Unit 5 Languages Around The World Project课件(共17张PPT+学习任务单+课后练+教学设计)


名称 Unit 5 Languages Around The World Project课件(共17张PPT+学习任务单+课后练+教学设计)
格式 zip
文件大小 49.8MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-10-05 10:40:45


学科 高中英语 年级 高一 学期 秋季
课题 Project: Create your own word bank
教科书 书 名:普通高中教科书 英语 必修 第一册 出版社:人民教育出版社 出版日期:
By the end of the class, students will be able to: learn how an entry from a dictionary usually consists of; know what a word bank is, how to create a word bank and why we should make good use of a word bank; stir up their motivation in reciting words and enlarge their vocabulary.
Preview the learning content on the text book on P. 69. Prepare an English-English dictionary and study an entry in it.
【Task 1】
Q: If you come across words you are unfamiliar with, what would you do __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
【Task 2】
Q: Why do we need a word bank __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 【Task 3】 How to create your own word bank Step 1: Decide how to organize the words. ______________________________________________________________________ Step 2: Ways to complete the entries. _________________ _________________ _________________ Step 3: Ways to illustrate words. __________________ __________________ __________________
1. English-English dictionary: Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English 朗文当代英语词典
2. e-dictionary: youdao dictionary(共17张PPT)
Create your own word bank
学 校:
年 级:高一
学 科:高中英语
Activity 1 Lead-in
If you come across words you are unfamiliar with, what would you do
ask teacher
use phone apps
refer to dictionaries
guess it according to the context
Among all the dictionaries, English-English dictionaries can be of great benefit for learning English.
English-Chinese Dictionary
Activity 1 Lead-in
understanding a word in English definition can strengthen your English thinking.
learn more abundant and authentic expressions in English.
(English definition)
phrases and idioms
grammar information
Here is an entry from a commonly used dictionary.
[C]: countable noun 可数名词
[U]: uncountable noun 不可数名词
[T]: transitive verb 及物动词
[I]: intransitive verb 不及物动词
[pl.]: plural 复数
Activity 2 Study an entry from a dictionary
n. 条目
n. 词组;搭配
What do these parts mean
graph/diagram n. 图表
Besides, there are some other ways to illustrate the word.
Sometimes, you will find tables, mind map, photographs as well.
Activity 2 Study an entry from a dictionary
College Entrance Examination: 3500.
Words are like the bricks in buildings.
Activity 3 Learn about word bank
A word bank will help to enlarge your vocabulary.
Q: What is a word bank
A word bank is your creative way of organizing words you’ve learned, which will help you memorize them.
rich in money
rich in vocabulary
a master of English
Activity 3 Learn about word bank
a billionaire
speak like a native speaker
write like Shakespeare
Activity 3 Learn about word bank
Q: Why do we need a word bank
build association among words.
know the accurate meanings of the words.
enlarge our vocabulary.
be motivated to accumulate words.
With a personalized word bank, we can...
memorize words easily.
Step 1 Decide how to organize the words.
Tip 1: organize in alphabetical order: A, B, C, etc.
attitude n.态度;看法
affair n. 公共事物;事件;关系
apartment n. 公寓套房
appreciate vt. 欣赏;重视;感激;领会
beg v. 恳求;祈求;哀求
bone n. 骨头;骨(质)
billion n.十亿
calligraphy n. 书法;书法艺术
carve vt/vi. 雕刻
character n. 文字;符号;角色;品质;特点
classic adj. 传统的;最优秀的;典型的 n. 经典作品;名著
... ...
Activity 4 Create your own word bank
adj. 按字母顺序的
easy to search
Tip 2: organize by group.
part of speech
Activity 4 Create your own word bank
part of speech
vocabulary in Book 1Unit 4:
a certain topic
Tip 3: organize by commonly confused words.
Activity 4 Create your own word bank
Tip 4: organize by memory devices.
memory device: the way you use to memorize words.
words with the same roots
words with the same prefixes or surfixes
compound words
able adj. 能够,有能力的
unable adj. 不能的;不能胜任的
ability n. 能力
inability n. 无能
disabled adj. 有残疾的;丧失能力的
disability n. 残疾
1. 名词+名词
2. 形容词+名词
3. 名词+动词ing形式
4. ...
Prefix: inter 意为“在...之间,相互的”。
Internet n. 互联网
international adj. 国际的
interpersonal adj. 人际关系的,人际的
interact v. 相互交流,互动
interaction n. 互动,交流
interview v. 面试
Activity 4 Create your own word bank
n. 词根
n. 后缀
n. 前缀
compound words
Step 2: Complete the entries.
