema is in _____________ of the park. The _____________ office is _____________ to the cinema. There is a science _____________ behind the park. You can see a big library in my city. My home is _____________ the library. _____________ I walk there.
1. Jack: __________________________
Oliver : Yes, there is a cinema near my school.
2. Sarah: I want to buy some books. __________________________
Mike: It’s near the park.
3. Amy: There is a post office near here. __________________________
Chen Jie: Go straight and then turn left. You can see it.
4. Tom: __________________________ near your school
Wu Binbin: Yes, it’s near. So I often go to school on foot.
5. Jim: Excuse me. __________________________
John: Walk straight, and you can see the zoo. It’s near the museum.
Unit 2:
1. Where is the cinema, please 请问电影院在哪儿
next to the hospital. 在医院的旁边。
in front of the school. 在学校的前面.
behind the park. 在公园的后面
It's near the zoo. 在动物园的附近.
on the right/left of the bookstore. 在书店的左/右边.
east of the bank. 在银行的东边.
far from here. 离这儿很远,
2. --Excuse me, is there a cinema near here 请问这附近有电影院吗
--Yes, there is. 有的.
3. --How can I get to the hospital 我该怎样到达医院呢
--You can go ... 你可以...。
1. You can go by the No.312 bus. 你可乘坐312路公交车去那儿.
2. Get on/ off at the ... 在...地方上车/下车.
3. Walk straight for three minutes. 向前直走在分钟,
4. Tum right/ left at the ... 在...地方向右/左转.
5. Walk east/ west/ south/ north for .. minutes. 朝东/西/南/北/走...分钟.
5、--Is it far from here 离这儿远吗
--Yes, it is. / No, it isn't. 是的,远的。/ 不,不远。
—How do you go to school 你怎样去上学?
—I go to school on foot . 我走路去上学。
—How do you go to Canada 你怎么去加拿大。
— I go by plane . 我坐飞机去。
—How does your father go to work 你父亲怎样去上班?
—He goes to work by subway . 他坐地铁去上班。
— How can I get to Zhongshan Park 我怎么去中山公园?
— You can go by the No.1 bus.
―You can take the No.1 bus .
交通规则(traffic rules )
Stop and wait at a red light . 红灯停
Slow down and stop at a yellow light . 黄灯慢
Go at a green light . 绿灯行
In China and the US , drivers drive on the right side of the road . 在中国和美国,司机靠右行驶。
In England and Australia, however, drivers drive on the left side of the road. 但是在英国和澳大利亚,司机靠左边行驶。
1、Read and choose(阅读对话,根据上下文,选择正确的句子,把字母编号填在相应的横线上。)
A.Is it far from here B.You’re welcome. C.What day is it today D.Where is the shopping centre E.How can I get there F.What’s the date today G.Is it near here
B:It’s March 8th.
A:Oh,it’s Women’s Day.I want to buy a new dress for my mother in the shopping centre. _________
B:It’s in front of the post office.
A: ___________________________________
B; Yes.It’s only 5 minutes’ walk.
A: ___________________________________
B:Go straight for 3 minutes.Then turn left at the bookstore.
A: Thank you.
B: ___________________________________
2、Ask and answer.根据图片所给的提示,认真阅读答句,提出相应的问句,让对话合理、通顺,并且与图片相符合。
John:You can walk to the cinema.It’s near here.
2.A: ___________________________________________
B: It’s next to the library.
3. A: ___________________________________________
B: No,there isn’t a science museum near here.
4. A:Where is the hospital
B: ___________________________________________
Unit 3:
next week 下周
this morning今天上午
this afternoon今天下午
time(时间) this evening 今天晚上
tonight 今夜
tomorrow 明天
take a trip去旅游
activities see a film看电影
(活动) go to the supermarket 去看电影
visit my grandparents 拜访祖父母
hobby (爱好)
ride a bike骑自行车 listen to music听音乐
collect stamps搜集邮票 watch TV看电视
make kites做风筝 play chess下棋
draw pictures画画 play football踢足球
look the same看起来一样 play the violin拉小提琴
write emails写邮件 go to work去上班
read newspapers读报纸 go home回家
go to bed上床睡觉 go swimming去游泳
1. be going to do sth.
