Unit 3 Sports and Fitness Assessing Your Progress课件(共21张PPT+学习任务单+教学设计+课后练习)


名称 Unit 3 Sports and Fitness Assessing Your Progress课件(共21张PPT+学习任务单+教学设计+课后练习)
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版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-10-04 18:24:16


学科 英语 年级 高一 学期 秋季
课题 M1U3 Sports and Fitness--Assessing Your Progress
教科书 书 名:英语必修第一册教材 出版社:人民教育出版社
1. have a good command of some key words: compete, cheat, master, pretend, event, failure, audience, stress. 2. use tag questions appropriately to complete some conversations.
Review some key words in this unit Review the grammar--tag questions
【学习任务一】词汇复习 Use the words in this unit to fill in the blanks according to the English definition (1) __________ (v.) to take part in a contest or game (2) __________ (v.) to act in a dishonest way in order to gain an advantage, especially in a game, a competition, an exam (3) __________ (v.) to learn or understand sth completely (4) __________ (v.) to behave in a particular way, in order to make other people believe sth that is not true (5) __________ (n.) one of the races or competitions in a sports programme (6) __________ (n.) lack of success in doing or achieving sth (7) __________ (n.) the group of people who have gathered to watch or listen to sth (8) __________ (n.) pressure or worry caused by the problems in sb's life 【学习任务二】词汇巩固 compete, cheating, master, pretending, events, failure, audience, stress Sports play a very valuable role in children’s lives. Children who __________ in a sport will learn how to deal with __________, because even though they work hard to _________ the skills needed for a sport, it does not mean they will always win. Sports also help children see that _________ is foolish. In sports, there is no use __________ to fall down or be hurt, because in the end, the _________ will see through it. Taking part in sports ________ is fun but not always easy, so it helps children learn how to deal with _______, something that everyone must learn to face in life. 【学习任务三】语法强化 Complete the conversation with appropriate tag questions or answers. A: There’s a basketball game at our school this Saturday, __________ B: Yeah, our school is playing against No.2 Senior High School. A: Oh, good! I really want to see our team play. I missed the last game. You went, didn’t you B: Oh, yes, ______! It was a great game. So you’re planning to go this Saturday, __________ Do you want to go together A: Sure! I’d love to. What time shall we meet B: Well, the game starts at 1:00 p.m., so I can come to your home at 12:30 and we can walk to school together. You’ll be coming from home, won’t you A: No, ________. I’ll be at the library all morning studying for that big test on Monday. B: Oh, then why don’t we meet outside the library at 12:15 A: I’ll need to stop at the noodle restaurant and get something to eat before the game. You wouldn’t mind, __________ B: Not at all. I’ve never said no to food, _______ How about meeting at 12:00, going there for lunch together, and then heading to the game A: Sounds great!
M1U3 Sports and Fitness--Assessing Your Progress
学 校:
年 级:高一
学 科:高中英语(人教版)
After this class, you will
1. have a good command of some key words: compete, cheat, master, pretend, event, failure, audience, stress.
2. use tag questions appropriately to complete some conversations.
Activity 1: Review the vocabulary
(1) __________ (v.) to take part in a contest or game
(2) __________ (v.) to act in a dishonest way in order to gain an advantage,
especially in a game, a competition, an exam
(3) __________ (v.) to learn or understand sth completely
(4) __________ (v.) to behave in a particular way, in order to make other
people believe sth that is not true
(5) __________ (n.) one of the races or competitions in a sports programme
(6) __________ (n.) lack of success in doing or achieving sth
(7) __________ (n.) the group of people who have gathered to watch or listen
to sth
(8) __________ (n.) pressure or worry caused by the problems in sb’s life
Use the words in this unit to fill in the blanks according to the English definition
Sports play a very valuable role in children’s lives. Children who __________ in a sport will learn how to deal with __________, because even though they work hard to _________ the skills needed for a sport, it does not mean they will always win. Sports also help children see that _________ is foolish. In sports, there is no use __________ to fall down or be hurt, because in the end, the _________ will see through it. Taking part in sports ________ is fun but not always easy, so it helps children learn how to deal with _______, something that everyone must learn to face in life.
Activity 2: Consolidate the vocabulary
Use the words in Activity 1 to complete the following passage on page 44
compete, cheating, master, pretending, events, failure, audience, stress
Sports play a very valuable role in children’s lives. Children who __________ in a sport will learn how to deal with __________, because even though they work hard to _________ the skills needed for a sport, it does not mean they will always win. Sports also help children see that _________ is foolish. In sports, there is no use __________ to fall down or be hurt, because in the end, the _________ will see through it. Taking part in sports ________ is fun but not always easy, so it helps children learn how to deal with _______, something that everyone must learn to face in life.
