Unit 5 Languages Around The World Video Time课件(共25张PPT,内镶嵌视频)+(学习任务单+教学设计+课后练)


名称 Unit 5 Languages Around The World Video Time课件(共25张PPT,内镶嵌视频)+(学习任务单+教学设计+课后练)
格式 zip
文件大小 80.9MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-10-05 10:45:04


学科 高中英语 年级 高一年级 学期 秋季
教科书 书 名:普通高中教科书 英语 必修 第一册 出版社:人民教育出版社 出版日期:
1. 根据图文简介和单词填空预测视频内容,培养根据相关信息进行预测的能力; 2. 通过试听活动获取视频主要信息,了解汉字的起源,发展历史和未来趋势,提高获取具体信息的能力; 3. 通过观看视频后的讨论,培养辩证分析问题的能力; 4. 通过视频中汉字发展内容的补充,提升文化自信和民族自豪。
1. 复习本单元词汇; 2. 回顾本单元主题,复习阅读课中关于中国汉字演变的相关信息。
Revision Think about the questions. 1. What is the earliest form of written Chinese 2. How was Jiaguwen created 3. Why do we say China’s present is connected with its past by means of written Chinese 4. Why is the Chinese language not so easy for international students to learn
Before you watch Complete the sentences with the words below.
carved classics era origins radicals
1. Ancient Chinese people ________ symbols onto turtle shells or bones of animals. 2. Many of today’s characters have their _______ in the observations of ancient Chinese people. 3. About 80 percent of Chinese characters are made up of smaller parts, called ________. 4. If you can read Chinese characters, you can read Chinese ________ from thousands of years ago. 5. Chinese characters have been adapted into digital form in the modern ________. According to these sentences, what do you suppose the video is mainly about 【学习任务三】 While you watch Activity 1: Choose the correct answers. 1. How many tales or legends about the origin of Chinese characters are mentioned in the video A. Three. B. Four. C. Five. 2. Today, written Chinese is the ________ system of writing in the world. A. most complicated B. oldest continuously used C. hardest 3. The character Jia probably originated from the idea that _________. A. animals should live in family homes B. a good family home has plenty of food C. ancient homes always kept pigs 4. China’s unified writing system forms a strong bridge linking ________. A. China with the rest of the world B. Asia, Africa, and Europe C. The present and past 5. Written Chinese spreads ________ wherever it goes. A. Chinese culture B. Chinese classics C. Tales and legends Activity 2: Watch the video again and discuss: 1. What happened to the Chinese writing system under Emperor Qinshihuang 2. What is the relationship between Chinese characters and Chinese culture 【学习任务四】 After you watch Think about the questions and share opinions. 1. Why do you think written Chinese has survived for so long 2. Why do you think an increasing number of international students become interested in learning the Chinese language
必修一课本Unit5 Workbook相关语料(共25张PPT)
(Video Time)
学 校:
年 级:高一年级
学 科:高中英语(人教版)
In this class, you will
1. obtain key information about Chinese characters from the video;
2. share your understanding about the relationship between Chinese characters and Chinese culture.
1. What is the earliest form of written Chinese
2. How was jiaguwen created
3. Why do we say China’s present is connected with its past by means of written Chinese
4. Why is the Chinese language not so easy for international students to learn
1. What is the earliest form of written Chinese
Many Chinese characters we have now have their origin in jiaguwen.
origin: the point from which sth. starts
2. How was jiaguwen created
Ancient Chinese people carved simple symbols on animal bones and shells.
carve: to make objects, patterns, etc. by cutting away material from wood or stone
3. Why do we say China’s present is connected with its past by means of written Chinese
Chinese people in the modern era can read the same classics written by Chinese in ancient times.
era:a period of time
classic: a book, film or song which is well known and considered to be of very high quality
4. Why is the Chinese language not so easy for international students to learn
One of the reasons is that it is hard to write Chinese characters. One character might be made up of several radicals.
radical: the root or base form of a word
1. Ancient Chinese people __________ symbols onto turtle shells or bones of animals.
2. Many of today’s characters have their __________ in the observations of ancient Chinese people.
3. About 80 percent of Chinese characters are made up of smaller parts, called __________.
4. If you can read Chinese characters, you can read Chinese __________ from thousands of years ago.
5. Chinese characters have been adapted into digital form in the modern __________.
According to these sentences, what do you suppose the video is mainly about
The video is mainly about the origin, survival and function of Chinese characters.
Watch the video and see whether you are right.
1. How many tales or legends about the origin of Chinese characters are mentioned in the video
A. Three. B. Four. C. Five.
2. Today, written Chinese is the __________ system of writing in the world.
A. most complicated
B. oldest continuously used
C. hardest
3. The character jia probably originated from the idea that __________.
A. animals should live in family homes
B. a good family home has plenty of food
C. ancient homes always kept pigs
4. China’s unified writing system forms a strong bridge linking __________.
A. China with the rest of the world
B. Asia, Africa, and Europe
C. the present and the past
5. Written Chinese spreads __________ wherever it goes.
A. Chinese culture
B. Chinese classics
C. tales and legends
Watch the video again and discuss:
1. What happened to the Chinese writing system under Emperor Qinshihuang
2. What is the relationship between Chinese characters and Chinese culture
1. What happened to the Chinese writing system under Emperor Qinshihuang
It finally developed in a more stable manner.
2. What is the relationship between Chinese characters and Chinese culture
They are inseparably linked.
Work in groups. Discuss the questions.
