Unit 3 Sports and Fitness:Reading for Writing课件(共19张PPT+练习+学习任务单+教学设计)


名称 Unit 3 Sports and Fitness:Reading for Writing课件(共19张PPT+练习+学习任务单+教学设计)
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版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-10-04 17:51:09


学科 英语 年级 高一年级 学期 秋季
课题 Unit 3 Sprots and Fitness reading for writing
教科书 书 名:普通高中教科书 英语 必修 第一册 出版社:人民教育出版社
1. Read a page in a wellness book and get some basic information. 2. Figure out the organization and language featrures of wellness book. 3. Cultivate a positive attitudes towards weight and appwarance. 4. Write a page on a wellness book.
Surf the internet and find some information about wellness book.
【学习任务一】Read and tell the mian idea of the story Kayla shared.
【学习任务二】Read and explore the structure of the story Kayla shared 【学习任务三】Read and find the expressions to show similarities and differences
【学习任务四】Write a page in a wellness book.
Ted speech about positive lifestyle(共19张PPT)
Unit 3 Sports and Fitness
Reading for writing
学 校:
年 级:高一年级
学 科:高中英语(人教版必修一)
Unit 3 Sports and Fitness
Reading for writing
Unit 3 Sports and Fitness
Reading for Writing 3 Spornd Fitness
Reading for writing
Write a page in a wellness book Spornd Fitness
Reading for writing
Learning objectives
By the end of this class, you will be able to:
1. Read a story in a wellness book and get some
basic information.
2. Figure out the organization and language features of
wellness book.
3. Cultivate a positive attitude towards weight and
4. Write a page in a wellness book.
What is a wellness book
1. A wellness book is a book in which a group of people exchanging ideas about health and fitness.
2. Everybody can share his or her ideas about how to keep healthy physically and mentally.
3. Whenever you have any questions on wellness, you can ask for help by setting down your question in the book.
Going Positive
Viewing: according to the title and the picture, can you guess what story Kayla might share
Reading: Read the whole story and
tell what Kayla shares in her story.
Kayla shares a story about how her attitude
toward wellness changed.
What problem did Kayla have in the past
What made her change
What was the result of her change
1 What problem did Kayla have in the past
weight and look anxiety
2 What made her change
an article
3 What was the result of her
happier and healthier
a turning point
weight and look anxiety
a turning point
the positive result
the structure
P3:Tell the reader the result and how the changes have improved or will improve your life.
P2: Tell the reader about how
and why you changed or want
to change.
P1: Start with a general
statement about the topic and
your situation.
What did Kayla do to make the change How did she feel Read the story more carefully and finish the chart below.
The Past The Present
Worried about weight
Tried new diet
Cut out the food
Compare myselfe to ...
Run two kilometres
Do 30 push-ups
add healthy food
5:2 diet: to eat normally for 5 days of the week, but only eat very little on the other two days.
I almost went bananas
(unhappy; anxious)
happier and healthier
Those verbs make Kayla’s description of her change more vivid.
Any other expressions Kayla uses to
show her positive changes Underline
Do you know more expressions to show similarities and differences Work in pairs and try to finish the chart.
expressions Kayla used expressions
I know
Those expressions make Kayla’s story more convincing.
on the other hand
different from
the difference is...
similarly similar to
the same...as..
in common with
look like
instead of
rather than
Sharing: share your own positive change story with a group of four.
1. What can you learn from Kayla’s story
2. Do you have any problems that you want to change or have changed
3. What was your feelings
4. What did you do or What do you plan to do
5. What is the possible result
Summary: What should be included in a wellness book
P1: Start with a general statement about the topic and your situation.
P2:Tell the reader about how and why you changed or want to change.
P3: Tell the reader the result and how the changes have improved or will improve your life.
Language features
1. Words and expressions to show similarities and differences.
2. Some verbs to show the change from negative to the positive way.
Writing:Write your own story in the worksheet.
Going Positive Structure : P1:Start with a problem P2: Tell the turning point&The changes P3: Present the result First Draft
Word Banks look life, still, both...and...,similar, similar to, the same...as...,in common with, instead of,rather than, but,instead, however\but\though,on the other hand,different from, the difference is
ü Does the writer explain why he\she changed\wants to change
ü Does the writer tell how the changes have improved or will improve his\her life
ü Is the text well-organised
ü Does the writer use words and expressions to show similaritites and differences
ü Are there any grammar or spelling errors
ü Does the writer use correct punctuation
Exchange drafts. Use the checklist to give feedback on your partner’s draft.
