人教版(2019)选择性必修第一册Unit 2 Looking into the future Words and Expressions 课件(共26张PPT)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修第一册Unit 2 Looking into the future Words and Expressions 课件(共26张PPT)
格式 pptx
文件大小 22.7MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-10-07 09:54:48



Words and Expressions
phrase /fre z/ n. 短语;词组
persuade /p r swe d/ vt. 劝说;说服
persuasion /p r swe ( )n/ n. 劝说;说服
persuasive /p r swe s v/ adj. 有说服力的
persuade sb. of sth. 使某人相信某事
persuade sb. (not) to do sth. 说服某人(不)做某事
persuade sb. into / out of doing sth.
I finally persuaded my mother to change her mind. 我最终说服我妈妈改变了主意。 I finally persuaded my grandfather not to climb/out of climbing the mountain. 我最终说服了我的祖父不要去爬山。 We persuaded our children of the importance of higher education. 我们使我们的孩子们相信了高等教育的重要性。
switch /sw t / vt. 转换;交换
vi. vt. (使)改变;转变
n. 开关;转换器;改变
switch off/on 关 / 开(电灯、机器等)
switch over to ... 转换到……;换台;换频道
switch from...to... 从……往……转变
switch A for B 把 A 调换成 B
switch sth. with sb. 和某人交换某物
Mary can switch easily from French to English. 玛丽可以将法语和英语切换自如。 Henry switches Christmas gifts with Bob. 亨利和鲍勃交换了圣诞礼物。
be (+ 距离) distant from... 离……(有…… )远
a distant cousin/aunt/relative 远房表兄弟/ 姑母/ 亲戚
in the distance 在远处
at/from a distance of 隔……远的距离(of 后跟具体的距离)
keep one’s distance (from) (与……)保持距离
In the distant future,human beings may find a planet like our earth. 在遥远的将来,人类可能会找到一颗像我们的地球一样的行星。 Farther in the distance,I could enjoy the view of snowy mountains. 在更远一点儿的地方,我能够欣赏雪山的景色。
distant / d st nt/ adj. 遥远的;远处的;疏远的;心不在焉的
distance / d st ns/ n. 距离
distantly / d st ntli/ adv. 遥远地;冷淡地
secure /s kj r/ adj.vt. 安全的,可靠的;获得,拴牢,保护
securely /s kj rli/ adv. 安全地;可靠地
security /s kj r ti/ n. 保护措施;安全工作
insecure / ns kj r/ adj. 不安全的;不牢靠的
be/feel secure about ... 对……有把握;对……感到安心
be secure against/from sth. 免遭某事
a secure job/income 稳定的工作/ 收入
secure...to... 把……拴牢在……
secure...against/from... 保护……以免遭……
a sense of security 安全感
The young man felt secure about his future and had a passion for his career. 这位年轻人对自己的未来很有把握,并且对他的事业很有激情。
a remote control 遥控器
All our projects aim to promote the development of poor and remote areas. 我们所有的项目都旨在促进贫困和偏远地区的发展。
knob /nɑ b/ n. 旋钮;球形把手
appliance / pla ns/ n. 电器;器具
remote /r mo t/ adj. 远程的;偏远的
remotely /r mo tli/ adv. 微弱地;细微地;远程地
air conditioner 空调机;空调设备
automatic / t m t k/ adj. 自动的;无意识的
integrate / nt ɡre t/ vt.vi. (使)合并;成为一体
integrated / nt ɡre t d/ adj. 各部分密切协调的;综合的
sensor / sens r/ n. 传感器;敏感元件
efficient / f ( )nt/ adj. 效率高的;有功效的
efficiency / f ( )nsi/ n. 效率;效能
efficiently / f ( )ntli/ adv. 效率高地
be efficient at (doing) sth. 在(做)……方面有成效
This process apparently makes efficient use of limited resources. 显然这一过程有效地利用了有限的资源。 Mr. Lee is efficient at dealing with difficult problems. 李先生擅长处理难题。
mode /mo d/ n. 模式;方式;风格
routine /ru ti n/ n. adj. 常规;正常顺序;常规的;日常的
daily routine 日常生活
prefer A to B 喜欢A 胜过B(to 为介词)
prefer to do sth. / prefer doing sth. 更喜欢做某事
prefer doing sth. to doing sth. 宁愿做某事而不愿做某事
prefer to do sth. rather than do sth.
have a preference for 偏爱……
give (a) preference to... 给……以优惠;优待……
I much prefer popular music to rock music. 我喜欢流行音乐远胜过摇滚乐。 My daughter has a preference for classical music. 我女儿更喜欢古典音乐。 Would you prefer me to go abroad for further study 你愿意我去国外进修吗?
