Unit 4 Natural disaster Project课件(共15张PPT+学习任务单+教学设计+课后练习)


名称 Unit 4 Natural disaster Project课件(共15张PPT+学习任务单+教学设计+课后练习)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-10-04 21:13:25


学科 英语 年级 高一 学期 秋季
课题 UNIT 4 NATURAL DISASTERS *Project: Give a presentation on natural disasters
教科书 书 名:高中英语必修第一册 出版社:人民教育出版社 出版日期:2022年6月
After this class, you will be able to: 1.activate the knowledge about the earthquake in this unit, especially the structure of the text, the function of figures and figure of speech. 2.figure out the causes, possible effects and safety measures of a natural disaster to create a plan to prepare for a natural disaster. 3.give a presentation of a natural disaster based on the steps of Brainstorm -Research -Organise -Present. 4.connect students’ cognition and awareness of reducing mortality by making the presentation.
Prepare an A4 sheet, and you are going to make a presentation on it. Review the structure and the language characteristics of a presentation (Page 50 The Night the Earth didn’t Sleep). (1) A presentation may include ____________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________. (2) The language characteristics of a presentation are as follows: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. 3. Read the following introductions of some natural disasters and learn some relative expressions. What is a Natural Disaster A natural disaster is an event with a natural, as opposed to human, cause that results in large-scale loss of life or damage to property. It could be related to weather, geology, biology or even factors outside the Earth. Examples are earthquakes, hurricanes, droughts and flooding. Weather and Climate The planet’s weather produces disasters on a fairly regular basis. Hurricanes are among the most prominent natural disasters, occurring quite frequently in the warmer parts of the world. They begin as low-pressure areas over warm oceans and grow into giant storms, hundreds of miles in diameter, that persist for several days. Their paths are fairly predictable, which gives forewarning to areas likely to be affected. Even so, they can cause substantial loss of life and millions of dollars of damage. Tornadoes cover much smaller areas and may only last for a few minutes, but during that time they can cause devastation, due to the extremely high wind speeds. In the worst category of tornado, the winds can reach 300 mph (482.8 km/h). This is enough to completely destroy brick buildings and hurl automobiles through the air. Much less spectacular, but much deadlier, are droughts. Many people living in drier parts of the world often rely on seasonal rainfall to grow crops. From time to time, however, the rains fail to arrive. Prolonged(持续的) lack of rainfall leads to crop failure, starvation and malnutrition(营养不良), claiming millions of lives in some cases. Excessive rainfall can cause flooding, which may result in large numbers of people losing their homes, crops being ruined or rivers bursting their banks and causing death and destruction. Flooding often results from the heavy rain that accompanies hurricanes, compounding the damage. Prolonged heavy rain can also cause disastrous landslides and mudslides. Geological Disasters Earthquakes are among the most destructive natural disasters. They occur at or near fault(断层) lines: cracks in the Earth’s crust(地壳) that mark the boundary between two different sections. When these sections move relative to one another, the resulting vibration(震动)produces an earthquake. Although old fault lines can occasionally produce small earthquakes, the most destructive ones occur in geologically active areas, near the boundaries of continental plates. When an earthquake happens under the ocean, it may produce a tsunami, or huge wave, that travels rapidly outwards from its source. A tsunami can cause massive destruction to coastlines hundreds of miles away. These enormous waves can also be produced by landslides. Volcanoes are related to earthquakes in that they occur in geologically active zones around plate boundaries. In these areas, magma, under pressure, is close to the surface and can erupt as lava. Much of the death and destruction from this kind of natural disaster results from volcanic ash, which can fill the air, making breathing impossible, and accumulate on rooftops, causing buildings to collapse under the weight. Pyroclastic flow is another major hazard(危险) associated with some volcanic eruptions. This consists of a mixture of hot gas, ash and rock fragments racing at high speed from the source of the eruption and destroying everything in its path.