Activity 2: Consolidate the vocabulary
Use the words in Activity 1 to complete the following passage on page 44
compete, cheating, master, pretending, events, failure, audience, stress
Key Words and Expressions
(1) compete for 为……而比赛/竞争
compete against/with 与……竞争/比赛
compete in 参加……的比赛
(2) competition n. 竞争;角逐
(3) competitive adj. 竞争的
(4) competitor n. 竞争者
1. cpmpete vi. 竞争;争夺;对抗;比赛
(1)Max will compete ___ a race __________ others ___ the first place.
(2)The two companies are ____ competition with each other.
(3)There’s a lot of __________(compete) between computer companies.
(4)Their prices are better than any of their __________(compete).
Key Words and Expressions
(1)vi. 作弊;舞弊 vt. 欺骗;蒙骗
cheat sb. (out) of sth. 骗取某人某物
cheat sb. into (doing) sth. 哄骗/欺骗某人做某事
catch sb. cheating 抓住某人正在作弊
(2)n. 欺骗手段;骗子
To my disappointment, he turned out to be a cheat.
2.cheat v.& n.
(1) If you are caught ________(cheat)in the exam, you can hardly get away with it.
(2) They _______________________(骗了那个老太太)her money.
(3) He ________________________(骗她相信)him a responsible man.
(4) He is ___________________________(只不过是个骗子).
cheated the old woman of
cheated her into believing
nothing but a cheat
Key Words and Expressions
pretend to do sth. 假装做某事
pretend to be doing sth. 假装正在做某事
pretend to have done 假装做过某事
pretend that+clause 假装……
3. pretend vt. 假装,假作
(1) Don’t pretend ____________(understand) when you don’t.
(2) When his mother came in,he pretended ____________(study).
(3) He pretended ____________(know) the answer to the problem already.
to understand
to be studying
to have known
Key Words and Expressions
end/result in failure 以失败告终
a total/complete failure 一次彻底的失败
one’s failure to do sth 某人未能成功做到……
learn through failure 从失败中学习
heart/kidney/liver failure 心力/肾脏/肝脏衰竭
Failure is the mother of success. 失败乃成功之母
4.failure n. 失败;失败的人/事
He is a success as a scientist, but a failure as a father.
His failure to finish the task on time led to his teacher’s anger.
Key Words and Expressions
be under stress 在压力下
under the stress of ... 在……的压力下
lay/place/put stress on... 强调/重视……
mental stress 精神压力
stress the importance of ... 强调……的重要性
stress (sb.) out (使某人)焦虑不安,疲惫不堪
stressful adj. 压力重的,紧张的(常修饰事物的性质)
stressed adj. 焦虑不安(常修饰人的感受或表情)
5. stress n. 压力 vt. 强调;重读;使焦虑不安 vi. 焦虑不安
(1) Our teacher _____________________________(强调…重要性)cooperation.
(2) Driving in cities really __________________(让人焦虑不安).
(3) It was a particularly ____________(stress) job.
(4) If you feel __________(stress) at work, give yourself an hour to rest.
stressed the importance of
stresses me out
Key Sentence Structures
1. Children who compete in a sport will learn how to deal with failure, because even though they work hard to master the skills needed for a sport, it does not mean they will always win. 参加运动比赛的孩子将学会如何对待失败,因为即使他们努力掌握运动所需要的技能,也并不意味着他们总是会赢。
even though 相当于even if,即使,尽管,引导让步状语从句。
(1) 即使天气很差,也还有好多事情可做。
Even if/though the weather’s awful, there’s lots to do.
(2) 即使你皮肤黝黑,仍需要防晒。
Even if you have dark skin, you still need protection from the sun.
Key Sentence Structures
2. In sports, there is no use pretending to fall down or be hurt....
There is no point in doing sth.……是没有意义的
There is no sense in doing sth.……没有理由/没有好处;
There is no use/good in doing sth…没有好处
There is no harm in doing sth…没有害处
(1) 进一步和他争论是没有意义的。
There is no point in arguing with him further.
(2) 牛奶洒了,哭也无用(后悔是没有用的)。
There is no use crying over spilt milk.
Key Sentence Structures
3.Taking part in sport events is fun but not always easy, so it helps children learn how to deal with stress, something that everyone must learn to face in life.
face sth.=be faced with sth. 面对……
in the face of sth. 面对……
Facing difficulties, we never gave up.
Faced wih difficulties, we never gave up.
