Unit 5 Languages around the world Reading for Writing课件(共21页,内嵌视频)+学习任务单+教学设计+课后练习


名称 Unit 5 Languages around the world Reading for Writing课件(共21页,内嵌视频)+学习任务单+教学设计+课后练习
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-10-05 10:24:02


学科 英语 年级 高一 学期 秋季
课题 Unit 5 Languages around the World-Reading for Writing
教科书 书 名:英语必修第一册教材 出版社:人民教育出版社 出版日期:
1. Understand common difficulties students have in English learning; 2. Talk about your problems in English study and learn to give advice with various expressions; 3. Write a blog about English study in a proper way.
1. Visit and exlplore some of the online forums;
2. Reflect on some of your problems in English study and search for possible advice online.
What is your biggest challenge in learning English Who do you often turn to for help when metting these problems
【学习任务二】 Pre-reading What is this text probably from What is an online forum 【学习任务三】 While-reading 1. Scan the text and figure out the key information. Who puts forward the question first Who replies to the questions What are the posts mainly about 2. Read the text for the details and structure. Read the posts and find out the problems and advice mentioned in the posts. List the expressions for stating problems and giving advice. Draw a mind map to show the structure of the text. Think about the following questions and search for the answers: What is your advice on Li Rui’s problem What is the possible advice for the following common problems in English study 【学习任务四】 Post-reading & Writing 1. Review the useful expressions and how the posts are organized. 2.Writing Task: Continue to write a blog post and reply to Li Rui’s problem in learning English on the online forum. 3. Assess your work according to the checklist.
1. Read an article online about “10 steps to overcome language-learning barriers” :(共21张PPT)
Unit 5 Languages around the World
Reading for Writing
学 校:
年 级:高一
学 科:高中英语 (人教版 必修一)
By the end of this lesson, you will be able to:
Understand common difficulties students have in English learning;
Talk about your problems in English study and learn to give advice with various expressions;
Write a blog about English study in a proper way.
Learning objectives
What is your biggest challenge in learning English
complex sentence structure
speaking to native speakers
Who do you often turn to for help when meeting
these problems
Read for main idea
What is this text probably from
A blog from an online forum
An online forum is a platform or website where users engage in discussions usually through posting questions, answers, and responses.
Read for main idea
Who puts forward the question first
Wang Le
The posts are mainly about the problems and advice on learning English.
What are the posts mainly about
Who replies to the questions
Liu Wen, Jia Xin and Li Rui
Read for details
What are the problems and advice mentioned by the English learners in the posts
Liu Wen Listen to English radio programmes
Jia Xin
Li Rui
Jia Xin’s advice
Li Rui’s advice
Your advice
Read for details
Liu Wen
Jia Xin
Li Rui
Jia Xin’s advice
Li Rui’s advice
Your advice
Listen to English radio programmes
“I’m having a lot trouble with my listening.”
“My biggest headache is how to be polite in English.”
“For me, vocabulary is my biggest problem.”
repeat what you hear
record your voice and compare it with the radio host’s
use short requests for close friends
use longer requests for people who are not so close
use more polite phrases for people senior to you
Read for expressions
I’m having a lot trouble with my listening.
My biggest headache is how to be polite in English.
For me, vocabulary is my biggest problem.
I don’t know how to ...
I have no idea how/what/...
...is a big difficulty for me.
My biggest problem is...
I cannot...
I (also) have trouble with
I find ... really challenging
I have no idea how to be polite in English.
I’m having a lot trouble with...
My biggest headache is how to ...
For me, ... is my biggest problem.
Vocabulary is a big difficulty for me.
I find listening really challenging.
sentence pattern
Read for expressions
Listening to English radio programmes helps me get used to how fast native speakers talk.
I think it all depends on who you are talking to.
Doing ... helps me ...
I think (that) ...
You might try...
My advice is...
It’s very important to...
This worked for me.
It’s a good idea to...
By doing ..., you will...
If I were you, I would...
It is highly recommended that...
By listening to English radio programmes, you will get used to how fast native speakers talk.
If I were you, I would use different tones depending on different situations.
sentence pattern
Read for sturcture
Wang Le
Liu Wen
Start the topic
Problems with learning English
Jia Xin
Reply to Wang Le
State the problem with listening
Reply to Liu Wen
Offer the advice on listening
State the problem of speaking English with a polite tone
Li Rui
Reply to Jia Xin
Offer the advice on how to be polite in different situations
State the problem with building vocabulary
Reply to Li Rui
Offer the advice
State your own problem with learning English
Your advice
Li Rui’s problem
learn the words from the context
vocabulary learning
n. & v.
rush forward
store electricity
ask money
The hotel charges $125 a night.
