山东省枣庄市2015年优质课外研版必修五Module6《Animals in Danger》Vocabulary and listening课件(24张ppt)+教学设计+听力音频素材共8份(枣庄实验


名称 山东省枣庄市2015年优质课外研版必修五Module6《Animals in Danger》Vocabulary and listening课件(24张ppt)+教学设计+听力音频素材共8份(枣庄实验
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文件大小 13.7MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 外研版
科目 英语
更新时间 2016-02-17 18:52:07


My teaching plan and its explanations.

Book 5 Module 6 Animals in Danger
Vocabulary and listening

Animals in Danger
Listening and speaking

Learn the words and phrases:
insect, mammal, bird, reptile; nature reserve,keep an eye on, go for
To train their listening skills.
Express concern.
Decribe an endangered animal.
To raise their awareness of protecting the endangered animals.
Listen for main idea and some specific information.
Talk about an endangered animal.
task-based teahing method; student-centered
pair work, group work, showing pictures
Warming up
T: Do you love animals? Which animal do you like most? Why?
T: Now let me show you more pictures about animals.
Do you know their names?
S: …
(以图片的形式呈现更多的动物,激发学生学习兴趣,并引出新单词insect, mammal, reptile,bird )
T: Here are some descriptions about these animals in your book. Open your books and turn to P55. Read these descriptions quickly and try to match them with the photos.
T: Through the descriptions we know that all the animals are in danger.
So many nature reserves are built to protect them. Do you know nature reserve? A place where endangered animals are protected. Today, I will introduce another nature reserve to you.
T: Look at the map. Where is it? What’s the name of the nature reserve? Today we’ll listen to an interview with William Norris who works in the Tembe Nature reserve.
(用图片加提问的方式引出听力中的人名William Norris,地名the Tembe Nature reserve,进一步消除听力中的障碍)
T: Before listening,let’s make a prediction about which animals he will talk about later.
T: Now let’s listen to the interview.While listening, pay attention to the names of animals. And then tell me what William Norris’s job was.
Listen for main idea:
Which animals are talked about?
elephants lions antelopes pigs
What was William Norris’s job?
He was a ___volunteer__in the Tembe Nature Reserve.
T: How long was he there? Which animals did he work with? With these questions, let’s listen to the interview again. Try to get the answers to these questions.
Listen for specific information:
Activity one
How long was he there? Three months
How many elephants are there in the reserve? 250
Which animals did he work with? Lions.
How often did he see them? Almost every night.
Does William think people can help animals in danger?
Yes, he does.
(听具体信息,对学生听的不是很清楚的地方比如数字250还是215,进行针对性的复听,让学生对听力材料中的一些细节,听的更透彻。重点处理词组keep an eye on, 创设情景,领会意思。)
Activity two
T: What was the most exciting thing he saw? Well, he kept it in his diary. Do you want to have a look?
April 13th
Today I saw(1) ________ female lions attack a (2)_________. It was very exciting. The (3) _______ was hurt, but it started to (4)_________. The lions were surprised and in the end they just (5) _________. It’s a pity I didn’t have my (6)_________.
T: Now, let’s listen to this part and help him complete his diary.
T: Have you finished? If so, discuss your answers in groups and make some correction.
Answers: (1) two (2) wild pig (3) pig (4) fight (5) went away (6) camera
T: It’s the most exciting thing he saw. But it’s a pity that he didn’t take his camera. Did William enjoy his job?
S: Yes! T: He thought it was interesting and important. Now, let’s have a summary of his job as a volunteer in the Tembe Nature Reserve.
Listen for summary
T: Look at the summary. Some words are missing. Can you finish it with the words you heard just now? Of course, you can turn to your group members for help.
T: Do you need to listen to it again? Now let’s listen for the last time and check your answers.
William Norris was a __________ in the Tembe Nature Reserve. Besides elephants, there are plenty of other __________ there. His job was to ________________ the lions, which sounds ___________. But obviously, he had an ____________ time as a volunteer. He thought if we really want to, we can do a lot to help animals in their struggle to ________.
