

名称 江苏省泰州市兴化市2024-2025学年高二上学期9月月考英语试题(无答案)
格式 docx
文件大小 31.1KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 通用版
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-10-01 09:19:00



第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1.What’s TRUE about the woman’s school life
A.It has ended. B.It will end soon. C.It is over now.
2.What is the woman’s son at school
A.Monitor. B.Study monitor. C.Doctor.
3.What’s TRUE about the man’s last exam
A.Poor. B.Excellent. C.Quite good.
4.What does the woman mean
A.She will go to the evening party.
B.She intends to go to the evening party.
C.She can’t go to the evening party.
5.When will they have the exam
A.In two weeks. B.Today. C.Tonight.
6.What is TRUE about the man’s job
A.The salary is good.
B.He enjoys the job.
C.The working hours are convenient.
7.Why does the man want to be a male nurse
A.He wants to help sick people.
B.He wants to earn money from sick people,
C.He can’t get any other job.
8.What is the man doing now
A.He is fishing.
B.He is preparing fishing equipment.
C.He is taking photos.
9.What’s the woman’s hobby
A.She likes making home movies.
B.She likes fishing.
C.She likes taking photos.
10.What will the woman probably do in the future
A.Buy a movie camera. B.Learn to fish. C.Change her hobby.
11.What are the man and the woman doing while talking
A.Attending a party. B.Visiting an art exhibition. C.Having a picnic.
12.Where does Tony come from
A.He’s a German. B.He comes from New York. C.He’s a native of Portland.
13.What does Susan do
A.She’s an art teacher at the Art College.
B.She teaches art in a high school.
C.She’s a waitress in a restaurant.
14.What does Tony ask Susan to do next week
A.Come to his art exhibition.
B.Attend his graduation ceremony.
C.Be his model at the Art College.
15.Whose keys are these
A.They are Jack’s. B.They are Betty’s. C.The owner hasn’t been found yet.
16.Why hasn’t Joe come to school
A.He had a headache.
B.He hurt his arm, and he had to see the doctor.
C.He didn’t like school at all.
17.When does this conversation most probably take place
A.In the early morning. B.After classes in the morning. C.In the evening.
18.How long has Art been retired
A.About twelve years. B.About five years. C.About eight years.
19.What was Art just before his retirement
A.A painter. B.golfer. C.An advisor.
20.What is Art’s main activity now
A.Painting pictures. B.Playing golf. C.Making glass.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分42.5分)
Dan Mancina is a skateboarder whose jaw-dropping videos get hundreds of thousands of views. Mancina also happens to be blind, and videos of him using his white cane (手杖) as he skateboards have gained admiration from fans around the world.
“I’ve lost my vision slowly throughout my life,” Mancina said. It wasn’t until his mid-20s that his condition—an eye disease started to affect his day-to-day life, stop ping him from driving and biking. The Michigan native started skating at seven, and got into it more seriously at 13, saying the sport helps him express himself. He stopped skating for a couple of years. This period, the 35-year-old said, was his “lowest point”.
However, mobility training helped him gain confidence. Slowly, he returned to doing what he loved. Mancina started filming short videos of his progress and posting them online and met a new group of people to skate with, gaining enough confidence to return to the streets. “I was just actually trying it, and then realized I was still the same person and that I could still do all the things that I love,” he said.
Now, Mancina wants to create spaces where visually impaired (视力受损的) people can enjoy the sport. “I wanted to build the first skatepark designed for visually impaired people, so I started a foundation called ‘Keep Pushing’ and have been raising money ever since fora few years now,” he said. The park, set to be built in Michigan, will use adaptive methods, such as increasing the size of obstacles, to make it safe and accessible.
“To change the perception of the visually impaired, I started my social media stuff. Some people think it’s crazy for a blind people to skate. It’s not that crazy in my head. I just enjoy skating. I encourage people to think that way—don’t let other people decide what you can and can’t do. You know. It’s all up to you,” Mancina added.
21.Which of the following best describes Mancina skateboarding
A.Time-consuming B.Labour-saving. C.Breath-taking. D.Stress-reducing.
22.What happened to Mancina before he started skateboarding again
A.His eye disease had been cured.
B.He experienced the worst moment of his life.
