人教版(2019)选择性必修 第四册Unit 5 Launching Your Career核心词汇导学案(含答案)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修 第四册Unit 5 Launching Your Career核心词汇导学案(含答案)
格式 docx
文件大小 43.5KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-09-27 12:08:41



Unit 5 Launching Your Career
词汇2 学案
Part I Two mins before class:Read and Remember
1. on the basis of在某事的基础上;根据某事
2. take out a loan 取得贷款
3. in return 作为回报;作为回应
4. make a bet 打个赌
5. as a matter of fact事实上;其实;说真的
6. by accident 偶然地;意外地
7. to be honest 说实话;坦率地说
8. ought to 应该;应当
9. be about to do sth.即将或正要(做某事)
10.in case 以防;以防万一·
11. to...extent到……程度;在……程度上
12.on duty 值班;值勤
13. in a. ..manner 以一种……的方式;带着一副……的样子
14. in that case 既然那样;假使那样的话
15. be willing to do sth.愿意或乐意做某事
Part II Teaching procedures
1. bounce n [C] 弹跳,活力 vt & vi(使)弹起;上下跳动
1).A young boy was bouncing a ball against the wall.
2).Girls, stop bouncing up and down on the trampoline (蹦床).
3).When you start the game you will find a ball bouncing around the screen.
4).He is young enough to bounce back from his disappointment.
bounce up and down 蹦蹦跳跳
bounce around .蹦来蹦去,(想法在脑子里)晃来晃去
bounce back振作起来,恢复信心
1.)Some impractical ideas kept bouncing around in my head .
2.)Even if he faced lots of setbacks he, is always seemed to bounce back pretty quickly.
debt n. 债务,欠款, 人情债 indebted. adj.负债的,感激的
) Lately he has been in debt because of gambling so he doesn't deserve our sympathy,but he hopes to be out of date next year.
) I know that they've been struggling to get out of debt for years.if you spend more money with your credit card than you earn.
) I owe him a debt of gratitude. 我对他心存感激。
be in debt 负债 强调状态
be out of debt.不负债
go /get /run/ fall into debt陷入债务之中
get out of debt.摆脱债务,不负债 强调动作
clear/ pay off one's debts还清某人的债务
owe a debt of thanks /gratitude to sb欠某人的情,向某人表达感谢之情
1.)He got into debt in2010 he was in debt for more than ten years he paid off his debt last year now he is out of debt.他在2010年陷入债务之中,负债有十多年了。去年他还清了他的债务,现在他不欠债了。
2.)The lady held Tom's hands tightly ,to whom she owed a debt of gratitude, tears rolling down her cheeks like a broken line of beads.(对某人心存感激)
3. accuse vt. 控告,控诉,谴责
accusation n.. 控告,谴责,指控 accusing adj. 谴责的
) Your neighbors may accuse you of playing the piano at midnight.
) The police accused him of theft.
accuse sb of sth 控告/指责某人某事
accuse sb of doing sth控告/指责某人干某事
the accused 被告
charge sb with doing sth控告/指责某人做了某事
blame sb for doing sth责怪/指责某人做了某事
1,) But my parents always accuse me of my not devoting myself to my studies.
2,) For lack of enough evidence the accused (accuse) was allowed to go free.
) The man gave her an accusing look,那个人责备的看了他一眼。
) There was a hint of accusation in her voice,他的话语中暗含谴责。
Accused of stealing money, the man was brought to court.
= Charged with stealing money, the man was brought to court.
) He thought he was blamed (blame) for the mistake.
greedy adj 贪婪地,贪心的 greed n . 贪婪
He is greedy to become a politician.
He was greedy for various skills.
be greedy for sth 对......贪婪/渴望
be ready to do sth 渴望做某事
) I'm greedy to sign up for the course so that I can learn more about first aid.
) He stared at the diamonds with greedy eyes
) .His actions were motivated by greed.他的所作所为是受贪婪之心所驱使。
表示渴望的短语: vt: desire sth
vi: long for/ hope for/wish for/starve for
adj :be eager /dying/ thirsty/ hungry /anxious/ desperate for
5.dedicate v. 把.....奉献给dedication n. 奉献dedicated adj. 有奉献精神的
The actress now dedicates herself to children's charity work.
He dedicated his life to helping the people in need.
The group is dedicated to the conservation of the environment.
dedicate oneself/sth to (doing) sth 致力于/献身做....
be dedicated to (doing) sth 致力于.......
My head teacher was dedicated to his work tirelessly.
If accepted I will dedicate myself to working to live up to your expectations.
The young lady dedicates herself to teaching the deaf children so she has little time to care for her own daughter.
= Dedicating herself to teaching the deaf children ,the young lady has little time to care for her own daughter.(现在分词)
= Dedicated to teaching the deaf children , the young lady has little time to care for her own daughter.(过去分词)
They faced one difficulty after another with bravery and dedication.(dedicate).
devote /commit /dedicate oneself to something
=be devoted /committed /dedicated to something
6.priority n. 优先事项,重要的事,优先,优先权
prior adj 在前面,优先的 prioritize v. 确定优先次序,优先考虑
Cleaning up the water supply system is their top priority.