【学习任务一】Sorting out natural disasters
Look at the pictures and answer the questions: What natural disasters are they How many types of natural disasters are there ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.【学习任务二】Brainstorming a topic
Choose earthquake as an example and brainstorm answers to the questions. Understand the disaster Are there any known causes of the disaster What can be done to prevent it Prepare for the disaster What are the possible effects of the disaster What can be done to prepare for it In the event of a disaster What can you do to stay safe during the disaster What kind of help do survivors need 【学习任务三】Researching more information Watch a video and take notes. ______________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________.
【学习任务四】Organising the presentation What kinds of information would you like to report in your project _____________________________________________________________________________. What can make your presentation more attractive and more believable _____________________________________________________________________________. 【学习任务五】Presenting your work TIPS_________________________________________________________________________. 【学习任务六】Having a try Take out the A4 sheet, draft(草拟) a presentation and beautify it. Assess the presentation by following the steps below. NumbersItemsScore1Start with a hook(20 points) (vivid)2Use clear and logical contents (20 points) (logical)3Use visual aids(20 points) (impressive)4Use proper writing techniques(20 points) (objective& clear )5Show good presentation skills(20 points) (wonderful)Total score:
Natural disasters:(共15张PPT)
*Project: Give a presentation on natural disasters
学 校:
年 级:高一
学 科:英语(人教版)
Activity 1: Sorting out natural disasters
What natural disasters are they
How many types of natural disasters are there
volcanic eruption
1.Geological disasters
2.Meteorological(气象的) disasters
3.Ocean disasters
4.Ecological environmental
Look at the pictures and answer the questions.
Activity 2: Brainstorming a topic
Understand the disaster
Are there any known causes of the disaster
What can be done to prevent it
Prepare for the disaster
What are the possible effects of the disaster
What can be done to prepare for it
In the event of a disaster
What can you do to stay safe during the disaster
What kind of help do survivors need
Activity 2: Brainstorming a topic
Understand the disaster
Are there any known causes of the disaster
What can be done to prevent it
Prepare for the disaster
What are the possible effects of the disaster
What can be done to prepare for it
In the event of a disaster
What can you do to stay safe during the disaster
What kind of help do survivors need
Tectonic(地壳构造的) plate shifting.
Many people were killed or injured. The city was greatly affected and nearly destroyed.
The rescue work began soon after the quakes.With strong support from the government and the city’s people, the new city of Tangshan was built.
Rescue work
Activity 3: Researching more information
Watch a video and take notes to get the key points of the two questions.
Activity 3: Researching more information
Before an earthquake
Prepare a survival kit(some basic supplies).
Secure(固定) heavy items that could pose a hazard(伤害).
Have a plan and practice for what you will do when there is an earthquake .
Activity 3: Researching more information
During an earthquake(follow your plan calmly)
Drop to the floor, get under a desk or table & cover your head and neck with your hands and arms.
Avoid windows and elevators.
Stay away from trees, power lines and anything that could fall.
If driving, pull over, stop and stay there until the shaking ends.
Don’t forget to keep an eye on and help the vulnerable(脆弱的).
Activity 3: Researching more information
Before an earthquake
During an earthquake
Safety measures:
What we can do before, during and
after the disaster(rescue work).
Activity 4: Organising the presentation
What kinds of information would you like to report in your project to help people learn natural disasters clearly and impressively
What can make your presentation more attractive and more believable
Safety measures
Figures (objective)
Figure of speech(修辞)
A “hook”( a fact to catch attention)
Clear & simple contents(3 main points)
Visual aids
Writing techniques