English definitions:
grammar information
one or two example sentences
Activity 4 Create your own word bank
2. refer to dictionaries or use the search engines.
4. collocation
2. noun: countable or uncountable
3. irregular verbs: past tense, past participle
1. part of speech
6. derivative
1. explain it in your own word.
derivative n. 派生词
7. synonym or antonym
7. synonym or antonym
n. 近义词 n. 反义词
5. commonly used sentence patterns
Step 3: Illustrate words.
mind map
Activity 4 Create your own word bank
Activity 4 Create your own word bank
Most importantly, persistence is what it takes to make the magic happen.
Designer: design the whole pattern and structure of your word bank.
Editor: edit words in your word bank.
Researcher: refer to dictionaries or use the search engines to obtain information.
Illustrator: draw pictures to help illustrate words.
a master of English
1. Choose the words that are most difficult/useful to you and put them into your word bank.
2. Exchange your word bank with one of your classmates and polish it with the suggestions he/she offers.
3. Access his/her work according to the checklist below.
Evaluation Items Scores Does he/she use certain ways to organize the word bank 1 3 5
Does he/she add English definition to the word 1 3 5
Does he/she complete the entry with grammar information 1 3 5
Does he/she provide some example sentences 1 3 5
Does he/she try to illustrate words with drawings, diagrams, tables or other methods 1 3 5
Is his/her word bank logical and easy to catch 1 3 5
Is his/her handwriting neat and easy to read 1 3 5
Any suggestions: Thank you!作业练习
学科 高中英语 年级 高一 学期 秋季
课题 Project: Create your own word bank
教科书 书 名:普通高中教科书 英语 必修 第一册 出版社:人民教育出版社 出版日期:
Task 1: Introduce your word bank. 1. How do you organize your word bank __________________________________________________________ 2.What kind of details you want to add into your entry ___________________________________________________________ 3.What kind of ways you want to use to help illustrate words in your word bank ___________________________________________________________ Task 2: Design your word bank.
Task 3: Exchange your word bank with one of your classmates and access his/her work according to the checklist below. Suggested Answer:教学设计
学科 高中英语 年级 高一 学期 秋季
课题 Project: Create your own word bank
教科书 书 名:普通高中教科书 英语 必修 第一册 出版社:人民教育出版社 出版日期:
By the end of the class, students will be able to: learn how an entry from a dictionary usually consists of; know what a word bank is, how to create a word bank and why we should make good use of a word bank; stir up their motivation in reciting words and enlarge their vocabulary.
教学重点: learn how to organize words in a word bank; learn how to better their word bank by completing the entries; learn about some ways to help illustrate words.
教学难点: learn how to organize words in a word bank;
Activity 1 Lead in Teacher asks students the following question: Q: If you come across words you are unfamiliar with, what would you do Suggested answers: ask teacher,use phone apps, guess it according to the context, look up the dictionary. Teacher then shows students the benefits of using an English-English dictionary. Understanding a word in English definition can strengthen your English thinking. Learn more abundant and authentic expressions in English. Activity 2 Study an entry from a dictionary Teacher presents students with an entry taken from a commonly used dictionary and teaches them some basic elements in an entry like English definition, collocation, pronunciation, grammar information, example sentences and so on. Teacher then shows students some other ways to help illustrate words like using graph, drawing, cartoons and so on. Activity 3 Learn about word bank Teacher emphasizes the importance of accumulating words in learning English and teaches them that creating a word bank will definitely help them enlarge their vocabulary. Then teacher explains what a word bank is and why we need a word bank. With a personalized word bank, we can... Memorize words easily. Enlarge our vocabulary. Build association among words. Know the accurate meanings of the words. Be motivated to accumulate words. Activity 4 Create your own word bank Teacher offers students some steps to create their own word bank and use examples to help students understand. Step 1 Decide how to organize the words Organize in alphabetical order: A,B,C etc. Organize by group: all the words related to a certain topic, pronunciation, part of speech,etc. Organize by commonly confused words. Organize by memory devices such as words with the some roots, words with the same prefixes or suffixes, and compound words. Step 2 Complete the entries Students can complete their entries by adding... English definitions Grammar information One or two example sentences Step 3 Illustrate words Students can illustrate words by using... drawings diagrams/graphs tables cartoons mind map photographs ... Assignments Choose the words that are most difficult/useful to you and put them into your word bank. Exchange your word bank with one of your classmates and polish it with the suggestions he/she offers. Access his/her work according to the checklist below.