prefer /pr f r/ vt. 较喜欢;喜欢……多于……
preference / prefr ns/ n. 爱好;偏爱
instant / prefr ns/ n. adj. 瞬间;片刻;立即的;速食的;速溶的
instantly / nst ntli/ adv. 立即;立刻
in an instant 立刻;马上
for an instant 一会儿
instant coffee/food/noodles 速溶咖啡/ 即时食品/ 方便面
the instant... 是名词短语,意为“一……就……” 可用作连词,引导时间状语从句 instantly 可用作连词,意为“一……就……”,引导时间状语从句 These boys and girls jumped with joy instantly the chairman announced the result of the game. 主席一宣布了比赛的结果,这些男孩和女孩就高兴地跳了起来。 The rescue team set off for Sichuan the instant they heard the earthquake happened there. 救援队一听到四川发生地震,就出发前往那里。
take command of 控制;指挥
in command of 控制;指挥
under one’s command 由某人控制/ 指挥
under the command of sb.
have a good command of 掌握;精通
command sb. to do sth. 命令某人做某事
Having a good command of English gives me confidence to serve as a bridge between China and Britain. 精通英语使我有信心成为中英之间的桥梁。
command /k m nd/ n.vt. 指令;命令;控制
commander /k m nd r/ n. 负责人;尤指司令官,指挥官
虚拟语气:后跟名词性从句(主宾表同),从句谓语用“(should)+ 动词原形”的动词:
一个“坚持”(insist);两道“命令”(order, command);
四条“建议”(suggest, propose, advise, recommend);
四个“要求”(demand, desire, request, require)。
The general commanded that we(should)attack the town before midnight.
obey / be / vt.vi. 服从;遵守
disobey / d s be / vt.vi. 不服从;违抗
warn /w rn/ v. 提醒;警告
warning / w rn / n. 警告;警示;先兆
warn sb. of/about sth. 控制;指挥
warn sb. (not) to do sth. 提醒某人(不)要做某事
warn sb. against doing sth.
give sb. (a) warning of/about sth. 某人发出关于……的警告
take warning from 从……中吸取教训;以……为前车之鉴
without (any) warning 没有(任何)先兆;事先不通知就……
constant / kɑ nst nt/ adj.n. 不断的,重复的;常数,常量
early on 在初期;早先
abnormal / b n rm( )l/ adj. 不正常的;反常的
critical / kr t k( )l/ adj. 严重的;关键的;批判性的
critically / kr t kli/ adv. 批判性地;严重地
criticize / kr t sa z/ vt. 批评,评论
be criticial to sth. 对……至关重要
criticize sb. for (doing) sth. 因做某事指责某人
have the potential for (doing) sth. 有(做)某事的可能性/ 潜力
have the potential to do sth. 有潜力做某事
develop one’s potential 开发某人的潜力
He has the potential to become a world-class musician. 他有潜力成为世界级的音乐家。
cancer / k ns r/ n. 癌;癌症;毒瘤
potential /p ten ( )l/ adj. n. 可能的,潜在的;潜力,可能性
potentially /p ten li/ adv. 潜在地;可能地
leak /li k/ vt.vi.n. 渗漏,透露;漏洞;裂缝
leak out 泄露
leak sth. to sb. 向某人泄露某事
electric / lektr k/ adj. 用电的;电动的;发电的
electrical / lektr kl/ adj. 点的;用电的
electricity / lek tr s ti/ n. 电
wire / wa r/ n.vt. 电线,金属丝;接通电源
wiring / wa r / n. 电线线路;线路系统
wireless / wa rl s/ adj. 无线的
wired / wa rd/ adj. 联网的;连线的
detect /d tekt/ vt. 发现;查明
detective /d tekt v/ n. 侦探
detection /d tek ( )n/ n. 侦查;探测;发现
detector /d tekt r/ n. 探测器;侦查器
be relevant to 与……有关
In the exams,make sure that everything you write is relevant to the questions you have been asked. 在考试中,确保你写的所有东西都与你被问到的问题有关。
relevant / rel v nt/ adj. 有关的;有意义的
relevantly / rel v ntli/ adv. 有关地;切题地
relevance / rel v ns/ n. 关联;有关
irrelevant / rel v nt/ adj. 无关紧要的;不相关的
catch fire 着火(表动作,不与时间段连用)
be on fire 着火(表状态,可与时间段连用)
There is a thick covering of leaves in the fores, which are very easy to catch fire.
When the firefighters arrived, the building had been on fire for about twenty minutes.
be available for... 可用于……
be available to do sth. 可以做某事
There will be four basketball courts available for our use with one teacher watching over each game. 将有四个篮球场供我们使用, 每场比赛都有一名教师监管。
fantasy / f nt si/ n. 幻想;想象
innovate / n ve t/ v. 创新
innovation / n ve ( )n/ n. 创新;创造
available / ve l b( )l/ adj. 可获得的;可购得的;(人)有空的
in this sense (in … sense) 从这种(某种)意义上来讲
In this sense,he’s not a very good leader even though he is an excellent professor.