Attributive clauses
Earthquake: powerful
suffering of people: extreme
loss of life: great
rescue work: effcient
Activity 5: Presenting your work
safety measures
A “hook”
Clear and simple contents
Visual aids
Writing techniques

Figure of speech
Attributive clauses“__”
Activity 6: Having a try
Focus on one of the natural disasters. Brainstorm the causes, effects and safety measures, research the unknown, organise the information and present it.
Activity 6: Having a try
safety measures
A “hook”
Clear and simple contents
Visual aids
Writing techniques

Figure of speech
Attributive clauses“___”
A wonderful job
Activity 6: Having a try
Numbers Items Score
1 Start with a hook(20 points) (vivid)
2 Use clear and simple contents(20 points) (logical)
3 Use proper writing techniques (20 points) (impressive)
4 Use visual aids (20 points) (objective& clear )
5 Show good presentation skills(20 points) (wonderful)
Total score: Please assess your presentation by following the steps below.
1.Gather more information through some websites/searching engines, some apps, professional books, etc. and then discuss with your group and beautify your work to perfect it.
2.Make a poster or an announcement as you like to present your work.
In this class, we have:
1. known the basic steps of giving a presentation: brainstorm, research, organise and present.
2. crafted and given a presentation based on one disaster by using a “hook”, clear and simple contents and visual aids.作业练习
学科 英语 年级 高一 学期 秋季
课题 UNIT 4 NATURAL DISASTERS *Project: Give a presentation on natural disasters
教科书 书 名:高中英语必修第一册 出版社:人民教育出版社 出版日期:2022年6月
Assignment: 1.Gather more information through some websites/searching engines, some apps, professional books, etc. and then discuss with your group and beautify your work to perfect it. 2.Make a poster or an announcement as you like to present your work. Possible version: On July 3rd and 4th, 2023, in the Wanzhou district of southwest China’s Chongqing, the torrential [t ren l](倾盆的) rains and the flood they triggered have left 17 people dead and two others missing in the district. Causes: Apart from the heavy rains, Chongqing is a mountainous area. Effects: It seemed as if the world had been covered with water. people killed17missing2disruptedmore than 130,000 in Chongqingcropsdamagedover 7,500 hectares
Safety measures: Before the flood, we can prepare an emergency kit with a battery-operated radio, a torch, spare batteries and a first aid kit. Prepare some basic supplies, including food and water, unplug electrical appliances, leave early and move to higher ground. During the flood, remember not to touch electrical equipment. We can carry bottled water, use a stick and the bug spray. In fact, it’s a good idea to check the firmness of the ground you are about to walk on, and bugs breed very quickly in the still water left over after flooding. After the flood, we can disinfect anything that was in contact with flood waters. Most importantly, we, Chinese, are ready to help people in need both physically and mentally and wait for the city to breathe again. Remember: If trapped, wait for the rescue!教学设计
学科 英语 年级 高一 学期 秋季
课题 UNIT 4 NATURAL DISASTERS *Project: Give a presentation on natural disasters
教科书 书 名:高中英语必修第一册 出版社:人民教育出版社 出版日期:2022年6月
After this class, students will be able to: 1.activate the knowledge about the earthquake in this unit, especially the structure of the text, the function of figures and figure of speech. 2.figure out the causes, possible effects and safety measures of a natural disaster. 3.give a presentation of a natural disaster based on the steps of Brainstorm -Research -Organise -Present. 4.connect cognition and awareness of reducing mortality by making the presentation.
教学重点: 1.Enable students to figure out the causes, possible effects and safety measures of a natural disaster. 2.Enable students to give a presentation of a natural disaster based on the steps of Brainstorm -Research -Organise -Present. 教学难点: 1.How to enable students to give a presentation of a natural disaster based on the steps of Brainstorm -Research -Organise -Present. 2.How to enable students to connect their cognition and awareness of reducing mortality by making a presentation.
Activity 1: Sorting out natural disasters Look at the pictures and answer the questions: What natural disasters are they How many types of natural disasters are there 1.Geological disaster(earthquake, landslide, snowslide, mudslide, volcanic eruption) 2.meteorological disaster(typhoon, hurricane,tornado, drought, flood, sandstorm) 3.ocean disaster(tsunami) 4.ecological environmental disaster(wildfire) Activity 2: Brainstorming a topic Choose earthquake as an example and brainstorm answers to the questions. In the face of nature, mankind seems quite powerless. We cannot stop natural disasters, but we can arm ourselves with knowledge. Since we have learnt The Night the Earth didn’t Sleep, we can brainstorm answers to the questions on earthquake. Understand the disaster Are there any known causes of the disaster What can be done to prevent it Prepare for the disaster What are the possible effects of the disaster What can be done to prepare for it In the event of a disaster What can you do to stay safe during the disaster What kind of help do survivors need Answer the questions which students know the answers to. 3.Figure out the questions which students do you not know the answers to. What can be done to prepare for it What can you do to stay safe during the disaster Activity 3: Researching more information 1.Watch a video and take bine what students have written down with what they have learnt, and then share their ideas. 2.The definition of safety measures. Activity 4: Organising the presentation 1.Figure out the information students would like to report in their project. The causes, possible effects and safety measures. 2.Think about the question to perfect the presentation. Q: What can make your presentation more attractive and more believable TIPS: ①A “hook”. ②Clear and simple contents including 3 main points (causes, effects and safety measures) and writing techniques (figures, figure of speech and attributive clauses) .③ visual aids. Activity 5: Presenting your work An example to consolidate the tips. Activity 6: Having a try 1.Focus on one of the natural disasters. Brainstorm the causes, effects and safety measures, research the unknown, organise the information and present it. 2.Appreciate one group’s work. 3.Assess the presentation by following the steps below. NumbersItemsScore1Start with a hook(20 points) (vivid)2Use clear and logical contents (20 points) (logical)3Use visual aids(20 points) (impressive)4Use proper writing techniques(20 points) (objective& clear )5Show good presentation skills(20 points) (wonderful)Total score:
Assignment: 1.Gather more information through some websites/searching engines, some apps, professional books, etc. and then discuss with your group and beautify your work to perfect it. 2.Make a poster or an announcement as you like to present your work. Conclusion In this class, we have: 1.known the basic steps of give a presentation: brainstorm, research, organise and present. 2.crafted and given a presentation based on one natural disaster by using a “hook”, clear and simple contents and visual aids.