C.His story inspired many disabled people.
D.He lost all interest in skateboarding.
23.What can be learned about Mancina as he started skateboarding again
A.He had a sense of belonging gradually.
B.He went through a lot of suffering.
C.He was very anxious about his performance.
D.He was optimistic about the spread of the sport.
24.Why does Mancina post videos of his skateboarding online
A.To raise money for the visually impaired. B.To introduce the skatepark he has built
C.To persuade more people to skateboard. D.To improve the image of blind people.
Rote memorization is when we repeat a piece of information until we remember it. One great example of it is how we memorize the alphabet (字母表) when we are little. “Rote memorization can be a useful learning tool in some situations, but its effectiveness depends on the type of information being learned and how it is applied,” says Dr. Aldrich Chan, neuropsychologist and professor of Pepperdine University of the US.
Rote memorization can be useful for test preparation, learning basic facts and information such as vocabulary words or math formulas, and when we are in the early stages of learning something new. Rote memorization has a place in our day to day lives, especially when we need to learn something new or in a quick fashion. It enables us to remember information in situations where doing so is the main thing asked of us, even if it doesn’t lead us to have a deep understanding of that information.
However, rote memorization isn’t always the solution to every problem. Information memorized through rote learning is often preserved in the short term but may be forgotten relatively quickly if not actively used. Besides, it often does not promote a deep understanding of the material. Learners may memorize facts or information without truly comprehending their meaning or how they fit into a broader context. And rote memorization tends to focus on memorizing facts and procedures, which may discourage critical thinking or problem-solving skills.
Both rote memorization and meaningful learning have their place. The most important thing to remember is that rote memorization cannot stand in as a replacement for actual learning. Meaningful learning promotes long-term memory and the ability to apply knowledge flexibly.
25.What is Dr. Aldrich Chan’s attitude towards rote memorization
A.Objective. B.Doubtful. C.Against. D.Approving.
26.Which of the following can be best achieved through rote memorization
A.Improving study effectiveness in all situations.
B.Memorizing information at the beginning stages of learning.
C.Obtaining a thorough comprehension of information.
D.Applying knowledge flexibly in our daily lives.
27.What is the purpose of Paragraph 3
A.To compare different types of memorization.
B.To prove the effectiveness of rote memorization.
C.To present the limitations of rote memorization.
D.To discuss the advantages of meaningful learning.
28.What can be a suitable title for the text
A.Rote Memorization: No Equal to Deep Understanding
B.Rote Memorization: A Useful Learning Tool
C.Rote Memorization: Way of Meaningful Learning
D.Rote Memorization: Alternative to Deep Learning
We all notice bright colors. People who choose to go eye-catching, whether they express themselves through clothes or accessories (配饰), hear everything from “No one is going to miss you at the party” to “I would never have the courage to wear that.” But according to research, those comments may be both accurate and expected.
Adam D. Pazda and Christopher A. Thorstenson (2019) examined how we perceive people at first impression who wear bright colors. They specifically examined the effect of chroma (色度).
They found that targets, both male and female, who were wearing or surrounded by high-chroma colors were perceived as more open and outgoing than in a low-chroma setting. They concluded that chroma is a variable of perception that can influence first impressions of personality..
Drilling down further, they found that high-chroma colors strengthened viewer perspective of openness and extraversion (外向), but not other personalities. These observations are important because some job responsibilities capitalize on some of the personalities inferred through bright colors.
Pazda and Thorstenson recognize what job seekers no doubt consider as they look for a career to match their personal nature: in some occupations, success is fueled by possessing certain personality qualities. They give examples of industries such as sales and marketing as well as customer service as fields where extraverts thrive (繁荣). Accordingly, applicants for these positions may be viewed more favorably and judged as more competent if they wear highly chromatic clothing.
Regarding the generality of their results, Pazda and Thorstenson note that one of the limitations of their study was their use of participants living in the United States, which means their findings may not predict results in other cultures. They note the possibility that chroma may influence the perception of personality differently in non-Western countries, and that high-chroma clothing may be perceived as at odds with social norms in other cultures.
The practical takeaway, at least in the United States, appears to be that bright colors, like the peacock’s tail, will get you noticed. But depending on your goals, consider tailoring your chroma to the circumstances, personally and professionally.
