人教版(2019)必修 第一册Unit1 Teenage Life教学设计(3份打包)


名称 人教版(2019)必修 第一册Unit1 Teenage Life教学设计(3份打包)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-10-04 09:43:41


学科 英语 年级 高一 学期 秋季
课题 Teenage Life(Listening and Talking)
教科书 书 名:人教版教材 出版社:人民教育出版社
语言能力目标:1. 掌握一般将来时的应用,并且能进行交流和讨论。 2. 掌握关键词句表达例如adventure, 先后顺序的词汇(first, then, also等) 学习能力目标:1.激发学生合作学习的积极性。 2. 能利用图片、标题等猜测文章内容,获取关键听力信息。 文化意识目标:1. 激发学生的想象力,挖掘高中生活的乐趣。2.了解中外青少年的校园生活,以此打开学生视野,了解和比较不同国家之间青少年的生活。 思维能力目标:1.在理解听力文本的基础上,结合已有认知和生活经验,能够创造性地设计营地活动。2. 能够比较、欣赏不同学生的想法,增强沟通能力。
教学重点: 1. 帮助学生理解并正确应用be going to do, will do, plan to do, there will be, hope to do等结构来表达将来要做的事情。
2. 帮助学生策划营地活动。
教学难点: 学生根据范例策划营地活动并口头展示。
step 1: Lead-in show pictures and predict the content. Step 2: Pre-listening Look and Discuss: Q1: What kind of camp is Adventure Camp/ International Youth Camp Q2: What activities will it include Q3: What can students learn in these activities Step 3: While- listening 1. Listen to the conversation and tick what they are going to do at the camps. □learn survival skills. □ I'll learn how to make a fire. □ We'll learn how to live in the wild from some experts. □ We're going to learn about wildlife. □ I think it's going to be fun. □ I plan to improve my spoken English. □ We'll talk about teenage life. □ There will be students from different countries at the camp. □ I'm going to give a speech. □ I hope to make some friends. 2. Listen for elements of a camp and fill in blanks. Cao Jing: Hi, Max. What are you going to do______________ Max: I’m going to an ________________. Cao Jing: Adventure Camp What are you going to do there Max: We’ll____________ survival skills. For __________, I’ll learn how to ____________. There’ll be some experts there to show us how to __________________. I think it’s going to be ______. Cao Jing: Cool. Max: What about you Cao Jing: I’m going to an International Youth Camp. There will be lots of students from _____________________. Ma : Wow! What will you do there Cao Jing: I’m not sure yet, but the ____________ is about teenagers and teenage life. I’m going to _____________about student life in China. Max: Sounds ____________. What kind of stuff will you talk about Cao Jing: Oh, teenage life. you know, study, relationships, dreams, plans. It’s a bit of ____________, but a good chance. I plan to ____________ my ____________ English. Max: Good for you. I hope you have lots of fun there, too. Cao Jing: Oh, definitely. I think it will be very interesting, and I hope to ____________________ . Step 4: Conclusion Expressions: There will be... from... We’re going to… We’ll learn about… I plan to… I hope… Step 5: Post-listening Think of ideas for the camp. You can use the questions below to get started. What kind of camp is it Who will be there What will they do What will they learn Step 6: Presentation Example ________ Camp Do you want to have fun and learn at the same time Then come to our camp. In our camp, you can learn about ... There will be many interesting activities. First, we are going to ... Then we’ll ... We also plan to ... Finally, we’ll ... Please come to our camp!教学设计
学科 英语 年级 高一 学期 秋季
课题 Unit 1 Teenage Life( Reading for Writing)
教科书 书 名:英语必修第一册教材 出版社:人民教育出版社
简单说出一些青少年时期的成长烦恼(growing pains)以及解决方法。 熟练掌握建议信的常见结构。 能够运用重点句型和短语完成一封建议信。
教学重点: 1. 青少年时期常见的一些问题和解决方法。
2. 建议信的结构和重点句型和短语。
教学难点: 如何将建议信写得得体而有效。
