山东省枣庄市2015年优质课外研版必修五Module6 Animals in Danger Reading and writing 课件(23张ppt)+教学设计+学案+视频素材共4份(枣庄一中冯利伟


名称 山东省枣庄市2015年优质课外研版必修五Module6 Animals in Danger Reading and writing 课件(23张ppt)+教学设计+学案+视频素材共4份(枣庄一中冯利伟
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 外研版
科目 英语
更新时间 2016-02-15 13:17:17


课件23张PPT。Reading and writing Module 6 Task : How to describe an animalIn order to help them, what should we do ?Animals in the zoosafe but not freeAnimals in the naturefree but sometimes not always safeRead the table in the textbook and say which animals the sentences refer to.1. It is the world’s biggest land animal; a fully grown adult can weigh five tons.
2. It can be found in part of Siberia and Northeast China.African Elephant pictureSiberian Tiger
picture3.They feed mostly on insects and small reptiles, but also eat fish and frogs.
4. The population is supposed to be less than 5,000; some experts believe the figure could be near 2,000.Northern Bald Ibis
pictureBlue Whale
pictureReadingAfrican ElephantSiberian TigerBlue WhaleNorthern Bald IbisUse the four sentences to describe one animal in the tableThe blue whale is the world’s biggest animal; a fully grown adult can weigh 100 tons or more.
The blue whale can be found in oceans, especially the Arctic and the Antarctic Waters.
They feed mainly on plankton or small microorganisms.
The population is supposed to be less than 5,000; some experts believe the figure could be near 2,000.
Let’s find more information and talk about these animalsAsk and answer in pairs
What animal is the Siberian tiger?
Where can the Siberian tiger be found?
What does the Siberian tiger feed mainly on?
Why was the Siberian tiger in danger?
5. How is the species today?
How many Siberian tigers are there now?
Where are most of them?
7. How many Siberian tigers are there in China?
Where are they?Read the description of the Siberian tiger and find how it is organized2. Where can the Siberian tiger be found?
It _____in forests in parts of Siberia……
3. What does the Siberian tiger feed mainly on?
It mainly/mostly ______ medium sized mammals…
Why was the Siberian tiger in danger?
Its body parts _____ ___ be used in traditional medicine, ____ it was ______ all the time. liveseatused tosohunted /killedAnswer the questions in another wayHow many Siberian tigers are there now?
Where are most of them?
The population is ______ ____ be about 1,000, most of _____ are in Siberia.
7. How many Siberian tigers are there in China? Where are they?
There are about 500 in China, and some of ____ are in the Hunchun Reserve…….
supposed to whichthem Ask and answer
What animal is the African elephant?
Where can the African elephant be found?
What does the African elephant feed mainly on?
Why was the African elephant in danger?
How many the African elephants are there now?
According to the information in the table and describe the African elephant in pairs.
more than one way to answer the questions
Write down your description of the African elephantAttention:1. Choose the correct tense and person (人称)
2. spell correctly
3. Use correct punctuation( 标点符号)
4. Try to use the attributive clause
and the adverbial clause.
5. Make sure your handwriting is neat and clear
Step 3
Check your paragraph by yourselves and then
check in pairsMark their partner’s composition with A, B, C, or D, and correct some mistakes according to the following standards: Homework1. Review what we have learnt this lesson
2. Write a full composition of giant pandas according to the information in the task.Task : How to describe an animal 以中学生的名义写一篇文章,呼吁世界各地的中学生加入到拯救大熊猫的行动中,内容如下:
(1)?大熊猫(giant panda) 是中国的稀有动物,也是世界的稀有动物之一,为中国人民和世界人民所喜爱;
(2)?大熊猫生长在山里,皮毛黑白相间(black and white fur)大眼睛,身体胖,以竹子为主食,会爬树,游泳。.现在大约有1,000只左右,由于山林遭到破坏,竹子被砍伐,大熊猫觅食越来越难,正濒临灭绝。
参考词汇:稀有的----rare?自然保护区----nature reserveAnalyzationStructure
What details need it describe?
2. How many parts can it be divided into?Give a description of the appearance; the habitat;
the food; the reason; the facts or results
Three parts.
Part 1 The brief introduction
Part2 The detail information
Part3 The current situation and the appeal (呼吁)Attention: 1. Choose the correct tense and person
2. spell correctly
3. Use correct punctuation( 标点符号)
4. Try to use the attributive clause and the adverbial clause.
5. Make sure your handwriting is neat and clear
Siberian TigerbackAfrican ElephantSemi-desert south of Sahara desertAfrican elephants are in danger because of their ivory.backBlue WhaleSuch a huge animal is just fed on plankton. ( small micro-organisms)
The blue whales are hunted for oil and meatbackNorthern Bald Ibisred beakbackRetell the four sentences according to the following questions.what animal is the largest land animal in the world? What’s the weight of a fully grown adult?