29.What is the focus of the study mentioned in the passage
A.The cultural implications of high chroma colors.
B.The impact of high chroma colors on first impression.
C.The connection between clothing and job suitability.
D.The influence of clothing on viewer perceptions.
30.What does the underlined phrase “capitalize on” in paragraph 4 probably mean
A.Subscribe to. B.Approve of. C.Draw on. D.Dig up.
31.Which might be a limitation of the study
A.The relatively insufficient theoretical basis.
B.The unmonitored research process.
C.The outdated data analysis methods.
D.The culturally specific findings.
32.What is the practical advice given by the author in the last paragraph
A.Reserve bright colors for social events.
B.Always wear bright colors to be noticed.
C.Use bright colors strategically based on your goals.
D.Avoid bright colors in professional settings.
第二节 七选五(共5小题,每题2.5分,满分12.5分)
How many times have you shrunk yourself because you fear being judged
There is a term in social psychology called the ‘spotlight effect’. 33 The reality is that everyone is so concerned about their own life that they rarely spend much time thinking about ours.
I have a folder in my laptop where I keep encouraging messages for myself. I want to share one I come back to often: Don’t let others stand in the way of your success. 34 These people are everywhere, and they may feel impactful in the present moment, but they will not matter soon enough as you progress in your journey. This is your life so stop letting other people decide it for you.
35 We tell ourselves “I can’t do this” or “I am not good enough” or “there is too much competition”. I think it’s a sign of courage and confidence to go for something that is scary, uncertain, and difficult. So, If your heart is set on doing something that you truly believe in—go for it. If it doesn’t work, at least you tried. Find the strength to really believe that you belong in every room you walk into. What you have to say is just as important as anyone else in that room. Most importantly, remind yourself that confidence doesn’t happen in leaps. 36 . Consciously do the work every day until you truly believe that you belong in every room you walk into.
Do the same for yourself as you do for others—reflect on your best qualities, celebrate your strengths, make yourself laugh, treat yourself to things, nurture your own happiness. 37 Just remember to serve yourself from time to time the same way you serve others. To truly give the world your best, you must also treat yourself as your best self.
A.They keep me grounded and focused.
B.It is slowly learned in small baby steps.
C.If you’re not ready to step out, it’s fine.
D.A lot of us tend to play it safe because we fear failing.
E.Your positive light helps those around you feel cared for.
F.It refers to our tendency to overestimate others’ attention to us.
G.There will be many people who will decide you can’t do something.
第三部分 语言知识运用(共三节,满分37.5分)
Ever since he was a kid, Arjun loved reading stories. Stories where a detective saves the day using his wisdom. Stories where characters have superpowers, pull a sword, kill dragons, and 38 a faraway princess. Stories where anything was possible, 39 the real world.
For Arjun, reality was lifeless and boring. Stories, on the other hand, were the 40 of life without which everything was black and grey.
He began writing when he was 28.At first, writing didn’t come 41 to him. But his love for stories kept him 42 to his computer, and slowly and gradually, his short stories began to get attention. Praises became common and so did the 43 . But for Arjun, the opinions of the outside world didn’t matter.
He continued to write with enthusiasm for almost the next two 44 until the day when tragedy struck him.
Arjun was 45 when he met with an accident that damaged his spine (脊柱) and his ability to write. The only thing that 45 to him in life—to write and live his stories—was taken away from him. Arjun felt a strong sense of 46 . He blamed his bad luck and became more 47 every day.
Then one morning, a thought popped up in his mind. What if all this is a story, and I’m its hero If this were true, what would I do 48 my dreams or fight for them
His 49 came in the form of speech typing that helped him write more stories than he had before the accident. Although 50 disabled, Arjun felt he could fly higher and farther than others. He had learned a secret that gave him the power to 51 his imagination in ways he had never dreamt of.
Life is a story and you are both its hero and author. When you hold the pen to write your 52 , anything is possible as long as you believe in yourself.
