Unit 2 Ways to go to school Part B Let's try & Let's talk同步练习(含答案)


名称 Unit 2 Ways to go to school Part B Let's try & Let's talk同步练习(含答案)
格式 doc
文件大小 927.4KB
资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(PEP)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-10-01 11:22:42



Unit 2 Ways to go to school
(3) Part B Let’s try & Let’s talk
第1题图 第2题图 第3题图
1. _______________ the door. You can see this on the subway.
2. You must ___________when you see this sign.
3. Don’t ___________________.
1. How can I get __________ the science museum
2. The children are talking __________ the ways to school.
3. Mike is an American boy. He is _________ America. But he lives China now.
4. Pay attention ________ the traffic lights.
5. People _________ motorbikes in China must wear a helmet.
6. Jack often goes to school __________ bike.
( ) 1. ________ swim in the river. It’s very dangerous (危险的).
A. Please B. Don’t C. Not
( ) 2. If you go to the nature park by subway, you must ________.
A. wear a helmet B. drive slowly C. mind the gap (小心间隙)
( ) 3.You can _______ the No. 11 bus to the pet hospital.
A. take B. by C. buy
( ) 4. You can go to the library __________. It’s really far from here.
A. on foot B. by bus C. by plane
( ) 5. In China, except (除了) Hong Kong and Macao, cars and buses run on the _______ side of
the road.
A.right B. left C. between
( ) 6. How do you _______ the hospital _______ your home
A. get, to B. get to, from C. get to, to
( ) 7. Please don’t go _________ the red light.
A. in B. on C. at
( ) 8. You must look left and _______ before you cross the road.
A. left B. right C. straight
( ) 9. They are ________ my cousin _______ the USA.
A. from, at B. from, in C. come, in
( ) 10. You can take the No.4 bus _______ there.
A. over B. to C. go
1. 2. 3. 4.
( ) 1. A. Don't go at the red light.
B. Let's go.
( ) 2. A. Don't touch the door.
B. You must pay attention to the traffic lights.
( ) 3. A. You can take the train over there.
B. You can take the No. 1 bus
( ) 4. A. You must wear a helmet to ride a bike.
B. Wow, so many pictures of bikes.
(Mr Jones wants to know the way to the hospital. Wu Binbin is helping him.)
Wu Binbin: Welcome to China, Mr Jones.
Mr Jones: Thanks!1._______ Turn left here
Wu Binbin: No. 2.________
Mr Jones: Is it far from here
Wu Binbin: 3._________
Mr Jones: Thanks, Binbin! I can go there on foot.
Wu Binbin: Please wait, Mr Jones! 4._______
You must stop and wait.
Mr Jones: Oh, right! 5._______
( ) 1. How do you come to school
( ) 2. How can I get to the hospital
( ) 3. Where is the gym
( ) 4. Can I go at a yellow light
( ) 5. Mike usually goes to school on foot.
The two-month summer holiday is 1.______________ (coming/comes). Jenny and her friends 2. _____________ (want/wants) to go to Xizang. They will stay there for two weeks. But 3._________ (how/what) do they get there They have different ideas.
Xizang is very far. Jenny 4.____________ (don't/doesn't) want to go there by train. She wants to go there by plane. Bob thinks taking a plane is too 5. ____________ (cheap/expensive). He wants to take a 6._________ (train/plane). Taking a train to Xizang will be interesting. They can 7._________ (enjoy/enjoying) the views (风景) on the way. At last, Bob is going to take a train to Xizang 8.__________ (with/and) three boys. It will take them about twenty 9.___________(hour/hours) on the train. After the boys get there, Jenny will fly there with four girls. 10.__________ (They/Them) will meet in a hotel in Xizang.
When we travel, we should pay attention to the signs on the road. They can help us find the right direction (方向).
One day, Mr Smith drives his car to a farm. On the way, he sees a sign with words "Turn right. Don't go straight". He looks ahead (朝前面), but sees nothing wrong. So he goes on. After a few minutes, he sees a broken (破损的) bridge and he can't cross it. So he turns back. On the way, he sees some words on the sign's back (后面). It says "WELCOME BACK."
