Unit 5 Languages Around The World Reading and Thinking课件(共18张PPT+学习任务单+课后练习+教学设计)


名称 Unit 5 Languages Around The World Reading and Thinking课件(共18张PPT+学习任务单+课后练习+教学设计)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-10-04 21:58:46


学科 英语 年级 高一 学期 秋季
课题 Unit 5 Language around the World:Reading and Thinking
教科书 书 名:人教版 出版社:人民教育出版社 出版日期:2022年
In this class,you will 1. sort out the specific information about the Chinese character writing system, explore the important value of Chinese characters, and summarize and integrate the relevant information through skimming; 2. form the correct cultural values and establish the sense of social responsibility for inheriting Chinese civilization and spreading Chinese culture.
一、 词汇预习 夯实基础 1. 体系;制度;系统 2. 即使;尽管 3. 因素;要素 4. 骨头;骨质 5. 壳;壳状物 6. 雕刻 7. 王朝;朝代 8. 地方话;方言 9. 方法;途径 10. 经典作品;名著 11. 尊重;关注 12. 文字;符号;角色;品质 13. 公共事务;事件 二、短语互译 1. point of view 2.指的是 3. relate to 4.追溯到 5. up and down 6.不论...;不管... 三、阅读课文 深度预习 完成句子: 1.中国以其古代的文明而闻名,尽管历史上有过许多兴衰,但其文明一直延续到现代。 China is wildly known for its ancient which has continued all the way through into , the many in its history. 2.它可以追溯到数千年前使用龙骨的时期,古代中国人在动物的骨头和壳上面雕刻符号。 It several thousand years the use of longgu---animal and on which were by ancient Chinese people
课中案 Activity 1: Q1: How do modern people learn about the history of the past Q2: What are the Chinese characters Activity 2: Predicting the content Q1: What is the topic of the text Activity 3: Read Para.1 to get the main idea Can you paraphrase this paragraph Activity 4: Read Para. 2-5 Q1: How does the writer organise the text Q2: Why was the unified writing system important for unifying country Q2: What writing skill does the writer use to stress Qinshihuang’s contribution Q3: What is the Chinese writing system’s function in Para.4 Q4: The “connecting” functions of the Chinese writing system in Para. 5&6 Activity 5: Discussion How can we take full advantage of the functions of the Chinese writing system Activity 6: Homework How can we take full advantage of the functions of the Chinese writing system Choose one of the functions to give a specific example,please write a short passage .
课本教程 辅助练习册 作业练习(共18张PPT)
Unit 5 Reading and Thinking
Language around the World
学 校:永康市第二中学
年 级:高一年级
学 科:英语(人教版)
Unit 5 Language around the World:Reading and Thinking
学 校:
年 级:高一年级
学 科:英语(人教版)
Learning objectives
In this class,you will
1. sort out the specific information about the Chinese character writing system, explore the important value of Chinese characters, and summarize and integrate the relevant information through skimming;
2. form the correct cultural values and establish the sense of social responsibility for inheriting Chinese civilization and spreading Chinese culture.
Warm up
1.How do modern people learn about the history of the past
2.What are the Chinese characters

What is the topic of the text
China is widely known for its ancient civilisation which has continued all the way through intomodern times, despite the many ups and downs in its history. There are many reasons why this has been possible, but one of the main factors has been the Chinese writing system.
Can you paraphrase this paragraph
The Chinese writing system has been very important to the survival of Chinese civilisation.
How does the writer organise the text
Time order.
several thousand years ago
the Shang Dynasty
over the years
the Qin Dynasty
The development of the Chinese writing system
How does the writer organise the text
Time order.
Sort out the structure of the text and complete the structure chart
The importance of the Chinese writing system to the survival of the Chinese civilisation.
The development of the Chinese writing system.
Written Chinese :connecting the past and the present;connecting language and art.