38.A.select B.rescue C.award D.pursue
39.A.despite B.without C.against D.unlike
40.A.colors B.walks C.lesson D.truth
41.A.available B.complete C.easy D.right
42.A.accustomed B.exposed C.glued D.connected
43.A.criticism B.struggle C.encouragement D.challenge
44.A.semesters B.decades C.intervals D.seasons
45.A.concerned B.occurred C.related D.counted
46.A.carelessness B.endlessness C.hopelessness D.mindlessness
47.A.envious B.reluctant C.stressful D.bitter
48.A.Give up B.Cancel out C.Make up D.Drop out
49.A.conflict B.answer C.appetite D.cure
50.A.deeply B.temporarily C.physically D.literally
51.A.express B.limit C.fulfill D.practice
52.A.draft B.future C.comment D.mission
53.He was a______ of looking down upon the disabled person in public, but he turned a deaf ear to it.
54.A rescue worker risked his life saving two tourists who had been t______ in the mountains for two days.
55.I drew a c______ from my own experiences that where there is a will, there is a way.
56.Out of c______, the boy opened the box anxiously to see what gift was inside.
57.The past decades have w______ the rapid development of online news media.
58.It took me about half an hour to p______ him to go camping with us the next day.
59.What you have done admits of no ______ (矛盾).
60.To analyze the works of the best painters requires very subtle (微妙的)______ (辨别力).
61.By age 16 he was playing ______ (专业地) with bands in Greenwich Village.
62.The reasons why car-sharing springs up can be divided into three ______ (类别).
63.We were ______ (逗笑) by his humorous acting, which was memorable.
64.Lisa Mayer, 29, is among the lucky ones who only suffered ______ (轻微的) injuries.
65.The ability to ______ (准确地) understand how others are feeling may be used by a doctor to find how best to help her patients.
66.The programme was ______ (赞助) by the local organization.
67.China has greatly ______ (扩大) its influence in world affairs.
Chinese architect and writer Lin Huiyin was posthumously awarded (追授) a Bachelor of Architecture degree from the Weitzman School of Design of the University of Pennsylvania in 68 (recognize) of her outstanding contributions as a pioneer of modern architecture in China.
69 (comment) on the decision, Weitzman Dean Fritz Steiner said that “All the men from China received full scholarships and Lin got half of one. She was the only woman and the only student who 70 (deny) an architecture degree by the School.” “But she deserved that degree.”
In 1924, with her admission application to the architecture program of the University of Pennsylvania 71 (reject), Lin had to study in the only department 72 accepted female students—the School of Fine Arts. Apart from completing her art courses as well as most of 73 required architecture courses, Lin also worked as a teaching assistant in architectural design and outperformed most of her male peers 74 (academic).
After returning to China, as the first Chinese female architect in modern times, Lin achieved great success in architectural history, design, and education 75 war and disease.
With the historical revision of gender 76 (equal) being underway overseas, Lin’s legendary story has now become known to generations of young people. This is not just a story about 77 Chinese women are breaking through stereotypes (刻板印象) and historical limits, but also serves as a role model for modern Chinese women.
An unforgettable hands-on labor course
The winter of 1820 was a cold one for the Lincolns. It snowed nearly every day and the snow was high around their little farm house.
Abe was just a boy, but he had to help his father Tom around the farm. He looked after the house, milked the cow and prepared the dinner. It was hard work, and there wasn’t much fun for him and his brothers and sisters. Abe liked reading, but there was no book there. Abe was not happy. He was sad most of the time and seldom talked or smiled.
Mrs. Lincoln, Abe’s stepmother, really loved the boy. She noticed the boy’s silence and was concerned about him. She tried to think of ways to make Abe happy.
One day Mrs. Lincoln got up early in the morning. She took all the pennies from a small box. “I’m going to town tomorrow,” she said.
“You are going to town ” Tom asked. He was surprised. “That’s a long way. You see, the snow is thick. What are you going to do in town Can’t you make it another day when the snow stops ”
“It’s a surprise. And I must go there tomorrow!” she said with a determined voice.
“Do you want Abe or me to go with you ” Tom asked his wife the next day.
“No, don’t worry, honey! I’ll be all right,” she said and went out of the house.
Walking in the snow was difficult. It took Mrs. Lincoln a long time to get to town. She bought something in town and wrapped it carefully. Then she started back.
Paragraph 1:
It was late in the evening when she got home. ___________________________________________________
Paragraph 2:
Abe’s eyes became very wide. _______________________________________________________________