从这种意义上来讲,尽管他是一位优秀的教授, 但他不是一位很好的领导。
combine with 与……结合
be combined with
in combination with
nevertheless / nev r les/ adv. 尽管如此;不过;然而
structure / str kt r/ n. vt. 系统安排;精心组织;结构;体系
secure /s kj r/ adj. 安全的
security /s kj r ti/ n. 保护措施;安全工作
crime /kra m/ n. 犯罪活动;不法行为
combine /k m ba n/ vt.vi. (使)结合;混合
combined /k m ba nd/ adj. 结合的;合并的
combination / kɑ mb ne ( )n/ n. 结合;混合;联合
nanobot / n n b t/ n. 纳米机器人
artificial / ɑ t f ( )l/ adj. 人工的;人造的;假的
artificial intelligence AI 人工智能
clone /kl n/ vt.n. 克隆;克隆动物(或植物)
predict /pr d kt/ vt. 预测;预言;预料
prediction /pr d k ( )n/ n. 预测;预言
unpredictable / npr d kt bl/ adj. 不可预测的
be predicted to do sth. 预计做某事
It is predicted that... 据预测……
They predicted that the next year would be a good harvest. 他们预测下一年会有个好收成。
forecast / f rk st/ vt. n. 预测;预报
forecast — forecast / forecasted — forecast / forecasted
a weather forecast 天气预报
occupy / ɑ kjupa / vt. 使用,占用;侵占
occupied / ɑ kjupa d/ adj. 忙于;已占用的
occupation / ɑ kju pe ( )n/ n. 职业;占领
occupational / ɑ kju pe n( )l/ adj. 职业的
occupy oneself in doing sth./with sth. 忙于做某事
be occupied in doing sth./with sth.
All the students are occupied in going over their lessons for the coming examination. 所有的学生都忙于复习功课,以备即将到来的考试。
oppose / p z/ vt. 反对;抵制;阻挠
opposed / p zd/ adj. 相反的,截然不同的
opposition / p z ( )n/ n. 反对,反抗
opposite / p z t/ adj. n. 对面的,相反的;相反的人(或物)
prep. 在……对面
oppose sb. doing sth. 反对某人做某事
in opposition to 强烈反对……;对照……
be opposite to 与……相反
Mr. Zhou, who sat opposite me, was strongly opposed to my proposal, and his opposition made me very angry. 坐在我对面的周先生强烈反对我的建议,他的反对让我非常生气。
hence /hens/ adv. 因此;由此
cease /si s/ vt.vi. (使)停止;终止
ceaseless / si sl s/ adj. 不断的;不停的
cease to do sth. 停止做某事
cease doing sth.
If wars do not cease, the number of the homeless people can be expected to rise. 如果不停战,流离失所的人数预计将增加。
decease /d si s/ n.v. 死亡
deceased /d si st/ adj. 已故的
rural / r r l/ adj. 乡村的;农村的
urban / rb n/ adj. 城市的
absence / bs ns/ n. 不存在;缺乏;缺席
absent / bs nt/ adj. 缺席的;心不在焉的
absently / bs ntli/ adv. 心不在焉地;出神地
in/during one’s absence 某人不在/ 缺席的时候
in the absence of ... 缺少……
be absent from work/school 缺勤/ 缺课
Our monitor was absent from school today, and his absence was due to a high fever. In his absence, Henry organized our class meeting. 我们的班长今天缺课了,他缺课是由于发高烧了。他不在的时候,亨利组织了我 们的班会。
advocate / dv ke t/ vt. n. 提倡(者);支持(者);拥护(者)
advocate doing sth. 提倡(做)某事;主张(做)某事
It is advocated that sb. (should) do sth. 提倡/ 主张某人……
My father is an advocate for women’s sports. In other words, he advocates that women should take part in sports. 我父亲是女子运动的倡导者。换句话说,他主张女性应该参加体育运动。
emphasis / emf s s/ n. 强调;重视;重要性
emphasise(ize) / emf sa z/ vt. 强调;重视
lay/put/place emphasis on/upon 强调;重视
emphasise the importance of... 强调……的重要性
The local government placed emphasis on improving the air quality. 当地政府重视提高空气质量。
luxury / l k ri/ n. 奢华
keep in touch (with …) (与……)保持联系
stay/be in touch (with) (与……)保持联系(表示状态)
lose touch (with) (与……)失去联系(表示动作)
be out of touch (with) (与……)失去联系,不再了解情况(表示状态)
get in touch (with) (与……)取得联系(表示动作)
To my regret, I lost touch with my close friend after graduation. 令我遗憾的是,毕业后我和我的密友失去了联系。
career /k r r/ n. 职业;事业
prospect / prɑ spekt/ n. 可能性;前景
resist /r z st/ vi.vt. 抵制;反抗;抵挡
resistance /r z st ns/ n. 抵制;反对;抗拒
can’t resist (doing) sth. 忍不住 / 抵抗不住(做)某事
resist (doing) sth. 抵制(做)某事
be resistant to 抵抗……;反对……
He found it hard to resist buying these books. 他发现忍住不买这些书很难。
paragraph / p r ɡr f/ n. 段;段落
signpost / sa npo st/ n. 路标
essay / ese / n. 文章
accurate / kj r t/ adj. 精确的;准确的
accuracy / kj r si/ n. 精确(程度),准确性
library / la breri/ n. 图书馆
librarian /la breri n/ n. 图书管理员;图书馆馆长
resistant /r z st nt/ adj. 抵抗的,反抗的
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