1. Why do you think written Chinese has survived for so long
2. Why do you think an increasing number of international students become interested in learning the Chinese language
1. Why do you think written Chinese has survived for so long
Because China's unified writing system forms a strong bridge linking the Chinese people and culture of the present with those of the past. China's culture and society have continued to develop, so written Chinese lives on, spreding Chinese culture wherever it goes.
2. Why do you think an increasing number of international students become interested in learning the Chinese language
As China takes its place in the international community, the Chinese writing system has spread to other countries. Also, many international students desire to appreciate China's fascinating culture, and learning the Chinese language is the key approach.
学科 高中英语 年级 高一年级 学期 秋季
教科书 书 名:普通高中教科书 英语 必修 第一册 出版社:人民教育出版社 出版日期:
Read the transcript of the video carefully and get more information about Chinese characters. Chinese Characters The history of Chinese characters dates back to ancient times, with a history of at least several thousand years. There are many tales and legends about the origin of hanzi, Chinese characters: there is Cangjie, the legendary inventor of Chinese characters; the ancient practice of knot-tying;the eight trigrams; and ancient painting legends, to name a few. It is generally agreed that hanzi began as simple pictures, images that the ancient Chinese people drew, painted, or carved to describe nature or their lives. Other ancient cultures developed picture-based writing systems as well, such as the hieroglyphs of ancient Egypt or the script of the ancient Mayan civilisation. Hanzi, however, is the only one of these ancient writing systems to survive. Today,Chinese characters are the oldest continuously used system of writing in the world. Researchers generally agree that the oldest symbols recognisable as Chinese characters are those found on ancient oracle bones. These 3000-year-old symbols, known as jiaguwen, were carved on turtle shells or bones of animals. The jiaguwen can give all of us in the modern era insight into how ancient Chinese saw the world around them and into their great creativity in expressing their observations. Take, for example,the modern character jia, meaning home or family.The jiaguwen character looks like a house with a nice pig inside, originating from the ancient idea that a good family home has plenty of food. Over thousands of years, this hanzi evolved into a variety of different forms but finally developed in a more stable manner after the unification of China under Emperor Qinshihuang. When you first look at Chinese characters, you will most likely feel that they are very complicated. However,if you know just a little about how these characters are formed, you will find that they are not nearly as difficult as they seem. About 80% of Chinese characters are composed of smaller parts, known as radicals, which are combined in many different ways to form tens of thousands of hanzi. Fortunately,you need to know only about two or three thousand characters for use in daily life! Chinese characters and Chinese culture are inseparably linked. China's unified writing system forms a strong bridge linking the Chinese people and culture of the present with those of the past. No matter when or where you live, if you can read Chinese, you can read ancient Chinese classics. It is truly an amazing thing to be able to hear the thoughts and observations of people from thousands of years ago. As China takes its place in the international community, the Chinese writing system has spread to other countries. Today,many international students are studying Chinese, both the spoken and written language, and are coming to appreciate China's fascinating culture. And, as China's culture and society have continued to develop, the amazingly versatile Chinese characters (hanzi) have been adapted for use in digital format on computers and other devices. And so written Chinese lives on, spreading Chinese culture wherever it goes.教学设计
学科 高中英语 年级 高一年级 学期 秋季
教科书 书 名:普通高中教科书 英语 必修 第一册 出版社:人民教育出版社 出版日期:
1. 根据图文简介和单词填空预测视频内容,培养学生根据相关信息进行预测的能力; 2. 通过试听活动获取视频主要信息,了解汉字的起源,发展历史和未来趋势,提高学生获取具体信息的能力; 3. 通过观看视频后的讨论,培养学生辩证分析问题的能力; 4. 通过视频中汉字发展内容的补充,提升学生的文化自信和民族自豪。
教学重点: 1. 根据图文简介和单词填空预测视频内容;
2. 通过试听活动获取视频主要信息。
教学难点: 通过观看视频后的讨论,培养学生辩证分析问题的能力。
Step I :Revision Think about the questions. 1. What is the earliest form of written Chinese 2. How was Jiaguwen created 3. Why do we say China’s present is connected with its past by means of written Chinese 4. Why is the Chinese language not so easy for international students to learn
Step II :Before you watch Complete the sentences with the words below.
carved classics era origins radicals
1. Ancient Chinese people ________ symbols onto turtle shells or bones of animals. 2. Many of today’s characters have their _______ in the observations of ancient Chinese people. 3. About 80 percent of Chinese characters are made up of smaller parts, called ________. 4. If you can read Chinese characters, you can read Chinese ________ from thousands of years ago. 5. Chinese characters have been adapted into digital form in the modern ________. According to these sentences, what do you suppose the video is mainly about Step III :While you watch Activity 1:Choose the correct answers. 1. How many tales or legends about the origin of Chinese characters are mentioned in the video A. Three. B. Four. C. Five. 2. Today, written Chinese is the ________ system of writing in the world. A. most complicated B. oldest continuously used C. hardest 3. The character Jia probably originated from the idea that _________. A. animals should live in family homes B. a good family home has plenty of food C. ancient homes always kept pigs 4. China’s unified writing system forms a strong bridge linking ________. A. China with the rest of the world B. Asia, Africa, and Europe C. The present and past 5. Written Chinese spreads ________ wherever it goes. A. Chinese culture B. Chinese classics C. Tales and legends Activity 2: Watch the video again and discuss: 1. What happened to the Chinese writing system under Emperor Qinshihuang 2. What is the relationship between Chinese characters and Chinese culture Step IV :After you watch Think about the questions and share opinions. 1. Why do you think written Chinese has survived for so long 2. Why do you think an increasing number of international students become interested in learning the Chinese language