

名称 江苏省无锡市第三高级中学2024-2025学年高二上学期第一次月考英语试卷(PDF版含答案)
格式 pdf
文件大小 189.5KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 通用版
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-10-07 22:28:37



2024年 9月
一.听力 (略)
第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 50分)
第一节 阅读理解(共 4篇,15 小题,每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分)
To whom it may concern,
Please accept my application for the internship (实习) you posted through ABC
College's Career Services Office. I would love the opportunity to work as an editorial
assistant for your company. After reading the job description, I believe I am a
well-qualified candidate for the position.
You state that you are looking for someone with strong writing skills for
publishing press releases and other informational materials. As an English major, a
writing tutor, and an editor of my school paper, I have considerable experience in both
writing and editing and have built up a highly relevant skill set. And my attention to
detail and commitment to a future career in the publishing business will make me an
excellent editorial assistant.
I meet your requirements that applicants should be both academically successful
and resourceful.I am a double major with a 3.99 GPA(平均学分缋点 ).I have
demonstrated resourcefulness while working for Sarasota Reads, a program that
involves discussing literature with children. For example, I have come up with
numerous creative ways to engage them in the novels that we read together.
I am confident that my writing skills, academic record, resourceful nature, and
office experience make me a qualified candidate for an internship with your
company.I have attached my resume(简厉), along with a recommendation from Jim
Greenspan,my supervisor (导师) at the Career Services Office. I would appreciate an
interview opportunity to discuss a potential position with you further. Thank you so
much for your time and consideration.
21.Whom might the letter be intended for
B. Employers.
22.Which of the following qualifications does the applicant mention
A. Technical skills.
B. Cultural backgrounds
C. Outgoing personality.
D. Related experience.
23.What is the tone of this application letter
A. Emotional and simplified.
B. Formal and sincere.
C. Informal and detailed.
D.Persuasive and humorous.
I remember the afternoon when I knew I would never swim again. I was 13 years
old, sobbing in the car the whole way home as my school uniform stuck to my wet
skin.The previous hour in the hydrotherapy(水疗)pool haunted me and I remembered
how my weak neck gave way and my head slipped under the water, flooding my ears
and nose.
Physiotherapists circled around me, comforting me that I was OK. But my body
didn't feel like it was mine. I had lost control. My swimming days were over.
I was born with spinal muscular atrophy (脊髓性肌萎缩症), a genetic disease. It
causes severe weakness in my limbs and, since I was a toddler (学步的儿童), I've
used an electric wheelchair. My disability means I've never been able to stand or
walk,but in the water, I was weightless and could move more freely.
Swimming had once meant a lot to me, but after spinal surgery to try to combat
the illness it became increasingly difficult. Visiting the hydrotherapy pool was a
last-ditch attempt to return to the water. When the moment arrived, it was stressful.My
tears weren't just because of the loss - they were an acceptance, too. I made the
decision: I was never going back in the water again.
For the first time as a young adult, I had to advocate for myself. Like other
people with disabilities, I often feel societal pressure to push myself. Recognizing that
swimming was unsafe and uncomfortable was a tough lesson about accepting the
limitations of my body.
I had to find other ways to connect with the water and my loss. Swimming is
now impossible, but I still take joy from seeing my family and friends in the
water.Swimming was the first big physical loss in my life, and I know there will be
others as I age, Everyday tasks I can complete now, such as cleaning my teeth or
feeding myself, may become too difficult as the years pass. I've learned it's OK to
miss what my body could do before and find ways to adapt and enjoy what I can do.
24.How did the author feel on the way home from the hydrotherapy pool
A.Excited B.Ashamed C.Upset D. Relieved.
25.What role did swimming serve for the author
A. Amethod to stay fit.
B. A source of freedom.
C. A proof of her ability.
D. Away to connect with others.
26.What does the underlined phrase “advocate for myself”in paragraph 5 imply
A.The author complained about his misfortune.
B. The author forgave himself for his limitations.
C. The author defended himself for his giving up.
D. The author praised himself for his last attempt.
27.What did the author intend to do in the end
A. Accept support from others.
B. Learn new skills to push her limits.
C.Avoid staying near the water.
D. Seek joy within her capabilities.
Solar panels-also known as “photovoltaic" panels are used to turn sunlight into
electricity. Most solar panels are placed on land in large collections called solar farms.
But recently people have begun to explore putting floating solar panels on waler.
