Unit4 Natural disasters Reading and Thinking课件(共16页)+学习任务单+教学设计+课后练习


名称 Unit4 Natural disasters Reading and Thinking课件(共16页)+学习任务单+教学设计+课后练习
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-10-04 20:28:10


学科 高中英语 年级 高一 学期 秋季
课题 Unit 4 Natural Disasters--Reading and Thinking
教科书 书 名:新人教版高中英语教材 出版社:人民教育出版社 出版日期:2022年06月
1. By the end of class, the students will be able to predict the content of the passage according to the title and the given pictures; 2. By the end of class, the students will be able to judge the type of the passage and sort out the basic structure; 3. By the end of class, the students will be able to learn the phenomena before the earthquake, the consequence of the earthquake and the reconstruction measures after the earthquake; 4. By the end of class, the students will be able to promote the value of unity and hope.
Read the passage and clear the vocabulary barrier.
【学习任务一】 Task: Brainstorm The teacher asks the students to think about what will happen to a city during a big earthquake. 【学习任务二】 Task: Prediction The teacher asks the students to look at the title and photo below to guess what the text is about. 【学习任务三】 Task: Skimming Activity1: What’s the type of this text The teacher asks the students to choose which type the essay belongs to. Activity2: What’s the main idea of the passage The teacher asks the students to fill the blanks about the main idea of the passage. 【学习任务四】 Task: Scanning Activity1: Summarize the general idea of each paragraph. The teacher asks the students to read the passage then summarize the general idea of each paragraph. Activity2: Summarize the main idea of each part. The teacher asks the students how many parts can this passage be divided into then Summarize the general idea of each paragraph. 【学习任务五】 Task:Detailed reading Activity1: Read part 1 and fill in blanks. The teacher asks the students to read part 1 and fill in blanks. Activity2: Read part 2 and finish the chart. The teacher asks the students to read part 2 and finish the chart. Activity3: Read part 3, raise and answer questions. The teacher asks the students to read part 3, then answer the following questions. 【学习任务六】 Task: Further thinking Activity:Emotional changes The teacher asks the students to read the passage then summarize the emotional changes of Tangshan’s people 【学习任务七】 Task: Group discussion The teacher asks the students to discuss what can we do during the earthquake to reduce damage 【学习任务八】 Task: Make a mind map of the passage. The teacher asks the students to make a mind map of the passage.
学科 高中英语 年级 高一 学期 秋季
课题 Unit 4 Natural Disasters--Reading and Thinking
教科书 书 名:新人教版高中英语教材 出版社:人民教育出版社 出版日期:2022年06月
Compulsory: Review the mind map and retell the story. Optional: Make a poster about What should we do if an earthquake happens and share it next class. Reference version: Compulsory: Optional:
Summary--Make a mind map of the passage.
Water rose and fell
Well walls had deep cracks.
Chickens and pigs too neryous to eat
Dogs refused to go inside.
Mice ran out,looking for places to hide
were asleep as usual that night.
A huge crack:8 kms long and 30ms wide.
In less than 1 minute,a large city lay in ruins
75%factories and buildings,90%homes,all the hospitals were gone.
Bricks covered the ground like red autumn.leaves
Bridges had fallen or were not safe to cross.
Railway tracks were useless pieces of metals.
A large number of animals were dead.
Thousands of children were left without parent
Many people get injured or dead
Soldiers dug out those who were trapped and to bury the dead.
Workers built
shelters for survivors.
Government strongly support the city
People made tireless efforts for its revival.(共16张PPT)
Unit 4 Natural Disasters
学 校:
年 级:高一
学 科:高中英语(人教版)
Reading and Thinking
Learning Objectives
By the end of the class, the students will be able to:
1. predict the content of the passage according to the title and the
given pictures;
2. judge the type of the passage and sort out the basic structure;
3. learn the phenomena before the earthquake, the consequence
of the earthquake and the reconstruction measures after the earthquake;
4. promote the value of unity and hope.
What will happen to a city during a big earthquake
Thousands of buildings will ____________________.
Many people will be ______ or ____________.
fall down
/be destroyed
badly injured
Look at the title and photo below to guess what the text is about.
The Night the Earth Didn’t Sleep
A big earthquake that happened at night and caused great damage.
While reading---Task 1 Skimming for the type and main idea.
2.What’s the main idea of the passage
The passage mainly talks about a/an___________(what) that happened in _______(where) at ________________ (when).
3:42 a.m. on 28 July 1976
1.What’s the type of this text
A. a news report
B. a documentary literature report(纪实性文学报道)
C. a novel
A hybrid genre that employs literary storytelling techniques to report on real-world events.
Task 2 Scanning for general idea of each paragraph.
The first and last sentences of each paragragh usually give us the main idea.
The earthquake struck Tangshan, causing death and injuries.
Help came soon after the quakes.
The earthquake caused unbelievable damage to Tangshan.
Tangshan came back to life again.
Warning signs before the earthquake.
How many parts can this passage be divided into
Task 3 Summarize the main idea of each part.
Part 2: During the earthquake
Part 3: After the earthquake.
Part 1: Before the earthquake
Time order
Task 4 Detailed reading--Read part 1 and fill in blanks.
