山东省枣庄市2015年优质课外研版必修五Module 6 Animals in Danger Reading and Writing课件(枣庄一中胡乐香)(共13张PPT)


名称 山东省枣庄市2015年优质课外研版必修五Module 6 Animals in Danger Reading and Writing课件(枣庄一中胡乐香)(共13张PPT)
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文件大小 1.8MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 外研版
科目 英语
更新时间 2016-02-15 16:52:03



课件13张PPT。 Module 6 Animals in Danger Reading and Writing 单位: 枣庄一中
执教者: 胡乐香Lead-in TaskWrite a similar description of an endangered animal .Siberian TigerBlue WhaleAfrican ElephantNorthern Bald IbisFast Reading1 . It is the world’s biggest land animal; a fully grown adult can weigh five tons. ___________
2. It can be found in parts of Siberia and Northeast China. __________
3. They feed mostly on insects and small reptiles, but also eat fish and frogs. ____________
4. The population is supposed to be less than 5,000; some experts believe the figure could be nearer 2,000. ________African ElephantSiberian TigerNorthern Bald IbisBlue WhaleRead the table and say which animal the sentences refer to.SummarySummarize how to describe an endangered animal:
the outline descriptionhabitat
food why in danger
numbers left
Pre-writing Brainstorming
Collect some useful words and expressions about describing animals: bird, insect, reptile , mammal ;
thick forest, deep ocean, plateau, river valley, desert; feed on, be hunted for,
rare, endangered, extinct, extinction, in danger , on the brink of …Words and expressions:Pre-writingBrainstorming
Collect the sentence patterns about describing animals: (1). The …is a…animal .
(2). It can be found.../usually lives…
(3). It feeds mainly on …
(4). The…is/used to be hunted for…
(5). Today the species is on the brink of…
(6). The population is supposed to be…
…Sentences patterns:
the outlinedescriptionhabitat
foodwhy in danger

numbers left
While-writingWrite a similar description of another animal in the table according to the outline. The blue whale is the biggest mammal in the world and a fully grown adult can weigh 100 tons or more. But it is difficult to believe that such a huge animal just feeds mainly on plankon. Its diet consists mostly on krill and small fish. So, the oceans that contain huge amounts of tiny sea-animals called krill, especially the Arctic and the Antarctic Waters are home to the blue whale. At present, it is also in danger of extinction because it is always hunted for oil and meat. As a result, there are less than 5,000 or perhaps only 2,000 left .A sampleHomework a. Polish and revise your writing and hand in the final draft.
b. Make a survey of endangered species in Taierzhuang and write a similar description for Mike and Kate .Self-Evaluation