The monitor is in charge of the class.
Higgins is facing a charge of armed robbery.
You can visit the museum free of charge.
The children charged noisly down the stairs.
Before use, the battery must be charged.
Think and reflect
Your advice
Li Rui’s problem
learn the words from the context
learn the word formation
vocabulary learning
n. & v.
Think and reflect
n. 充电器
adj. 带电的
adj. 应收费的
suffix 后缀
prefix 前缀
Your advice
Li Rui’s problem
learn the words from the context
learn the word formation
vocabulary learning
Think and reflect
Search for advice
Your problem
collect and categorize different structures
memorize the examples instead of the rules
complex sentence structure
find native speakers online and practice first
ask for the feedback and learn from the mistakes
speaking to native speakers
read extensively as much as possible
start from paragraph writing
composition writing
Think and reflect
Think and review
supporting details
(how to do)
specific examples
(what he/she experienced)
(show understanding)
Write and check
Wrting task:
Continue to write a blog post and reply to Li Rui’s problem in learning English on the online forum.
Write and check
Assess your work according to the checklist and revise your draft.
Sample writing
I can totally understand your problem in vocabulary learning. Luckily, my teacher once taught us a very useful learning approach to vocaulary building. That is, to learn the new words from the context. For example, the word “charge” has different meanings in different sentences. Instead of memorizing the meanings separately, you might try putting them in the context to make connection, which works for me. However, I find speaking to native speakers a big difficulty. I usually feel nervous when I have to speak English to a foreigner in person. It scares me a lot, what should I do
Choose one of your problems in learning English, try to find advice and write a blog about it.
Post your blog on an online forum and check the response.
Choose one of the most useful strategies you’ve learnt from this class and practise it in your English study from now on.
学科 英语 年级 高一 学期 秋季
课题 Unit 5 Languages around the World-Reading for Writing
教科书 书 名:英语必修第一册教材 出版社:人民教育出版社 出版日期:2019年6月
Writing Task : Choose one of your problems in learning English, try to find advice and write a blog about it. 1. Describe the problem clearly. 2. Write one or two ideas on how to solve the problem Sample Writing I have trouble with phrasal verbs. There are so many of them and it seems impossible to work out the meanings just from the words. Some of the verbs even have different meanings. For example, put off can mean postpone, discourage (someone from doing something), and make someone dislike (something). I try to use phrasal verbs sometimes, but I usually use the wrong one! My classmates had some suggestions for me. One was to use flash cards and to write down the phrasal verb on one side and a sentence using the phrasal verb on the other side. Then I can study them when I have time, like on the bus. Another suggestion was to use the phrasal verb in a sentence that is true for me, so that it's easy to remember. For example, I always put off doing my homework. I think my classmates gave me some good advice. Next time I hear a phrasal verb, I'll write it down and think of a sentence that uses the verb. Maybe I'll draw a picture too, to make it easier to remember.教学设计
学科 英语 年级 高一 学期 秋季
课题 Unit 5 Languages around the World-Reading for Writing
教科书 书 名:英语必修第一册教材 出版社:人民教育出版社 出版日期:
1. Let students understand common difficulties students have in English learning; 2. Get students to talk about your problems in English study and learn to give advice with various expressions; 3. Ask students to write a blog about English study in a proper way.
教学重点: Enable students to know the structure of blog posts on the online forum; Familiarize the students with some useful expressions about stating the problems and giving advice in English learning; Get students to reflect on their English study, summarize the common problems on English study and search for the possible advice online.
教学难点: 1. Guide the students to combine the topic of English learning with useful expressions about problems and advice, and use them in writing the blog.
Step 1: Warming up Get the students to brainstorm the challenges they meet in learning English. Ask the students who they often turn to for help to solve the problems in English studey. Step 2: Reading Read for main idea Guide the students to find out the source of the text, look for the basic information and summarize the main idea of the text. Read for details Ask the students to read the posts and fill in the blanks about the problems and advice mentioned in the posts. Lead the students to list the expressions for stating problems and giving advice. Guide the students to draw a mind map to analyze the structure of the text. Think and reflect Inspire the students to put forward some advice on Li Rui’s problem mentioned in the text. Help the students to find out the possible solution to some common problems in English study Step 3: Writing Help students clear the minds of how to organize the blog according to the text. Let the students continue to write a blog post and reply to Li Rui’s problem in learning English on the online forum. Encourage students to assess their works for each other according to the given checklist. Step 4:Homework Choose one of your problems in learning English, try to find advice and write a blog about it. Post your blog on an online forum and check the response. Choose one of the most useful strategies you’ve learnt from this class and practice it in your English study from now on.