Unit 7
How many stars does each group have
(1)“四会”掌握下列单词和短语:twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, eighty.
(2)“三会” 掌握15-100,和100以上的数字。数字用阿拉伯数字来写。
(4)完成Let’s learn Together, Fun with Language。
一、Warming up:
1) Read and act.
2) Sing a song: The more we get together
复习twelve 对比“四会” 掌握twenty, twenty-one
复习 thirteen 对比“四会”掌握 thirty, thirty-two
复习fourteen 对比“四会”掌握 forty, forty-three
复习 fifteen 对比“四会”掌握 fifty, fifty-four
学习 sixteen 对比“三会” 掌握sixty, sixty-five
学习 seventeen对比“三会” 掌握seventy, seven-six
学习eighteen 对比“四会”掌握 eighty, eighty-seven
学习nineteen 对比“三会” 掌握ninety, ninety-eight
a. 十几十几,大部分是以teen结尾。
b. 几十几十,大部分以ty结尾。特殊的用红笔板书。提醒学生发音上的区别:
teen [ti:n], ty [ti]。
c.让学生发现:几十几的表达是:几十和几的中间加“-”“四会”掌握One hundred。
P5 Ex.1.Read the numerals and do the sum in groups.21世纪教育网版权所有
②做完练习,老师说:Miss Liu h ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )as so much money, I want to buy some clothes. They are colourful. Do you know what colour they are Now, listen and colour the clothes. 做练习P6, Fun with language. Ex1.Listen and colour the clothes.21教育网
③涂完颜色后,老师拿一些漂亮的图画上黑板, ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )检查它们的颜色涂得对不对。然后说:They are nice clothes, I want to buy them. But how much are they Are they dear or cheap 他们太美丽了,我想买它们,不知道价钱贵不贵?请听听录音带:Listen to the tape and fill in the price.做练习 (P5 Let’s learn Together.) Let one pupil write on the blackboard.www.21-cn-jy.com
3)写完价钱,对答案。 The teacher says: I like them very much.
I want to buy a T-shi ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )rt. Who wants to be the shop assistant 做练习 P5.Ex.2.Bring clothes to the class. Take turns to be the shop assistant and the customer.要求每位同学带有特色的衣服,要穿的。买衣服的时候可以买自己的,也可以买别人的衣服。2·1·c·n·j·y
Pupil 1: Can ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com )I help you Teacher: I’d like a T-shirt. How much is it
Pupil 1: It’s 25 yuan. Teacher: Here you are.21cnjy.com
Pupil 1: Thank you. Teacher: You are welcome.
a) 买完衣服后,把衣服穿上。老师赞美 ( http: / / www.21cnjy.com ):The pupils put on their new clothes, so beautiful! Now children! Come to the blackboard. Let’s play the game. Guessing game 1:21·cn·jy·com
Pupil 1: He is wearing a blue T-shirt, a pair of white socks and a
pair of grey sport shoes. Which boy is it
Pupil: It’s Zhang Ling.
Teacher: You are right. You get two points.(评价)
Guessing game 2: 根据上一节课布置的作业猜学科(检查作业)
1) Activity Book: P4. Ex6.
2) Act out the story of Activity Book: P 4.Ex6.
3)选做:和父母对话:P5 Ex.2. P6.Ex 2.
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