.we’re going to see a film about space travel! 我们将看关于火星之旅的电影。
. Have a good time! 玩的愉快。
. ----What are you going to do in the future 你将来想干什么?
-----I’m going to be a science teacher one day. 我想将来有一天当科学老师。
陈述肯定句: 主语 + be going to + 动词原形+ 其他
否定句: 主语 + be + not going to +动词原形+其他
一般疑问句:主语 + Be+ 主语+ going to +动词原形+其他
特殊疑问句: 特殊疑问词+ 一般疑问句
2 询问爱好和回答
1.What’s your hobby 你的爱好是什么
2.I like collecting stamps. 我喜欢集邮。
3.He likes collecting stamps, too.他也喜欢集邮
4.--Does she teach English --No, she doesn’t. 她教英语吗 不,不是。
5.--Does she teach you math --Yes, she does. 她教你数学吗 是的。
3. 一般将来时
(1)will + do
E.g:I will go to Beijing next year.
(2)be going to do
E.g:I am going to visit my grandparents this weekend.
What was the weather like last weekend Are you happy I played computer games. Who did you go with Where did you go How was your weekend What did you do Did you have a good time
Sarah: It was great.
Sarah: It was sunny last weekend.
Sarah: I went to a park.
Sarah: I went there with my best friend.
Sarah: We went hiking there.
Sarah: Yes, we were very happy.
(一) 阅读短文,选择正确答案,把序号填在括号里。
Peter was a small boy. He lived with his parents in a small house near some hills. The people there were all poor. One night it was very dry and windy.
When everybody was asleep, Peter suddenly heard some noise. It came out from the kitchen(厨房). He got up and walked to the kitchen. He found that the wood beside the stove(火炉) was burning. There was no water tap(水龙头) in the house, so he could not put out(扑灭) the fire. He shouted loudly to wake up everyone in the house. Then he ran out of his house and knocked at the doors of many houses to wake the people up. They all left their house quickly.
At last the fire was put out by the firemen. Many houses were burnt(燃烧), but nobody was burnt in the fire.
Peter lived with his .
A. uncles B. parents.
One night he found that beside the stove was burning.
A. the table B. the wood
, so he could not put out the fire.
A. Everybody was asleep B. There was no water tap in the house
Peter knocked at the doors of many houses .
A. to wake the people up B. to get some water
Hurt in the fire.
A. Nobody was B. Peter was
(二) 阅读短文,判断对错,对的写T,错的写F。
In a small village, there is a teacher, a doctor, a driver, and a police officer. The four men are good friends. What are their names One is Tom, one is Jack, one is Mike, and one is John. Mike’s, Jack’s and Tom’s children are classmates. John has no children. He teaches his friends’ children at a middle school. Mike works at a police station. He loves his job very much. Jack has a car. He often drives his car to go to work or visit his friends. Tom works in a hospital. He likes helping the sick people. The doctor’s house is next to the driver’s, so the children often play together.
There is a driver, a doctor, a teacher, and a police officer in a small village.
The teacher doesn’t have any children.
Mike is a police officer.
Mike’s house is near Tom’s house.
Tom is a driver.
(saw, were, birthday, it, on, was, do, visited, flew, had)
Yesterday Sunday. I often homework on Sundays. But yesterday I my grandparents. Because was my grandma’s . We went to a park and kites the grass. We some trees and flowers in the park. Some ducks in the river. We a good time yesterday.
A: I went to a park last Sunday.
B: I went to a cinema.
A: I washed the clothes yesterday.
B: No, I did my homework.
A: I can cook the meal.
B: No, I can’t.
A: Yesterday was Sunday.
B: No, I didn’t go to the park. I felt sick.
A: I am sorry to hear that.
B: I went hiking with my mom last Saturday.
5、Look and write
3、 was, do, visited, it, birthday, flew, saw, were, had
Where did you go
Did you wash the clothes too
Can you cook
Did you go to the park
What did you do last Saturday
(Maggie and Alan are talking before class starts. 上课前Maggie与Alan在谈论着)
A. You can't do that. B. keep your eyes on your papers. C. what is on your hand D. That's a good idea. E. can I get a drink, too F. You should study hard and be honest.(诚实) G. What did you do yesterday
Alan: Hey, Maggie. ________
I studied the words for two hours yesterday.