___________ in the sky
chickens & pigs were______________
mice ran out________________
________ in the well walls
_________ from it.
bright lights
deep cracks
smelly gas
too nervous to eat
looking for places to hide
dogs ____________ ____
refused to go inside building
fish____ ____________
jumped out of the water
bright ligth__________and loud noise __________
were seen
were heard
Task 4 Detailed reading--Read part 2 and finish the chart.
At _______, everything began to shake.
__kilometers directly below, …damage more than ___kilometers…
____of the nation felt the earthquake.
A huge crack that was __ kilometres long and__ metres wide cut ...
In less than__minute, a large city lay in ruins.
3:42 a.m.
____of the people died or were injured during the earthquake.
_________of children were left without parents.
The number of people who were ….reached more than _______.
About ____ of the city’s factories and buildings, ____of its
homes and all of its hospitals were gone.
_________________of cows ,____________________ of pigs,
and _____________chickens were dead.
Tens of thousands
hundreds of thousands
millions of
Why does the writer use so many numbers
Why does the writer use so many numbers
1. to show the earthquake was very serious and it caused a lot of
damage to people and the city.
2. to make the article more convincing and shocking.
Task 4 Detailed reading--Read part 2 and finish the chart.
Task 4 Detailed reading--Read part 3 ,raise and answer questions.
1.Who came to the rescue
2.How to understand “The city began to breathe again”
3.What shows the revival of Tangshan
Soldiers, doctors, nurses and workers came to help.
Because help came quickly, and the city began to return to normal.
The new city has become a home to more than seven million people, with great improvements in transportation, industry and environment.
Task 5 Further thinking
What contributed to the revival of Tangshan city
tireless efforts of the city's people
strong support from the government
various help from the whole nation
Task 5 Further thinking
Emotional changes of Tangshan’s people
Post-reading--Group discussion
what can we do during the earthquake to reduce damage
Please discuss with your group members.
If possible, run outside.
Protect our head by putting our bag on our head.
Keep calm and hide under the table.
Summary--Make a mind map of the passage.
Part2. During
Part3. After
Water _____________
Well walls had deep cracks..
Dogs refused to go inside..
Mice ___________.
were asleep as usual that night.
Soldiers dug out those who were trapped and ______ the dead.
People made tireless efforts for its revival.
Workers ________ shelters for survivors.
Railway tracks were ________ pieces of metals.
75% factories and buildings, 90%homes,all the hospitals were gone.
A huge crack:8 kms long and 30ms wide.
Bridges had fallen or were not safe to cross.
Thousands of children were left without _________.
Chickens and pigs __________.______.
Bricks covered the ground like __________.
In less than 1 minute, ____________.
A large number of animals were dead.
Many people get injured or dead .
Government strongly support the city.
rose and fell
too nervous to eat
ran out,looking for places to hide
a large city lay in ruins
red autumn leaves
to bury
When facing natural disasters, maybe we are so powerless. But we need to hold the firm belief that our country will never give up on us, and unity can overcome everything.
In the meantime, all of us really need to arouse our awareness of disaster prevention!
Review the mind map and retell the story.
Make a poster about What should we do if an earthquake happens and share it next class.
thank you教学设计
学科 高中英语 年级 高一 学期 秋季
课题 Unit 4 Natural Disasters--Reading and Thinking
教科书 书 名:新人教版高中英语教材 出版社:人民教育出版社 出版日期:2022年06月
1. By the end of class, the students will be able to predict the content of the passage according to the title and the given pictures; 2. By the end of class, the students will be able to judge the type of the passage and sort out the basic structure; 3. By the end of class, the students will be able to learn the phenomena before the earthquake, the consequence of the earthquake and the reconstruction measures after the earthquake; 4. By the end of class, the students will be able to promote the value of unity and hope.
教学重点: 1.The master of some key words and phrases.
2.The understanding of the structure and the content of the passage.
教学难点: 1.The improvement of reading ability.
2.The understanding of the value of unity and hope.
Step Ⅰ Lead-in Task: Brainstorm The teacher asks the students to think about what will happen to a city during a big earthquake. Step Ⅱ Pre-reading Task: Prediction The teacher asks the students to look at the title and photo below to guess what the text is about. Step Ⅲ While-reading Task1: Skimming Activity1: What’s the type of this text The teacher asks the students to choose which type the essay belongs to. Activity2: What’s the main idea of the passage The teacher asks the students to fill the blanks about the main idea of the passage. Task2: Scanning Activity1: Summarize the general idea of each paragraph. The teacher asks the students to read the passage then summarize the general idea of each paragraph. Activity2: Summarize the main idea of each part. The teacher asks the students how many parts can this passage be divided into then Summarize the general idea of each paragraph. Task3&4:Detailed reading Activity1: Read part 1 and fill in blanks. The teacher asks the students to read part 1 and fill in blanks. Activity2: Read part 2 and finish the chart. The teacher asks the students to read part 2 and finish the chart. Activity3: Read part 3, raise and answer questions. The teacher asks the students to read part 3, then answer the following questions. Task5: Further thinking Activity:Emotional changes The teacher asks the students to read the passage then summarize the emotional changes of Tangshan’s people Step Ⅳ Post-reading Task: Group discussion The teacher asks the students to discuss what can we do during the earthquake to reduce damage Step Ⅴ Summary Task: Make a mind map of the passage. The teacher asks the students to make a mind map of the passage. Step Ⅵ Homework Compulsory: Review the mind map and retell the story. Optional: Make a poster about What should we do if an earthquake happens and share it next class.