Since the founding of the people's republic of China the government has given priority to the prevention and control of deserts.
Fire engines and ambulances have a priority over other traffic.
Many people enjoy relaxing music in the evening prior to going to bed.
give priority to sb/ sth .给某人/某物优先权,优先考虑某人/某物
have take priority over.比.......拥有优先权
be prior to在之前 优先于
Club members will be given priority.俱乐部成员享有优先权。
The proposals deserve support as they give priority to the needs of children.
All the work must be finished completed during the week prior to the meeting.
Get your priorities right.做事要分轻重缓急.
acquire v. 获得 acquisition n. 获得 acquired adj 获得的,养成的,后天的
We want people to acquire the habit of using public transport instead of their cars.
She has acquired a good knowledge of French.
acquire the habit of doing sth养成做某事的习惯
acquire a good knowledge of sth 学到知识,精通
I have acquired a good knowledge of English, enabling me to communicate with foreigners smoothly.我英语很好,能顺利的与外宾交流。
2) Only when you have acquired a good knowledge of grammar can you write correctly.
In order to improve learning efficiently ,I urge that all of us should acquire the habit of thinking independently and going over lessons in time.为了提高学习效率,我主张大家养成独立思考、及时复习功课的习惯.
desert n/v
Located in in north Africa ,the Sahara Desert is the greatest hot desert in the world.
A law was passed in Italy that gives people who desert pets big fines and prison sentences.
Mike’s confidence seem to have deserted him.
Finally they arrived a deserted village.
desert n. 沙漠 deserted adj 被舍弃的,被遗弃的
v. 遗弃,抛弃,放弃
用法:无灵主语+有灵动词courage/ lack /confidence desert /leave/ abandon sb
His confidence suddenly deserted him when he had to speak.
Courage deserted /left /abandoned him midway.他中途丧失了勇气。
Although having well prepared, I suddenly lost my courage.
=Despite full preparations, my courage deserted/ left /abandoned me.
come to the conclusion
I've come to the conclusion that he is not the right person for the job.
There I go again(我又犯老毛病了)--- jumping to conclusions.
In conclusion, I'd like to express my gratitude to my family.
come to/ reach /draw a conclusion that得出结论
leap/ rush/ jump to conclusions匆忙下结论,贸然断定
n. make a conclusion下结论
in conclusion最后,总之
at the conclusion of在结束时
V. conclude ....with sth /by doing sth以...结束
conclude from.....从......中得出结论
In conclusion (conclude), we look forward to attending your class where we can take the chance to improve our oral English.
I drew a conclusion from my own experience that where there is a will there is a way.(n)
I concluded from my own experience that where there is a will there is a way.(v)
Every clapped at the conclusion of his speech.
总之,你的切实可行的建议,一定可以使我们关于中国传统文化的主题班会吸引更多的外国人。In conclusion, your practical suggestions are bound to make our same class meeting about traditional Chinese cultures appeal to more foreigners.
He concluded his speech by wishing everyone a safe trip home.
The story concluded with a happy ending.这个故事有一个大团圆的结局
attend to A.照料 B.处理 C.接待
1)Excuse me, sir. Are you being attended to C
2)Nurses are busy attending to the wounded. A
3)I can’t join you in the game, for I have some- thing important to attend to. B
4) 我写信给你提供一些关于如何处理你和同学之间冲突的建议。
I'm writing to offer you some suggestions on how to attend to the conflicts between you and your classmates.
The reason why he changed his idea was that he had to go back home to attend to his sick mother. (照顾她生病的母亲)
attend school /class/ church/ a lecture/a meeting上学/上课/做礼拜/听讲座/参加会议
表“照顾”的短语:attend (to) /tend to/ care for /watch over/ take care of /look after.
表“处理”的短语approach /address /do with/ deal with/ cope with/ handle/ tackle/ solve/ settle
The first time I observed the process of water being split into oxygen and hydrogen I was deeply attracted by the charm of chemistry.
the first time起连词的作用,可以引导时间状语从句。除了the first time外,以下名词短语也有类似的用法,
the second/ third time.... the last /next time.....every time.... the moment /the minute/ the second.... the day/week/month....
The first time I tour the Great Wall I was deeply impressed by the beautiful scenery.
He happened to be out the last time I called on him.上次我去拜访他时,他碰巧外出了.
He paid a visit to his old friend the day he arrived.他到的当天,便去拜访了他的老朋友。4)
Every time I ran into trouble, my teacher and friends were always encouraging me.
You don't want to look back in years to come and say, “I wish I had thought more about what I really wanted to do.” 现在 :did/were
wish后宾语从句的虚拟语气 过去: had done
将来:would/could/might do
With scenarios bouncing around in my head ,I do wish I decided on one now.
Afterward ,embarrassed, she wished she hadn't said anything.
I wish that my son would sincerely apologize to his teacher tomorrow.
I do wish that you could offer me some practical suggestions.