Maggie: Oh, I didn't study at all. I just wrote the words on my hand.
Alan: ________ That's cheating. (欺骗)
Maggie: Don't worry. Mrs. Brown will not know.
(Teacher passes out the papers.老师分发试卷)
Mrs. Brown: Okay, children, no more talking. Cover (遮盖)your answers and ________You may begin.
Jim: Mrs. Brown, can I get a drink I am thirsty.
Mrs. Brown: Yes, you may.
Maggie: Mrs. Brown, ________
Mrs. Brown: Yes, you may. Maggie, ________ I think you'd better come to my desk.
Alan: (looks over at Maggie) Oh, no!
Maggie: Sorry, Mrs. Brown.
Mrs. Brown: You can't do this, Maggie. There is no short cut(捷径) in learning. ________
2、Read and choose(阅读理解,每小题1.5分,共15分)
(一) 你喜欢音乐吗?你知道音乐能提高你的学习成绩吗?请读下面短文,判断正误。
In every country in the world, people make music and listen to music. In many schools, children have music lessons. In their lessons, they can learn to sing songs and to play music on the piano or guitar. But do you know that learning music can help your reading, spelling and maths, too
In the USA, scientists tested 90 school children. If children had more music and art lessons, they could get better marks in maths. Their reading was better, too.
(New words: world世界, test 测试)
( )1. People make music and listen to music in the world.
( )2. Children have many music lessons in many schools.
( )3. Learning music can't help your reading, spelling and maths.
( )4. In the passage "marks" means “分数”.
( )5. Learning art can also help your maths and reading.
(二) 你看过医生吗?看医生的时候你是什么心情?读下面的短文,回答问题。
Some kids are afraid of seeing the dentist, but not me. I have a funny dentist. His name is Dr. Smile face. Why does he call himself Dr. Smile face Because he always smiles to all the kids. He has a cool waiting room. It has a big toy box. Dr. Smile face always wears funny hats. He has his face painted. He asks funny questions like "Do you eat flowers to make you so beautiful " That makes me laugh. One time, he told me this joke, "What has lots of teeth but never goes to the dentist A comb!" When I laughed, he pulled my tooth. It didn't hurt at all. He also teaches us how to take care of my teeth.
(New words: joke玩笑, teeth牙齿, comb梳子, smile微笑, take care of照顾)
( )1. Choose a title for the story ____________ .
A.My favourite nurse B.My favourite dentist
( )2. What does the word “dentist” mean
A.牙医 B.兽医
( )3. Why is the dentist's name Dr. Smile face
A.He wants to make the kids happy. B.He wants to make the kids afraid.
( )4. What does Dr. Smile face do when he pulls my tooth
A.Tell me the joke. B.Teach me how to take care of the teeth.
( )5. How do the children feel when Dr. Smile face tells the jokes
A.They are worried. B.They are relaxed.
3、Read and fill(每空1分,共10 分)
took, younger, going, baby, do, funny, rode, holiday, Star, live
My name's Ben. I live in the town center with my parents and my brother, Peter. Peter's ________ than me. He's five and I'm twelve. Last Saturday, Dad ________ us to our grandma's farm in his car. Grandma and Grandpa ________ on a farm near the sea. We like ________ there. There's always something exciting to ________ on their farm. On Sunday, we went to see the horses. Grandma showed us two new ________ horses. They had brown eyes and made ________noises(声音). We named them Cloudy and ________. We both ________ Mr. Jim, my grandma's oldest horse. Peter and I really loved that ________.
4、Ask and answer,根据答句写问句,让对话合理、通顺,注意检查喔。(每小题2分,共10分)
1. Sam: Look at the little kangaroo. ____ ________ ?
Ben: It's sleeping in its mother's pouch(育儿袋).
2. Amy: Sarah, you walk to school every day. ____ , too
Sarah: Yes, he does. My brother and I think walking is green and healthy.
3.Mr Black: Tommy, your schoolbag is so heavy.____ _____ ?
Tommy: Look! There's a big dictionary, some storybooks and some notebooks.
4.Mom: It's sunny and hot today.____ ________ ?
Mary: Yes, I want to go outside with my hat.
5.John: You look much taller than before. ____ ________ ?
Mike: I'm about 1.72 m. I am the tallest in my class.