The role of the Chinese writing system in Chinese culture today.
several thousand years ago
the Shang Dynasty
over the years
the Qin Dynasty
The development of the Chinese writing system
picture-based symbols carved on longgu
well-developed writing system
different forms
Q1: Why was the unified writing system important for unifying country
developed in one direction(Emperor Qinshihuang united)
Because it unites people in different places,making them able to communicate in writing.
What led to the different forms of the Chinese writing system
It was a time when people were divided geographically,leading to many varieties of dialects and characters.
several thousand years ago
the Shang Dynasty
over the years
the Qin Dynasty
The development of the Chinese writing system
picture-based symbols carved on longgu
well-developed writing system
different forms
What writing skill does the writer use to stress Qinshihuang’s contribution
developed in one direction(Emperor Qinshihuang united)
Q2: Why do people have no difficulty in communicating with each other in writing
Emperor Qinshihuang united the seven major states into one unified country.
Para. 2
several thousand years ago
Para. 3
the Shang Dynasty
Para. 3
over the years
Para. 4
the Qin Dynasty
Para. 5&6
The development of the Chinese writing system
picture-based symbols carved on longgu
well-developed writing system
different forms
Q3: What is the Chinese writing system’s function in Para.4
developed in one direction(Emperor Qinshihuang united)
It connects people and culture.
Para. 2
several thousand years ago
Para. 3
the Shang Dynasty
Para. 3
over the years
Para. 4
the Qin Dynasty
Para. 5&6
The development of the Chinese writing system
picture-based symbols carved on longgu
well-developed writing system
different forms
Q4: The “connecting” functions of the Chinese writing system in Para. 5&6
developed in one direction(Emperor Qinshihuang united)
It connects the present and the past.
used in communication
(art form,cultural communication)
It connects language/characters and art.
It connects China and the world.
Why do we learn Chinese calligraphy
Because it is a beautiful art form,through which we can learn more about Chinese culture.
The “connecting” functions of the Chinese writing system
connect the past and the present
connect people with culture
connect characters/language with art
connect China with the world
Q1: What is the relationship between the Chinese writing system and Chinese culture
Q2: Judging by these sentences,what is the writer’s opinion of the Chinese writing system
The Chinese writing system has helped Chinese culture develop.
For example, China is widely known for its ancient civilisation which has continued all the way through into morden times.
That writing system was of great importance in uniting the Chinese people and culture.
Evan today,no matter where Chinese people live or what dialect they speak,they can all still communicate in writing.
Today,the Chinese writing system is still an important part of Chinese culture.
The writer thinks the Chinese writing system is very important to Chinese culture.
How can we take full advantage of the functions of the Chinese writing system
connect the past and the present
connect people with culture
connect characters/language with art
connect China with the world
Possible version
The Chinese writing system has managed to survive throughout the five thousand years of China's history. As it has lasted into modern times, it is able to connect China's past with its present. From my perspective, it is also possible for the Chinese writing system to help connect China with other countries. As we know, Chinese is one of the UN's official languages. It is a first or second language in Southeast Asian countries like Singapore, and it is used in Chinese communities all over the world. Now, more and more foreigners are becoming interested in Chinese culture, with Chinese calligraphy being a marvelous example. Written Chinese is a language with a rich history. In fact, some ancient symbols can still be seen in today's hanzi. Foreigners are able to learn more about China and appreciate its culture through studying its amazing language.
To put it simply, the Chinese writing system is an important means by which China can connect with other countries.
connect the past and the present
connect people with culture
connect characters/language with art
connect China with the world
How can we take full advantage of the functions of the Chinese writing system
Choose one of the functions to give a specific example,please write a short passage .