2. Where does the Siberian tiger live?
3. What do the Northern Bald Ibises mainly eat?
4. How many the blue whales left are there? The African elephant is the largest land animal in the world. The weight of a fully grown adult is about 5 tons.The Siberian tiger lives in forests in parts of Siberia of Russia and Northeast China.The Northern Bald Ibises mainly eat insects and small reptiles, but also eat fish and frogs.There are less than 5,000 the blue whales left and some experts believe the figure could be nearer 2,000.课题:Writing (Module6, Book5)
枣庄一中 冯利伟
课 题
Animals in danger
课 型
Reading and Writing

To learn:
1. New words and phrases:
Whale, feed on , on the brink of ,
2. Key sentences:
Only about 1,000 survive , most of them in Siberia
3. Learn to use adverbial clauses attributive clauses to complete the task of writing a description of an animal
1. To improve the students’ speaking and writing skills.
2. Encourage the Ss to be active and cooperative in the class
To Arouse students:
Love the nature and the animals
Protect the nature and the animals
1.Learn and master some important words and phrases used to describe an animal in this period
2. Make students learn to how to write a description of an animal
To develop the students’ writing strategy.
Discussion and Task-based Approach
Multi-media and Learning case
Step 1 Leading-in
Play a short video of a football match among different animals and ask the following questions:
T: How many animals are there in the video?( It’s a joke.)
We know some of them are in danger or will disappear.
In order to help them ,what should we do ?
Then show several pictures of animals in the zoo and in the nature
T We set up the nature reserve to protect them, especially for the endangered animals.
Today we’ll find some information of four endangered animals.
Step 3 Reading
Read the notes on page 58
(I) Read the table and say which animal the sentences refer to.
Read through the sentences and make sure they can understand all of them.
Then check the answers
(II) Have the students read the table again and find more information and talk about the animals in pairs.
For reference:
You may do like this:
A: What kind of animal is the Siberian tiger?
B: It is the largest member of cat family.
A: Where can Siberian tigers be found?
B: It can be found in Siberia of Russia and parts of Northeast China.
(III) Read the description of the Siberian tiger and find how it is organized
Phrases or sentences
Clauses and absolute structure
What animal
?Sth is ……
?….., which were used in ….
….., some of which are in the …..
Only about 1,000 survive, most of them in Siberia.
, most of which are in Siberia.
, and most of them are in Siberia.
Where to live?
?….can be found ….
What to eat?
?….feed mainly on ….
Why in danger?
?…used to be hunted for ….
How many left?
? Only about …..survive,…
Have the students underline some good phrases and sentences in the description. Then share them with your partner and make sure they can understand them.
Step 4 Writing
(I) Pre-writing
Describe orally
According to the information in the table and describe the African elephant in pairs.
Attention: Try to use the phrases you have learnt and the Attributive clauses
(II) While-writing
Write down your description (10 minutes)
Attention: 1. Choose the correct tense and person
2. spell correctly
3. Use correct punctuation( 标点符号)
4. Try to use the attributive clause and the adverbial clause.
5. Make sure your handwriting is neat and clear
(III) Post-writing
1. Have the students check their paragraph by themselves. Then check in pairs.
Last correct their mistakes. At the same time, write down some beautiful phrases or sentences.
2. Mark their partner’s composition with A, B, C, or D, and correct some mistake according to the following standards:
A excellent
B good
C passed
D bad
Neat, clear
Unrecognizable no information many mistakes
One or two mistakes
More mistakes
Few mistakes
More mistakes
Lose a few
Lose most
Expressions/words/ sentences
Various/ complex
Most varieties
Simple and no varieties
Task : How to describe an endangered animal
(1)?大熊猫(giant panda) 是中国的稀有动物,也是世界的稀有动物之一,为中国人民和世界人民所喜爱;
(2)?大熊猫生长在山里,皮毛黑白相间(black and white fur)大眼睛,身体胖,以竹子为主食,会爬树,游泳。.现在大约有1,000只左右,由于山林遭到破坏,竹子被砍伐,大熊猫觅食越来越难,正濒临灭绝。
参考词汇:稀有的----rare?自然保护区----nature reserve
Period 4: Reading and writing
To learn to read and write about animals
▇ Reading fast facts about animals
I am sure all of you are fond of animals. But how much do you know about them? Here are some interesting facts about them. Read them in pairs.