Step1: Warming up From 1985 to 1992, “Growing Pains” was broadcast on TV in a total of seven years. It used to be one of the most popular family sitcoms, telling many stories about the growth of teenagers. In the process of growing up, young people feel a lot of growing pains, including emotional anxiety and problems. Step2: Talking As a teenager, what growing pains do you have in your daily life Poor academic performances huge pressure from study and examination high expectation from parents and teachers appearance anxiety/ facial anxiety puppy love conflicts from interpersonal communication Facing these growing pains, what will you do turn to teachers and parents for advice talk to reliable friends with previous experiences write a letter to a professional adviser Step 3: Reading for details 1 Who wrote a letter to Susan Worried Friend. 2 What is Chen Lei’s problem He plays computer games too often and ... 3 What did Susan suggest She recommends that… , …, and … 4 Why is it not good to spend too much time online Spending too much time on line is unhealthy and makes it very difficult to focus on other things. Some even… 5 Do you have any other advice for Worried Friend Playing basketball together; talking to his parents… Step 4: writing How to write a letter of advice Beginning describe the problem clearly and briefly (offer comfort and understanding) More expressions: Showing understanding ※I feel terribly sorry to hear/ know/ learn that ... ※I know well how it feels to ... ※I know you didn't mean to ... ※I know you have trouble in ... ※It happens to everyone. ※Everyone will have one of those periods when things seem to be going wrong. ※Take it easy and things will be better. Body give advice and its supporting details (Don't give advice that's not related to the problem. ) More expressions: Making suggestions ※Why don't you ... ※It couldn't be better if you could ... ※I think it would be beneficial if you could ... ※I'd like to suggest that you should ... ※It's recommended to do ... ※You may as well do ... ※You may consider doing... ※From my point of view, it would be a good idea to do ... Ending give comfort and encouragement ( end the letter in a polite way) More expressions: ※I believe you will take my advice into consideration. ※I hope you will find these suggestions useful/ helpful. ※I do hope that my ideas will work. ※I hope my advice is helpful and you'll soon feel calmer and carry on.教学设计
学科 英语 年级 高一 学期 秋季
课题 Unit 1 Teenage Life Discovering Useful Structures
教科书 书 名:英语必修第一册教材 出版社:人民教育出版社
熟练掌握noun phrase, adjective phrases, and adverb phrases。 2. 能用本单元语法润色修改作文。
教学重点: 1. 语法名词短语, 形容词短语和副词短语的概念。
2. 三类短语在作文中的运用。
教学难点: 如何将本单元语法运用到实际的作文润色和修改中。
Step1: The definition of Phrases 短语或词组:短语或词组(Phrases)是具有一定意义但不构成句子或从句的一组词。 1. 名词短语(Noun Phrase, 缩写NP):指以一个名词为中心构成的短语,在句中的功能相当于名词。 2. 形容词短语(Adjective Phrase, 缩写AdjP):指以一个形容词为中心构成的短语,在句中的功能相当于形容词。 3. 副词短语(Adverb Phrase, 缩写AdvP):指以一个副词为中心构成的短语,在句中的功能相当于副词。 Step2: about NP, AdjP, AdvP NP 名词短语:(限定词)+(形容词)+(描述性名词)+名词+(介词短语) a beautiful campus some school clubs a beautiful campus of my school AdjP 形容词短语:(副词)+形容词+(介词短语) very suitable really very confusiong strong enough good for nothing AdvP 副词短语:(副词)+副词 very quickly quite well far too fast much more creatively Step 3: The reason for using NP, AdjP, AdvP This is a table. This is a beautiful, big, round,old,brown,wooden,dining table. A loud roar pulled me from my pleasant daydream. A deafeningly loud roar pulled me from my pleasant daydream. I like it. I like it very much. Step 4:Exercise Exercise 1 on page 16 1. The first week was a little confusing. 2. The building is so big that I’m completely lost. 3. The kids over there are putting something on a round paper plate. 4. Linda thinks and speaks quite quickly, and she can do well in the debate. 5. The new coach told me that I didn’t play well enough. 6. My first French class was very confusing. The teacher spoke so fast.