学科 英语 年级 高一 学期 秋季
课题 Unit 5 Language around the World:Reading and Thinking
教科书 书 名:人教版 出版社:人民教育出版社 出版日期:2022年
一.根据课文填空 Written Chinese has also become 1._______ important means 2._______ which China's present is connected with its past. People in modern times can read the c_______ works which 3._______(write) by Chinese in a_______ times. The high r_______ for the Chinese writing s_______ can 4._______(see) in the development of Chinese characters as an art form, 5._______(know) as Chinese c_______, 6._______ has become an important part of Chinese culture. Today, the Chinese writing system is still an important part of Chinese culture. 7._______ China plays a greater role in 8._______(globe) affairs, 9._______ increasing number of international students are beginning to a_______ China's culture and history 10._______ this amazing language. 二.根据短语填空 From my point of view, in spite of, by means of..., ups and downs, relate to, no matter..., refer to, regard … as …, be equal to, date back to/date from, in demand
______________ the dictionary when you don't know how to spell a word. He always did well at school __________________ doing part-time jobs every now and then. When life gets hard and you want to give up, remember that life is full of ____________________, and without the downs, the ups would mean nothing. My family has a vase ____________________ the Ming Dynasty. ____________________ a serious problem you may have, you should face the challenge. Good teachers are always ________________. We shall solve this problem ____________________ law and education. The eagle is usually ________________ a symbol of courage. _________________________, the party was a complete success. His remarks didn't ______________ the topic under discussion. I suppose Jack_____________________ this assignment, for he is quite experienced. 三.阅读理解 A do-it-yourself device could help to unlock the next generation of solar energy, including advanced technology for space missions. Dr Jamie Laird, a research fellow at the ARC Centre of Excellence in Exciton Science, has invented a new device for testing the shortcomings of perovskite(钙钛矿)solar cells, the first of its kind anywhere in the world. Perovskite solar cells that can match silicon(硅)for efficiency are cheaper to manufacture and more flexible, but they haven't become commercially available yet, because they are still too unstable when exposed to heat, light and oxygen. That's where Jamie's device comes in. With a combination of a microscope and a special laser (激光器), it produces pictures and maps of the drawbacks within solar cells and tells scientists where the cells are losing power or efficiency over time and use. It also provides data to indicate why. The innovative technique starting life as a personal project for Jamie was originally intended to analyse minerals. When he joined Exciton Science, Jamie realized his device would be a perfect tool to help his colleagues and other leading solar cell researchers around the world to better understand the frustrating issues that have kept perovskite from meeting their exciting promise. “We use a laser beam and we focus on a spot and scan across the device to measure the quality of the solar cell. This new method allows us to do imaging analysis of the whole or complete solar cells and look at how they perform, how they change with time and aging, and how good a solar cell it is, ”Jamie said. “You can't have a solar cell that decomposes quickly when it's meant to last 20 years in the field, ”Jamie added. “This is a missing link in the whole of techniques we have to throw at that problem.” 1. What is the shortcoming of perovskite solar cells A. It's very expensive. B. Its efficiency is low. C. Its production is complex. D. It's unstable under certain conditions. 2. What was Jamie's initial purpose of inventing the device A. To find new materials. B. To help his colleagues, C. To conduct mineral analysis. D. To study solar energy technology. 