Is a world population of 6 billion too many? Compare that with animals. There are more than a million animal species. There are 6,000 species of reptiles, 73,000 kinds of spiders, and 3,000 types of lice. For each person there is about 200 million insects. The 4,600 kinds of mammals represent a mere 0,3% of animals and the 9000 kinds of birds only 0,7%. The most numerous bird specie is the red-billed quelea of southern Africa. There are an estimated 100 trillion of them.
Mammals are the only animals with flaps around the ears.
African elephants only have four teeth to chew their food with.
There are about one billion cattle in the world of which 200 million are in India.
A house fly lives only 14 days.
A dog was the first in space and a sheep, a duck and a rooster the first to fly in a hot air balloon.
The oldest breed of dog is the Saluki.
The bee hummingbird of Cuba is the smallest bird in the world.
An ostrich can run up to 70 km/h (43mph).
An annoyed camel will spit at a person.
The world's smallest dog is the Chihuahua, which means "tiny dog in the sky."
Pea crabs (the size of a pea) are the smallest crabs in the world.
75% of wild birds die before they are 6 months old.
The pig is rated the fourth most intelligent animal but are mentioned only twice in the Bible
Sheep are mentioned 45 times and goats 88 times in the Bible.
Pork is the world's most widely-eaten meat.
In Denmark there are twice as many pigs as people.
Dinosaurs did not eat grass: there weren't any at that time.
The coyote is a member of the dog family and its scientific name, "canis latrans" means barking dog.
A giraffe can clean its ears with its 50cm (20 in) tongue.
A group of geese on the ground is a gaggle - a group of geese in the air is a skein. More
The South American giant anteater eats more than 30,000 ants a day.
It is impossible to out-swim a shark - sharks reach speeds of 70 km/h (44 mph). Humans can run about 35 km/h (21 mph).
The sailfish is the fastest swimmer, reaching 109 km/h (68 mph).
The slowest fish is the Sea Horse, which moves along at about 0.016 km/h (0.01 mph).
Dolphins can reach 60 km/h (37 mph).
Of the 650 types of leeches, only the Hirudo medicinalis is used for medical treatments.
The heart of a blue whale is the size of a small car.
The tongue of a blue whale is as long as an elephant.
The scales of a crocodile are made of ceratin, the same substance that hooves and fingernails are made of.
A crocodile's tongue is attached to the roof of its mouth and cannot move it.
A snail has two pairs of tentacles on its head. One pair is longer than the other and houses the eyes. The shorter pair is used for smelling and feeling its way around.
The heaviest crustacean ever found was a lobster weighing 19 kg (42 lb), caught in 1934.
The largest jellyfish ever caught measured 2,3 m (7'6") across the bell with a tentacle of 36 m (120 ft) long.
The largest giant squid ever recorded was captured in the North Atlantic in 1878. It weighed 4 tons. Its tentacles measured 10 m (35 ft) long.
The giant squid has the biggest eyes of any animal: its eyes measure 40 cm (16 in) in diameter.
Domestic cats purr at about 26 cycles per second, the same frequency as an idling diesel engine.
Sharks are immune to all known diseases.
Sharks and rays also share the same kind of skin: instead of scales, they have small tooth-like spikes called denticles. The spikes are so sharp that shark skin has long been used as sandpaper.
Animals also are either right-handed or left-handed. Polar bears are left-handed - and so is Kermit the Frog.
There are 701 types of pure breed dogs.
There are about 53 million dogs in the US, and Paris is said to have more dogs than people.
Some bird species, usually flightless birds, have only a lower eyelid, whereas pigeons use upper and lower lids to blink.
Fish and insects do not have eyelids - their eyes are protected by a hardened lens.
Measured in straight flight, the spine-tailed swift is the fastest bird. It flies 170 km/h (106 mph). Second fastest is the Frigate, which reaches 150 km/h (94 mph).
Millions of trees are accidentally planted by squirrels who bury nuts and then forget where they hid them.
There are more than 150 million sheep in Australia, a nation of 17 million people.
New Zealand is home to 4 million people and 70 million sheep.
■Writing a description of animals
The Siberian Tiger
The Siberian Tiger is found in eastern Russia, where they are now being actively protected. About 10% of Siberian tiger populations are in China.
The Siberian Tiger can weigh as much as 650lb (300 kg). In years past, scientists believed that these cats could weigh up to 800lb (350 kg). Apart from the size, Siberian tigers are different from other tigers by their paler fur and dark brown, rather than black, stripes. Since it is estimated that 85% of a Siberian Tiger's diet is composed of red deer and wild boar, protecting these and other prey animals from illegal hunting may be just as important to the tiger's survival as preventing direct killing of the big cats.