Keys: volunteer, mammals, keep an eye on, dangerous, interesting, survive
T: Just now, we listened to the interview and learned about William Norris’s job as a volunteer in the Tembe nature reserve. Do you want to work as a volunteer in the nature reserve someday?
S: Yes!
T: Good!
Post listening
Discuss and speak
T: In fact, although some animals are protected in nature reserves, there are many others still endangered. Look at the pictures.
(呈现濒危动物的图片, 了解他们现在面临的问题,导致问题的原因,表达对他们的担忧,并讨论解决这些问题的措施,为说做准备。)
1. How do you feel about the endangered animals?
2. What should we do to save them?And why?
T: Now, each group chooses one animal from them and discuss about their problems, your feelings and your measures to protect them.
T: Now, let’s put the measures together.
Stop cutting down trees.
Stop killing.
Protect the environment.
More laws.
More volunteers.
T: Why should we protect them? ……
Tips to share:
Protecting animals is protecting ourselves!
We human beings can’t live on alone!
Wildlife needs our love!
No business, no killing!
Prepare a speech about protecting the endangered animals with your group members.
本模块的话题是Animals in Danger,在Vocabulary and Listening部分,通过对一位在南非Tembe自然保护区工作的志愿者的采访,让学生了解更多的濒危动物,并了解自愿者的工作,激发他们愿意成为一名志愿者的热情。
热身环节,用图片导入并解释了insect, mammal, reptile, bird四个新词,接着阅读书中的4段描述,进一步巩固4个新词,并根据描述引出这些动物濒危的话题,进而导入到“自然保护区”,为听的环节做了词汇上的准备。听前的预测又激起了学生听的欲望。
听的环节设置了listen for main idea, listen for specifc information 以及listen for summary 三个步骤。由泛听-精听-泛听,尤其是精听过程中部分细节的复听让学生对听力材料有了很好的理解。并在听的过程中处理了短语keep an eye on以及go for。
听后,通过呈现5张濒危动物的图片,直观展示他们的生存现状,对学生形成一种视觉上的冲击,很自然感受到一种伤心和担忧,进而讨论出拯救他们的措施。之后,用“我们为什么要保护这些濒危动物”,对学生的情感以及价值观进行升华,得出我们应与它们共生存的结论。 作业环节,让学生准备一个演讲,整理本堂课的讨论结果,进一步巩固本堂课所学的对于濒危动物的描述。
课件24张PPT。Welcome to my class Book 5 Module 6 Vocabulary&Listening枣庄实验高中 周敏beesbutterflyfliesinsectpandalionelephantmammaleagleswallowswansbirdsnakecrocodilelizardreptile6Red WolfBroadheaded SnakeCheckerspot ButterflyBald Eagle1234Match the descriptions with the photosmammalreptileinsectbird Pre-listeningthe south Africathe Tembe Nature ReserveWilliam NorrisAnimalsinsectselephants
Make a prediction While-listening IWhich animals are talked about?2. What was William Norris’ job?elephants lions antelopes pigsHe was a __________in the Tembe Nature Reserve.volunteer While-listening IIHow long was he there?
2. How many elephants are there in the reserve?
3. Which animals did he work with?
4. How often did he see them?
5. Does William think people can help animals in danger?Three months.About 250.Lions.Almost every night.Yes, he does.My job was to
________________ the lions.
study their ______________
monitor their ____________ keep an eye onbehaviourmovementsComplete the page from William’s diaryApril 13th
Today I saw (1) ________ female lions attack a
(2)_______ . It was very exciting. The (3)_______
was hurt, but started to (4)________. The lions
were surprised and in the end they just
(5) ____________. It’s a pity that I didn’t have
my (6) __________. twowild pigpigfightwent awaycamera While-listening III William Norris was a __________ in the Tembe Nature Reserve. His job was to _____________ the lions, which sounds ___________. He said the most exciting thing was seeing two female lions ____________a wild pig. It’s a _______ that he didn’t have his camera. Obviously, he had an ____________ time as a volunteer.
volunteerkeep an eye ondangerousgo forpityinteresting=attacklosing habitats
(栖息地)Endangered animalsGolden monkeysGlobal warming Endangered animalsPolar bearsWhere are my bamboos?Endangered animalsThey are killed for their ivories(象牙)Endangered animalspollutionsEndangered animalsswansWhat’s your feeling about the endangered animals?
I’m worried about their future.
I’m concerned about…
It’s so upsetting. Post-listening Discussionmake sb. unhappy
DiscussionWhat should we do to save them?
DiscussionWhat should we do to save them?Stop cutting down trees.
Stop killing.
Protect the environment.
More laws.
More volunteers. Valuable advice Protecting the wildlife is protecting ourselves.
We human beings can’t live on alone!
Wildlife needs our love!
No business, no killing ! Homework
Prepare a speech about protecting the endangered animals with your group members.
289750548@qq.comThank you