3. Which can replace the underlined word "decomposes" in the last paragraph A. gets away B. breaks down C. takes in D. sets off 4. What is the text mainly about A. A scientist who invented a new device. B. The most suitable material for solar energy. C. Certain drawbacks of perovskite solar cells. D. A new device that can develop solar power. 四.七选五 You know you’re ready to hit the road and see the world, but you need a little help getting out of the door. With some thought and careful planning, you can head for adventure sooner than you think. Start planning your escape! Determine how much money you can spend on a trip. You don’t need to be rich to travel, but knowing how much money you have will likely shape all other aspects of your trip. ___1___ Where you go, how you get there, where you stay may all rely on how much you have to spend. ___2___ If you are working, check how much vacation time you have saved up. Check your calendar for any important dates — you might need to push your trip back a few days so you won’t miss your grandpa’s 100th birthday. Make travel arrangements. There are dozens of websites you can use to search for reasonable flights all over the world. Take the time to check booking search engines. Try the airlines’ direct websites. ____3____ Book your accommodations. From hostels to luxury (奢侈) hotels, tree houses, and campgrounds, there are tons of choices when it comes to deciding where to stay. ____4____ If you want to meet other travelers and don’t mind sharing a bathroom, a hostel may be a good choice. If you want to sleep late and order room service , you may have some other choices. Go to the doctor and get vaccinated (接种疫苗) . ___5___ Some countries require proof of certain vaccinations to enter the country. Your doctor can give you an International Certificate of Vaccination, or Yellow Card, to provide as proof of inoculation. So wherever your next stop may be : Good luck. Ask a local for their advice. Figure out how long you will be gone. Consider how you plan to use your accommodations. If you’re not flying, you can book train and bus travel online, too. Tell your doctor where you are going and discuss which vaccines you will need. Having only a single bag will enable you to move quickly from one city to another. If you don’t have enough money, you may decide to put off your trip until you can save more money. 五.完形填空 Whether it is a relaxing walk or a power one, taking a walk usually only lasts a small duration of time. This was not the 1 for Tom Turcich, though. On April 2, 2015, Tom decided to walk around the world by himself. It wasn't a 2 thought. His childhood friend died 3 at the age of 17 due to a jet ski accident. 4 by how short life was, he was fueled by a strong 5 to live every day to its fullest. Tom's walk 6 as a lone journey. But quickly, he found himself missing 7 on the road. And so, while making a stop in Austin, Texas, he 8 Savannah, a rescue puppy. Since then, the pair have been making their way across borders, continents and seas, 9 25,000 miles in all. Traveling always has some ups and downs. Tom 10 numerous unexpected delays along the way. He was 11 due to severe weather in Panama and became very ill in Scotland. Also, he had no 12 but to wait out pandemic lockdowns in many countries. But on the 13 side, he met many kind people and 14 the beauty of nature in different parts of the world. Tom 15 something few people have succeeded in, which he believes helped him gain a much larger understanding of the world. 21. A. case B. routine C. reason D. intention 22. A. novel B. wise C. sudden D. simple 23. A. instantly B. unexpectedly C. eventually D. undoubtedly 24. A. Torn B. Struck C. Impressed D. Inspired 25. A. enthusiasm B. curiosity C. pride D. desire 26. A. started B. progressed C. proved D. remained 27. A. neighborhood B. childhood C. companionship D. citizenship 28. A. delivered B. spotted C. saved D. adopted 29. A. covering B. measuring C. occupying D. equaling 30. A. anticipated B. encountered C. tolerated D. ignored 31. A. blown away B. carried away C. backed up D. held up 32. A. responsibility B. right C. alternative D. opportunity 33. A. rough B. invisible C. moral D. bright 34. A. appreciated B. missed C. recalled D. preserved 35. A. discovered B. challenged C. profiled D. renewed 六.