人教版(2019)必修 第一册Welcome unit Reading and Thinking课后练(含答案)+学习任务单


名称 人教版(2019)必修 第一册Welcome unit Reading and Thinking课后练(含答案)+学习任务单
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-10-03 22:03:02


学科 高中英语 年级 高一 学期 秋季
课题 Welcome Unit Reading and Thinking
教科书 书 名:普通高中教科书英语必修第一册 出版社:人民教育出版社
1.Students will be able to talk about their impression of their first day of high school. 2. Students will be able to infer the main character’s feelings from the context. 3. Students will learn and apply some key words and expressions in the text.
Reflect on the first day of senior high school and talk about the experiences and feelings.
Figuring out Han Jing’s feelings Time PlaceFeelings
Writing about your first school day Write about your own first day of senior high school by referring to the structure of the text. Time PlaceFeelings
Word bank: feel happy/excited/frightened/annoyed/anxious/awkward… outgoing make a good impression concentrate on … 【学习任务三】
Learning about the new vocabulary Fill in the blanks in the word list: 1. __________ adj. 焦虑的;不安的→ ________ n. 焦虑;不安 2. __________ vt. 使恼怒;打扰 → __________ adj. 恼怒的;生气的 → __________ adj. 令人恼怒的;令人生气的 __________ n. 恼怒;打扰 3. __________ n. 害怕 → __________ vt. 使害怕 → ____________ adj. 惊吓的; 害怕的 → _____________ adj. 令人害怕的 4. __________ (短语) 外出交际; 外出娱乐; 与……交往 → _________ adj. 爱交际的;外向的 → __________ adj. 容易相处的 5. __________ vt. 使钦佩;给……留下深刻的好印象 vi. 留下印象;引人注目 → __________ adj. 印象深刻的→ __________ n. 印象;感想注目 6. _________ vt. & vi. 探索;勘探 → _________ n. 探险者 → ___________ n. 探索;勘探 7. __________ n. 实验;试验 vt. 做试验;进行实验;尝试;试用 Fill in the blanks in the phrase list: (美国)高中 ___________________ (美国)初级中学 ___________________ 留下好的第一印象___________________ 集中注意力于 ___________________ 不打扰;不惊动 ___________________ 感到尴尬 ___________________ 感到自信 ___________________ 【学习任务四】 Complete the passage with the correct forms of the words and phrases. (Exercise on P5 ) Tian Hua is a new student at a school in America. She is studying at an American high school for one year. In China, Tian Hua was in Grade 1 at _______ high school, but in America, she is in Grade 10! She did not ______________ at all when she arrived. Her first ____________ was that English was difficult and people spoke too quickly, but soon she found that if she _______________ the ideas, not the single words, she could understand! She also made friends and began to _________ the city with them. Her new friends were happy to explain things to her after class. Her favourite class is chemistry because the teacher lets the students do cool ______________! Tian Hua is not sure how well she will do at school this year, but she is not nervous any more. She is excited! 【学习任务五】 Translate the following sentences with the words given. 那个交换项目给同学们留下了深刻的印象。(impression) 我正期盼着一切结束后去探索世界。(explore) 要是你上课的时候没办法专心于学习会怎么样呢?(concentrate) 我不是很外向,所以我对于是否能适应新环境有点焦虑。(anxious)
1.网站查询,了解更多关于美国高中生活的信息。 2. 牛津在线词典,通过在线词典拓展更多相关话题词汇。作业练习
学科 高中英语 年级 高一 学期 秋季
课题 Welcome Unit Reading and Thinking
教科书 书名:普通高中教科书英语必修第一册 出版社:人民教育出版社
I. 课文语法填空 After a long summer holiday, my new life at senior high school 1 (begin)at last. I was a little 2 (anxiety)in the morning, 3 (worry)that I would not make new friends. I was not outgoing after all. However, things turned 4 just fine. Both my teachers and classmates made a good 5 (impress)on me. They were friendly and helpful. In fact, one of my classmates was so talkative 6 he kept talking to me over the experiment! Maybe he was just trying to impress me, but I felt 7 (annoy) because I couldn't concentrate. I was too frightened 8 (tell)him to leave me alone. It would be awkward if I did. The classes were much more difficult than 9 at junior high school. There is a lot for me 10 (explore). I hope I can fit in soon. II.词汇运用 1.I see some Chinese national flags on the (校园) and in front of the main building. 2. What (使恼怒) me is that he won’t even listen to other people’s suggestions. 3. The appearance of a spaceship makes it possible for us to (探索) the moon. 4.He is (外向), and likes talking with others. 5. Tom arrived at school late again, which made him feel (令人尴尬的). 6. First (印象) is very important, because you never get a second chance to make another one. 7. A well-planned learning (策略) is the key to success. 8. She came to London in 2018 to study fashion (设计) III. 完成句子 1. We arrived to ______________________. 我们到达时发现房子是空的。 2. It sounds like a good offer, but ______________________? 这提议听起来很诱人,但如果是个骗局会怎样? 3. He ____________________________________________ of his friends. 他为他朋友们的孩子而担心。 4. He _________________________________ chemical research last year. 去年他把全部注意力都集中在化学研究上。 5. He is my manager, though he ______________________ me. 他是我的经理,尽管他资历比我浅。 Answers: I.课文语法填空 1. began 2. anxious 3. worrying 4. out 5. impression 6. that 7. annoyed 8. to tell 9. those 10. to explore II.词汇运用 1.campus 2. annoys 3.explore 4.outgoing 5. awkward 6. impression 7. strategy 8.design III.完成句子 1. find the house empty 2. what id it’s a trick 3. is anxious about the children 4. concentrated all his attention on 5. is junior to