I always felt anxious and stressful at senior high school at first because I was afraid of being left behind. I was worried about so many things that I couldn’t sleep well and focus on my study.
Then, I read a book called “Who Moved Your Cheese” which made me realize that making changes can make a difference to life. Instead of just worrying about my study, I would make a schedule for my study and finish the to-do list. Rather than being anxious the whole day, I would do some exercises regularly and listen to music to relieve my stress and tiredness after studying, which also helped me feel more energetic.
Now, I stopped feeling upset about something new. Instead, I would also always remind myself to smile as often as possible and stay positive about everything that is going to happen.
One Possible Version
1. Get your draft back and polish it.
2. Collect the entries for a calss wellness book.
3. www. Our Better Health. org
Going Positive
Healthy Lifestyle作业练习
学科 英语 年级 高一 学期 秋季
课题 Unit 3 Sprots and Fitness reading for writing
教科书 书 名:普通高中教科书 英语 必修 第一册 出版社:人民教育出版社
【应用文写作练习】 假如你是李华,正在英国参加交换生活动。你想参加Healthy Life 杂志社组织的第二期夏令营活动。请给杂志社投稿,内容如下:1.你想要改变哪种生活习惯;2.为什么你想要改变;3.你计划如何改变;4.你希望看到什么样的结果。注意:1.词数80左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 【参考答案】 Dear editor, I was walking past a shop window the other day when I saw my reflection. At first, I didn’t realize it was me. When I saw it was me, I felt sad as I am overweight. I didn’t realize how I looked, and I really want to change. I really like eating, but I realize I eat too much, and I don’t eat good things. I want to change because I want to be able to look at myself and feel happy with how I look. I also want to be healthy. My plan is to change my diet and exercise routine. I will stop eating sugar, and only eat at mealtimes rather than eating snacks during the day. I will focus on healthy foods. Then I will exercise every day. I will walk to school and back, and on the weekend, I will go swimming. I have only been doing my plan for a week, but I’m already starting to feel better. I haven’t lost a lot of weight yet, but to do anything makes me feel positive. I feel confident I will reach my goal! Yours sincerely, Li Hua教学设计
学科 英语 年级 高一年级 学期 秋季
课题 Unit 3 Sprots and Fitness reading for writing
教科书 书 名:普通高中教科书 英语 必修 第一册 出版社:人民教育出版社
1. Read a page in a wellness book and get some basic information. 2. Figure out the organization and language featrures of wellness book. 3. Cultivate a positive attitudes towards weight and appwarance. 4. Write a page on a wellness book.
教学重点: 1. Figure out the organization and language feature of wellness book.
2. Write a page on a wellness book.
教学难点: 1. Figure out the organization and language feature of wellness book.
Activity 1 Brainstorming and leading in Q: What is a wellness book Activitiy 2 Viewing According to the picture and title, what story would Kayla share Activity 3 Reading and sharing the content Q1: Read and answer: what story did Kayla share Q2: What problem did Kayla have in the past Q3: What made her change Q4: What was the result of her change Activity 4 Reading and exploring the structure Para1.1 State with a problem Para 2. Tell your turning point Para 3. Discribe the result Activity 5 Reading and thinking Q1:What did Kayla do to make a change How did she feel Q2: What expressions did Kayla use to describe her changes Do you know more of Expressions about similarities and differences Activity 6 Discussing and sharing Share your own positive change story in a group of four. Activity 7 Writing and peer-evaluating
Write a paragraph about changes you have made or you want to make to lead a more positive lifestyle.(80 words)
Structure P1: Start with a problem ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ P2:Tell the turning point ________________________________________________________ & ________________________________________________________ The changes _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ P2: Present the result _________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________
Word Bank look life, still, both...and...,similar, similar to, the same...as...,in common with, instead of,rather than, but,instead, however\but\though,on the other hand,different from,the difference is
Checklist Does the writer explain why he\she changed\wants to change Does the writer tell how the changes have improved or will improve his\her life Is the text well-organised Does the writer use words and expressions to show similaritites and differences Are there any grammar or spelling errors Does the writer use correct punctuation