语法填空 Sarek National Park is a hidden natural treasure. ____31____ (locate) in the extreme north of Sweden, the park is described as Europe’s last wilderness. No other place in Sweden offers such awe-inspiring views ____32____ this wild and untouched land. The most noted features of the park are its peaks. Several of ____33____ are over 2,000 meters, among which stands the second ____34____ (high) in Sweden, Mount Sarek. Equally splendid are its approximately 100 glaciers and broad ____35____ (valley) cut by fast-flowing rivers. In this undisturbed landscape, eagles fly overhead as wild animals move below. Experiencing this will be ____36____ (true) a memory. Sarek holds a special importance in the world, due to not only its natural beauty, but its cultural significance for the Sami. They have lived here since centuries ago. Originally, Samis ____37____ (live) off reindeer, gradually forming their unique culture. Today, Sami culture is meeting the modern world in a new way. Samis are allowed ____38____ (continue) their traditional life in the park, so some choose to live in traditional settlement areas. They raise reindeer with modern ____39____ (equip), attracting a lot of visitors. Those _____40_____ like to look for a change and a challenge are sure to enjoy the pleasure of exploring the wild and experience original life of the Sami-people as well. 答案: 一.根据课文填空 Written Chinese has also become 1.an important means 2.by which China's present is connected with its past. People in modern times can read the classic works which 3.were written(write) by Chinese in ancient times. The high regard for the Chinese writing system can 4.be seen(see) in the development of Chinese characters as an art form, 5.known(know) as Chinese calligraphy, 6.which has become an important part of Chinese culture. Today, the Chinese writing system is still an important part of Chinese culture. 7.As China plays a greater role in 8.global(globe) affairs, 9.an increasing number of international students are beginning to appreciate China's culture and history 10.through this amazing language. 二.根据短语填空 1. Refer to,2. in spite of, 3. ups and downs, 4. dating back to/dating from, 5. No matter what, 6. in demand, 7. by means of, 8. regarded as, 9. From my point of view, 10. relate to, 11. is equal to 三.阅读理解 DCBD 本文是一篇说明文。主要介绍了一种新的设备,这种设备可能帮助解锁下一代太阳能电池。 【小题1】细节理解题。根据第二段第一句"Perovskite solar cells that can match silicon(硅)for efficiency are cheaper to manufacture and more flexible, but they haven't become commercially available yet, because they are still too unstable when exposed to heat, light and oxygen. (钙钛矿太阳能电池在效率上可以与硅相媲美,生产成本更低,也更灵活,但它们还没有商业化,因为当其暴露在热、光和氧气中时,它们仍然太不稳定("可知,钙钛矿太阳能电池的缺点是在某些条件下是不稳定的。故选D。 【小题2】细节理解题。根据第三段第一句"The innovative technique starting life as a personal project for Jamie was originally intended to analyse minerals. (这项创新技术最初是作为杰米的个人项目开始的,目的是分析矿物)"可知,这项创新技术最初是Jamie的个人项目,目的是分析矿物质。故选C。 【小题3】词义猜测题。根据画线部分后半句“when it's meant to last 20 years in the field(太阳能电池被普遍认为能在野外存在20 年)"可知,太阳能电池被普遍认为能在野外存在20年,所以它没有那么快分解。decomposes意为"分解"。故选B。 【小题4】主旨大意题。根据第一段“Dr Jamie Laird,a research fellow at the ARC Centre of Excellence in Exciton Science, has invented a new device for testing the shortcomings of perovskite(钙钛矿)solar cells,the first of its kind anywhere in the world. (ARC激子科学卓越中心的研究员Jamie Laird博士发明了一种新的设备来测试钙钛矿太阳能电池的缺点,这是世界上第一个此类设备)"以及下文的介绍可知,文章介绍了一种可能帮助解锁下一代太阳能电池的设备。故选D。 四.七选五 GBDCE 【分析】这是一篇说明文。主要介绍了更快做好旅行计划的方法。 1.上文“You don’t need to be rich to travel, but knowing how much money you have will likely shape all other aspects of your trip.”(你并不需要很有钱才能去旅行,但知道自己有多少钱可能会影响旅行的其他方面。)说明有多少钱会影响旅行计划,G项中don’t have enough money是关键词,描述如果没有足够的钱会对旅行有什么样的影响,G项“如果你没有足够的钱,你可能会决定推迟你的旅行,直到你能省下更多的钱。”符合题意。故选G。 