人教版(2019)必修第二册Unit 1 Cultural Heritage 词汇课件(共40页)


名称 人教版(2019)必修第二册Unit 1 Cultural Heritage 词汇课件(共40页)
格式 pptx
文件大小 1.4MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-10-03 21:05:44



词 汇 课 件
Book 2 Unit 1
Cultural Heritage
Learning aims
To learn the new words and some phrases
To learn to use the words properly
1. temple n.寺庙,太阳穴
temple of heaven 天坛
Buddhist temple 佛寺;佛堂;佛庙
temple fair 庙会
2. creative adj. 创造性的;有创造力的; (C)有创造力的人
creatively adv.创造性地;有创造力地
create v.创造;发明
creativity n.创造力
creator, 创作者
creative thinking/design/ability
3. former adj. 以前的;(两者中)前者的
The former.... the latter...前者..后者...
4.preserve v.保存;保护 n.保护区
a natural preserve 自然保护区
preserve the natural resources
preserve/protect... from (doing)...
preservation n.保护;保存
5.promote v.促进;推销;晋级
promote sb. to... 提升某人为……
promote sales/reform/cooperation
get promoted 得到晋升
be promoted to... 被提升为……
promotion n.提升,提拔,促销活动
6.application n. (app)应用
application form 申请表
apply sth to sth 把..应用,(涂)到...上
apply to sb. for sth 向某人申请
applicable adj. 适用的
7. balance n. 平衡, 天秤 v. 使平衡
keep/lose balance 保持/失去平衡
a balanced diet 均衡饮食
on balance 总的来说
in the balance 悬而未决
balanced adj. 平衡的 均衡的
8.proposal  n.提议;建议,求婚
make a proposal 提出建议;求婚
put forward a proposal 提出建议
draft a proposal 起草提议
propose v.提议,建议,求婚
propose that sb. (should) do
9.protest n. v. 抗议, 断言; 坚决地表示
protest against sth. 反对某事
protestor, n. 抗议者
10.likely adj. 可能的
be likely to do sth 很有可能做…
11. turn to ...(for help) 向...求助
establish vt. 建立、创立
The committee was established in 1912.
establish a formal relationship
established, adj. 已确立的、获得确认的;著名的
establishment n. 建立、创立;机构
12.limit n.限制 v.限制
limits n.范围
limited adj 有限的
speed/time limit限速/限时
be limited to 限于…
limitless, adj. 无限制的;无界限的
13. prevent v. 阻止,阻碍
prevent...from doing 防止...做
prevent disease 预防疾病
prevention n.
fire prevention 防火
preventative adj.防御性的
preventative measures防御措施
14. loss n.丧失;损失
(feel) at a loss 感觉失落
sorry for your loss 请节哀
lose v.遗失,丢失;输掉
lost adj. 迷路的
be lost in=be buried in=be devoted to
15.contribution n.贡献;捐款;捐赠
contribute v. 捐献;捐助
contribute…to… 把…捐献给…
contribute to…导致……;向……投稿
make a contribution to…对……做出贡献
contributor n.贡献者
16.fund n.基金,专款 V.资助
shortage of funds资金短缺
housing fund 住房公积金
refund n. v 退款
investigation n. 调查
investigate, v. 调查、研究
investigator, n. 调查者、侦查员
17.issue n. 重要议题,争论点, 发行
vt. 发行,出版,发布
the date of issue 发行日
at issue 在争论中
issue a warning 发布警告
issue a statement发表言论
18.conduct n.举止 实施 v.实施
code of conduct 行为准则
the conduct of a task任务的实施
conduct yourself 规矩点
19.donate v. 捐赠 捐献
donate sth to sb 向...捐赠
donate blood 献血
donation n.捐赠;捐献
donor n. 捐赠者、捐赠机构
disappear vi. 消失、灭绝、消亡
disappearance, n. 消失
appear, vi. 出现
appearance, n. 出现;外表
20. attempt n. 企图,尝试
v. 努力,尝试
make an attempt to do 尝试做某事
in an attempt to do 为了...
attempt to do 试图做某事
21. worthwhile adj 值得花时间的;值得做的
It is worthwhile doing sth /to do sth
worthy adj. 适合的;值得尊敬的 ;值得的
be worthy of sth 值得...
be worthy of being done
= be worthy to be done
be well worth doing sth 非常值得做某事
be worth it 值得
22. download vt.下载
upload vt.上载,上传
adj. 专业的;职业的;职业性的
n. 专业人员
professor n.教授
profession n.职业
25. entrance n. 入口
entrance examination 入学考试
entrance fee 入场费
entrance requirement 入学要求
process n. 过程、步骤、进程
vt. 加工、处理
the aging process
processed food
processor n. 加工机/工人;处理器
26. exit n.出口 v. 退出
at the exit 出口处
exit door 安全出口门
make/take one’s exit 退出,退场
27. sheet n.薄片, 纸张, 床单
as white as a sheet面色苍白
blank sheet 空白纸
fly sheet/flyer 传单
28. forgive vt. 原谅;饶恕;宽恕; (forgave , forgiven )
forgive sb. sth 原谅某人某事
forgive sb. for doing sth 原谅某人做过...
forgiveness u. 原谅;宽恕;饶恕
forgiving adj. 宽大的;仁慈的
29.quality n.质量,品质,特性
of high/low quality 质量高/低的
in quality 在质量上
qualify v.使有资格
qualified adj.有资格的
qualification n.资格
quantity n. 数量
a large /small quantity of 大量的/少量的
large /great quantities of
30. further adj.(far的比较级)
further study/education 深造
furthermore adv. 而且;此外
31. comparison n. 比较;相比
make a comparison 进行对比
by/in comparison (with ) (与...)相比
compare vt. 比较
compare ... with ... 把...和...相比较
compare ... to ... 把...和...相比较,把...比作...
32.constrast n. 对照, 对比 V.对照, 对比
In contrast = on the contrary 与之相反
by contrast 相比之下
in /by contrast to/with与……形成对比
contrast ... with... 对比......和......
tradition, n. 传统、传统的信仰或风俗
religious/cultural traditions
by tradition, children play tricks on 1 April.
in the tradition of 承袭…风格的;具有…特点的
traditional, adj. 传统的
historic, adj. 历史上著名的;有史时期的
a historic occasion/decision/day/visit
historical adj. 与历史相关的
historical records/document
historically, adv. 从历史上看/来说
Thank you !