The Blue Whale
The Blue Whale is a marine mammal belonging to the suborder of baleen whales. Blue Whales are believed to be the largest animal ever to have lived, at up to 30 metres (100 feet) in length and 140 tons (150 short tons) or more in weight.
Blue Whales were rich in most oceans around the world up until the beginning of the 20th century. For the first 40 years of that century they were hunted by whalers almost to extinction. Hunting of the species was outlawed by the international community in 1966. The current world population is between three and four thousand individuals, which are located in four (or possibly five) groups, the largest of which is in the North-East Pacific. There are two groups in the North Atlantic and one in Antarctic waters. Blue Whales found in the Indian Ocean may or may not be part of the Antarctic group.
The African savannah elephant
The African savannah elephant is the best-known and larger of the two African elephants. Both it and the forest elephant were previously classified as a single species, which was known simply as the African elephant. It is also known as the bush elephant or African bush elephant.
The Savannah Elephant can range from 6–7.3 m (20–24 ft) long and 3–4 m (10–13 ft) high. At up to 10,000 kg (22,000 lb) it is the largest land animal in the world.
Relatively little scientific research has been carried out into elephants' cognitive or perceptual abilities. An exception is a recent report that African elephants are able to use seismic vibrations at infrasound frequencies for communication.
The Northern Bald Ibis
The Northern Bald Ibis is a species of ibis.
This is a large glossy black ibis, with a red face, red "bald" head and red bill. It breeds colonially on cliffs in rocky deserts in Africa north of the Sahara. Its food is insects and other small creatures.
This species is officially critically endangered, with an estimated population in of 420 in the wild [1] and about 1500 in captivity (2004). It retains only a foothold in Morocco, Turkey and Syria. There is a programme ongoing to reintroduce the species into the wild in Austria and Italy.
Reading and Writing
Purpose: To develop Ss’ writing ability and enable Ss to know how to write a description of an animal.
1. Read the table and say which animal the sentences refer to.
Suggested answer:
1) African Elephant 2) Siberian Tiger
3) Northern Bald Ibis 4) Blue Whale
2. Read the description of the Siberian tiger, and analyze how to describe an animal.
3. Write a similar description of another animal in the table.
Blue Whale
Whale is the biggest animal in the world, which weighs 100 tons or more. But you can’t believe such a huge animal is just fed on plankton. And it also faces an extinction problem, hunted for oil and meat. Recently, less than 5000 or perhaps only 2000 are surviving. As a result, if you want to have a look at it, you must go to the Arctic Oceans and the Antarctic Waters.
Siberian Tiger
The Siberian Tiger, which feeds on deer or wild pigs, is the largest member of the cat family. Its body parts used to be used in traditional medicine, so it was hunted all the time. As a result, it become a species getting extinct. Today, only about 100survive and hardly can it be found except forest in Siberia and northeast China. Definitely, we should try our best to make it rescued.
The African Elephant
The African Elephant is the world’s biggest land mammal animal. However, it is on the brink of extinction. Only eats grass, leaves and fruit, its number from 1.3million in 1980 had fallen about 400,000, for its ivory is valuable. According to reports, the biggest African Elephant was shot on November 7th ,1974.
It’s a privilege to protect animals, not a duty. Otherwise, when the world became a lonely heaven, we will regret. ?
(Written by Xie Dinghua, Zhang Chunlin and Wu Tiantian in Nanxiong Middle School; Directed by Amy Dong)
Step 4 Homework
Preview what we will learn tomorrow.
参考词汇:稀有的----rare?自然保护区----nature research
Needless to say that pandas are not only a kind of rare animals of China but also the world, and all the people is undoubtedly crazy about them.
These lovely and smart guys live in mountains, and its are fond of bamboo. Unfortunately, bamboo has been damaging recently, so it is more and more difficult for pandas to find food. What’s worse, its are in endangered.
However, our country had set up a host of nature researches. Nevertheless, we still cannot help all of its because we don’t have enough money.
Above all, I wish you, the kind teenagers come to join us. Only in this way can our planet be flooded with endless harmony and happiness.
生活在中国四川,甘肃等省份(province) 2.皮毛黑白相间(black and white fur)大眼睛,身体胖,我们非常喜欢它们。 3.最爱吃竹子(bamboo),会爬树,游泳。 4.现在大约有1,000只左右,我们必须尽力保护它们。 开头:Giant pandas are China's national treasure.
朱鹮(red ibis) 国家一级保护动物
喜欢栖息在高大的乔木上,在水田(paddy?field)、沼泽(marshland) 及山区溪流附近觅食。
Analyzation :
What details need it describe?
2. How many parts can it be divided into?
unknown,?environmental?,degradation?(恶化),?human?activity,?natural?enemy, die out, hunt , chemical, threat…..