2.下文“If you are working, check how much vacation time you have saved up.”(如果你在工作,检查你已经积累了多少假期时间。)说明时间长短会影响旅行计划,B项“弄清你可以去多久。”符合题意。故选B。 3.上文“Make travel arrangements. There are dozens of websites you can use to search for reasonable flights all over the world.”(做出旅行安排。有数十个网站可以用来搜索世界各地的合理航班。)说明要对旅行的出行方式做出安排,如果不乘坐飞机,也可以选择其他的方式出行,D项中book train and bus travel online是关键词,D项“如果你不坐飞机,你也可以在网上预订火车和公共汽车旅行。”符合题意。故选D。 4.下文“If you want to meet other travelers and don’t mind sharing a bathroom, a hostel may be a good choice. If you want to sleep late and order room service , you may have some other choices.”(如果你想见到其他旅行者,并且不介意共用一间浴室,旅社可能是一个不错的选择。如果你想晚睡并预订客房服务,你可能还有其他选择。)说明旅行中,可以根据自己的意愿选择住宿,C项“考虑你打算如何使用你的住处。”符合题意。故选C。 5.下文“Some countries require proof of certain vaccinations to enter the country.”(有些国家需要特定的疫苗接种证明才能入境。)说明接种特定的疫苗也会影响旅行计划,E项中vaccines是关键词,E项“告诉你的医生你要去哪里,并讨论你需要哪些疫苗。”符合题意。故选E。 五.完形填空 1—5 ACBBD 6—10 ACDAB 11—15 DCDAB 六.语法填空 1. Located 2. as 3. them 4. highest 5. valleys 6. truly 37. lived 8. to continue 9. equipment 10. who教学设计
学科 英语 年级 高一 学期 秋季
课题 Unit 5 Language around the World:Reading and Thinking
教科书 书 名:人教版 出版社:人民教育出版社 出版日期:2022年
In this class,you will 1. sort out the specific information about the Chinese character writing system, explore the important value of Chinese characters, and summarize and integrate the relevant information through skimming; 2. form the correct cultural values and establish the sense of social responsibility for inheriting Chinese civilization and spreading Chinese culture.
Teaching key points: Understand the development of Chinese characters and their important roles, and introduce the development of Chinese characters in English. Improve the abilities of skimming and skipping. Teaching difficulties: Improve the ability of text analysis and logical thinking. 2. Enhance national self-confidence and pride.
步骤教学活动设计意图备注Pre-readingStep 1 Lead-in通过问题是学生意识到汉字的作用及其变化。既是引出话题,同时激发学生对课文兴趣。Step 2 Prediction Ss Look at the title and picture in the text and predict what the text will be about. 根据标题和图片进行预测,形成阅读期待。此活动为实现教学目标1而设置。 锻炼学生预测能力。While readingStep 3 Skimming1. T asks Ss to read the Para. 1 and to paraphrase the paragraph. 了解文章主题,为提取和梳理具体信息做准备。此活动为实现教学目标1而设置。Step 4 Scanning1.T invites Ss to read Para.2-6 and asks them to draw a timeline of the history of the writing system. 1) How does the writer organise the text 2) Ciecle out the words which represent time. 3) Underline the events in defferent period of time. 2. T invites Ss to read Para.2-5 and answer the following questions: Q1: Why was the unified writing system important for unifying country Q2: What writing skill does the writer use to stress Qinshihuang’s contribution Q3: What is the Chinese writing system’s function in Para.4 Q4: The “connecting” functions of the Chinese writing system in Para. 5&6 1.基于对文本的理解,归纳段落大意。 2. 借助时间轴提取梳理、归纳整合文中具体信息。 3.多角度深度理解文章信息。 此活动为实现教学目标2而设置。Step 4 Further- thinking1.T invites Ss to think: How did written Chinese unify Chinese people divided by geography 2. How does written Chinese connect the past and the present Ss voice their own opinions and then T makes a summary。 3. With the development of new technology, some people think there is no need to improve handwriting or learn calligraphy. Do you agree Why 1.引导学生合理表达自己的观点,增强学生民族自豪感。 此活动为实现教学目标2而设置。Post-readingStep 5 DiscussionT asks Ss to discuss the following questions with their partner: How can we take full advantage of the functions of the Chinese writing system Ss voice their own opinions and then T makes a summary: 1.培养学生发散性思维,深化主题,加强德育渗透。 2.拓展话题,创设新的语境,为学生提供语言支架,巩固课堂所学,促进语言能力的提升。 3.引导学生形成正确的价值观,树立传承文明,传播文化的社会责任感。此活动为实现教学目标2而设置。Homework: 1. Read the text again and recite the expressions you like. 2. Finish writing the following passage after class. How can we take full advantage of the functions of the Chinese writing system Choose one of the functions to give a specific example,please write a short passage . 注意: 1. 词数80左右; 2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