Activity 3: Review the grammar
附加疑问词(tag questions),又称反意疑问句,主要用于口语中,其主要作用是说话人向对方验证自己的陈述或者判断,也可以用于祈使句表示请求或者建议。
1. 附加疑问句的组成: 附加疑问句包括陈述部分和疑问部分。附加疑问部分一般由助动词、be动词或情态动词和表示主语的代词构成。
组成 例句
肯定式陈述部分+否定附加疑问部分 You often play badminton, don’t you
You’re going to the gym with me, aren’t you
否定式陈述部分+肯定附加疑问部分 It’s not a real sport, is it
They can’t funish it by Friday, can they
含有否定词的陈述部分+肯定附加疑问部分 Nobody saw him walk into the room, did they
You’ve never been to Paris, have you
祈使句+附加疑问部分 Come along with me, won’t you
Don’t make any noise, will you
Activity 3: Review the grammar
2. 附加疑问句的回答: 附加疑问句的答语与一般疑问句类似,注意其与汉语表达习惯的差异。
(1)A: The 29th Olympic Games were held in Beijing, weren’t they
B1: Yes, they were.
B2: No, they weren’t
(2) A: You can’t cook, can you 你不会做饭,是吗?
B: Yes, I can. I’m good at cooking. 不,我会。我做饭很好。
Activity 4: Consolidate the grammar
Complete the conversation with appropriate tag questions or answers on page 44
A: There’s a basketball game at our school this Saturday, __________
B: Yeah, our school is playing against No.2 Senior High School.
A: Oh, good! I really want to see our team play. I missed the last game. You went, didn’t you
B: Oh, yes, ______! It was a great game. So you’re planning to go this Saturday, __________ Do you want to go together
A: Sure! I’d love to. What time shall we meet
B: Well, the game starts at 1:00 p.m., so I can come to your home at 12:30 and we can walk to school together. You’ll be coming from home, won’t you
A: No, ________. I’ll be at the library all morning studying for that big test on Monday.
B: Oh, then why don’t we meet outside the library at 12:15
A: I’ll need to stop at the noodle restaurant and get something to eat before the game. You wouldn’t mind, __________
B: Not at all. I’ve never said no to food, _______ How about meeting at 12:00, going there for lunch together, and then heading to the game
A: Sounds great!
Activity 4: Consolidate the grammar
Complete the conversation with appropriate tag questions or answers on page 44
A: There’s a basketball game at our school this Saturday, __________
B: Yeah, our school is playing against No.2 Senior High School.
A: Oh, good! I really want to see our team play. I missed the last game. You went, didn’t you
B: Oh, yes, ______! It was a great game. So you’re planning to go this Saturday, __________ Do you want to go together
A: Sure! I’d love to. What time shall we meet
B: Well, the game starts at 1:00 p.m., so I can come to your home at 12:30 and we can walk to school together. You’ll be coming from home, won’t you
A: No, ________. I’ll be at the library all morning studying for that big test on Monday.
isn’t there
I did
aren’t you
I won’t
Activity 4: Consolidate the grammar
Complete the conversation with appropriate tag questions or answers.
B: Oh, then why don’t we meet outside the library at 12:15
A: I’ll need to stop at the noodle restaurant and get something to eat before the game. You wouldn’t mind, __________
B: Not at all. I’ve never said no to food, _______ How about meeting at 12:00, going there for lunch together, and then heading to the game
A: Sounds great!
would you
have I
Act out the conversation with your partner.
Activity 5: Summary
1.play a ... role in
2. deal with
3. even though
4. master skills
5. there is no use doing sth.
6. in the end
7. see through
8. take part in sports events
9. play against
10.How about doing......