Because these panels float, some people call them “floatovoltaics".
The idea isn't as unusual as it might seem. After all, any solar panel has to be
waterproof, since it will be out in the rain. There are already several large
floatovoltaic farms in Asia. On land, so panels are held up by special frames (框
架).On the water, floatovotaics are placed on a floating platform attached to the boto
of a lake or reservoir (水库). Floating solar panels cost about 25% more than those
placed on land.
The researchers behind the new study looked at 14.5555 reservoirs
worldwide.They used computer programs to figure out how much electricity could be
produced yearly by covering 30% of these reservoirs with floating solar panels. The
answer was surprisingly large-more than twice the amount of energy the United States
generates in a year and 10 times as much energy as all the solar power currently being
generated in the world.
Floatovoltaics can also help save water by limiting evaporation(热发 )from
reservoirs. The scientists say that solar panels covering just 30% of the reservoirs
surfaces could save as much water as 300 million people would use in a year. There
are several other reasons that make floatovoltaics a good idea. Photovoltaic panels
work better when they're not extremely hot. The water helps cool the panels so that
they create more energy.
Floatovoltaics aren't perfect, Covering too much of a reservoir with panels could
affect the plants and animals in the water. The scientists say it will be important to
study how floating panels will affect water in each reservoir. Focusing first on
man-made reservoirs will avoid some of those problems.
28. What is the purpose of paragraph 2
A. To list solar panels' unusual functions.
B. To show disadvantages of solar panels on land.
C. To introduce the work ability of floating solar panels.
D. To make a comparison between different solar panels.
29.How did researchers carry out the new study
A. By looking at reservoirs worldwide.
B. By making computer-aided estimates.
C. By building floatovoltaic farms in the US.
D. By processing data given by specialists.
30.What do we know about floating solar panels
A. They are perfect except for the high cost.
B. They function well in extreme hot weather.
C. They will eventually replace photovoltaic panels.
D. They may cause potential harm to water ecosystem.
31. What is the suitable title for the text
A. Floating Solar Panels-Making Energy, Saving Water
B. Floating Solar Panels-A New Way to Cool the Planet
C. Floating Solar Panels: Our Final Choice
D. Floating Solar Panels Take Us Back to Water
When drones(元人机 )first became widely available around 15 years ago, it
wasn’t uncommon to find tech people painting dramatic pictures of how they were
soon going to change the world. However, if you look up into the largely empty
sky,you can see that hasn’t happened yet.
Sure, drones are.useful for taking aerial (空中的) photos, but we're a long way
away from aerial superhighways, packed with autonomous drones carrying parcels at
speeds that are near-impossible on the ground.
In 2016, Amazon announced it had completed its first ever aerial delivery. In a
video, we saw an Amazon"Prime Air" drone pick up a parcel and fly it across the
countryside landing in the buyer's garden, dropping the parcel, and then returning to
its home base. But Amazon still hasn't completed its second drone delivery. In fact, it
has reportedly downsized the drone program.
So, will drone delivery ever be a thing There are some indications of a possible
drone delivery future not in Britain, but in Africa, Because also since 2016, rural
hospitals in Rwanda have been receiving regular shipments of medical supplies by
drone thanks to a company called Zipline. It surely has saved lives, thanks to the
speed at which blood can be delivered in a country with a poorly developed road
network. So could we ever expect such a system here
Unfortunately,there's a big difference between rural Africa and thickly populated
Britain. British homes don't have large gardens where to land and nobody wants loud
large drones constantly landing around the neighborhood. Another reality is that
British cities may still have security and safety concerns about routinely having
drones carrying stuff over our heads.
That's why 1 wonder if the real drone future could be crawling(爬 ) along the
ground. For a few years,“autonomous delivery robots”with wheels have been walking
on the pavements. So perhaps we're not so far away from a drone delivery future, but
the reality might be a little bit more down to earth.
32.What can we learn from the first two paragraphs
A. Drones are widely used in daily life.
B. Drones have made delivery efficient.
C. Drones are designed to take aerial photos.
D. Drones haven't changed the world as expected.
33.Why does the author mention Zipline's drone delivery
A. To explain the process of drone delivery.
B. To stress the benefits brought by drone delivery.
C. To discuss the possibility of a drone delivery future.
D. To show ts advantages over Amazon's drone delivery.
34.What is paragraph 5 mainly about
A. The security and safety concerns about drones.
B. The ways that British people react to drone delivery.
C. The differences between African countries and Britain.
D.The reasons why drone delivery isn't suitable for Britain.