( ) 1. The signs on the road can help us find the right way.
( ) 2. Mr Smith goes to a farm by car.
( ) 3. The sign on the road tells Mr Smith that he should go straight.
( ) 4. Mr Smith goes from the bridge to the farm.
( ) 5. The story tells us we should pay attention to the traffic signs.
(3) Part B Let’s try & Let’s talk
一、1. Don’t touch 2. stop 3. turn right
二、1. to 2. about 3. from 4. to 5. on 6. by
三、1. B 解析:由下一句可知,在河里游泳是件危险的事情,所以应该是禁止在河里游泳, 故选B。
2. C 解析:wear a helmet佩戴头盔是骑自行车和摩托车的注意事项;drive slowly开得慢点是开小汽车的注意事项;mind the gap小心间隙是乘坐地铁的注意事项,故选 C。
3. A 解析:can是情态动词,后面加动词原形;乘坐公交车用take,故选A。
4. B 解析:根据题意可知,图书馆离得比较远,所以可以乘坐公交车,故选 B。
5. A 解析:根据常识可知,除了香港和澳门,中国其他地方开车都是靠右行驶,故选 A。
6. B 解析:get to A from B从B到达A,固定搭配,故选B。
7. C 8. B
9. B 解析:句意“它们是我在美国的表弟寄过来的。” from my cousin是表语;the USA是大地点,所以前面的介词用in;in the USA是介词词组修饰cousin,故选B。
10. A
四、1. A 2. B 3. B 4. A
五、1. B 解析:根据对话提示语可知,Mr Jones正在向Wu Binbin问去医院的路,故选B。
2. E 解析:上一句Mr Jones问是在这儿左转吗,Wu Binbin回答No,并告诉他正确的路径,故选E。
3. C 解析:由上一句可知是一般疑问句,在询问目的地的远近,所以Wu Binbin要用Yes或No来回答,故选C。
4. A 解析:由下一句“You must stop and wait. 你必须停下来并且等待。”可知,现在是红灯,故选A。
5. D
六、1. B 2. C 3. D 4. E 5. A
七、1. coming 解析:空前是be动词is,be动词+动词ing形式,故选coming。
2. want 解析:主语是Jenny and her friends是复数,所以后面的动词用原形,故选want。
3. how 解析:根据第二段段意可知,是在考虑到目的地的出行方式,故选how。
4. doesn’t 解析:主语是Jenny第三人称单数,所以后面的动词也要用三单形式,故选doesn’t。
5. expensive 解析:由常识可知,飞机票太贵了,故选expensive。
6. train 解析:由前文可知,Bob认为飞机票昂贵,所以坐火车更合适,故选train。
7. enjoy 解析:空前是情态动词can,后面加动词原形,故选enjoy。
8. with 解析:with和and都可以并列主语,and在谓语前并列主语,而with在谓语后,故选with。
9. hours 解析:空前是twenty,后面加复数名词,故选hours。
10. They 解析:空后是复合谓语will meet,所以空内应该是主语,主格可以做主语,故选They。
八、1. T 解析:根据“They can help us find the right direction (方向).”可知路上的指示牌能帮助我们找到正确的方向,故答案为T。
2. T 解析:根据“One day, Mr Smith drives his car to a farm.”可知他开车去农场,故答案为T。3. F 解析:根据“On the way, he sees a sign with words ‘Tum right. Don’t go straight’.”可知指示牌写着“向右转,不要直走”,故答案为F。
4. F 解析:根据“So he turns back.”可知他返回了,并没有从桥上通过,故答案为F。
5. T 解析:根据短文可知,我们要注意道路交通标志牌,故答案为T。
A. It's red now.
B. How can I get to the hotel
C. No. It's near.
D. I must pay attention to the traffic lights.
E. Turn right at the traffic lights.
A. That's good exercise.
B. I take the No.18 bus.
C. Go straight and then turn right.
D. It's in front of the zoo.
E. No. you can't.
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