11.head to
12.act out
13.in one’s opinion
14. spoken English
15. written English
1. Review what we have learned.
2. Practise some important language points.
3. Finish the exercises
学科 英语 年级 高一 学期 秋季
课题 M1U3 Sports and Fitness--Assessing Your Progress
教科书 书 名:英语必修第一册教材 出版社:人民教育出版社
一.完成下列反意疑问句, 一空一词: 1.We must go at once, ___________ 2.My uncle used to smoke, ___________ 3.She must be a music lover, ___________ 4.You need to have a good dictionary, ___________ 5.Let us do the jobs ourselves, ___________ 6.There used to be an old stone bridge across the river, ___________ 7.Please turn down the radio, ___________ 8.There were few people there, ___________ 9.If anybody comes here, he will be welcome, ___________ 10.You must have seen her yesterday, ___________ 二、把下列各句改成反意疑问句: 11.I think he is right. ______________________________________________________________________________ 12.I don’t think you're seriously ill. ______________________________________________________________________________ 13.I don’t suppose they will be back soon. ______________________________________________________________________________ 14.Don’t do such a job. ______________________________________________________________________________ 15.You needn’t do that when your daughter is here. ______________________________________________________________________________ 16.What you need is more practice. ______________________________________________________________________________ 17.He says that it is really true. ______________________________________________________________________________ 18.He dared to ask the teacher many questions. ______________________________________________________________________________ 19.That is an honest girl ______________________________________________________________________________ 20.Tom hasn’t much time to spare. ______________________________________________________________________________ 参考答案 一、1.needn’t we 2.didn’t he 3.isn’t she 4.don’t you 5.will you 6.didn’t there 7.will you/won’t you 8. were there 9.won’t he 10.didn’t you 二、11.I think he is right, isn’t he 12.I don’t think you're seriously ill, are you 13.I don’t suppose they will be back soon, will they 14.Don’t do such a job, will you 15.You needn’t do that when your daughter is here, need you 16.What you need is more practice, isn’t it 17.He says that it is really true, doesn’t he 18.He dared to ask the teacher many questions, didn’t he 19.That is an honest girl, isn’t it 20.Tom hasn’t much time to spare, has he 教学设计
学科 英语 年级 高一 学期 秋季
课题 M1U3 Sports and Fitness--Assessing Your Progress
教科书 书 名:英语必修第一册教材 出版社:人民教育出版社
1. have a good command of some key words: compete, cheat, master, pretend, event, failure, audience, stress. 2. use tag questions appropriately to complete some conversations.
教学重点: Some key words and their usages:compete, cheat, master, pretend, event, failure, audience, stress Grammar-tag questions and its usages 教学难点: use the language points and grammar in appropriate context
Activity 1: Review the vocabulary Use the words in this unit to fill in the blanks according to the English definition (1) __________ (v.) to take part in a contest or game (2) __________ (v.) to act in a dishonest way in order to gain an advantage, especially in a game, a competition, an exam (3) __________ (v.) to learn or understand sth completely (4) __________ (v.) to behave in a particular way, in order to make other people believe sth that is not true (5) __________ (n.) one of the races or competitions in a sports programme (6) __________ (n.) lack of success in doing or achieving sth (7) __________ (n.) the group of people who have gathered to watch or listen to sth (8) __________ (n.) pressure or worry caused by the problems in sb's life Activity 2: Consolidate the vocabulary compete, cheating, master, pretending, events, failure, audience, stress Sports play a very valuable role in children’s lives. Children who __________ in a sport will learn how to deal with __________, because even though they work hard to _________ the skills needed for a sport, it does not mean they will always win. Sports also help children see that _________ is foolish. In sports, there is no use __________ to fall down or be hurt, because in the end, the _________ will see through it. Taking part in sports ________ is fun but not always easy, so it helps children learn how to deal with _______, something that everyone must learn to face in life. Activity 3: Review the grammar 附加疑问词(tag questions),又称反意疑问句,主要用于口语中,其主要作用是说话人向对方验证自己的陈述或者判断,也可以用于祈使句表示请求或者建议。 附加疑问句的组成: 附加疑问句包括陈述部分和疑问部分。附加疑问部分一般由助动词、be动词或情态动词和表示主语的代词构成。 附加疑问句的回答: 附加疑问句的答语与一般疑问句类似,注意其与汉语表达习惯的差异。 Activity 4: Consolidate the grammar Complete the conversation with appropriate tag questions or answers. A: There’s a basketball game at our school this Saturday, __________ B: Yeah, our school is playing against No.2 Senior High School. A: Oh, good! I really want to see our team play. I missed the last game. You went, didn’t you B: Oh, yes, ______! It was a great game. So you’re planning to go this Saturday, __________ Do you want to go together A: Sure! I’d love to. What time shall we meet B: Well, the game starts at 1:00 p.m., so I can come to your home at 12:30 and we can walk to school together. You’ll be coming from home, won’t you A: No, ________. I’ll be at the library all morning studying for that big test on Monday. B: Oh, then why don’t we meet outside the library at 12:15 A: I’ll need to stop at the noodle restaurant and get something to eat before the game. You wouldn’t mind, __________ B: Not at all. I’ve never said no to food, _______ How about meeting at 12:00, going there for lunch together, and then heading to the game A: Sounds great! Activity 5: quiz on phrases 在.......中起.......作用 处理;应对 即使,尽管 掌握技能 做某事没有用 最终,最后 识破;看破;看穿 参加体育活动 与.......打比赛 做某事怎么样? 前往 将.......表演出来 在某人看来 英语口语 英语书面表达 Homework: 1. Review what we have learned. 2. Practise some important language points. 3. finish the exercises