35. What is the best title for the text
A. Pie in the Sky
B. Drone Application at Risk
C. Robots on the Road
D. Aerial Delivery in Progress
第二节 七选五(共 5小题,每小题 2.5分,满分 12.5分)
Many people lead busy lives and think they barely have time to work out
everyday._36___They arc short workouts that often involve high-intensity( 高 强
度)exercises. Here we explore some reasons to do micro workouts.
Require Less of a Time Commitment
Committing to exercising for a certain amount of time per week can be
difficult,especially when you do not have the time or motivation to work out for an
extended period. Micro workouts arc good alternatives. They take up only 10 to 30
minutes of your day Many people spend much longer scrolling through social media
each day.37_________.
Make Scheduling Workouts Easier
It can be challenging to commit the time needed to exercise every day, but it can
also be hard to fit a workout into a tight schedule. Forever, a study suggests that it
may be possible.38_______.For example,walking your dog,using the stairs,parking
farther away from a destination, or walking during your lunch break are always you
can try.
Need No Equipment
Investing in expensive home gym equipment can be a real burden. When you
decide to do micro workouts, though, you don't need a bunch of
equipment.39_______.For example, you may choose to do steps on your stairs, run on
the spot.or even do some star jumps. Since you can choose what type of workout
you'd prefer to do, it means that you can exercise whenever you please.
40_________.Now that you know all about micro workouts, you can add them to
your day. Get as creative as you please and think about the types of movements that
suit you, You never know-it might just boost your health and wellness.
A. Ready to get moving
B You just fit it into your routine.
C.Fitness should be simple and convenient.
D So it shouted be a relatively easy time commitment.
E. If you feel this way, you may be interested in micro workouts.
F.Can micro workouts give the same benefits as longer workout sessions
G. Instead, you can use things around your home to empower your workout.
第三部分 语言知识运用(共四节,满分 45 分)
第一节 完形填空(共 15小题,每小题 1分,满分 15 分)阅读下面短文,从
短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将
I was born and raised in the Netherlands,and I had always lived there until I was
30 years old. In the Dutch 41_________,I was sociable and intelligent. And it never
occurred to me that this could be different in another culture.42______,the first time I
moved to the US, I felt emotionally out of 43______on many occasions.I want to
44______this with three true stories.
At the start of my stay at the University of Michigan, one professor asked me to
join a seminar on emotions.l introduced myself in an45________way as “interested in
culture and emotion,”The professor then added my self-introduction to46_________
American standards, saying that I was one of the world's experts on the topic. In
response, I looked down in47_______, thinking “expert" was a big word.We lived in
North Carolina and had friends coming over to dinner. Conversations were lively and
there was a lot of sharing. When my guests left, they thanked me for dinner.My
heart48_________,because “thanking for dinner”in the Netherlands means that the
relationship is distant.
I wrote on my student's paper that part of her paper was “'boring", then I told my
undergraduate students at my U.S university that they should reflect better
and49__more readings.In their teaching50________, students wrote that I was“rude”.
No one would suggest the Netherlands and the U.S. are dramatically different
cultures. The professor meant to make me feel good, but instead made
me51________.My friends meant to show52______,but I thought they were
distancing themselves from us. I meant to give my students the comments to which
they were 53_________, but they felt it was rude, Where did it go wrong
We think emotions are feelings deep inside us, but54______, we always have our
emotions in interactions with others. Our emotions are not55________mental feelings,
but deeply rooted in the culture where we are raised.
41 A. content B.context C.contact D.contract
42 A.Therefore B.Instead C.However D.Morever
43 A. shape B place C order D sight
44 A. generate B appreciate C dominate D illustrate
45 A over-reacted B over-estimated C under-developed D under-stated
46 A. fit B bend C lower D set
47 A disappointment B amazement C embarrassment D excitement
48 A.raced B melted C ached D.sank
49 A.contribute to B.refer to C adapt to D appeal to
50 A.evaluations B predictions C compositions D preparations
51 A. uncomfortable B unconfident C unconstraine D unforgiving
52 A.respect B.curiosity C.concern D.gratitude
53 A.addicted B.entitled C.compared D.attached
54 A.in total B.in advance C in reality D in detail
55 A.mostly B.merely C rarely D nearly
第二节 短文语法填空(共 10小题;每小题 1分,满分 10分)
Print is a medium for mass communication, which has enabled
56________(artist) to be known and familiar 57______________a wider audience.
The Prints-A Riot of Colors, an exhibition58_______(feature) some 130 prints
created by generations of Chinese artists, the oldest one of__________dates back
to the 1930s, opened on Monday at the Guardian Ar, Center in Beijing. An online
auction (拍卖 ) of most of the showpieces held by China Guardian Auctions is
running with the exhibition.
60_______(divide)into five sections, the long-running show is aimed
61_______(offer) art collectors and the general public alike an opportunity to learn
about China's modern, contemporary print art and 62_______(far) explore the
market value of prints, according to Liu Zehui, the person in charge of the show.
In 1931,the famous writer and social activistLuXun63___(support) the New
Woodcut Movement in Shanghai. He promoted the modern woodcut, which was
popular in the West but still64_________essential Chinese form whose techniques
reached maturity during the Tang Dynasty,as the most 65_______(access) and
efficient vehicle for circulating new revolutionary thought among the masses.
第三节 用所给单词的适当形式填空(共 10小题;每小题 1分,满分 10分。)
66.The stronger______________(motivate)a learner has,the more time he or she will
spend learning a second language.
67.Filled with__________(curious),the artist packed his bags and left.
68.Only after much__________(persuade)from Ellis had she agreed to hold a show at
69.It is essential to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of the players from the
__________(oppose)side as a part of training.
70.We are faced with two apparently___________(contradict)statements.
71.Researchers have developed the smart keyboard to improve__________(accurate)
in typing.
72.It took the jury some time to reach the ____________(conclude)that she was
73.By the end of 1999,about 1000 newspapers in China__________(found)their own
online news platform.
74.No sooner had Mo Yan stepped on the stage than the audience broke into
75.We need to work harder to remain_________(compete)with other companies.
第四节 根据要求翻译句子(共 5小题;每小题 2分,满分 10分。)
76.我对你有信心,我确信你能正确看待一切。(faith,keep sth in perspective)
79.是他揭露了这些事实。(强调句型,bring sth to light)
50. 他很难把这想法表达清楚。(get sth across)
第四部分 书面表达(满分 25分)
Charles Rose lived in the country with his father, who taught him to read and to
write. Mr, Rose told his son that, when his morning lessons were over, he might
amuse himself for one hour as he pleased.
There was a river nearby. On its bank stood the hut of a poor fisherman, who
lived by selling fish. His careful wife kept her wheel going early and late. They both
worked very hard to keep themselves above want. But they were greatly troubled for
fear that their only son should never learn to read and to write. They could not teach
him themselves, and they were too poor to send him to school.Charles called at the
hut of this fisherman one day,to inquire about his dog, which was missing. He found
the little boy, whose name was Joe, siting by the table, on which he was making
marks with a piece of chalk. Charles asked him whether he was drawing pictures.
“No. I am trying to write," said little Joe, “but I know only two words. Those I
saw upon a sign, and I am trying to write them.”“If I could only learn to read and
write,” said he, “] should be the happiest boy in the world.”
“Then I will make you happy," said Charles. “'I am only a little boy, but I can
teach you that.”
“My father gives me an hour every day for myself, Now, if you will try to learn,
you shall soon know how to read and to write.”
Both Joe and his mother were ready to fall on their knees to thank Charles. They
told him it was what they wished above all things.So, on the next day when the hour
came, Charles put his book in his pocket, and went to teach Joe. Joe learned very fast,
and Charles soon began to teach him how to write.
Some time after, a gentleman called on Mr. Rose, and said, “Charles did not
always amuse himself, I often see him go to the house of the fisherman. I fear he goes
out in their boat.
注意:1.续写词数应为 150左右;
The moment the gentleman left, Mr, Rose went in search of his
The next day, Charles's father took him to town, and gave him books for himself
and Joe,with writing paper,pens and ink.
阅读理解 A篇 BDB
56 artists 57 to 58 featuring 59 which 60.Divided 61.to offer 62.further
63.supported 64.an 65.accessible
66.motivation 67.curiosity 68.persuasion 69.opposing 70.contradictory
71.accuracy 72.conclusion 73.has founded
74.applause petitive
76.I have faith in you.I am sure you can keep everything in perspective.
77.Although the twins look alike,they are quite different in character.
78.In sum,good journalists are committed to finding the truth.
79.It was he who brought these facts to light.
80.He finds it difficult to get his ideas across.
书面表达 略